Radiology Student Interest Group Constitution
Article I – Name: The name of this organization shall be the Radiology Student Interest Group
and may be hereinafter referred to as Rad-SIG.
Article II – Purpose/Description: The purpose of this organization is to cultivate interest in
the field of radiology amongst the medical school population and to serve as a resource for
individuals expressing such interest. Specifically, Rad-SIG shall:
1. Host events to introduce students to the field of radiology and its various
2. Provide avenues to attain useful information for students who are the process of
applying to residency programs in radiology.
3. Assist students in the location and selection of mentors (current residents, staff, etc.)
and research/shadowing opportunities.
Article III – Compliance Clause: We agree to abide all Medical Student Council policies, all
University policies, in addition to all federal, state, and local laws. We agree to communicate
all required information to the MSC as required by the MSC Bylaws.
Article IV – Non-Discrimination: Participation in the proposed organization and prerogatives
of membership must be without regard to arbitrary consideration of such characteristics as
age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual
orientation, or veteran status
Article V – Membership: Membership in Rad-SIG shall be open to any currently enrolled
student at the Indiana University School of Medicine.
Article VI – Election of Officers:
A. The following officers shall be elected:
1. Two Diagnostic Co-Chairs (co-presidents) – must be 3rd or 4th year students
2. Two Interventional Co-Chairs (co-presidents) – must be 3rd or 4th year students
3. One Vice President/Secretary – may be combined or separate, depending on interest
4. One Treasurer
5. One Webmaster/Research Coordinator
B. An election meeting will be held in the spring of each year to elect a new officer board.
Any IUSM student is eligible to run for office. Officers will be elected in the order listed
above. Each candidate is expected to give a short speech as to their qualifications and
interest. Then, all candidates for a particular position will step outside the room during the
voting process. Votes will be collected anonymously from all present Rad-SIG members, as
well as the current officers, and tallied by the current officers. If a candidate is not elected,
they may run for any of the remaining positions. The outgoing officers will organize a
radiology Post-Match Party as their final responsibility.
Article VII – Executive Board:
A. All elected officers shall serve on the Executive Board.
B. Members of the Executive Board can create and remove officer positions as the need
C. These changes must be submitted to and approved by the Faculty Advisor before they
become effective.
D. The duties of each officer shall be:
Radiology Student Interest Group Constitution
1. Two Diagnostic Co-Chairs (co-presidents) – Organize and run events pertaining to
diagnostic radiology, including but not limited to: lunch talks with guest speakers,
informational meetings for residency programs, student panels, meet & greet events,
elections, and the annual Post-Match Party. Determine frequency of officer meetings.
2. Two Interventional Co-Chairs (co-presidents) – Organize and run events pertaining to
interventional radiology.
3. Vice President – Assist the Co-Chairs with any duties for which they may need help.
Determine the best date/time for meetings (via survey, etc.) as needed.
4. Secretary – Take minutes during all officer meetings and distribute them to the
officers in a timely manner. Update the list-serve and check the Rad-SIG email
regularly. Maintain any and all resources related to radiology for distribution to
members, upload to MSC Oncourse site(s), and/or protocol for future officers.
5. Treasurer – Direct efforts to obtain funds from MSC, IUPUI, IUSM radiology department,
and/or fundraising activities. Ensure food catering for events as appropriate.
6. Webmaster/Research Coordinator – Maintain the Rad-SIG website with a schedule of
upcoming events as well as a current list of research/shadowing opportunities with
radiology faculty.
Article VIII – Removal of Officers:
A. Any member may make a motion for the removal of any officer providing that evidence is
presented to support the removal. Grounds for removal include the inadequate fulfillment of
duties or the violation of regulations described in University policies, or any federal, state, or
local laws.
B. A majority vote from student members is required to remove an officer.
C. The motion for removal must be submitted to and approved by the Faculty Advisor before
becoming effective.
D. An election for a new officer should be conducted at the next scheduled business meeting.
Article IX – Advisor:
A. The Advisor will be subject to the Faculty Advisor Guidelines set forth by the MSC and
Medical Student Affairs.
Article X - Meetings:
A. We will host, at a minimum, 4 meetings per year as outlined in the MSC Bylaws. Ideally, we
will host at least 1 event each month, year-round, except in December. Summer meetings will
be directed toward upperclassmen applying for residency programs.
B. We will send a representative to the MSC SIG Orientation meeting held in the early
C. We will attempt to maintain a presence at the monthly MSC meetings
D. We will offer/organize at least 1 service/development opportunity (e.g. Student Outreach
Clinic Day, clinical skills day) for our members in accordance with the MSC bylaws.
Article XI – Amendments to the Constitution:
A. Any member of the organization may present amendments to the Constitution at any
regularly scheduled meeting. After reading the current Constitution along with the proposed
change, the change will be voted on. A majority vote from student members is required to
amend the Constitution.
B. Amendments to the Constitution must be submitted to and approved by the Faculty Advisor
before they become effective.