ВОПРОСЫ РАДИОЭЛЕКТРОНИКИ серия ТЕХНИКА ТЕЛЕВИДЕНИЯ вып. 2 2015 ABSTRACTS Umbitaliev A. A., Kuzichkin A. V. Television Research Scientific Institute to the spaceport «East». Рр. 4–12. Information on the main works which are carried out to Television Research Scientific Institute for the spaceport «East» is provided. The structure, the principles of construction, and the main characteristics of system of video monitoring, digital complex of switching and distribution of television information of the spaceport «East», autonomous reception television complex, mobile television station and educational and training complex are stated. Keywords: spaceport «East», IP-technology, switching, TV information Umbitaliev A. A., Kuzichkin A. V., Aganov A. J., Kovalchuk V. S., Panteleev D. A., Savchenko A. O., Taranov A. A. Digital complex of switching and distribution of TV-information of the spaceport «East». Рр. 13–20. The structure, the principles of construction, and the main characteristics of a digital complex of switching and distribution of television information of the spaceport «East» are stated. Keywords: spaceport «East», IP-technology, switching, multicast, TV information Liapidevskiy A. V., Gololobov V. I., Zakharov A. V., Seregin O. J. Software for the automated workplace of the operator of the switching and the distribution center of television information. Рр. 21–27. This article describes a software package that is designed to provide high performance and operational control of the system for switching and distribution of television information in spaceport «East». Keywords: spaceport «East», CCTV, software Tsvetkov K. Y., Novikov E. A., Sevast'yanov D. A., Ivanov A. M., Rybakov S. Y. Monitoring and operation support system of vostochny spaceport telecommunication infrastructure Рр. 28–37. In article the functional purpose, structure, and the tasks solved by components, monitoring and operation support system of Vostochny spaceport telecommunication infrastructure are considered. Keywords: telecommunications infrastructure, exploitation, spaceport «East» Вопросы радиоэлектроники, сер. Техника телевидения, 2015, вып. 2 1 Tretiak С. А., Yanin А. А. Innovative technology for monitoring networks of television information cosmodrome «East». Рр. 38–44. The principles and methods of quality control of television information transmitted through the communication channels of the cosmodrome «East». Keywords: spaceport «East», IP-technology, quality analysis, distortion, TV information, quality analyzer, test signal generator Grigorjeva O. V., Zelentsov V. A., Mochalov V. F., Puzanov A. V., Potryasaev S. A., Sokolov B. V. Improvement of the «East» spaceport construction and operation information support through the use of remote sensing data and mobile geoinformation technologies. Рр. 45–56. The main objective of the study is a complex assessment of the environment on the large territory of the «East» spaceport using remote sensing data. Time series satellite and airborne data allowed us to analyze the landscape elements that were under active construction. A complex environmental assessment was obtained using the original software based on the methodology of ecological zoning of the territory according to the degree of anthropogenic intensity. Keywords: information provision, aerospace surveying, GIS technology, ecosystems, methodical and software Maltsev G. N., Sakulin A. N., Sakulin E. A. . Potential accuracy of a binding of mobile measuring points on signals of a navigation satellite system GLONASS. Рр. 57–64. Possibilities of a binding of positions of the mobile measuring points developed in the remote areas on the equipped and not equipped positions, on signals of a navigation satellite system of GLONASS are considered. Data on the accuracy of navigation definitions of consumers reached now with use of GLONASS system and its functional additions are systematized. It is shown that at working off of the corresponding techniques of a binding of positions on signals of a navigation satellite system of GLONASS and the correcting information of its functional additions of determination of coordinates of positions perhaps with a «meter» accuracy in the operational mode and with a «centimeter» accuracy in the a posteriori mode. Keywords: movable measuring point, positioning, satellite navigation systems Shirshov N. V. Method of controlling lightning danger for radio facilities at the cosmodrome. Рр. 65–73. Factors affecting lightning, their effects on terrestrial communications facilities and aircraft, as well as methods of protection against lightning were examined. The technical means of monitoring the electrical state of the atmosphere in the vicinity of the spaceport were shown. The method for estimating the danger of lightning near the launch site was proposed. Keywords: lightning strikes, storm danger electric state of the atmosphere, monitoring, direction finding Shirshov N. V. Millimeter radar measurements for field wind structure. Рр. 74–80. Methods for both wind profile and its fine structure measurement using millimeter radar have been considered in the article. The advantages of millimeter 2 Вопросы радиоэлектроники, сер. Техника телевидения, 2015, вып. 2 wavelength range usage in comparison with the centimeter and decimeteter wavelength range have been shown. The methods for determining turbulence parameters, wind gradients and shear have also been suggested. Keywords: radar, wind field, the Doppler effect Vakurina T. G., Vlasenko V. V., Kalashnikov D. A., Krekhtunov P. V. Informational support of the spacecraft «Soyuz-MS» launching from spaceport «East». Рр. 81–85. Contains basic requirements for parts of Ground Control System used for informational support of the spacecraft «Soyuz-MS» launching from spaceport «East». Keywords: manned spacecraft «Soyuz-MS», spaceport «East» Kuzichkin A.V., Aganov A.J., Lagunov S. I, Savchenko A.O., Taranov A.A. Educational and training complex of the digital complex of switching and distribution of TV-informatsii of the spaceport «East». Рр. 86–90. The structure, the principles of construction, service conditions and the main characteristics of an educational and training complex of the Digital complex of switching and distribution of TV-information of the spaceport «East» are stated. Keywords: spaceport «East», training facility Tsvetkov K. Y., Novikov E. A., Sevast'yanov D. A. Program and methodical complex for training the spaceport «East» telecommunication specialists. Рр. 91–102. Approach to creation of the distributed educational and training complex for training the spaceport «East» telecommunication specialists on the basis of modern WEB-technologies is stated. Keywords: training of specialists, program-methodical complex, spaceport «East» Khakhaev I. A., Shapovalov E. N., Elinson B. L. On-line educational environment to prepare specialists in operation of infocommunicational infrastucture. Рр. 103–107. Based on the analysis of pecularities of infocommunicational infrastructure and based on the demands to specialists in the operation of such objects the main conceptions of the on-line educational environment are given, as well as the opportunities to its realization for serving the needs of preparing the staff of spaceport «East». The expected results and the varieties of software solutions are described. Keywords: exploitation, infocommunication structure, training facility, the electronic learning environment Abazina E. S. Forming of steganography data link with code consolidation, based on two-dimensional nonlinear signals. Рр. 108–116. In article formation hidden steganography a data link with code consolidation is considered. Synthesis of the generalised alarm designs of Frank and their property for realisation of a multichannel signal is resulted. Filters of suppression of lateral petals of correlation functions of signals of Frank in an one-dimensional and twodimensional case are constructed. Possibilities of application of such alarm designs together with the filter of suppression of lateral petals for the latent data exchange between several subscribers in systems of transfer of the television information are Вопросы радиоэлектроники, сер. Техника телевидения, 2015, вып. 2 3 investigated. Keywords: steganography, a code seal orthogonal signals, twodimensional nonlinear signals Frank filter side lobe suppression Reviewed on textbook «Relay and satellite systems transmission of information of special purpose». Рр. 117–118. 4 Вопросы радиоэлектроники, сер. Техника телевидения, 2015, вып. 2