
Data Fabric Position Paper:
Berg-Cross, Jeffery, and Moore
The Data Fabric Interest Group (DFIG) has gotten off to a rapid start with a draft white paper, acquisition
of use cases, and presentations at Plenaries. Alternate views of the Data Fabric scope and purpose are
now starting to emerge. The intent of this paper is present some ideas on these views and to promote
discussion of them within the community
Data Fabric Background and Motivation: Until now DFIG has concentrated mainly on (a) the data
workflow within an e-research environment applicable in any domain and (b) how this relates to existing
Research Data Alliance groups. The objective is to understand, through use cases, how research data is
acquired, managed, manipulated, analyzed, simulated, and displayed in each of the domains and let
emerge commonalities of process and (best) practice that may be re-used. From the DFIG web page:
“The loose concept of the Data Fabric is a more nuanced view of data, data management and
data relations along with the supporting set of software and hardware infrastructure
components that are used to manage this data, along with associated information, and
knowledge. This vision offers the possibility to formulate more coherent visions for integrating
some RDA work and results.”
Some members of DFIG wish to explore an additional, particular aspect of fundamental importance to
RDA: interoperability. Put simply, we wish to bring interoperability (within and cross-domain) aspects
into the DF discussions as a ‘first class citizen’ alongside all the other aspects of the research data
lifecycle in a domain. Modern research and data management environments are varied across
disciplinary projects with multiple types of data and processing resources. As a result in contrast with
earlier silos of research that led to discipline specific data management solutions for Interoperability
between the existing silos as well as between new emerging technologies, a higher degree of integration
is essential for the construction of a data fabric for interdisciplinary research.
Interoperability Vision for DF: Multiple projects are exploring construction of data management
environments. The technologies they develop can be viewed as components of a data fabric, provided
the systems are able to interoperate. The projects need to be expanded and generalized from specific
domains into the larger research arena in part by engaging with RDA in order to further the
advancement of data interoperability. Two use cases that illustrate these requirements are EUDAT and
the DataNet Federation Consortium.
Two major extensions to the data fabric vision are emerging from these use cases:
1. Interoperability mechanisms required for sharing data, information, and knowledge. This can be
quantified as the sharing of digital objects that comprise the basic elements of research
(observational data, experimental data, simulations); the sharing of provenance, descriptive,
and structural information (stored as metadata attributes about the digital objects, users, and
data fabric environment); and the sharing of knowledge procedures (stored as workflows, web
services, and applications). It is not sufficient to make digital objects discoverable and
retrievable. Researchers also need the ability to manipulate the digital objects, parse the data
formats, and share the procedures.
The ability to share procedures has multiple implications:
The procedure that generates information/metadata about a digital object can be
saved. The procedure can be re-executed to generate the associated information,
enabling the verification of the information associated with a digital object. This is
essential for establishing trust in the sources that provide the digital objects. If a
researcher can re-execute a procedure and obtain the same result, reproducible datadriven research is possible.
In a data fabric, the procedures should be executable at both the repository where the
digital objects are stored, and the research environment local to the researcher.
Procedures should be transportable, enabling either the movement of data to a remote
service, or the encapsulation of the service for local execution.
2. Federation mechanisms needed to assemble collaborations that span institutions, data
management environments, and continents. If interoperability mechanisms exist across
versions of data management technology, a collaboration environment can be created that
federates each of the participating environments into a unified system. There are multiple
versions of federated systems:
 Shared name spaces for users, files, and services. A shared name space for users
provides a single sign-on environment for use of the federated services. A shared name
space for files enables formation of virtual collections that span administrative domains.
A shared name space for services enables re-use of procedures across researcher
 Shared services for manipulating digital objects. A simple approach is to move digital
objects to the shared service through a broker, accessing the service through its access
protocol. A more sophisticated approach is to encapsulate the service in a virtual
machine environment, for movement to the local research resources for execution.
 Third-party access. It is possible to implement shared services by posting requests to a
third party, such as a message queue, and eliminate direct communication between the
federated system components. The posted message can request the application of a
service, which is processed by the remote system independently of the original request.
Both of these aspects imply (and need) virtualization: that is the hiding of complexity from the end-user.
Here the use of Virtual machines in a CLOUD or GRID environment is required to manage dynamic
resource allocation, scalability, distributed parallelism, energy efficiency and other aspects. Most
importantly, it is necessary to work at the appropriate level of abstraction in order to allow the
computing environment/middleware to behave optimally. Too low or prescriptive a level constrains the
environment, too high or abstract a level does not indicate clearly the requirement of the user. Recent
work from an Expert Group in Europe has come up with Triple-I Computing as a concept (InformationIntention-Incentive model proposed by [Schubert and Jeffery, 2014]1) and already research projects are
addressing the challenges therein. One of these research directions (named BigMESH) is exploring
mathematical signatures of all the components in such an environment within a framework of deploying
optimally non-Turing / von Neumann architectures (i.e. distributed, parallel, non-sequential,
communication not CPU intensive applications) over existing von-Neumann provision. For all these
reasons virtualization, like interoperability, is an important topic for DF discussion.
Analysis and Conclusions: We have made a useful start but the DF vision needs to be expanded but also
focused. We need to consider framing DF and its services broadly as data use and applications taking
into account the available context or environment. Good data management practices and services are
necessary and support this, but are not sufficient to handle interoperability. Improved metadata for
data in context with enhanced semantics are one aspect to consider for enhanced interoperability.
Another aspect to consider is the emergence of a mathematical foundation for federation of data
management systems (e.g. work by Hao Xu). In both the BigMESH and DataNet Federation Consortium
projects mathematical signatures are being explored. A signature of a data management system defines
the types of entities and the operations that are supported. The signature can be expressed as an
algebra that defines operations on entities. Interoperability between data management systems can
then be defined in terms of operations on the algebras. Entity types can be converted for interaction
between the repositories, and equivalent operations can be mapped. What is interesting, is that
assertions about operations within a data management system can also be mapped to assertions within
other data management systems. The mathematical foundation defines the minimal properties needed
for federation between systems. The DF IG can provide an integrated forum for defining what needs to
change to enable Interoperability – a hard but tractable problem and something for DF to keep its eye