OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH PARISH PASTORAL PLAN KRAs, Achieving and SMART Goals KRA: Key Responsibility Areas SMART Goals: Specific and Measurable, Motivating, Attainable, Relevant, Traceable Worship (Spirituality) Subcommittee KRA To assess, promote, and support the spiritual health of all parishioners so that the parish may help them live in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ. Achieving Goals: 1. Our choirs enhance the celebration of the Eucharist. 2. Leaders of Song at each Mass lead the congregation in singing and musically proclaim the responsorial psalm. 3. Initial and recurrent training of Lectors for consistency in proclaiming the Word with volume and clarity while helping to make the Scripture more understandable and meaningful. 4. Initial and recurrent training of altar servers who enhance the celebration of the Liturgy and help youngsters feel more appreciated and needed. 5. Initial training with renewal of commitment of sufficient number and knowledgeable Extraordinary Ministers and Adult Altar Servers for an efficient and pleasing celebration of the Eucharist. 6. Continue to provide opportunities for developing personal prayer, devotion and worship. 7. Opportunities for retreats, days of reflection, and parish feast day celebrations. 8. Advent and Lenten Reconciliation Services. 9. Liturgy Committee to enhance the Sacramental and Liturgical celebrations of our parish. 10. Support a Men’s Faith Ministry. 11. Continue to offer educational opportunities to learn about Catholic traditions and devotions. 12. Continue to provide opportunities for special masses and prayer services. Revised ~ May 2015 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH PARISH PASTORAL PLAN SMART Goals: (cont’d from Worship) 1. Form a sufficient number of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion to visit those who are shut-in and cannot participate in parish liturgies and events by inviting them to be part of a prayer ministry. 2. In partnership with a Service (Stewardship) Sub-committee, offer an annual retreat to enrich the spiritual life of our parish ministers, to build on their initial formation and to express the gratitude of the parish for their service. 3. In partnership with the Family Life Committee, support the sacrament of marriage through special prayerful activities and blessings during Mass to recognize anniversaries. 4. To encourage parishioners to provide prayerful support to engaged couples before and beyond PreCana classes. 5. To offer a structure for ministry groups to use in order to conduct a ministry prayer service of their own outside normal adoration times. It is designed to encourage ministry spirituality, community, and adoration. 6. Ministry that meets with those church members who feel marginalized and would like the opportunity to discuss questions about their faith. Revised ~ May 2015 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH PARISH PASTORAL PLAN Word (Faith Formation) Subcommittee KRA To develop, provide, and evaluate programs and (distinct) experiences of faith formation for parishioners of all ages so that they may develop and mature in the knowledge of their faith. Achieving Goals: 1. To offer faith festivals celebrating the Liturgical Year. 2. To encourage and increase participation of young parishioners in the Religious Education program of the parish. 3. To offer Adult Faith Formation programs during the school year. 4. To offer specific programs for the Faith Formation of parents in sacramental preparation for their children. 5. Sacrament of Reconciliation offered to parents with children yearly. 6. Involve parents of children, who are not in a sacramental prep program, in the spiritual formation of their child/ren through a yearly event for each grade level. 7. Focus programs to retain students after Confirmation. SMART Goals: 1. To focus on the establishment of young adult groups. 2. To offer/sponsor Weekend Retreats for married couples (Long Term). 3. In partnership with Worship (Spirituality) Subcommittee, to offer/sponsor Day Retreats for married couples (Short Term). 4. Use electronic media to offer facts about Catholic Faith monthly (parish app, emails, FB, etc.) 5. In partnership with Community (Evangelization) Subcommittee, forming small groups for continued Faith Formation Study from the larger gatherings after about 3 months (e.g. Christ Life). 6. Faith events and activities, involve Youth programs to create a better connection with their faith and promote a greater participation by our Youth. Revised ~ May 2015 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH PARISH PASTORAL PLAN Community (Evangelization) Subcommittee KRA To challenge all members of our parish to seek out, invite and welcome the less connected members and potential members of our parish to become active in the life of the church. Achieving Goals 1. An RCIA program that instructs and encourages people interested in the faith while bringing them into welcoming contact with the wider parish. 2. Actively promoting programs that make our faith alive and give witness in our community. 3. Participation in Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network and its Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. 4. To use the parish website and Facebook page to promote and support the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy in our parish. 5. Participation in the Keeping Sunday Holy initiative/forum. SMART Goals 1. Develop a plan to support social ministries in the parish using Just Faith Ministries or similar program. 2. In partnership with the Family Life Committee, enhance a family life program to help support families such as Fashioning Faith Resources for Faith Sharing and/or Arise: Together in Christ. 3. In partnership with Liturgy Committee, set aside time before Mass to acknowledge out of town guests, recognize anniversaries and special milestones, and to encourage a welcoming/introduction of fellow parishioners in the pews. 4. Provide opportunity for parishioners to volunteer at diocesan soup kitchens. 5. Extend yearly invitation to past RCIA members to the Easter Vigil to help welcome new members, and invite/encourage their continued involvement in activities. 6. Use electronic sign on Route 209 entrance of the church to announce our events. Revised ~ May 2015 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH PARISH PASTORAL PLAN Service (Stewardship) Subcommittee KRA To promote, nourish, and sustain a caring community of Christian disciples who freely share their God given gifts in a loving and faith filled environment. Achieving Goals 1. To hold an annual Ministry Fair or similar event where parishioners are encouraged to view the activities of the parish and have opportunity to join an activity or ministry that will be meaningful to them and helpful to our community. 2. To hold an annual Stewardship re-commitment weekend where parishioners have an opportunity to commit or recommit to their stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure. 3. To support the Stewardship Council so that they have the education and tools necessary to advance the work of Stewardship in our parish. 4. To continue to actively elicit membership in our service groups in the parish such as the Social Ministry Committee, the Altar and Rosary Committee, and other service oriented groups. 5. An annual or semi-annual welcoming of new families to the parish in a liturgical and social setting. 6. To continue to provide and expand the Community Sunday Suppers and Church Missions offered here for the poor and needy. SMART Goals 1. In partnership with Worship (Spirituality) Subcommittee, offer an annual retreat to enrich the spiritual life of our parish ministers, to build on their initial formation and to express the gratitude of the parish for their service. 2. To establish a measurement criteria and reporting structure to aid in decision making on the viability and health of our ministries. 3. To establish a program where we can discover our God given talents and inspire our community to share them, making ministry part of our parish culture. 4. In partnership with Liturgy Committee/Worship (Spirituality) Subcommittee, to establish a properly trained Hospitality Committee with the goal of encouraging an atmosphere of welcome, support, growth, reverence, and love. 5. To establish a Parking Committee that will serve to address the needs of parking and traffic flow between Sunday Masses and the Religious Education Program. 6. To establish a Hospitality and Information Center in the atrium. 7. To establish a nursery and babysitting program during Sunday Masses. Revised ~ May 2015 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH PARISH PASTORAL PLAN 8. Signage on campus directing people to Church, Chapel, McCawley Hall, and Office entrances. Revised ~ May 2015