More than a pet, their family


More than Just a pet, they are family!

Bordetella vaccine:

Recommended (not required) What is Kennel Cough?

Just as human colds may be caused by many different viruses, kennel cough itself can have multiple causes.

One of the most common culprits is a bacterium called Bordetella bronchiseptica m-- which is why kennel cough is often called Bordetella. Most dogs that become infected with Bordetella are infected with a virus at the same time. These viruses, which are known to make dogs more susceptible to contracting Bordetella infection, include canine adenovirus, canine distemper virus, canine herpes virus, parainfluenza virus and canine reovirus.

Dogs "catch" kennel cough when they inhale bacteria or virus particles into their respiratory tract. This tract is normally lined with a coating of mucus that traps infectious particles, but there are a number of factors that can weaken this protection and make dogs prone to kennel cough infection, which results in inflammation of the larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe).

How Did My Dog Catch Kennel Cough?

Dogs can catch kennel cough in several ways. It can spread through aerosols in the air, directly from dog to dog, or through germs on contaminated objects.

Kennel cough is often spread in enclosed areas with poor air circulation—while boarding in a kennel or an animal shelter, for example, or through direct contact while sitting in a vaccination clinic, training class or dog-grooming facility ,Parks.

Kennel cough is so contagious that your dog might even catch it from sharing a water dish at the dog park or by simply greeting another dog.


Is your dog vaccinated against kennel cough?

Please circle

Yes or no

If yes please provide details and certificate and when the caccine was given

When ………….. Due……………..

Dirty Paws Lothian

6 Carlaverock Terrace


East Lothian

EH33 2PL

T: 07770972361



None Bordetella vaccine:

I realize that my dog DOES NOT have a current bordetella

Vaccination and is at risk for canine cough.

I will NOT hold dirty paws Lothian responsible if my dog develops canine cough due to the dog not been vaccinated against.

Nor will I attempt to gain financial costs for the above condition above from dirty paws Lothian .

I understand the risks of sociable group walking and the transfer of all conditions that the dog may catch outside on the walks .




