2 Resolving the era of river-forming climates on Mars using stratigraphic logs of river-deposit dimensions 3 Edwin Kite1, Alan Howard2, Antoine Lucas3, Michael Lamb4, Kevin Lewis1,5. 4 5 1. Princeton University. 2. University of Virginia. 3. Université de Paris. 4. Caltech. 5. Johns Hopkins University. 1 6 7 1. Introduction. 8 1.1. Fluvial signatures of climate events on Mars: clearer than on Earth. 9 1.2. Basin-scale mapping distinguishes 102 m-thick river-deposit-hosting units. 10 11 2. Getting from stereopairs to stratigraphic logs. 12 3. Paleohydrology. 13 3.1. River-deposit scale varies systematically upsection. 14 3.2. Basin-wide paleodischarge variability. 15 3.3. A tool to search for abrupt climate change on Mars. 16 3.4 Timescales. 17 4. Implications for river-forming paleo-climates on Mars. 19 4.1. Both short-term intermittency and long-term intermittency are required. 20 4.2. Mechanisms for paleodischarge variability. 21 4.3. Global context. 18 22 5. Habitability, taphonomy, and organic matter preservation. 23 6. Conclusion. 24 1 25 Abstract. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 River deposits are one of the main lines of evidence that tell us that Mars once had a climate different from today, and so changes in river deposits with time tell us something about how early Mars climate varied. In this study, we focus in on one sedimentary basin – Aeolis Dorsa – and use changes in the scale of river deposits with stratigraphic elevation as a proxy for changes in river discharge. Meander wavelengths tighten upwards and channel widths narrow upwards, and there is some evidence for a return to wide large-wavelength channels higher in the stratigraphy. Meander wavelength and channel width covary with stratigraphic elevation, and show the expected ~10:1 wavelength:width ratio, confirming that preserved-channel width is a good proxy for original channel width at this location. The factor-of-2 variations in paleochannel dimensions with stratigraphic elevation correspond to factor-of-3 variability in bank-forming discharge over timescales of X Kyr (using standard wavelength-discharge scalings and widthdischarge scalings). Taken together with evidence from marker beds for variability at stratigraphic scales <20m (which are too fine to be resolved by our logging technique), the variation in the scale of river deposits indicates that bank-forming discharge varied at both ~10m stratigraphic (10tbd-10tbd yr) and ~100 m stratigraphic (10tbd – 10tbd yr) timescales. Because these variations are correlated across the basin, they record an externally imposed, basinwide forcing, rather than internal feedbacks. Changing sediment input leading to a change in characteristic slopes and/or drainage area could also be responsible, but the most likely forcing is changing climate (±X W/m2). 45 1. Introduction. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 There is consensus that many of the now-dry rivers on Mars were once fed by rain or by snow/ice melt, but physical models for runoff production vary widely (Malin et al. 2010, Mangold et al. 2004, Irwin et al. 2005, Matsubara et al. 2013, Moore et al. 2003, Malin & Edgett 2003). Possible environmental scenarios range from intermittent <102 yr-duration volcanic- or impact-triggered transients to >106 yr duration humid greenhouse climates (Andrews-Hanna & Lewis 2011, Haberle et al. 2012, Kite et al. 2013, Mischna et al. 2013, Segura et al. 2012, Urata & Toon 2013, Tian et al. 2010, Johnson et al. 2009, Halevy & Head 2014, Wordsworth et al. 2013, Kite et al. 2014, Ramirez et al. 2014). These diverse possibilities have very different implications for the duration, patchiness and intermittency of habitable environments on Mars. As a set, they represent an embarrassment of riches for the Mars research community. Lack of convergence in our understanding of what allowed rain or snowmelt on Mars is not the result of a lack of model sophistication; rather, what is currently in short supply are paleo-environmental proxies (ideally, time series), to constrain the models. Weathering rates provide one proxy (e.g. Olsen & Rimstidt 2007, Hurowitz & McLennan 2007, Berger et al. 2009, Rimstidt et al. 2012, Elwood Madden et al. 2009, Bandfield et al. 2011, Ehlmann et al. 2011, Loizeau et al. 2014, Gainey et al. 2014). In principle, different environmental scenarios for river-forming climates should also leave distinguishable fingerprints on the fluvial record, through the effect of runoff intensity, intermittency, process, event number, and event duration on sediment transport (e.g. Devauchelle et al. 2012). Specifically, paleodischarge is constrained by channel width and meander wavelength (Hajek & Wolinsky 2012), minimum runoff duration is found by dividing 2 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 river-deposit volume by sediment flux (Jerolmack et al. 2004), intermittency during a wet event is constrained by dividing the duration of runoff by the duration of sediment accumulation (Kite et al. 2013, Buhler et al. 2014), and the number of wet events is at least equal to the number of regionally correlatable fluvial packages. For example, many models only permit runoff for brief intervals (Toon et al. 2010), so Barnhart et al. (2009) and Hoke et al. (2011) use sedimentary evidence for prolonged sediment transport to argue forcefully that impact-generated hypotheses for Early Mars cannot be sustained. However, geomorphology usually provides time-integrated runoff constraints, while constraining climate change requires time-resolved constraints; at a given patch of Mars’ surface, we see evidence for only one river-forming episode; and correlation between those patches has to rely on crater counting (Fassett & Head 2008, Hoke & Hynek 2009, Grant et al. 2012), which has systematic errors that are incompletely understood and incompletely corrected for. These problems have limited the application of dry-river evidence to constrain climate change on ancient Mars. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Aeolis Dorsa, which is a sedimentary basin 10° E of Gale that contains an exceptionally high number of exceptionally well-preserved river deposits, gets around these problems. At Aeolis Dorsa, the river deposits are eroding out of mappable stratigraphic units, and thus provide time-resolved climate constraints (river valleys provide time-integrated constraints). We can correlate the river deposits within the basin using crosscutting relationships which lack the ambiguity of crater counts. Aeolis Dorsa records evidence for multiple episodes of climatedriven surface runoff (Burr et al. 2009; Kite et al. submitted). Initial paleodischarge estimates have been computed using meander wavelength and channel-width scalings (Burr et al. 2010). Crater-counts and stratigraphic analyses (Zimbelman & Scheidt 2012) correlate the meander belts to an interval of ≳1-20 Ma (Kite et al. 2013c), with the age of the older rivers that are currently exposed in outcrop inferred to date to either the central Hesperian or to the NoachianHesperian transition (thought to have been a habitability optimum; Howard et al. 2005). Therefore, Aeolis Dorsa contains a stratigraphic record of information about runoff-sustaining Martian climates. 