Honors Chemistry Midterm Review Fall 2012


Honors Chemistry Midterm Review Fall 2012


1. Anything that takes up space and has mass ________________

2. Examples of NON matter would include any form of _____________; examples


3. Intensive properties are ________________________________________________________

4. Extensive properties are ________________________________________________________

5. Refers to how close a series of measurements are to one another ________________

6. Refers to how close a series of measurements are to the accepted value ________________

7. SI base unit of temperature ______; length __________; mass ________; density ________;

8. Round 42.156 cm. to four significant figures. ________ four significant figures. ________ two ______

9. Which of the following statements indicates a physical property of an element? forms new substances when … reacts with … conducts electricity … is shiny …

10. A form of matter with a definite shape and volume ________________

11. States that mass is neither created nor destroyed in any process


12. Which of the following are compounds? calcium; sodium; calcium carbonate; phosphorous; magnesium oxide

13. The smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of that element ________________

14. ________________ theory states that all matter is composed of atoms.

15. Which subatomic particles are found in an atom’s nucleus? ________________

16. ________________ decay is a process (not requiring energy) by which unstable nuclei lose energy.

17. The set of frequencies of the electromagnetic waves emitted by the atoms of an element: atomic

___________ spectrum.

18. A particle of electromagnetic radiation with no mass that carries a quantum of energy


19. The minimum amount of energy that can be lost or gained by an atom ________________

20. The lowest allowable energy state of an atom ________________

21. How many valence electrons does the group 1 elements have? ______

Group 2? ________ Group 13 ______ Group 14______Group 15______Group 16 ______ Group

17______Group 18______

22. What is the correct electron-dot structure for sodium?___________; magnesium __________ chlorine _________

23. Statement that when the elements are arranged by increasing atomic number, there is a periodic repetition of their chemical and physical properties ________________

24. A column in the periodic table is called a ________________; a row is called a _____________.

25. Elements in the same group have the same number of ________________

26. Which energy level of the period 4 transition elements is being filled with electrons?


27. In which of the following pairs is the second particle listed larger than the first?

Metal atom : metal ion nonmetal atom : nonmetal ion

28. How many electrons does an atom generally need in its outer level to be the most stable?


29. Diagram the electron configuration which represents the most chemically stable atom in the 3rd period, starting with the 1s sublevel.

30. Atom that has a positive or negative charge_____

Covalently bonded group of atoms that has an overall positive or negative charge

___________________ _____

31. Energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom: ________________ energy.

32. Statement that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to acquire a full set of eight valence electrons: __________ rule.

33. Alkaline earth metals form ions with a charge of _________. Alkali metals form ions with a charge of


34. A positively charged ion: ________________. A negatively charged ion: __________________.

35. An ionic compound whose aqueous solution conducts electricity ________________

36. The electrostatic force that holds oppositely charged particles together: ________________ bond.

37. What is the formula of magnesium phosphate, which is made up of the ions Mg2+ and P043-?


38. Shows the simplest ratio of ions in an ionic compound, and whose charge is neutral

________________ ________________

39. What are 5 typical properties of metals?


What are 4 typical properties of nonmetals?


40. According to the octet rule, most atoms that bond achieve the electron configuration of a

__________ ____.

41. In the formation of a covalent bond electrons are ________________. In the formation of an ionic bond, electrons are


42. What elements normally exists in the form of diatomic molecules?


43. How many pi bonds are there in a double bond? __________; in a triple bond? ________________

Electrons are shared unequally in a ___________ covalent bond, like the bond between H and O.

44. A starting substance in a chemical reaction is called a _______________, and the ending substances are called _______________.

45. The “electron sea model” accounts for most properties of these elements: ____________.

46. A solution in which the solvent is water: an ____________ solution.

47. What is the correct formula for sodium oxide? ____________ calcium hydroxide ____________ magnesium sulfide____________ sodium sulfate ____________ nitrogen dioxide ____________ lithium bromide ____________ chlorine


48) Circle the formulas which represents an ionic compound.

H2O(l) NH3(g) CCl4(L) NaCl(s) CaBr2 AgNO3 AlO3 SO2

49) List the atomic numbers of the alkali metals


50) A substance that is composed only of atoms having the same atomic number is classified as a/n


51) The atomic number of an atom is always equal to the total number of ____________

52) Which atom has the largest atomic radius? A)Mg B)Na C)K D)Ca

53) The nucleus of an atom consists of 5 protons and 6 neutrons. The total number of electrons present in a neutral atom of this element is ____________

54) What is the correct chemical formula for iron (III) oxide? ____________ Iron (II) oxide ____________

55) Which element contains exactly 15 protons?

56) Which molecules are nonpolar? H2 H2O NaBr CO2

57) Which compound above contains an alkali metal and a halogen?

58) Compared to the atomic radius of a sodium atom, the atomic radius of a magnesium atom is smaller.

The smaller radius is primarily a result of the magnesium atom having


59) What type of bond is formed when two non-metal atoms combine? ________________________

60) The total number of orbitals in a d sublevel is ____________

61) What particle has a mass of approximately one atomic mass unit and a unit positive charge?


62) Different isotopes of the same element must have a different number of ____________ and the same _____ _______

63) Why is NH3 classified as a polar molecule?


64) An atom of an element contains 20 protons, 20 neutrons, and 20 electrons. This element belongs to what group (name) of elements? ________________________

65) Given an atom with the electron configuration 1s22s22p3, how many orbitals are completely filled?

