4. School Association GM Minutes




Meeting opened 5.00pm


Julie Bird, Annette Cooper, David Edwards, Wendy Gardiner, Sarah Giameos, Cindy McDonald,

Marcus Newbown (Chairperson for WG), Vonni Passarelli, Lisa Sherrin.

APOLOGIES: Carolyn Clingan, Louise Gillie, Ali Goforth, Diana Roberts.


The minutes of the previous meeting were circulated prior to the meeting. The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record.

Moved: Vonni Passarelli Seconded: Wendy Gardiner


Prefects unavailable – No report given

Julie gave a brief update on what the Prefects have been doing since the last meeting:

 Prefects are holding Donut Fundraiser for World Vision on 7 August 2015

 Prefects attended the annual visit to Parliament House on Thursday 30 July, led by Elise

Archer. Discussion leads towards female politicians and careers for women. It is a valuable experience and the girls get a lot from it.


David gave an update on the Chaplaincy Program:

 Annual Chaplaincy Dinner held 1 July 2015 was a successful event, final figures for the evenings takings are still to be finalised. The opportunity for the community to connect was very valuable, as well as showcasing the school in terms of catering.

 SHINE program will start in the coming weeks with Grade 8s.

 Incidental contact with chaplains and students is very beneficial, and one of the most rewarding features of the chaplaincy program. Particularly for students who do not often seek support.

 Marcus requested his comments from the point of view as a parent be recorded, he said that it is great to hear this service is available for all students and feels confidence in knowing it is there for his daughter as well.


Julie gave an overview of what has been happening since the last meeting:

 Discussion started with comments about the previous day, Monday 3 August, when school was required to be closed due to extreme weather. Julie had spoken to Joe Meale that morning, and it was confirmed that 15 teachers would be absent from work. She then contacted Judy Travers for approval to close. There were 17 teachers missing at the beginning of the day, with 4 arriving late. Julie had been working hard with other school principals in order to put in place a more coordinated approach if the extreme weather forecasted occurs again on Wednesday 5 August. 10 teachers from Kingston High organised to present for work at OHS if required, all matched to appropriate curriculum areas and planning in place for them. Over 4000 people saw the Facebook post about closure.

 OHS will be open on Wednesday 5 August.


 Vonni suggested that this could be a PR opportunity with such a coordinated approach being taken with Southern Schools.

 Dates for In Touch were discussed with the next issue due on Friday 14 August.

 Julie Kay has returned from leave. Leif Shea has started at Kingston High, and Lillian Smith is currently filling his position in Big Picture. Cameron Gluskie will continue as Acting AST

Grade 9 until Leif Shea’s position has been filled – this will be advertised next week.

 Mid year reports went home in the first week of Term 3, with the Parent Teacher evening the following Wednesday 29 July. The statistics are not back yet, but appears that more parents attended the evening earlier in the year.

 Work on the grounds took place over the holidays, particularly the removal of old trees that were encouraging vermin along the bank adjacent to the gym.

 Cybersmart sessions are coming up, there has been expressions of interest from schools that missed out on the opportunity. The parent session will be held on Wednesday 26

August, to be advertised in In Touch and on Facebook. There have been some issues with students in regard to cyber bullying and these will be addressed in these sessions.

 The school has continued to focus on achieving the goals in the five priority areas in the school plan.

 Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have received Curriculum Booklets for subject choices in 2016.

The course selection evening will be held on Tuesday 18 August. Course selection will be online and needs to be completed by Friday 21 August (a grace period until the 28 August has been allowed for students who need additional support in course selection).

 Teachers are continuing to work on improving the outcomes of students who are not achieving national minimum, through small literacy and numeracy support groups. Planning for staffing around new students coming in 2016 has started.

 Tim Hortle is managing the eStrategy at OHS and will be making a presentation for the families at the Grade 6 Orientation. He will be discussing options for families in regard to

BYOT, and some suggestions of suitable devices. A partnership with JB HiFi is being investigated.

 Tim is also part of the team, including Julie Bird and Erika Boas, working on a state wide project “New Pedagogies for Deep Learning”. Teachers will look at this further next staff meeting and at the Show Day PL Day.

 The Relationships and Respectful Schools team have been working with staff, particularly with how Home Group teachers can help improve resilience, and classroom teachers focussing on learning. Connections are being made between both areas.


Cindy McDonald presented the Financial Report:

 Discussion of the Job Profit & Loss Statement. The Uniform Shop is making a good profit.

 New POS System for the Uniform Shop is expected to be installed by the end of the month.