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Our goal in this study is to exploit the exceptional preservation of river deposits in Aeolis Dorsa to constraint paleodischarge versus time. The key results are set out in Fig. 5 and Table 1. §1.1 and §1.2 set out the terrestrial roots of the technique and the geologic context of the stratigraphic sections. §2 introduces our method (Fig. 1), which is elaborated in the Supplementary Methods; this method is generally applicable to stratigraphic logging from stereopairs (not just river-deposit dimensions) and may be particularly useful for the HighResolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express and the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. §3.1 reports our dataset, and §3.2 our paleodischarge interpretation. §3.3 reports a new climate change detection method. §4 discusses implications for climate change, and §5 discusses considerations relevant for landing-site selection. We conclude in §6. 3 Measure river deposits eroding out of wind-eroded rock volume: Q(zs): Assign stratigraphic elevations zs: X ! "#$%$&' () *+*! *,* X X Interpolated structure contour Stratigraphic elevation ! -. () *+*" #,* X X λ, w X Figure 1. Graphical abstract of this study. We measure the width (w) and wavelength (λ) of Mars river-deposits eroding out of the rock, assign stratigraphic elevations zs to each measurement, and convert these to estimates of paleo-discharge Q(zs). Depth of chute cutoff (in left panel) is 2 m. 104 105 1.1. Fluvial signatures of climate events on Mars: clearer than Earth. 106 107 108 109 Climate events in Earth history are recorded in fluvial sediments through changes in riverdeposit dimensions, channel-deposit proportions, and fluvial styles (Foreman et al. 2012, Foreman 2014, Schmitz & Pujalte 2007, Lumsden et al. 2010, Zaleha et al. 2013, Macklin et al. 2012, Amundson et al. 2012, Ward et al. 2000). 110 111 112 113 114 115 Mars lacks plate tectonics and has been tectonically quiescent for >3 Ga, making the fluvial record of climate change clearer than on Earth where the strong effects of base-level fluctuations and synfluvial tectonics complicate interpretation of the fluvial record in terms of climate change (Leeder et al. 1998, Blum & Tormqvist 2000, Macklin et al. 2012, Shanley & McCabe 1994). The weakness of tectonics on Mars makes the planet a natural laboratory for studying how climate change leaves a signature in river deposits. 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Terrestrial experience also directs us to study river deposits on Mars (rather than just river valleys). Summarizing terrestrial research, Whittaker (2012) states "If topography forms a non-unique or difficult-to-decode record of past climate […], it is likely that the sedimentary record, if and where complete, forms the best archive of landscape response to past climate." The basin-wide spatial scale and ~100m stratigraphic scale of the changes we report in this study probably puts them beyond the grasp of “stratigraphic shredding” by autogenic threshold processes (Sadler & Jerolmack, 2014, and references therein). 123 124 125 126 In summary, the terrestrial record points up the usefulness of dry rivers in reconstructing climate change, especially when the record is preserved as deposits (as at Aeolis Dorsa) and when it is uncontaminated by large-amplitude externally-driven tectonic uplift (as at Aeolis Dorsa). 4 a) b) Figure 2. a) Our study area (red rectangle) in global context. Background is shaded relief Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) topography, illuminated from top right. Colored contours join locations with the same relative frequency of years with seasonal surface liquid water from a seasonal melting model (Kite et al. 2013a: average of 88 different orbitally-integrated thinatmosphere simulations). The black line marks the border of the area of recently-resurfaced terrain, and approximately corresponds to the hemispheric dichotomy. This figure is modified from Figure 16d in Kite et al. 2013b. b) Zooming in to our study area, showing locations of transects (black rectangles). Transect 1 consists of two nearby non-contiguous areas. Green line shows trace of R-1/R-2 contact – the “zero level” for our measurements of zs. Grey contours are topography from MOLA, at 200m intervals. Purple dashed line outlines an old crater. Cyan corresponds to large meander belts, which disappear beneath and reappear from underneath smooth dome-shaped outcrops of R-2. Purple asterisks correspond to locations where the “marker bed” (ref to Jacobsen is) detected, in purple. 5 127 1.2. Basin-scale mapping distinguishes 102 m-thick river-deposit-hosting units. 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 The large-scale stratigraphy of Aeolis Dorsa shows four unconformity-bounded rock packages, with the top three probably requiring near-surface liquid water to make rivers, make alluvial fans, and cement layers (Kite et al., submitted). Erosion on the unconformities suggests long time gaps, and at one unconformity the density of craters eroding out at the unconformity requires a >108 yr time gap (Kite et al., submitted). Smooth deflation at the unconformities suggests aeolian erosion, but the surface liquid water available during rock-package deposition would trap the clasts needed for wind-induced saltation abrasion and shut down erosion. Therefore, the erosiondeposition alternations suggest wet-dry alternations (or basinwide variations in sediment supply) at the stratigraphic scale of hundreds of meters to kilometers. Although the total stratigraphic thickness in Aeolis Dorsa exceeds 3 km (Kite et al., submitted), this study focuses on ~300m of stratigraphy bracketing the contact (green line in Fig. 2b) between two river-deposit-containing units that show dramatically different erosional expression. These units are termed R-1 (low lying) and R-2 (high-standing). In both units, river deposits are outcropping in plan view, quality similar to terrestrial sparker data (Reijenstein et al. 2011, Hubbard et al. 2011, Wood et al. 2007, Miall 2002). R-1 eroded to form yardangs and is very rough at km scale, not retaining recognizable craters; river deposits in R-1 formed large meanders and broad meander belts. R-2 is topographically high-standing, smoothly eroding, associated with numerous aeolian bedforms, and retains many craters. River deposits in R-2 left narrow channel deposits and formed tight meanders. Our goal in this paper is to quantify these differences. We log proxies for paleohydrology versus stratigraphic elevation relative to the geologic contact between R-1 and R-2. 149 2. Getting from stereopairs to stratigraphic logs. 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Aeolis Dorsa is littered with the deposits of ancient rivers, which form a stratigraphic record of paleohydrology. We want to obtain constraints on river discharge Q as a function of stratigraphic elevation zs, but the rocks contain only proxy data (such as river-deposit width w and wavelength λ) as a function of 3D spatial position (latitude, longitude, and elevation). Therefore, we need to (1) convert 3D spatial position to zs, and (2) use a transfer function to convert proxy-data averages to Q(zs) (Hajek & Wolinsky 2012). (The following is a brief discussion; for more details, see the Supplementary Materials.) 