RE Model Answers Unit 3 3.1 Believing in God 3.2 Matters of life and death 3.3 Marriage and the family 3.4 Community cohesion 1 Unit 3.1 Believing in God 1. a) What is ‘agnosticism’? Agnosticism means not being sure if God exists. (2 marks) b) Do you think evil and suffering show that God does not exist? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) I think God can still exist even though there is evil and suffering because of various reasons. Perhaps God is simply not omnibenevolent (all loving). Perhaps God wants us to suffer and therefore causes war, disease, destruction and death. Or maybe God is not omnipotent (all powerful). Perhaps God wants to stop the evil and suffering in the world but is powerless to do so. If either is correct then it is fair to say that evil and suffering do not prove that God does not exist. Also God gave us free will and therefore in most cases it is people that choose to cause evil and suffering not God and God may allow this for reasons we don’t understand. c) Explain how two programmes/films about religion could affect a person’s beliefs about God. (8 marks) The media affects different people in different ways. Take for example the TV programme Songs of Praise. A person might watch this and it might strengthen their faith because it might encourage a person to think more about God. The hymns that are being sung might bring comfort, hope or inspiration. The programme might also encourage a person to become more actively involved in prayer and other forms of worship. However a comedy like the film Bruce Almighty might have a different affect. A person might watch this and think religion is just something to laugh at. Furthermore instead of taking things like God, miracles, prayer, faith etc. seriously this film might encourage the opposite response. When Bruce uses his power to part his soup, or to let people win the lottery or even make his girlfriend’s breasts bigger then the idea of miracles become ridiculous, something to entertain and amuse. Finally this may encourage someone to come to the conclusion that believing in God is not something they ought to take seriously. d) ‘Religious experiences prove that God exists’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because when a person says their prayers were answered this is simply a coincidence. If I pray for my football team to win the cup and they do this does not prove God exists it simply shows that my team are either very good or just lucky. Also, the so called miracle of a person that recovers from a terminal illness is due to doctors misdiagnosing (getting it wrong) or again good fortune. Finally, as for the person who says they felt the presence of God they are probably a bit unstable and just imagined it. Some people, such as Catholics will disagree with me because they have strong faith. They will follow the teachings of the Church (catechism) and the bible and both of these use religious experience as proof of God existence. Also the bible says that Jesus healed people or that he helped to convert people. Finally, today the Church teaches that God listens and responds to prayer and that sometimes healing miracles happen like those at Lourdes. 2 2. a) What is ‘prayer’? (2 marks) Prayer is an attempt to contact (talk to, communicate with) God, usually through words. b) Do you think science proves that God did not create the world? (2 marks) I think science proves that God did not create the world because science is based on proof and evidence and belief in God is not. Science is able to prove that the world was created by the big Bang and Evolution and there is reliable evidence to back this up, there is no need for God in the creation of the world. I also think the story of creation in the Bible is just a story that people made up and believed hundreds of years ago because they didn’t understand science like we do today. c) Explain why scientific explanations of the world may lead some people to become atheists or agnostics. (8 marks) If science can explain the universe and humans without God, it could lead some people to be agnostic because they no longer need God to explain why we are here. Other people may also become atheists because they believe that if God existed, he must have made the world and be the only explanation for it. So the way that science can explain the world without God is proof to such people that God does not exist. Furthermore science says that matter is eternal and that the universe began when this matter exploded. The solar system came out of the explosion, and the nature of the earth allowed life to develop through evolution. This for many people is more believable than religious explanations such as those given in the story of creation in the book of Genesis. This is because it is based on scientific fact which relies upon evidence that can be proved rather than a belief which requires faith. Finally this is why some people regard the Bible as a work of fiction and religious teachings to be no more than superstitions. d) ‘If God existed, there would be no evil or suffering in the world’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because most of the evil and suffering in the world is a result of human actions. God also gives people freewill; this allows people to choose how they are going to behave. Some people choose to be nasty and aggressive towards others committing crimes such as rape, assault and even murder. Such evil and suffering is a consequence of human action and has nothing to do with God. Finally, this view is supported by the teachings of the Catholic Church. Some people disagree with me because God is supposed to be omnipotent (all powerful) and omnibenevolent (all loving). Also, if such a God existed then surely their couldn’t and wouldn’t be evil and suffering in the world. Finally, no loving God with absolute power would sit back and allow people to suffer which must mean that such a God does not exist. 3 3. a) What is moral evil Moral evil is actions done by people that cause human suffering. (2 marks) b) Do you think miracles prove that God exists? (4 marks) I think miracles do prove that God exists because miracles are events that cannot be explained by science for example when Jesus walked on water or fed 5000 people with just two loaves and five fish. I also believe in miracles because this is what the Church and the bible teach. Even today there are examples of miracles. These include some people who have visited places such as Lourdes with terminal diseases but went on to make full recoveries. I also think you need faith to believe in miracles and the existence of God and I have this. c) Explain why unanswered prayers may cause problems for religious believers. (8 marks) Unanswered prayer can cause problems because if a person was to pray at home, in church and at school but never feel the presence of God they might think God was not listening to them. Also some people might also take this a step further and begin to believe that God does not like/love them, perhaps God is punishing them for some reason. This may lead them to doubt that God is omnibenevolent (all loving). This might be especially true if a person was praying for a loved one who was sick to get better and they didn’t or if they were praying for peace in a particular part of the world but the war continued. Furthermore some people might come to the conclusion that perhaps God does not exist and that praying is a waste of time. Such people would become atheists. Finally, unanswered prayers can and will cause problems for certain people and this will seriously test their faith. d)‘The argument from causation proves that God exists’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity I disagree because if every effect must have a cause then what caused God? If the answer is nothing then it proves that not everything must have a cause. If this is true then perhaps also the universe and all that exists within it somehow caused itself. I think this is a rational/logical argument. Finally, it is much easier to believe this than to say there must be some divine creator who caused everything. People of faith will disagree with me because Catholics, Protestants. Muslims and Jews all believe that God is the first cause (sometimes referred to as the uncaused cause) and that he created everything else. They also say that every effect must have a cause and that this process of cause and effect cannot go on forever because reason tells them there must have been a starting point or a first cause and this they believe is God. Finally, they say God that God is a logical necessity because of causation. 4 4. a) What does numinous mean? (2 marks) Numinous involves the feeling of the presence of something greater than you i.e. God or the Holy Spirit. b) Do you think television programmes really convert people to religion? (4 marks) I think TV programmes do not convert people to religion because TV programmes provide information or entertainment. A religious programme may be of interest to some people especially those with faith but I don’t think it would be powerful enough to convert a nonbeliever. I also think that it is religious experiences are what convert people. If a person witnessed a miracle or tried praying and had their prayers answered this might convert them. I do not think watching Songs of Praise, Father Ted or the Vicar of Dibley could ever do that. c) Explain how two programmes or films about religion may affect a person’s attitude towards God. (8 marks) How programmes or films affect a person’s attitude towards God largely depends on the type of programme or film a person watches. For example a film like Bruce Almighty might encourage a person to think religion is nothing more than a work of fiction. Religion is seen as something that provides entertainment; it is not something that we ought to take too seriously. Themes such as miracles and prayer are not taken seriously at all, Bruce for example allows everyone to win the lottery, parts his soup like the Red Sea and he even uses his divine power to enlarge his girlfriend’s breasts. Whereas films such as Mel Gibson’s the Passion of Christ might have a completely different impact upon people’s attitude towards God and religion. This is a very serious and powerful film which almost forces the viewer to think about questions such as ‘Is there really a God?’, ‘Did the Son of God die so that our sins would be forgiven?’ and ‘Is there life after death?’ Watching a powerful film such as this might encourage a person to explore religion a bit more. They might try praying, going to church or reading the bible. They might speak with people who have a strong sense of faith or even those who don’t believe in God at all in order to try and learn more. d) ‘The media should not criticise what people believe about God.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity I disagree because we live in a society that allows freedom of speech. This is very important because it allows people to express what they think about different issues including religious matters. Also, sometimes, what religions believe about God, is wrong or it goes against the beliefs of others. Finally, in these cases a responsible media should and must be free to criticise. Some people will disagree with me because they feel the media ought to respect peoples’ beliefs about God. For example the Catholic Church gets annoyed when their views and teaching about God get criticised such as their belief that God became incarnate from the Virgin Mary. Also religious people feel their views should be treated with respect by others. Finally, people are entitled to worship free from the criticism of others including the media. 5 5. a) What does omniscience mean? (2 marks) The belief that God knows everything that has happened and is going to happen. b) Do you think a religious upbringing makes children believe in God? Give two reasons for your point of view (4 marks) I do think a religious upbringing makes children believe in God because if a child has been brought up within a family where they all hold the same beliefs, then they are more than likely going to believe the same things. I also think that if a child prays with their family and goes to church every week then the child will grow up to believe that religion and belief in God is the norm. Children usually believe what parents tell them to be true so they wouldn’t question belief in God. c) Explain why evil and suffering may lead some people not to believe in God. (8 marks) Some people do not believe in God because God is supposed to be all powerful, if God was all powerful then he would be able to stop suffering and evil for example 9/11. However evil and suffering still happen so they think God can’t exist. Also God is supposed to be all loving; an all loving God would look after his believers and not let them suffer but they do. Furthermore God is supposed to be all knowing, an all knowing God would know when evil and suffering is going to happen and would be able to stop it, but evil still happens. Finally people who lead good lives and pray for evil to stop still suffer so some people stop believing in God because he doesn’t seem to be listening. d) “The world is so beautiful it must have been designed by God.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3 marks) In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I agree because the Catholic Church teaches that the beauty in the world is part of God’s creation and the world is full of beautiful things, such as rainbows, sunsets and animals. Also, the world is so beautiful it must have been designed, therefore it must need a designer and the only designer could be God. Finally, the beautiful things in the world are also intricately designed such as snowflakes and finger-prints; there is no way that they could have just appeared by chance, they had to be designed by God. Some people would disagree because they might say that the world was not designed by God, that instead it was created by the Big Bang and has evolved over millions of years. They might also say that beautiful things in nature such as glaciers and rainfall have nothing to do with God but are instead designed by nature. Finally they might actually say that the world is not beautiful and that actually the world is full of ugly things like volcanoes and earthquakes which God would not have designed. 6 Unit 3.2 Matters of life and death 1. a) What does ‘paranormal’ mean? (2 mark) Paranormal refers to unexplained things that are thought to have spiritual causes i.e. ghosts. b) Do you think it is right to believe in purgatory? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) I think Catholic/Christian teachings about purgatory make sense (rational/logical) because if God is ‘all loving’ (omnibenevolent) and truly merciful it stands to reason then that he would want the souls of his children to enter heaven (receive salvation) eventually rather than hell (damnation). However given that humans are imperfect creatures and therefore sinful it also stands to reason that they will need to undergo some process of purification before being united (reconciled) with God. Purgatory allows for this to happen – firstly purification and secondly salvation. c) Explain how life after death might affect the life of a Roman Catholic? (8 marks) Roman Catholics believe in life after death because they believe in the immortality of the soul. The aim of life is therefore to be ‘saved’, to enter heaven and be united (reconciled) with God the Father. In order to do this Catholics believe that a person must live a moral life. Catholics also believe a person has a moral obligation/responsibility/duty to follow the teachings of the bible and the Church. In doing this a person will become more Christ like and this will be reflected in how they behave. A Catholic ought to love God. They demonstrate this by praying, attending church and refusing to worship false idols (i.e. money, celebrities, material possessions etc). Furthermore Catholics show love for others by demonstrating key Christian values such as compassion, empathy and mercy. When treating others with dignity and respect we help create the kingdom of God here on earth and our efforts will be rewarded. Catholics believe in ‘Judgement Day’, they believe that God will hold us accountable for our actions here on earth. Finally this message is clearly illustrated in the parable of the sheep and the goats – the loving are saved and the selfish damned, thus Catholics try to live good lives. d) ‘Assisted suicide is always wrong’. Do you agree? Give reason for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I agree. The reason I believe this is because I am a Catholic and the Catholic Church teaches that all human life is sacred/precious and it out to be preserved and protected. Also if people help others to die they violate that person’s right to life. People wanting to kill themselves need support, comfort and reassurance that life is valuable. Finally these people are vulnerable and in the bible we are told to ‘protect the weak and the vulnerable’. Some people might disagree with me because they believe a person ought to have the right to decide what they do with their own life. In the case of a person who is terminally ill or someone suffering from an extremely debilitating condition (i.e. MS) that person may wish to die with dignity. Also, some people might even argue that it is unchristian to allow a person to cling to life when there is no hope of their situation improving. Finally, we wouldn’t allow 7 a much loved family pet to suffer unnecessarily so why allow our loved ones to experience this. 2. a) What is voluntary euthanasia? (2 marks) Voluntary euthanasia involves ending a person’s life when they ask to die. b) Do you think ghosts prove there is life after death? (4 marks) Give two reasons for your point of view. I think ghosts do not prove there is life after death because I do not believe in ghosts. I have never seen, heard of experienced anything to do with ghosts other than in a fictional book or on TV. I also think people who have claimed to have seen ghosts are either mistaken due to an over active mind or lying in order to seek attention. c) Explain how CAFOD is working to end world poverty. (8marks) CAFOD works with partner groups in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC) to promote development in such ways as opening clinics and training health workers so that those in need of medical treatment can be cared for. CAFOD also helps to give street children an education so that they can earn a living when they are older. Furthermore CAFOD supports projects which provide technology and basic skills to people living in poor communities. This enables these communities to develop and become self sufficient. Finally CAFOD helps to set up saving schemes and farming projects so that farmers are not wiped out by natural disasters such as extreme floods. By doing these things CAFOD hopes to make poverty history. d) ‘Abortion is every woman’s right’. Do you agree? Give reason for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree. I agree with the Catholic view that abortion is wrong because all human life is sacred including that of the unborn. Also, in the bible it says that we must ‘protect the weak and the vulnerable’ and this must mean we ought to protect the life of the foetus. Finally, one of the Ten Commandments says ‘thou shall not kill’ this is why no woman has the right to have an abortion. Some people will disagree with me because they might argue that in the case where a girl is raped, or she is too young, too poor or the baby she is carrying is severely disabled then it is her right to have an abortion if she wants to. Some people might also say that a woman has the right to decide what happens to her own body. Finally, if she wants to have an abortion then that is her right. 