MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY “Approved” Vice-Rector O.R. Teshaev ____ «___»____________ 2012y DEPARTMENT OF TRAUMATOLOGY-ORTHOPEDICS, NEUROSURGERY AND MILITARY-FIELD SURGERY Subject: Disaster medicine FOR 7TH YEAR STUDENTS OF MEDICAL FACULTY COMMON METHODIC SYSTEM For practical lesson on theme: Polytrauma. Providing medical help to victims of the polytrauma TRAINING TECHNOLOGY Tashkent – 2012 Compiled by: - Head of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopaedics, military surgery with neurosurgery of Tashkent Medical Academy, Karimov M.Y., M.D. - Ibragimov D.I., Ph.D Reviewers: LESSON №3 Theme:Congenital and acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system Venue topics and equipment - Chair: Trauma-orthopedics, military surgery with neurosurgery; Banners, X-ray pictures, handouts, photos and video material. Amount of hours: 8 hours Type of the lesson Plan of the class Purpose lesson: A student know: of Amount of students: 8-10 Practical skills development 1. Introduction. 2. Theoretical part. 3. Analytical part: - organizer - tests 4. Practical part To familiarize students to correctly diagnose, treat and assist the various types of damage. Teach practical skills in the transportation the immobilization of bone injuries of the lower extremities apply casts, splints and reduce a carry differential diagnosis with other injuries, and referrals. - Classification and types of fractures hip, leg, foot, pelvis and spine; should - The main clinical signs of bone fractures hip, leg, foot, pelvis and spine; - The principles of first aid; - Survey methods, types of anesthesia and immobilization practical skills - overlay technique of the cast, with fractures of hip, leg, foot, pelvis and spine in orthopedic trauma patients. - A student should be able to perform - Self-differentiate various types of fractures, and able to be sent to the hospital. Impose a transport bus with fractures of the lower extremities, Transported in the correct position and skill in injuries of the pelvis and spine. Languet prepares and applies them in simple fractures. Prepare a functional bed for treatment of injuries of the pelvis and spine. Learn the techniques of stretching through the loop Glisson of injured spinal column Justification of the theme Pedagogical goals: Learning clinical evaluation of children with inborn hip displacement; Teach students the methods of examination in cases of inborn torticollis; Applying of languette in cases of inborn hip dysplasia Teaching methods Forms of teaching Equipment used Teaching conditions Integration between the disciplines Conducting the lesson allows students to get acquainted with the basic principles of first aid, survey methods, types of anesthesia, immobilization principles, interpreting X-ray images of local anesthesia the fracture site, making plaster casts, overlay langetnyh and circular plaster casts, the delivery of preliminary diagnosis and identification of further tactics of the patient. Brain storm, Interactive discussion,practical work, working with documentation Social work, work in groups, Individual work Graphic organizers, flip charts, markers Rooms for group studying Training students on this topic, based on knowledge of human anatomy, topographic anatomy and operative surgery, radiology, anesthesiology and intensive care and general surgery. Knowledge acquired by students during school hours, to allow first aid, produce analgesia and immobilization and first aid Monitoring and evaluation Oral , Written, tests Technologic map of the lesson Stages of training and time st 1 stage Introduction to the lesson 10 min 5 min Activity Teacher 1.1The topic, its aim and expected results. Main terms of the topic: to give the definition for etiologic, pathogenic, symptomatic treatment. Show the plan of the topic. To give the list of literature (attachment #9) 1.2Give live questions to taken students’ attention. It is given the order of activities of organization of training Students Listen and write Listen and write process according to the plan and structure of the lesson. 1.3. it is announced the evaluation criteria of students’ activity (attachment #5) Give answers to the questions Listen 2nd stage Main part 30 min 15 min 2.1. To discuss the topic, to evaluate the knowledge of Give answers to the students using new pedagogical technologies (attachment questions. Discuss, #2) give definitional questions 2.2. The private work of students for practice (attachment Discuss, definite, #3) give questions on 2.3. analyze the situation independently, express the materials of problem, define the solution and give the solutions practical lesson. (attachment #3.1) Fill on sheet of analyze on their own and solve the problems. Break 45 min 2.4.solve the tests on their own ( attachment 2.3). 