SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION 2012 STACEY WATE – BROADFORD SC PINNIGER STREET BROADFORD VIC 3658 5784 1200 0408 506 405 SOUTHERN RANGES OFFICE BEARERS PRESIDENT: Mr. Jim Alsop Broadford SC DIVISION OFFICER: Stacey Wate Broadford SC SPORT COORDINATORS Name School Email Phone/mobile Phone/school Mark Davies Alexandra Secondary 0449 259 516 5770 2000 Brett Robinson Benalla College 0418 512 436 5761 2777 Adrian Bratovic FCJ College abratovic@fcjbenalla. 0414 950 360 5762 1222 Stacey Wate Broadford Secondary College 0408 506 405 5784 1200 Bryan Dennis Broadford Secondary College Euroa Secondary 0430 757 867 5784 1200 0439734212 5795 3544 Bethany Wolfe Euroa Secondary 0428325791 5795 3544 David Wittmer Kilmore International School 0404 029 338 5782 2211 Ross Gray Mansfield Secondary College Seymour College 0409 167 306 5775 2022 0419870207 57711300 Jason Schultz Stephen Garner Liam Hawkey St. Mary’s College Seymour 0400 692 582 5792 2611 Karen Dalrymple St. Mary’s College Seymour karend@ 0408 197 431 5792 2611 Sally Nott Yea High School 0400 936 209 5797 2207 SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION HANDBOOK 2012 SUBJECT PAGE AFL Football 24 Badminton 25 Baseball 26 Basketball 27 Codes of Behaviour 15 Cricket 28 Cross Country 30 Cross Country Map 31 Entry Forms Appendix Eastern Zone Athletics – Hurdles/Walk Entries 11 Football/ Soccer 36 General Conditions of Participation 17 Golf 32 Hockey 33 Hydration Guidelines 23 Infectious Disease Policy 21 Lawn Bowls 34 Netball 35 Operating Procedures 12 Order Off Policy 19 Protest Form 20 Round Robin Draws 10 Round Robin Draws – Result Sheet for Convenors 57 Softball 37 Squash 38 Sun Protection Policy 22 Swimming 39 Table Tennis 43 Tennis 44 Term Planners 3 Track & Field 45 Volleyball 51 TERM 1 SPORT PROGRAM Thursday 1st March: Senior Boys and Senior Girls Cricket Friday 23rd March: Round Robin 1 - Tennis - Softball - Baseball - Cricket - Volleyball TERM 2 SPORT PROGRAM Friday 11th May: Round Robin 2 Football - Soccer - Badminton - Netball - Basketball (Senior only) - Hockey (Senior only) - Table Tennis (Senior Only) - Squash ( Senior Only) TERM 3 SPORTS PROGRAM Tuesday 4th September: Round Robin 3 - Basketball - Squash - Table Tennis - Hockey SOURTHEN RANGES ROUND ROBIN DRAWS COMPETITION WITH 3 OR 4 TEAMS ROUND 1 1 2 v v ROUND 2 (4) 3 (4) 1 v v ROUND 3 3 2 2 3 v v (4) 1 COMPETITION WITH 5 OR 6 TEAMS ROUND 1 1 2 3 v v v ROUND 2 (6) 5 4 (6) 5 1 v v v ROUND 3 4 3 2 2 3 4 ROUND 4 (6) 1 2 v v v v v v (6) 1 5 ROUND 5 5 4 3 3 4 5 v v v (6) 2 1 COMPETITION WITH 7 OR 8 TEAMS ROUND 1 1 2 3 4 v v v v ROUND 2 (8) 7 6 5 (8) 6 7 1 v v v v ROUND 3 5 4 3 2 ROUND 5 3 4 5 6 v v v v (8) 2 1 7 2 3 4 5 v v v v ROUND 4 (8) 1 7 6 ROUND 6 (8) 1 2 3 v v v v (8) 7 1 2 v v v v ROUND 7 7 6 5 4 4 5 6 7 v v v v (8) 3 2 1 COMPETITION WITH 9 OR 10 TEAMS ROUND 1 1 2 3 4 5 v v v v v ROUND 2 (10) 9 8 7 6 (10) 7 8 9 1 ROUND 4 (10) 8 9 1 2 v v v v v v v v v v 6 5 4 3 2 2 3 4 5 6 ROUND 5 7 6 5 4 3 ROUND 7 4 5 6 7 8 v v v v v ROUND 3 (10) 3 2 1 9 3 4 5 6 7 v v v v v v v v v v (10) 1 9 8 7 ROUND 6 (10) 2 1 9 8 (10) 9 1 2 3 ROUND 8 (10) 1 2 6 4 v v v v v v v v v v 8 7 6 5 4 ROUND 9 9 8 7 3 5 5 6 7 8 9 v v v v v (10) 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 SOUTHERN RANGES ENTRIES FOR EASTERN-ZONE ATHLETICS – HURDLES/ WALKS CLOSE ON: FRIDAY 14 SEPTEMBER, 2012. Please provide a time for each student in the event of too many entries for the event. SCHOOL: NAME Boys U21 Hurdles 110m (99cm) Boys U17 Hurdles 110m (92cm) Boys U16 Hurdles 100m (84cm) Boys U15 Hurdles 100m (84cm) Boys U14 Hurdles 90m (76cm) Boys U13 Hurdles 80m (76cm) Girls U21 Hurdles 100m (84cm) Girls U17 Hurdles 100m (84cm) Girls U16 Hurdles 90m (84cm) Girls U15 Hurdles 90m (76cm) Girls U14 Hurdles 80m (76cm) Girls U13 Hurdles 80m (76cm) Girls U21 1500m Walk Girls U15 1500m Walk Boys U21 1500m Walk Boys U15 1500m Walk TIME SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION OPERATING PROCEDURES 1. NAME: 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.2 The name of the group shall be the SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION. The group shall be the SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION OF SCHOOL SPORT VICTORIA. AIMS: To foster and promote sport and good sporting practices and attitudes in the Division member schools. To this end the division strongly endorses the School Sport Victoria code of ethics as it relates to Sports Coordinators, Coaches, Officials and Participants. To organize and control sporting competition between the member schools and decide group representative teams at Hume Region controlled finals. 3. MEMBERSHIP: 3.1 Southern Ranges member schools for 2012 are:- Alexandra SC, Broadford SC, Benalla SC, Benalla FCJ, Euroa SC, Kilmore International School, Mansfield, Yea HS, St. Mary’s Seymour, Seymour P-12. AFFILIATION: 3.2 A school shall become affiliated on payment of the full affiliation fee as determined by the Annual Meeting of the Division. Non-government school affiliation will be reviewed annually by School Sport Victoria. 3.3 The affiliation fee shall be based on the Schools’ enrolment figures Year 7-12 inclusive as at 1st March each year. Fees are due and payable by the 31st March each year. 4. MEETING: 4.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the last week in November at a date set by the previous Annual General Meeting. 4.2 At least fourteen days’ notice of the meeting shall be given to each member together with an Agenda of items of Special Business of which written notice has been received by the Secretary. 4.3 The Agenda for the meeting shall be: a) Apologies b) Minutes of Previous Annual Meeting c) Correspondence d) Presentation of Annual Report by the Division Officer e) Presentation of audited annual Statement of Receipts & Payments by the Secretary f) Presentation of Budget for the following year g) Affiliation fee for the next year h) Election of the following Office Bearers: President i) Appointment of an auditor j) Special Business k) General Business 4.4 ATTENDANCE VOTING QUORUM AT GENERAL MEETINGS a) Each member shall be represented by up to two delegates. Each member is entitled to one vote when present. b) General Meetings shall be held at least three times per year as required. c) Special meetings may be called by the President or Secretary or by request in writing from at least two schools. The Secretary must call a special meeting within one month of the receipt of such a request. d) A quorum shall consist of representatives from at least four schools 5. DUTIES OF OFFICE BEARERS: 5.1 President: To attend and chair all duly constituted meetings of the Group, such meeting to be conducted in accordance with normal practice for the conduct of meetings. Shall have a deliberative and casting vote at all meetings. 5.2 Vice-President: Shall assume the role of President in the Presidents absence or when the President vacates the chair. Division Officer: School Sport Victoria shall appoint a Division Officer Duties: a) Shall keep minutes, be responsible for all correspondence, keep records and carry out all the requirements of the Executive and President. b) Shall operate an account with an Institution. c) Shall receive and deposit all monies, write receipts for all such monies, keep books in relation to the receipt and expenditure of such monies and shall sign cheques with an approved co-signatory. d) Shall send accounts for Affiliation Fees and other charges to all member schools. e) Shall represent SOUTHERN RANGES at all HUME Region Executive and General Meetings. f) Shall compile and distribute to all members a calendar of events for the following year by 30 September in the current year. g) Coordinate all group competitions and convene Swimming, Athletics and Cross-Country and for 2012 be responsible for ALL competition draws. h) Ensure the names of Division teams are submitted to the Hume Region Officer by the deadline dates. i) Handle Division disputes and protests. j) Liaise between schools and the Executive of the Region. k) Control storage and upkeep of Division equipment. 5.3 The executive may establish an Appeals/ Dispute/ Discipline sub-committee consisting of the PRESIDENT, DIVISION OFFICER AND A SPORT COORDINATOR from the Division with the power to co-opt. A Quorum shall be three and must include the President or Division Officer. The President or in her/his absence a chairperson appointed by the Committee shall have a casting vote if necessary. Appeals and Disputes, must be lodged in writing to the Secretary and be post office dated or fax-dated no more than three days after the date of the incident. THIS SHOULD CONTAIN THE RELEVANT EVIDENCE REQUIRED TO RESOLVE THE DISPUTE/ APPEAL ETC. The Division Officer must call a meeting of the Appeals/ Disputes/ Discipline Committee and the decision of the Committee is final and binding on the parties involved. A DECISION TO BE MADE WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THE REQUEST BEING RECEIVED OR/ BEFORE THE NEXT ROUND OF COMPETITION – WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. DETAILS OF THE DISPUTES COMMITTEES’ DECISION TO BE SENT IN WRITING TO ALL PARTIES INVOLVED IMMEDIATELY. 6 APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR: 6.1 The Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting to conduct the Audit for the following year. 7 GROUP SPORTS CONVENORS: 7.1 Shall be appointed as early as possible preferably at the Annual General Meeting for the next year. 7.2 Shall be responsible for the organisation and conduct of Inter-School Competition in nominated sports. 7.3 Shall have the authority to act as arbiter for on the sport decisions in their sport. 7.4 7.5 7.6 Shall forward to the Division Officer accurate records and results of such immediately after completion. Shall keep detailed financial records and forward these together with any claims for payment to the Division Officer. Are in sole charge on the day(s) of competition. 9. BONA FIDE STUDENTS: 9.1 A bona fide student shall be one who is currently a student at a member school and under twenty-one years (21) as at 31st December in the year of competition. 9.2 Students participate in all Upper Hume programs at their own risk. They are responsible for their own personal injury/ accident insurance. 10. ALTERATIONS TO THE OPERATING PROCEDURES: 10.1 Notice of motion to amend the Operating Procedures or Rules at an Annual or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting called for that purpose must be made in writing to the Secretary. At least 21 days before a meeting and be circulated to members 14 days prior to the meeting. 10.2 A majority of at least 5 member schools is required. Such changes shall take place from the completion of the meeting or the date(s) implicit in the changes(s). 11. RULES AND BY-LAWS: 11.1 The Division shall establish and maintain Rules for the General Conduct of Sporting Competitions between affiliated schools. Such rules to be approved by the Executive. Such rules shall include: a) Sports to be offered for competition b) Age Groups/ Sections to be provided c) Safety requirements d) Disciplinary provisions e) Other appropriate provisions 11.2 The Division shall establish and maintain By-Laws for each sport. Such ByLaws to be approved by the Executive. Such By-Laws include: a) Format of competition. b) Duration of Matches/ Program. c) Determination of winning teams. d) Rules of Laws specifically applying to that sport. e) Other appropriate provisions. 12. OTHER: 12.1 The Division shall produce programs, including an SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION Handbook and other publications considered appropriate. 