Application 04/2015 MILITARY SPOUSES OF NEWPORT CHARITIBLE DONATION APPLICATION The Military Spouses of Newport (MSoN) is a 501(c)(7) tax exempt organization comprised of spouses of active duty, reserve, and retired or deceased military personnel of all US Armed Services, National Guard, Coast Guard, and government employees GS-7 and above, in the Newport area. The purpose of MSoN is to promote the interests of the active duty and retired military community in the Newport area. After all of MSoN’s expenses are met, all monies derived from the activities of MSoN shall be used solely for scholarships and charitable purposes. Yearly, MSoN gives $5,000 - $10,000 in charitable donations to non-profit organizations directly benefiting military families, with the average grant being $500 - $1000. Organizations should apply for funding for their most critical needs, whether support is being requested for continuing existing and exceptional programs, or undertaking new or expanded programs. Charitable donations are disbursed in October, December, and April. Applications will be considered within the disbursement period in which they are received. Application Criteria/Instructions: MSoN will consider grant requests from local and national non-profit organizations that directly benefit military members and/or their families. There will be emphasis placed upon activities and services that support or immediately benefit military member(s) in the Newport community. This also shall include, but not be limited to individuals employed /programs within our area schools. Organizations must demonstrate a non-discrimination policy regarding staff, employment, governing board, and service delivery on the basis of 1 Application 04/2015 race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or national origin. Organizations uncertain of their eligibility may inquire by sending an e-mail to All applications should be clear, precise, with straight forward answers, and little or no repetition. Applications should demonstrate that the organization: Employs effective, proven methods to solve problems and address the needs of military service members and their families Avoids duplication of service Has clear objectives and a well thought-out process with which to evaluate the program Justifies the resources requested by demonstrating substantial positive benefits to the target population Collaborates with other agencies and groups, if appropriate Funding will not typically be made for the following purposes: fund-raising campaigns, re-granting of funds in an organization’s own name, or programs for religious purposes. To be considered, applications must be signed by the appropriate board authority or executive director, authorizing the application and agreeing to implement the proposed activities if funded. Applications for funding for a school must be signed by the school’s principal. Applications must be typed and completed in-full in order to be considered for funds. Please send the completed application to: MSoN ATTN: Charities PO Box 5115 Newport, RI 02841 2 Application 04/2015 Application for Military Spouses of Newport Charitable Donation SECTION I. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 1. Organization:____________________________________________ 2. Contact Person:__________________________________________ 3. Contact’s Position: _______________________________________ 4. Correspondence Address: _________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5. Telephone Number(s): ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 6. Email: __________________________________________________ 7. The name that should appear in the “Payee” line of the MSoN check, should the request be approved: ___________________________ 8. Name of Executive Director: ________________________________ Signature of Executive Director/Principal____________________________ 3 Application 04/2015 SECTION II. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Project Name: _____________________________________ 2. Purpose for which the funds are needed: (describe the project/program, including a summary of the critical issues/opportunities that it addresses, its possible benefits to the Newport military community, and the changes/results it hopes to attain. Give pertinent information that will assist MSoN in evaluating your request. (Use a separate page, if necessary) 3. Amount requested from MSoN $______Total cost of project $__________ 4. Date for which funds are requested (if applicable)_ _______________ 5. Number of people who will be impacted by the funds: ____youth____adults 4 Application 04/2015 6. Percentage of participants served who are active duty or their dependents____% IF YOU ARE REQUESTING FUNDING FOR A SCHOOL, PLEASE CONTINUE THE APPLICATION BELOW AT QUESTION # 7 IF YOU ARE NOT A SCHOOL, PLEASE CONTINUE THE APPLICATION AT QUESTION #8 7. Project Budget: List the total cost of each item or activity that must be purchased to accomplish the project. Also, list the amount of support that requested from MSoN for each item or activity. (Typically, MSoN will not fund a project in-full, so the applicant should pursue additional sources of funding.) Please provide the following information: 1. Percentage of assisted lunches at your campus:___________________ 2. Amount of money raised by your P.T.O or P.T.A per year:___________ 3. Approximate percentage of military dependents attending school:_______ *Have you received MSoN funds in the past? _______________________ If yes, please state the date and the amount: ______________________ 5 Application 04/2015 Thank you – please continue to the signature page. (FOR NON-SCHOOL APPLICATIONS) 8. Total revenue currently available in support of this request: __________ In addition, please also attach a current operating budget for the organization 1. Percentage of funds that will go directly to the project:_ _________ 2. Percentage of the organization’s overhead costs from all funds received: ____________ 3. Percentage of funds to be disbursed/impact within the Newport military community: _____ Have you received MSoN’s funds in the past? If yes, please state the date and the amount: ______________________ 6 Application 04/2015 I have read the information and instructions attached to this application form and agree to the conditions stated. Furthermore, if funds are granted for this request, I will submit written evidence of the project or event completion. I will provide receipts and/or invoices to MSoN upon request. I understand that once a request is approved, every effort will be made by MSoN to donate the full pledged amount. However approval of funding for a request is never a guarantee that the requested amount will be funded. Signature:___________________________________________Date______________________ Title: ______________________________ 7