Passed Motions 5774 - LJY

Veidah 2014/5774
Passed Veidah Motions
To instate the High Holy Days event as a staple LJY-Netzer event
occurring every year
Veidah should strongly suggest to whoever runs events that Amazon
is considered unethical and should only be used when all alternatives
have been exhausted
That no LJY-Netzer event will include activities or sessions run by the
JNF or any of its subsidiaries; to educate on this motion on Israel
Tour, on any events during which chaverim enter JNF-owned land
(eg. Bog Tours), and, where convenient/appropriate, on other LJYNetzer events; to inform Liberal Judaism, the UJIA and Israel
Experience of this motion; to write to the trustees of the JNF’s British
branch, registered charity number 225910, providing them with a
copy of this motion; and to appoint a small va’ad to monitor the
activities of the JNF and to report on any change in the situation by
Veidah 5775; provided, that if there is no change then this motion
shall continue in force and will be reviewed in like fashion at every
third Veidah from 5778 onwards. This will be subject to programmes
already planned and our funding becoming unsustainable
To align LJY Netzer with the feminist movement and educate
chanichim on feminism and the pursuit of equality. There will be a
definition/explanation of this on the website
To add a 4th pillar of Youth Empowerment to the movement’s
ideology (the current 3 being Liberal Judaism, Reform Zionism and
Tikkun Olam)
There should be a chug run on Chalutzim to run whole camp sessions
on main site (in addition to chalutzim night)
Graham will get a banjo and learn to play it
There will be an extended peulah (for a minimum 4 hours) on
communal living on Macheneh Kadimah
To have a residential 'Shnat Experience' weekend run by past
shnatties for 17 and 18 year olds pre-shnat. This would be run after
the exam period but at least a couple of months in advance of shnat
so advice will be useful and not too late
To have a sex option inc. male, female, intersex, other and a gender
line (see diagram). Sex and gender will be defined. The movement
workers to contact any person who fills in the form non-binary and
talk to them to make sure they will be comfortable on events. This
should be reviewed next Veidah. (See Appendix K for approximate
To have mandatory hadracha sessions on LGBT issues and that the
movement workers, with help, to draw up a new standardised set of
guidelines of how to deal with homophobic incidents on camp
A va’ad should be formed to formalise a series of appropriate aims
for the successful completion of the ideology and TOTY for the year
end. These aims will be regularly updated to ensure they are still
factually correct. Va’ad will include members of each different shikva
There should be a dedicated evening in which parents or guardians
have a feedback/dialogue session with the MoWos at the MC every
year and/or – at the MoWos discretion – an annual online survey
directed at parents/guardians
Rashim on Kadimah will be recommended to closely regard the
boundaries of Plagim with Ananim and Nechalim, including evening
Rashim should allocate swap-sessions so that as many leaders as
possible can lead for other Shikvot on Machanot Aviv and Kadimah
LJY-Netzer should approach Yachad for formal affiliation
A va’ad should be formed to explore the potential to found a Netzer
commune or compound in the UK with RSY
Ex-Bogrimniks will be referred to as ‘Midbarim’ (desert in Hebrew)
A va’ad should be formed to create a ‘People of LJY-Netzer’ calendar
to raise money for the COTY
Passed motions brought forward from Kinus:
More fund raising events for the lower years around mitzvah day
Incidents should be discussed more with chanichim more before the
decision is made to give strikes out
LJY-Netzer should run more activity days throughout the year. E.g.
bowling or Thorpe Park
Moving up and down years, should be subject to individual
circumstance and at the movement worker’s discretion, rather than
LJY-Netzer policy
Motions to take to Netzer Veidah:
Netzer Olami should be a vegetarian movement
Netzer should produce a policy on the elimination of all forms of discrimination, especially
gender discrimination and homophobia, and should strongly encourage sniffim to promote
equality and counter prejudice in their own countries.
The UK based representatives for Netzer Veidah should have to go on LJY-Netzer Veidah
To re-submit the ‘Peace and Territorial Compromise’ suggestion for a 15th pillar, after
rewriting it in accordance with the feedback from last Netzer Veidah
Reaffirmed old motions:
ULPSNYC-Netzer encourages interaction with Jewish youth and
other Zionist youth movements on an educational and social level
ULPSNYC-Netzer will hold a food collection on all residential events
and the food will be distributed by a committee. Appropriate
details will be included in the last letter to the participants
ULPSNYC-Netzer should formulate a glossary of commonly used
Hebrew words, to be used on all ULPSNYC-Netzer events
ULPSNYC-Netzer should do more with RSY-Netzer and other
Jewish societies
ULPSNYC-Netzer fund-raising activities should give a proportion of
the money to charity
(Not all past motions were discussed in regards to motion 2013:23 due to time limits. This process is
expected to resume at the spring Mazkirut in 2014)
Theme of the Year: Jews get Political! (Title TBC)
Charity of the Year: Barnardos
Social Action Project 2014 & 2015: Mental Health issues, in collaboration with Time to Change