UCIMC Board Meeting Minutes: April 17, 2012 Attending: Board members: Belden Fields, Chris Ritzo, Durl Kruse, Gary Storm, Danielle Chynoweth, David Green, Deloris Henry, Amanda Wiegel (accounts), Ken Salo, Martel Miller, Ricardo Diaz; Also in attendance: Barbara Kessel and Lolita Dumas (Books to Prisoners); Amanda Wiegel, UCIMC bookkeeper Recorder: David Green A. Additions to proposed agenda Books to prisoners drop-off issues Bathrooms stocking supplies on regular basis B. Approval of minutes from March Approved by consensus C. Public Comment period (Guests) Barbara: Raised issues regarding availability of daily staff in relation to book drop-off for B2P Gary: The newly designed lobby with a new depository offers an opportunity to formulate policy regarding front desk staffing by workers and volunteers Danielle: Some of the front desk staff have issues with punctuality, and need to be trained and provided with a clear list of tasks regarding stocking of brochures, etc.; this would include response to book drop-off, whether in relation to calling for help or taking them downstairs. Carol: Because there is a reliance on volunteers who receive township assistance, the turnover rate is high, and the training needs to be basic. Barbara: raised an issue about the adequacy of the bin (receptacle) for books dropped off Gary: this issue should be referred to a working committee Lolita: It’s difficult for some of those staffing the front desk to describe where to go to take the books downstairs when they may not be familiar with the building. Danielle: Front desk staff need to be able to direct book donors regarding where to drop books off in the lobby—upstairs. Barbara: B2P is still waiting for bin Durl: the cardboard box that is in the bin needs to be clearly labeled and used D. Operation Manager’s Report (w/recommended actions) Amanda on Carol’s behalf: nothing to report at this time E. Board Committee Reports (w/recommended actions) 1. Finance Committee (Durl) -- Quarterly budget reports distributed (see attachment) Durl: working groups should be getting accounting statements Center for Arts paid for last year’s utilities yesterday, and signed an addendum to lease that protects IMC; they have till 10/31 to fill spaces that will be vacated Ruth Wyman’s space will become empty when she moves to 2nd floor Bike Project wants to discontinue fiscal sponsorship status 6/1 IMC was fined for not reporting sales tax that was due from Bike Project, but when IMC is no longer a fiscal sponsor, this will be a Bike Project Issue and not an IMC issue Audit for 2011 begins 5/1, will be finished by end of June Danielle: Asked if we are close to 1st floor space project revenue projections that were estimated Durl: Responded affirmatively, IMC will receive approximately the revenues that it had projected Danielle: Raised structural issue regarding full-time staff office space; the public area needs to be staffed, but the staff also needs more private space to get work done; Carol needs some changes in quiet space for grant writing, etc. An ideal situation would be for her to use the office space on 2nd floor, but that is also easy to rent. UP center would like corner office upstairs An alternative for staff office space is 224 on east side, which is hard to rent In addition, on grant proposals we should be budgeted 10% for administrative costs, instead of the current 5%. Ricardo: Has noticed fewer people and/or accessibility at the IMC recently Danielle: Raised long-term need for a fundraising and development position/personnel in order to support and relieve Carol, especially in relation to AmeriCorps. Belden: (see #3 under Discussion Items, below) expressed concern regarding artists, artists in residence, as to provision of space and providing services; Chris Ritzo (not in attendance) will have future update regarding artists Do we want to establish goal of bringing more people into space? Danielle: Since the library has been moved downstairs, it is no longer a comfortable “hang-out” space at the IMC. Belden: We no longer effectively have a library after its being moved downstairs. It was approved by Board consent that pay dates for the staff will in the future be on the 1st and 15th of each month 2. Building/Facilities Committee (Chris) Not present, see attached report 3. Fundraising Committee (Danielle) Danielle: would like to establish monthly meeting for FC and recruit more people Distributed report that notes that of the Urbana public arts grants that are successful, 75% use IMC Post office lease will be up in 2015 IMC should not be paying property tax to Urbana, and should be compensated in the form of an economic development grant; the smallest grant will be towards window restoration; will also pursue grants from Ameren 4. Personnel Committee (Deloris) Deloris: PC will be meeting first Thursday every month at 10 at IMC, Cecilia Clark of Urbana will join committee; she is a human resources expert Gary: need to formulate recommendations regarding staff office space, which will require input and collaboration from Finance Committee, Facilities Committee, and Personnel Committee Durl: recommended an increase of Bookkeeper (Amanda) weekly hours from 20 to 30, beginning May 15th; this increase would be covered by a rent increase on 4 rooms Discussion of this issue Gary: the tasks for these 10 extra hours need to be operationalizes Board consent to 3-month trial basis for 10 hours extra per week for bookkeeper (Amanda), May 15 to August 15 F. Action Items 1. Bathrooms need stocking of vital supplies on a more regular and reliable basis; measures can and should be taken to prevent theft of such supplies G. Discussion Items 1. Grassroots radio conference Danielle: descriptions up on website, good response so far, attending groups are committing resources Tavis Smiley and Cornel West have not responded yet to invitation Proposal to Sam Smith at Krannert to have (plenary) event there, in order to accommodate 500 people Brown Paper Tickets to handle registration, social network of 50,000 Joe Torres, keynote speaker, finalized July 26-29 are the dates for event New sponsors: U2CB (Big Broadband) 2. Proposed new Board “Program Committee” (Gary) Gary: Working committee to get back to Carol by May 4; meeting planned for May 14th to discuss interface between old and new (steering committee) structure 3. Space for Artists in the IMC (Chris, Danielle) Danielle: status update, Facilities Committee set May 1 as deadline to clear hallway; Urbana fire marshals will come after that to inspect Gary: need longer term discussion over space for artists in general, not just artists in residence Danielle: The 15 people at noon meeting on weekday indicates local artists’ interest in use of space; willingness to design artists program at IMC H. Next meeting: May 15, 2012