Howard Y. Masuda - California State University, Los Angeles

Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
P age |1
Howard Y. Masuda
Work: (323) 343-3972
Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Psychology
Specialization in Learning and Instruction, cognate in Cognitive
University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation: “The Effects of Reader-Generated Questions on the
Processing of Expository Prose”
Abstract: The effects on comprehension, self-monitoring, and retention of
science expository prose by at-risk college students using a selfquestioning reading strategy were investigated. The subjects were 56
Educational Opportunity Program students enrolled in four sections of a
college reading and study skills course. The subjects were predominantly
(79%) first-year students, 98% of whom were African-American, Asian,
or Hispanic students. Using a quasi-experimental approach, the four
sections were randomly assigned to the self-questioning experimental
group or the read-reread control group. Subjects were examined on
gender, class level, ethnicity, verbal ability, and high school grade point
average. The effects of six possible mediating variables--reading ability,
logical relationships identification ability, textbook reading strategies use,
learning and study strategies use, prior knowledge, and free recall ability-were also examined. The intervention consisted of two weeks of
pretesting, three weeks of training/practice with a chemistry chapter, and
two weeks of application with a biology chapter. Sessions were conducted
twice a week during the last 20 minutes of the class period. Immediate
posttesting followed the training and application sessions. Delayed
posttesting followed three weeks later. The two 10-item chemistry and
biology posttests consisted of text-explicit and text-implicit multiplechoice and short-answer items. Monitoring was measured by comparing
self-reported confidence about test performance and actual test
performance. Results of the study did not support the three hypotheses that
the self-questioning group would exhibit better comprehension by
correctly answering more immediate posttest questions, more accurate
monitoring by having greater agreement between self-ratings of
confidence in test performance and actual test performance, and better
retention by correctly answering more delayed posttest questions than the
read-reread control group. No significant effects of the proposed
mediating variables on posttest performance were found. Examination of
questions generated indicated that at-risk students can learn a selfquestioning reading strategy. The results suggested that cognitive,
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Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
P age |2
metacognitive, and motivational factors all be considered in conducting
strategy training and that providing sufficient training and processing time,
and using appropriate reading-level materials with model questions is
Master of Arts degree in Education, Option in Secondary Teaching,
concentration in Instructional Media and Technology
California State University, Los Angeles
Master’s Project: “Program for Note-Taking Instruction”
Standard Elementary Teaching Credential (K-9, Adult)
California State University, Los Angeles
Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry
California State University, Los Angeles
2000 to 2007
Instructor (Volunteer)
California State University, Los Angeles
Teaching University 101—Introduction to Higher Education for
Undeclared Majors: “Orientation to the role of higher education, the
structure and policies of the University and the development of skills
necessary for success in life and at CSULA. This course is especially
designed for undergraduate students who have not yet declared a major.
Graded ABC/NC.”
1981 to Present
University Tutorial Center Director
University Learning Services
California State University, Los Angeles
Selecting, training, and supervising student tutors and clerical assistants;
establishing tutorial program policies, procedures, and activities;
administering the program budget; preparing reports on program activities
and use; developing training modules for College Reading and Learning
Association-certified tutor training program; training and supervising
student presenters; developing and maintaining Center’s webpage;
developing study skills PowerPoint presentations for in-Center and
classroom use; managing AccuTrack Academic Center Administration
software; developing training modules for online tutoring and managing
online tutoring;
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Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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1980 to 1981
Learning Assistance Section Coordinator
Special Services Project for Disadvantaged Students, TRIO Program
Learning Assistance and Resources Center
California State University, Los Angeles
Selecting, training, and supervising student Lab Facilitators and Study
Skills Aides; reviewing and selecting basic skills (reading, writing,
mathematics, and study skills) materials; preparing reports on materials
use; providing individual and group assistance in reading and study skills.
1976 to 1980
Materials Development Coordinator
Special Services Project for Disadvantaged Students, TRIO Program
California State University, Los Angeles
Reviewing basic skills (reading, writing, mathematics, study skills)
materials; researching and developing assessment instruments; producing
and developing instructional materials; diagnosing needs and prescribing
learning materials.