8 3. a) What is meant by reincarnation? (2 marks) Reincarnation is the belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body. b) Do you think the media should be free to criticise what religion says about matters of life and death? (4 marks) I think the media should be free to criticise what religion says about matters of life and death because we live in a society that allows freedom of speech. This is very important because it allows people to express what they think about different issues including religious matters. Also, sometimes what religions say about life after death is wrong or it goes against the beliefs of others. In these cases a responsible media should and must be free to criticise. c) Explain how an issue from matters of life and death has been presented in one form of the media. (8 marks) A short stay in Switzerland was a one-off drama by the BBC that looked at the issue of assisted suicide. Dr Anne Turner (played by Julie Walters) was diagnosed with a debilitating neurological disease similar to the condition that had eventually killed her husband. Knowing all too well what lay ahead for her Dr Turner decided to take her own life in a Zurich clinic. The programme also highlighted the difficult decision that Dr Turner was faced with. If she wanted to die with dignity then she had to take her own life. Coming to terms with this decision for Dr Turner and her family was extremely difficult. Not all family members to start with thought that DR Turner’s idea was a good one. Preserving life seems more natural than taking life away. Furthermore the programme gave the viewer an insight into how the patient and their family were suffering. No answer seemed like a ‘good’ answer. The programme also forced the viewer to ask themselves ‘if that was me, or someone close to me, what would I do?’ Finally the programme also got people to look at and discuss the current legal position in relation to assisted suicide in the UK as well as the views taken by various faiths. This I believe help to create an interesting debate among people whether it was on TV in the newspapers or in the home and for this reason alone I think the programme was a success. d) ‘The media always makes fun of religious beliefs about life and death’. Do you agree? Give reason for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because there have been many documentaries, films, newspaper articles and radio broadcasts that have dealt with issues about life and death in a responsible and sensitive way. For example, euthanasia has also been much talked about in the media recently, politicians, journalists, celebrities and members of the public and the Catholic Church have all contributed to this and most have done so in a sincere and informative way. Finally, news reports and documentaries tend to deal with issues seriously rather than poke fun at things. Others may disagree with me because at times certain parts of the media have made fun about issues surrounding life and death. Also, cartoons such as The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park do this on a regular basis. In fact in almost every episode of South Park the same character (Kenny) is killed and this is supposed to be funny. Finally, many Catholics find this type of humour distasteful. 9 4. a) What is a ‘near-death experience’? When somebody has an out-of-body experience. (2 marks) b) Do you think Catholics are right to believe in life after death? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) I think Catholics are right to believe in life after death because the Church, through the Catechism teaches that there is life after death this is reflected in the belief that the soul is immortal. The bible also teaches there is life after death. Catholics furthermore believe that Jesus rose from the dead so therefore it makes sense that there must be life after death. c) Explain why some people believe that the paranormal proves there is life after death. (8 marks) Some people believe that the paranormal proves there is life after death because if people have a near-death experience and go down a tunnel of light to see God and dead relatives there must be life after death. The person is clinically dead so the fact that they are having an experience outside of their body proves there must be some form of life after death. Also, if mediums can speak to people who are dead and tell their relative’s things only the dead person would know, there must be life after death. Furthermore, if people see ghosts then people can live on after death, these are the souls of dead people and if you see the ghost of someone you know is dead then they must exist in a life after death. Finally evidence of reincarnation would show that people can be reborn after they have died. Examples of this are when people talk convincingly of having a past life, this shows there is life after we die. ‘The media should not criticise religious attitudes to matters of life and death.’ (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I agree because if the media criticises what religions say this can encourage religious hatred which is against the law. Also, many religious believers would argue that there should be some restrictions on the freedom of the media because criticism of religious attitudes can cause serious offence to believers. Finally, some religious believers might feel that because their attitude is based on what God says, it should not be criticised because God is beyond human criticism. d) Others might disagree because in order for democracy to work (having the right to vote) we have to be able to make up our minds on serious issues such as matters of life and death. If we want to make up our minds then we should be able to hear all sides of the story, if the press didn’t say some things because it might offend religious people then we wouldn’t have all the information to decide for ourselves. Also, if religions wish to have the right to criticise the attitudes of other people on issues of life and death, then they must be prepared to have their attitudes criticised. Finally in the UK we are a multi-faith society. The media must have the right to question and even criticise, not only religious beliefs, but also what religions say about controversial issues such as abortion and euthanasia. 10 5. a) What is ‘quality of life’? The idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living. (2 marks) b) Do you think suicide is always wrong? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) I think suicide is always wrong because I am a Catholic and I believe all life is sacred and should only be taken by God. In the Catholic Church suicide is banned as it is seen as a rejection of life. Also I think it is always wrong because suicide has terrible effects on the relatives of the person and this is very unfair. c) Explain how Roman Catholic beliefs about life after death affect the lives of Catholics. (8 marks) Catholics believe that only if they have lived a good Catholic life will they be allowed into heaven. This means that Catholics will try to live a good Catholic life following the teachings of the Bible and Church. Living a good Catholic life also means loving God so Catholics’ lives will be affected as they try to love God by praying and by worshipping God as well as attending Mass every Sunday. Furthermore living a good Catholic life means trying to love your neighbour as yourself. This is bound to affect a Catholic’s life and explains why Catholic charities like CAFOD are so involved in helping those in need. Finally the Catholic Church teaches that those who die with unforgiven sins will go to purgatory to be purified before they can reach heaven. Clearly this teaching means that Catholics will try to avoid committing sins in their lives so that they will go to heaven. ‘Euthanasia is always wrong.’ (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I agree. This is because the Catholic Church says that life is sacred and should only be taken by God, it is not up to us to decide when to die. Euthanasia is like suicide and this is not allowed in the Catholic Church. Euthanasia is also murder and it says in the sixth commandment that Christians should not murder. Anyone who assists someone in euthanasia is guilty of murder. Finally, the catechism says that euthanasia is wrong. d) Some Christians may disagree with me because they believe the teaching from Jesus to love your neighbour means that we should help people in trouble and maybe the most loving thing to do if somebody is in a lot of pain is to help them die. Also, if the patient has no or very little quality of life then it is cruel to keep them alive in a lot of pain, therefore euthanasia would be the best option. Finally some people believe we own our own bodies so therefore we can do what we like with them and it is a human right to decide when you want to die and to die painlessly. 