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 The stratigraphic interval of interest is exposed over an area of Abasin ~ 2 × 104 km2. In terrestrial fieldwork we would tackle such a large outcrop area by defining transects and measuring a stratigraphic section along each transect (e.g. Macdonald et al. 2012). The analogous procedure to defining a transect for Mars orbiter data is to select high-resolution stereopairs (each HiRISE stereopair covers an area of ~100 km2 << Abasin), each chosen to span a wide stratigraphic range. Each stereopair is converted to a digital terrain model (DTM) and accompanying orthorectified images using BAE Systems SOCET SET software. We use 5 stereo DTMs in total, defining three transects that collectively span the area where R-2 is exposed (Fig. 1; Supplementary Table 1). Three of the DTMs come from an area of exceptionally good preservation and HiRISE image coverage near 153.6°E 6°S (Howard 2009), which we term Transect 1. 6 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 For each transect, we first define the contact surface between R-1 and R-2 by interpolating a surface between points where the large meander-belts characteristic of R-1 were drowned or blanketed by smoothly-eroding R-2 deposits. A quadratic polynomial interpolation is used; similar results were obtained using other deterministic interpolation methods. We then define structure contours by subtracting this interpolated contact surface from the topography. The layers are nearly flat-lying, so the elevation difference is also the stratigraphic offset. Next, we pick channel centerlines, channel banks, areas of channel deposits, and areas of evidence for lateral migration of channels during aggradation (in ArcGIS). Every vertex from these picks is tagged with a stratigraphic elevation. 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 In order to measure w and λ as objectively as possible, we extract these parameters semiautomatically, and pay some attention paid to blinding for the human-in-the-loop part of the process. The main subjective step is the initial selection of channel-centerlines and bank-pairs for tracing, and the assignment of a quality score to each (low-quality “candidate” data are excluded from the fit). The HiRISE DTMs were valuable for this step because they allow us to identify places where channels appeared to be continuous in plan-view HiRISE images, but had large stratigraphically offsets. We used terrestrial compilations to determine the range of acceptable along-channel stratigraphic offsets (Gibling 2006). 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 To get λ, channel centerlines are picked 3 times by hand and loaded into MATLAB, and points are uniformly interpolated between the vertices of the resulting polylines (Fig. 3) (Howard & Hemberger 1991). We then convert into coordinates of along-centerline distance s and direction θ and identify half-meanders using inflection points (zero-crossings of ∂θ/∂s). Sinuosity is defined as along-centerline distance between inflection points divided by straight-line distance between inflection points. Half-meanders with sinuosity <1.1 are rejected. For half-meanders with sinuosity ≥1.1, we log λ as twice the distance between inflection points. To get w, we interpolate equally-spaced points along each bank, and then find the closest distance from each point to the opposing bank. w is then defined as the median bank-to-bank distance. Q-λ scalings are an independent crosscheck on w-derived Q (Irwin et al. 2008, Irwin 2011). 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 We quantify error as follows. There are four principal contributors to the overall error: zs error, measurement error, preservation biases, and sampling error. Stratigraphic error is quantified using the root-mean-square error on the interpolated contact surface (The scatter of the data points in z_strat?). Measurement error is quantified (for λ) using the variance of λ extracted from repeated, independent traces on the same channel centerlines (Fig. 3) and (for w) by using the variance of bank-to-bank width measured along the channel trace. Preservation bias refers to the possibility that w measured from orbit may be wider (or narrower) than the original w. In practice, we found preservation bias to be minor (§3.2-§3.3). Sampling error is quantified by bootstrapping. Bootstrapping accounts for the fact that we can only gather data for a subset of river deposits that are exposed on the modern topography, whereas river-deposits are dispersed within a three-dimensional rock volume. Bootstrapping accounts for this error, assuming no correlation between modern topography and channel-deposit scale. When applying the bootstrap, we need to take account of non-independence between measurements, otherwise the error bars from the bootstrap will be too small. To avoid understating the bootstrapped sample error, we 7 208 209 210 211 therefore sample (or exclude) all of the data points collected from the same channel thread together. Our final stratigraphic logs take account of zs error, measurement errors, and sampling errors. Because w and λ are scale parameters (in the statistical sense – implying a flat log prior), we log-transform all data before calculating errors and averages. Figure 3. Showing example of wavelength (λ) extraction. Points are uniformly interpolated along repeated, independent centerline traces (colored disks). Straight-line distances (thin lines) link inflection points (asterisks) extracted from the centerline traces. Color corresponds to the modern topographic range (standard deviation of 4m in this case). The low-sinuosity halfmeander (arrowed) is excluded. 212 213 3. Paleohydrology. 214 3.1 River-deposit scale varies systematically upsection. 215 216 λ tightens upwards across the contact (0 m on the y-axes in Figure 4a). Small meanders are rare/absent below 0 m, and common above 0 m. From visual inspection of the data, the most 8 217 218 219 220 natural break in the data (i.e. the paleohydrologically-inferred contact) is ~20m below the geologically inferred contact. [Anderson-Darling test gives Xm, footnote and KolmogorovSmirnov test gives XXm] (Buchhave et al. 2014) From 100,000 Monte Carlo trials, in no cases did (zs > -20 m) exceed (zs < -20 m). This indicates a statistical significance of >4.4σ for the 221 222 detection of (zs < -20 m) > (zs < -20 m). [Footnote: The corresponding significance for a break-point at 0m is XXXX]. The trends are consistent between Transect 1 and Transect 2. 9 Figure 4. Width (w) and wavelength (λ) results. The black symbols show the measurements; crosses for Transect 1, circles for Transect 2, and diamonds for Transect 3. The error bars in w and λ differ for each measurement and are shown individually. The median error bars in zs are shown. The stratigraphic RMS error is X m for all Transect 1 data points; Y m for all Transect 2 data points; and Z m for all Transect 3 data points. The red error bars show the mean and standard deviation of the data in 40m-wide zs bins (40m is approximately ~2x the median stratigraphic error). The blue line shows a running median (for a 40m range of stratigraphic elevations), taking into account all errors via bootstrapping. The blue line is dashed to show extra uncertainty at zs with few data points or correlation problems. The gray lines correspond to the 2σ errors on the running median from the same bootstrap, which are equivalent to the (2.1% 97.9%) bounds from the bootstrap. Supplementary Figure XYZ blows up the section so every data point can be seen. 223 10 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 w also narrows upwards across the contact (0m on the y-axis in Figure 4b). Narrow channels are rare/absent below 0m, and common above 0m. Similar to the wavelengths, visual inspection of the data suggests that the most natural break in the data (i.e. the paleohydrologically-inferred contact) is ~20m below the geologically inferred contact [Anderson-Darling statistics?]