Towanda Area School District * Teacher Lesson Plans

Troy Intermediate School – Teacher Lesson Plan – for website
Teacher Name/Course Name: Mrs. Simpson – 3rd grade Language Arts
Week of: 10-7-13
Monday: Standard: R3.A.1.2, R3.A.1.6, R3.B.3.3.1, R3.A.2.1.2, R3.B.3.3.3,
R3.A.2.1, R.3.A.2.1.1, R3.A.2.4, R3.A.2.4.1, R3.A.2.5, R3.B.3.3, R3.A.2.2,
Essential questions: How can I tell the difference between the main idea
and the supporting details?, How does a graphic organizer help me to understand what
I’m reading?, How do context clues help me figure out unknown words?, How do I spell
and read multisyllabic words with one consonant between the vowels? How do I identify
common and proper nouns?
Task/s:Daily fix-it 1 and 2, comprehension skill/strategy lesson – main
idea and details and graphic organizers 150-151, intro lesson vocab 152b,
Grammar: introduce common and proper nouns using grammar trans. #6, intro
two syllable spelling words with one consonant between the vowels and write on
Family letter and agenda, students complete tasks in small rotating groups
Graphic organizer: Main idea and supporting details graphic organizer
Assessment: observation, daily fix-it, prac pg 51-52
Tuesday: R3.A.1.2, R3.A.1.6, R3.B.3.3.1, R3.A.2.1.2, R3.B.3.3.3, R3.A.2.1,
R.3.A.2.1.1, R3.A.2.4, R3.A.2.4.1, R3.A.2.5, R3.B.3.3, R3.A.2.2,
Essential questions: How can I tell the difference between the main idea
and the supporting details?, How does a graphic organizer help me to understand what
I’m reading?, How do context clues help me figure out unknown words?, How do I spell
and read multisyllabic words with one consonant between the vowels? How do I identify
common and proper nouns?
Tasks: daily fix-it 3 and 4, review vocab with power point and vocab
strategy lesson- context clues 152-152 practice pg 54-55, comprehension skill/strategy –
main idea and details with practice pg 53, Read “Penguin chick” orally, review spelling
words with practice pg 59 , review common nouns and proper nouns with grammar and
writing book pg 80-85, students complete tasks in small rotating groups
Graphic organizer: main idea and supporting details graphic organizer
Homework – practice spelling words, read 10 minutes, wkbk pg 56
Assessment: observation, daily fix-it, wkbk pg 36
Wednesday: R3.A.1.2, R3.A.1.6, R3.B.3.3.1, R3.A.2.1.2, R3.B.3.3.3, R3.A.2.1,
R.3.A.2.1.1, R3.A.2.4, R3.A.2.4.1, R3.A.2.5, R3.B.3.3, R3.A.2.2,
Essential questions: How can I tell the difference between the main idea
and the supporting details?, How does a graphic organizer help me to understand what
I’m reading?, How do context clues help me figure out unknown words?, How do I spell
and read multisyllabic words with one consonant between the vowels? How do I identify
common and proper nouns?
Tasks: complete daily fix-its # 5 and 6, review vocab with power point,
intro and read leveled readers in small groups with reader’s response, review spelling
words with marker boards, continue reviewing common and proper nouns with grammar
and writing book 80-85, review main idea and supporting details with wkbk pg 58
Graphic organizer: : main idea and supporting details graphic organizer
Homework – practice spelling words, read Pengun chick
Assessment: observation, wkbk pg 58, daily fix it
Thursday: R3.A.1.2, R3.A.1.6, R3.B.3.3.1, R3.A.2.1.2, R3.B.3.3.3, R3.A.2.1,
R.3.A.2.1.1, R3.A.2.4, R3.A.2.4.1, R3.A.2.5, R3.B.3.3, R3.A.2.2,
Essential questions: How can I tell the difference between the main idea
and the supporting details?, How does a graphic organizer help me to understand what
I’m reading?, How do context clues help me figure out unknown words?, How do I spell
and read multisyllabic words with one consonant between the vowels? How do I identify
common and proper nouns?
Tasks: complete daily fix-its # 7 and 8, read “Plants Fitting into their
World” pg 170-173, Reread leveled readers and review Penguin Chick, review
spelling words on marker boards, review main idea and supporting details,
Graphic organizer: main idea and supporting details graphic organizer
Homework – practice spelling words, read leveled readers
Assessment: observation, daily fix it,
Friday : R3.A.1.2, R3.A.1.6, R3.B.3.3.1, R3.A.2.1.2, R3.B.3.3.3, R3.A.2.1,
R.3.A.2.1.1, R3.A.2.4, R3.A.2.4.1, R3.A.2.5, R3.B.3.3, R3.A.2.2,
Essential questions: How can I tell the difference between the main idea
and the supporting details?, How does a graphic organizer help me to understand what
I’m reading?, How do context clues help me figure out unknown words?, How do I spell
and read multisyllabic words with one consonant between the vowels? How do I identify
common and proper nouns?
Task/s: selection test, spelling test, small reading groups
Graphic organizer: main idea and supporting details graphic organizer
Assessment: selection test , spelling test, grammar assessment,