Ancient Civilizations

Sparhawk High School
Thematic Course Catalog
Fall 2010
Ancient Civilizations
What is a civilization? Why do civilizations flourish and fail? How do
modern and ancient civilizations compare? How do civilizations define and
protect the rights of citizens? What is a citizen? How can we define what is
ancient? How have ancient civilizations shaped the modern experience?
This semester, we will explore these and other important questions through
our multidisciplinary study of Ancient Civilizations. From the literature of
the ancients to the beginning of major scientific discovery, from Greek
drama to the history of mathematics, we will challenge ourselves to
understand the ways in which ancient thought and civilizations have shaped
our global culture.
1/2 Credit Science
Physics is sometimes called the basic science or natural philosophy. It is the study of
unanswered questions about nature. As mankind learned more of the world, was slowly
split into branches of science. The study of living things is called life sciences and
includes biology, botany and zoology. The study of non-living is called physical sciences
and includes areas such as chemistry, astronomy, geology and physics. Today, physics is
dedicated to the study of basic things such as motion, forces, energy, heat, sound, light
and the composition of atoms. The ideas of physics are fundamental to all of the
sciences. This class will explore the basic laws starting from the days of Newton and
Galileo. It will explore the principal aspects of the scientific method, an approach to
exploration and discovery that has shown to be the most productive in unraveling
nature’s mysteries. Knowledge of physics is useful for many careers since it provides a
basic understanding of what is going on around us. One can see and utilize knowledge of
physics in much that is happening in current events. Shuttle space flights; the Hubble
Telescope and operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Europe are common
news features. Issues concerning use of nuclear energy and high-efficiency electric cars
are key issues that all involve physics. This course will provide some of the detail
necessary for understanding and participating in society’s decisions on these programs.
Good math skills are very useful for this class
1/2 Credit Science
This course will begin with the intensive microscopic study of single cells, and a layer in
complexity at the tissue, organ, and system level. By the time we reach the level of whole
organisms, we will be looking for overall ecological systems, and introduce large-scale cycles
that mirror the physiology of individual cells. Throughout the semester, students will explore the
physiological and behavioral evolution of hominids through an exploration of important studies
and current theory. This course is fundamental to our entire thematic catalog: the literal
experience of what it is to become human.
History of Astronomy
1/2 Credit Science
Astronomy has been on the cutting edge of science since ancient times. We will study
the past, present, and future of astronomy and seek answers to questions as old as "Does
the sun orbit the Earth or vice versa?" and as current as "Is Pluto a planet?" We will also
consider questions that have yet to be answered, such as "Are there parallel universes to
our own?" and "Where are all the aliens anyway?" Join us for a voyage of discovery
from Earth to the farthest reaches of space and time.
Essentials of Writing
1/2 Credit Literature
The purpose of this class is to help students develop their basic writing skills. We will
write a number of short papers, learning how to strengthen thesis statements, grammar,
and paragraph transitions. We will practice our writing in class, paying particular
attention to persuasive writing, but exploring creative writing, as well. Most readings and
writing will be short, but expect to do both frequently.
Greco-Roman Drama
1/2 Credit Literature
This course will explore the ancient theatre of Greece and Rome. Students will learn how
to both read and interpret ancient drama from a literary perspective as well as a theatrical
understanding. With weekly readings and in-class performances, students will help these
ancient stories come alive in the classroom. Come prepared to join the Greek chorus!
Creative Writing Poetry: Influence of the Ancients
1/2 Credit Literature
Ancient Civilizations ushered in the explosion of poetic aesthetics in newly developed
landscape of verse. We will study the great changes that have marked poetry for the past
one thousand years and use this understanding to enhance our own writing. Writing
workshops will pay particular attention to narrative voice and language use. Students
will create portfolios and must be willing to have their work carefully critiqued by their
World Literature: Homer’s Odyssey
1/2 Credit Literature
This class will concentrate solely on The Odyssey, one of the most widely read epic
poems, if not works of literature, in the world. Dealing with revolutions of political
systems, personal understanding, and spirituality, Homer’s work relates directly to
revolutions of the ancient world. Students will study theme, imagery, line formation, plot
twist, and Greek culture in an effort to understand the literature with deeper levels of
knowing. Students will assess strategy in and create a three-dimensional model of
Odysseus’ travels in The Odyssey. Onward to ancient Greece!
World Literature: Greco-Roman Politics and the Formation of Western Character
1/2 Credit Literature
Exploiting both primary and secondary documents, this course examines the
consequences of aggression in the evolution of the classical world. We will focus
particularly upon several representative poets, comedians, tragedians, philosophers and
historians in seeking to understand the nature of conflict, life, death, politics and religion
in the Greco-Roman context. Among the authors under consideration are: Homer,
Herodotus, Thucydides, Livy, Tacitus, Juvenal, Caesar, Plato, Aristotle, Aristophanes,
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Sallust, Vergil and more.
Global Understanding
And History
World History: Greek History
1/2 Credit History
This history course will focus exclusively on Ancient Greece. There will be a heavy
focus on the philosophical movements of the time, the wars between city-states Athens
and Sparta, the expansion of Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean, and the
foundations of democracy. Students will also study the roots of language and will
analyze how we are still today impacted by Ancient Greek culture.