11 6. a) What is euthanasia? (2 marks) Euthanasia is the painless killing if someone dying from a painful disease. b) Do you think euthanasia should be legal in the UK? Give two reasons for your point of view (4 marks) I agree that euthanasia should be legal in the UK because I think people should have control over whether they live or die. Legalized euthanasia allows people to make this decision without fear of legal proceedings. Also, ending someone’s life is never an easy decision but sometimes it is the lesser of two evils and the most loving thing to do and if people don’t want to continue living because they are in pain and suffering then it is unfair to keep them in agony. c) Explain why Roman Catholic Christians believe in life after death. (8 marks) Roman Catholics believe in life after death because it is the teaching of the Church in the Catechism, and Catholics should always follow the teachings of the Church. It is also stated in the creed, which is the statement of beliefs that Catholics follow. Furthermore life after death is taught about in the Bible, such as the parable of the ‘sheep and goats’ which tells us what will happen on Judgment Day, and most importantly the account of Jesus’ resurrection. Catholics believe Jesus rose from the dead to save our sins and prove there is life after death and we will join him in heaven when we die. Finally Catholics believe in life after death because it gives life meaning and purpose and provides us with comfort. d) “The law on abortion should be changed.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3 marks) In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I agree that the law on abortion should be changed because the law currently states that any woman can have an abortion up until 24 weeks, however babies can survive before 24 weeks gestation so I think that is wrong. Also I feel it is too easy under the current law for a woman to get an abortion, and it should only be allowed in extreme circumstance such as if the woman is suffering from an ectopic pregnancy and this would cause both baby and mother to die. Finally, as a Catholic I believe it is not up to just the mother to choose but up to God, life is sacred and abortions should be illegal. Some people may disagree because they believe that it should be the mother’s right to choose. They would say that the law has been democratically agreed and is there to stop suffering. Also, before the abortion law was introduced many women died or were seriously injured from illegal ‘backstreet abortions.’ The law prevents women suffering in this way. Finally they might say that there are many reasons why a women may not want to continue with a pregnancy such as health, money or in sensitive issues such as rape, 12 abortion should be an option then as it might be the most loving thing to do and the lesser of two evils. 7. a) What is meant by resurrection? (2 marks) Resurrection is the belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is raised. b) Should everyone agree with abortion? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) I don’t agree that everyone should agree with abortion because everyone is entitles to different opinions. Catholics believe that life is sacred and belongs to God, therefore they will not agree with abortion, lots of other Christian Churches also teach against abortion. Also some people think abortion is the same as murder so therefore they wouldn’t agree with it either. c) Explain why CAFOD is trying to end world poverty. (8 marks) CAFOD is a Catholic charity that aims to help people in overseas countries. They do this because Jesus directed them to do it, it is clear that he dedicated most of his life to helping those in poverty or in need. For example, he often performed amazing miracles to heal the sick, such as lepers, and the hungry, as seen in the ‘feeding of the 5000’. So CAFOD believe we should respect his wishes by continuing the work of Jesus. Also the Bible teaches Catholics to help others in need, parables such as the Good Samaritan and the Parable of the Sheep and Goats teach Catholics to help their neighbours whoever they are, and that by doing this they are helping Jesus. CAFOD try to help as many people as they can so they are also helping Jesus. Furthermore Christians are also taught to practice stewardship, charity and service to others as Jesus taught us to in the Sermon on the Mount. Finally the Catechism says it is our duty to try and remove world poverty so CAFOD try to do this by tackling the causes of world poverty as well as providing aid. d) “Life after death is impossible.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3 marks) In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree that life after death is impossible because I am a Catholic and I believe in the Bible and the Catechism which both teach about life after death. Also, Jesus rose from the dead to prove that there is life after death. Life after death is also stated as part of the creed and there are many references to life after death in the Bible, such as the Parable of 13 the Sheep and Goats. Finally, I do not believe that life after death is impossible if you have faith in God and Jesus. Some people would disagree because they do not have faith in God and Jesus and they don’t believe in things they cannot see or have evidence for, and there is no evidence for a heaven and hell existing. They might also say that we only get one life and when we die that is the end, if our body and brain have ceased to function how can anything live on after death? Life after death is just an idea to comfort people because some people are afraid of dying. Finally some people would point out that religious ideas about life after death seem to conflict with for example Christians believing one thing and Muslims believing something else. 14 Unit 3.3 Marriage and the family 1. a) What is a reconstituted family? (2 marks) A family where two sets of children become a family when their divorced parents marry each other. b) Do you think sex outside of marriage is wrong? (4 marks) Give two reasons for your point of view I think if two people genuinely love one another then it is ok for them to have a sexual relationship even if they are not married. However I do not think having sex with prostitutes or having meaningless one night stands is right. Sex can be a natural expression of love that can bring two people closer together and this is a good thing. I also think though in an ideal world it would be better if people were married especially if children are going to be involved. Marriage gives security and reassurances because it is based on lifelong commitments (vows). However I accept that many people truly love each other and are committed to each other even though they have not yet married. c) Explain why family life is important for Catholics (8 marks) Family life is important because one of the main purposes of catholic marriage is to have children and bring them up in a Catholic environment so that they become good Catholics – praying, attending church, receiving the sacraments etc. Catholicism also teaches that the family was made by God as the basis of society and the only place for the upbringing of children. It is in the family that people learn values such as love, compassion and empathy. Furthermore Catholic teachings on divorce show that the family is too important to be broken up by divorce. If something is valuable it is worth protecting even when times are difficult. Finally the family is supposed to be a place that reflects God’s love, it is a place where people are supposed to show love and receive love. d)‘Homosexuality is wrong’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because there is increasing medical evidence to prove that homosexuality is natural. Also, God made each and every one of us unique individuals – some heterosexual others homosexual. Finally I believe that we live in a free world where people have the right to act in the way they choose and those that disagree are homophobic and guilty of discrimination. Some people, including the Catholic Church might disagree with me because the Church teaches that homosexuality is unnatural and that it goes against the will of God. God created ‘Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve’. Also, God told us to ‘go forth and multiply’ this is not possible within a homosexual relationship. Finally, many Catholics follow the teachings of the Catholic Church and therefore consider homosexual activity to be wrong. 