13. PROVISO: 13.1 The Division Officer shall deal with any matter not covered by these operating procedures. In such cases, the Division Officer will recommend the insertion of the appropriate clauses in the Operation Procedures to overcome the deficiency. "CODES OF BEHAVIOUR" School Sport Victoria, has outlined a "Code of Behaviour' which it hopes will emphasize more fully its role and involvement in sports organization and participation. School Sports Coordinators, Coaches and Officials, by example of behaviour, hold an enormous influence over the youth of the community, Conduct of all adult participants and their teams within the aims and objectives of the Association are considered mandatory for the privilege of participating. Adult Officials Must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Not criticize players in front of spectators, but make constructive criticism in private or in the presence of the team. Accept decisions of all umpires/ referees/ judges as being fair and made to the best of their ability. Not criticize the opposing team or supporters by word or gesture or action. Set a good example in personal appearance. Emphasize that winning of a game is a result of "Team Work'. Make every sporting activity serve as a training ground for life and as a basis for good mental and physical health. Place the welfare and development of the team, and its individual players above win/ loss records. Spectators must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Remember that young people participate in sport for their enjoyment, not yours Applaud good performance and efforts. Congratulate all participants regardless of the game's outcome. Respect decisions of officials Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by spectators, coaches, officials or players Show respect for your team's opponent Encourage players to follow the rules Do not use foul language, sledge or harass players, coaches or officials Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion Team members must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Compete by the competitions rules and conditions. Never argue with the Judges', Referees' or Umpires' decision. Control emotions - no criticism by word or gesture. Be good sports. Encourage and support your own team members and give credit for good performances of your opponents. Cooperate with your coach and team mates. Show respect for your opponents and their skills. GUIDE-LINES TO PRINCIPALS The Southern Ranges Division needs the assistance of Principals to ensure that: 1. Competent supervising teachers are supplied for: a) Supervision on buses. b) Supervision in dressing rooms and toilets. c) Supervision at venues. d) To officiate when requested (Supervisory teachers should be of sufficient numbers to provide adequate supervision at all times). 2. 3. 4. Pupils are aware that all teachers at venues have a supervisory right over the students, both participating and spectating. This includes teachers from other schools. Students do not assume a "win at all costs' attitude. Students be aware of the `order-off' rule. Principals are asked to facilitate this code through staff meetings, student assemblies, etc. GUIDE-LINES FOR TEACHERS OR SCHOOL COUNCIL APPROVED ADULTS ACCOMPANYING TEAMS. 1. All teams must be supervised by a teacher or school council approved adult who must be prepared to umpire if asked to do so by the Convener. Prior notice will be given by the convener. Staff accompanying teams are advised to wear name-tags and make themselves known on arrival to assist the convener. 2. All teams must supply their own sports and first-aid equipment. 3. Matches will start at 10.00am & be completed by 2.00pm.; unless otherwise stated. Exceptions will be swimming, track and field and football/ soccer. Teams that arrive late will be subject to penalty. (See each sport.) 4. Teachers must ensure that teams are outfitted in correct attire or the school P.E. uniform for their respective sports. Uniform must be consistent throughout the team. Jeans are not acceptable at all. 5. Teachers must try to solve any dispute on the day. If this cannot be done follow the correct procedure for protests and appeals using the protest form in this booklet. 6. If spectators are in attendance at any SOUTHERN RANGES fixture, they must be adequately supervised. 7. In all sports where seeding of players is required (squash, tennis, badminton, table tennis) the players must be seeded in order of ability. e.g. Number 1 player - best player Number 2 player - 2nd best player Number 3 player - 3rd best player Number 4 player - 4th best player Number 5 player - 5th best player Number 6 player - 6th best player The relative seeded order must be adhered to for all games on the day. Any 4 players can play in a match as long as they stay in the relative seeded order. Doubles can be any combination of the players. A player may only play in one singles and one doubles in any one match. 8 Teachers or school council approved adults in charge of school teams may delegate coaching or umpiring duties (parents, students, ex-students etc.). These people must be aware of the "Code of Ethics' and all guide-lines set down by the UPPER HUME Division Executive. They must also realise that the teacher or school council approved adult is the person in charge of the students not the delegated coach or umpire. The teacher or the school council approved adult is responsible for all behaviour by both students and assistants. RESPONSIBILITY OF SCHOOLS WHEN INVOLVED IN KNOCKOUTS 1. 2. 3. 4. It is essential that schools play these matches by the due date, otherwise the whole competition is affected. Both teams have a responsibility to ensure that all arrangements are made to comply with 1. above. Realise that washouts are possible and plan accordingly. If a school finds that they cannot make arrangements due to the lack of co-operation on the part of the other school they must contact the convener immediately. The convener has the power to exclude teams who do not comply with these requirements. GUIDE-LINES FOR CONVENERS A convener, if available, is appointed for each sport with the power to alter conditions of play at SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION level given exceptional circumstances. Convenors must be VIT registered or hold a current approved Working with Children Identification Card. The duties of the Convener are as follows: 1. Organise umpires or teachers (with SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION OFFICER), draw up score sheets if required, attend to any organisational matters prior to the competition (e.g. first aid equipment, ground marking, canteen, etc.). 2. On the day of Competition: Ensure that finals run smoothly. Deploy umpires. Handle and disputes (make sure there is a result). Hand out SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION Certificates – winners if available 3. After the Competition: Send completed results to the Division Officer including scores and ladders. Compile a report on the conduct of the competition. 4. In all sports where seeding of players is required (squash, tennis, badminton, table tennis) all players must be seeded in order according to their ability. Number 1 player - best player Number 2 player - 2nd best player Number 3 player - 3rd best player Number 4 player - 4th best player etc The relative seeded order must be adhered to for all games on the day. Any 4 players can play in a match as long as they stay in the relative seeded order. Doubles can be any combination of the players. A player can only play in one singles and one doubles in any one match. 5. Teams must be accompanied by a teacher or school council approved adult from the school. 6. All competitors must be correctly attired for their respective sport. Jeans are not acceptable attire. 7. All premier teams will represent SOUTHERN RANGES DIVISION at the HUME REGION COUNTRY FINALS. 8. If only three teams are competing in the SOUTHERN RANGES event, the first round match will be between schools A and B; the second round match will be between the third team (school C) and the loser of the first round match; and the third round will be between the winner of the first round match and school C. If the first round match is a draw, round two will be between school A and C; and round 3 will be between schools B & C.” GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION IN SOUTHERN RANGES CHAMPIONSHIPS 1. All participants must be bona-fide secondary school students (in a school that is affiliated with SOUTHERN RANGES), and be under the age of 21 on the 31st of December in the year of competition. 2. Competing sections are: YEAR 7 YEAR 8 INTERMEDIATE SENIOR - Years 7 and 14 & under at 31/12/2012. Not years 9 to 12 and 15 & under at 31/12/2012. Not years 11 and 12 and 18 & under 31/12/2012 Under 21 at 31/12/2011 Students are eligible to compete in sections for which they are eligible subject to the conditions that follow. Sports are divided into team sports and other sports. For team sports are as follows. In all Division competitions, teams playing ineligible students will be disqualified from the competition. Similarly, for individual competitors. SENIOR SUMMER TEAM SPORTS TENNIS SOFTBALL [Girls only] BASEBALL [Boys only] VOLLEYBALL CRICKET LAWN BOWLS SENIOR WINTER TEAM SPORTS FOOTBALL NETBALL HOCKEY SOCCER BADMINTON BASKETBALL YEARS 7, 8 AND INTERMEDIATE TEAM SPORTS. TERM 1 TERM 2 BASEBALL [Boys only] BADMINTON TENNIS NETBALL CRICKET SOCCER VOLLEYBALL FOOTBALL SOFTBALL [Girls only] 6. TABLE TENNIS SQUASH TERM 3 HOCKEY BASKETBALL TABLE TENNIS SQUASH For team sports, students are eligible to compete in the following: a) b) c) d) For year 11 and 12 competitors, two senior summer, and two senior winter team sports from the above lists. Other sports at any time in any number of them. For Year 7 to 10 competitors, Two term 1/ term 4 sports; or one term 1 sport and one summer sport; or 2 summer sports. Two term 2 sports; or one term 2 sport and one winter sport; or two winter sports. Two term 3 sports. Other sports at any time and in any number of them. A STUDENT MUST CONTINUE IN THE SECTION OR AGE GROUP SELECTED AT DIVISION LEVEL THROUGH TO STATE LEVEL IN THAT SPORT. 7. Only one team per age group per Division will be permitted to compete at Southern Ranges competition unless otherwise stated. Wodonga Middle Years College is permitted for 2012 to enter a Huon and a Felltimber team in each sport except for Swimming and Athletics where the best performer at their combined carnival will be the WMYC representative. 8. Matches should not be cancelled because of weather conditions, if it is humanly possible to play. Cancellations will only come from Ground staff asking for play to stop at the ground, or the Convenor ruling that play is impossible or the conditions are not safe. Schools should contact the Division Officer or Convenor as early as possible on the day of competition. 9. Teams must supply all of their own sports equipment, and first aid equipment. 10. Each team is to be correctly attired. 11. All teams are to be accompanied and supervised by a teacher or a school council approved adult. It is advisable that this person be prepared to umpire if asked to do so by the Convener. 12. THAT WHILE SOUTHERN RANGES SPORTS CONVENERS MAY ALTER ARRANGEMENT IN EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES SPECIFIC PENALTIES FOR EACH TEAM SPORT NOW FORM PART OF THE CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION. 10. The team(s) winning at Southern Rangers will proceed to the HUME Region COUNTRY FINALS. ORDER OFF POLICY. Competitors will be sent off for the following reasons: 1. Striking or unduly rough play, 2. Swearing and/or abusive behaviour directed towards members of the opposition, umpires or any other officials, 3. Continual disputing of umpiring decisions. Players will be given one warning and if they infringe a second time they will be sent off. Clarification of any umpiring decisions should only be done by the coach or team captain, via the convener, in a calm and sensible manner at an appropriate time. 4. Any student sent off will not be permitted to play in any other UPPER HUME matches for that sport. The student will also be ineligible to play at HUME REGION FINALS. 5. The umpire(s), and convener, and or any member of the UPPER HUME Executive have the right to apply the order off rule. 6. In games such as Hockey which has rules relating to suspending players for infringement of rules, it must be left to the judgement of the umpire whether or not the offence is serious enough to warrant a "Red Card" [send off permanent suspension] or only a temporary suspension. REGULATIONS COVERING STOPPAGE OF GAMES BEFORE FULL TIME: 1. If two players from the same team are sent off, for the reasons given above, the match will be stopped and awarded to the opposition. 2. If coaches dispute an umpiring decision in an unacceptable manner, [see 3. above], they will be given one warning, and if a second infringement occurs the match will be stopped and awarded to the opposition. 3. If in a very one sided match, and after consultation between the umpire and the convener, It is felt that frustration may cause unacceptable behaviour if the match continues, the match will be stopped and awarded to the team winning at the time. 4. If spectators [eg. students, ex-students, parents, friends] supporting a particular team display unacceptable or abusive behaviour towards the umpire or members of the opposition team, the convener will inform the coach of that team, that if it continues the match will be stopped and awarded to the opposition. SOUTHERN RANGES PROTEST FORM TO BE SENT TO THE DIVISION SECRETARY AND MUST BY FAX DATED OR POST DATED NO MORE THAN THREE DAYS AFTER THE INCIDENT. THIS SHOULD CONTAIN THE RELEVANT EVIDENCE REQUIRED TO RESOLVE THE DISPUTE/ APPEAL ETC. SCHOOL: DATE: SPORT: AGE GROUP/ SECTION: CONVENOR: BRIEF EXPLANATION: SPORT COORDINATOR’S SIGNATURE: DATE: PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE: DATE: INFECTIOUS DISEASES POLICY It is strongly recommended that all contact sports coaches, managers, officials, players and their parents be informed of this policy and its commonsense recommendations. A number of blood-borne diseases can be transmitted during body contact sports. The more serious include HEPATITIS and HIV (AIDS) infections. These diseases may be spread by contact between broken skin or mucous membranes and infected: - Blood; - Saliva (not for HIV); - Semen and Vaginal fluids. N.B. There is no evidence that sweat/ urine, and tears will transmit Hepatitis B or HIV. