“Imagine a Woman” Empowerment Coaching and Groups Offered by IAW Certified Coach-Facilitator _____________ (Coach’s Name) My “Imagine A Woman” Story (Coach Personal IAW Story) (Story:)_________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (Passion:)________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ The “Imagine a Woman” Poem (Poem and Intro to Services) Read through the original Imagine a Woman I and II poems, and notice your response. Each stanza of the “Imagine a Woman” poem leads you on a journey home to yourself. Each stanza holds within it a reminder of the truth. If a stanza triggers strong emotion or longing, there’s a gift for you within the stanza. Let’s meet together in a private IAW coaching session or in an IAW group to uncover the gift of the poem for you! (IAW I & II: in Two Columns) “Imagine a Woman” Empowerment Services (Listing of Services) 1. Schedule an IAW Poem-Based Coaching Session! There’s a gift for you in each stanza of the IAW poem. I will assist you to unwrap the gift held within the stanza of your choice using our one-of-a-kind womanaffirming coaching model. IAW empowerment sessions are conducted inperson, by phone, and on Skype. They are one hour long and take you on a journey of self-discovery to unwrap the special gift held within the stanza of your choice. Take the first step on your journey of self-discovery and schedule your coaching session today! (PayPal Button for Individual Coaching Session) 2. Nourish Your WomanSpirit with a “Remember Yourself” Home Retreat ($27 each) or Group Retreat (Add group fee) Do you need to catch your breath every once in a while, as your life spins around you? Do you long for a moment to call your own? Do you wish for quiet time, to hear that wise voice within you? If you heard a YES in your spirit, you’re ready to experience one of the IAW "Remember Yourself” Home Retreats in the comfort of your own home or to register for one of my local "Remember Yourself" groups. Patricia Lynn Reilly wrote the retreats to give you a time out, a quiet moment, a deep breath. To remind you of the truth about yourself when you forget. To escort you home to yourself when you lose your way. Choose from among IAW's 6 "Remember Yourself" Retreats: “The Journey Home” Retreat reminds you of the natural resources for authentic living that reside within you, and how to access them daily. Imagine a woman who discovers the way home to herself. A woman who descends into her own inner life. Who reunites with her essential self and reclaims her natural capacities. Imagine yourself as this woman. • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat: “The Journey Home: Three Pathways Home” (PayPal Button for Retreat) • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat + 1 hour of IAW coaching: (PayPal Button for Retreat + Coaching) • REGISTER for “The Journey Home” Group: (Dates of Group) (PayPal Button for Group Course/Retreat) “Heal into the Present” Retreat reminds you of the expressive capacities for resilient living that are your birthright, and how to access them daily. Imagine a woman who acknowledges the past’s influence on the present. A woman who has walked through her past. Who has healed into the present. Imagine yourself as this woman. • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat “Heal Into the Present: Four Steps Into The Present” (PayPal Button for Retreat) • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat + 1 hour of IAW coaching: (PayPal Button for Retreat + Coaching) • REGISTER for the “Heal Into the Present” Group: (Dates of Group) (PayPal Button for Group Course/Retreat) “Author Your Own Life” Retreat reminds you of the creative intelligence you already possess, and how to access it to author your own life and selfunderstanding. Imagine a woman who authors her own life. A woman who trusts her inner sense of what’s right for her. Who takes responsibility for the design and content of her life. Imagine yourself as this woman. • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat: “Author Your Own Life: Five Choices of Authentic Living” (PayPal Button for Retreat) • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat + 1 hour of IAW coaching: (PayPal Button for Retreat + Coaching) • REGISTER for the “Author Your Own Life” Group: (Dates of Group) (PayPal Button for Group Course/Retreat) “Love Your Body” Retreat reminds you of the body-loving instincts of the child you once were, and of how to awaken them in every season of your life. Imagine a woman who is glad to be alive. A woman who has released bodyscrutiny and -criticism. Who celebrates her body with reverence and respect. Imagine yourself as this woman. • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat: “Love Your Body: Five Pathways to Body Love” (PayPal Button for Retreat) • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat + 1 hour of IAW coaching: (PayPal Button for Retreat + Coaching) • REGISTER for the “Love Your Body” Group: (Dates of Group) (PayPal Button for Group Course/Retreat) “Name Your Own Gods” Retreat reminds you of your birthright of freedom and courage, and how to use this birthright to inspire and design your own spirituality. Imagine a woman who embodies her spirituality. A woman who honors her body as the sacred temple of the spirit of life. Who breathes deeply as a prayer of gratitude for life itself. Imagine yourself as this woman. • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat: “Name Your Own Gods: Five Paths to Conscious Spirituality” (PayPal Button for Retreat) • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat + 1 hour of IAW coaching: (PayPal Button for Retreat + Coaching) • REGISTER for the “Name Your Own Gods” Group: (Dates of Group) (PayPal Button for Group Course/Retreat) “Relationships from the Inside Out” Retreat reminds you of the essential connection between self-love and the love of others, and how to experience your relationships from the inside out. Imagine a woman who turns toward herself with interest and attention. A woman who turns inward to listen, remember, and replenish. Whose capacity to be available to others deepens as she is available to herself. Imagine yourself as this woman. • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat: “Relationships from the Inside Out: Five Ingredients of Conscious Relationship” (PayPal Button for Retreat) • PURCHASE the Self-Guided Retreat + 1 hour of IAW coaching: (PayPal Button for Retreat + Coaching) • REGISTER for the “Relationships from the Inside Out” Group: (Dates of Group) (PayPal Button for Group Course/Retreat) IAW’s WomanSpirit Empowerment Program The IAW Empowerment Program consists of the six retreats listed above. Although each course is self-contained, the courses, in sequence, reflect IAW’s distinctive Journey of Empowerment. The retreats will empower you in all seasons and situations of your life. • PURCHASE the Six-Retreat Empowerment Program: (Affiliate link to IAW’s purchase page for Program.) 3. Become a Certified IAW Coach-Facilitator Join me on the “Imagine a Woman” Team as a certified Facilitator-Coach, and launch, grow, or enhance your coaching business, therapy practice, and womanaffirming ministry. The IAW team is committed to providing you with nichespecific training and supporting you once you’re certified to share your amazing gifts with the clients who need you! • DETAILS HERE: (Affiliate link to IAW’s certification sales page.) ****************** The poem resonates in the core of my being. It’s become more than a poem—it’s my mantra. Thanks for lighting our path! –Wendy I celebrate “Imagine a Woman” today because I’ve become the woman described in the poem. Before the poem came into my life I didn’t know such a woman existed. –Linda The “Imagine a Woman” poem is not just a poem—it is a prayer, affirmation, and daily inspiration for me. To imagine this woman, and to imagine that I am this woman has helped me on “my walk through the past to heal into the present.” —Gina