2007 Button > Prepare > Properties > Title*Always Title Case

Codebook for Nebraska Local
Laws: Automatic Dry
Prepared by LawAtlas Legal Team
May 2015
Making the Case for Laws that Improve Health
May 2015
This codebook describes the variables in a dataset that examines variation in local laws
regulating Lincoln’s local health department's powers and duties. This dataset is current
through May 1, 2015. The jurisdiction selected for measurement is Lincoln-Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
There are six standard variables in every LawAtlas dataset. They are:
An identification code generated by the LawAtlas Workbench.
The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) codes are a standardized set of
numeric codes issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology to ensure
uniform identification of geographic entities through all federal government agencies.
This is a dropdown selection in each coding form. It includes the jurisdictions coded in the
This date (MM/DD/YYYY) is the most recent effective date of the legal text captured for
this place. The effective date represents the date the policy coded was put into effect.
This date (MM/DD/YYYY) is the last date the policy was in effect as reflected by the legal
text captured to code this policy.
This is a text box that captures all legal text relevant to the coding questions. This will not
download into Microsoft Excel.
Making the Case for Laws that Improve Health
LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
Question 1:
Does the city have a law regulating automatic dry cleaners?
Question Type:
Binary - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 2:
Who has the authority to enforce the law?
Question Type:
Categorical - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
Variable Values: 1
Value Label:
1 = Local health department
Question 3:
What duties does the health department have to enforce the laws?
Question Type:
Categorical - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
ADC_Duties_Grant permits for the installation of automatic dry-cleaning machines
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 4:
What duties does the health department have to enforce the laws?
Question Type:
Categorical - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
ADC_Duties_Grant permits for the operation of automatic dry-cleaning machines
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 5:
What duties does the health department have to enforce the laws?
Question Type:
Categorical - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
ADC_Duties_Establish standards for dry-cleaning businesses
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 6:
What duties does the health department have to enforce the laws?
Question Type:
Categorical - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
ADC_Duties_Conduct inspections to ensure compliance with the law
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Making the Case for Laws that Improve Health
LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 7:
What are the available penalties for violations of the law?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 8:
What are the available penalties for violations of the law?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Penalty_Costs of prosecution
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 9:
Which activities related to automatic dry-cleaning machines require a permit?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_PermitReq_Installation of automatic dry-cleaning machines
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 10:
Which activities related to automatic dry-cleaning machines require a permit?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_PermitReq_Maintenance of automatic dry-cleaning machines
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 11:
Which activities related to automatic dry-cleaning machines require a permit?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_PermitReq_Operation of automatic dry-cleaning machines
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 12:
What are the required elements of a permit application?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Application_Fee paid
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LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 13:
What are the required elements of a permit application?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Application_Location of the establishment
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 14:
What are the required elements of a permit application?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Application_Name and address of applicant
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 15:
What are the required elements of a permit application?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Application_Mechanical equipment of the machines
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 16:
What are the required elements of a permit application?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Application_Building or structure housing the machine
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 17:
Is a ventilation system required for dry cleaners?
Question Type:
Binary - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 18:
What are the minimum air flow requirements for the dry cleaner interior?
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LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
Question Type:
Categorical - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
Variable Values: 1
Value Label:
1 = 100 lineal feet per minute face velocity
Question 19:
What are the minimum air flow requirements for space ventilation from customer area through the partition to the
maintenance room?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_SpaceVent_250 cubic feet per minute for 1 -3 dry cleaners
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 20:
What are the minimum air flow requirements for space ventilation from customer area through the partition to the
maintenance room?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_SpaceVent_200 cubic feet per minute for 4-8 dry cleaners
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 21:
What are the minimum air flow requirements for space ventilation from customer area through the partition to the
maintenance room?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_SpaceVent_150 cubic feet per minute for 9-16 dry cleaners
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 22:
What are the minimum air flow requirements for space ventilation from customer area through the partition to the
maintenance room?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_SpaceVent_100 cubic feet per minute for 17 or more dry cleaners
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 23:
Are customers permitted in the working or maintenance room of a dry cleaner?
Question Type:
Binary - mutually exclusive
Variable Name:
Making the Case for Laws that Improve Health
LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 24:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_A means of preventing cleaning liquid leaks
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 25:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_Recirculation system designed to preclude leaks
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 26:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_Easily cleaned floors
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 27:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_Easily cleaned walls
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 28:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_Easily cleaned ceilings
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 29:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Making the Case for Laws that Improve Health
LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_Floors resistant to solvent absorption or retention
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 30:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_At least ten food candles of light intensity at least three feet above the floor in areas where dry
cleaning processes are conducted
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 31:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_Recirculation heating systems must provide against the build-up of solvent fumes
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 32:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_Toilets must be provided and accessible from the customer area
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 33:
What are the required features of a dry cleaning establishment?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_ReqFeatures_Lavatory facilities (if provided) must be in the immediate vicinity of toilet facilities
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 34:
When may coin-operated dry cleaners be established in multi-story buildings or buildings occupied, in part, as
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_MultiUse_Dry cleaner operations are completely safe and separate operations
Variable Values: 0, 1
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LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 35:
What are the required specifications for automatic dry-cleaning machines?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_MachineSpec_Constructed/installed to prevent the leakage of liquids/vapors from the materials being dry
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 36:
What are the required specifications for automatic dry-cleaning machines?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_MachineSpec_Drying and aeration cycles controlled to prevent customers from removing vapor laden
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 37:
What are the required specifications for automatic dry-cleaning machines?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_MachineSpec_Machines must have transparent doors/ports to view the status of the cleaning cycle
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 38:
What are the required specifications for automatic dry-cleaning machines?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_MachineSpec_Access door should lock to prevent opening before the completion of the cleaning and drying
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 39:
What are the required specifications for automatic dry-cleaning machines?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_MachineSpec_Interlock system to prevent the operation of the machine in the event of ventilation system
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Making the Case for Laws that Improve Health
LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 40:
What are the required specifications for automatic dry-cleaning machines?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_MachineSpec_No direct connection between the machine and public water/sewer systems
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 41:
What are the required specifications for automatic dry-cleaning machines?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_MachineSpec_Machine cannot have loading ports in a diameter greater than twelve inches
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 42:
What are the requirements for dry-cleaning solvents?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Solvents_Only water may be used unless the machine is under the control of an attendant
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 43:
What are the requirements for dry-cleaning solvents?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Solvents_No flammable solvents may be used
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 44:
What are the requirements for dry-cleaning solvents?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Solvents_No solvents other than those specified by manufacturers of the dry-cleaning machines
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 45:
What are the requirements for dry-cleaning solvents?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_Solvents_No solvents with a maximum average concentration of less than 100 parts solvent vapor per million
Making the Case for Laws that Improve Health
LawAtlasSM Policy Surveillance Portal
parts air for eight hours of human exposure
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 46:
What are the operation standards for automatic dry-cleaning establishments?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_OpStandards_Residue containing solvent shall be stored for removal and inaccessible to customers
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 47:
What are the operation standards for automatic dry-cleaning establishments?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_OpStandards_One sign must be maintained in the customer area with the name, address, and phone number
of the owner, manager, and service individual responsible for maintenance of the machines
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 48:
What are the operation standards for automatic dry-cleaning establishments?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_OpStandards_A step by step operation sheet must be posted for customers
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Question 49:
What are the operation standards for automatic dry-cleaning establishments?
Question Type:
Categorical - check all that apply
Variable Name:
ADC_OpStandards_Establishment shall be kept in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition
Variable Values: 0, 1
Value Label:
0 = No
Value Label:
1 = Yes
Making the Case for Laws that Improve Health