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WILL REDUCE THE RISK OF TRANSMITTING INFECTIOUS DISEASES (All open cuts and abrasions must be reported and treated immediately) PLAYERS: 1. It is every participant's responsibility to maintain strict personal hygiene, as this is the best method of controlling the spread of these diseases. 2. It is strongly recommended that all participants involved in contact sport be vaccinated against HEPATITIS B. 3. All participants with prior evidence of these diseases are strongly advised to obtain confidential advice clearance from a doctor prior to competition. TEAM AREAS: 1. It is each school's responsibility that their dressing rooms are clean and tidy. Particular attention should be paid to hand-basins, toilets and showers. Adequate soap, paper handtowels, brooms, refuse disposal bins and disinfectants must be available at all times. 2. The practices of spitting and urinating in team areas must not be permitted. 3. All clothing, equipment and surfaces contaminated by blood must be treated as potentially infectious and treated accordingly. 4. It is strongly recommended that all staff working in contact sport team areas should be vaccinated against HEPATITIS B. 5. In all training areas, open cuts and abrasions must be reported to the coach and treated immediately. REFEREES AND OFFICIALS: 1. It is strongly that those officiating in body contact sports should be vaccinated against HEPATITIS B. 2. Officials must report all open cuts and abrasions to team coaches/ managers at the first available opportunity. 3. All contaminated clothing and equipment must be replaced prior to the player being allowed to resume playing. 4. If bleeding should recur, the above procedures must be repeated. 5. If bleeding cannot be controlled, or the wound securely covered, the player must not continue playing. EDUCATION: 1. There is an obligation upon all relevant sports staff to provide suitable information on the associated risk factors and prevention strategies against these diseases. Additional information may be obtained from doctors or state Health Departments. 2. The safe handling of contaminated clothing, equipment and surfaces must be brought to the attention of all players and associated staff. 3. Although Hepatitis B vaccination is usually effective in raising immunity to hepatitis B, it provides no protection against other blood-borne diseases such as HIV. Vaccinations must not result in any relaxation of hygiene standards. SUN PROTECTION POLICY INTRODUCTION: It is well known that Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. Levels of ultraviolet radiation are particularly high in many locations around Australia. Many sporting events organized by School Sport Victoria and its members are conducted outdoors and in locations, which have been identified as high skin cancers risk areas, particularly at certain times of the day. It is therefore incumbent on School Sport Victoria and its members to protect students and staff to the greatest extent possible, from the dangers of exposure to the sun. AIMS: The aims of this policy are to promote: a) b) c) An awareness of the dangers of exposure to the sun and the need for protective measures. The need for positive attitudes and responsible behaviours towards skin protection. Practices which can reduce the incidence of skin cancer. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES In order to ensure that participants at School Sport Victoria events are afforded the best possible protection from skin damage caused by the sun, the following implementation strategies are recommended: 1. Sport Coordinators should ensure that team uniforms are suitable for the locations to be visited and that hats are included when travelling to high sun risk venues. 2. Sport Coordinators/ Conveners, where possible, should schedule matches outside the identified high risk times. 3. Sport Coordinators/ Conveners, where possible, should ensure that adequate shade areas are provided at competition venues. 4. Sport Coordinators should ensure that team officials provide team members with adequate instruction on sun sense and protection measures. 5. Sport Coordinators should ensure that team officials provide modeling behaviours which are appropriate for protection from the sun. 6. Sport Coordinators should ensure that team officials encourage personal protection measures for students at all times, including: Encouraging the wearing of hats when in the sun Encouraging the use of broad spectrum sunscreen Encouraging the use of available shade areas whenever possible The above are protective measures which the School Sport Victoria encourages all participants to embrace so as to ensure the appropriate precautions are taken when exposed to the sun. HYDRATION GUIDELINES DRINK WATER - DRINK FLUIDS - DRINK WATER - DRINK FLUIDS INTRODUCTION The School Sport Victoria provides programs that have both sporting and educational opportunities for students. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that students become aware of the benefits of proper hydration practices before, during and after physical activity. It is essential therefore, that adults accompanying teams to School Sport Victoria events ensure that students are not placed at risk and are properly hydrated before participating in physical activity. Key Messages The following messages should be used to help convey the benefits of proper hydration THIRST IS A POOR INDICATOR OF FLUID NEED HYDRATE BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER PLAY Suggested Procedures The following procedures are suggested for all School Sport Victoria events: Teachers should ensure that water is available at all times. Other fluids that may be used include diluted sports drinks, diluted cordial and diluted fruit juices. Carbonated drinks should not be used. The procedures to be followed for providing fluid to students during competition should be clearly identified prior to the commencement of competition Scheduled breaks in matches should be used to actively promote the benefits of hydration to participants. Where possible, accompanying teachers should actively promote the use of interchanges rules as a tool to prevent dehydration. Participating teams may designate their own water carriers. These may be students and/ or adults but cannot be a team coach. No water carrier is to engage in the coaching of individuals or the team whilst on the field of play. All teams are provided individual water bottles for every event. During matches, these should be located immediately next to the playing area to enable players to help themselves (at appropriate times) during matches. REMEMBER - DRINK UNTIL YOUR URINE IS CLEAR!! AFL FOOTBALL COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: A competent boundary umpire, suitably dressed. A good match ball and a practice ball. A First-aid kit; A competent scorer with score cards, and timekeeper. A competent goal umpire; 1 set of goal umpire's flags. THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY, AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL, SUBJECT TO THE UPPER HUME PROTEST PROCEDURES. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 30 PLAYERS ON THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION: 1. Football will be conducted under the rules of the National Australian Football Council unless otherwise stated. Points will be awarded accordingly in round robins. Win: 2 points; Draw: 1 point; Loss: 0 points If teams cannot be separated on points after the Round-Robin matches, percentages of match points will be used to determine the winner. 2. Where 5 or more teams enter a football competition – 2-pools of round-robin matches will be played. Games will consist of two 15-minute halves for Round-Robin competitions, (the time of a match maybe altered by the convener, depending on entries). Half-time will be of 5 minutes- duration and there will be no time-on, unless indicated by the umpire for exceptional circumstances (i.e. injury or deliberate time-wasting). 3 Knockout competition matches will be four 25-minute quarters for Senior boys and Years 10-12 girls and four 20minute quarters for Year 7 boys, Year 8 boys, Intermediate boys and Years 7-9 girls with no time-on (except for that mentioned in 3 above), with a 10 minute break at half-time and five minutes at the other breaks. 4 There will be only 15 minutes between Round Robin games. Supervising teachers must ensure that their teams are present and ready to take the field for a prompt start to all matches. 5 See the Upper Hume Order Off Policy in this Handbook. The send-off rule will be strictly enforced. 6. A YELLOW CARD may be used to give the umpire/ convener the power to send a player from the field for a specified period to ‘cool-off’. A player sent off with a YELLOW CARD is not replaced. IF a player receives TWO YELLOW CARDS during one day’s competition, the second card will be recognized as a RED card. 1. In the event of a draw in the finals, 5 minutes of extra time will be played in each direction. This will continue until a result is obtained. 2. It is essential that teams & any spectators are closely supervised at all times. 3. In girls football a penalty of 25 metres will be imposed rather than 50 metres. 4. THE CONVENERS HAVE THE POWER TO APPLY THE FOLLOWING PENALTY FOR TEAMS THAT ARRIVE AFTER THE STARTING TIME.... LOSE THE MATCH THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IN PROGRESS 6 GOALS TO ZERO. 5. Football sizes Competition Level Type of Football Size Junior Girls Synthetic (Wet Weather) 4 Senior Girls Synthetic (Wet Weather 4 Year 7 & 8 Boys Leather or Synthetic (Wet Weather) 4 Intermediate & Senior Boys Leather Full BADMINTON COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: Own Rackets and Scorebook. 6 good-quality nylon shuttlecocks. [RED RATED] Umpire for each game (these may be teachers, or students who are not playing at that time). First-Aid kit. THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL SUBJECT TO THE SOUTHERN RANGES PROTEST PROCEDURES. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 6 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION: 1. Badminton will be conducted under the rules of the International Badminton Association unless otherwise stated. 2. The format for Upper Hume competitions will be a Split Round Robin with a final. If there is less than full entries then if 5 or less teams, a full round robin will be played. 3. Winners of matches (EXCEPT THE FINAL) will be decided on games won, and if these are equal, on game points won. If these are equal then a draw will be declared. 4. Points are to be awarded for the Round-Robin matches to determine the winners of each pool on the following basis: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points Should two teams finish the competition with the same number of points, the winner of the match between these two teams will assume the higher position. If this match was a draw or if more than two teams were equal on Round Robin points the relative positions will be determined on games won, and if teams are still equal percentage will be used. When doing these calculations involving a three way tie, the convenor should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from games involving 4th, 5th etc. Please note when doing calculations in a two way tie ALL team results are to be used. 5. Matches are to consist of 6 Games (4 Singles and 2 Doubles). All games will be played first to 21 points with advantage played at 20-all. Teams are to consist of 4-6 players, ranked in order of ability. Ranking order must be maintained throughout the day for singles games. If a replacement is required, that player must play at number 4, and the rest of the players must be adjusted up, in order as necessary. 6. Changing of seedings during the competition will result in either forfeiture of the relevant matches or forfeiture of the round or disqualification from the competition, at the Convener's discretion. 7. Hit-ups will be restricted to 2 minutes only. 8. Players must be dressed in their school sports uniform or in approved white/ pale squash or tennis attire. Caps, jeans, board shorts and tank tops are not acceptable. Black-marking shoes will not be permitted on the courts. Any player not appropriately attired as listed, will not be permitted to participate. 9. Any pairing may be used for Doubles. 10. Competing students in a match must be listed on the score sheet prior to the match starting. 