States of Matter Webquest - Tri

Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Period: _____
States of Matter WebQuest
Part 1:
1. List the four states of matter in order from lowest to highest energy:
_________________, __________________, ___________________, ___________________
2. Place the four main states of matter on the diagram below.
3. If a substance changes form one phase to another, is it still the same substance? Why? ___________
Scroll up and click on the SOLID link on the right hand side.
4. One of the main characteristics of a solid is that they _______________________________________.
5. Are the atoms in a solid allowed to move around much? __________
6. What type of mixture is granite? Explain.
7. What is a crystal? Give one example of a crystal.
Scroll back up and click on the LIQUID link on the right hand side.
8. One characteristic of a liquid is that they: _________________________________________________
9. Why does the top of a liquid usually have a flat surface? ____________________________________
Scroll back up and click on the GAS link on the right hand side.
10. The molecules in a gas are really _________________________ and the atoms and molecules are
full of _______________, bouncing around constantly.
Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Period: _____
11. One of the physical characteristics is that a gas can ________________________________________.
Scroll back up and click on PHASE CHANGE 1 on the right hand side.
12. Fill in the missing piece of information.
Solid to Liquid
Liquid to Gas
Solid to Gas
13. Atoms in a liquid have __________ energy than atoms in a solid, so the easiest way to change a
solid to a liquid is to add __________. When changing from a solid to a liquid, there is a magic
temperature for each substance called the ________________________________________.
Part 2:
14. Explain what happens when heat is added to a substance. Be specific.
15. What happens to the mass of the objects as the temperature of the substance changes?
Part 3:
16. As the kinetic energy is adjusted, explain what happens to the temperature. Is it a direct or inverse
17. When the mass is adjusted, the temperature stays the same. Describe how the speed of the
molecules changes.
Part 4:
Complete this matter quiz.
18. How did you do? (Circle one)
1 (I had to fix a lot of my answers)
2 (had to fix some of my answers)
3 (I only had to fix 1 or 2)
Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Period: _____
Part 5:
19. Use the chart to identify the state of matter described by the following. Many of these have more
than one answer! (Use S, L or G in the spaces.)
_______ not easily compressible
_______rigid – particles locked into place
_______flows easily
_______ compressible
_______ lots of free space between particles
_______ does not flow easily
_______ assumes the shape of the part of the container which it occupies
_______ particles can move past one another
_______ retains a fixed volume and shape
_______assumes the shape and volume of its container
_______ little free space between particles
Part 6:
Take this quiz to test your knowledge on physical and chemical changes.
20. How did you do?
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