World History: Roman History
1/2 Credit History
This course focuses exclusively on Ancient Roman History. From the founding of Rome
to the wars with Greece and North African nations, Roman history is rich in art,
architecture, drama, and political turmoil. Students will focus on how the Roman culture
rose in prominence, fell under poor leadership, and, again, expanded into an empire.
World History: Egyptian History
1/2 Credit History
Egypt’s rich history has fascinated scholars for thousands of years. From the rising
pyramids to the ancient death rituals, Egypt stands as one of the most impressive of early
civilizations. Students will study the chain of Egyptian dynasties, the lines of pharaoh
succession, the socio-economic divide between the ruling class and those that served
them, and how art affected communication.
The History of Mathematics
1/2 Credit History
Based on the book, The Saga of Mathematics - A Brief History, this class explores the
ancient Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Babylonians, Greeks, and their contributions
to mathematics. The book discusses the relation of mathematics to music, art, science,
technology, and philosophy. It features geometry, number theory, algebra, probability,
graph theory, ancient and modern counting systems. This course is suitable for all
students who have completed Algebra II, and possibly for honors Algebra I students.
Prerequisite: Algebra II or permission of instructor
Creative Arts
Ancient Art and Architecture
1/2 Credit Creative Arts
In this course, we will explore the aesthetics of ancient civilizations through their
surviving arts and architectures. Because the entirety of the ancient world was
originally handcrafted, we will look at the ways in which art has evolved from a
purely functional practice to the dynamic experience it is today. This course will be
a combination of art history, appreciation, and applied art.
Choreography of the Ancients
1/2 Credit Creative Arts
For this course, we will use the universal stories of ancient cultures to inform the creation
of original dance works. We will explore dance techniques in many styles, and study
how other choreographers have used ancient stories to appeal to modern audiences. Be
prepared to move, experiment, and create significant works of dance with your peers.
There will be opportunities for both collaborative and individual work. Students with all
levels of dance experience can sign up for this course. Advanced students will be
challenged and beginners will be encouraged.
1/2 Credit Creative Arts
Clay is a medium which use has spanned the ages. From its geological origin to the use
of its properties as a functional, architectural, and sculptural instrument, clay possesses a
rich history. It offers a sensorial quality unlike any other medium. This course is an
introduction to the sculptural and functional approaches to ceramics. We will explore
basic hand building techniques, wheel throwing and ceramic sculpture, as well as the
basic use of glazing and finishing techniques. Examples of work, studio visits and/or an
exhibition is incorporated. This class will also serve as forum for discussion of historical
and contemporary art making issues in the medium of clay.
Drawing and Painting
1/2 Credit Creative Arts
Ancient civilizations had expansive artistic creation. Drawing stood as both one of the
first “written” and artistic expressions. In this course, students will develop their drawing
and painting skills. Students will learn different techniques and experiment with
1/2 Credit Creative Arts
Sing popular, classical, multi-cultural, and folk music in this hands-on course and
perform as well. Develop your singing technique, sight-reading skills, and have fun with
others making music. All abilities are welcome.
Introduction Music Theory: The Musical Ear
1/2 Credit Creative Arts
This course will seek to understand and develop the human musical ear. We will explore
how music expresses emotion; can be used for communication, and why it has existed
since the beginning of human history. Music Theory elements include ear training and
dictation that will begin to prepare students for further composition. Further elements of
music theory including chords, form, scales, keys, and active music listening will be
Advanced Music Theory
1/2 Credit Creative Arts
This course is designed for those students who have previously taken a music theory
course. Students will study advanced composition, will create their own compositions,
and will practice the skills of counterpoint. Serious musical interest is necessary for this
Instrumental Band
1/2 Credit Creative Arts
In this course, students will found the first ever Sparhawk Orchestral Band. Prior
knowledge of an instrument is helpful, but not necessary, as students will be learning new
instruments together. There will be ample opportunities for public performances, and
students with an interest in learning an instrument are encouraged to join this class.
Please note that students will be responsible for renting or buying their instruments. The
instructor will help with this process.
Personal Development
and Philosophy
Beginnings: First Year Seminar
1/4 Credit PDV/Philosophy
First-year students will learn the basics of writing research papers, note taking, time
management, and how to be a Sparhawk student. There will be ample amounts of time
for work on large projects or papers. This is a required course of all freshmen.
Media Literacy and Current Events: Sophomore Seminar
1/4 Credit PDV/Philosophy
Second-year students will learn how to read media, both televised and written. The New
York Times, Boston Globe, and television news will be our guides, as well as the writings
of American philosopher, Neil Postman. Students will follow current events and be
responsible for participating in debates and Model U.N.
Test Prep
1/4 Credit PDV/Philosophy
This course is required of all third-year students. Students will learn test-taking
techniques in preparation for the SAT and ACT exams. Students will be required to take
the PSAT in the fall.
College Readiness
1/4 Credit PDV/Philosophy
In this course, seniors will take their college applications from initial search to finalized
and mailed. Using our ConnectEdu software, students will, with guidance, move from
high school senior to college applicant.