45 min the illustrative materials to students Present, other (presentations, slides, videos and others) and comment students participate them. in discussion and give answers. 5 min Break 90 min Discuss the tests. Venue topics and equipment - Graphic organizers, flip charts, markers 1. Justification of the theme Justification of the theme Conducting the lesson allows students to get acquainted with the basic principles of first aid, survey methods, types of anesthesia, immobilization principles, interpreting X-ray images of local anesthesia the fracture site, making plaster casts, overlay langetnyh and circular plaster casts, the delivery of preliminary diagnosis and identification of further tactics of the patient. 2. Integration between disciplines. Training students on this topic, based on knowledge of human anatomy, topographic anatomy and operative surgery, radiology, anesthesiology and intensive care and general surgery. Knowledge acquired by students during school hours, to allow first aid, produce analgesia and immobilization, and providing first aid to patients. 3. Components of the lesson (point) 3.1. Theoretical part The theoretical part includes: Basic principles of treatment in polytrauma. Mechanical trauma systems and organs are divided into isolated (monotrauma) and polytrauma. Isolated damage or injury is called when one body or in relation to musculoskeletal injury within the same anatomical and functional segments (bones, joints). The internal organs - is damage to one organ in a single cavity, damaged the main vessels and nerves-injury in the same anatomic area. In each of the groups damage can be mono-or polyfocal. For example, damage to the small intestine is polyfocal - wounded in several places, for the musculoskeletal system failure of one bone in several places (double, triple, fractures). Damage musculoskeletal accompanied trauma of major vessels and nerves, must be seen as a complication of trauma. The diagnosis in this case should be formulated as follows: "Closed fracture of the right femur diaphysis, complicated by damage to the femoral artery." The term "polytrauma" is a generic term, including the followeing types of mechanical damage: multiple, mix and match. To multiple mechanical hazards include damage to two or more of the internal organs in a single plane, and two or more anatomical and functional units (segments) of the musculoskeletal system, such as the liver and intestine, fracture of the hip and forearm.Associated injuries considered both damage to internal organs and the musculoskeletal system, such as damage to the spleen and bladder injury of the chest and fractured bones, brain injury and damage to the pelvic bones. Combined injuries called trauma of various traumatic factors: mechanical, thermal, radiation. For example, a hip fracture and burn any area of the body is called a combined injury. Possible and more options are combined effect of damaging factors. Multiple, mix and match injuries are particularly severity of clinical manifestations, accompanied by a significant disorder of the vital functions of the body, the difficulty of diagnosis, the complexity of treatment, a large percentage of disability, high mortality. This kind of damage is often accompanied by a traumatic shock, a large blood loss, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, sometimes terminal condition. This category of victims of trauma hospitals is 15-20%. On the severity of multiple injuries show fatality rates. With isolated fractures it is 2%, with multiple trauma is increased to 16%, and at multiple reaches 50% or more (with combined injuries of the musculoskeletal system with the trauma of the chest and abdomen). Polytrauma is characterized by: 1.Nablyudaetsya so-called syndrome of mutual aggravation, such as blood loss, because it is more in polytrauma or less severe contributes to the development of shock, and in more severe which worsens injury and prognosis. 2. Sometimes combination creates a situation of incompatibility of the treatment and damage. For example, an injury of the musculoskeletal system and treatment is shown in narcotic analgesics, however, the combination of damaged limbs with brain injury introduction is contraindication. So, for example, a combination of injuries of the chest and fracture of the shoulder does not allow to put the outlet bus or thoracobrachial bandage. 3. Increases frequency of severe complications, leading to critical state as massive blood loss, shock, toxemia, acute kidney failure, fat embolism, thromboemboly. 