July 2014

July 2014
Please find the following material from Australia and overseas
related to substance use and rehabilitation in prisons and the
criminal justice system for the month of July 2014.
Reports & Publications
Bradbury G, Morris D, Hunt N (2014). Overdose prevention
services upon release from prison – Estonia, Lithuania,
Hungary, Poland and Romania. Eurasian Harm Reduction
Network (EHRN), Vilnius.
This report concentrates on the mapping of existing
overdose prevention and management programmes for
released prisoners and involves five European Union
(EU) countries. It includes, the identification of existing
programmes and services available upon release from
prison; availability of naloxone; and opportunities for
the introduction of overdose prevention and/or
naloxone programmes.
Bradbury G, Morris D, Hunt N (2014). Overdose prevention
services upon release from prison – Best practices from
Scotland, Denmark, Italy and Spain (Factsheet). Eurasian Harm
Reduction Network (EHRN), Vilnius.
This factsheet reports on good practice models in four
European Union (EU) countries on overdose prevention
and management programmes upon release from
prison. The main findings are concluded with
recommendations made regarding their relevance to
the five target countries of the project (see above).
Graham H & White R (2014). Innovative Justice. Routledge,
This book showcases innovative justice initiatives from
around the world which engage offenders, practitioners
and communities to reduce reoffending and support
desistance and positive change.
Recent Research Articles
Kopak AM, et al. The Connections between substance
dependence, offense type, and offense severity. Journal of
Drug Issues 44(3) 2014: 291-307. Full text.
Van Dyken E, et al. Monitoring substance use in prisons:
Assessing the potential value of wastewater analysis. Science &
Justice [online ahead of print]. Abstract.
Torok M, et al. Violent offending severity among injecting drug
users: Examining risk factors and issues around classification.
Addictive Behaviours [online ahead of print]. Abstract.
Calcaterra SL M.D. M.P.H., et al. The association between social
stressors and drug use/hazardous drinking among former
prison inmates. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 47(1)
2014: 41-49. Abstract.
Australasian Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Conference
Public Health Association Australia
19-20 December, 2013
Royal Brisbane and Royal Women's Education Centre, Royal
Brisbane and Women's Hospital
News and Media
Australia’s prison system overcrowded to bursting point with more
than 33,000 people in jail 3rd July
Prison worker ‘smuggled drugs into jail’ 9th July
Perth magistrate Catherine Crawford wants foetal alcohol spectrum
disorder classed as disability 12th July
South Australian MP wants to force repeat drug users to face court
20th July
To prevent reoffending, how about giving former prisoners
support? 21st July
More prison drug focus needed on root causes, says Australian
National Council on Drugs 23rd July
Prisoners given toys, music lessons to quit smoking 28th July
No accident or provocation defence in proposed ‘coward punch’
law 28th July
Heroin on rise, but jail isn’t answer (USA) 11th July
New approach to keeping people off drugs, out of jail resonating
with inmates (USA) 16th July
Almost half of all federal drug prisoners could get out of prison
sooner. Here’s how (USA) 18th July
Rise and fall in heroin use key factor in crime trends, study suggests
(UK) 23rd July
Further resources
Find recent Law, Crime & Justice stories on ABC Radio National here.
Useful links to research and publications: Corrective Services Australia
Prisoners in Australia (ABS)
Report on Government Services
2012 (Productivity Commission)
Corrective Services management and
reform (AIC)
Prisoner health and juvenile justice (AIHW)
and publications (No Bars)
Standard Guidelines for Corrections in
Australia (revised) 2004
Australian Capital Territory
Find recent Prisons and Punishment stories from ABC Canberra here.
ACT Corrective Services Find information ACT Corrective services website
New South Wales
Find recent Prisons and Punishment stories from ABC Sydney here.
Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Find the latest research and statistics
and media releases from the CSNSW website here.
NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) BOCSAR is the
State’s official source of NSW crime statistics. Find the latest BOSCAR crime
statistics, criminal court statistics, publications, and media releases
from their website here.
Justice Health (NSW Government)
Justice Health provides health care in a complex environment to people in the
adult correctional system, to those in courts and police cells, to juvenile
detainees and to those within the NSW forensic mental health system and in
the community. Find Justice Health publications from the Justice Health
website here.
Northern Territory
Find recent Prisons and Punishment stories from ABC Darwin here.
NT Correctional Services (NT Department of Justice)
Find information about
Correctional Services in NT from the NT Department of Justice website here.
Find recent Prisons and Punishment stories from ABC Brisbane here.
Queensland Corrective Services (QCS)
Find the latest resources and
publications at the QCS website here.
Find recent Prisons and Punishment stories from ABC Hobart here.
Tasmania Corrective Services. (Department of Justice)
Find the Tasmanian
Department of Justice Corrective Services website here.
Find recent Prisons and Punishment stories from ABC Melbourne here.
Victorian Department of Justice
Find the latest research and statistics from
the VDJ website here.
Western Australia
Find recent Prisons and Punishment stories from ABC Perth here.
Western Australian Department of Corrective Services (WADCS)
Find the
latest statistics and publications from the WADCS website here.
Crime Research Centre (CRC) The CRC at the University of Western Australia
publishes annual crime and justice statistics which have enhanced
understanding of the extent of the crime problem in the state and trends in
criminal justice. Find reports and statistics from the CRC website here.
The PIU provides information sourced from the ANCDs regular media and
policy monitoring activities and information services provided by external
organisations. The PIU recognises and thanks: ADCA; Beyond Bars; DrugInfo
and ATODA; and for their contributions to this edition.
If you would like to subscribe to the ANCD Prison Issues Update or have
anything that you would like included in next month’s edition, please contact