Y1/Y2 Spring Term Whole class teaching Wk 1 Fiction: Plan 3A Tales from a variety of cultures Monday Talk to the chn about traditional tales and how, in the past, when many people couldn’t read or write, they were not written down but passed on from parent to child. Mums and Dads would tell their chn the stories and when they were grown up they would then tell their chn. They may also have heard tales from story tellers. Make a short list of 4 or 5 traditional stories on the f/c that the chn know well, e.g. The 3 Little Pigs, Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, etc. Explain they are going to listen to a story teller tell a story they probably won’t have heard before at http://www.hamiltonathome.org.uk/5 to7/Things2Do/ListenHere/Dragon_Di nosaur/101.html. It is about Mr Chow, The Dinosaur and the Dragon (13 mins). Notice that the story teller does not read the story but just knows it. Spoken language 1/Comprehension 1 Tuesday Remind chn about the dinosaur and dragon story from yes’day. Perhaps re-listen to the end. Ask them what the ‘problem’ was in the story (a T Rex was threatening to swallow up a village). And what was the ‘resolution’, how did it get sorted out? The chn came to the rescue dressed in a dragon’s costume. Read about the difference between Western and Chinese dragons and learn about the Dragon Dance at http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Ch ineseNewYear/DragonDance.as px. Help chn decode new words and explain new vocabulary. Watch a dragon dance or try http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=4WUnWPpRslM. Transcription 1 Wednesday Read the legend about how the animals were chosen for the Chinese zodiac on http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Chin eseNewYear/ZodiacStory.aspx (see resources for text). Take the story slowly helping chn to join in with all or some of the legend. Does it remind them of a story they know? Perhaps Gingerbread Man although it was the fox that was the tricky one then! Point out how the animals showed their different characters in the way they cross the river and what they do. Chn discuss story in 2s then share ideas. Write a list of the animals giving each name a capital letter, Cat, Rat, Ox, etc. Talk about capital letters for names. Comprehension 2: Group Reading/Spoken language 2 Objectives Spoken language Main text: The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward Dimension Thursday Friday Have a shared write today with a focus on the repetitive language often found in oral stories. Set up a simple framework to re tell the story so it will be easy to remember (see resources). Fill in what each animal might have said, use the story to prompt what they did or make up your own version, e.g. ‘Me’ said Tiger ‘I’m third because I rescued a drowning butterfly. Then read the story all through together. Get a good rhythm going with Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive? Or whatever repetitive phrase you are using. After that ‘share out’ the story with 2 or 3 chn being an animal. A child or you could be the Emperor. Chn read or (with help) their part. Use pictures of the animals (see resources) to help with the order. Composition 1 Learn how to write longer and more informative sentences by using conjunctions when, if and because (subordination). Write because, when and if at the top of the flip chart. Give out the red halves of the sentences (see resources) to pairs of chn. Ask them to read them out loud. Then give out the blue halves to other pairs of chn. Give 6 chn the green conjunctions. Take suggestions about which halves go together and which would be the best conjunctions for each sentence. Grammar 1 Resources Y1/Y2 Pupils should be taught to: 1. Monday: Practising telling a story to a partner See i. participate in discussions, Remind chn about the list of traditional tales they probably know, and ask them to tell one of these stories or a Comprehension presentations, performances, role different one to a partner and listen to one in return. Structure the activity by getting the tellers to all start at the same 1 play, improvisations and debates time and giving them about 2 minutes to have a go at telling their story. It doesn’t matter if they don’t finish telling or if j. gain, maintain and monitor the it is not very accurate it but when the bell/buzzer goes they must swap over. Some chn could try and tell a story interest of the listener(s) together or work with someone older who can support them. h. speak audibly and fluently Plenary: Have a review about how hard/easy they found it. a. listen and respond appropriately Y1/Y2 Pupils should be taught to: 2. Wednesday: Discussing a story as part of Group Reading Hamilton Trust’s g. use spoken language to develop Easy/Medium: Read and discuss Hamilton Trust’s group reader Sunilla and the Dolphins. group reader understanding through speculating, Hard: Read and discuss the story