4. effacement manifestation of clinical symptoms of cranio-abdominal injury are seen, damage to the spine and abdomen, and the other associated trauma. This leads to diagnostic errors and reviewing internal injuries abdomen. The most common cause of polytrauma are road and rail accidents (collisions, pedestrian accidents), falling from a height. In most cases, affected individuals aged 20 to 50 years. Care and treatment of patients with multiple and combined trauma faced with difficulties related to the severity of their general condition and the complexity of diagnosing primary damage. Before the examination by a doctor hospital patient with multiple injuries are not allowed to change position on a stretcher and left alone without supervision. Since in combined traumas injury severity of the body is different, the treatment is in hospital identifies dominant damage in determining the severity of the condition. It is important for medical tactics of follow up if performing surgery. In severe concomitant injury treatment can be divided into three periods: Resuscitation; treatment; rehabilitating The treatment focused on the damage can lead to change. For example, at the cranio-abdominal injury, when there is intra-abdominal bleeding, damage to the dominant abdominal injury, and therapeutic measures should first be directed to stop internal bleeding. After the elimination of bleeding and restore blood loss treatments focus moves to the head injury. Unconsciousness of the patient with associated trauma often caused by severe traumatic brain injury. Distinct hemodynamic result from acute blood loss, which can be associated with multiple injuries of the musculoskeletal system, or associated injuries of the chest and abdominal cavities. Sharp respiratory failure is usually caused by chest trauma (multiple "fenestrated" or bilateral rib fractures, hemo-and pneumothorax. With an estimated initial assessment test for urinary tract. At the end of the indicative survey and establish the lead further damage of affected often have a short break for coming and antishock measures, which include complex and surgical emergency interventions. For a more detailed survey to coincide with the start antishock activities when improves the general condition of the victim. The difficulty of diagnosis and creates a series of tactical difficulties in providing assistance to victims with polytrauma. Features to help at the pre-hospital level. Treatment started in the prehospital setting, continue in stationary conditions. On admission the patient with multiple injuries in the emergency room is necessary to: thorough and prompt investigation to provide skilled care; check dressings, immobilization, correctness applying tourniquet and correcting identified deficiencies. The first (resuscitation) period. During this period, immediately begin to fight with the shock. In the intensive care unit should be carried out complex treatment: stabilization of circulation, total pain relief, reliable immobilization, oxygen therapy, early surgery, correction of disability. Victim before inspection must be completely stripped. Pay attention to the general view of the patient, color and mucous membranes, heart condition, location of wounds, abrasions, bruises, position (forced, passive, active), allowing approximately reveal damage. Explore percussion and auscultation chest, palpate the abdomen. X-rays will clarify the diagnosis in intensive care without shifting the patient. If breathing is difficult, you need to examine your mouth and remove mucus, blood, vomit, dentures, fixing sink into the cavity of the larynx language. On examination of the chest excursion define her breathing, retraction and bulging of the chest, air is forced into the wound, swelling of the neck veins. Increasing dullness of heart sounds on auscultation may induce doctors to think about the damage the heart and its tamponade, particularly in cases where there is a wound in the chest heart projection. If hemopneumathorax is diagnosed, remove liquid and suck the air from the pleural cavity of a syringe, put a rubber drain. This will eliminate respiratory failure and complete examination of the patient. If the victim is found with associated trauma injuries of the heart or major joints, lung injury and tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax with progressive deterioration of general condition, you must immediately begin the operation, in spite of the associated injuries of other body areas. With closed abdominal trauma should be made celiocentesis and laparoscopy. Second treatment period. The main problem is the choice in polytrauma of optimal time of surgery. According to the urgency of the operation, and its volume is divided into four groups of victims: The first group consists of patients with lesions that rapidly lead to death if not provided with emergency care. This massive bleeding from rupture of parenchymal organs (liver, spleen), cardiac tamponade, extensive lung damage, the double "fenestrated" or "valve" broken ribs, etc. Typically, these come in heavy casualties, and sometimes in a terminal state with