. From 100,000 Monte Carlo trials, in 1 case the median w above -20m exceeded the median w below 20m. This indicates a statistical significance of 4.4σ for the detection of (zs < -20 m) > (zs > -20 m). [Footnote: The corresponding significance for a break-point at 0m is XXXX]. 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 w and λ are poorly constrained for zs > 130 m. There is some evidence for a return to bigger rivers at higher zs (shown by the dashed line in Figure 4). While there are relatively few data points here (all from Transect 3), the trend is statistically significant and visually obvious. However, the problem is the uncertain stratigraphic placement of Transect 3 (Kite et al., submitted). We adopt a stratigraphic uncertainty of 50 m in setting points in Figure 4, but in fact there is a qualitative stratigraphic uncertainty, as follows. The placement that defines the dashed line in Figure 3 assumes that the topographic offset between the large rivers in Transect 3 and the large rivers in Transect 1 (Fig. 2b) corresponds to a stratigraphic offset. Similar to the Grand Staircase, Utah, USA, this placement assumes we see multiple layers of ancient river deposits exposed by modern erosion (Blakey & Ranney 2008). An alternative possibility is that the riverdeposits measured in Transect 3 are separated from the river-deposits measured in Transects 1 and 2 by a drainage divide. In this case, the topographically-offset Transect 3 deposits could be stratigraphically equivalent to the big rivers plotted around -50m in Fig. 4. A terrestrial analog for a large topographic offset between nearby rivers formed at the same time is the modern Eastern Continental Drainage Divide, Blue Ridge Scarp, North Carolina, USA (Willett et al., 2014). a) b) Figure 5. Summary of results. a) Crossplot of width (w) & wavelength (λ) (show inferred 11 discharges …). b) auxiliary data (show “poor exposure” again). 247 248 249 250 251 Internal crosschecks show that our measurements of w have comparable reliability to our measurements of λ (Fig. 5a). This is surprising, because inverted-channels can easily be erosionally narrowed relative to the original w (and valleys can easily be erosionally widened relative to the original w), while it is difficult for erosion to significantly modify λ.1 252 253 254 255 256 To support our scale measurements, we map the area of visible channel deposits and of areas of lateral accretion deposits (e.g., point bars) and report both as an areal fraction of “all terrain” at that zs (Fig. 5b). Channel-deposit proportion (CDP) falls off sharply at zs ≈ 0 m. This is unsurprising because the contact is defined using the disappearance of (high-CDP) meander belts. We do not break down our results by transect, but these are very similar in both transects. 257 258 259 All these metrics are self-consistent, as expected: larger width rivers should make proportionally larger meander bends (with w:λ ≈ 10, as observed), and also should migrate laterally at faster rates (all other things equal). 260 3.2. Basin-wide paleo-discharge variability. 261 264 265 266 The trends across the contact in both median meander wavelength ( ) and in median channel width ( ) that are apparent in both Transect 1 and Transect 2 and which are quantified in Figure 4 are also visually obvious in the HiRISE DTMs for the transects (Fig. S_XYZ). Beyond the area covered by our HiRISE DTMs, the reduction in and across the R-1/R-2 contact is also visually obvious in CTX and HiRISE throughout the study area. We conclude that the trends shown in Figure 4 are representative of a basin-wide change in paleo-hydrology. 267 268 269 Motivated by the coherence of our paleohydrologic proxies – between metrics and between transects – we conclude that R-2 records a distinct episode of runoff from R-1. We now turn to quantifying the change in discharge across the contact. 262 263 1 In spite of our expectation that preserved w would be a poor paleodischarge proxy, we find that:- the ensemble : ratio is within terrestrial expectations; there is no trend for inverted channel w to be narrower than negative-relief w [CHECK]; the standard deviations of w for a given zs are comparable to those for λ (Fig. 4); for those λ for which a w measurement was also taken, most have a w:λ ratio within range of terrestrial expectations; and, again for λ for which a w was also taken, there is no evidence for w:λ ratio changing with zs. With hindsight, this consistency is due to the fact that measurements were only made of the best-preserved stretches of channel in each DTM. From that subset of measured channels, those that showed signs of relatively more severe erosion were rejected as “candidates.” This left a fairly restricted set of relatively high-quality measurements. If we had naively measured all channel stretches, then w measurements would probably have been less reliable. 12 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 [This paragraph needs work]. Terrestrial scaling laws show that bank-full discharge, Q, scales approximately as w2 and as λ2. The physical basis for the quadratic dependence of bank-full Q on w is that channel depth h tends to increase in proportion with w, whereas water velocity u increases only sluggishly with w. Since Q = whu, Q ∝ w2 [Mike, please can you check/refine this?] (Knighton et al. 1998). Theory suggests that initially-straight rivers are most vulnerable to sinuous instabilities with λ ~10w (bar-bend theory) (Blondeaux & Seminara 1995); as the meander amplitude grows, the wavelength of the initial instability is frozen-in to the growing 277 meander . Therefore λ ∝ w. 278 279 We adopt the Eaton et al. (2013) scaling for w and the Burr et al. (2010) scaling for λ. [Spell out what these scalings are.] We report ‘nominal’ bank-full discharges in Table 1.2 280 281 282 283 Mechanistic explanations for the constant of proportionality empirically obtained for these terrestrial scalings all include a gravity term, so the scaling must be modified for application to Mars. We follow Williams et al. (2009) and Burr (2010) in reducing the paleo-discharges calculated for Mars by ~30% from the corresponding Earth paleo-discharges. (m) Bankfull Q from (m) (m3 s-1) Bankfull Q from (m3 s-1) Interpolated zs 100m > zs > 0m zs < 0m Unit assigned from mapping (no interpolation) R-2 R-1 284 Table 1. Paleodischarge Q versus stratigraphic elevation zs from transects in S. Aeolis Dorsa. 285 [Maybe an accompanying figure in the style of Foreman et al. (2012), Figure 3?] 286 287 These conclusions are supported by comparing the paleodischarges estimated using ‘handassigned’ R-1 vs. R-2 (Table 1). 288 Evidence for paleodischarge variability at finer stratigraphic scales: 2 More sophisticated approaches to estimating paleo-discharge require slope information. Unfortunately in S. Aeolis Dorsa the present-day slopes of the river deposits are unlikely to be a safe guide to the slopes when the rivers were flowing (Lefort et al. 2012, Engelder & Pelletier, 2013). 13 289 Figure 6. Show REma1a and REma1b (but from the DTM!) 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 R-1: A common observation within R-1 (Jacobsen & Burr 2013, Cardenas & Mohrig 2014) is the superposition of a less-sinuous inverted channel without cutoffs over a more sinuous meander-belt deposit with numerous cutoffs / meander generations (locations include those shown by purple asterisks in Fig. 2b). Because this pattern is never seen at more than 1 stratigraphic level locally, has a common erosional expression basinwide, joins at confluences, and has a consistent elevation just below the R-1/R-2 contact, we interpret this as a stratigraphic marker of a basinwide event. Because the upper is preserved as an inverted channel, and follows the general trend of the lower belt, the following sequence of events is required to explain these observations: 300 301 Highly sinuous first-generation channels developed. There was enough time for the firstgeneration channels to develop cutoffs, primarily neck cutoffs. 