15 2 a) What is a civil partnership (2 marks) A civil partnership is a legal ceremony giving homosexual couples the same legal rights as a husband and wife. b) Do you think Christians should accept homosexuality? (4 marks) Give two reasons for your point of view I think Christians should not accept homosexuality because I believe that homosexuality is unnatural. It also does not allow for the possibility of children and both the bible and the Catholic Church teach that it is wrong. Men and women were created differently by God so that they could form a special relationship that is suitable for bringing up children. I do not think homosexual relationships do this. c) Explain why some Christians allow any form of contraception and some do not. (8 marks) The Catholic Church does not allow any form of contraception because it teaches that couples should limit family size by using natural family planning. They are against all forms of artificial contraception because these are unnatural and prevent creation which is a wonderful gift from God. Some forms of artificial contraception also bring about a very early abortion which is also against catholic teachings – ‘all life is sacred including that of the unborn’ (Pope John Paul II). Almost all non-Catholic Christians believe that people should be allowed to use any form of contraception. This is because contraception improves women’s health (not constantly pregnant). Furthermore it allows sex to be enjoyed bringing couples closer together without the fear of an unwanted pregnancy. Finally some types of contraception i.e. condoms are effective in the fight against sexual diseases such as HIV/AIDS. d)‘No Christian should ever get divorced’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because I think that in certain cases, for example those involving abuse or persistent unfaithfulness (always cheating), then it is better to end the relationship to avoid further pain and suffering. Also, no-one should be forced to remain in a loveless relationship because everyone is entitled to be happy. Finally, I believe people should be free to remarry if they so wish. Catholics will disagree with me because they argue that marriage is a lifelong commitment. During the marriage ceremony a person promises to; ‘love and honour, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part’. Also, people should not give up on one another but instead work together to overcome their problems. Finally, it also says in the bible that a marriage can never be broken – ‘man cannot break what God has joined’. 16 3. a) What is procreation? Procreation is the making of a new life. (2 marks) b) Do you think divorced Catholics should be able to get remarried? (4 marks) Give two reasons for your point of view. I think divorced Catholics should be allowed to remarry because I believe that certain relationships are beyond repair. This might be due to violent or sexual abuse, unfaithfulness, drug, alcohol or gambling addictions or simply due to the fact that some people grow apart. I also believe that everyone is entitled to be happy if two people find that happiness with each other it should not matter if one or both of them have been married before. Relationships breakdown, this is unfortunate but true. No one should be denied the chance of a second marriage because a previous marriage failed. This is a basic civil right. c) Explain why Catholics are against sex outside of marriage. (8 marks) Catholics are against sex outside marriage because they believe that God gave sex for the procreation of children who should be brought up in a loving Christian family, so sex should only take place within marriage. Also both the bible and the teachings of the Catholic Church (catechism) clearly say that sex outside of marriage is wrong and Catholics should follow these teachings. Furthermore adultery goes against one of the Ten Commandments – ‘thou shall not commit adultery’. It is an act of betrayal and is always wrong. Finally Catholics believe premarital sex (sex before marriage) is wrong too because people have not committed themselves fully to each other. Marriage provides security and reassurance meaning people are a lot less vulnerable and likely to get hurt. d) ‘Family life is no longer that important’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because I think family life is still very important. This is also the view of the Catholic Church. Also, it is in the family that a person first learns and experiences what it is like to be loved and valued. It is in the family that people learn values such as trust, respect and commitment. Finally, the family unit also provides security, comfort and reassurance which help its members to grow and develop in a healthy way. Some people might disagree with me because some families don’t work well. Some families are violent and abusive and people want to leave them as soon as possible. Also, these people might argue that friendship is more important. If you have good friends they will make you happy and support you in times of need. Finally, as the saying goes ‘you can choose your friends but not your family’. 17 4. a) What is promiscuity (2 marks) Promiscuity is having sex with a number of partners without commitment. b) Do you think using artificial contraception is wrong? (4 marks) Give two reasons for your point of view I think using artificial contraception is a good idea because artificial contraception prevents unwanted pregnancies. If there are fewer unwanted pregnancies then there will be fewer abortions. Artificial contraception such as condoms can also be effective in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. c) Explain why some Christian churches allow divorce and some do not. (8 marks) The Catholic Church teaches that divorce is wrong because Catholics believe that marriage is a lifelong commitment between two people. This is reflected in the marriage vows – ‘until death do us part’. Catholics also believe that two people are united by God as one through the sacrament of marriage and ‘man cannot separated what God has joined together’. Catholics also believe that the bible teaches that divorce is wrong and those that remarry are committing adultery. Most non-Catholic Christians believe that divorce is wrong but they allow it in certain cases. This would happen if the marriage was beyond repair, perhaps in the case where one partner was abusive or constantly unfaithful (adultery). Furthermore in Matthew’s gospel Jesus allowed divorce on the grounds of adultery. Finally these Churches believe that it is better to divorce than live in hatred and quarrel all the time. d) ‘Civil partnerships are a good idea’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I agree because in the eyes of the law everyone should be equal. If civil partnerships were not allowed then this would be a form of discrimination. Also, people should not be treated differently because of their race, religion, gender or their sexuality. Finally, some Christians would say that Jesus never discriminated and therefore neither should we. Some people might disagree with me because they might argue that same sex partnerships should not be granted the same right in the eyes of the law as a married couple. Also, some people believe that homosexual relationships are unnatural and immoral. Finally, this is the view taken by the Catholic Church and it reflects some of the teachings in the bible. 18 5. a) What is faithfulness (2 marks) Faithfulness involves staying with your marriage partner and having sex only with them. b) Do you think Christians should have sex before marriage (4 marks) I think Christians should have sex before marriage provided that they are not too young or immature and they are in a loving relationship. People who think people should wait until they are married are very old fashioned in their views. Also, if people are ready to have sex before marriage then they ought to have the right and the freedom to do so. The only people who can make this decision are the two people involved in the relationship and people should respect their wishes. c) Explain how catholic parishes help to keep families together (8 marks) During mass the priest might remind parents of their marriage vows and other reason not to divorce because the parish priest has a duty to give help and advice to couples having marriage problems. The Church also has a national programme of support for marriage and family life (Celebrating Family: Blessed, Broken Living Love), and provides support to parishes to keep families together through the Marriage and Family Life Project Office. Furthermore the Church has provided resources for parishes to be more family friendly so that family life can be strengthened by families celebrating Mass together. The Church has also produced a series of leaflets to help parishes understand and meet the needs of families facing challenges such as divorce and re-marriage, bereavement, disability and gay or lesbian family members Finally many parishes also provide financial support for families in need and have links to national Catholic charities such as Catholic Marriage Care. d) ‘Religious people should not use contraceptives’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because contraceptives prevent unwanted pregnancies. If there are fewer unwanted pregnancies then there will be fewer abortions. Also, contraceptives allow people to take greater control of their lives they can be sexually active yet at the same time not worry about how a baby might affect their career, their education or any other plans they might have. Finally, contraceptives such as condoms also help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases like AID/HIV. Many non-Catholic Christians share this view. Some people might disagree with me because they are Catholics. Catholics believe that the use of artificial contraceptives is wrong because it is unnatural. They also believe sexual activity should always be open to the possibility of procreation (having children). Finally, some Catholics argue that artificial contraceptives encourage promiscuous behaviour. However the Catholic Church allows the use of natural contraception in order to limit the size of a family. 