blood pressure below a critical level. For external arterial bleeding spend only a temporary hemostasis: clamping rope. If found broken limbs to carry out transport immobilization. The second group includes patients with multiple injuries without profuse bleeding and deep breathing disorders - with damages hollow organs of the abdomen, the valve pneumothorax, intracranial hematomas, closed severe injuries of the limbs. Operations are usually carried out in the first hours after admission. In the presence of fractures or rib fractures perform anesthesia locations, blockades, and a plaster bandage or skeletal traction. The third group consists of patients with severe injuries dominant musculoskeletal system without excessive bleeding. Surgical procedures performed only after removing the victims from traumatic shock. Because of the risk, operations, shown only in open fractures of limbs in the form of a thorough debridement of wounds, amputations for extensive crushing limbs and signs of frailty. The fourth group consists of patients with injuries of several segments of the limbs without traumatic shock, the presence of open lesions performed primary surgical wound care, medical immobilizing limbs. Generally, osteosynthesis was carried out at the threat of buckling neurovascular structures, perforation of the skin fragments. Where indicated, fixation produce the most gentle methods using compression-distraction unit. With selection of treatment of multiple fractures should strive not only to restore the anatomical and functional relationships, but also facilitate care for the victims, to ensure, possibly earlier to activate it. More than 40% of patients with multiple fractures closed a conservative treatment, skeletal traction, application of plaster casts. Osteosynthesis with compression-distraction apparatus facilitates care to operate, it allows for early mobilization and the load on the limb. If the damage of the two adjacent segments generally use a combination of several methods of stable osteosynthesis. For example, at the turn of the femur and tibia hold stable intramedullary femoral fixation pin and the imposition of massive compressiondistraction device on the shin. Third rehabilitation period. In this period of immobilization after the cessation of treatment should press for physiotherapy and health resort treatment of complications associated with multiple injuries. Traumatic shock - a life-threatening complication of severe damage, which is broken, and then steadily deteriorating regulation functions of the vital organs and systems. In this regard, developing circulatory disorders, disturbed microcirculation, resulting in hypoxia of tissues and organs can be seen. During shock distinguish two phases: erectile and torpid. In erectile phase the patient is conscious, his face pale, eyes restless, there is motor and language stimulation. Torpid phase of shock seen in the oppression of the mind, a sharp decrease in reaction to the pain of the stored mind. Marked fall in arterial and venous pressure. Torpid phase of shock is divided into 4 degrees. Shock 1 degree (light) - the pupils react to light, blood pressure 100 mm Hg, pulse 100/min on, breathing 20 - 22/min. Shock 2 degree (moderate) - sluggish pupils react to light, blood pressure of 80-90 mm Hg, pulse 120/min, breathing shallow. Shock Grade 3 (severe) - overall condition is serious, the maximum blood pressure below 75 mm Hg, heart rate above 130/min, respiration dramatically speeded up. Shock Grade 4 - terminal state, inhibition of the vital functions of the body pass into clinical death. 3.1 Using a three-step interactive teaching method "Who more? Whofaster?" Students need: Cards with questions on the topic (the number of cards equal to the number of students in a group, in each card 5 questions) Stopwatch Progress: The game is played in an oral form, students alternately drawn cards with questions, within 3 minutes of each student verbally answers a series of questions on the card, the teacher counts the number of correct answers. The game involves all students, total time 45 minutes Questions that were not answered correctly, are discussed Students' responses are evaluated using the following form: Each of the 5 questions valued at 20 points: The correct answers to 5 questions -100 points The correct answers to 4 questions - 80 balls Correct answers to 3 answers - 60 balls Correct answers to the two questions - 40 points Correct answer to one question - 20 points. 9.Student score is recorded for billing current assessment 10. In academic journal teacher makes notes on the game. Game: "Who more? Who faster? " 1. What kinds of shared mechanical trauma? Monotravma, polytrauma. 2. What is an isolated injury? Damage within the same anatomical - functional segment. 