of How the Animals were chosen for the Chinese Zodiac. (See Sunilla and the hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas Comprehension 1.) Dolphins Develop pleasure in reading by: 1. Monday: Practising telling a story to a partner Resource to remind Y1/Y2c. re-telling traditional tales Remind chn about the stories they know – from films, from reading them or hearing them read and from storychn about some tellers, including their own parents/grandparents (or see plan resource). Encourage chn to re-tell a story that is tales they may familiar to them personally – it may come from a different culture. The important thing is that they know it. know © Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A Composition Grammar Word reading Transcription Comprehension Y1/Y2 Spring Term Fiction: Plan 3A Tales from a variety of cultures Develop pleasure in reading by: Y1/Y2a. listening to, discussing and giving views about traditional tales Y1/2c. becoming very familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales, retelling them and considering their particular characteristics Y1/Y2 Understand the books they read by: b. checking that the story makes sense as they read Main text: The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward 2. Wednesday: Group Reading and answering questions Easy/Medium: Sunilla and the Dolphins. Ask the chn some questions, e.g. Who likes Sunilla’s singing? What is the problem in the story? How might Sunilla feel when she is pushed over the side of the boat? How is the problem sorted out (resolved)? Why did the dolphins love Sunilla? What did the sailors tell Sunilla’s family? Hard: Give the chn a copy of How the Animals were chosen for the Chinese Zodiac (see resources). They read and discuss it in a group, looking at the way the new paragraphs have been started. Some chn can then go on to list those sentence starters Next to arrive..., Not long afterwards... etc. Plenary: Watch and discuss an animation of How the Animals were chosen ... at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XA5HpVOm50 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnjXowR6KlE. Sunilla and the Dolphins by Ruth Merttens, Hamilton Group Reader. Available from http://www.ham iltoneducation.or g.uk/GroupReadi ng_Year2.php Handwriting 1. Tuesday: Making a clear and legible information sheet about dragons Simple info sheet about Y1a. sit correctly at a table Give chn the plan resource about Chinese and Western dragons. They make a careful information sheet Chinese and Western b. begin to form lower-case letters in about either one or compare both (see resources). They should use clear layout and handwriting. dragons (see resources) the correct direction, starting and Easy: Use plan resource from intro to support writing of labels about one of the dragons Outline pictures of Chinese finishing in the right place Medium: As for Easy but include one or more sentences. and Western dragons (see Y1/Y2c. form capital letters Hard: Use computers to find more detailed information about Chinese dragons for their information sheet resources) Y2b. start using some of the diagonal at http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ChineseNewYear/DragonDance.aspx. and horizontal strokes needed to join Plenary: Lay out all the sheets on tables and admire each other’s work. letters / form lowercase letters Develop their understanding of concepts by: 1. Friday: Writing names with capital letters and using conjunctions Snake shape Y1a. Leaving spaces between words Easy: Chn use the downloaded snake shape from the Topmarks website. They write the names of the downloaded from the d. using a capital letter for names of people, characters from the story round the snake making sure they use a capital letter for the start of each Topmarks website places, the days of the week, and the personal name. They can then decorate it and cut it out (see resources for capital and lowercase letters sheet Frame for filling in pronoun ‘I’ and use list of names from Wed’s introduction). Chn who really struggle can play a card matching game conjunctions (see Y2a. learning how to use familiar and new with letters at http://www.topmarks.co.uk/media/ChineseNewYear/colourings/MakeASnake.pdf. resources) punctuations Hard: Using plan resource, chn fill in the correct conjunctions to link the subordinate clauses. Capital and lowercase Y2 Learn how to use: Plenary: Read about the Chinese New Year at letter sheets – d. subordination (using when, if, that, or http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ChineseNewYear/ChineseNewYear.aspx and the customs associated with potentially cards (see because) and co-ordination (using or, and or it at http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ChineseNewYear/Customs.aspx. You may have chn in your class who resources) but) can tell you more about it. Y1 Write sentences by: 1. Thursday: Writing part of a story and learning