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 Fluvial activity ceased, or was routed away from the basin, or was inadequate to transport sediment. The area of the channel belt became infilled with ~10m of nowremoved sediment, which infilled the channel but incompletely muted the topography of the channel belt. Because this sediment is no longer present, we do not know what processes transported it. However, in Aeolis Dorsa, areas that were once wet (e.g., meander belts, channels) are preferentially preserved against modern wind erosion. The fact that this channel-belt infill has been completely removed by wind erosion is consistent with the idea that this was dry airfall (e.g., ash or dust). 310 The channel belt infill was re-incised by the less-sinuous valley. 14 311 312 The river shut down again – after a shorter period of fluvial activity than for the firstgeneration channels. 313 Further deposition followed by erosion to present-day topography. 314 Overall, this is consistent with a wet-dry-wet sequence (Metz et al. 2009). 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 In our DTMs the stratigraphic offset between the less-sinuous and more-sinuous “marker layer” is only ~10m (which is too small to be resolved in our stratigraphic logs). However, we can make progress by hand-tagging λ and w measurements in our DTMs corresponding to the two layers (which are visually distinctive). We find λ = (n = ) for channel 1 and λ = (n = ) for the less sinuous layer. We find w = of (). Bootstrapping shows that these results are not significantly different. We conclude that there is no evidence in our DTMs that the event that formed the less-sinuous channels had smaller bank-forming discharges than the event that formed the more-sinuous underlying meander belt. However, the two wet events were presumably not the same: the wet episode that made the less sinuous layer was probably not as long-lasting as the wet episode that was responsible for the broad meander belts. 325 R-2: Evidence for cut-and-fill from channel intersections. 326 // 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 (x) Constrain origin of a candidate regional marker bed. We will document the regional extent of this marker bed; regional coherence would support allocyclic dynamics. We will then use the regional extent and variability to evaluate multiple working hypotheses for the origin of this multilevel channel belt. These hypotheses include:- autocyclic dynamics, with regional correlation maintained by base-level control; allocyclic dynamics, with draping deposits (ash or distal ejecta) stochastically resetting the system; and allocyclic dynamics with shut down and restart of fluvial deposition on a 1-10m stratigraphic scale, consistent with orbitally-paced runoff on Early Mars. 335 3.3 A tool to search for abrupt climate change on Mars. 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 The Monte Carlo bootstrapping used to produce the error bars shown in Fig. 4 can also be used to search for paleohydrologic evidence of stratigraphically abrupt climate change on Mars. We do this by repeating the Anderson-Darling test for each of the bootstrapped distributions of data. If abrupt, then breakpoint would be repeatedly found at same stratigraphic elevation (Fig. 7a). However, if gradual, then … (Fig. 7b). To demonstrate that our dataset is detailed enough to detect an abrupt climate change in the data if it existed, we inject a sharp break in artificial proxy (synthetic data but with real errors) to show that we can recover it from the bootstrap. We recover it in λ and w (Fig. 7c). Finally we use the real data (Fig 7d). We find … 344 345 346 347 We conclude that our stratigraphic logs do not require stratigraphically abrupt climate change during the era of river-forming climates on Mars. However, it is possible that abrupt climate change is recorded by fluvial deposits on Mars at finer scales than investigated in this study. This might be picked out by rover investigation. 15 a) b) c) d) CONCEPT – ABRUPT CONCEPT – GRADUAL APPLICATION – SYNTHETICS APPLICATION – DATA. Figure 7. Abrupt climate change detection figure – to show no abrupt climate change detected. 348 …… 349 3.4. Timescales and intermittency. 350 351 352 Challenges for the origin and persistence of life on Mars include short timescale and intermittent availability of surface liquid water. To quantify these challenges [we really need cosmogenics, but in the meantime can make do with geomorphics]. 353 Tau from volume is OK 354 355 356 I enjoyed reading your new paper on the Atacama! The sequence you describe (rivers, overlain by alluvial fans, overlain by a big pile of salty dust) is remarkably similar to the Aeolis-Zephyria basin on Mars, a few hundred km E of Gale Crater. 357 tempting to interpret the 2-3m banding in the point bars as annual floods 358 359 360 For this interval Kite et al. report a depositional interval of >(4-20) Myr from the number of embedded impact craters. This is a lower limit, and does not constrain whether deposition was steady or pulsed. Sediment transport calculations provide an estimate of the intermittency. 361 Process interpretations combined with the terrestrial data compilation of Miall [2014] … 362 363 364 365 [Nature of infill]: However there are channel belts preserved - could be all channel? or some overbank 366 367 368 whether the entire landscape, not just the obvious channels, is a fluvial deposit, but is possible based on earth analogy and transport capacity of these rivers (calculate transport capacity). and the many fragmentary channels suggest this. 369 370 Using fluvial-deposit volumes and the runoff intensity (paleodischarge) for each fluvial unit (calculated in §, we apply existing sediment transport models to obtain runoff durations component? <-- Nonsense! Layers can be traced continuously into the channel fill, therefore the interfluves ARE the overbankd deposits by definition. e.g. ESP 19104, px coords 6900 31250 (jp2 quicklook nomap). It is unclear 16 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 (Kite 2012). Specifically, we use analytic models (reviewed in Kleinhans 2005, Kleinhans 2010), scaled to Mars gravity (similar approach to Burr et al. 2010), as well as simple 1D diffusive models of watershed-scale sediment transport (Armstrong et al. 2011), to obtain minimum flow timescales (Kite 2012). There is a range of discharge – sediment transport relations in the literature, and we will report the sensitivity of our results to this range as well as to variations in modal grainsize (0.2 mm vs. 20 mm) and paleoslope (10-5 – 10-2). Intermittency will be estimated by dividing flow timescales by the total sediment-accumulation timescale obtained from embedded-crater frequency (§; Kite et al. 2013c). 379 Assuming that the drainage density Implied total channel length 380 381 - do the calculation for number of channels contained within and compare to total length of channels in hynek database (which is 781,370 km, from Arc in Global Gis on "Hynek_Valley_Networks", or 781,394 km using 382 383 384 "Hynek_Valleys" shapefile- just say 8x10^5km to be safe) Nominal: Spacing is ~1km near 150.73E 4.3S (if anything, less). "Core" area is ~7x10^4 km^2 (similar to size/shape of aeolis dorsa in usgs database). If 300m thick with 10m stratigraphic spacing (reasonable), length is 2.1e6 km, more than double the hynek database). 