
Music 223, Fall 2011
Response Paper #1 “Jeremy Denk’s Ligeti
Due: Tuesday, September 27 at 4 pm via email to
As you design your first response paper, think of the announced topic — “Jeremy Denk’s
Ligeti ” — in multivalent ways, whether or not you had the privilege of hearing him play
and/or the immense privilege of speaking with him on Saturday.
Mr. Denk has designed his approach to Ligeti such that the many influences that are infused
in Ligeti’s compositions will be vivid for the listener. His approach ensures that the
powerful expressive qualities of the music are equally evident next to the impressive
technical demands placed on the performer and listener.
On Blackboard under the subheading Response Paper #1, you will find some musical
examples by various composers to inspire you and guide you in writing about Ligeti’s
Your essay should run about 4-5 pp. Be sure to include the following:
An introduction to your essay
Your personal view of Ligeti – what makes him “tick” as a composer, what makes him
significant to a study of music after 1900
A summary of the compositional concerns that Ligeti addresses in the two books of etudes
A discussion of one (or if you prefer a small group) etude as it reflects the musical referent
example you have chosen from those offered on Blackboard — this is where you want to be
as musically specific as possible so your reader can connect to how you hear Ligeti side-byside with the work you choose from Backboard
Comments on Denk’s performance for those who attended
Note that late papers will not be graded, but they will allow you pass the course.
Extensions are available for medical and personal emergencies ONLY.
Re-writes are permitted on this first paper – once you receive my comments, you may
revise your work if you would like to do so and the rewrite will be re-graded.