5. School Association GM Minutes

Meeting opened 5.08pm
Yvonne Bennett, Julie Bird, David Edwards, Cindy McDonald, Marcus Newbown (Chair for WG),
Diana Roberts, Lisa Sherrin.
APOLOGIES: Vonni Passarelli
Yvonne opened the discussion about new items to be approved and stocked in the Uniform Shop.
1. Yvonne has been in contact with a shop in Melbourne, Emaan, in regard to head scarves in
appropriate school colours for our Muslim students. Lisa said she had spoken with a number
of students, and current Grade 7 students are most interested, as well as families of Grade 6
students who came to the Information Evening. Emaan supplied a sample grey headscarf,
which is the closest match to our uniform. It is a stock item and as such would cost $12
each (+ postage). Scarves are available in M, L, XL (our sample is an XL). Proposed that the
Uniform Shop purchased 10-20 units and restock as required. It was recommended that the
usual 40% mark-up be waived on this item as it is an optional item.
2. Yvonne showed a sample pair of ¾ leggings from Sacred Heart College. SHC was done a lot
of research into these leggings and they are very good quality and manufactured by a local
supplier. The proposed colours for Ogilvie are maroon with a white or grey pinstripe. The
company are only able to do a minimum run of 50 units. Wholesale price is approximately
$34, with RRP $48. The committee all felt that the risk was worthwhile and that the school
would be able to sell the initial 50 items. Suggested that an Expression of Interest form was
run with required sizing indicated. Discuss with Ann French re current cohort and sizing.
Decided the leggings would be in conjunction with the current sport uniform. Would be
great to have a sample pair ready for the Grade 7 Orientation on 16 November.
3. Yvonne presented the updated Uniform Policy – additional uniform items discussed and
appropriate section for each item decided – Leggings with Sports Uniform, Headscarf with
Optional accessories. Wording was agreed to, as well as highlighting the point of No black
leggings or shorts. Policy to be endorsed with finalised, Yvonne to bring to next meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting were circulated prior to the meeting. The minutes were
accepted as a true and accurate record, with an amendment to the spelling of Ann French and
Graeme Paine’s names.
Moved: Julie Bird
Seconded: Cindy McDonald
Prefects unavailable – No report given
Julie gave a brief update on what the Prefects have been doing since the last meeting:
The Donut Fundraiser for World Vision on 7 August 2015 was very successful. It was well
attended by all students. Final figures unknown at this time.
Important to email the Head Prefect and invite her to attend the Association meeting.
Marcus feels they should be encouraged, gives power to the Prefects.
Julie presented the Principal’s Report:
New projectors have been installed in the Gym and screens will be ready for the final Term
3 Assembly. Julie asked David to assist with setting up the screens for this day.
The Cybersmart sessions for students were extremely valuable, but the parent session was
poorly attended with only 6 parents present. This was very disappointing and Julie does not
think that it will be possible next year due to lack of support.
A number of activities have been going on around the school. Science Week, hosted by the
Grade 9 students, with Mt Stuart and Lansdowne Crescent Primary Schools attending. It was
great to see the Grade 9s step up and take ownership of this. David spoke about the light
show he organised of projection mapping. A set from Elizabeth College was borrowed, and a
creepy them developed by the students. There was good feedback from the primary schools.
WOT Opera, students were selected to work with professionals in theatre, with a
culminating performance at the Theatre Royal. Tournament of Minds, with three teams
winning their division and heading off to Nationals in Sydney next month.
Important to keep up with the Facebook page – recently updated to include news about the
teams attending Eisteddfods and each placing second, as well as Chelsea Griggs on her trip
to find shy albatross.
The school continues to focus on achieving goals in the priority areas of the School Plan.
Important to attend to the goals set for 2014-2017 in line with the DoE Strategic Plan.
Julie is working with the Curriculum Area Leaders, meeting once a month, to look closely at
mid-year Australian Curriculum results and NAPLAN data. The next meeting is this
Thursday and they will be looking at A-E ratings and consistency across subjects, that is, a
student getting an A in one subject should be getting an A across their other subjects. Also
reviewing NAPLAN data, with the new focus shifting to Grammar and Punctuation – OHS
had a push on Persuasive Writing previously and there has been a clear shift in results since.
Tim Hortle made presentation to families at the Grade 6 Orientation Night, providing
information about BYOD and a representative form JB Hi Fi explained their offer to parents
purchasing a device. Tim, Cindy and Julie have been working with the education arm of JB Hi
Fi, to build a range of devices available to OHS families. They are providing good advice on
very good devices, with different price ranges for all. Looking at a Lenovo Netbook with
detachable tablet. These will not be the only option and are only a recommendation. Site not
live yet, hopefully up and running before Christmas, closing down again for a period, and
reopening in 2016.
Promotion of BYOD policy is imperative as OHS is not in a position to continue the
Netbook Program. The Netbooks for Grade 9-10 were out of specific funding from the
federal government. Many of these devices are now out of warranty. In 2015 there was only
provision for Netbooks for Grade 10 only. Banks of Netbooks will still be available to
classes in 2016 and students without devices will not be disadvantaged.