11. IN A SPLIT ROUND ROBIN/ or FINAL, IN THE EVENT OF A TIE, THE TWO DOUBLES GAMES WILL BE REPLAYED WITH THE SAME PLAYERS PLAYING EACH OTHER TO 21 WITH ADVANTAGE AT 20-ALL. THE RESULT OF THE MATCH WILL THEN BE DECIDED BY THE COMBINED RESULT OF THE TWO NEW DOUBLES SETS. 12. THE CONVENER HAS THE POWER TO APPLY THE FOLLOWING PENALTY FOR TEAMS THAT ARRIVE AFTER THE STARTING TIME: ... LOSE BY THE MAXIMUM SCORE TO ZERO IN ALL THE GAMES THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IN PROGRESS. BASEBALL COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: 1 New leather match ball -- V.B.A. approved. 1 Competent scorer and scorebook. 1 Competent UMPIRE & line umpire (senior student). First-Aid Kit 1 Complete set of bases. THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL, SUBJECT TO THE SOUTHERN RANGES PROTEST PROCEDURES. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 14 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Baseball will be conducted under the rules of international baseball unless otherwise stated. The format of the competition will be a split round-robin with a final between the winners of each pool. In the case of less than full entries, then a split round robin will be played if there are greater than 5 teams. Matches are to be of 60 minute duration for split round robins or as communicated in the draw for full round robins. The finishing time must not vary. If innings are not even at "time', scores revert back to even innings. If the team batting second has scored at least one more run than the first team and they are still at bat, then that team shall be the winner. If a final is required then the final shall be at least 4 equal innings. Points are to be awarded for the round-robin matches to determine the winners of each sub-group on the following basis: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points Should two teams finish the competition with the same number of points, the relative positions will be determined by the result of the round robin match between these two teams. If this was a draw or if more than two teams are equal then run percentage will be used. In baseball, percentage is calculated viz. [(runs for) / (runs for plus runs against)] x 100. When doing these calculations involving a three way tie, the convenor should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from games involving 4th, 5th etc. Please note when doing calculations in a two way tie ALL teams results are to be used. The final will be of 4 innings duration. In the event of a draw, the game will continue until one team wins. Dimensions are: Senior Int. 7/8 Pitching Distance 18.45m. 17.37m. 16.45m. Base Paths 27.43m. 25.91m. 24.67m. Individual pitchers may be used for a maximum of 120 pitches for senior, 110 pitches for intermediate, 100 pitches for year 8 and 90 pitches for year 7. If and when the maximum number has been reached the player can continue to play BUT cannot pitch or catch. A player cannot be used as both a pitcher and catcher in the same game. Year 7 pitchers are not permitted to throw curved balls. Each team must be uniformly attired (baseball uniforms or P.E. Tops). Helmets must be worn at bat and base. Players removing their helmet whilst running will be given out. An umpire or the convener shall have the right to dismiss a player from the game for bad conduct. One warning, then automatic dismissal. See order off policy. Teams must move on and off the diamonds quickly. Time wasting will not be tolerated as a tactic. Umpires will instruct the pitcher to pitch, and call strikes if a team is slow to come out to bat, or will call balls to walk the batter in the reverse situation. Catchers are to wear face masks with throat protection and skull cap. The 9 batter rule applies for all competitions. A ball passing behind the catcher is deemed to be "live'. Two time-outs are permitted per team per game The fifteen run rule will apply after three completed innings and the ten run rule after 5 innings. The convener has the power to apply the following penalty for schools arriving after the starting time. Loss of match 5 nil. BASKETBALL TIME & DRAW Division Officer COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: A competent umpire for each team entered A competent scorer. A competent timekeeper. A good leather match ball. First Aid Kit THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL, SUBJECT TO THE UPPER HUME PROTEST PROCEDURES. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 10 STUDENTS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Basketball will be conducted under the rules of the international rules of basketball as interpreted by the Victorian Basketball Association, unless otherwise stated. Disputes will be handled by the referees when it is within their authority to do so. Otherwise the convener is the final arbiter. The format of the competition will be an 8 team split round-robin with a final between the winners of each pool. If less than full entries then a split round robin will be played for more than five teams. Points are to be awarded for the round-robin matches to determine the winners of each pool on the following basis: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points Should two teams finish the competition with the same number of points, then the winner of the match between these teams will assume the higher position. If this match was a draw or if more than two teams finished equal then percentage will be used. When doing these calculations involving a three way tie, the convenor should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from games involving 4th, 5th etc. Please note when doing calculations in a two way tie ALL teams results are to be used. Games (except the final) will consist of two 15 minute halves. The half time interval shall be 2 minutes. In all games, two penalty shots will be taken by a team when its opposition has fouled 8 or more times. One time-out per half, the clock stops for all infringements in the last two minutes of the second half unless one team is ahead by more than 15 points. The clock stops for ALL time outs. All competitors must be suitably attired and singlets must be legally numbered. The conveners will apply penalties for breaches of this condition. (See note 11 below) Scorers and timekeepers may be expected to officiate in games other than those in which their school is participating. The "24second shot clock'" will not be used. The final will consist of two 20 minute halves. If at the conclusion of time, teams are equal, an additional two minutes of time will be played. If still equal additional one minute will be played until a winner is determined. The convener has the power to apply the following penalties for schools arriving after the start. One point/minute up to half time to opponents, after half time lose the match 20/0. Teams must have shorts of matching colour. The shorts must have no pockets and cannot be of the cut-off variety or bike knicks. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to disqualification. Basketball sizes. Size 6 for Year 7 boys and all GIRLS. Size 7 for Year 8, Intermediate and Senior BOYS. NOTE – Every effort will be made to use Central Timing of ALL matches CRICKET TIME & DRAW Division Officer For one day games the venue will be decided by mutual agreement of the two schools unless otherwise directed by the Convener. The Convener will adjudicate if schools cannot agree. The host school is the school that has not travelled to play the game. Host school will provide the wickets etc. COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: 1 new two piece match ball 1 competent scorer with score book 1 complete set of stumps and bails (home-team) First aid kit/ 1 set of boundary flags CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. All batters in all sections must wear a helmet with face grid and two pads at all times. Batters not wearing a helmet will be given out. In boys’ matches, wicket keepers must wear a helmet with a face grill when keeping within 3 metres of the stumps. In girls’ matches, the wicketkeeper must wear a helmet with a face grill at ALL times. Cricket will be conducted under the rules of the `Laws of Cricket' unless otherwise stated. For Semi-Final and Finals Matches games played on the same day will be played under the following conditions: i) The team batting first will bat for 20 overs or 1.5 hours, whichever comes first. ii) The team batting second shall be entitled to receive as many balls as received by the team batting first. iii) Should the team batting first be dismissed before the scheduled completion of its innings, the team batting second must receive 20 overs. The winner will be the team making the greater number of runs except in the following circumstances: a/ If play is intercepted by bad weather during the innings of the team batting second, and provided that team has received at least 8 overs for a 20 over match a result will be declared. b/ If the amount of time allocated for each innings shall be reduced by half the time lost. E.g. Match is 2 hours or 35 overs and 50 minutes lost = 12 overs reduction (6 per side) and side batting first has 25 minutes less than the allocated 2 hrs = 1 hr 35 min or 29 overs, or until dismissed, whichever comes first. c/ If runs are tied, a result shall be determined by calculating scoring rate (runs scored divided by balls bowled). Higher scoring rate wins. If equal, calculate wicket average (runs scored divided by wickets lost). Higher wicket average wins. If still equal, a bowl off will occur. Coaches are to sign the opposing teams' score book to signify that the scores are correct. Coaches may not coach when umpiring. Each team must be uniformly attired in cricket -whites' (P.E. or sports uniforms for girls). A bowler is not allowed to wear a red top whilst bowling. A player who is inappropriately dressed will not be allowed to compete. BOWLING RESTRICTIONS: Bowlers are limited to a maximum of 1/5th of the available overs to be bowled. No bowler is permitted to bowl more than 7 overs in a 35 over match, 5 overs in a 25 over match, or 4 overs in a 20 over match. FIELDING RESTRICTIONS: No fielder is to be nearer to the bat than half the length of the pitch on the leg side, or forward of Point on the off side. Games are to be played on the following surfaces: matting, synthetic (carpet or grass), melthoid or turf. The following weight balls are to be used: Yr 8, Intermediate and Senior Boys: 156 grams Yr. 7 Boys and all Girls: 142 grams The winning school must communicate the match result to the convener at the conclusion of the game. A ball passing over shoulder height must be called a no ball. If a bowler does this three times they will be taken off and not allowed to bowl again during the game – another bowler is to finish an incomplete over. Such deliveries will count in the substitute bowlers over limit. A ball bouncing over shoulder height or one that bounces twice before reaching the batter (and does not give the batter a fair chance to hit it) will be called ‘no ball’. A team will be restricted to 16 players on the day with only 12 being permitted to participate in any one match. A batter may be replaced by a wicketkeeper who only keeps or by a bowler who only bowls. 