3. Name an example of complicated injuries: Fracture with nerve damage and major vessels, etc. 4. What types of physical damage includes the term "polytrauma"? Multiple, combined and combined. 5. Give the definition of "multiple trauma." Damage to two or more of the same plane. 6. Give the definition of "associated trauma." Organ damage in two or more planes. 7. Give the definition of "combined injury". Injury due to the action of various factors. 8. What are the characteristics of polytrauma. Syndrome mutual complication: blood loss contributes to the development of shock, injury and worsens the prognosis. 9. What are the characteristics of polytrauma. The situation is "incompatible therapy": the injury shows the drugs, and the combination of the introduction of CCT is contraindicated. 10. What are the characteristics of polytrauma. Develop severe complications such as massive blood loss, shock, toxemia, acute renal failure, fat embolism, thrombosis, etc. 3.2 Analytical part of the topic: Questions for self-control: 1. What damage of these are combined? a) closed fracture of the right femur, a compound fracture of the left femur and tibia; b) II degree burns forearm fracture of the radius in a typical place; c) IV-VI fracture of ribs on the right, a concussion; d) a fracture of the pelvis with the damage of the bladder. 2. Specify the damage which fracture of the pelvis is dominant. a) b) c) d) e) fracture of the pubic bone, hip fracture in the middle third; type Malgenya broken pelvis, ruptured spleen; central hip dislocation, fracture of humerus; type of fracture of the pelvis Malgenya, burn brush III-IV degree; symphysis rupture, an intracranial hematoma. 3. Which of the following is included in the scope of the first medical aid in combined radiation on the expressions? a) prophylactic blood transfusion; b) c) d) e) partial sanitation; complete sanitization; primary debridement; introduction of antidotes, antibiotics and tetanus toxoid. 4. For intracranial hematoma is characterized by: a) b) c) d) loss of consciousness; tachycardia; anizoreflexiya; a sharp drop in blood pressure. 5. What is a reliable sign of a skull fracture? a) anisocoria; b) a symptom of "points"; c) nausea and vomiting; d) nasal or ear liquorrhea; e) stiff neck. 6. The scope of the first medical aid to victims with penetrating wound of the chest include: a) vagosympathetic blockade; b) infusion therapy; c) puncture of the pleural cavity; d) thoracotomy when indicated. 7. Specify the optimal puncture site with pleural pneumothorax: a) in the seventh intercostals space on post axillaries line; b) in the second intercostal space at the middle clavicle line; c) in the tenth intercostal space on the shoulder line; d) in the area where the subcutaneous emphysema was most pronounced; e) in the second intercostal space at the shoulder line. 8. When providing first aid to the injured penetrating wound of the abdomen and internal organs eventration should: a) to inject narcotic analgesic; b) straighten eventriatedorgans in the abdominal cavity; c) impose a protective cover; d) water to moisten the bandage. 9. Reliable sign of penetrating wounds of the abdomen are: a) loss of the packing of the wound; b) positive symptom Shetkin - Blumberg; c) the expiration of the intestinal contents of the wound; d) localization of the wound in the abdominal wall. 10. Tension abdominal wall may occur in: a) discontinuities ulcer; b) fractures of the pelvis; c) fractures of the vertebrae in the neck; d) superficial wounds of the abdominal wall. Answers: 1 - c; 2 - c; 3 - b; 4 - a; 5 - d; 6 - a; 7 - b; 8 - a; 9 - a; 10 - a. 4.Analytical part 4.1 Commonly seen mistakes in providing primary medical help 1 • The severity of additional traumas is not evaluated. Before transporting the patient, you should check for fractures, dislocations, respiratory patyways 2 • Giving medications, applying unguenta without understanding of pathological processes. It leads to worsening of the patient’s condition. 3 • Independent cleaning of burned areas of the body in the conditions of the lack of bandages and anesthetics. 4 5 • Incorrect application of bandages- leads of increase of edema • Wrong sorting of the victim. First helping those who are yelling and asking for a help. As a result, more severe patients who are unconscious die because of the lack of the medical help. 4.2 Situational case: In the emergency room the patient taken in serious condition. History of the patient fell from a height of 5 meters during the construction work. Objectively: a vague consciousness of the patient, questions answers without merit. Sluggish pupils react to light. Blood pressure 80/60 mm Hg, pulse 120/min weak filling. Shortness of breath, a surfactant. Local: marked deformity of the right hip and left leg, abdomen palpation tense. Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Necessary set of actions performed by the student Receiving patient in the study GPs (used non-verbal and verbal skills of interpersonal communication). Carefully collected complaints (major: vague consciousness of the patient, questions answers without merit.). Carefully collected history of the disease and find out the beginning and over: fell from a height of 5 meters during the construction work Learned the history of life. a vague consciousness of the patient, questions answers without merit. Sluggish pupils react to light. Blood pressure 80/60 mm Hg, pulse 120/min weak filling. Shortness of breath, a surfactant. Local: marked deformity of the right hip and left leg, abdomen palpation tense. Risk factors controlled vs uncontrolled. (age, sex) Identified the problem of the patient: vague consciousness Started physical examination (the student must demonstrate the correct and consistent study of the patient with the appropriate syndrome). Preliminary diagnosis – Shock of the second stage (Category 2). Plan Survey (Students need to plan a survey of the patient): - Determining respiratory rate (Category 3.1); - Palpation of the chest (Category 3.1); - Compression of the chest in the frontal and sagittal planes (Category 3.1); - Auscultation of the chest (Category 3.1); - Measurement of blood pressure (Category 3.1); - Complete blood count, urinalysis (Category 3.1); - - Chest X-ray in the direct projection (Category 3.2). The student must justify and explain the purpose of the study. Independently carried out the necessary amount of research in MRA: - Determining the frequency of respiratory - Palpation of the chest - Compression of the chest in the frontal and sagittal planes - Auscultation of the chest - Measurement of blood pressure - CBC - Urinalysis (student must demonstrate to perform almost all the stages of skill with simultaneous 10 11 interpretation of the data.) After a comprehensive survey of student demonstrates knowledge of the treatment of objective laboratory and instrumental data (from the student requires a qualitative analysis of the data and the conclusion). Differentialdiagnosis with other types of shocks (rightly refers the patient to a consultation with a specialist.) The final diagnosis Second stage traumatic shock ( category 2) 12 (student must coordinate his final diagnosis with a specialist). 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 On his return from the patient consultation or hospitalization GPs: • reassess the patient's condition (it is made with the final diagnosis of disease, phase of activity, the flow on the basis of professional judgment or discharge summary); • collects data from the patient or his relatives on the recommendations of the designated non-medicated, and treatment with medicines; • the indications to perform or repeat a series of laboratory and instrumental studies to determine the further tactics. Determine the form in which the prevention of patient needs (D-IIIB). Inform the patient and discuss the practical steps the relevant type of prevention. Amended and recommended continuation of non-drug treatment: • Half-bed rest; • «Breathing Exercises"; • A balanced diet (strict compliance energy value and the mineral composition of the diet of the organism's age, enriching the diet products containing calcium and magnesium, the inclusion in the diet of fresh fish); • Use regular permissible exercise control exercise physiologist; Explained to the patient whether to keep (if necessary) medication, indicating dose, time, and duration of the multiplicity of medications. The first step of treatment is providing anti shock actions, send to ER and there provide required further medical help. Analgesics, NSAIDs, Antibiotics, Desintocsication therapy, Hormonal therapy Set a date and time of follow-up visit the patient in the joint venture or SVP for feedback. The student has identified a group of follow-up and briefed about the purpose of medical examination of the patient (group D IIIB): Starting from the time of the diagnosing inborn hip dislocation, the patient should be under regular surveillance. The main therapeutic recreational activities are: • Training a mother of a healthy lifestyle; • Physical therapy and exercise therapy in the Department of Rehabilitation; • Improvement in the sanatorium (spa treatment). Turning to the observers, the student demonstrates the theoretical knowledge and practical steps of all kinds of prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary). Turning to the observers, the student demonstrates the theoretical knowledge and practical steps on stage clinical examination of the respective disease. Additional information to the case studies (for students) Those obtained in the pre-hospital study number 2 • BMI 32.1 Wrist circumference – 5.6 • Body temperature - 36.5 Patient is