MODULE SPECIFICATION FORM Module Title: Social Psychology Module code: (if known) PSY 502 Level Cost Centre: GAPS Semester(s) in which to be offered: Originating Subject: Module duration (contact hours/ directed/directed private study: 1/2 With effect from: Module Leader: 20 C800 Sept 2011 GU: Dr Emyr Williams BHC: Agnes Lech Status: core/option/elective (identify programme where appropriate): Percentage taught by Subjects other than originating Subject (please name other Subjects): Credit Value: JACS2 code: Institute of Health, Medical Science and Society 200 hours (72 contact, 70 directed study, 58 private study) 5 Core None Programme(s) in which to be offered: Pre-requisites per programme (between levels): Co-requisites per programme (within a level): BSc (Hons) Psychology Conversion diploma in None None Psychology BA (Hons) Psychological Studies with Childhood Education Module Aims: To identify and explore the interface between individual, interpersonal, and group behaviour in a variety of social contexts To underpin the notion of psychology as an integrated subject Expected Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, students should be able to: Knowledge and Understanding: 1. Undertake empirical investigations utilizing social-psychological perspectives and methodologies 2. Differentiate and integrate individual, interpersonal, and group behaviour 3. Articulate important social psychological processes and factors, such as social influence and attitudes Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Communication skills Reflection IT skills Assessment: please indicate the type(s) of assessment (eg examination, oral, coursework, project) and the weighting of each (%). Details of indicative assessment tasks must be included. 1. A practical exercise e.g. a study of social influence. 2. A critical essay on a given topic e.g. group decision-making. Assessment Learning Outcomes to be met Type of assessment Weighting Duration (if exam) Word count or equivalent if appropriate 1 1,3 Practical exercise 50% 2500 words 2 1,2 Essay 50% 2500 words Learning and Teaching Strategies: A variety of teaching and learning strategies will be adopted in this module including lectures, tutorials, case studies, directed and self-directed learning. Syllabus outline: Perspectives in and methodologies of social research; attitudes; communication; close relationships; interpersonal perception; aggression; conflict and cooperation; interaction within small groups; intergroup relations; group processes; social influence. Bibliography: Essential reading: Baron, R.A., Branscombe, N.R., & Byrne, D. (2009). Social psychology (12th ed). Boston MA: Pearson. Crisp, R.J., &. Turner, R.N. (2007). Essential social psychology. London: Sage. Recommended Reading (illustrative): Brown, R.J. (1988). Group processes: Dynamics within and between groups. London: Basil Blackwell Brown, R.J. (2010). Prejudice: It’s social psychology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Cramer, D. (1998). Close relationships. London: Arnold Duck, S. (1999). Relating to others. (2nd ed). Buckingham: Open University Press Zebrowitz, L.A. (1990). Social perception. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Journals: British Journal of Social Psychology European Journal of Social Psychology Journal of Personality and Social Psychology