Name: ______________________________________ Per: ______ Date: ___________ UNIT GOALS-By the end of this unit you will be able to: Identify the structures and explain the processes of a cell membrane Compare and contrast different types of solutions: hypertonic, isotonic and hypotonic Explain the role of osmosis and diffusion in maintaining homeostasis of cells. Compare and contrast: active and passive transport Explain how cells communicate with one another Date 12/9 12/11 12/15- Skinny 12/16 12/18 1/5- Skinny 1/6 1/8 Activities Lecture: Cell Membrane Lab: Model of a Cell Membrane Foldable: Types of Proteins Reading and Questions Lecture: Cell Transport T-Chart: Simple and facilitated diffusion LAB: Starch and Iodine Diffusion Lab Worksheet: Cell Membrane and Diffusion Big Quiz: Cell Membrane and Diffusion Reading and Questions Lecture: Osmosis Worksheet: Types of solutions LAB: Osmosis in Grapes (start) Reading and Questions Finish Grapes LAB Lecture: Active Transport and Cell Signals Worksheet: active transport and cell signals 20 Questions Reading and Questions Chapter Review Packet Time TEST Packets Due Bill Nye: Mitosis Vocabulary Phospholipid Lipid bilayer Cell Surface Marker Receptor Protein Enzymes Transport Proteins Equilibrium Concentration gradient Diffusion Carrier Protein Channel Protein Simple Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport Pumps Vesicles Target Cell Signal Binding Specificity Cell Membrane Every cell is surrounded by a _________________________. The cell membrane protects the cell and helps ______________________________________________ in and out of the cell. By regulating transport, the membrane helps the cell maintain constancy and order. Homeostasis All living things _______________to their environments Homeostasis is the maintenance of stable internal conditions in a _________________ ________________________. Individual cells, as well as organisms, must maintain homeostasis in order to _______ One way a cell maintains homeostasis is by controlling the movement of substances across the ______________________________________ Lipid Bilayer The cell membrane is made of _________________________ A phospholipid is a specialized lipid made of a phosphate “_____________” and two fatty acid “_____________” The phosphate head is polar and is ___________________to water The fatty acid tails are nonpolar and are___________________ by water. Structure: because there is water inside and outside the cell, the phospholipids form a _____________________ called the ___________________________ Barrier- Only certain substances can _________________________ the lipid bilayer. The phospholipids from a _________________ through which only small, nonpolar substances can pass __________ and most __________________________ are repelled by the nonpolar interior of the lipid bilayer Membrane Proteins Various _________________ can be found in the cell membrane. Some proteins face inside the cell and some face outside Other proteins may _______________________ the lipid bilayer and face both inside and outside Proteins in Lipids Proteins are made of __________________. Some amino acids are polar and others are nonpolar The amino acids are repelled and attracted to __________________________ of the bilayer These opposing attractions help _________________________ in the membrane Types of Proteins ______________________________- like a name tag, a chain of sugars acts as a marker to identify each type of cell. For example- liver cells have a different _______________________ than heart cells. Cell surface markers ____________________- the cell type. _____________________________- enable a cell to sense its surroundings, recognize and bind to certain substances outside the cell When this happens, it causes _____________________________________ _________________- Help to ____________________- reactions. They are proteins in the cell membrane that help with important biochemical reactions inside the cell ______________________________- Help substances move across the cell membrane Many substances that the cell needs ___________________ through the lipid bilayer. Transport proteins __________________________________ of these substances into and out of the cell. Cell Transport The cell must ________________ substances of varying size, electrical charge and composition into and out of the cell. Substances may __________________________ the cell in a variety of ways. Sometimes the cell must ________________________ to move a substance across the cell membrane. In _______________________, the cell is required to use energy to move a substance. In ___________________________, the cell does not use energy. Diffusion In solution, randomly moving molecules tend to ____________________________. When the space is filled evenly, a state called _______________________ is reached. The amount of a particular substance in a given volume is called the _______________ of the substance. When one area has a higher concentration than another area does, a concentration _____________________exists. Substances move from an area of _________________ concentration to an area of _______________concentration. This movement down the concentration gradient is called ______________________. Diffusion: the ____________________________________ from higher density to lower density Passive Transport The cell membrane separates the ___________________ from the ___________ ________________ the cell. Some substances enter and leave the cell by _________________________across the cell membrane. The __________________________________________ depends on the concentration gradient and does NOT require energy In passive transport, substances cross the cell membrane down their concentration gradient. Some substances diffuse through the ______________________ and others diffuse through ___________________________________ Simple diffusion ___________________________________________ can pass directly through the lipid bilayer. This type of movement is called ________________________. Simple diffusion requires ______________________. Facilitated diffusion Many ions and polar molecules that are important for cell function ________________ _______________________ through the nonpolar lipid bilayer. In _____________________________, __________________________ help these substances diffuse through the cell membrane. There are two types of _____________________________________: Channel proteins Carrier proteins Channel Proteins Ions, sugars and amino acids can diffuse through these. Channel proteins serve as a _______________________________________________. Each channel allows the diffusion of a ______________________________ that has the right side and charge. For example, a sodium channel, can only transport sodium Carrier Proteins Transport substances that fit within their _____________________. A carrier protein binds to a specific substance on one side of the cell membrane. This binding causes the ____________________________________. As the protein’s shape changes, the substance is _____________________ the membrane and is released on the other side OSMOSIS Water can move across a ____________________________ membrane. The movement of water is called osmosis Selectively permeable membrane: A membrane that allows _______________________ ________________________________________________________ Osmosis allows cells to maintain ____________ balance as their environment changes. Osmosis in cells strongly depends on the ________________the cells are in. Types of solution ________________________: the fluid outside is MORE concentrated (with solute) than inside. _______________________ of the cell, causing the cell to __________ ________________________: The fluid outside is_________________ concentrated (with solute) than inside. Water __________________ the cell and the cell _________ _____________: water moves into and out of the cell at the _______________. No net change in water movement occurs and ______________________is reached. The concentration is the ____________ inside and outside the cell. The cell stays the same. Active Transport Sometimes, cells must transport substances _________________ their concentration gradients. This movement is called __________________________ because the cell must use energy to move these substances. Active transport _________________________ to move substances against the concentration gradient. Pumps Many active transport processes use _________________________ that need ATP to actively transport materials in and out of the cell One of the most important carrier proteins in animal cells is the ___________________________________. The sodium-potassium pump actively transports both Na+ and K+ ions across the cell membrane. Vesicles Many substances such as proteins and polysaccharides are _____________________ to be moved by transport proteins. Instead, they cross the cell membrane in a _________. A vesicle is a piece of the cell membrane that formed a ___________________ ______________. Cell Communication We communicate in many ways to share information. To coordinate activities with another person you might use your cell phone, write a note, talk or use facebook… Cells in multicellular organisms depend on each other to survive and must communicate to coordinate activities within the body. Cells use various methods of __________________. These methods vary depending on whether the target is __________________________________. They also depend on whether the target is _________________________________. Cells communicate and coordinate activity by ____________________________ ___ that carry information to other cells. A signaling cell produces a signal, often a molecule, that is detected by the _________________________ The target cells have specific proteins that _________________________________ __________________________ _________________________- neighboring cells can communicate through direct contact between their membranes. _____________________________ may act locally, a few cells away from the originating cell ______________________________ are carried by hormones and nerve cells. A _________________________________________________________________ to the few signals that are important to its own function. This response to some signals, but not others, is made possible by ______________ ____________________ found in the cell membrane ________________________________- A receptor protein binds only to signals that match the specific shape of tis binding site. Once it binds the signal molecule, the _____________________________________ in the membrane. This change in shape relays information to the cytoplasm of the target cell. The cell may respond to a signal by changing its membrane permeability, by activating enzymes or by forming a second messenger. _________________________- transport proteins may open or close in response to a signal ___________________________- some receptor proteins activate enzymes in the cell membrane. Enzymes can trigger a chemical reaction in the cell _________________________-When a signal molecule binds outside the cell causing changes in the cytoplasm and nucleus of the cell.