HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Guidelines and Application The Alexander Eastman Foundation Health Professions Scholarship Program is for students pursuing postsecondary education or training in a health care field. Consideration for scholarships is based on merit and need. The program is designed to provide scholarship grants to health care workers who seek to utilize new equipment and medical techniques, improve knowledge in a specific health care area, or add to professional qualifications to increase job security or career advancement. Scholarships range in size from $500 to $2,500. ELIGIBILITY Eligible applicants to the program must: Currently practice health-care skills or work in health-service organization in: Derry, Londonderry, Windham, Sandown, East Hampstead, Hampstead, or Chester. OR Be a resident of Derry, Londonderry, Windham, Sandown, East Hampstead, Hampstead, or Chester AND currently practice health care skills or work in health-service organizations in one of the following towns: Derry, Londonderry, Windham, Sandown, East Hampstead, Hampstead, Chester, Atkinson, Auburn, Salem, or Pelham. Be entering or enrolled in a full-time, part-time or short-term program of study in a health field including, but not limited to: medicine, dentistry, nursing, medical laboratory, radiology, pharmacology, rehabilitation therapy, nutrition, health care administration, or home health care. Be an independent student (over age 24 or have others dependent on you). Understand and agree to adhere to the above mentioned residency/employment guidelines for at least 18 months after receipt of the award. WHEN TO APPLY Applications received by June 17 will be considered. No late applications will be considered. HOW TO APPLY Download the application from the web site and complete all sections. Please email the application and attachments to or mail paper copies to: Alexander Eastman Foundation 75 South Main Street, Unit 7 PMB 250, Concord, NH 03301 To request an e-mailed or paper copy of the application, please call Betsy McNamara at 1-888-228-1821 x81 (toll free), or e-mail ALEXANDER EASTMAN FOUNDATION HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION Applications must be received by June 17 by mail or electronically. Applicants must submit applications and attachments either all in electronic form or all in paper form – the format may not be mixed. All applicants will receive a written or e-mailed confirmation of receipt. PERSONAL Name (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name): Address: Daytime Phone Number: Email: Birth date: School for which aid is requested: School website: Date classes start: Field or Program of Study: Expected Graduation Date: CHECK APPROPRIATE CHOICE For 2014/2015, I will be a: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior I will be enrolled: fulltime halftime or more (6+ credits) I will live: on campus Degree with which you will graduate: at home less than halftime Associates Degree Doctoral Degree Bachelor’s Degree Certificate Master’s Degree Professional License Non-degree Program ACTIVITIES List all community activities in which you have participated. Include volunteer projects, PTA, etc. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Activity How long? Special Honors/Offices Held WORK EXPERIENCE (or enclose a current resume): Employer How Long? Position Held CAREER GOALS Please write a short statement about your career goals (attach a sheet if necessary): SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Do you have any unusual personal, financial or family circumstances that warrant special attention? (attach a sheet if necessary). HOW DID YOU LEARN OF THE ALEXANDER EASTMAN FOUNDATION HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM? COST of EDUCATION Please obtain your figures directly from the school’s Financial Aid Office. COST of EDUCATION AID AWARDED Tuition & Fees: $ Pell Grant: $ Books: $ SEOG Grant: $ Transportation: $ Stafford Loan: $ Child Care: $ Perkins Loan: $ Other Expenses: $ Work Study: Other Aid*: Total Cost: $ Total Aid: $ $ $ Total Unmet Need (Total Cost minus Total Aid): $ *Include NH Job Training or Voc Rehab subsidy and employer education reimbursements here _____________________________________________________________________________________ If you have not applied for financial aid, please explain why: OUTSTANDING EDUCATIONAL LOANS Amount Borrowed Date Loaned Amount Owed Unpaid ATTACHMENTS With all proposals, please include: 1. Most recent high school or college transcript (if no more than 5 years old). 2. Two letters of professional reference from a supervisor, employer or other person familiar with your work. 3. Cover letter with statement about your reasons for returning to or participating in this course of study. 4. Top two pages of 2013 tax return (please black out the Social Security number). INCOME, EXPENSES, and ASSET DATA You must be an independent, adult student to apply for the AEF Scholarship. You are an independent student if you are 24 years of age or older. If you are under 24, you may claim independent status only if you have (1) served in the military, (2) are a ward of the courts, (3) are married and living away from your parents or (4) have not been claimed by your parents for two consecutive years and have earned at least $4,000 in each of those two years. Use figures from your most recent U.S. Income Tax return. 1. Adjusted annual gross income $ 2. Total U.S. income tax paid $ 3. Untaxed income and benefits (Child Support, AFDC, ADC, SSI, etc) $ 4. Medical/dental expenses not covered by insurance $ 5. Net value of real estate holdings NOT used as primary residence $ (market value less balance of mortgage) 6. Total number of family members # ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Your current marital status: single married separated divorced widowed Total number of family members attending college at least half-time during the next academic year (include yourself): CERTIFICATION I certify that all the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my (our) knowledge. If asked by an authorized official of the Alexander Eastman Foundation, I (we) agree to give documentation for information given on this form. I (we) realize that this proof may include a copy of a U.S. tax return and/or state income tax return. I (we) realize that failure to comply with a request for further information may prevent the applicant from receiving any aid. Applicant’s signature: ________________________________________________ Date:__________________________ Spouse’s signature:____________________________________________________Date:_________________________ Print Spouse’s Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Please return completed application and all attachments by June 17. If you have any questions, please contact Betsy McNamara of the Alexander Eastman Foundation at or 603-219-0699.