Definite Articles (l’articolo determinativo) Things to remember: Definite articles express the idea of “THE” The article you choose depends on if the NOUN is masculine or feminine and what letter it begins with. Definite articles are used for both SINGULAR and PLURAL NOUNS MASCULINE SINGULAR Lo used for: MASCULINE PLURAL Gli used for: L’ Il FEMININE SINGULAR La L’ I used for: FEMININE PLURAL Le used for: Definite Articles (l’articolo determinativo) Things to remember: Definite articles express the idea of “THE” The article you choose depends on if the NOUN is masculine or feminine and what letter it begins with. Definite articles are used for both SINGULAR and PLURAL NOUNS MASCULINE SINGULAR Lo L’ Il FEMININE SINGULAR La L’ used for: Mas. Sing. Noun beginning with: Z , S+ CONS, GN, or PS Ie: lo zaino Mas. Sing Noun beginning with a vowel Ie: l’alunno Mas. Sing noun beginning with any other consonant Ie: il libro used for: Fem. Sing noun beginning with any consonant Ie: La studentessa Fem. Sing noun beginning with a vowel Ie: l’alunna MASCULINE PLURAL Gli O -> I I FEMININE PLURAL Le A - > E used for: Mas. Plur. Noun beginning with: Z, S+CONS, GN, PS OR any vowel Ie: Gli zaini , gli alunni Plural form of both LO and L’ (masc) Mas. Plur. Noun beginning with any other consonant Ie: I libri used for: Fem. Plur. For every feminine word Ie: le studentesse Ie: le alunne