2014 – 2015
College of Engineering, Computer Science, Technology (ECST) Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Collaborative FirstYear Experience (FYrE) Professional Learning Community (PLC)
2013 – 2014
Libraries of the Future (LOFT) Taskforce
2012 – 2014
Social and Academic Support Services Council (SASSC)
2009 – 2012
Student Success Council
2009 – 2010
Semester Conversion Infrastructure Subcommittee
2005 – 2006
Information Literacy Advisory Committee
Office for Students with Disabilities Self-Study Committee
University 101 Textbook Selection Committee
1996 – 1997
Graduation and Retention Task Force
Child Development 444
2014 – 2015
Veterans Orientation/Resource Fair
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Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology (ECST)
Professional Development Workshop
Nursing Graduate Students Orientation
English Language Program (ELP), College of Professional and Global
Education (PaGE)
University Academic Advisement Center and College Advisors
Center for Student Financial Services
First-Year Experience Program
Journey to Success Parent/Student Panel
University Student Union Student Staff Training
2011 - 2012
Child Development Association, Department of Child & Family Studies
SLIC (Students Learning in Communities) Program
Educational Equity Advisory Committee
Urban Studies 180
2011 – 2013
Communication Studies 150 Teaching Associates
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Review Team
Visit Poster Session
Fall Faculty Day Poster Session
STARS (Students Taking Action for Retention and Success) Program,
Cross Cultural Centers
2010, 2014
Summer Transportation Institute, College of Engineering, Computer
Science, and Technology
2010 – 2014
Health Careers Advisement Office Summer Academy and Pipeline
Program for Marc and Eva Stern Mathematics and Science School, Los
Angeles, CA
University Learning Services Staff presentation on customer service
Chilean faculty visit to learn about the Center and establishing a tutoring
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Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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2007 – 2008
Center for Student Involvement
2004, 2013
Academic Advisement Center
Escalera Project, James A. Garfield High School
Los Angeles, CA
Upward Bound Program
MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) Schools
Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology Cal State L.A. Chapter
2002 – Present
Academic Success Workshops, Educational Opportunity Program,
2002 – Present
Introduction to Higher Education/Transition to Cal State L.A.
Colleges of Arts & Letters, Business & Economics, Education,
Engineering and Technology, Health & Human Services, Natural & Social
Sciences, University
2002 – 2004
Freshman/Transfer Orientation Leaders
Korean university officials and faculty visit to learn about the Center and
establishing a tutoring program
2001 – 2004
Center for Student Development & Programs
2001, 2012
Freshman Parent Orientation
Youth on Move, Woodrow Wilson High School, Los Angeles, CA
Gang-Bridging Program, Pat Brown Institute
2000 – 2003, 2010
New Faculty Orientation
2000 – 2002
Gateway to Leadership
2000 – 2003
PALS (Partnership for Academic Learning and Success) Peer Mentoring
Los Angeles County High School for the Arts
1997 – 2001
Fulfillment Fund, Mount Saint Mary’s College, Los Angeles, CA
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Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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1996 – Present
Annual Early Entrance Program (EEP) Provisional Students Introduction
to College (Note: Renamed EEP/Honors College Honors Academy in
1996 – Present
Annual Educational Opportunity Program Summer and Mini-Summer
1987 – 1995
New Student (Freshman and Transfer) Orientation
1983 – 1984
Hosted Basketball Tutoring Program, Division of Intercollegiate Athletics,
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
Co-Presenter—“Access and Remediation in Higher Education: Who
Wins? Who Loses?”
San Diego, CA
Co-Presenter—International Tutor Training Program Certification
Committee Pre-Conference Institute on tutor certification
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
“Certifying My Tutors: How Can I Do That?”
San Diego, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
“Tutor Certification: What’s That?”
