Step 1: Preview the source to get a sense of what it will offer. Step 2: Read for understanding and analysis Reading Scientific Papers How many pages?!? The quantity and complexity of your readings may be overwhelming at first. With some practical advice and some practice, it will not be so difficult to complete your weekly list of readings. In fact, our strategies for critical and efficient reading will also help you to better understand and analyse what you read. Understanding Scientific Papers Scientists write articles in order to communicate with one another and the larger public about a particular question or problem. The format of scientific papers is similar to that of lab reports: both are based on the scientific method. In the introduction, the authors present their research question and explain their hypotheses and predictions. They then provide a methods section, which details how they conducted their study. In the results section, they provide the key data gathered during the study. Finally, scientific papers end with a discussion section that interprets the results and explains whether they support the authors’ hypothesis. Understanding the structure of the scientific paper can help you to read more critically and efficiently. Reading as a Process You likely think of reading as a one-step event: you pick up a book or article and read it. However, experts on reading suggest that a multi-step process can make you a more efficient and critical reader. Step 3: Reflect and takes notes on the reading Keep in mind that how you actually accomplish each of these steps will differ depending on what kind of source you are reading. How to Preview a Scientific Paper Before you begin to read a scientific article, consider how it relates to the course, your experiment, or your research project. Next, preview the source itself to determine its main goal, method, and findings. Your first step should be to read the article abstract. As you read, ask • • • • • WHAT did the author(s) want to find out? (research question) WHY did they want to know this? (rationale) HOW did they test the question? (method) WHAT did they find out? (results) SO WHAT? Why is this important? (significance) Keep in mind that reading the abstract alone will not provide you with an understanding of the source. You must read the article in full, section by section. You should be reading both to understand what the author is trying to say and to analyse and evaluate the source. Reading the Introduction for Understanding and Analysis A careful reading of the introduction is essential to understanding the goals and reasons for a scientific study. In the introduction, authors provide an overview of their general topic as well as specify their own specific research question on the topic. They also explain the importance of studying this question, which is known as their rationale. Finally, they review what other researchers have found about the topic, in what is sometimes called a literature review, and link this to specific hypotheses and predictions for their own studies. Questions for Analysis & Evaluation Questions to Check Your Understanding Reading the Results Section for Understanding and Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the research question? Why should it be studied? How has it been studied before? What hypotheses/predictions are made? Questions for Analysis & Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. Is the question clear? How convincing is the rationale? How does the work compare to other studies in the field? Is the hypothesis justified? Reading the Methods Section for Understanding and Analysis In the methods section, the authors provide a detailed account of how they completed their study or experiment, the materials and/or participants they used, as well as how they measured for particular variables. As a reader, you will want to pay careful attention to this section and determine the strengths and weaknesses of the study’s design. Questions to Check Your Understanding 1. How did the authors conduct the study or experiment? 2. What materials did they use? 3. Who participated in the study? 1. Are the measures appropriate and clearly related to the research question? 2. Do participants fairly represent the larger population of the study? 3. Are there noticeable flaws in the method? The results section generally presents the data researchers obtained in both graphs, tables, or pictures as well as in words. As a careful reader, you should examine both and consider not only what the authors found, but also how they have chosen to present their findings. Questions to Check Your Understanding 1. What were the major findings? 2. How are the findings presented/displayed? Questions for Analysis & Evaluation 1. Are enough data displayed to demonstrate the results? 2. Are there patterns in the data that the author does not mention? Reading the Discussion Section for Understanding and Analysis A close reading of the discussion section of an article is also essential to understand a scientific paper. In this section, the authors analyse their findings and explain whether their results support their original hypothesis and predictions. If they do not, the authors attempt to explain why they do not. They also discuss the importance and implications of their results and detail possible future applications, extensions, or revisions of their study. Questions to Check Your Understanding 1. 2. 3. 4. Did the data support the hypothesis? If not, does the author explain why? How do the results compare to other studies? Why are the findings significant? Are there applications? Questions for Analysis & Evaluation 1. Are you persuaded by the findings? 2. How significant are the limitations of the study? 3. What other ways could you conceptualize the findings or research question? 4. Does the discussion reflect the hypothesis and major points from the introduction? Reflection and Notetaking Read – Think – Write Taking notes while you read is time consuming and can even distract you from focusing on the ideas you are reading. Instead, separate the acts of reading and notetaking by reading a section or a few pages and then stopping to take notes. Make sure that your notes provide answers to the questions posed in each of the sections above. You may also want to use our Template for Taking Notes on Scientific Papers as a guide. After you have read and taken notes on the article, make sure to reflect upon it. How does it compare to other papers you have read on this topic? How does it relate to your experiment or research project? How might you use it in your course work, lab report, or paper? The Academic Skills Centre Trent University 705-748-1720