1 Vestry Ministry Reports December 15, 2015 Administration and Senior Warden Report/Lynda Kerwin: The check for $10,000 was received by State Street Bank and we show a balance of $10,000. Endowment Fund Committee Nominees: 1. Glorie Schell- former business owner of Tucson Tallow. She took over 160 credit hours in college, and left to work for American Airlines. Later she ran the office of Cochise Airlines, where she began doing ticket accounting. Next she ran the office at Avra Valley airport, and then moved to Avenues of Travel before acquiring Tucson Tallow. She has been at CTK since 1974. 2. Jonathan Moy- a hospital administrator that earned his degree in Business Administration. He has been a member of CTK for two years. 3. Mike Grudinschi- programmer and analyst at Roche, has a degree in Finance. He has been a member of CTK for two years. 4. Michelle Rulney- current nurse at Arizona Gastroenterology, having received her LPN license two years ago. She received a BS in Business Administration and Economics. Previous to nursing, she was a business owner for more than a decade. She also worked several years at an investment brokerage company in Tucson. Vestry job description has been reviewed by Fr. Fred, and will appear in the bulletin. Candidates for the three upcoming vacancies are: Steve Merritt, Barbara Westover and Al Riggins. As of today, we have received 82 pledges totaling $182,738. Reed Holaday notes that $60,000 came in after this time last year. We are hopeful that we will surpass the $220,000 estimated budget for 2016. Vestry members should be among the first to pledge as we are stewards of the church’s finances. Recommended Motions 1. Endowment Fund committee appointees. 2. Kathy Hatter shall be treated as a W-2 employee in 2016. 3. Christmas Bonuses for office staff Junior Warden/Fred Hawk: Will be given at the meeting. Treasurer’s Report/Hank Knapp: Forwarded in a separate email on Tuesday, December 15, 2015. Communication/Gary Buntin: Jodi is really delighted that parishioners are starting to send her items of interest for the web site on a fairly regular basis! Beginning in January, Amber will be providing the monthly Gallery artists’ bios, and perhaps Debbi will still be willing to send along some of her remarkable photos to accompany the prose. Lynda emailed Jodi the first part of November about providing ministry reports and minutes for posting, so hopefully that will happen this month. Also, hoping for some updated info concerning the search for a new rector. Additionally, Bob Underwood is working to complete the history of the Parish he is updating at the request of Fr Fred. The Stewardship Committee asked for increased participation in the campaign on Facebook. Photos of parishioners who shared their pledge journey during the services have been added. Formation/Sevilla Hammond: Adult Forum Continues as usual. Participation is approximately 12 to 12+ parishioners. This study/discussion group meets between the 8:00 and 10:30 services. Choir members who were attendees during the summer miss this discussion group. 2 Nursery Cathy Wallace is looking for an assistant. Sunday's bulletin listed the requirements for this position. Children The children have been working on gift boxes for needy children across the world; it is an international program. The parish has been collecting shoe boxes and bringing in items to fill them. The teachers asked for: small toys, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoo, crayons and coloring books, washcloths, etc. They filled 55 parcels to be sent to needy children. Way to go, super kids!! Youth We know they have plans to participate in Christmas services but we don't know exactly what they're doing this year. In the past, they've done marvelous skits/mini-dramas, etc. Southern Arizona Children's Ministries Lunch was hosted by our team at CTK on Saturday, November 21st. At the Diocesan Convention, three of us (Linda Kerwin, Steve Merritt, and I chose to attend the Youth Ministry's breakout session. It was actually geared toward problems in youth ministry and we were actually very positive and enthusiastic about CTK's Sunday School and Youth programs. People from other churches were asking us to share our successes. In fact, at one point a table leader reined us in and reminded us that the topics was PROBLEMS. On the 21st, the Rev. Canon of Youth Ministry came to CTK. Three churches attended: CTK, Apostles, and Grace/ST. Paul. There were 14 people. The meeting was enthusiastically embraced, and we hope to have more churches at the next quarterly meeting. Great job Steve, Cathy, Gwen! Fundraising and Volunteerism/Bob Key: Christmas Bazaar was this past weekend. The weather affected our numbers, but still a positive turnout. Kathy Green has said proceeds would be given to the New Rector Fund. Outreach/Cathy Molina: To be given at meeting. Parish Life/Laura Shaffer: No update. Pastoral Care/Sevilla Hammond for David Neal: Hospital Visitations All our clergy people share in these visits. We are blessed to have such faithful shepherds. Pastoral Ministries Still headed by Deacon John Kapp who responds immediately to whatever need arises. Daughters of the King We have a large and active chapter, headed by Cathy Molina. Lay Eucharistic Visitors As a LEM, licensed in San Diego, I had no idea that LEV's and LEM's were separate ministries. We met after church on November 22nd to review Canon Law. It is important to not offer communion to Episcopalians from other parishes without getting clergy clearance, so that we are not "poaching on another church's flock." In attendance were Father Fred, Marilyn Beasley, Ruth Davey, Kathi Westerhaus, and Sevilla Hammond. Prayer Chain Still faithfully and ably headed by Marilyn Beasley. This is truly ecumenical for we pray for many people who are not members of our parish and, mostly, not Episcopalian. Daughters of the King are especially active in this ministry. 3 Stephen Ministry With Cathleen Carlton , our candidate for Deacon serving at another church, we have not offered classes this year. I don't believe that any Stephen's ministers are presently seeing anyone, but since this ministry is confidential, I don't really know. All I know is that I am not presently seeing anyone. EFM Also headed by Cathleen Carlton but currently, I believe, under Marilyn Beasley. I have no current information/news, but I'll certainly make sure that I cover it in next month’s report. Stewardship/Hank Knapp See information provided regarding pledges received and expected! Welcoming/Barbara Westover: The Welcome Ministry has seen a lot of activity during the last two months. We had twenty visitors/families sign the guest register. Eleven people/families have joined the church. The reasons given for attending CTK were varied. Most visited because they saw CTK from the road. Other reasons given were family and friend recommendations. New members are leading to new pledges! Worship/Steve Merritt: Lay Eucharistic Ministry Update for December 2015 For the month of December our LEV's made 6 visits and gave Communion to 16. This is in addition to any Clergy visits. Acolyte Ministry Update for December 2015 Acolyte Ministry report for December is virtually unchanged from last month. Five new, excited members were welcomed in to the clan. They consisted of two adults and three youths. Next month the plan is to incorporate training of youth as crucifers with the adults assisting at the altar. This is something that has been previously tried and found to work quite well. Music Ministry Update for December 2015 The third concert / evening prayer of the 2015-2016 series on Sunday December 6th was successful. Around 30 people attended the evening prayer service, with The King’s Choir leading. Josh Tan’s piano concert was well attended with around 50 people including several new visitors. There will not be an evening prayer or concert in January, due to the holidays. Both The King’s Choir and The King’s Ringers are preparing heavily for the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service. On Christmas Eve, the prelude for the 5:00 p.m. service will begin at 4:30 p.m. and the prelude for the 9:00 p.m. service will begin at 8:45 p.m. Altar Guild / Flower Guild Ministry Update for December 2015 Altar Guild and Flower Guild are always doing their part to make sure the Sanctuary is well prepared for Sunday Services. They are working tirelessly to make sure that everyone joining us for Christmas Services will really find the Sanctuary visually appealing. Lectors and Chalice Ministry Update for December 2015 Hank Knapp, Lectors and Chalice Ministry Chair, had nothing new to report for this month.