
Using the Soliloquy Slideshow
About Soliloquy slideshow
The Soliloquy slideshow plugin has now been activated and the link can be found on the left pane; scroll down
almost to the end.
With this slide show you can now have multiple slideshows on your site, and you’re not limited to only 5
photos; however, be aware that the more photos you add to the slideshow will affect the load time on the
page. It’s a good idea to have all your images resized to about the same dimensions.
A new feature is that you now have a widget you can add a slideshow to; please see the Bennett Trust website
as an example.
Creating a new slideshow
Scroll down the left page to Soliloquy>>Add new
Give the slider a name; click the Click Here to Upload Slides button
Select and upload your photos
Once the photos have been uploaded, click the pencil icon on the top left corner of the thumbnail to add alt text,
Captions, and the destination URL of the page you want to be sent to when you click the photo.
Once the slideshow has been created, open the page you want to add the slideshow to – e.g., the home page
(pages>>all pages). You’ll now see a button above the rows of icons that says Add Slider. Select the slider and
click the Add Slider button on the bottom right corner (see next image).
Update your page.
Add a New Page
Under Pages
Choose Add New
Add New Pages window opens (editor box )
(Toggle Full Screen Icon -to enlarge working space)
The Top Box is for the Page HEADER -large fonts;
NOTE: text in this box will so show up in the RIGHT menu
Add , copy/past content into the Editor box
Note: when copy/pasting use Past Plain Text or Paste from Word icon
In Discussion box below
NOTE: if you do not see this option click on Screen Options tab (top right) and check the Discussion box
Make sure the Allow Comments is NOT checked
Edit a Page or Post
Click on Pages (list of pages shows)
Place cursor under page name
Choose Edit
Click on Toggle Full Screen Mode (enlarge work area)
Make all changes in
edit box
Choose Update
Creating a Hyperlink
highlighting the word or phrase you’d like to link from in the Visual Editor
pressing the Insert/edit link icon
either entering the URL you’d like to link to directly, or searching through existing content to link to internally
pressing the Add Link button
Adding PDF’s
Open page
Place cursor in content edit box, where you want PDF file to be on page.
Choose the Add Media Icon
Choose Select
Browse your computer to find the PDF file
Note: Maximum upload file size: 48MB
Click on file name
Choose Open ( files uploads to the Media Library)
Edit the Title Name (what is in this box will appear on page)
Choose Insert -
Page Status
To work on a page that the world can’t see until your ready to go live
Under Publish (right menu bar)
Status: Draft (down arrow)
Choose Draft mode or View Pending mode
Draft is NOT live, must login to see Draft files
Pending is NOT live, it’s waiting to be reviewed before going public
Visibility: Public (down arrow)
Public – is a published page the world can see
Password protected – uses password only
Private -uses user name and password and must choose Private Template (must be logged in)
Under Page Attributes
Under Template
Click down arrow
Choose Template Private Template
Add an image from your Computer
Adding image to a post or page from your computer is as simple as:
1. Place your cursor where you would like the image to be inserted.
2. Click on the Add Media icon (located to the right of Upload/Insert).
3. Click the Select Files button
4. Locate the image(s) on your computer to upload and click open.
5. Once uploaded:
type a title for the image
add alternate text
choose how you want to align the image (None, Left, Center or Right)
select the image size to insert (Thumbnail, Medium, Large or Full Size)
click Insert into Post
Adding Image From Media Library
Adding image to a post or page from your media library is as simple as:
1. Place your cursor where you would like the image to be inserted.
2. Click on the Add Media icon (located to the right of Upload/Insert).
3. Click on the Media Library tab and then on Images.
4. Locate the image you wish to insert and click the Show located on the right.
5. Now you just need to:
type a title for the image
add alternate text
choose how you want to align the image (None, Left, Center or Right)
select size of image you want to insert (Thumbnail, Medium, Large or Full Size)
and then click Insert into Post
Password Protected
Open page
Under Publish (right menu bar)
Choose Edit Visibility
Check Password Protected
Enter a Password in box
Choose OK
Add New
Under Links
Choose Add New
Name: Add name of website in box
Web Address: Add address in box
Description: Type in key words that describe what’s on web site
Choose the Category you want it to be in – (default is Links)
Choose Add Link (right side Save Box)
Link Category
Under Links
Choose Link Categories
Add Link Category name in box (county 4H sites)
Choose Add Category
After you hit Add you will see it show up in the (All Categories box with a check box)
Each time you create another 4H county web site link by choosing Add New
Add Name
Web Adderss
This time, in the All Categories box, check County 4H sites
Add Link
Add Links into Widgets (shows up on main menu bar under menu box)
Under Appearance
Choose Widgets
Click on down arrow in Below Right Sidebar box
With box open – Left Click on Links (middle of page) and drag it into Below Right Sidebar box
Choose Link Name or Type in the Name
(sample, if you had a category it will show up in the box to choose from)
Check Show Link Name
For Frequently Asked Questions go to: