FACE Parent Engagement Framework Alternative Times for Classroom PACT Time and Parent Time When parents are not able to participate in parent engagement activities during the typical daily routine, we can support them by scheduling alternative times for PACT Time and Parent Time. 1. PACT Time at a scheduled time in the children’s daily routine Flex-time adults may schedule a day to come into PACT Time in their children’s classrooms when the full-time and part-time families are doing PACT Time. This is a great option for gaining a deeper understanding of how their children are learning in school. Parent Time: In order to maximize the benefits of PACT Time, have the adult family member come into the adult learning classroom before PACT Time so he/she can participate in PACT Time adult planning. If possible, encourage this adult to also stay for PACT Time adult debriefing and Parent Time that day as well. 2. PACT Time at a time that fits each parent’s schedule Some flex-time parents will not be available during scheduled PACT Time, but they will be able to schedule PACT Time in their children’s classrooms at a time that is convenient for the teachers’ and the students’ daily schedule. Preschool and K-3 teachers should determine what times of day are possible for these PACT Time opportunities. Designate a FACE staff member to be the point person to schedule these PACT Time sessions and have the adult family member contact her/him to schedule. It is important that the classroom preschool and K-3 teachers are aware that the parent will be doing PACT Time so they can be prepared and so they can prepare the children as well. Parent Time: In these cases, it is optimal for the adult family member to check in at the adult learning classroom before doing classroom PACT Time. In this way, he/she can sign-in, connect with the adult learning teacher, and discuss the PACT Time focus for the day before doing PACT Time. The adult learning teacher may also be available to do a one-on-one PACT Time debriefing with this adult family member after PACT Time. If this is not possible, be sure the parent completes the forms your site is using for PACT Time debriefing and documentation, such as a PACT Time journal or log. 3. Special PACT Time opportunities outside of the preschool daily schedule (Fridays, evenings, weekends) Some FACE sites have had a good response from families when they schedule a special PACT Time outside of the usual school day. This caters to adult family members who have other commitments and cannot participate in PACT Time in their children’s classrooms during the normal school day. Parent Time: When scheduling these special PACT Time sessions try to schedule tie for parents to come together in the adult learning classroom to plan and debrief PACT Time. If there is enough time, a brief Parent Time session can be scheduled as well. 4. Evening PACT Time scheduled in conjunction with FACE Family Circle or other school events When adult family members will be coming to the site for other events, this is an opportunity for classroom PACT Time. Be sure to include time for adult planning and debriefing with the PACT Time focus.