385 386 - OOM estimate: supposing strat sep is orbital, 100 Kyr, then 3 Myr, in agreement with embedded-crater lower limit. 387 4. Implications for river-forming paleo-climates on Mars. 388 We also need error bars to avoid overfitting the climate models to the data. 389 390 4.1. Both short-term intermittency and long-term intermittency are required. 391 392 4.2. Mechanisms for paleodischarge variability. 393 394 Bullet-pointed list of mechanisms discussing the consistency of each with the observations. 395 [Follow “Rivers” notebook error discussion. 396 397 - Increase in slope 398 - Decrease in drainage area due to “red noise”. 399 - Shift in drainage divide.] 400 401 402 Using drainage integration as a proxy has two caveats. First, the Opportunity rover has documented stream deposits that are invisible from orbit. Using orbital imagery might cause us to miss the deposits of small streams, but not rivers. Second, the record is incomplete and biased 17 403 404 towards the waning stages of wet intervals. Peak runoff (or minimum sediment supply) might correspond to fluvial-incision unconformities, not deposits. 405 Walther’s Law? 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 The variability in river discharge versus time isn’t enough to exclude orbital forcing. There are multiple threshholds in the chain of processes linking insolation to carving a river – for example melt initiation at 273K, overland flow only when melt exceeds infiltration capacity, threshold to initiate sediment transport (t*c of 0.03-0.045). Because threshholds can nonlinearly ampligy input perturbations (rectification: Huybers & Wunsch, ), small differences in the peak of successive cycles can lead to large differences in the amplitude and duration of sediment transport. Figure 8. “Mike-Lamb-type” phase diagram. Maybe amplitude of climate change vs. amplitude of sediment input change? (timescales, amplitudes?) 413 414 - apparently large number of confluences in F2 may mean "small drainage area, arborescent" or it may mean "rapid switches in drainage direction in an aggrading system." 415 Flexure? 416 417 418 It has been noted that climate cycles have weak effect (Armitage et al. 2014) and that distinguishing sedimentary imprint of rare vs common events may be extremely difficult (Sambrook Smith et al. 2010). 419 4.3. Global context. 420 421 422 Other investigations constrain the total duration of wet conditions as a function of wet-event magnitude (e.g. Hoke et al. 2011), or the duration of individual, late-stage wet events from sedimentary deposits (Armitage et al. 2011). 423 424 5. Habitability, taphonomy, and organic matter preservation. 18 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 [Erosion rates and potential for organic-matter preservation:] We conclude that the potential for organic matter to be buried is low compared to long-lived paleolake sites. Therefore the HiRISE transects investigated in detail for this study are a poor choice for Mars 2020 landing site, given the focus of Mars 2020 mission objectives on organic matter and the existence of more attractive alternatives. However the rivers suggest a habitable environment, the relatively high deposition rates favor preservation against early degradation, and the relatively high erosion rate favors preservation against degradation during exhumation. Therefore the Aeolis rivers might make a good landing site for a mission focused on habitability and unable to land at a long-lived paleolake site. 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 There does seem to be an area of low crater density near 153.6E, 5.6S. Could be this was covered by Y2 more recently, or just that F1 here is retreating downward faster. This is the area of exceptionally good preservation. Normally it is dangerous to pick on an area of low crater density and calc retreat rates , because o fthe lookelsewhere effect. However in this case wehad previously identified area as exceptional preservation, so ok. ~5000 km^2 with 1 crater at d=1 → N~200. About MA/LA boundary, about 300-400 Ma.Could be withdrawal of a blanket ~300-400 Ma, or in steady state 1km crater is 100m deep, so wind erosion rate is 0.3-0.4 microns year, not that much really. (but strength controlled so ~1 micron year). Organic preservation implications? Pleasing internal consistency in that only other area with obviously low N(1), 150.5E, 2.4S, looks very eroded - big holes chewed in it. Can back out erosion rates for other sub-terrane,s but they would be very slow. 444 // 445 446 447 448 449 (ix) Oxbow lake sedimentation predictions from nature of cutoffs. We will document the diversion (opening) angles for all cutoffs, and compare with interpreted cutoff mechanism (chute or neck cutoff). Opening angles regulate sedimentation and thus the potential for preservation of organic matter in oxbow lakes (Constantine et al. 2010), which is higher for floodplain deposits than for aeolian, alluvial-fan, or fluvial-channel deposits (Summons et al. 2011). 450 451 // 452 Ch 7 in taphonomy 2nd edition (Allison & Bottjer) 453 454 “The relationship between continental landscape evolution and the plant-fossil record: Long term hydrologic controls 455 // 456 Integrate with Pavlov radiation damage models (and Allen et al. …) on preservation Robert A. Gastaldo & Timothy M. Demko” 457 458 6. Conclusions. 459 Show Data and Models. 460 Workflow can be used for CASSIS. 19 461 462 Acknowledgements. 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 To the extent we understand Aeolis Dorsa, it is thanks to conversations with the following scientists, whose diverse analytic approaches and skills we have relied heavily on in thinking through this problem: Frederik Simons, Alexandra LeFort, Laura Kerber, Misha Kreslavsky, Tim Michaels, Caleb Fassett, Noah Finnegan, Lynn Carter, Nicolas Mangold, Susan Conway, Sanjeev Gupta, Matt Balme, Sam Harrison, Maarten Kleinhans, Leif Karlstrom, Michael Manga, Bill Dietrich, Ross Irwin, Jeff Moore, Christian Braudrick, Devon Burr, Robert Jacobsen, Bethany Ehlmann, Noah Finnegan, Jonathan Stock, Ross Irwin, Gary Kocurek, Richard Heermance, Paul E. Olsen, Katie Stack, Roman DiBiase, Ajay Limaye, Joel Scheingross, Woody Fischer, Or Bialik, and Brian Hynek. E.S.K. was supported by a Harry Hess fellowship. 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M. & Fraser, A. J. (eds) Strata and Time: Probing the Gaps in Our Understanding. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 404, http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/SP404.7 674 675 676 677 Miall, A.D. (2014), Updating uniformitarianism: stratigraphy as just a set of ‘frozen accidents,’ in Smith, D. G., Bailey, R. J., Burgess, P. M. & Fraser, A. J. (eds) Strata and Time: Probing the Gaps in Our Understanding. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 404, http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/SP404.4 678 679 Schmitz, B., and Pujalte, V. (2007), Abrupt increase in seasonal extreme precipitation at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, Geology, March, 2007, v. 35, p. 215-218, doi:10.1130/G23261A.1 680 681 682 683 Gregory H. Sambrook Smith, James L. Best, Philip J. Ashworth, Stuart N. Lane, Natalie O. Parker, Ian A. Lunt, Robert E. Thomas, and Christopher J. Simpson, Can we distinguish flood frequency and magnitude in the sedimentological record of rivers?, Geology, July 2010, v. 38, p. 579-582, doi:10.1130/G30861.1 684 Supplementary Materials. 