11 players only to bat. A batter may be replaced by a bowler who only bowls. A batter may be replaced by a wicket-keeper who only keeps. SUPER 8 CRICKET YEAR 7/8 BOYS & ALL GIRLS COMPETITIONS – SUPER 8 FORMAT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Each batter must wear a helmet WITH A GRILL. Eight players must bowl and wicket keep for 1 over each (there is no designated wicketkeeper) A maximum of THREE players may field in the “Double-Zone” area marked at 90° from the bowlers’ stumps to the boundary line. Any runs in this area are doubled ie. a single become 2, 4 becomes 8 and a 6 becomes 12. Boxes should be worn (boys). Pads/ gloves are recommended only. Incrediballs are to be used. Each innings will consist of 8 x 6 ball overs. A maximum of 8 balls (including wides/ no-balls) per over. Any wide or no-ball bowled on Ball 8 of an over will become a FREE-HIT for the first ball of the next over. The bowler will be required to bowl over-arm. Each player will bowl 1 over each. Fielders must not field within 10 metres of the batter. Each batting pair will bat for two overs regardless of the number of dismissals. Batters will swap ends when a batter is OUT. NO-BALLS are any ball passing the batting crease outside the 120cm marks or a delivery landing short of the 6 metre line. In addition to this any ball that bounces over shoulder height whilst the batter is in a normal batting stance or any ball that is above waist height on the FULL shall also be deemed a NO-BALL. You can run on a “NO-BALL” and therefore be ‘run out’. IF a batter chooses to hit a delivery (and connects) that would otherwise be deemed a no-ball, they score 2 plus whatever runs are scored from the shot. They, however, forfeit the next ball becoming a free hit ball. IF the batter chooses to leave or misses a delivery that is deemed a no-ball, they score 2 runs for the no-ball and whatever runs they score from the next ball, which is a free hit. IF a batter chooses to hit a delivery (and connects) that would otherwise be deemed a wide, (outside the wide markers) they only score runs made from that shot and they may be caught out. IF the batter chooses to leave or misses a wide delivery, they score 2 runs for the wide plus whatever runs they score from the next ball which is a free hit. FREE-HITS - batters can only be run-out; ie. cannot be given out caught, bowled, stumped, hit-wicker, l.b.w. DETERMINING RESULT Scores will be calculated by adding five runs for each wicket taken onto the total numbers of runs your team has made. eg. BSC scored 90 runs and took 2 wickets. BSC score will be 90 + (2x5) = 100; VS Yea HS who scored 75 runs and took 7 wickets. Yea HS score will be 75 + (7 x 5) = 110. Therefore, Yea HS defeated BSC College. CROSS-COUNTRY CONVENOR Stacey Wate DATE VENUE TIME & DRAW Monday 28 May State Motorcycle Center Broadford 10:00 am REPORT TEAM DETAILS: 0408 506 405 Teams may consist of any number of students. School team scores are calculated by counting the best four performances from each School. THE CONVENOR IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL, SUBJECT TO THE UPPER HUME PROTEST PROCEDURES. AGE GROUPS TAKEN FROM 31 DECEMBER 2012 Age Groups Distances and Starting Times: START 11.00 11:15 11.30 11.45 12.00 12.15 12.30 12.45 1.00 1.15 AGE 13 & Under Girls 13 & Under Boys 14 Yrs Girls 14 Yrs Boys 15 Yrs Girls 15 Yrs Boys 16yrs Girls 17 -20 Yrs girls 16 yrs Boys 17 – 20 Yrs Boys DIST 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 5000 5000 CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION: 6. Students may compete in only one age-group for which they are eligible. School team scores are calculated by counting the best four performances from each school. Draws between school teams will be separated by the better placed fourth runner. 7. Competitors should be suitably attired in their school colors. 8. Staff members may not run with the competitors. Staff members are reminded that their students are still under their supervision at Broadford. Please look after them and make sure that all rubbish is taken away with you. 9. The Sourthen Ranges representatives at the Hume Regions X-C will be a maximum of 15 competitors per age-group. It will consist of ONE team of five and ten individuals for each age-group. 10. Schools participating must be prepared to provide officials as required. SOUTHERN RANGES CROSS-COUNTRY MAP – BROADFORD – see next page GOLF CONVENOR NA DATE NA VENUE TIME & DRAW Division Officer Direct Entry to Hume Region in 2012 ELIGIBILITY: COMPETITORS MUST BE UNDER 21 ON 31/12/2011 THE CONVENOR IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL SUBJECT TO THE SOUTHERN RANGES PROTEST PROCEDURES. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Golf will be conducted under the ``Laws of Golf'' except as altered by the local rules of the Club (either as a permanent or temporary change) or as altered by the convener to suit special conditions which may prevail. 2. The format of the formal competition will be: *Individual Boys – Junior & Senior *Individual Girls; *School Team Event. All Stroke play. Individual handicap competitions will be held in conjunction with the stroke competition. Players wishing to be considered for the handicap competition must be able to verify their handicap on request by providing a CURRENT AUSTRALIAN Handicap certificate from their club or their Golf Link card. Otherwise, they only enter the SCRATCH event. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A team is to consist of 4 players (Boys and/or Girls), with the best three scores to count. Should school teams finish with the same aggregate score, a count back will apply where the third players' scores will determine the winner. If these scores are equal, the score of the second placed golfer will determine the winner. A draw will be declared if a winner cannot be found. The scratch scores of students competing in a team will count for the individual and team championships. Competitors must be accompanied by a teacher or school council approved adult, must be suitably attired to the satisfaction of the Club and are expected to uphold the finest standards of golf etiquette during play. Under no circumstances are jeans to be worn. The dress requirements and other local requirements of the golf club will be communicated to all schools with competitors. These must be adhered to without exception. Competitors may be penalised for slow play or disqualified for other more serious breaches of etiquette or rules of play. A staff competition will be held. Details will be communicated to all participating schools. A school team of 4 players, and a maximum of 8 individuals from this competition, will represent Upper Hume at the Eastern-Zone Country Golf Championships. Caddies will not be permitted to accompany golfers. Smoking will not be permitted. The Australian Count Back System will apply to separate individual golfers. STATE FINALS ELIGIBILITY To be eligible for participation in the School Sport Victoria State finals all players must have met the following standard at Hume Region Championships: Senior Boys – Scratch score of 90 or less, or win the Hume Championship, or be part of a winning team. Junior Boys - Scratch score of 100 or less, or win the Hume Championship, or be part of a winning team. Senior Girls - Scratch score of 110 or less, or win the Hume Championship, or be part of a winning team. Junior Girls - Scratch score of 120 or less, or win the Hume Championship, or be part of a winning team. HOCKEY COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: All of their own equipment including shin pads A new match ball. First-aid kit. Plastic tape for goal keepers' buckles. Correct footwear, track shoes/runners only. Goal keepers protective helmet and a fixed mask [not a catcher’s mask] A competent umpire for each team entered. CONVENERS ARE IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY, AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 16 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Hockey will be conducted under the rules of the International Hockey Board unless otherwise stated. 2. The competition will consist of a Split team round-robin. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Points will be awarded accordingly. Win: 3 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points If tied at the end of the round robin then the result of head to head match, goal difference, most goals for, then if no difference, a set of 5 penalty strokes. When doing these calculations involving a 3 way tie, the convener should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from the games with 4 th, 5th etc teams. Please note when doing calculations in a two way tie ALL teams results are to be used. If 3 teams are till equal and penalty strokes needed to determine the winner, a draw will take place prior to the taking of penalty strokes. One team will receive a bye. The other two will complete the penalty shootout with the winner then competing in a penalty shootout with the team who received the bye. If the final is tied at full-time a series of 5 penalty strokes shall be taken. Time for round robin matches will be communicated by the Convener. All team members must wear matching shirts with numbers. No jewellery is to be worn. Goalkeepers must wear a protective helmet and/or mask [not a catcher’s mask.] Teams are requested to make sure that their shoes are properly cleaned before taking the field. Entry to the fields is via the gates provided only. Please do not jump fences. A "Yellow card" does not automatically lead to a player being disqualified from the remainder of the tournament. A Red Card is automatic disqualification for the match. If two players are red carded in the same match the match will be stopped and awarded to the opposition. The convener has the power to apply the following penalties – schools that arrive after the starting time --- one goal/ ten minutes (or part thereof) to opponents up to half-time; lose the match after half-time in round, by twice the half time score to zero. Mouth guards and shin guards are strongly recommended. The tomahawk stroke is not permitted to be used at any level of competition. LAWN BOWLS CONVENOR NA DATE NA VENUE TIME & DRAW Division Officer Direct Entry to Hume Region in 2012 COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: All of their own equipment including bowls First-Aid Kit Correct footwear, track shoes/ runners only. THE CONVENOR IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY, AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 6 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Lawn bowls is conducted under the rules of the Australian Bowls Council and the Royal Victorian Bowls Association unless otherwise stated. 2. Teams will have a maximum of 3 players. Play will be in triples, and teams may consist of boys only, girls only or mixed. 3. A split round-robin competition will be held if more than 5 teams are entered with pool winners playing off to determine a winner. 4. Round-robin matches will continue for 5 ends or 45 minutes, whichever comes first. IF time elapses prior to 5 ends, the end in progress must be completed. Time frames and ends played may be changed at the convenors discretion dependent on entries. 5. If at the end of the round robin, two teams are equal on matches won, then the winner of their face to face match will be declared the winner. If their face to face match was a draw, then total ‘shots-up’ will be used to determine the winner. If still tied, percentage for/against will be calculated using scores from all round-robin matches. If still tied, 1 extra end will be played to determine the winner. If more than two teams are equal, then the winner will be determined by total ‘shots-up’ against the The other tied teams. If equal, then percentage for/against the other tied teams. Final to be played over 7 ends or 60 minutes, whichever comes first. IF time elapses, the end in progress must be completed. IF tied, 1 additional end to be played. Time frames and ends played may be changed at the convenors discretion dependent on entries. 6. All teams must wear smooth rubber-soled shoes without heels. Players must be dressed in their school sports uniform or in appropriate clothing for competition. Jeans, board shorts (surf shorts) and clothing with designs, advertising or large manufacturer’s logos are not acceptable. 7. A teacher or school council approved adult must be present to supervise each school. They do not have to be the skipper but be there to supervise the students, provided they adhere to DET guidelines for supervision. Note: DIRECT ENTRY into Hume Region Country Championships is available in Lawn Bowls. NETBALL Competing teams must provide: A Match ball First Aid Kit Clearly marked positional bibs A competent scorer/ Umpire for each team entered Scorers must sit together and score/result sheets must be collected from the Convener before each match by the first named team and returned by the winning team. The Convener is in sole charge on the day and their decision is final subject to the Upper Hume protest procedures. Teams are restricted to a maximum of 12 players for the day. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Netball will be conducted under the rules of the All Australian Netball Association unless otherwise stated. 2. The competitions will consist of a full round robin. 3. Points will be awarded as follows: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points 4. If two teams are equal on Round Robin points after the completion of the round robin matches, then the team that won the match between these two teams will assume the higher position. If this match was a draw or if there were more than two teams equal on Round Robin points, then percentage will be used to separate the teams. 5. In the event of a draw being played in a semifinal or final, the game shall be decided by playing two five minute halves with a one minute interval. If the teams are still tied after this time then the second half will continue until a goal is scored”. 6. Games will be two 10min. halves [Max.] with 5 min. at half time. Game times may be reduced subject to entries and at the convenors discretion. 7. All games will commence with the sounding of the starting bell. 8. Teams named first will take the centre pass, with the other team having the choice of ends. 9. Teams may interchange up to five players at half time. 10. A player ordered off the court may NOT be replaced for the remainder of that match. Any player not appropriately attired, as listed, will not be permitted to participate. 11. All competitors must be similarly dressed in their school netball uniforms. 12 Jewellery, including studs and sleepers must not be worn. Fingernails must be cut short or taped. 