unconscious Completebloodcount: № 2 • Hemoglobin - 100 g / l; • Red blood cells - 4-5x10 * 12 / L; Blood pressure 80/60 mm Hg, Pulse 120/min weak filling. General urine analysis: № 2 • Quantity - 150 ml; • Color - light yellow; • Relative density of urine - 1015 • Transparency - transparent; • Response - sour; • Protein - abs; • The bile pigments - negative • Epithelium - 1-2-3 in sight • White blood cells - 2-3-4 in sight number 2 Ro ": On the plain film of the chest in frontal projection hip dislocation. Deformities of the chest. No fractures are seen. (students receive hands on the corresponding Ro ", without interpretation and conclusion) 5. Practical skills Providing first aid to the patient with an open fracture of the left shin bone, closed fracture of the right femur, brain concussion and a suspected fracture of the cervical vertebrae. 1. Purpose: Examination of patient for the open and closed injuries if fractures are suspected. 2.Indication: open fracture of the left shin bone, closed fracture of the right femur, brain concussion and a suspected fracture of the cervical vertebrae. 3. Equipment: table for casts, gauze bandages, syringe, spiritus, medications 4. Performed steps (stages). № Not performed (0 points) All properly executed 1. The correct approach to the patient, laying his correctly 10 0 2. Introduction narcotic analgesic. 10 0 3. Imposition of aseptic wound dressings left shin 20 0 4. Immobilization of the cervical collar part of the spinal column by Chance. 20 0 5. Immobilization tires (Cramer Dieterichs) of both lower extremities. 10 0 6. Immobilization tires (Cramer Dieterichs) of both lower extremities. 10 0 20 0 100 0 7. Activities Transporting a patient on a stretcher in the hospital profile. 9. Total: Each practical skills assessed on a 100-point scale, and this score is multiplied by the appropriate factor. The overall score for student practical skills is the sum of points for all skills. A passing score must be at least 55% of the maximum score. 6. Forms of controlling knowledge and skills Oral answer Active participation in a discussion Results of the written works Solving tests Performing practical skills OSCE questions Handouts Printouts 6.1. Types of students’ knowledge control While grading the students the following criteria are taken into consideration: № Score Catching up % Excellent Good 100%-86% 85%-71% Satisfactory 70-55% Poor 54%-37% Bad 36% ва ундан кам 1 Theoretical part 20-19 points 18-17 points 16-15 points 14-13 points 12 points 2 Analytic part: 15-14 points 13-12 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 76points Organizer 3 Test 15-14 points 13-12 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 76points 4 Practical part 40-34,4points 34-28,4 points 28-22 points 21,6-14,8 points 14,4 points 5 Test questions 10-7,9 7,75-5,6 5,5-4,25 4,1-2,5 2,4 points When assessing students' knowledge is taken into account the following indicative criteria: № Points Score Level of student’s knowledge 1 96-100 Depending on the situation, to make the right decision and concludes. In preparation for practical training uses additional literature (both native and English). Essentially independently analyzes the problem of disaster medicine. Themselves can examine the patient and correct diagnoses plan assigns emergency medical care and prevention of complications. Shows high activity, creativity during interactive games. Correctly solve situational problems with full justification of the answer. During the discussion of the CDS is actively asking questions, making additions. Practical skill performs confidently, understand the essence. 2 91-95 In preparation for practical training uses additional literature (both native and English). Essentially independently analyzes the problem of disaster medicine. Themselves can examine the patient and correct diagnoses plan assigns emergency medical care and prevention of complications. Shows high activity, creativity during interactive games. Correctly solve situational problems with full justification of the answer. During the discussion of the CDS is actively asking questions, making additions. Practical skill performs confidently, understand the essence. Excellent «5» 3 86-90 Essentially independently analyzes the problem of disaster medicine. Shows high activity, creativity during interactive games. Correctly solve situational problems, justifies treatment is prevention plan. AFI knows musculoskeletal system, says confidently. There is an exact representation of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, can carry differential diagnosis, prescribe treatment, can take preventive measures. Practical skill performs confidently, understand the essence. Properly collect history, examines the patient, makes a preliminary diagnosis. Can interpret the data Ro "research. Actively involved in the discussion CDS. Shows high activity during interactive games. Correctly solve situational problems, but can not assign a specific treatment, confuses the names of immobilization. AFI knows musculoskeletal system, says confidently. There is an exact representation of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, can carry differential diagnosis, prescribe treatment, but can not carry out preventive measures. Practical skills to step through. Properly collect history, examines the patient, makes a preliminary diagnosis. Can interpret the data Ro "research. Activelyinvolvedinthediscussion. 