it Animal sheet to help with a. saying out loud what they are going to write about In the same 2s or 3s as in the introduction, chn write/or dictate a new reason for order of story (see c. sequencing sentences to form short narratives their animal taking the time they did to cross the river – perhaps they helped resources) d. re-reading what they have written to check for sense someone (apart from Rat of course!) (see resources). They try to learn their ‘bit’ by Frame to help chn write Y2 Consider what they are going to write before beginning by: heart. Then they reassemble and when it is their turn they read or say their their part of the story (see a. planning or saying out loud what they are going to write reason. Everyone joins in the chorus. resources) about Plenary: Perhaps they could practise and perform their version of the story to Y1/2 Read aloud what they have written with appropriate another class or in assembly. intonation to make the meaning clear © Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A Y1/Y2 Spring Term Whole class teaching Wk 2 Fiction: Plan 3A Tales from a variety of cultures Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday This week we are going to read a great modern story with an interesting view of what dragons are like. Show chn a copy of Mappa Mundi (see resources) and The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. Look at the map with chn and explain that it is a very old. Show a modern map (perhaps online). Identify ways in which the old map is different (much less clear, more like a picture, etc.). When people did not know what the countries far away were like, they could not show them on a map and would write ‘Here be dragons’ (often in Latin) or draw dragon-like creatures as in Mappa Mundi. This came to mean an unknown place on the edge of the map. Read blurb from The Dragon Machine. Start the story. Give chn time to spot the dragons. Stop at the page showing the map. Then, read simple instructions together about how to draw dragons (see resources). Point out features and language of instructions. Spoken language 3 Re-read the book so far. Ask chn to think about and discuss the character of George. Talk about his appearance, then his personality. Use the illustrations and refer to parts of the story, encouraging chn to reflect on what the words and pictures tell us about him. Infer from the text and pictures: How can you tell he is shy? How can you tell he thinks for himself? Remind chn about what an adjective does. Think of words to describe George. Encourage chn to spot phrases in the book which help to describe him. Brainstorm ideas and record these on the f/chart, e.g. some words the chn will know, e.g. shy, lonely, as well as more developed vocab e.g. unseen, ignored, overlooked. Grammar 2 Remind chn what has happened so far. In 2s or 3s ask chn to discuss what might happen next. What could happen to the dragons? What might happen to George? They plan and practise a sentence to say their idea clearly. Have a circle time and listen to each other’s ideas. Have a look at the English story of St George and the dragon. This story is about a fierce Western dragon at http://www.mainlesson.com/dis play.php?author=bailey&book=h our&story=george. Read it to chn with readers joining in as they can. Stop and point out simple words that most chn can read and point out similes briefly. Or try this simpler version at http://resources.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/customs/stgeo rge2.html. Comprehension 3/Transcription 2 Read the rest of The Dragon Machine. Were they surprised by the ending? Discuss their reactions. Watch this clip about Bill Lishman who taught a flock of geese to follow his ultra-light aircraft. Do they think that it is a bit like what it must have been like for George when the dragons followed him? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =uurn-Nrljbw Chn are now going to plan a dragon story. They can make up their own, use parts of the stories they have heard or retell part or all of one of them. Model how chn can begin planning their story using quick sketches and jotting down useful words and phrases. Show chn the planning frame you are going to use (see resources for examples, or use your own). Talk about the features of stories; characters, setting, build up, the problem, the resolution, etc. Composition 2 Look at examples of story maps/other plans that chn made yesterday. Look at the way one event leads to another. Can chn tell their story using their plan? Give chn a few minutes to practise then ask volunteers to tell part of their story. Then read through list of conjunctions (see resources) and explain how they help us write longer sentences (chn do not need to use term conjunction at this stage – see glossary p73). Remind chn/model how to count out each word in their sentence on their fingers before they start writing. They make sure they use a full stop