1-29-15 - Florida Library Webinars

Once Upon A Storytime
Define Terms
Issues/Hurtles/Reasons for underuse
Expanding Use
o Advantages/Why they are AMAZING
o Using these program to hit ERCC2 and Success by Six goals
o Does your library have system-wide multicultural programming
Reader’s Theatre/Dramatic Playo Puppet Theatre in department remodel and how that inspired use of
readers theatre/puppets in programming. Where we buy supplies,
what works, what doesn’t
 Ideas
 http://himissjulie.com/category/folk-fairy-tales/
 http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lessonplan/myths-folktales-fairy-tales-grades-k-3
 http://www.sekls.org/cms/Services/YouthServices/Fai
 http://www.scholastic.com/librarians/programs/whati
 http://www.storiestogrowby.com/script.html
 http://www.nypl.org/weblinks/1283
 http://www.curtislibrary.com/kids/fractured-fairytales-and-folk-tales/
 http://www.slj.com/2012/07/books-media/folk-andfairy-tales-retold-spin-offs-focus-on/#_
Poetry- Professor in Library school who was crazy about incorporating
poetry, idea that short tall tales are poems and fun!
o Short tales that are poem like
o Incorporating full body movements as a way to break things up, let
kids move around
 Jon Scieszka, Stinky Cheese Book etc.
Oral Storytelling
o Taking a book and making into an interactive telling
True Story of Three Little Pigs (maybe someone has put this on
You Tube??)
o You Tube _ Turtle of Cocoa
Use of Flannel Boards/Props/Manipulatives
o Flannel Boards for all ages, seriously
o Folk Mantis
o Stuff Learned from Madcap Puppets Workshop
o http://publiclibrariesonline.org/2014/01/puppetry-at-its-best-howthree-billy-goats-can-reinvent-your-early-learning-role/
Raffi- Unicorn,
Jim Gill
Dan Zanes
For Bibliography http://thriveafterthree.com/2013/06/06/using-fingerpuppets-with-music/
How to Choose Good Resources
o Margaret Read McDonald (website books, YouTube)
o Book Review Blogs
o Pinterest
o Storytime Underground
o Purposeful Reading of New Titles
Sample Programs/Activities
 http://www.abbythelibrarian.com/2013/02/storytime-fairytales.html
 https://fallingflannelboards.wordpress.com/2012/03/04/stor
 http://storytimekatie.com/2012/01/02/fairy-tales/
 http://thepreschooltoolboxblog.com/learning-playing-fairytales-activities-1500-cash-giveaway-kbn/
o Pinterest
 http://www.pinterest.com/jen_taimes/library-programmingideas-fairy-tales-and-folk-tal/
 http://www.pinterest.com/chawnajones13/dramatic-play/
 http://www.pinterest.com/blairlibrary/fairy-tale-story-time/
 http://www.pinterest.com/brendalpotter11/nursery-rhymesfairy-tales-crafts-storytime-other-/
Collection Promotion
o Displays
o Program Take Aways
What other libraries are doing
o http://www.sycamorelibrary.org/childrens-programs/
o kdkdkd
o kdkdkdkd
o kdkdkddk
o dkdkdk
Take Awayso Bibliography
 http://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/fairy-talestorytime
 Home Run Titles
 Links to online resources
 Other Library Links
o Resource List- where we buy supplies- scripts, puppets, etc.