19 6. a) Explain what contraception means. (2 marks) Contraception involves intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring. b) Do you think the media presents issues about marriage and the family fairly? (4 marks) I think for the most part the media does present issues about marriage and the family fairly. Issues surrounding marriage and the family such as divorce, contraception and homosexuality are very important. These issues regularly feature on the news, in newspapers, films, dramas and soap operas. Also, not everyone will agree with how they are covered though. Some people believe that the media encourages the breakdown of the family by promoting things like homosexuality and promiscuous behaviour. Whereas others will say this type of coverage provides much needed education and promotes greater tolerance. c) Choose and issue from marriage and the family presented in one form of the media and explain whether the presentation was fair to religious people. (8 marks) Homosexuality is an issue that is covered in most British soap operas on TV at the moment. Eastenders, Coronation Street, Emerdale and Holly Oakes all have leading characters that are gay. Some religious people, including many Catholics, Jews and Muslims view homosexual activity to be sinful. Some of these people argue that by presenting these types of relationships the media is damaging the family unit and society as a whole. This coverage they claim also promotes homosexual activity as being healthy and normal and it encourages people, especially young people to copy what they are seeing. Many religious people consider this type of coverage to be irresponsible and offensive. Other people, including some religious people will argue that issues such as homosexuality should be covered in the media. Furthermore they claim homosexuality is natural and that people should respect and be tolerant of each other’s differences. Finally many Christians would say that Jesus never discriminated against those that were different and therefore neither should we. d) ‘The media should not make fun of marriage’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because some of the best moments in British comedy involve marriage and the surrounding issues i.e. Gavin and Stacey, Only Fools and Horses etc. We also live in a country that values freedom of speech and expression and this should never change. Finally, the minute we start to say that you can’t make fun of this or that we will lose that freedom. Some people including many Catholics will disagree with me because they might argue that in a time when almost 40 per cent of marriages are ending in divorce, the number of single parents is on the increase and promiscuous behaviour is increasingly being presented as ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ that it is time to defend marriage and promote it in a positive way. They might also argue that the media has a moral responsibility to positively promote marriage. Finally, if the media openly supported marriage then arguably few marriage would end in dvroce. 20 Some extra c) answers c) Explain how attitudes to family life have changed since the 1950s Attitudes towards family life have changed considerably over the last fifty years or so because today there are more divorces, single parents, reconstituted families, openly gay relationships and people cohabitating than ever before. There are a number of reasons for this. For example the law in the UK has changed in relation to divorce making this easier to obtain. The law has also changed in relation to homosexuality first of all making it legal, reducing the age of consent and making it an offence to discriminate against a person on the grounds of sexuality. Furthermore developments in science and technology have also played a key role in changing attitudes. For example the widespread availability of contraception has provided women with greater freedom and control of their lives. Whereas the introduction of the internet has allowed people to share ideas, access information and provide a means for people to act upon desires and fantasies. Finally religion no longer commands the same respect and authority it once did and people are quite confident in acting in ways that go against religious teachings. c) Explain different Christian attitudes towards sex outside marriage The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that sex should only take place within marriage because they believe sex is a gift from God and should be used for the purpose of procreation and for strengthening the loving bond between husband and wife. Many Evangelical Christians also share this view of sex. Some Evangelical Christians support the ‘Silver Ring Thing’ this promotes chastity before marriage. However other Christians including many Anglicans and Quakers believe that premarital sex is acceptable provided it takes place within a loving and committed relationship. When it comes to looking at extra marital relationships (affairs) all Christians agree that this is wrong because it goes against the commandment ‘thou shall not commit adultery’. Furthermore Christians believe the ‘body is a temple’ and to have casual sexual relations is wrong. Finally, being promiscuous can be damaging physically – STIs, mentally – self esteem, spiritually – goes against the will of God. c)Explain different Christian attitudes towards homosexuality The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that homosexual acts are wrong because they believe that sex is a gift from God and its purpose is to strengthen the loving bond between husband and wife. Sex is also for the purpose of procreation (having children). Homosexual acts go against these teachings and are therefore considered unnatural and sinful. Many Evangelical Protestants share this view of homosexuality. They might also point out that the bible forbids it – ‘No man is to have sexual relations with another man’. However many liberal Protestants for example Quakers believe that homosexual acts are acceptable. They have a tendency to focus on the love and commitment shown between two consenting adults. Furthermore they believe God created us all individually and gave us the freedom to express this love in different ways. Quakers therefore accept homosexual relations and allow civil partnerships. Finally, the Church of England is very divided on the issue of homosexuality 21 but in general hope that homosexual people enter into a strong and committed relationship similar to that found in marriage. 22 Unit 3.4 Religion and community cohesion 1. a) What is meant by discrimination? (2 marks) Discrimination involves treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity, colour, gender, sexuality, age or class. B Do you think men and women are equal? (4 marks) Give two reasons for your point of view. I think men and women are equal because Christianity teaches that all people are of equal value. Men and women were made by God in his image and likeness and Christianity teaches that God has no favourites. I also accept that sometimes within Christianity the roles of men and women are different for example women cannot be ordained priests in the Catholic tradition but this does not mean that women have less worth or value. c) Explain how multi-ethnic societies can bring benefits. (8 marks) There are many benefits to living in a multi ethnic society for example people of different ethnic groups and nationalities will get to know and like each other, allowing them to become friends, neighbours, colleges and even lovers which in turn will lead them to inter marry. Also more progress will be made in a multi ethnic society because new people will bring in new ideas and new ways of doing things. Furthermore life generally would be much more interesting within a multi ethnic society with a much greater variety of food, music, fashion and entertainment. Finally a multi ethnic society helps people to live and work in a world of multi-national companies and economic interdependence between all nations. d) ‘The media never treat ethnic minorities fairly’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because many people of different ethnic backgrounds are portrayed in a positive way by the media and this is expected by the Catholic Church. There is also coverage of music, food, fashion and entertainment which comes from ethnic minorities. Finally, there are many ethnic minorities that work within the media as actors, presenters, journalists and entertainers. Some people will disagree with me because they might claim that less time and effort is made by the media to cover issues that are important to certain ethnic minorities because they are not as popular in society as a whole. Also some might even go so far as to say that the media discriminates against certain ethnic minorities because important news or information is given only in English. Finally there have been cases were people from ethnic minorities have successfully sued parts of the media for discrimination. 