and then they plan their next sentence. They remember to sound out the words carefully using their phonic knowledge. Composition 3 Spoken language Objectives Comprehension Main text: The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward Dimension Y1/2 Pupils should be taught to: 3. Monday: Discussing the beginning of the story and creating ideas based on it f. maintain attention and In mixed ability groups of 3, chn discuss the story so far, making sure they listen to the opinions of others. Then participate actively in they walk carefully round the classroom, in their group, deciding where dragons might possibly hide. Where could a collaborative conversations large dragon hide? Where could a really tiny dragon hide? Draw pictures and/or write sentences. g. use spoken language to Plenary: Chn share ideas, pictures and sentences about where they thought dragons could hide. Who would like to speculate have dragons in the classroom? Who would rather they kept to the great wilderness? Take a vote. Develop pleasure in reading by: 3. Wednesday: Group Reading: Reading extracts from a story in groups Y1/Y2c. becoming familiar with key stories, and traditional Give chn adapted extracts of the version of the story of St George and the dragon the tales, considering characteristics story you read in the introduction. See resources for extracts at 3 different levels to Y1/Y2f. discussing word meanings, linking new meanings to reread in groups and illustrate. those already known Plenary: Watch and discuss this great dragon story told by Adrian Lester (14mins) at Y2g. discussing their favourite words and phrases http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/jackanory-junior-the-snowUnderstand books they read by: dragon/11521.html. Y1/Y2 Explain/discuss their understanding of books © Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Resources A copy of the Mappa Mundi (see resources) Simple instructions about how to draw dragons (see resources) Extracts at 3 levels of George and the Dragon (see resources) Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A Composition Grammar Word reading Transcription Y1/Y2 Spring Term Fiction: Plan 3A Tales from a variety of cultures Main text: The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward Pupils should be taught to: 2. Wednesday: Group Reading: Reading extracts from a story in Y1c. read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words groups Give chn adapted extracts of the version of the story of St Y1d. read common exception words George and the dragon, help chn use phonic knowledge to decode Y2b. read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the new words and discuss meaning of new vocabulary. See graphemes taught so far Comprehension 2. Y2c. read accurately words of two or more syllables that contain the same graphemes as above Y1Develop their understanding 2. Tuesday: Write names with capital letters and make a character profile using adjectives and descriptive phrases of concepts by: Easy: Working in pairs or alone, Chn write the character’s names below the picture of the dragon and George d. using a capital letter for (making up a dragon name!). They need to remember to use capitals to start the name. They then cut them out and names of people, places, the have a play with the characters inventing really imaginative dialogue. What might they say to each other? days of the week, and the Medium: Chn describe George. They record their ideas on a mind-map and draw a picture of George in the middle personal pronoun ‘I’ (see resources). They use words and phrases from f/chart to support this. Y2 Learn how to use: Hard: Write a descriptive paragraph about George using phrases from the text to support their ideas (can they b. expanded noun phrases to include conjunctions because, if, when?). describe and specify [for Plenary: Hot seat a confident volunteer as George and encourage chn to ask open questions that can’t be answered example, the blue butterfly] by ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Y1 Write sentences by: 2. Thursday: Planning a story plan with logically sequenced events a. saying out loud what they are going to write Chn make a story plan/map using their ideas from yesterday. Help them work through the plan, Discuss what they have written with a partner drawing quick sketches for each section, using arrows to link events etc. Some chn can also write Y2 Consider what they are going to write before useful key words/phrases. Encourage them to keep telling themselves their story and making sure beginning by: they have a logical sequence of events. When they are finished they could write their opening a. planning or saying out loud what they are sentence/s and/or tell their story to a partner. going to write about Plenary: Chn read the story of The Hungry Dragon on the British council site at b. writing down ideas and/or key