Course: AP Psychology Unit VIII: Motivation and Emotion Unit Topic/Standards to be taught 1. I can identify and apply basic motivational concepts to understand the behavior of humans and other animals (e.g., instincts, incentives, intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation). 2. I can discuss the biological underpinnings of motivation, including needs, drives, and homeostasis). 3. I can compare and contrast motivational theories (e.g., drive reduction theory, arousal theory, general adaption theory), including the strengths and weaknesses of each. 4. I can describe classic research findings in specific motivation systems (e.g., eating, sex, social). 5. I can discuss theories of stress and the effects of stress on psychological and physical well-being. 6. I can compare and contrast major theories of emotion (e.g., James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, Schachter two-factor theory). Bellringers White Board Reviews Formative Quizzes Reading Comprehension Quizzes Resources Needed/To Be Used Various Readings-Dream Analysis Internet Smart Board Websites Teaching Segment (We will. . . .) Facilitate group discussion and group work Provide examples for various activities Facilitate Frazzle review game Flashback Reviews Vocabulary Graphic Organizers Daily/Formative Assessments White Board Assessments Pre-Test Vocabulary Graphic Organizers Flashback Reviews ACT Readings and Questions Various Formative Assessments Videos—Discovering Psychology Textbook Psych Sim (computer simulations) Handout-Hunger Motivation Learner’s Activities/Workshop (Students wjll. . . ) Flashcards Lecture Note Outlines/Interactive Notebook Analyze FRQs Vocabulary Activities Prep-U Unit self-assessment Facial Feedback Activity Motivational theories graphic organizer Closure/Culminating Activity/Events: Summative Multiple Choice/Free Response Question Exam (College Board style with released questions)