San Francisco, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
“Tutor Roundtable Discussion”
San Diego, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Co-Presenter—“Tutor Roundtable”
Virtual Conference through CCC-Confer
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
Co-Presenter—“PowerPoint with Confidence: Making the Transition to
Effective Presentations”
Long Beach, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
“Oh No, Another Challenging Tutoring Situation”
Virtual Conference through CCC-Confer
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Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
“Quality Learning Center Customer Service: Being Efficient Is Not
Los Angeles, CA
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
“Quality Learning Center Customer Service: Being Efficient Is Not
Reno, NV
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
Co-Presenter—International Tutor Certification Program Pre-Conference
Institute: “Tutor Certification: Professional Standards for Tutor Training”
Sacramento, CA
Western College Reading and Learning Association (WCRLA)
“And Here’s to You Mr(s). Robinson—Study Skills Instruction: Back to
the Future—Are We in Step with the Times?”
Albuquerque, NM
Western College Reading Association (WCRA)
Co-Presenter—“Teaching Study Skills to the Whole Person”
San Diego, CA
Learning Resource Center, Associated Students (ASI) Tutoring Program,
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Learning Assistance Center, Tutorial Services, East Los Angeles College
2000 – 2004
Project GEAR-UP (Gaining Early Awareness of Undergraduate
Programs), California State University, Los Angeles
Early Entrance Program (EEP), California State University, Los Angeles
California Student Opportunity and Access Program (CAL-SOAP),
California State University, Los Angeles
Educational Participation in Communities (EPIC) Focus on Youth
Volunteer Program, California State University, Los Angeles
Talent Search Tutorial Program, California State University, Los Angeles
University Preparatory Program (UPP), California State University, Los
Community Service Commission, University of California, Los Angeles
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Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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United Residents of Estrada Courts Tutorial Project, East Los Angeles
Minority Science Scholars Program (MSSP), California State University,
Los Angeles
Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education
Associations (CLADEA) Fellow. The Council recognizes and honors the
most outstanding leaders in the profession. Fellows are selected based on
their long-term and significant contributions to the field. Selection as a
Fellow represents the highest honor conferred upon professionals in
learning assistance, tutoring, and developmental education. Individuals
selected as Fellows must be nominated by a current Fellow or by a
member association. Dr. Masuda was nominated by the Association for
Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA).
1996 – Present
Certified Master Ruby Reviewer, International Tutor Training Program
Certification Committee, College Reading and Learning Association
Description: CRLA Reviewers are classified as Reviewer, Advanced
Reviewer, or Master Reviewers based on completing training, current or
former experience with a CRLA-certified program through ITTPC, years
as a reviewer, and reviews programs for Levels 1, 2, & 3.
Certificate of Recognition
“For Your Dedication and Unwavering Commitment to Education. Thank
You for Your Outstanding Contribution Towards Our Vision for College
Preparation in the East Los Angeles Community”
Project GEAR UP (Gaining Early Access and Readiness for
Undergraduate Programs)
California State University, Los Angeles
Recognition of Outstanding Service as a Selected Field Reviewer of the
NADE (National Association for Developmental Education) SelfEvaluation Guides: Models for Assessing Learning
Assistance/Developmental Education Programs
National Association for Developmental Education
2002 – 2004
Certificate of Appreciation for Serving as an Evaluator
International Mentor Certification Program
College Reading and Learning Association
35th Year Service Award, California State University, Los Angeles
Description: Presented in recognition of service to the University
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Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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Award of Appreciation
Student-Athlete Advisory Council
Division of Intercollegiate Athletics
California State University, Los Angeles
Description: Presented upon nomination of a student-athlete to the
Student-Athlete Advisory Council for a faculty or staff member for
creativity and dedication to inspire students
Excellence Award
“For Your Desire, Tenacity and Diligence to Carry Out a Worthy Service
to All Students; For Your Patience and Perserverance on the Job …We
Congratulate Your and Look Forward to Your Unending Contributions”
Academic Professionals of California, California State University, Los
Angeles Chapter
Description: Presented upon action of the Executive Board to members
who have provided distinguished long-time service to students
“For Three Decades of Helping Our Students to Realize Their Own
Intelligence, and Attain Academic Success”
Student Support Program
California State University, Los Angeles
“In Recognition of Outstanding Service to the Learning Resource Center
and C.S.L.A. Students”
California State University, Los Angeles
1988 – 1992
Network of Developmental Education Consultants
National Center for Developmental Education
Appalachian State University, NC
Award of Appreciation and Accomplishment
Instructional Media and Technology Program
California State University, Los Angeles
Certificate of Congressional Recognition as a Boy Scout Volunteer
Congresswoman Judy Chu, 27th District of California
United States House of Representatives
County of Los Angeles Commendation—Boy Scouts of America
Supervisor Michael Antonovich, Fifth District
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
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Award for Recognition and Appreciation for Outstanding Service on the
City of Rosemead Traffic Commission
City of Rosemead City Council
Silver Beaver Award
National Council of the Boy Scouts of America
San Gabriel Valley Council
Description: Presented upon action of a Council Executive Board of the
the BSA's local Councils Council for outstanding service to youth within
the Council or for outstanding longtime service to youth by a registered
Scouter residing within that Council. The average tenure for Silver Beaver
candidates is ten years or longer. Highest Council-wide award that can be
given to a Scouting volunteer
1997 – 2001
Pasadena Tournament of Roses Tournament Troop Advisor, San Gabriel
Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America
Parent-Teacher Association Honorary Service Award
Emma W. Shuey School
Description: Honorary Service Awards (HSAs) are awarded year round
and designed as a unique way for PTA units, councils and districts to
publicly acknowledge both individuals and organizations for outstanding
community service to children and youth in a community.