685 Supplementary Methods. 686 687 The purpose of these Supplementary Methods is to describe our methods in sufficient detail that they can be applied to other orbiter-data stratigraphic-logging problems elsewhere on Mars. 688 M1. Stratigraphic-elevation assignments. 689 - Describe protocol in detail. 690 - Discuss DTM errors. 691 Stereopair DTM resolution (m/pixel) ESP_017548_1740/ Transect 1 ESP_019104_1740 ESP_019038_1740/ ESP_019882_1740 26 PSP_006683_1740/ 1 PSP_010322_1740 PSP_007474_1745/ 2.5 2 ESP_024497_1745 PSP_002002_1735/ 3 PSP_002279_1735 1 (only used for contact interpolation) 692 693 694 SUPPLEMENTARY Table 1. The HiRISE and CTX DTMs used in this study. All DTMs were produced by ASL, except for PSP_006683_1740/PSP_010322_1740 which was produced by ESK. 695 696 697 698 699 700 Not superimposed on rock – cite kite et al. submitted and add:- River taphonomy: A common pattern seems to be plug exposed at higher elevations, then double ridges, then negative relief only (widening channel) at lower elevations. This makes sense in terms of wind erosion unzipping the topography. This is consistent with the channels being near-horizontal and embedded in stratigraphy. (the erosion pattern for many of the rivers in F2 is (with decreasing background 701 702 703 704 705 How to interpret this pattern? (i) backfill of nonerosive material; early floods flush the lower part of the channel (dubious because some of these channels are long, so why are we erosionally unzipping just the transition from empty to backfilled), also does the gradient change much? (ii) Farley et al. Science 2014 style wavelike erosional unzipping - just happens to be different for river channel fill than background material (begs the question, but why?) (iii) More resistant “crunchy top” to channel fill (but why?) 706 M2. Paleohydrologic-proxy measurements. topographic elevation) - first exposed in +ve relief- then exposed as double ridges- finally, exposed in -ve relief. Supplementary Figure S_ABC showing locations of all measurements. (use colors for widths and wavelengths and UnitAssign) 707 708 709 710 711 Boxes were defined such that each pixel on the screen corresponded to 1.5 pixels on the orthorectified image. Screen is 1200 px x 1920 px. Therefore set to 1920x5 meters-per-pixel x1.5 = 14.4 km wide for the sweep. --> 1:29000 on ORTELIUS is a pretty good approximation to this (though subjectively it *feels* a bit zoomed-out). 712 713 714 715 Channels were picked one box at a time. For the three independent channel-centerline picks, the view was rotated by 90 degrees between each pick. The stretches on both the DTM and the ortho were kept at 2 standard deviations for almost all cases. The following attributes were assigned for every width entry: 27 716 717 718 719 720 721 Size of Area-Searched boxes, stretches applied to both the DTM and the ortho, what is done for channels near the edges of the DTM (CTX inspection), e.t.c. e.t.c. (in an Appendix). Sometimes the picks are made on the complementary image, leading to an offset (complementary image is not orthorectified, it is georeferenced, to save processing time). very narrow (e.g., 3m) doubleridge features tended to be straight and hard to distinguish from fracture fill, so they were not counted, but they are still tabulated and in the supporting data. Fig. S_DEF showing Pstyle sketches. 722 723 724 725 726 727 On outer bank of valley bend, typically see a steep cut bank topped by a crisp break-in-slope to the plateau. On inner bank, typically more gentle. Example, channel on the extreme W edge of the ESP_017548_1740 DTM, ~800m S of the 200m-diameter infilled crater ("classic" example used in the Icarus sedimentation rate paper). This is consistent with outward migration of a channel as it cuts down into the substrate. 728 729 730 For pstyle = 4 and 8, widths are basically lower limits (with exceptions), for pstyle=1 and most of 2, widths are basically upper limits (left censored and right-censored data, need to do appropriate statistics …). 731 732 Error bars for points combined in this way are also combined assuming log-Gaussian distribution of underlying errors. 733 734 735 736 737 Complete blinding is not possible because the human operator can generally tell (from the erosional expression of the river deposits) what part of the stratigraphic column they are working in. However, because almost all measurements were done at a zoom level where the margins of the ‘boxes’ were not visible, the human operator is usually unaware of the absolute scale of the features being picked. 738 M3. Data reduction. Figure SXYZ: Blow-up of the main data figures to make sure that every figure can be seen. 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 Our data reduction is carried out in MATLAB. First, the paleohydrologic-proxy line picks (bank pairs and channel centerlines) are converted to widths and wavelengths using parseMeanderWavelengthMeasurementsMarsRivers and parseWidthMeasurementsMarsRivers. Similarly, area picks are converted to fractional areas versus stratigraphic elevation using parseAuxiliaryDataMarsRivers. The output from these files is passed to aggregateTransects, which calls bootstrapRiverDepositMeasurementsMarsRivers in order to generate error bars. Fig. S_GHI. Showing overall script flow. 747 28 748 749 parseMeanderWavelengthMeasurementsMarsRivers.m : - 750 Fig. S_JKL. [Summarize script with boxes and arrows] 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 The workflow for this script is heavily influenced by Hemberger (1986) and Howard & Hemberger (1991). Channel-centerline picks are ingested from ArcGIS-exported shapefiles. Candidate (low) quality data are then deleted, and points are interpolated uniformly along the channel-centerline polyline traces. The distance between interpolated points is 10 m. The polylines are then converted to coordinates of { s, θ }, where s is distance along the channel and θ is the direction of. Curvature ∂2θ / ∂2s is then evaluated at each interpolated point on the channel, and is smoothed using a 10-point moving baseline. Every point where the curvature changes sign is tagged as a candidate inflection point. Trial half-meanders are defined by joining the candidate inflection points on a polyline with straight lines. The sinuosity for each trial halfmeander. The minimum sinuousity for acceptance is 1.1. If any candidate inflection points are the end-points for two half-meanders below the minimum sinuousity threshold, then that candidate inflection point is removed and the trial half-meanders are re-calculated. 764 765 766 767 768 769 A real half-meander should be identifiable in repeated picks of the same channel. Therefore, we compare the three picks of each meandering channel to seek half-meanders that are reproduced on multiple picks. To do this, we require that the median distance between points dotted uniformly along the straight lines defining half-meanders be less than 0.25 of the straight-line length of the half-meanders. The error assigned to the replicable half-meander is then the standard deviation of the straight-line lengths of the reproduced half-meanders on each trace. 