Julie, Tim Hortle and Erika Boas will be attending a full day PL on Growth Mindset, where
students are encouraged to set goals and use dialogue such as, “Not yet, but soon, in the
future, I can get better.”
Cindy McDonald presented the Financial Report:
 Discussion around the Profit and Loss Statement – with losses in Uniform Shop from recent
stock purchases including, shell jackets and combination locks; also from the School
Association Fund through the payment of commitments including the new POS terminal.
 The office received payments for Association, and has about $1000 to be paid for
Entertainment Books, with only two left. EFTPOS machine was used for Silent Auction $615.
Liquor Licence paid for on Corporate Card, so final figures need to be finalised between
these two accounts.
Quiz Night takings were just over $3000, overheads include; liquor licence, liquor, trophy,
chips and soft drink. Profit was just over $2500 to be split with NTHS – approx. $1262 each.
New Town won the trophy by less than 1 point – OHS keen to reclaim it next year.
Special thanks to Julie Bird without whom the Quiz Night would not have
worked. She helped with all the questions plus organisation.
Cindy McDonald moved that the Financial Report be adopted, seconded by Marcus
Following applications were presented:
 Girls attending Nationals for Tournament of Minds in Sydney. These applications were
approved as they fall within the current guidelines.
 Two girls, Michaela Triffett and Chelsea Griggs, have been selected to attend the WOT
Opera camp in Sydney on 18-25 September. This falls outside the current guidelines, and
there was some concern that it sets a precedent. Each case should be considered on a case
by case basis. Julie supported this application very strongly for this particular group of girls,
and that it should be regarded quite highly. The Association approved these applications.
 Britney-Lee Campbell has been selected to represent Tasmania at the Asia Pacific Grand
International Championships in Brisbane from 24-29 September. This application was
approved as it falls within the current guidelines.
Cindy presented the proposal brought to the Association by Camellia Cseko (LOTE Teacher).
Camellia was requesting financial support from the school association so that host families could be
assisted with the everyday costs required to host an intern from Mejiro University. It was proposed
that the OHS School Association provide financial support in the terms of approximately $80-$100
per week. The total cost being $2240-$2800 for a period of 7 months (28 weeks). Due to cultural
misunderstandings it was assumed that OHS would continue the intern programme for next year,
without the fact being confirmed. An intern has been selected to come to us, and she sacrificed full
time employment in order to come to our school. Camellia has found it extremely difficult to find a
host family to take on this intern, but someone has agreed on the condition that the school provide
lunches from the canteen. The school is looking in to supporting families by offering financial aid as
well. David asked what the value of the program is for the future, Julie said it is unlikely to continue
after 2016. The School Association voted in favour of supporting the proposal.
David was unable to give the Chaplaincy report due to time constraints (see attached report).
Cindy gave an update on the plans for school projects and development:
Association funds to support School projects – Cindy has received a quote to install a digital
sign at the front of the school. The sign is $23,000 and can show images as well as words.
Giving capacity to show school work and photos. Pricing for power to the front of the
school is yet to be confirmed. Cindy has been discussing with other Tasmanian schools, and
found one school has a sign that operates on a 12V battery. She will seek feedback from
other schools with digital signs at upcoming TASSO PL that she is attending on Thursday and
Friday this week. The total cost looks like about $24,000 at the moment. Possibly the school
goes 50% with the Association or we erect in February in order to use both 2015 and 2016
allocations to the school.
School development – a proposed plan for the front entrance was distributed. The DoE are
happy to redevelop front of school and will give $25,000 to get this project underway. There
is no option of removing the wall on the left hand side as enter the main building due to
heritage listing constraints, will have to use existing doorway instead. Julie and Cindy signed
off on the plans today, architects will now go away and cost the build. It can then be taken
back to the DoE.
Association funds to support School projects – only issue with new plans for the front
entrance, is that now there will be no public access to the Uniform Shop. Discussion about
making an external access to the shop and redeveloping the internal area at the same time.
Thoughts to initially employ someone to rebuild the shelving and prepare for the
redevelopment. Costs would be $180 per day for 10 weeks (Term 4) = approx.. $1800.
Discussion also went to employing one of the current office members with experience in
archiving, to archive all the School Association documents. Request for School Association
funding to pay someone over the holidays to do this.
Entertainment Book:
 2 books are remaining to be sold.
Combined Quiz Night:
 The Combined Quiz Night was great and everyone who attended really enjoyed themselves.
There were 80-90 people in attendance – so nearly capacity. NTHS had 6 tables and OHS
had 4 tables. Table points were therefore averaged in order to find the winning school.
NTHS won by less than one point. The Silent Auction raised $615. The Chaplaincy Raffle
only raised $251, which was disappointing considering that raffle books were sent home to
every family in the school. First prize was donated back to school.
In – State Rep Fund requests
Out – Thank You letters to Quiz Night donors
 3 November 2015
 Meeting time approved for 5:00-6:30pm