MARKETING COMMUNICATION Marketing 360 Brian Gillespie Communication Purposes Inform Remind Persuade Build relationships How do we communicate? Verbal messages “Hey Steve, let’s grab a pizza.” Non verbal messages Expressions Symbols Marketing Communication Purposes Inform “Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more” Remind “Don’t Persuade “Just leave home without it” do it” Build relationships “You’re in good hands” Communication Model Source •Individual •Company encoding Message •Advertisement •PR •Communication from others Medium •Magazines •Television •Radio •Word of Mouth Noise •Competing messages •Distracters Feedback •Brand loyalty •Product awareness decoding Receiver •Consumer How do marketers communicate with consumers? Promotion mix Mass appeal Advertising Sales promotion Public relations Personal appeal Personal selling Direct marketing Integrated Marketing Communication Developed marketing plans designed to create lasting relationships with consumers Customer centric Why is it more important today than ever? Developing the IMC Step 1: Identify the target audiences Step 2: Establish the Communication Objectives Step 3: Determine and allocate the marketing communication budget •Determine the total promotion budget •Decide on a push or pull strategy •Allocate the budget to a specific promotion mix Step 4: Design the promotion mix Step 5: Evaluate the effectiveness of the communication program Develop an Integrative Marketing Communication Plan Your team has developed the product featured on the following slide Create a IMC plan to successfully market the product Allocate the budget to the different promotion mix mediums based on percentage of budget Tattoos for Babies Alternative Marketing Methods Word of mouth Word of mouth marketing Buzz marketing Viral marketing Guerrilla marketing What Are these Messages Trying to Tell Us? Marketing communication purpose Promotion mix