770 771 772 773 774 775 Finally, some centerline traces contain multiple replicable half-meanders. Because our centerline traces are fairly short, meander wavelengths on the same centerline trace are not independent. (If we artificially altered the wavelength of an upstream-most half-meander on one of our centerline traces, then the flow pattern for the downstream half-meanders would be greatly affected). Therefore, we combine the (log-)mean and (log) standard deviation of half-meanders on the same centerline trace assuming underlying Gaussianity. 776 parseWidthMeasurementsMarsRivers.m : - 777 [Illustrate with boxes and arrows.] 778 Bank-pair picks are ingested from ArcGIS-exported shapefiles. 779 780 M4. Error analysis. 29 781 782 783 784 Near-surface hydraulic conductivity is assumed not to change with time (not unreasonable in an aggrading system). Finally, river deposits preferentially record the waning stages of wet intervals, and peak runoff might correspond to fluvial-incision unconformities (which we will document separately). 785 // 786 787 788 - In detail, I don't know if F2 channels were cut at 2% plus slopes into rugged paleotopography that was then deformed to make F2 channels oblique to contours. (I do know that F2 channels occurred after F1 channels.) This means that assigning proxies to strat levels *within* F2 is possibly dodgy. 789 790 very narrow (e.g., 3m) double-ridge features tended to be straight and hard to distinguish from fracture fill, so they were not counted, but they are still tabulated and in the supporting data. 791 792 - For pstyle = 4 and 8, widths are basically lower limits (with exceptions), for pstyle=1 and most of 2, widths are basically upper limits (left censored and right-censored data, need to do appropriate statistics …). 793 794 795 - River taphonomy: A common pattern seems to be plug exposed at higher elevations, then double ridges, then negative relief only (widening channel) at lower elevations. This makes sense in terms of wind erosion unzipping the topography. This is consistent with the channels being near-horizontal and embedded in stratigraphy. 796 797 - Absence of topographic barriers in the reconstructed synfluvial paleolandscape supports the idea that F1/F2 extends hundreds of km E and W along the dichotomy boundary. 798 // 799 nice McMcMurray formation seismic e.g. 800 http://www.worldoil.com/October-2008-Data-integration-improves-oil-sands-characterization.html 801 // 802 Leif points out: gooseneck cutoff versus chute cutoff - note really 803 understood how chute cutoffs form, presumably a curvature effect - chute 804 cutoffs not bedrock! And there is evidence for chute cutoffs in the 805 aeolis meanders: 3777 14475 on NOMAP 22862, for example? (Or is this 806 just a '2nd generation' channel?) 807 // 808 P08_004270_1746_XI_05S207W - meandering channels emerging from beneath 809 ?subliming mantle - mantle is cut by 'headwaters' high drainage density 810 channels - to S of ridge, ?sublimation textures 811 // 812 stunning/beautiful examples in B19_016981_1746_XI_05S205W, a litte to 813 the north of the 'eastern trend' 30 814 // 815 email to Woody Fischer and Katie Stack of 16 March 2012 816 // 817 150.63, -4.64 - inside of fan? 818 // 819 on hirise 154.576, -5.322, incised channel is overlain by the point bar 820 deposits of a subsequent channel generation (nice! DTM?) 821 // 822 on hirise 154.6,-5.23 - really beutiful outcrop of 'stuff' that abuts 823 channel 824 ditto 154.57, -5.292 (location is ish for this one)can be traced into 825 the layers underlying the fluvial channel in this case 826 // 827 nice measure of minimum overburden from mesas over rivers: CTX: 828 P05_003136_1746_XN_05S208W 829 // 830 in psp_7474 dtm, we see stage ?2 incising stage 1 deposits 831 the ability to crosscorrelate stage 2 across several hundred km (with an 832 "inferred" bit north of the 14km D crater) implies one of the following: 833 (1) autocyclic, but talking through a node downstream --> diffusion time 834 (2) allocyclic - draping deposit (ash or distal ejecta). Would have to 835 be quite thick (close, big) if distal ejecta. 836 (3) allocyclic - shut down system then restart on 10m distance scale. 837 analog: Rapid and widespread fl uvial response to eustatic forcing in the 838 Lower Mississippi Valley, figure 5c. State of LA has lidar! 839 // 840 there is evidence for 2 generations of fretting. 841 // 842 843 844 In introduction mention GRS data (important because no spectroscopic info). H2O content 5-6 Wt % from H - on the shoulder of a broad lozenge. Cl is elevated (~0.7%) and elevated along axis. K is moderate. On the shoulder of a planetary maximum in S (~3 wt%). Together, supports hydrated salts in the upper m. 31 845 // 846 847 "Architecture of vertically stacked fluvial deposits, Atane Formation, Cretaceous, Nuussuaq, central West Greenland MARIA A. JENSEN" sed 'ology 2010 has ideas - basically, sitting within incised valley 848 // 849 (based on Hajek & Wolinsky Sed Geol 2012) 850 // 851 - true "cold start" requires at least one channel volume removed through the end of the channel system 852 - Sternberg's Law (grain size reduction) probably not visible in T.I. 853 // 854 - w/D crosscheck - should be about 57. 855 // 856 - *Lots* of good stuff Bridge 2003 (p. 202-214, 162-164). - cite Willis 857 '89 ... 858 // 859 - cutoff's and logic from Dunne's group 860 // 861 - constantine gsa-b 2010 lists 3 chute-cutoff mechanisms: swale 862 enlargement, headcut extension, embayment extension (chute cutoffs imply 863 a flow that isn't monotonically decreasing, suggesting that runoff 864 production isn't monotonically decreasing) 865 - chute cutoffs can be a confound for scroll bars where resolution is 866 poor 867 // 868 869 - exception to the "not much tectonics rule" - the wrinkle ridges. They are post-F. They are significantly post-F based on the crater at 148.6E, 0.7S which postdates F1 and is wrinkle-ridged.. find offsets on these faults. 870 // 871 - I think Kerber & Head picked up on at least the first part of this - must cite 872 -- 873 874 nature of channel fill is unknown. could be debris flows from waning stages of wet activity (but woah! debris flows implies discrete event, wouldn't we expect quiescent flows gradually backing up?) 875 -- 32 876 877 878 milliken et al. grl 2014 suppl info Figure A7C (ESP_014397_1745, according to Table S1) is a nice e.g. of channel cut into bedforms. Analagous to alan howard's meanders region? Or am I just looking at yardangs in near-horizontal strata? on inspection they look to be horizontal strata. and the orientation makes sense as yardangs. 879 // 880 Valley depth as probe of cut/fill amplitude 881 // 882 883 Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology of Fluvial Systems of the Pleistocene to Recent in the Malay Basin, Southeast Asia* Faisal Alqahtani1 , Christopher Jackson1 , Howard Johnson1 , Alex Davis2 , and Ammar Ahmad1 884 885 the Malay Basin, Southeast Asia* Faisal Alqahtani1 , Christopher Jackson1 , Howard Johnson1 , Alex Davis2 , and Ammar Ahmad1 886 887 FLUVIAL RESERVOIR ARCHITECTURE FROM NEAR-SURFACE 3D SEISMIC DATA, BLOCK B8/32, GULF OF THAILAND by Hathaiporn Samorn 888 // 889 890 Transect 1: Assumption of isotropy underlying kriging is troubling because of preferred wrinkle ridge orientations (obvious in MOLA, and also Lefort+ JGR 2012). 891 // 892 893 Tag each measurement with mapped unit (obvious!) and with whether or not it is part of a channel deposit. Then can report in form similar to Foreman et al. 2012 Figure 3. 894 // 895 896 Could argue against 'distal ejecta and ash supply' (sed supply limitation for channel shift) on the basis of interval between events and (small?) thickness of individual depositional event 33