_______ In 1s22s22p5? _______

66) In an experiment, alpha particles were used to bombard gold foil. As a result of this experiment, the conclusion was made that the nucleus of an atom is____________ than the atom and ____________ charged.

67) A sodium atom and a sodium ion must have the same number of ____________

68) When sodium reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride, electrons are lost by which element?


69) Compared to an atom of C-12, an atom of C-14 has more of these subatomic particles:


70) Which formula represents a tetrahedral molecule? H2O(l) NH3(g) CCl4(L) NaCl(s) CaBr2

71) An atom in the ground state contains 8 valence electrons. This atom is classified as a _______


72) What kind of particle, when passed through an electric field, would be attracted to the negative electrode? to the positive electrode? To neither electrode? alpha particle beta particle gamma ray

73) The pair of elements with the most similar chemical properties would be found in the same

____________ on the periodic table.

74) What is the electron-dot symbol for an atom with an electron configuration of 1s22s22p3?

_________ 1s22s22p4_________

75) What is an example of a homogeneous mixture? ____________ heterogeneous? ____________

76) When a sodium atom becomes an ion, the size of the atom _________ by _________ing an electron.

77) An atomic mass unit is defined as exactly _________ the mass of a _________ atom.

78) Atoms of nonmetals generally react with atoms of metals by _________ electrons to form

_________ compounds.

79) A particle of matter contains 8 protons, 9 neutrons, and 8 electrons. This particle must be a

_________ charged _________ atom.

80) What is the orbital notation that correctly represents the outermost principal energy level of a nitrogen atom in the ground state?

81) Which sublevel contains the greatest number of orbitals? s, p, d, f

82) The ozone layer is important to living organisms in that it:


83) When the electrons of an excited atom fall back to lower levels, there is an emission of energy that produces ____________ lines.

84) Which of the following is/are chemical properties? Solid combustible low melting point combines with oxygen

85) What particle has a negative charge and a mass that is approximately 1/1800 the mass of a proton?


86) Put the following sublevels in order from low to high energy? 4s 4p 3p 3s 5s 4d 3d

87) A water molecule is best described as polar/nonpolar with ____________ covalent bonds.

88) Combustion of methane is best described as an endothermic/exothermic physical/chemical change.

89) Which atom has the smallest atomic radius? Li F K B Ca

90) What principal energy levels has no f sublevel? ____________

91) What is the electron configuration of a fluoride ion (F-) in the ground state?


92) How many protons are in the nucleus of an atom of beryllium? ____________ carbon ____________ zinc ____________

93) List indications that a chemical change has occurred.

94) Intensive physical properties include:

95) How would you separate these mixtures? Sand and sugar __________________ Two colorless liquids ______________ coffee grounds and water ________________ sand and saltwater ______________ iron filings and sand


96) Sterling silver, brass, bronze, and steel are all examples of _________________, which exhibit properties of ___________.

97) Groups 1,2, 13 - 18 on the periodic table are also known as the ____________________ elements, while groups 3 - 12 are known as

_____________________ elements, or _____________________ ______________.

98) How does the electron configuration for a group 13 element end? __________, a group 15 element

_________, group 17 ____

99) Using arrows, and the periodic table as a reference, diagram the trend for increasing: atomic radii electron affinity electronegativity

100) What are the characteristics of alkali metals?

101) A homogeneous mixture with properties of metals: __________________________

102) Strong covalent bonds have ___________ bond length and _____________ dissociation energy.

103) The smallest unit of a covalently bonded substance is called a _________________.

104. You calculate that 425 000 m is the answer to a problem. Write your answer in scientific notation.


105. What are the characteristics of a compound. (see p71)

106.What type of bond exists between the carbon atoms in diamonds?

107.Which has more electrons Mg 2+ or Mg 0 ; O 2- or O 0

108.Al becomes an ion by ______ electrons. The Al ion is ______ than the Al atom. The Al ion has _____ electrons than the Al atom.

109.A _________________ covalent bond shares electron unequally.

110.Which element is in Group 3 and Period 5 of the Periodic Table?

111.An atom of which element in the ground state has a complete outermost shell (energy level)?

112.The element with _____________ electronegativity will be the negative part of a compound.

113.What two particles account for most of the mass in the atom?

114.How many valence electrons in Be ______ Al ______ Rn ______

115.The chemical properties of an atom are determined by the number of _____________________

116. Four valence electrons of an atom in the ground state would occupy what sublevels? _________

117. In the modern Periodic Table, the elements are arranged according to ____________________

118.Which particles may be gained, lost, or shared by an atom when it forms a chemical bond?

119. What type of substance can be decomposed by a chemical change?

120.To what family do the following belong: Br ______, Strontium ______________, Iodine _______,

Lithium _______, argon________

121.A oxygen ion (O 2-) has the same electron configuration as_______

122.As a fluorine atom gains electrons, its radius ______

123.A region of most probable electron location in an atom is called ___

124.Arrange the following from smallest to largest mass: proton, electron, neutron, alpha particle

125. Which molecule contains a polar covalent bond? an ionic bond? H2O NaCl CH4

126.An atom of sulfur and oxygen have the same

127.In the early 1900’s, it was proposed that energy may be absorbed or released from atoms in small, indivisible packets named ________

128.What type of bonds are formed when two non-metal atoms combine? a metal and a nonmetal? two metals?