13. The convener has the power to apply the following penalty for schools arriving after the point/minute up to half time to opponents, after half time lose the match 20/0. Note: DIRECT ENTRY into Hume Region Country Championships is available for Boys Netball in Year 7/8 – Junior, Year 9/10 – Intermediate and Year 11/12 - Senior. FOOTBALL(Soccer) COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: A match ball in good condition (Size 4 for Year 7) First-aid kit A competent linesperson (preferably a senior student) A competent umpire for each team entered. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 16 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Soccer will be conducted under the rules of the Australian Soccer Federation unless otherwise stated. 2. The competition will consist of a Split Round-Robin with the pool winners playing in the final. If there are less than 5 teams entered, then a full round-robin will be played. Win: 3 points; 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Draw: 1 point; Loss: 0 points If tied at the end of the round robin the following shall be applied: result of head to head match, goal difference, most goals for, then if no difference, a set of 5 penalty kicks. When doing these calculations involving a three-way tie, the convenor should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from the games with other teams. Please note when doing calculations in a two-way tie ALL teams results are to be used. If a final is tied at full-time a series of 5 penalty kicks shall be taken. All penalty kick takers must come from the 11 players on the field at the end of time. Times for round robin games will be communicated by the convener, but there will be no time-on, unless indicated by the referee for exceptional circumstances (i.e. injury or deliberate time wasting). Players must wear matching shirts with numbers. The goal keeper must wear a contrasting shirt. No jewellery is to be worn. The wearing of shin guards is COMPULSORY. Any player not appropriately attired will not be permitted to participate. Each team may use 5 players on an interchange basis. Spectators are not permitted behind the goals. See Order Off Policy in this Handbook. The referee is the only person to request a change of linesperson. If this happens, both lines people will be replaced by lines people from non-participating schools. Spectators must be supervised at all times. The convener has the power to apply the following penalty if schools are late..... Lose the match 3/0. SOFTBALL COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: 1 New match ball 1 Competent scorer with score-book 1 Competent line umpire & PLATE UMPIRE First aid kit 1 Complete set of bases THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL. MAXIMUM OF 14 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Softball will be conducted under the rules of the Australian Softball Federation unless otherwise stated. 2. Coaches should note that this includes the `Dropped third strike' rule and the "Infield fly" rule. 3. The format of the competition will be a Split Round-Robin if more than five teams and a Full Round Robin for five or less teams. 4. Matches are to be of 60-minute duration, or 5 innings, whichever comes first for Split Round Robins. The Times for Full Round Robins will be communicated in the draw. If innings are not even at "time", scores revert back to even innings. If the team batting second has scored at least one more run than the first team and they are still at bat, then that team shall be the winner. Draws will stand in the Round-Robin matches. The final shall consist of four innings. In the case of a draw, extra innings will be played until a result is achieved. 5. Points are to be awarded for the Round-Robin matches to determine the winner on the following basis: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points Should two teams finish the competition with the same number of points, the relative positions will be determined by the result of the Round Robin match between these two teams. If more than two teams were equal or if the result was a draw then percentage will be used. 6. Dimensions are Square 18.3m., Pitch Length 12.2m. 7. Each team must be uniformly attired (softball uniforms or P.E. tops, no jewellery is to be worn. 8. Helmets must be worn at bat and base. Players removing their helmet whilst running will be given out. 9. Catchers are to wear face masks with throat protection, and chest protectors. 10. The 9 batter rule applies only to year 7 & 8. That is, if the 9th batter for that innings has batted and the fielding team does not have 3 out, then any runners on base receive a run and the side batting is then deemed to be out. For intermediate and senior competitions the 10 run rule shall apply after 5 innings and the 15 run rule after 3 innings. 11. Two time-outs are permitted per team per game. A team may declare its innings closed at any time. 12. All teams are to consist of 9 or more players (see current rule book for substitutions, designated hitters etc) 13. For non-fixed bases, the `Sliding base' rule applies. That is, if the base runner slides into base and knocks the base away, she shall hold her position. The umpire shall then call "time'', and then replace the base. 14. All equipment must be of the type specified in the V.S.S.S.A. Handbook. 15. The convener has the power to apply the following penalty for schools that arrive after the starting time .... Lose the game 9/0. SQUASH Competing teams must provide: Squash racquets Squash balls [Double Yellow Dot.] Scoresheets and a competent scorer First aid kit THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 6 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Squash will be conducted under the rules adopted by the International Squash Racquets Federation unless otherwise stated. The format will be a split round robin with a final. Points are to be awarded for the Round-Robin matches to determine the winner on the following basis: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points Should two or more teams finish the competition with the same number of Round Robin points, the relative positions will be determined by the result of the Round Robin match between these two teams. If more than two teams were equal or if the result was a draw then the rubbers won will be used followed by games, game points and finally percentage. When doing these calculations involving a 3-way tie, the convener should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from the games with the 4th, 5th etc teams. Please note when doing calculations in a two way tie ALL teams results are to be used. In the final, games will be used followed by game points and finally a tie-breaker to separate teams. In the final, games will be used followed by game points and finally a tie breaker to separate teams. Matches will consist of four rubbers. Each rubber is the best of three games. Scores for each game will go to 15 points where every rally will score a point. If the score reaches 14 all, the receiver may call for the game to go to 15 or 17 points. The first player to reach the nominated score wins the game. Teams to consist of 4 to 6 players seeded in order of ability. Hit ups are restricted to 2 minutes. Players must wear appropriate attire. White soled shoes only on court and pale clothing [best white] are to be worn. Watches and jewelry are banned on court. The wearing of approved eye-wear is now compulsory while on court. Players entering the court without eye-wear will not be permitted to play. The convener has the power to apply the following penalty for schools arriving after the start. Lose all games that would have been in progress 15/0. SWIMMING SOUTHERN RANGES SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS – 2012 Monday 5th March Seymour Outdoor Pool Points Allocation INDIVIDUAL EVENTS RELAYS 1ST 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 10 20 8 16 6 12 5 10 4 8 3 6 2 4 1 2 CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION: 1. Swimming is conducted under the rules of the Amateur Swimming Union of Australia unless otherwise stated. 2. A competitor may compete in no more than 5 events excluding relays. Students can swim in ONE Freestyle and ONE Medley relay in their age-group or above their age-group. 3. Lanes will be based on times submitted from participating schools and then be allocated into a Vee Formation. 4. Competitors must report to the marshals at least 15 mins before the scheduled time of their event or as called. 5. Competitors may compete in only ONE age group for which they are eligible. They may however, compete in an Open event. Open events are the 400m Freestyle, 100m Backstroke, 100m Breaststroke & 100m Butterfly. 6. Swimmers must remain in the water until instructed to leave by the referee. 7. The NO-FALSE START RULE applies. 15 & Under 100m Freestyle/ 200m Freestyle & 15 & Under Ind. Medley. 14 & Under students may compete in the 15 & Under 100m Freestyle/ 200m Freestyle & 15 & Under I.M. 16 & Under students can compete in the 20 & Under 100m Freestyle/ 200m Freestyle/ 400m Freestyle & the 200m I.M. 17 & Under students may compete in the 20 & Under Medley Relay/ 100m Freestyle/ 200m Freestyle/ 200 I.M & 400m Freestyle. 8. Ages are calculated as at December 31, in the year of competition. 9. Relay team members of each relay must be members of the same school. AGE GROUP CHAMPIONSHIPS: 1. Age-Group Champion medallions will be awarded in each age-group based on points gained from participation in Individual events. Where there is a tie, more than one recipient will be awarded an Age-Group medallion. 2. Aggregate Pennants will be awarded – Overall Aggregate, Boys Aggregate and Girls Aggregate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10.15 10.17 10.19 10.21 10.23 10.25 10.27 10.29 10.31 10.33 10.35 10.37 10.39 10.41 10.43 GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS UPPER HUME SWIMMING PROGRAM 2012 K. Crofts WSSC 2.13.22 - 2008 20 & Under Freestyle 200m 20 & Under Freestyle 200m L. Williams WODW 2.05.56 - 2002 15 & Under Freestyle 200m K. Crofts WMYC 2.16.92 - 2006 15 & Under Freestyle 200m L. Williams WODW 2.14.78 - 2000 20 & Under Breaststroke 100m M. Eddy WSSC 1.23.1 - 2007 20 & Under Breaststroke 100m C. Calder WODH 1.10.80 - 2004 13 & Under Breaststroke 50m B. Hocking GALE 39.39 N. -Anania 2003 GALE 43.75 - 199 13 & Under Breaststroke 50m H. Botta BENA 43.68 - 2010 14 & Under Breaststroke 50m E. Pane WANG 37.76 -K.2004 Wyatt BENA 41.00 - 1979 14 & Under Breaststroke 50m P. Shiels WANA 39.15 - 2011 15 & Under Breaststroke 50m E. Pane WANG 37.10 -E.2005 Currell WODH 40.11 - 199 15 & Under Breaststroke 50m L. Benson MITC 35.72 - 2001 16 & Under Breaststroke 50m E. Pane WANG 36.40 - 2006 16 & Under Breaststroke 50m P. McKenzie GALE 35.02 - 2003 17 & Under Breaststroke 50m T. Maggs WANG 39.63 - 2010 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 10.45 10.47 10.49 10.51 10.51 10.51 10.51 10.54 10.58 11.02 11.04 11.06 11.08 11.10 11.12 11.14 11.16 11.18 11.20 11.22 11.24 11.28 11.30 11.32 11.34 11.36 11.38 11.40 11.42 11.44 11.46 11.48 11.50 11.52 11.54 11.56 11.58 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.04 12.08 12.12 12.14 12.16 12.18 12.20 12.22 12.24 BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS GIRLS BOYS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS GIRLS BOYS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS 17 & Under Breaststroke 50m 20 & Under Breaststroke 50m 20 & Under Breaststroke 50m 15 & Under Breaststroke (MD) 20 & Under Breaststroke (MD) 15 & Under Breaststroke (MD) 20 & Under Breaststroke (MD) 20 & Under Butterfly 100m 20 & Under Butterfly 100m 13 & Under Butterfly 50m 13 & Under Butterfly 50m 14 & Under Butterfly 50m 14 & Under Butterfly 50m 15 & Under Butterfly 50m 15 & Under Butterfly 50m 16 & Under Butterfly 50m 16 & Under Butterfly 50m 17 & Under Butterfly 50m 17 & Under Butterfly 50m 20 & Under Butterfly 50m 20 & Under Butterfly 50m 15 & Under Freestyle 100m 15 & Under Freestyle 100m 20 & Under Freestyle 100m 20 & Under Freestyle 100m 13 & Under Freestyle 50m 13 & Under Freestyle 50m 14 & Under Freestyle 50m 14 & Under Freestyle 50m 15 & Under Freestyle 50m 15 & Under Freestyle 50m 16 & Under Freestyle 50m 16 & Under Freestyle 50m 17 & Under Freestyle 50m 17 & Under Freestyle 50m 20 & Under Freestyle 50m 20 & Under Freestyle 50m 15 & Under Freestyle 50m (MD) 20 & Under Freestyle 50m (MD) 15 & Under Freestyle 50m (MD) 20 & Under Freestyle 50m (MD) 20 & Under Backstroke 100m 20 & Under Backstroke 100m 13 & Under Backstroke 50m 13 & Under Backstroke 50m 14 & Under Backstroke 50m 14 & Under Backstroke 50m 15 & Under Backstroke 50m 15 & Under Backstroke 50m 16 & Under Backstroke 50m J. Lake WSSC 34.11 - 2009 M. Eddy WSSC 40.30 - 2008 A. Tutt WSSC 41.04 - 2008 J. Elkington WMYC 1.00.74 - 2008 No current record held J. Grogan GALE 52.88 - 2009 J. Grogan GALE 1:00.55 - 2011 K. Crofts WSSC 1.06.94 - 2008 L. Williams WODW 1.02.70 - 2002 E. Ham GALE 33.20 - 2009 H. Lowe CATW 33.33 - 2011 K. Crofts WODH 31.32 - 2005 B. Graham GALE 32.90 - 2009 K. Crofts WMYC 30.39 - 2006 B. Graham GALE 29.28 - 2010 K. Crofts WSSC 29.99 - 2007 L. Williams WODW 28.30 - 2001 K. Crofts WSSC 30.99 - 2008 J. Whitcroft BENA 31.03 - 2008 J. Oakley BENA 31.81 - 2008 J. Whitcroft BENA 29.83 - 2009 D. Clarebrough GALE 1:08.59 - 2009 B. Graham GALE 1:02.84 - 2009 K. Crofts WSSC 1.04.65 - 2008 L. Williams WWSC 57.72 - 2002 B. Hocking GALE 30.64 - 2003 H. Lowe CATW 31.39 - 2011 E. Ham GALE 29.52 - 2010 J. Colville WANG 29.11 - 2010 E. Ham GALE 29.41 - 2011 L. Williams WODW 26.68 2000 K. Crofts WSSC 29.72 - 2007 L. Williams WODW 25.72 - 2001 A. Emerson-Webber MITC 29.66 2004 L. Williams WODW 25.34 - 2002 K. Bryan WODH 30.10 - 2004 M. Leggatt MITC 26.51 - 2004 J. Elkington WMYC 47.93 - 2008 No current record held J. Grogan GALE 41.16 - 2008 J. Grogan GALE 47.52 - 2010 A. Emerson-Webber MITC 1.13.76 2004 L. Williams WODW 1.04.85 - 2002 R. Barrow WANG 36.57 - 1991 A. Schultz BENA 37.30 - 1983 H. Pane WANG 34.93 - 2006 T. Sandlant BENA 36.09 - 1986 E. Ham GALE 34.02 - 2011 L. Williams WODW 32.19 - 2000 S. Lambourn MITC 34.82 - 2002 66 12.26 BOYS 16 & Under Backstroke 50m L. Williams WODW 30.34 - 2001 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 12.28 12.30 12.32 12.34 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.40 12.43 12.46 12.49 12.52 12.55 12.58 12.58 GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS GIRLS BOYS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS 17 & Under Backstroke 50m 17 & Under Backstroke 50m 20 & Under Backstroke 50m 20 & Under Backstroke 50m 15 & Under Backstroke 50m (MD) 20 & Under Backstroke 50m (MD) 15 & Under Backstroke 50m (MD) 20 & Under Backstroke 50m (MD) 14 & Under Medley Relay 14 & Under Medley Relay 16 & Under Medley Relay 16 & Under Medley Relay 20 & Under Medley Relay 20 & Under Medley Relay 20 & Under Freestyle 400m 20 & Under Freestyle 400m LUNCH T. Maggs WANG 35.40 - 2010 J. Lake WSSC 30.22 - 2009 T. Maggs WANA 35.36 - 2011 L. Leuhmann WANG 36.46 - 2009 J. Elkington WMYC 1.09.09 - 2008 No current record held J. Grogan GALE 1.11.56 - 2008 J. Grogan GALE 1:07.86 - 2010 GALEN COLLEGE 2.34.00 1998 MITCHELL SC 2.41.32 2000 MITCHELL SC 2.29.12 2002 WANGARATTA HS 2.20.37 1986 WODONGA SSC 2.28.23 2008 WANGARATTA HS 2.09.47 1988 E. Ham GALE 4.49.01 2011 L. Rickard WSSC 4.46.20 2006 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 1.20 1.24 1.28 1.32 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 2.00 2.04 2.08 2.12 2.16 2.20 GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS 15 & Under Individual Medley 200m 15 & Under Individual Medley 200m 20 & Under Individual Medley 200m 20 & Under Individual Medley 200m 13 & Under Freestyle Relay 13 & Under Freestyle Relay 14 & Under Freestyle Relay 14 & Under Freestyle Relay 15 & Under Freestyle Relay 15 & Under Freestyle Relay 16 & Under Freestyle Relay 16 & Under Freestyle Relay 17 & Under Freestyle Relay 17 & Under Freestyle Relay 20 & Under Freestyle Relay 20 & Under Freestyle Relay K. Crofts WMYC 2.31.39 - 2006 B. Graham GALE 2:36.43 - 2010 K. Crofts WSSC 2.28.49 - 2007 L. Williams WODW 2.24.09 – 2001 WANGARATTA 2.27.76 2003 WANGARATTA 2.32.44 1991 WODONGA HS 2.18.65 2004 MITCHELL SC 2.19.63 2000 GALEN COLLEGE 2.14.53 2011 WANGARATTA 2.08.11 1993 WODONGA SSC 2.17.02 2006 WANGARATTA 2.03.34 1986 WODONGA SSC 2.15.29 2007 GALEN COLLEGE 1.58.39 1998 WODONGA HS 2.13.85 2008 GALEN COLLEGE 1.54.60 1999 TABLETENNIS COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: Competent umpire (student not playing at that time) 12 ATTA approved spherical balls with a diameter of 40mm A teacher or school council approved parent must accompany all teams. THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE, AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL, SUBJECT TO MAXIMUM OF 6 STUDENTS ON THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Table Tennis will be conducted under the rules of the Australian Table Tennis Association unless otherwise stated. 2. The format of the competition will be a Split Round-Robin with a final between the winners of each pool. If less than 5 teams, a Full Round Robin will be played. 3. Points are to be awarded for the Round-Robin matches to determine the winners of each pool on the following basis: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points Should two teams finish the competition with the same number of points, the winner of the match between these two teams will assume the higher position. If this match was a draw or if more than two teams were equal, then rubbers won, games won, points won and finally points percentage will be used. When doing these calculations involving a 3-way tie, the convener should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from the games with the 4th, 5th etc teams. Please note when doing calculations in a two way tie ALL teams results are to be used. 4. Matches are to consist of 6 Rubbers, 4 singles and 2 doubles. Each rubber is to be the best of 5 advantage games to 11. After each 2 points have been scored, the receiving player or pair shall become the serving player or pair. In the last possible game of a match the players or pairs shall change ends when first either player or pair scores 5 points. If scores are 10 all a player must gain a lead of two points to win. After 10 service is changed every point rather than every two. In the last possible game of a doubles match the pair due to receive next shall change their order of receiving when first either pair scores 5 points. 5. Winners of matches will be decided on rubbers won. If teams are still equal, games will be used and if still equal points will be used to determine the result. If the two teams in the final are equal up to game points a single game will be played between the no. 1 singles players to determine the winner. 6. Teams to consist of 4-6 players. Teams are to be seeded for singles in order of ability 1-6. The rank order is to be adhered to and if a replacement player is required, players will move up a rank to fill the vacant position, and the replacement player will play in No. 4 position. Any pairing may be used for doubles. Players are restricted to one singles rubber and one doubles rubber in any match. 7. Hit-ups will be restricted to 2 minutes only. 8. Players must wear the appropriate attire. White soled shoes only will be permitted in the court areas. Players must wear dark clothing. No checked or striped playing tops will be permitted. Watches, jewellery or reflective items are banned. Any player not appropriately attired, as listed, will not be permitted to participate. 9. Players will toss for choice of either serve or end at the beginning of the rubber. 10. In the fifth game of a rubber (if required), players will change ends when the first player reaches 5 points. 11. In doubles matches, players are to hit to different players in the second game, and are to swap again at the half-way point of the third game if it is played. 12. The convener has the power to apply the following penalty for teams arriving more late..... Lose all games that would have been in progress 11/0. TENNIS COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE: Competent Umpire and Scorer 8 New competition grade tennis balls A teacher or a school council approved adult must accompany all teams THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE, AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL. SCHOOLS ARE LIMITED TO 6 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Tennis will be conducted under the rules of the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia, unless otherwise stated. Format is Split Round Robin with final or a full Round Robin depending on the number of teams. 2. Teams to consist of 4-6 players. Any pairing may be used for doubles. Format: Pair 1 to play Pair 1 and Pair 2 to play Pair 2. Then cross-over doubles with the SAME Pair 1 to play Pair 2 and Pair 2 to play Pair 1. 3. Matches are to consist of 4 sets that will be 4 doubles. Each set is to be first to 6 games by a margin of 2, with a tie-breaker at 5 games all. Scoring will be NO-ADVANTAGE – DUECE. Deciding Point at Duece with the Receivers to choose which side the serving pair will serve to. 4. Winners of matches will be decided on sets won. If teams are equal, games will be used to determine the winner. If still equal then a Draw will stand in Round Robin matches. 5. Points are to be awarded for the Round-Robin matches to determine the winners of each pool on the following basis: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points Should two teams finish the Round Robin competition with the same number of points, then the winner of the Round Robin match between these teams will assume the higher position. If more than two teams are equal or if the result between the two teams was a draw then position will be determined by sets won, and if teams are still equal on games won. When doing these calculations involving a 3-way tie, the convener should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from the games with the 4th, 5th etc teams. Please note when doing calculations in a two way tie ALL teams results are to be used. If teams are still equal a tie breaker between the 1st doubles pair will be played to determine the winning team. In the final a similar tie breaker will be played to separate teams level on sets and games. 6. 7. Hit-ups will be restricted to 2 minutes only. Players must wear the appropriate attire. Correct tennis shoes must be worn on the courts. Any player not appropriately attired, as listed, will not be permitted to participate. All teams must complete a team score sheet prior to all matches and hand it to the Convener before the start of play in that match. The convener has the power to apply the following penalty for teams arriving later than the starting time.....lose all sets that would have been in progress by the maximum to zero. 8. 9. TRACK & FIELD Thursday 26th April Meadowglen Athletics Track - Epping CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION: 1. Athletics will be conducted under the rules of the Amateur Athletic Union of Australia unless otherwise stated. 2. Competitors may compete in only one age group for which they are eligible. They may compete in another age group if there is no identical event in their own age group. Students can compete in ONE relay for which they are eligible. 3. Competitors may compete in a maximum of five (5) events, EXCLUDING relays. All Schools can have (2) competitors in the 3000m, 1500m and 800m events. 4. Ages are calculated as at December 31, in the year of competition. 5. Lanes will be based on times submitted from participating schools based and then be allocated into a Vee Formation. 6. Students must report to the marshalling area for their event at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time or when the event is called. 7. No student will be permitted to remain on the inside area of the track unless competing in an event at that time, or acting as an official's assistant. This shall also apply to the jumping pit areas. 8. No student shall throw field event implements unless directed to by an official field event supervisor. 9. Event Clashes: Track events have priority. In the event of a clash the competitor must report to the field event, and notify the event supervisor and then report to the track event. He/she must return to the field event as soon as possible after the completion of the track event. 