El Camino Real District Award of Merit
Boy Scouts of America
San Gabriel Valley Council
Description: A council award presented by districts to Scouters who
render service of an outstanding nature at the district level.
Mental Health First Aid, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS),
Health Center
Moodle Mentor Training
Vet Net Ally, Veterans Resource Center
2012, 2014
American Red Cross First Aid/CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)
/AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Certification
Defensive Driver Training
Employer’s Responsibility for Disability & Reasonable Accommodation,
Human Resource Management
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Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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American Red Cross First Aid/CPR Training Certification
2014 – 2015
Veterans Orientation/Resource Fair information table
Participated in Parent Academy Resource Fair
Participated in Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Welcome Back
BBQ with information table
Center student staff training in suicide prevention, Counseling and
Psychological Services (CAPS), Health Center
Open House
Housed Moodle Mentoring Program, Center for Effective Teaching and
Learning (CETL)
2012, 2014 – 2015
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Summer Bridge Resource Fair
information table
2011 - 2012
Participated in Prep Rally Weekend providing tutoring and study skills
presentations before final exams week
2011- present
Piloted online tutoring using AskOnline, AccuWB, and Link-Systems
WorldWideWhiteboard and NetTutor
Participated in Fall Faculty Day with information table
2010 - 2011
Participated in VIP Day for new students and parents with information
The University Tutorial Center was recognized in the Visiting Team’s
Educational Effectiveness Review report by the Western Association of
Schools and Colleges (WASC) as a “Successful programs and
interventions at CSULA that have demonstrated success in student
retention include…the University…Tutorial Center.” (p. 26)
Implemented use of AccuTrack computerized learning management
system to better monitor student record-keeping
Hosted West Coast AccuTrack Training
Completed University Tutorial Center External Review
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Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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Study conducted by the Office of Analytical Studies, California State
University, Los Angeles, of Title III freshman students found that using
the University Tutorial Center was a significantly strong predictor of
freshman persistence and retention.
Tutor training program certified by the International Tutor Training
Program Certification Committee of the College Reading and Learning
Association. Currently certified at three levels: Certified, Advanced
Certified, and Master Certified Tutor
1982 – 1983
Hosted and instructed students in the use of PLATO (Programmed Logic
for Automatic Teaching Operations) for computer-based instruction
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance
(ACTLA) Executive Board Positions
40th Annual Conference Coordinator
Anaheim, CA
2013 - Present
2012 – 2013
Co-Vice President (4-Year Institutions)
2007 – 2009
Publications Coordinator
2004 – 2006
Past President
2003 – 2004
2002 – 2003
1996 – 2001
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
1998 – 2004
International Mentor Program Certification Committee Evaluator and
1996 – Present
International Tutor Training Program Certification Committee Evaluator
and Mentor
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Other Professional Associations
Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education
Associations (CLADEA) Ad Hoc Committee to Explore Commissioning
White Papers
2004 – 2006
The Association for the Tutoring Profession
1990 – 1993
American Educational Research Association
Arendale, D., et al. (2002). A Glossary of Developmental Education and Learning Assistance
Terms. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 38(1), 10 – 34.
