Kerri Procida Cognitive Celebration #2 3/21/2011 1. The use of technology in my major, Health and Exercise Science, is expanding more and more each year. Every year they are either constantly updated previous technology or coming out with something new. When I went to the Atlantic City NJEA Teachers Convention in November, they had a specific section just for technology called, “Kids of the 21st Century”. The section dealt with all the different types of technology they would be introducing into the school system in the near future and gave lessons to the teachers on how it worked and how it would benefit them and their students. My point being, technology is only growing and it is becoming better and stronger than ever before. What we can to with technology is amazing and I have a feeling it’s only going to get better. 2. (a) Heart rate monitors are great pieces of technology because it allows you to know how fast your student’s hearts are beating and how physically challenging your lessons are. (b) Pedometers are also very effective because it allows you as the teacher to see how much each student is moving during your activities. (c) Wii Fit. If you choose the appropriate game that gets kids constantly moving, then this could be an excellent activity for your kids rather than running the track. (d) Accelerometers are effective tools for physical activity because they have the ability to continuously record physical activity and intensity data over user-specified time intervals. (e) DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) is a type of video game that involves students constantly moving. Many schools are beginning to incorporate this activity into their lessons and found it very effective. 3. (a) One piece of non-computer technology that I would use in one of my lessons is DDR, or Dance Dance Revolution. DDR is a type of video game that involves students continuously jumping, stepping, and moving all of their body parts, all while having fun. DDR is another way to incorporate fitness into the classroom without having to do those tedious laps around the gym or track, or doing the same exercises over and over again. DDR is for everyone, not just the jock or physically fit students; which means more involvement in your classroom! DDR is becoming more and more popular in the PE class and reason being because it is proven to be very effective. Ways that I would use them in my classroom would be: I would only probably do it for 1-2 weeks, depending on how many times per week I would meet with my students. I would do this activity more than once a year, probably do it once or twice per marking period. I could also use it as an incentive for the students to behave; for example, if they were behaving as a class, not just in PE class but in all of their classes, I would do DDR the next class to promote good behavior in the classroom. This will also benefit the other teachers because I would also be promoting good behavior into their classrooms as well. (b) Heart rate monitors are also very beneficial. They allow you to see how fast or slow each student’s heart rate is. This is also another way to self reflect on your lessons. If you notice that most of your student’s heart rates aren’t as fast as you would like them to be after a certain lesson, you could go back into your lesson and find a way to fix it to increase their heart rate the next time you present that activity to them. So not only is it beneficial for the students, but it’s great for you as a teacher also! These heart rate monitors would be used by each student during an activity. After the activity is over, each student would report to the teacher with their monitors to go over their heart rates with them. Granite, this will take up a good chunk of class time, but I think it’s necessary because it’s educating them and they’re getting a workout at the same time. By going over this information with them, you can set goals for each of your students for the next time they do this activity to see if they can increase their level of intensity during the activity to get their heart rate up some more from last time.