words, http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-hungry-dragon. Draw chn’s attention including new vocabulary to the use of speech marks in the text. Y1 Write sentences by: 3. Friday: Writing a dragon story c. sequencing sentences to form short Chn use their planning sheets to rehearse their story to a partner or themselves. narratives Easy: Chn use plans to write a sentence or sentences for their dragon story. d. re-reading what they have written Medium/Hard: Chn begin to write or begin to write their own dragon story (on paper if they are to form a to check that it makes sense class book). Remind chn to try and write some longer sentences using conjunctions. They could add dialogue Y2 Develop positive attitudes towards and detail to make their story interesting to the reader. Remind them to re-read their work and use careful and stamina for writing by: and neat handwriting. They may need more time to finish their story. a. writing narratives Plenary: Have a quick look at plan resource Dragon Story Editing Checklist did they remember to do most of the things on the list? © Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Extracts at 3 levels of George and the Dragon (see resources) Picture of George and a dragon to name and cut out (see resources) Frame to draw and describe George (see resources) Planning frameworks (see resources) Dragon Story Editing Checklist (see resources) Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A Y1/Y2 Spring Term Fiction: Plan 3A Tales from a variety of cultures Main text: The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward Books: The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward, ISBN: 9781840119909 Sunilla and the Dolphins by Ruth Merttens, Hamilton Group Reader. Available from http://www.hamiltoneducation.org.uk/GroupReading_Year2.php Websites used in plan: http://www.hamiltonathome.org.uk/5to7/Things2Do/ListenHere/Dragon_Dinosaur/101.html Listen to the story of The dinosaur and the dragon (13 mins) http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ChineseNewYear/DragonDance.aspx About the Chinese New Year and shows a Dragon Dance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WUnWPpRslM Watch a Dragon Dance http://www.topmarks.co.uk/chinesenewyear/zodiacstory.aspx Chinese Zodiac story - The Animals Race http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XA5HpVOm50 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnjXowR6KlE Animated versions of the zodiac story http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ChineseNewYear/DragonDance.aspx Find more detailed information about Chinese dragons http://www.topmarks.co.uk/media/ChineseNewYear/colourings/MakeASnake.pdf Download a twirling snake http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ChineseNewYear/ChineseNewYear.aspx Read about the Chinese New Year http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ChineseNewYear/Customs.aspx Read about customs associated with the Chinese New Year http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=bailey&book=hour&story=george The story of St George and the dragon. http://resources.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/customs/stgeorge2.html A simpler version of St George and the dragon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uurn-Nrljbw A clip about Bill Lishman who taught a flock of geese to follow his ultralight aircraft http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/jackanory-junior-the-snow-dragon/11521.html A dragon story told by Adrian Lester (14mins) http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-hungry-dragon Read the story of The Hungry Dragon on the British Council site Other interesting sites: http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/onlinestory.htm Story telling ideas http://www.lancsngfl.ac.uk/curriculum/literacy/lit_site/html/fiction/fairytale2/jack/Jackactivities/contentspage.htm Listen to and read Jack and the beanstalk The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links. OUTCOMES Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1. Take part in a discussion about a story. 2. Tell a story to a partner. 1. Identify a problem in a story. 2. Design an information sheet. 1. Read a Chinese legend. 2. Answer questions about a story verbally. 1. Listen to a story and read instructions. 2. Imagine and discuss where a dragon could hide. 1. Describe a character. 2. Write descriptive sentences. 1. Read extracts from a British legend. 2. Use phonics to decode new words © Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Thursday 1. Participate in shared writing with a focus on repetitive language. 2. Tell a story as part of a group. 1. Plan a story about a dragon. 2. Tell planned story to a partner Friday 1. Write names using capitals. 2. Use conjunctions when, if, because. 1. Write a short story about a dragon. 2. Use conjunctions to write longer sentences. Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A