23 2. a) What does religious pluralism mean? (2 marks) Religious pluralism means accepting all religions as having an equal right to co-exist b) Do you think religious people should try to convert other people? Give two reasons for your point of view. I think people should be allowed to follow whatever faith they want. This also means that people should be free to reject all religions and religious beliefs if they want to because this is their right. Those who try to force their beliefs on others, no matter how well intentioned they might be, are rude and disrespectful to the beliefs, rights and freedoms of others. I also consider such people to be very arrogant and I do not like this. c) Explain how and why Catholics help asylum seekers. (8 marks) Catholics believe they should help asylum seekers because the Church and bible teaches that God is a God of justice who requires his followers to be just and to seek justice for others. Stories such as the Good Samaritan and the parable of the Sheep and Goats make precisely this point. Also Jesus himself was an asylum seeker when he and his family fled to Egypt to avoid Herod’s slaughter of small children. The Catholic Church has tried helping asylum seekers by setting up councils to support refugees. On a parish level Catholics try to make sure that asylum seekers are made to feel welcome and part of the community. Furthermore some parishes try to produce leaflets containing important advice and information in other languages which will be of great use to asylum seekers. Finally Mass is offered in some parishes in foreign languages if that parish has a sizable number of people from one particular part of the world. d) ‘Men and women are different therefore there is no point in treating them equally’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because whilst men and women are different (physically for example) I don’t think that this means we should treat people differently. All people are of equal value both in the eyes of God and in the eyes of the law. Also, Christianity teaches that we should love one another and treat others with dignity and respect to do otherwise is a sin. Finally, when we treat people differently we discriminate against them and this is illegal. Some people will disagree with me because the Catholic Church teaches that men and women are different and in some cases ought to be treated differently. For example the Catholic Church prevents women becoming priests due to the fact that the apostles were all male and this had been the tradition of the Church. Women, they also claim are called to worship God in other ways. Finally, some people simply say that men and women have different attitudes, tastes and interests therefore it makes complete sense to treat them differently. 24 3. a) What does community cohesion mean? (2 marks) Community cohesion involves a common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society. e) Do you think the media presents religious people fairly? Give two reasons for your answer (4 marks) I think for the most part the media does present religious people fairly because the views of religious people are often given and reported on and in most cases this is done in a responsible and respectful way. For example recently the views of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury on assisted suicide were given on the news and in the newspapers. There have also been newspaper columns written by members of the clergy as well as non-religious people. c) Choose an issue from religion and community cohesion presented in one form of the media and explain whether the presentation was fair to religious people. (8 marks) The issue I have chosen is equal rights for women in religion. The form of media I am going to look at is the comedy series the Vicar of Dibley. This issue is very important because it deals with prejudice and discrimination against women. It has taken a very long time for women to achieve equality in the eyes of the law in Britain but sexism in one form or another sadly still exists in British society in the home and in the work place. The Vicar of Dibley took this important issue and challenged many of the stereotypes and prejudices that exist about women generally and particularly their role within the church. Also by using humour the show was able to identify and explore some of the beliefs and attitudes towards women and their role within the church. Furthermore by using comedy I believe this show successfully got people to think about this issue and in many cases probably changed people’s attitudes. Finally, some people, including certain Catholics may have felt this programme was critical and disrespectful of their beliefs and traditions. d) ‘The media has a responsibility to help community cohesion’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) In your answer, you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I agree. The Catholic Church also takes this viewpoint because everyone in society, including the media, has a moral and civil responsibility to help community cohesion. Also, we all live in the same community therefore it is in all of our interests to make sure that people can get along with each other. Finally, the media can educate and help shape people’s attitudes and opinions therefore it is important that they do this responsibly. Some people may disagree with me because they might argue that the role of the media is to educate us through news reports and documentaries. They might also say the role of the media is to entertain us with drama or comedies. Finally, community cohesion is a job for politicians, teachers, and members of the clergy, the police or community leaders. 25 4. a) What is religious freedom? (2 marks) Religious freedom is the right to practice your religion and change your religion. b) Do you think living in a multi-faith society causes problems for religious people? Give two reasons for your point of view (4 marks) I think that living in a multi-faith society can sometimes cause problems for religious people, because if you have been brought up by your family to be one religion then you may feel confused by all the different faiths and it could cause you to have doubts about your own faith. Also people might try to convert you to their religion which would cause conflict in society. Finally it could also cause problems as people get older and they want to marry, if two people from two different faiths fall in love and want to marry, their families might disagree over things such as which religious marriage ceremony they are going to have. c) Explain why some Christians support equal rights for women in religion and some do not. (8 marks) Most Protestants support equal rights for women because in Genesis both men and women were created in God’s image. They also allow women to become vicars because Jesus had many women followers such as Mary and Martha. In the Bible it says that the Early Church had women followers and St. Paul said there should be no differences between males and females as we “are all one in Christ.” Some traditional Christians do not support equal rights for women because St. Paul also said that women should be silent in Church, and when Jesus chose only male apostles, they feel that he did this for a reason. Therefore they do not allow women to become priests. The Catholic Church supports equal rights for women because the Catechism says that men and women are equal and that in Genesis they were both made in God’s image. However the Catholic Church does not allow women to become priests because Jesus chose only men to be his apostles and it is the tradition of the Church to have only male apostles. d) “All Christians should try to convert others to their religion.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3 marks) In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I disagree because the Catholic Church teaches that other religions should be respected so Christians should respect them by not trying to convert them. Also by trying to convert others to Christianity this could cause disagreements and conflict. I don’t think anyone should try and force another person to believe in a certain faith. Finally, the Catholic Church believes that people can come to God through different religious path and some of these may even get to heaven, so therefore there is no need to convert people. 26 Some Christians may disagree because they believe that the only true faith is Christianity and therefore every other religion is wrong. They also believe they have a duty and a responsibility to convert people to Christianity because Jesus told his disciples to “go to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples,” they believe this to mean they must tell everyone they meet about Jesus. Finally, some Christians think that converting others is the most loving thing to do because they believe only Christians can get into heaven and Christians should try and help others achieve salvation. 5. a) What is meant by ethnic minority? (2 marks) Ethnic minority means a member of an ethnic group (race) which is much smaller than the majority group. b) Do you think there are benefits to living in a multi-faith society? (4 marks) I do think there are benefits to living in a multi-faith society because it is the perfect opportunity to learn about other faiths which may mean that they understand how others live. Also, when people understand how other people live they are less likely to be prejudiced as they will have more knowledge of other faiths and hopefully it will lead to a happier and more tolerant society. c) Explain why Roman Catholic Christians should help promote racial harmony. (8 marks) Roman Catholics should help to promote racial harmony because they follow the example of Jesus who was brought up in a multi-ethnic society. Jesus mixed with people of all backgrounds and never discriminated; he taught that the kingdom of God was for everyone, so we should promote racial harmony. Also, Jesus taught in the Parable of the Good Samaritan that we should love our neighbour, even if your neighbour is a stranger or enemy. In this parable Jesus makes it clear that we should make no distinction between people who have different religions or are from different countries. The Bible also gives examples of when Jesus treated people of different races equally, such as when he treated a servant belonging to a Roman soldier. Furthermore, there are lots of references to racial harmony in the bible; St. Paul teaches that in God there are no more distinctions, and that everybody is equal in Christ and Genesis says God created all races in his image. Finally the Catechism also condemns racism and all Christian Churches have spoken out against racism, so Catholics should help to promote racial harmony. d) “The government alone cannot achieve community cohesion.