
Influenza Facts - 2012
You can spread the flu to people, including your family/whanau and
friends, who are at most risk of complications
While general health affects the severity of an infection, the influenza virus is
contagious and anyone can become infected.
Influenza, commonly called the flu, can be a serious illness that is sometimes fatal.
Infection with the influenza virus may lead to a stay in hospital for any age group but
particularly if you are elderly or have an ongoing medical condition. Influenza can
make an existing medical condition, such as asthma or diabetes, a lot worse.
Even if you do not end up in hospital, influenza can keep you in bed for a week or
more, preventing you from doing work or just about anything that requires leaving the
The flu spreads from person to person. The influenza virus is transferred in droplets
of moisture expelled through breathing, coughing and sneezing. The virus is spread
when a person touches any droplets which contain the influenza virus and then
touch their mouth, nose or eyes before washing their hands.
Influenza can infect up to 1 in 5 of us every year.
Influenza can affect anyone, no matter how fit, active and healthy they may be.
Although people with underlying health conditions are most at risk from influenza
associated complications, previously healthy people can still become seriously ill.
Approximately 400 deaths each year in New Zealand are related to influenza
The strains of influenza virus that reach New Zealand each year are usually different
from the season before. Although New Zealand had a relatively mild influenza
season in 2011, this may not be the case in 2012. The virulence of strains can vary
from year to year or a new strain can emerge to which people are not immune.
Annual immunisation is recommended for two reasons:
protection lessens over time
each year influenza can be caused by different influenza viruses, that are not
represented in the previous year’s vaccine
Immunity develops after you have been exposed to a particular strain of the virus
through infection or immunisation. Influenza immunisation prepares and boosts your
immune system to help you fight the influenza viruses expected to be circulating
each year.
Seasonal influenza vaccinations are recognised as being the single most effective
way of reducing the impact of seasonal influenza – especially for those most at risk
of complications. This can be particularly true for the elderly.
Stop the flu before it gets you.
Get immunised. Don’t spread the flu to you family and friends.
Immunisation may be FREE for you. Ask your doctor or nurse today.
Can influenza vaccine be given to pregnant women?
Yes. The seasonal influenza vaccine is strongly recommended for women who will
be pregnant during the influenza season. Where possible, vaccines are usually given
only in the second and third trimesters because vaccination with the influenza
vaccine has been shown to be highly beneficial for pregnant women and their unborn
babies. New Zealand is not alone in this recommendation, influenza vaccination for
all pregnant women is currently recommended by health authorities in the USA,
Australia and many European countries. Immunisation is free for pregnant women
wishing to have the influenza vaccine.
Experience from previous seasonal influenza outbreaks and the 2009/2010
pandemic, showed that pregnant women are at greater risk from complications
associated with influenza.
There are a range of changes that occur during pregnancy which may put pregnant
women at higher risk of complications from influenza. These include changes to the
lung function including decreased lung capacity; increased cardiac output and
oxygen consumption, and changes to the immune response.
Because of the above changes, pregnant women with existing medical conditions
are at even greater risk of severe influenza-related illness. When pregnancy is
superimposed on high-risk conditions such as asthma or diabetes mellitus, influenza
infection associated illness is 3-4 times greater than for non-pregnant women.
Maternal influenza infection has been associated with an increased risk of maternal
hospitalisation and other illnesses. A small number of these women and babies die.
Vaccination of pregnant women against influenza has been shown to decrease the
incidence of influenza in their newborn babies. Influenza in young infants often
prompts hospitalisation and can predispose infants to bacterial pneumonia or otitis
How safe is the vaccine?
The vaccine cannot give you influenza as it only contains fragments of the virus.
The vaccine stimulates the immune system to make antibodies that protect against
circulating viruses. Most people have no reaction to the vaccine. Occasionally the
site where the vaccination was given is red or sore for a day or two. Some people
may feel unwell for a day or two. These are normal responses to the immunisation.
Can I Get a Free Vaccine?
Protect yourself. Protect your family. Protect your community.
For adults and children with long-term health conditions, pregnant women and
people aged 65 years and older, influenza can be an especially serious illness.
For this reason the influenza immunisation is provided FREE to these groups.
Influenza immunisation is available FREE for those who:
are pregnant
regularly use an asthma preventer
have diabetes
have heart disease
have kidney problems
have cancer
have a serious medical condition
or are aged 65 years or over
If you do not have one of these eligible conditions, you still benefit from an influenza
immunisation available, at a small cost.
Influenza immunisation is normally available between March and the end of July
every year.
A small number of people should not be vaccinated without first consulting a doctor;
such as those who have had a severe reaction to an influenza vaccine previously, or
those who have a severe allergy (anaphylaxis) to chicken eggs.
Free Flu Vaccine For Cantabrians under 18 years
Canterbury District Health Board will pay for the flu vaccine for all children and young
people aged 6 months up to 18 years living in the Canterbury region again this year.
The expanded influenza immunisation programme will be run for a second year to
reduce the number of flu cases and spread of the virus in the Canterbury region.
The cost of a non funded flu vaccine is $25 in 2012.
So don’t take the risk! Call your local GP or medical clinic and arrange your
immunisation today.
You can obtain more information about influenza including frequently asked questions at .
The information in this article is sourced from this website , run by the National Influenza
Specialist Group of NZ.