This will improve functionality of the shop and will be able to print reports and do stock take easily, data can be drawn to collate stock and sizing, will see full benefit of this system in

12-18 months. Ann French and Cindy McDonald will be completing 6 hours of training, with support focussed on set. Tina Groot will also do a basic training.

 Yvonne Bennett has been liaising with students on the SRC in regard to school leggings.

These would be in the form of ¾ leggings in maroon with a white stripe. Recommendation was made that a note be put in the Newsletter about wearing black leggings to school instead of uniform.

 State Rep fund two students were put forward. Ellie Bowd for her selection in the

Tasmanian U15 Team for Underwater Hockey, playing in the New Zealand Secondary

Schools Underwater Hockey Championships in Auckland. Tala Castro Sherrin for her


selection on the Tasmanian U15 Team for Tumbling, competing at the Australian Gymnastics

Championships in Melbourne. She is also competing Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini at the National Clubs Gymnastics Team Carnival in Bendigo. Discussion moved to increasing this assistance amount in 2016. Discussion deferred to consider at later date, as school financial year ends in December.

 Wendy Gardiner moved that the Financial Report be adopted, seconded by Marcus



 Combined Quiz night with NTHS – TBC Term 3 o Karin asked if OHS would be happy to host the event, due to works at NTHS. Julie happy to have in the Lower Student Centre (capacity 100 – 10 tables x 10 people) o Quiz Night could include: Silent Auction (wine/cinema tickets/cruises etc), Perpetual

Trophy (possibly 50 tickets each school – 2 teams), BYO Platters, provide refreshments (licence to run bar) o Focus on building profile as School Association o Day/date TBC – preference of committee is a Saturday night either 22 or 29 August, committee preference being the 29 August 2015.


Julie gave an update on the plans for school projects and development:

 Julie went to a meeting and had a chance to refresh the memories of Mathew Groom and

Elise Archer around H-Block. Continue to discuss this item.

 Judy Travers and Todd Williams made contact and are to visit Wednesday. Facilities is expected to send a designer to make recommendations for security at the front of school.

An initial quote has been put forward for the upgrade at $43,000. Another person will be coming in. We are on the list for Minor Works but still not heard back with confirmation.

 A number of minor works projects were completed in the holidays, including: data projector installed, trees removed, WiFi access points upgraded to the library and new supplier contracted, electrical work to the value of $16,000 (lights in foyer, street lights in drive way, heating, hot water upgrade), chairs upgraded in Boardroom, old seating removed, and blinds installed in a number of classrooms to ensure ‘lockdown’ procedures can be met.


Fundraising sub committee:

 Requests made for parent support for fundraising sub committee. Sarah Giameos and

Annette Cooper to help out, contact Carolyn Clingan to find a suitable meeting time.

 Seek assistance from other parents in the newsletter.

Entertainment Book:

 7 books are remaining to be sold. They have been paid for in advance, can put one in raffle, as long as association is willing to bear the $52 donation. Sell remainder at Quiz Night.

 Hard copies can only be bought from the office, not online

Combined Quiz Night:

 Karen Commane emailed, Wendy Gardiner to attend NTHS Association Meeting.

 Craig Wellington was approached to be MC or host, but may be unavailable. Graeme Paine is available on 29 August to act as MC. Julie will assist in formulating questions for the event.

 Donations are beginning to come in, including: Harvey Norman, Art Shed, Bob Jane, Carlisle

Hotel, Caj Hair and chocolate hamper from Wendy Gardiner. Others to hear back from.


 Wendy suggested a thank you bag with a lolly bag and advertising for businesses.

 Woolworths have given permission to sell tickets at front of store.


 Cybersmart Parent Session – 26 August o Sell Entertainment Books and tickets for the Raffle o Look at opening this session to the wider community, Julie to contact Judy Travers.


 Lisa said that she is in the process of updating the School Association landing page on the

OHS Sharepoint. Copies of minutes and agendas will be stored there.

 Vonni shared her concerns about the future of the English as an Additional Language

Programme in schools. There have been discussions around the structure of this program,

Vonni reminded the committee of when they had discussed the Pathway Planners and what happened to them in schools. The EAL Programme is essential in many schools.

 Cindy reminded everyone that the Grade 6/7 Transition Information Evening is the same day as the Course Selection Evening for Grades 8, 9, 10. It is normal for the School Association

President to make a short speech to the parents. There are two sessions, 4:00-5:00 pm and

6:30-7:30 pm. Wendy to speak to parents – Lisa to send some information.


 8 September 2015

 Meeting time approved for 5:00-6:30pm




(chairperson) date:……………………….

