ATTACHMENT A AGENDA FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW ASSOCIATION (AUSTRALIAN BRANCH) 9 DECEMBER 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Minutes of the 2014 AGM Business arising President’s report Chapter reports Treasurer’s report Election of officers Other business Close ATTACHMENT B NOMINATION FOR ELECTION I Click here to enter text. being a financial member of the International Law Association (Australian Branch) hereby nominate Click here to enter text. for the position of Choose an item.. Signature of nominating member Date Nomination seconded by financial member Click here to enter text.. Signature of member seconding nomination Date Nomination accepted. Signature of candidate Date ATTACHMENT C PROXY NOTICE I hereby nominate Click here to enter text. as my proxy to vote on my behalf at the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Association. Signature of appointing member Date ATTACHMENT D MINUTES OF THE 2014 AGM MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE AUSTRALIAN BRANCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW ASSOCIATION (“ILA”) HELD ON MONDAY, 22 DECEMBER 2014 AT 5:00 PM BY TELECONFERENCE. Chair: Christopher Ward In attendance: Patrick Wall (taking minutes), Jean Louis Potgieter, Keith Suter, Greg Marks, Jo Delaney, Natalie Klein, Peter Willis, Stephen Tully, Margaret Brewster. Apologies: Damian Sturzaker. A quorum was declared and the meeting was opened at 5:02 pm. 1. Opening address 1.1. C Ward noted that the AGM had been scheduled to take place the previous week, but that it had been postponed because it was due to take place close to the site of the Martin Place Siege, which was at that point ongoing. 1.2. On behalf of the Australian Branch, C Ward expressed sympathies and throughs for the victims and their families. He also apologised to those who had made arrangements to attend the previously-scheduled meeting that were disrupted by reason of the delay. 1.3. Because the rescheduled meeting had to take place by teleconference and because it had taken place at short notice, C Ward proposed a ‘bare bones’ AGM, with only the essential items of business being dealt with and with further material to be circulated in the New Year. 2. Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting 2.1. C Ward asked for any comments on or corrections to the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting, which had been circulated in advance. No issues were raised. 2.2. The minutes of the 2012 Annual General meeting were adopted (proposed by K Suter, seconded by S Tully). 3. Business Arising 3.1. There was no business arising from the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting. 4. President’s Report 4.1. C Ward gave a report of the activities of the Australian Branch in 2014 and gave his views on the future of the Australian Branch. 4.2. He noted that the Branch was in a ‘consolidation’ phase and that it was strongly positioned. He noted that there had been more events in 2014 than in previous years, and that the Australian Branch had a robust presence in the Australian legal community. 4.3. C Ward spoke about the 2018 Biennial Conference of the ILA, which the Australian Branch would be hosting. He noted that there was strong support for the conference from ILA HQ and the association worldwide. He also noted that preparations were ongoing and that the Australian Branch had been working with Judy Lane Consulting. He noted that Judy Lane Consulting have organised ILA Biennial Conferences before, that they were good to work with, and that they had proposed generous fee arrangements. C Ward noted that space had been reserved in conference venues in Sydney. He noted that much more detailed planning would be occurring in the coming year. 4.4. C Ward spoke about the plans for the coming year. He explained that there would be more formal engagement with Australian members of the ILA’s international committees in 2015. 4.5. C Ward invited M Brewster to make a few remarks about the Nygh internship. M Brewster noted that Derek Bailey had been chosen as the next scholar and outlined the process by which he had been chosen. C Ward noted his views that Derek was an excellent choice. 4.6. C Ward spoke about the Nygh and Brennan essay prizes. He noted that a good range of entires had been received and that he would approach another member of the Australian Branch to join him in judging the entires. 4.7. C Ward noted that, during 2014, the Branch had taken on the publication of the Australian International Law Journal after the University of Sydney ended its association with the Journal. He noted that the articles for publication had been identified by a panel consisting of himself, S Tully and N Klein. 4.8. C Ward noted that there were a number of events being planned for 2015, which would follow on from the good events of 2014. 4.9. In relation to the State-based Chapters of the Association, C Ward noted that the Victorian and Queensland Chapters were vibrant and that, during 2014, a Chapter had opened in the ACT and interest had been expressed in both the Northern Territory and Western Australia. He further noted that the South Australian Chapter was reinvigorating after a short hiatus. 