10. Competitors are expected to compete in their school colors. SHELTER: There is only a limited amount of shelter at Alexandra Park. Schools will need to make their own arrangements for protection from the weather. Schools are responsible for maintaining a clean area. Please encourage students to use the rubbish bins provided. KIOSK: A canteen will operate throughout the day offering a range of food and drinks. POINTS ALLOCATION: INDIVIDUAL EVENTS RELAYS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 10 20 8 16 6 12 5 10 4 8 3 6 2 4 1 2 AGE GROUP CHAMPIONSHIPS: 1. Age-Group Champion medallions will be awarded in each age-group based on points gained from participation in Individual events. Where there is a tie, more than one recipient will be awarded an Age-Group medallion. UPPER HUME ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 Time Events Records 1 10.15 BOYS 20 & Under 3000m D. Rees WODH 9.14.41 2 10.15 GIRLS 20 & Under 3000m B. Robb GALE 3 10.30 GIRLS 15 & Under Triple Jump Pit 3 J Hancock WODH 11.16 4 10.30 GIRLS 16 & Under Triple Jump Pit 4 M Kneebone WANG 11.70 5 10.30 GIRLS 17 & Under Long Jump Pit 1 T Dudley WODH 5.10 6 10.30 GIRLS 20 & Under Long Jump Pit 2 B Spasojevic WANG 4.87 7 10.30 GIRLS 13 & Under High Jump Pit 1 E Eyers WANG 1.50 8 10.30 GIRLS 14 & Under High Jump Pit 2 S Lockhart WODH 1.55 9 10.30 BOYS 13 & Under Shot Putt L Brabazon WANG 13.15 10 10.30 BOYS 14 & Under Shot Putt L Brabazon WANG 13.74 11 10.30 BOYS 15 & Under Discus S Martin WODW 45.83 12 10.30 BOYS 16 & Under Discus S Martin WODW 51.27 13 10.30 BOYS 17 & Under Javelin S Jenkinson SCH 51.15 14 10.30 BOYS 20 & Under Javelin D Keen BENA 47.06 15 10.30 GIRLS 20 & Under 100m (MD) J Elkington WSSC 15.10 16 10.30 BOYS 20 & Under 100m (MD) NA 17 10.30 GIRLS 13 & Under 100m T Amis WANG 13.40 18 10.32 BOYS 13 & Under 100m M Munday WANG 12.59 19 10.34 GIRLS 14 & Under 100m T Dudley WODH 12.80 20 10.36 BOYS 14 & Under 100m D Firth BENA 11.67 21 10.38 GIRLS 15 & Under 100m L Harper BENA 12.73 22 10.40 BOYS 15 & Under 100m F Bryce OVENS 11.24 23 10.42 GIRLS 16 & Under 100m J Forden BENA 12.71 24 10.44 BOYS 16 & Under 100m J Pearce WODH 10.80 25 10.46 GIRLS 17 & Under 100m A Pritchard WODH 1.50 26 10.48 BOYS 17 & Under 100m J Pearce WODH 11.05 27 10.50 GIRLS 20 & Under 100m J Nation WSSC 12.03 28 10.52 BOYS 20 & Under 100m J Pearce WODH 10.90 29 10.54 GIRLS 13 & Under 800m B Nash GALE 2.28.52 30 10.58 BOYS 13 & Under 800m J Alexander GALE 2.31.00 31 11.02 GIRLS 14 & Under 800m B Nash GALE 2.28.21 32 11.05 BOYS 15 & Under Triple Jump Pit 3 L Duff MITC 12.15 33 11.05 BOYS 16 & Under Triple Jump Pit 4 T Hulley WANG 12.77 34 11.05 BOYS 17 & Under Long Jump Pit 1 L Gilchrist BENA 6.36 35 11.05 BOYS 20 & Under Long Jump Pit 2 M Payne WODW 6.24 D Steel WANG 6.24 11.16.00 36 11.05 BOYS 13 & Under High Jump Pit 1 O Hillier MITC 1.65 37 11.05 BOYS 14 & Under High Jump Pit 2 P Hoggan GALE 1.65 L Duff MITC 1.65 B Foster WMYC 1.65 L Patrick WANA 1.65 7.56 38 11.05 GIRLS 20 & Under Shot Putt (MD) J Elkington WSSC 39 11.05 BOYS 20 & Under Shot Putt (MD) NA 40 11.05 GIRLS 13 & Under Shot Putt G Knight WODH 10.86 41 11.05 GIRLS 14 & Under Shot Putt R Mitchell WANG 10.00 42 11.05 GIRLS 15 & Under Discus K Jenkin WANA 28.02 43 11.05 GIRLS 16 & Under Discus H Clarke WANG 28.80 44 11.05 GIRLS 17 & Under Javelin K Jenkinson WANG 29.90 45 11.05 GIRLS 20 & Under Javelin J Low WODH 31.39 46 11.06 BOYS 14 & Under 800m P Brunec WODH 2.20.57 47 11.10 GIRLS 15 & Under 800m B Nash GALE 2.29.54 48 11.14 BOYS 15 & Under 800m J Alexander GALE 2.08.87 49 11.18 GIRLS 16 & Under 800m N Patterson WODH 2.29.82 50 11.22 BOYS 16 & Under 800m K Boal WANG 2.02.55 51 11.26 GIRLS 17 & Under 800m N Patterson WODH 2.33.28 52 11.30 BOYS 17 & Under 800m J Alexander GALE 2.00.99 53 11.34 GIRLS 20 & Under 800m L Kneebone WANG 2.26.97 54 11.38 BOYS 20 & Under 800m J Alexander GALE 1.58.74 55 11.40 GIRLS 13 & Under Long Jump Pit 1 D Smitheram WANG 4.46 J. Power WMYC 4.46 56 11.40 GIRLS 14 & Under Long Jump Pit 2 L Harper BENA 4.85 57 11.40 GIRLS 15 & Under High Jump Pit 1 J Power WODM 1.72 58 11.40 GIRLS 16 & Under High Jump Pit 2 S Lockhart WODH 1.60 59 11.40 GIRLS 17 & Under Triple Jump Pit 3 T Dudley WODH 10.85 60 11.40 GIRLS 20 & Under Triple Jump Pit 4 C Collins WANG 10.09 61 11.40 BOYS 13 & Under Javelin L Brabazon WANG 37.65 62 11.40 BOYS 14 & Under Javelin D Boyle WANG 39.09 63 11.40 BOYS 15 & Under Shot Putt D Payne GALE 12.70 64 11.40 BOYS 16 & Under Shot Putt T Hartwig WANG 14.23 65 11.40 BOYS 17 & Under Discus S Martin WODW 50.16 66 11.40 BOYS 20 & Under Discus S Martin WODW 56.18 67 11.42 GIRLS 20 & Under 200m (MD) J Elkington WSSC 34.37 68 11.42 BOYS 20 & Under 200m (MD) NA 69 11.42 GIRLS 13 & Under 200m T Amis WANG 28.20 70 11.45 BOYS 13 & Under 200m N Harvey CATW 24.45 71 11.48 GIRLS 14 & Under 200m K Gentile WMYC 25.05 72 11.51 BOYS 14 & Under 200m B Rees CATW 24.57 73 11.54 GIRLS 15 & Under 200m J Forden BENA 26.92 74 11.57 BOYS 15 & Under 200m J Pearce WODH 23.55 75 12.00 GIRLS 16 & Under 200m M Kneebone WANG 26.65 76 12.03 BOYS 16 & Under 200m J Pearce WODH 22.3 77 12.06 GIRLS 17 & Under 200m G Parrot WANG 26.74 78 12.09 BOYS 17 & Under 200m N Howse VICL 22.80 79 12.12 GIRLS 20 & Under 200m J Nation WSSC 25.45 80 12.15 BOYS 20 & Under 200m J Pearce WODH 22.17 81 12.20 GIRLS 20 & Under Long Jump (MD) J Elkington WSSC 82 12.20 BOYS 20 & Under Long Jump (MD) NA 83 12.20 BOYS 13 & Under Long Jump Pit 1 L Patrick WANG 3.84 4.83 84 12.20 BOYS 14 & Under Long Jump Pit 2 L Patrick WANG 5.21 85 12.20 BOYS 15 & Under High Jump Pit 1 P Hoggan GALE 1.84 86 12.20 BOYS 16 & Under High Jump Pit 2 P Hoggan GALE 2.00 87 12.20 BOYS 17 & Under Triple Jump Pit 3 J Hoggan GALE 12.50 88 12.20 BOYS 20 & Under Triple Jump Pit 4 T Hulley WANA 13.40 89 12.20 GIRLS 13 & Under Javelin S Monshing OVEN 27.71 90 12.20 GIRLS 14 & Under Javelin N Tavare WANG 29.02 91 12.20 GIRLS 15 & Under Shot putt K Jenkin WANG 10.35 92 12.20 GIRLS 16 & Under Shot putt D Smitheram WANG 10.65 C Lee MITC 10.65 93 12.20 GIRLS 17 & Under Discus H Clarke WANG 29.80 94 12.20 GIRLS 20 & Under Discus C Noel BENA 30.36 95 12.20 GIRLS 13 & Under 1500m B Nash GALE 5.07.78 5.07.78 96 12.20 BOYS 13 & Under 1500m P Brunec WODH 5.10.16 97 12.27 GIRLS 14 & Under 1500m B Nash GALE 5.07.41 98 12.27 BOYS 14 & Under 1500m P Brunec WODH 4.59.77 99 12.34 GIRLS 15 & Under 1500m B Nash GALE 5.03.08 100 12.34 BOYS 15 & Under 1500m S Ackerly GALE 4.43.12 101 12.41 GIRLS 16 & Under 1500m S Russell WANG 5.28.20 102 12.41 BOYS 16 & Under 1500m M Bertalli WANG 4.26.64 103 12.48 GIRLS 17 & Under 1500m K James WANG 5.28.05 104 12.48 BOYS 17 & Under 1500m M Bertalli WANG 4.14.62 105 12.50 GIRLS 13 & Under Triple Jump Pit 3 K Martyn GALE 10.12 106 12.50 GIRLS 14 & Under Triple Jump Pit 4 T Dudley WODH 10.82 107 12.50 GIRLS 15 & Under Long Jump Pit 1 B Spasojevic WANG 5.23 108 12.50 GIRLS 16 & Under Long Jump Pit 2 S Lockhart WODH 5.10 109 12.50 GIRLS 17 & Under High Jump Pit 1 T Dudley WODH 1.55 110 12.50 GIRLS 20 & Under High Jump Pit 2 K Stokes WANG 1.59 111 12.50 BOYS 13 & Under Discus L Brabazon WANG 43.91 112 12.50 BOYS 14 & Under Discus L Brabazon WANG 44.66 113 12.50 BOYS 15 & Under Javelin S Timmers BENA 42.40 114 12.50 BOYS 16 & Under Javelin T Price MITC 45.22 115 12.50 BOYS 17 & Under Shot Putt S Martin WODW 16.00 116 12.50 BOYS 20 & Under Shot Putt S Martin WODW 17.65 117 12.55 GIRLS 20 & Under 1500m N Paton GALE 5.17.45 118 12.55 BOYS 20 & Under 1500m M Griffin GALE 4.09.77 119 1.02 GIRLS 13 & Under 400m B Nash GALE 1.07.38 120 1.05 BOYS 13 & Under 400m D Martin WANG 1.02.39 121 1.08 GIRLS 14 & Under 400m B Spasojevic WANG 1.02.27 122 1.11 BOYS 14 & Under 400m P Hoggan GALE 123 1.14 GIRLS 15 & Under 400m B Spasojevic WANG 124 1.17 BOYS 15 & Under 400m P Hoggan GALE 125 1.20 GIRLS 16 & Under 400m S Campbell BENA 126 1.23 BOYS 16 & Under 400m L Crawford OVEN 52.00 127 1.25 GIRLS 13 & Under Discus K Jenkin WANG 27.89 56.25 1.02.77 52.60 1.01.95 128 1.25 GIRLS 14 & Under Discus M Hourigan GALE 29.36 129 1.25 GIRLS 15 & Under Javelin Z Gow WSSC 33.69 130 1.25 GIRLS 16 & Under Javelin Z Gow WSSC 32.81 131 1.25 GIRLS 17 & Under Shot Putt M Crandland GALE 10.60 Newman WANG 10.60 132 1.25 GIRLS 20 & Under Shot Putt J Hartwig OVEN 10.61 133 1.25 BOYS 13 & Under Triple Jump Pit 3 T Christie WANG 10.41 134 1.25 BOYS 14 & Under Triple Jump Pit 4 L Patrick WANA 11.25 135 1.25 BOYS 15 & Under Long Jump Pit 1 P Jenkins WANG 6.02 136 1.25 BOYS 16 & Under Long Jump Pit 2 S Sapiendanti WANG 6.10 137 1.25 BOYS 17 & Under High Jump Pit 1 A Boland WODH 1.90 B Cook WSSC 1.90 1.90 138 1.25 BOYS 20 & Under High Jump Pit 2 P Hoggan GALE 139 1.26 GIRLS 17 & Under 400m B Spasojevic WANG 140 1.29 BOYS 17 & Under 400m J Alexander GALE 141 1.32 GIRLS 20 & Under 400m L Fisher GALE 142 1.35 BOYS 20 & Under 400m P Hoggan GALE 49.41 143 1.55 GIRLS 13 & Under Relay WODH 56.87 144 1.58 BOYS 13 & Under Relay CATW 54.01 145 2.01 GIRLS 14 & Under Relay WODH 54.71 146 2.04 BOYS 14 & Under Relay WODM 49.97 147 2.07 GIRLS 15 & Under Relay WODH 53.87 148 2.10 BOYS 15 & Under Relay WANA 49.56 149 2.13 GIRLS 16 & Under Relay WODH 52.75 150 2.16 BOYS 16 & Under Relay WANG 46.67 151 2.19 GIRLS 17 & Under Relay WODH 53.94 152 2.22 BOYS 17 & Under Relay WANG 46.31 153 2.25 GIRLS 20 & Under Relay GALE 53.49 154 2.28 BOYS 20 & Under Relay WODH 45.47 1.02.54 51.78 1.02.30 UPPER HUME - ATHLETICS – SPECIFICATIONS (based on School Sport Victoria) SHOT PUTT SHOT PUTT Age Weight Age Weight Section of Shot Section of Shot Girls 12-13 Years 3.0 kg Boys 12-13 Years 3.0 kg Girls 14 Years 4.0 kg Boys 14 Years 4.0 kg Girls 15 Years 4.0 kg Boys 15 Years 4.0 kg Girls 16 Years 4.0 kg Boys 16 Years 5.0 kg Girls 17 Years 4.0 kg Boys 17 Years 5.0 kg Girls 18-20 Years 4.0 kg Boys 18-20 Years 6.0 kg DISCUS DISCUS Age Weight Age Weight Section of Discus Section Of Discus Girls 12-13 Years 1.00 kg Boys 12-13 Years 1.00 kg Girls 14 Years 1.00 kg Boys 14 Years 1.00 kg Girls 15 Years 1.00 kg Boys 15 Years 1.00 kg Girls 16 Years 1.00 kg Boys 16 Years 1.50 kg Girls 17 Years 1.00 kg Boys 17 Years 1.50 kg Girls 18-20 Years 1.00 kg Boys 18-20 Years 1.75 kg JAVELIN JAVELIN Age Weight Age Weight Section Of Javelin Section of Javelin Girls 12-13 Years 400 g Boys 12-13 Years 600 g Girls 14 Years 400 g Boys 14 Years 700 g Girls 15 Years 600 g Boys 15 Years 700 g Girls 16 Years 600 g Boys 16 Years 700 g Girls 17 Years 600 g Boys 17 Years 700 g Girls 18-20 Years 600 g Boys 18-20 Years 800 g HIGH JUMP HIGH JUMP Age Starting Age Starting Section Height Section Height Girls 12-13 Years 1.00m Boys 12-13 Years 1.10m Girls 14 Years 1.00m Boys 14 Years 1.10m Girls 15 Years 1.05m Boys 15 Years 1.30m Girls 16 Years 1.10m Boys 16 Years 1.40m Girls 17 Years 1.10m Boys 17 Years 1.40m Girls 18-20 Years 1.10m Boys 18-20 Years 1.50m VOLLEYBALL COMPETING TEAMS MUST PROVIDE FOR ALL MATCHES: 1 Good leather match ball 1 Competent scorer and score sheets 1 Competent line umpire/ 1 Competent net umpire/ 1 First Aid Kit THE CONVENER IS IN SOLE CHARGE OF THE DAY AND THEIR DECISION IS FINAL, SUBJECT TO THE UPPER HUME PROTEST PROCEDURES. TEAMS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF 12 PLAYERS FOR THE DAY. CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION: 1. Volleyball will be conducted under the rules of the International Volleyball Association, as set out by the Australian Volleyball Association unless otherwise stated. 2. The format of the competition will be a Split Round-Robin with a final between the winners of each pool. If five or less teams are competing then a full round robin will be played. The Upper Hume Winner will progress to the Hume Region Finals. Duty teams are responsible for supplying a referee and a scorer. 3. Matches are to be the best of three advantage sets, or of 40 minutes’ duration, whichever is first. All sets are point a rally. The first two sets will be played to 20 points with a two point advantage. The third set will be played to 15 points with a two point advantage. If a set is unfinished at ‘time’, the team leading that set by two or more points shall be the winner of that set, provided that the team has reached at least 8 points. If one team wins the first two sets then the third set is not played. 4. The final will be played as in 3, but with no time limit. 5. Points are to be awarded for the Round-Robin matches to determine the winners of each pool on the following basis: Win: 2 points Draw: 1 point Loss: 0 points 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. If, at the end of the round robin, two teams are equal on matches won, then the winner of their face to face match will be declared the winner. If their face to face match was tied, then sets percentage will be compared. If still equal, points percentage. If more than two teams are equal on matches won, then the winner will be determined by set percentage (sets for / sets for + sets against) against the other tied teams, then on points percentage (points for / points for + points against) against the other tied teams. When doing these calculations involving a 3-way tie, the convener should only include the results of the 3 teams tied NOT the results from the games with the 4th, 5th etc teams. Please note when doing calculations in a two way tie ALL team results are to be used. Teams are to be attired in similar team uniforms with clearly visible numbers on both the front and back. Nonmarking shoes must be worn. Any player not appropriately attired, as listed, will not be permitted to participate. All team coaches are to present to the scorers, prior to the start of each game, the name and number of the players in the team and the starting positions of the players for each set. Net heights are as follows: Senior Boys 2.43m Girls 2.24m Inter Boys 2.35m Girls 2.10m Year 8 Boys 2.10m Girls 2.10m Year 7 Boys 2.10m Girls 2.10m Players must wear the appropriate attire. Black marking shoes will not be permitted on the courts There will be no time outs or substitutions in the last 5 minutes except for substitution due to injury in which case the clock will stop. The convener has the power to apply the following penalty for teams arriving later than the starting time.....lose all sets that would have been in progress by the maximum to zero SECTION: SENIOR / INTERMEDIATE / YEAR 8 / YEAR 7 A TEAM A B C D E UPPER HUME DIVISION HANDBOOK B GENDER: BOYS / GIRLS DATE: SPORT: POOL A / POOL B C D E FOR AG. % PTS POS. UPPER HUME DIVISION HANDBOOK