1 ASG Regular Meeting Agenda September 16, 2015 ASSOCIATED STUDENT GOVERNMENT REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 1:03pm b. Roll Call i. Present: Chair: President Spence Vice Chair: Vice President Prefontaine Senators: Caldwell Contreras Hinch Gutierrez Baugh Delegates: Nagtalon Advisors: Kretchman Titus ii. Absent: Delegates: Edozie Witherspoon c. President Spence welcomed everyone in attendance d. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Senator Baugh 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. There were none 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday September 9, 2015 i. Motion to approve with corrections: (Caldwell/Hinch/C) 4. BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS a. Interview For Senate Position i. Stephanie Osterlund- Postponed without objection by President Spence ii. David Aguilar 1. Motion to approve David Aguilar as Senator (Baugh/Caldwell/C) David Aguilar approved as Senator b. Shared Governance Councils and Committees ASG Regular Meeting Agenda 2 September 16, 2015 i. Basic Skills Committee- Senator Baugh nominated Senator Baugh ii. Bookstore Committee- Senator Gutierrez nominated Senator Gutierrez. Senator Contreras nominated Senator Contreras. iii. Accreditation Steering Committee- Senator Gutierrez nominated Senator Gutierrez. iv. Budget Committee- Senator Baugh nominated Senator Baugh. v. District Policies and Procedures Committee- Senator Aguilar nominated Senator Aguilar. vi. Food Services Subcommittee- Senator Caldwell nominated Senator Caldwell. Senator Gutierrez nominated Senator Gutierrez. vii. Campus Police Committee- Senator Baugh nominated Senator Baugh. viii. Independent Citizens Oversight Committee- Senator Hinch nominated Senator Hinch. ix. Student Neighborhood Relations Commission- Senator Hinch nominated Senator Hinch. Motion to approve committee appointments as stated (Baugh/Caldwell/C) 5. VACANCIES/RESIGNATIONS a. Senate: We currently have eight (8) Senate seats available. Read as eight. b. Delegates: We currently have four (4) positions for delegates. Read as four. 6. ABSENCES AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION a. There were none. Temporary Point of Privilege granted to Senator Hinch at 2:05pm Senator Hinch returned at 2:08pm 7. OFFICIAL REPORTS a. Executive Reports i. President Spence- Attended Board Meeting last Wednesday. FTES for 2015-2016 budget is 19,320. Palomar College is ranked number two among all colleges and universities in San Diego County behind UCSD. Attended Palomar Gala Saturday alongside VP Prefontaine, Advisor Kretchman, and Senator Hinch. ASG retreat tentative date will be the weekend of the 16th. ii. Vice President Prefontaine- Almost all Senators have had their office hours scheduled. Discussed possible follow-up to ASG retreat. b. Senator Reports i. Lazzaric Caldwell- Faculty Senate discussed AB288. Olga Diaz and Nancy Moreno planning a way to monitor how professors ASG Regular Meeting Agenda 3 September 16, 2015 assist and mentor students. Attended awards ceremony at Chancellor’s building and recommended board members visit. ii. Armando Contreras- None iii. Thomas Hinch- Attended SNRC Monday. Parking by CSUSM is insufficient. Tobacco is too accessible to those underage. Comet Celebration will take place October 13th and 14th and is currently in the works. iv. Zach Gutierrez - None v. Matthew Baugh- Attended SSEC meeting. Discussed ways to handle outbursts by autistic spectrum students, smoking policy, as well as a sort of Big brother/sister mentorship program. c. Delegate Reports i. Michael Nagtalon- Attended SPC. Spoke about the new website as well as issues and successes concerning it. Mostly good success converting to the new template. Comet Information Exchange is in the planning phases for people attending committees. Working on addressing enrollment issues. Presidential Search is ongoing. ii. Johnson Edozie iii. Adam Witherspoon d. Advisor Reports i. Lindsay Kretchman- Planted around three thousand flags for 9/11 remembrance event. Worked with Vice President Prefontaine and President Spence on planning the retreat last week. The Gala went very well and the goal of 180,000 dollars was surpassed with 270,000 raised. Attendance for the club officer training was good. Constitution Day is tomorrow and attendance would be appreciated. Comet Service project Friday on camp Pendleton. 20 clubs have been registered. Thanked Senator Contreras and Delegate Nagtalon for working on ICC. Worked with Thomas on Comet Celebration. Attended SNRC meeting on Monday. Commended board on participation in Shared Governance councils and committees. Student Equity Advocacy Leadership team is in the works and will hopefully be able to relay information to disproportionate and impacted groups. ii. Sherry Titus- Requested contact list for the OSA to use. SSE funding for projects promoting students success is now available. Constitution Day is coming up tomorrow and the ASG should encourage students to register to vote. e. Committee Reports i. ICC- Officer training provided the knowledge to get ii. PPER- Requires 2 to 3 additional members to begin working iii. LEAC- Meetings will be determined. Template for agenda was requested. ASG Regular Meeting Agenda 4 September 16, 2015 iv. CWA- Promoting Comet Celebration. Will send out invites to clubs and promote over social media. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Action/Discussion i. Updating of ASG Website: Will be continuously worked on to ensure that information presented is accurate and current. Is still being updated. Senator Caldwell will update Committee assignments. ii. Update on CCCSAA Leadership Conference- Check mailboxes for any updates. 9. NEW BUSINESS Action/Discussion i. Allocations of funds for SSCCC Conference a. Motion to approve 6,000 dollars out of Fund 72 (Caldwell/Contreras/C) ii. Presentation from Native American Alliance a. No action was taken. iii. Presentation on Heads Up America a. Postponed without objection by President Spence iv. ASG Business Cards a. Senator Gutierrez assigned task without objection by President Spence v. Appointment of Financial Liaison a. Postponed without objection by President Spence 10. ADJOURNMENT a. Meeting adjourned at 3:23pm