4.10. C Ward spoke about the new ILA Blog, initially to be run by the Victorian Chapter, which was due to go live in early 2015. He expressed excitement at the potentials of this new development. 4.11. Finally, C Ward thanked the Management Committee for their work during the year, especially the Treasurer and Secretary. 5. Treasurer’s Report 5.1. J Potgieter spoke to the financial statements had been circulated previously. He noted that they reflected a number of liabilities from 2012 and 2013 that had been discharged in 2014. The most notable of these were outstanding payments to ILA HQ in London. He noted that membership income was steady, and that there were 116 members at the end of the previous financial year (i.e. June 2014). 5.2. J Potgieter invited questions. M Brewster asked what had happened with the St George deposit, which had recently matured. J Potgieter explained that it had been redeposited with St George, with a new maturity date of April 2015. 5.3. P Willis asked about the PayPal account. J Potgieter explained that PayPal was used to process memberships, and that excess funds in the account were transferred to the Branch’s cash management account on a bi- or tri-monthly basis. He explained that, whilst there was no requirement to keep some money in the account at all times, it was prudent to do so as a contingency for requests for refunds. 5.4. P Willis asked about membership fees. Specifically he asked whether they would go up in 2015 and whether it would be possible to allocate a percentage of fees to the State-based Chapters. C Ward explained that the majority of the subscription fee was sent to ILA HQ and that currency fluctuations are worn by the national branches, so this was a possibility. He explained the Branch’s policy that Chapters should be financially self-sufficient, but that they were able to seek special-purpose funding from the Branch where required. C Ward urged Chapters to approach the Branch with requests for funding for worthy projects. 5.5. A motion that the Balance Sheet and Accounts, including accompanying notes be approved, was proposed (C Ward proposed, M Brewster seconded). 5.6. Authority was given by the Committee for the signing of the Statement by the Treasurer, and the signing of the Committee’s Report to Members, including approval of the form and contents of such a Report. 5.7. C Ward again thanked J Potgieter for his efforts again, noting that his efforts were above and beyond any reasonable call upon his time. 6. Election of Office-Bearers 6.1. P Wall noted that nominations had been received for officer-bearing positions: 6.2. President - Chris Ward Vice President - Natalie Klein Treasurer - Jean Louis Potgieter Secretary - Patrick Wall Director of Studies - Keith Suter P Wall further noted that the following nominations had been received for general committee positions: Margaret Brewster Emily Arnberg Greg Marks James Renwick Jo Delaney Damien Sturzaker Alex Kunzelman Stephen Tully Molina Asthana Sophocles Kitharidis Cate Heyworth-Smith 6.3. P Wall noted that the number of nominations received was sufficient to fill all vacant positions without the need for a ballot. He further noted that, pursuant to section 15(4) of the Constitution of the Australian Branch, the above-named persons were deemed to have been elected. He congratulated those who had been elected. 6.4. C Ward thanked Branch members for their continued support. 7. Other Business 7.1. C Ward asked if there was any other business. 7.2. J Potgieter sought the support of the meeting to pay the invoice of D’Ambrosio accountants in the amount of $2860 for the preparation of the financial statements. Payment of the invoice was approved (moved J Potgieter, seconded K Suter). 7.3. P Willis noted that he had attended the ILA Biennial Conference in Washington in 2014 and that it was a spectacular success. He noted that it had been a joint event produced by the American Branch of the ILA and the American Society of International Law and that they had worked together very well. C Ward noted that the Australian Branch was in discussions with the Australia New Zealand Society of International Law to jointly host the 2018 conference. He noted that there was some support for this within ANZSIL, but that there were also resource concerns. 7.4. M Brewster thanked C ward and P Wall for their efforts in arranging a second meeting at such short notice. C Ward apologised that circumstances had forced the cancellation of the traditional Christmas Drinks. He noted that efforts would be made to arrange a replacement event in 2015. 8. Next Meeting 8.1. The next Annual General Meeting will take place on a date to be determined. 9. Close 9.1. The meeting closed at 5:39 pm. …………………………………………………….………. Signed as a true record Chair, Dr Christopher Ward 1. Annexure to these Minutes Annexure I: Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2014.