Teacher(s) ALEXANDRIA TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS ANNUAL UNIT PACING GUIDE Subject Area: Unit Title Anticipated Dates of Unit ALEXANDRIA TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS UNIT PLANNING TEMPLATE Teacher(s) Hoyda Grade Level: 6th Subject Area: Math (Statistics and Probability) Anticipated Length of Unit: 6 weeks Learning Targets Student Learning Objectives: 6.SP.A.1,2,3 Develop understanding of statistical variability. 6.SP.B.4,5 Summarize and Describe Distributions By the end of this unit of instruction, all students will…….. Know (facts, vocabulary) Understand (concepts) Be able to Do (skills) Measures of central tendency Statistical Variability Display numerical data as a line Mean, median, mode, measures Range and measures of central plot, box plot, histogram of variation, range, outlier, tendency Show distribution of data using a quartile, interquartile range, Measures of Variability box plot extreme, absolute deviation, How to display data using dot Analyze data using measures of cluster, frequency, line plot, box plots, box plots, histograms central tendency plot, histograms, correlation, Measures to fit distributions Analyze data using measures of shape of data variability By the end of this unit of instruction, some students will……. Know (facts, vocabulary) Understand (concepts) Standard deviation How measures of central tendency and variability for numerical data from random samples can be used to draw informal comparative inferences about 2 populations Be able to Do (skills) Use measures of central tendency and variability for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative inferences about 2 populations Learning Experiences Critical Unit Questions: How can data be described? What is a statistical question and how does it relate to data collection? Compare and contrast measures of center and measures of variability. How can you relate the choice of statistical analysis tools to the shape of the data? Unit Pre-Assessment(s): Model Curriculum Assessment Topics & Timeframe Data Collection – 1 class Graphing data – 4 classes Measures of center – 2 classes General Description of Instructional Activities Writing statistical questions Collecting and organizing data Create line plots, box, plots, histograms to display data Calculate mean, median, mode Formative Assessment(s) Observation of practice problems, Journal, Centers Observation of practice problems, Journal, Centers Observation of practice problems, Journal, Centers Measures of variations - 3 classes Real World application – 3 classes Analyze Data – 2 classes Unit Post-Assessment(s): Test Calculate range, interquartile range, identify outliers Use real world situations to collect, analyze, and display data Determining the shape of data such as clusters and gaps Observation of practice problems, Journal, Centers Observation of practice problems, Journal, Centers Observation of practice problems, Journal, Centers ALEXANDRIA TOWNSHIP DAILY LESSON PLANNING TEMPLATE Teacher(s) Date: Subject Area: Lesson Title: Learning Targets By the end of this lesson, all students will…….. Know (facts, vocabulary) Understand (concepts) Be able to Do (skills) By the end of this lesson, some students will……. Know (facts, vocabulary) Understand (concepts) Be able to Do (skills) Learning Experiences Description of Whole Class Experiences: Grouping Strategies: Differentiated Experiences Description of Process Exceeds Expectations Approaching Beginning Description of Formative Assessment Task(s): Description of Product ALEXANDRIA TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS UNIT REFLECTION FORM At the conclusion of your unit of instruction, please rate the degree to which you believe the unit met the following criteria. Unit Criteria Strong Moderate Weak Challenging content that required students to use higher order thinking and problem solving skills. Allowed for student choice. Provided varied activities designed to address different learning styles and preferences. Provided opportunities for student reflection and selfassessment Provided data that could be used to inform and adjust instruction to better meet the needs of varying learners. Fostered the use of technology as a tool to develop critical thinking, creativity and innovation skills. The next time this unit is taught I will……..