Progressive Era Debate Assignment

CP US History
Mr. Evans
Progressive Era Debates
You have been partnered with classmates to hold a position on a debate topic already chosen. It
is your job to prepare a well-researched argument on your position. You will be working with
your partner(s) to type an introductory statement, a planned rebuttal, and a closing statement for
the debate. You will need to find primary sources outside of Wikipedia that can form evidence
to support your position. These sources need to be clearly stated in your typed papers as well as
mentioned during your oral debate. Preparation is key as your classmates will determine the
winner of each debate.
Each member of the group must speak during the introduction and rebuttal stages. The closing
statement can be spoken by a single member of the group. Each group must speak for the
duration of their time, or else they will lose points. Each group must also be careful not to go
over their time as this will cause a loss of points. It is imperative that all group members dress
professionally on the day of the debate.
100 points for Unit 4: Progressive Era
50 points for typed statements
50 points for debate
Debate Procedure:
Pro Introduction: 4 Minutes
Con Introduction: 4 Minutes
Pro Rebuttal: 4 Minutes
Con Rebuttal: 4 Minutes
Pro Closing Statement: 1 Minute
Con Closing Statement: 1 Minute
Research and Preparation (50 Points):
You will submit one typed copy of the introductory position statement, rebuttal statement,
and closing statement at the conclusion of your debate with all team members’ names.
 Write an introductory position statement. This statement clearly details your position and
your reasons for that position. This statement is to form your introduction of your debate,
so length of paper should equate to four minutes of talking time. This statement needs to
include reasoned positions that are supported by evidence. You must find academic
material that gives you support for your position. I highly suggest that work is divided
amongst your group members. This statement will form the position that you take, but
more importantly it will be what the other group will use to form their rebuttal of your
positions. Therefore, this statement needs to be well-researched, well-written and
spoken, and well-supported with viable evidence.
Write a rebuttal statement. This statement clearly details information and arguments that
disprove, or refute, the other team’s introductory position statement. Think about what
the other team might argue and attempt to refute that evidence. This statement’s length
should equate to four minutes of speaking time. I suggest that both teams get together
and inform each other of what arguments they are going to make. This will lead to a
well-crafted debate that can potentially lead to extra credit.
Write a closing statement. This statement will offer you the chance to argue your
position one last time. This statement should counter the other team’s rebuttal of your
introductory statement. Summarize your argument, make your position clear, and win
the debate here. This statement should be written for one minute of speaking time.
Research using our time in the computer lab. I suggest finding at least two sources per
point that your group will argue. Wikipedia is not a viable academic source. Look for
academic journal articles, newspaper articles, government publications and websites, and
websites that are viable in supporting your position. It is imperative that you do not just
state the website of information, but when stating your evidence for your position you
need to state author, position, title of publication, publication source, etc. Finally, I
suggest that you research the other team’s position in order to be prepared for your
The Debate (50 Points):
 Both teams will debate from desks, facing each other, at the front of the classroom.
 The debate will be conducted in a professional and orderly manner. Respect your fellow
classmates, do not talk over each other and do not raise your voice. Team members will
speak from their desks. Team members are prohibited from speaking to the audience or
opposing team except at the times specifically allocated to them.
 You may have materials on your desk but avoid reading directly from your notes. Time
will not be added so that teams may organize their resources. Make sure to take notes
during your opponent’s introductory statement and rebuttal as it is important to refer back
to these remarks and statements for your own rebuttal and closing statement.
 I will give a one minute warning when your time is ending during the timed debate
 The teacher will be the moderator and may interject at any time.
Selection of Winners:
Audience members will fill out a secret ballot about who they believe is the winner. The winner
is not who you agreed with the most but with who made the most legitimate and well supported
points. Audience members will not let their personal beliefs guide their vote.
Absent on debate day?
You will need to bring in a well-written essay that answers the question from your team’s
position. The essay must address both your side and your opponents. It must be typed, double
spaced, stapled, and delivered to class the next day you are in school regardless of whether the
class meets. My expectation is you will be submitting three to four double spaced pages, using
in-text citations and a works cited at the back, not annotated. It may not be a rewriting of your
team’s arguments but must be your own original work.