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. Give reasons why some people may disagree with you In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. 27 (3 marks) (3 marks) I agree because I don’t think community cohesion can work unless everybody in the UK works together. The government works well at putting in place various measures and legislation to promote a shared vision and sense of belonging and to try to prevent prejudice and discrimination, however racism and discrimination is a cultural problem and needs to be tackled by parents and within neighborhoods, as well as by school and the law. Also, the Catholic Church is working with other faith groups and the local community to achieve community cohesion. Finally attitudes in the UK need to change in order to achieve community cohesion, the government cannot be expected to do that by itself. Some people may disagree and say all people have equal rights by law in the UK so the government can bring about community cohesion. They have proved this through the laws and policies they have introduced. Also, the government is able to achieve community cohesion by itself because they have the power to work with different pressure and religious groups to try and achieve harmony and cohesion. Finally the government has the biggest influence on educational policies such as the curriculum, so they are able to promote community cohesion at school. 28 6. a) What is meant by racial harmony? (2 marks) Racial harmony means that people of different race/colour live together happily. b) Do you think women should have the same religious rights as men? Give two reasons for your point of view (4 marks) I do think that women should have the same religious rights as men because the Bible shows that men and women were created equal so men and women should be allowed to be priests. Also, women have equal rights in society now, so to not allow them to become priests is discrimination. c) Explain why the government encourages community cohesion. (8 marks) The government encourages community cohesion because the government has the duty to ensure that all people are treated equally. The United Kingdom is a multi-ethnic society so it needs to promote community cohesion in order to overcome the problems of prejudice, discrimination and racism. Also, the government is able to introduce laws and policies to promote community cohesion such as the 1976 Race Relations Act which makes it illegal to discriminate against anyone. The act aims to give equal rights to all ethnicities and religions. Furthermore the government promotes community cohesion because without it, different groups in society have different visions of what society should be like and this can lead to violence and civil unrest. In countries without community cohesion violence can become a way of life e.g. Iraq. Therefore the government must encourage community cohesion to stop social discrimination, prevent violence, division and conflict and encourage a shared sense of belonging in which everyone gets along. d) “If everyone was a Christian, racism would not exist.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3 marks) In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. I agree because Christians such as Catholics are supposed to follow the teachings of the Bible and the Catechism and both teach that racism is wrong. The Catholic Church teaches that God made everyone equal so Christians should follow the teachings of their religion. Catholics also know they have responsibilities in the world and working for justice and fairness is one of them, they cannot be just and fair if they are racist. Finally, Catholics should follow the example of Jesus. Throughout Jesus’ life he treated people of different races equally, so Christians should use Jesus as a role model to know how to behave. Some people may disagree because just because Christians should follow the teachings of their faith, that doesn’t mean they always do. Lots of Christians choose to ignore the teachings of their religion. Also some Christians have views that are considered racist, in fact some racist regimes have been supported by Christians e.g. the Klu Klux Klan. Finally, just because someone calls themselves a Christian doesn’t mean they live their life in a Christian way, so unfortunately racism wouldn’t disappear if everyone converted. 29 Additional c) Answers c) Explain different Christian attitudes towards other religions Catholics and many other Christians believe that people can come to God through different religions i.e. Judaism, Islam, Hinduism etc. This is because Catholics are inclusive (they believe other religions are partially true and therefore of value). This inclusivism is reflected in the Catechism. However the Church also teaches that only Christianity contains the whole truth because it is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ the son of God. Some Evangelical Protestants believe that Christianity is the only way to God. This attitude towards other religions is exclusive. To be saved one must be baptized and follow Christ. There is no other route to God. This is why many evangelical Christians try to convert people. Only by converting will a person be saved. Finally, there are many liberal Protestants who promote religious pluralism. They believe that all religions contain the truth and that all religions are equal. They tend to focus on what people are like. If a person loves God by worshipping him and loves his neighbour by being kind and respectful then this is what is truly important. 30 Key Words and Meanings 3.1 1 Agnosticism - not being sure whether God exists 2 Atheism - believing that God does not exist 3 Conversion - when your life is changed by giving yourself to God 4 Free Will - the idea that human beings are free to make their own choices 5 Miracle - something which seems to break a law of science and makes you think only God could have done it 6 Moral Evil - actions done by humans which cause suffering 7 Natural Evil - things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans 8 Numinous - the feeling of the presence of something greater than you 9 Omni-benevolent - the belief that God is all-good 10 Omnipotent - the belief that God is all-powerful 11 Omniscient - the belief that God knows everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen 12 Prayer - an attempt to contact God, usually through words 3.2 1 Abortion - the removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive 2 Assisted Suicide - providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide 3 Euthanasia - the painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease 4 Immortality of the soul - the idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body 5 Near-death experience - when someone about to die has an out-of-body experience 6 Non-voluntary euthanasia - ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have good reason for thinking they would want you to do so 7 Paranormal - unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes, for example, ghosts, mediums 8 Quality of life - the idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living 9 Reincarnation - the belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body 10 Resurrection - the belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is raised 11 Sanctity of life - the belief that life is holy and belongs to God 12 Voluntary euthanasia - ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death 3.3 1 Adultery - a sexual act between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner 31 2 Civil Partnership - a legal ceremony giving a homosexual couple the same legal rights as a husband and wife 3 Cohabitation - living together without being married 4 Contraception - intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring 5 Faithfulness - staying with your marriage partner and having sex only with them 6 Homosexuality - sexual attraction to the same sex 7 Nuclear Family - mother, father and children living as a unit 8 Pre-marital Sex - sex before marriage 9 Procreation - making a new life 10 Promiscuity - having sex with a number of partners without commitment 11 Re-constituted Family - where two sets of children (stepbrothers and stepsisters) become one family when their divorced parents marry each other 12 Re-marriage - marrying again after being divorced from a previous marriage 3.4 1 Community Cohesion - a common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society 2 Discrimination - treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity/gender/ colour/sexuality/age/class 3 Ethnic Minority - a member of an ethnic group (race) which is much smaller than the majority group 4 Interfaith Marriages - marriage where the husband and wife are from different religions 5 Multi-ethnic Society - many different races and cultures living together in one society 6 Multi-faith Society - many different religions living together in one society 7 Prejudice - believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them 8 Racial Harmony - different races/colours living together happily 9 Racism - the belief that some races are superior to others 10 Religious Freedom - the right to practise your religion and change your religion 11 Religious Pluralism - accepting all religions as having an equal right to coexist 12 Sexism - discriminating against people because of their gender (being male or female) 32