Masuda, H., & Smith, G. (1982). Teaching Study Skills to the Whole Person. Proceedings of
the 15th Annual Conference of the Western College Reading Association, XV.
Masuda, H.Y., & Torres, R.I. (2012). Conflict Resolution. In K. Agee, & R. Hodges (eds.),
Handbook for Training Peer Tutors and Mentors (pp. 152-156). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Masuda, H.Y., & Torres, R.I. (2012). Medical Situations Awareness. In K. Agee, & R. Hodges
(eds.), Handbook for Training Peer Tutors and Mentors (pp. 173-177). Mason, OH: Cengage
Carter, C., Bishop, J, & Kravits, S. (2009). Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and
Practical Skills (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River: NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Sherfield, R. M., Montgomery, R. J., & Moody, P. G. (2004). Case Studies for the First Year:
An Odyssey into Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Upper Saddle River: NJ:
Pearson/Prentice Hall.
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California State University Northern California SI (Supplemental
Instruction) Workshop, California State University, Sacramento
Online Teaching Conference, Long Beach City College
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Webinar—“Political
Activism 101”
California State University (CSU) Webinar—“Graduation Initiative”
McGraw-Hill Learning Institute—“MOOC Madness” Webinar—“Online Tutoring-A New Remediation”
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Webinar—“Social
Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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National College Learning Centers Association (NCLCA) Webinar—
“Measuring Student Success”
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Virtual Conference
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Conference
San Diego, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Conference, San Diego, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Conference, San Francisco, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Conference, Long Beach, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Conference, Berkeley, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Virtual Conference through CCC-Confer
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Conference
Long Beach, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Virtual Conference through CCC-Confer
“Brain-Based Learning,” Mount San Antonio College, Walnut, CA
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Conference, Sacramento, CA
Association of California Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance
(ACCTLA) Strategic Planning Committee, Gilroy, CA
Association of California Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance
Conference (ACCTLA)
Los Angeles, CA
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Conference
Reno, NV
Annual Institute for Learning Assistance Professionals
University of California, Berkeley, CA
Association of California Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance
(ACCTLA) Conference, San Diego, CA
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Conference
Sacramento, CA
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Conference
San Diego, CA
The Teaching and Learning Exchange Conference
The California State University, Office of the Chancellor
Los Angeles, CA
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Conference
Irvine, CA
The Freshman Year Experience Conference
Costa Mesa, CA
Western College Reading and Learning Association (WCRLA)
Conference, Sacramento, CA
Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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Association of California College Tutorial and Learning Assistance
(ACCTLA) Conference, Long Beach, CA
Western College Reading and Learning Association (WCRLA)
Conference, Albuquerque, NM
Western College Reading Association (WCRA) Conference
San Diego, CA
Western College Reading Association (WCRA) Conference
Dallas, TX
Curriculum Design Institute, Trio Special Programs Department
Denver, CO
Western College Reading Association (WCRA) Conference
San Francisco, CA
Area 1: The candidate has shown outstanding leadership, scholarship or service to the
a. Outstanding teacher
Taught University 101—Introduction to Higher Education for Undeclared Students
from 2000 to 2007
From Student Evaluation of Instructor for five classes evaluated
where 1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Somewhat Agree, 4 = Somewhat Disagree,
5 = Disagree, 6 = Strongly Disagree
Q 10: I would RECOMMEND this INSTRUCTOR to others.
n = 142 Mean = 1.29 on 1 – 6 scale
From Student Evaluation of Instructor for five classes evaluated
where 1 = Excellent, 2 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 4 = Fair, 5 = Poor, 6 = Very Poor
Q 11: How would you rate this instructor’s OVERALL TEACHING ABILITY?
n = 148 Mean = 1.37
g. Administrative officer or influential person in national or regional organization in
the field.
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Executive Board Member
2013 - Present
2004 – 2006
1996 – 2001
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Co-Vice President (4-Year Institutions)
Past President
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Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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h. Recipient of an award or awards from national or regional associations.