4 76-80 6 71-75 Good «4» Correctly solve situational problems, knows how to put on the classification of the clinical diagnosis, but can not assign a plan of treatment and prevention. AFI knows musculoskeletal system, says confidently. There is an exact representation of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture and differential diagnosis, but can not prescribe medication. Practical skill to perform, but confusing steps. Properly collect history, examines the patient, makes a preliminary diagnosis. Can interpret the data Ro "research. Actively involved in the discussion CDS. 7 66-70 8 61-65 Correctly solve situational problems, but can not justify the clinical diagnosis. AFI knows musculoskeletal system, says confidently. There is an exact representation of the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical, but can not carry out differential diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Properly collect history, examines the patient, but can not assess the severity. May partly interpret data Ro "research. Actively involved in the discussion CDS. Satisfactory. «3» 9 55-60 10 54 -30 Has general knowledge about disaster medicine, but doesn’t know clearly. Mixes the muscle-skeletal system. Individualy can’t ask and examine the patient. Can’t interpret the Xray investigations. Doesn’t participate in discussion of CDS. Bad. «2» 11 20-30 Making mistakes in solving situational problems (can not put a diagnosis on classification). Knows clinic injury, but said uncertainly. Has a faithful representation on disaster medicine, but can not relate to the pathogenesis of the clinic. History was not focused, not on the inspection scheme. Can not interpret the research data. Passive when discussing CDS. VeryBad. «2» Doesn’t have any knowledge about disaster medicine. Doesn’t know the anatomy of muscle-skeletal system. For showing up in class, for having educational equipment(stethoscope and note books) and specific clothing 7. TIMING OF MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES. Time 08.30-09.15 09.20-10.05 10.20-11.05 11.10-11.50 12.30-13.15 Events 1. Theoretical analysis of the theme " congenital and acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system "the main clinical signs of bone fractures hip, leg, foot, pelvis and spine, the principles of first aid,survey, the types of anesthesia, the principles of immobilization. 2. Solution and analysis of situational challenges. Conducting practical skills, interpretation of X-ray images; Local anesthesiathe fracture site; Preparation casts;the imposition oflanguet and circularcasts Supervision of patients with injuries of bones shoulder, forearm and hand in the office Content 1. Test baseline level of preparedness ofstudents. Poll students on lessons using the game "weak link" 2.Test clinical thinking of students Materials 1. Banners corresponding subject classes, test questions. 2. Situational tasks relevant topic classes Check the level of preparedness of studentsto practical skills X-Ray pictures, tires, syringes, procaine 1%, plaster bandages Each student is supervised by the Chamber of patients with certain clinics involved in the application of plaster cast and skeletal traction Patients appropriate subject classes, plaster, bandages, bus Beller, hook, string and weight Report on supervised patients. Each student will report on the work done during the patient's supervision. Rentgent pictures, Xray view box. Tables. Analysis of students' knowledge Baseline data, the correctness of the decision and the analysis of situational tasks, skills and supervision of patients Summing up the final results and assessment of students' knowledge 8 Test questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Definiton of the polytrauma. Types of polytrauma. Classification of traumatic shock. Classification of crush syndrome. Frequently seen complication of traumatic shock form inner organs. 9. Recommended Reading 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Yumashev GS "Trauma and Orthopedics, Moscow,"Medicine "1990. - 575s. Musalatov HA "Trauma and Orthopedics, Moscow,"Medicine "1995. -s. A. Kaplan, "Damage to bones and joints," Moscow, "Medicine> 1979. -568s. www.jbjs