1996 – Present
Certified Master Ruby Reviewer, International Tutor Training
Program Certification Committee, College Reading and Learning
Description: CRLA Reviewers are classified as Reviewer,
Advanced Reviewer, or Master Reviewers based on current or
former experience with a CRLA-certified program through ITTPC
and years as a reviewer.
Recognition of Outstanding Service as a Selected Field Reviewer
of the NADE (National Association for Developmental Education)
Self-Evaluation Guides: Models for Assessing Learning
Assistance/Developmental Education Programs
National Association for Developmental Education
2002 – 2004
Certificate of Appreciation for Serving as an Evaluator
International Mentor Certification Program
College Reading and Learning Association
1988 – 1992
Network of Developmental Education Consultants
National Center for Developmental Education
Appalachian State University, NC
Area 2: The candidate has received public recognition as an authority.
e. Selection as a reviewer for manuscripts from publisher(s) of books in learning
assistance or developmental education.
Carter, C., Bishop, J, & Kravits, S. (2009). Keys to Success: Building Analytical,
Creative, and Practical Skills (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River: NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Sherfield, R. M., Montgomery, R. J., & Moody, P. G. (2004). Case Studies for the First
Year: An Odyssey into Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Upper Saddle River: NJ:
Pearson/Prentice Hall.
g. Statements by colleagues of frequent and high-quality service (as in letters of
reference regarding teaching or other contributions).
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35th Year Service Award, California State University, Los Angeles
Description: Presented in recognition of service to the University
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Certificate of Recognition
“For Your Dedication and Unwavering Commitment to Education. Thank
You for Your Outstanding Contribution Towards Our Vision for College
Preparation in the East Los Angeles Community”
Project GEAR UP (Gaining Early Access and Readiness for
Undergraduate Programs)
California State University, Los Angeles
Award of Appreciation
Student-Athlete Advisory Council
Division of Intercollegiate Athletics
California State University, Los Angeles
Description: Presented upon nomination of a student-athlete to the
Student-Athlete Advisory Council for a faculty or staff member for
creativity and dedication to inspire students
Excellence Award
“For Your Desire, Tenacity and Diligence to Carry Out a Worthy Service
to All Students; For Your Patience and Perserverance on the Job …We
Congratulate Your and Look Forward to Your Unending Contributions”
Academic Professionals of California, California State University, Los
Angeles Chapter
Description: Presented upon action of the Executive Board to members
who have provided distinguished long-time service to students
“For Three Decades of Helping Our Students to Realize Their Own
Intelligence, and Attain Academic Success”
Student Support Program
California State University, Los Angeles
“In Recognition of Outstanding Service to the Learning Resource Center
and C.S.L.A. Students”
California State University, Los Angeles
Area 5: The candidate has developed a program that provides effective education and
a. Recognition of the merits of the program by peers, outside agencies, or other
colleges (stated explicitly and in detail rather than in sweeping generalities).
In 2010, the University Tutorial Center was recognized in the Visiting Team’s
Educational Effectiveness Review report by the Western Association of Schools and
Colleges (WASC) as a “Successful programs and interventions at CSULA that have
demonstrated success in student retention include…the University…Tutorial Center.” (p.
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Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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In 1996, a study conducted the Office of Analytical Studies, California State University,
Los Angeles, of Title III freshman students found that using the University Tutorial
Center was a significantly strong predictor of freshman persistence and retention.
In 1990, the University Tutorial Center tutor training program was certified by the
International Tutor Training Program Certification Committee of the College Reading
and Learning Association. Currently certified at three levels: Certified, Advanced
Certified, and Master Certified Tutor,
Area 6: The candidate has an outstanding research and publication record for the field.
a. Publication in academic journals (publications to be rated on content, single versus
multiple authorship, and quality of the journal).
Arendale, D., et al. (2002). A Glossary of Developmental Education and Learning
Assistance Terms. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 38(1), 10 – 34.
Masuda, H., & Smith, G. (1982). Teaching Study Skills to the Whole Person.
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Western College Reading Association,
d. Presentation of significant papers at professional meetings.
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
San Diego, CA: Co-Presenter—“Access and Remediation in Higher Education:
Who Wins? Who Loses?”
Co-Presenter—International Tutor Training Program Certification Committee
Pre-Conference Institute on tutor certification
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
San Diego, CA: “Certifying My Tutors: How Can I Do That?”
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
San Francisco, CA: “Tutor Certification: What’s That?”
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
San Diego, CA: “Tutor Roundtable Discussion”
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Virtual Conference through CCC-Confer: Co-Presenter—“Tutor Roundtable”
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
Long Beach, CA: Co-Presenter—“PowerPoint with Confidence: Making the
Transition to Effective Presentations”
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
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Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
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Virtual Conference through CCC-Confer: “Oh No, Another Challenging Tutoring
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Los Angeles, CA: “Quality Learning Center Customer Service: Being Efficient Is
Not Sufficient”
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
Reno, NV: “Quality Learning Center Customer Service: Being Efficient Is Not
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
Co-Presenter—International Tutor Certification Program Pre-Conference
Institute: “Tutor Certification: Professional Standards for Tutor Training”
Sacramento, CA
Western College Reading and Learning Association (WCRLA)
Albuquerque, NM: “And Here’s to You Mr(s). Robinson— Study Skills
Instruction: Back to the Future—Are We in Step with the Times?”
Western College Reading Association (WCRA)
San Diego, CA: Co-Presenter—“Teaching Study Skills to the Whole Person”
h. Author of a whole chapter or major section of a book in the field (including copies of
two published reviews of book).
Masuda, H.Y., & Torres, R.I. (2012). Conflict Resolution. In K. Agee, & R. Hodges
(eds.), Handbook for Training Peer Tutors and Mentors (pp. 152-156). Mason, OH:
Cengage Learning.
Masuda, H.Y., & Torres, R.I. (2012). Medical Situations Awareness. In K. Agee, & R.
Hodges (eds.), Handbook for Training Peer Tutors and Mentors (pp. 173-177). Mason,
OH: Cengage Learning.
Reviews of Book
A Treasure Trove of Information and Ideas for Training Peer Tutors or
Mentors!, August 20, 2013
AND MENTORS (Paperback)
Karen Agee and Russ Hodges have produced a handbook that contains over one hundred
modules produced by 106 authors, most of whom are luminaries in the areas of learning
strategies and study skills. The book was produced for the College Reading and Learning
Association (CRLA) as a resource to address the needs in both of the CRLA initiatives International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) and International Mentor
Updated 7/23/2015
Dr. Howard Masuda
Nomination for 2014 CLADEA Fellow
P a g e | 20
The handbook is extremely thorough, effectively addressing topics such as the history of
peer tutoring and tutor training, effective strategies for tutoring diverse populations,
teaching metacognitive and critical thinking skills, effective communication, designing
and implementing successful tutor and mentor training programs, and many more.
The book combines theory with practical suggestions for hands-on activities during tutor
and mentor training activities. Anyone who has struggled with how to make training
activities engaging and lively will find what they need in this book. Every institution
engaged in training peer tutors and mentors should have several copies of this resource in
its library. I can assure you that the books will NOT sit on the shelf collecting dust!
Here are comments from from noted authorities in the profession on the
Handbook for Training Peer Tutors and Mentors.
“Please use this handbook as a resource to expand your own knowledge base,
repertoire of strategies, and best practices in academic support and learning
assistance.” – Dr. Rick Sheets, Coordinator of International Tutor Training
Program Certification (ITTPC) for the College Reading and Learning Association
“This publication . . . will be valued by educators working in a wide range of
academic support programs and services.” – Dr. Jeanne Higbee, Chair of CRLA’s
Media Advisory Board and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of
Postsecondary Teaching and Learning at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
“It is a big book filled with ideas from many perspectives. Readers will find a
variety of approaches on some topics and unique takes on others. As a whole, the
book constitutes a wealth of support for trainers of peer tutors and mentors and
opens new vistas for exploration. We wish for readers of this handbook the thrill of
new discoveries and the joy of continued professional development.” –Dr. Russ
Hodges and Dr. Karen Agee, Editors of the Handbook
Updated 7/23/2015