Appendix 7b - AMER briefing paper

AMER Briefing paper
Appendix 7b
(This briefing paper accompanies the qualitative/quantitative data for the 2014/15 academic
Date, Time and Venue
of Meeting
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Chair
Director of the Academic Quality Service
Director of Learning & Teaching
Dean/Deputy Dean/Head of Department
(from another School)
Director for Student Experience
Student representative
School Quality Enhancement Manager
Quality Enhancement Manager Secretary
Department Team
Head of Department
Director of Programmes (insert cluster)
Director of Programmes (insert cluster)
Programme Leader (insert programme)
Programme Leader (insert programme)
Dean of School
Deputy Dean of School
AMER Briefing paper
Appendix 7b
AMER Briefing paper
Appendix 7b
Area for consideration
Comment and Evidence (Heads of Department are
invited to comment, identify barriers or priorities
arising from the evidence under each section as
 Including average entry profile; noting those that under
or over performed against target after clearing
 Include comment on research student numbers f
 Comments from Head of Department
 Barriers
 Priorities or planned developments
 Note any programmes that have not recruited for one
or two years
 Note any specific issues for new programmes
 Note any specific issues for new programmes
 Progression rates for years 1 and 2;
 Identify any low or high performing programmes.
 Reference to be made to first time pass data (at
module level) – highlighting any modules with notably
low pass rates;
 Highlight any UG programmes below 85% progression
 Comments from Head of Department
 Barriers
 Priorities or planned developments
 Note any specific issues for new programmes
 State average for Department
 Include details of final degree classifications – noting
low or high performing programmes;
 Highlight any UG programmes where fewer than 65%
of completing students achieve a good honours
degree (First or 2:1)
 Considering completion rates for research students
 Comments from Head of Department
 Barriers
 Priorities or planned developments
 Note any specific issues for new programmes
 Highlight any programmes with an overall NSS
satisfaction score below 85%
 Highlight any programmes with a notably high NSS
overall satisfaction score (i.e. 90% and above);
 Identify any issues raised within external examiner
reports, including any recommendations;
 Identify any matters raised in PSRB visit reports
(where applicable)
Use Data supplied for
year 2013-14
(admissions for Oct
2013 and any
subsequent entry
Use Data supplied for
year 2013-14
Use Data supplied for
year 2013-14
Performance against
external benchmarks
Use Data supplied for
year 2013-14
AMER Briefing paper
Appendix 7b
Student feedback
Use Data supplied for
year 2013-14
Overseas campuses
Other information
Comments from Head of Department
Priorities or planned developments
Note any specific issues for new programmes
 Highlight any programmes with notably low or high
MSS overall satisfaction scores;
 Identify any key issues and trends in student feedback
at Board of Studies meetings
 Comments from Head of Department
 Barriers
 Priorities or planned developments
 Note any specific issues for new programmes
 Identify any issues and trends relating to the
collaborative provision managed by the Department
(use partner AMRs to identify issues/trends)
 Comments from Head of Department
 Barriers
 Priorities or planned developments
 Note any specific issues for new programmes
 Identify any issues and trends relating to the provision
managed by the Department (use overseas campus
AMRs to identify issues/trends)
 Comments from Head of Department
 Barriers
 Priorities or planned developments
 Note any specific issues for new programmes
 Such as KIS comparator data, Destination of Leavers
(DLHE) performance
 Comments from Head of Department
 Barriers
 Priorities or planned developments
 Note any specific issues for new programmes
Head of Department commentary
Heads of Department are invited to identify priorities for the department or comment on
the following in order to inform discussion at the meeting:
Learning and teaching
Research and knowledge transfer
Employability, work based learning, placements
Issues arising from engagement with University services
Good practice
Heads of Department are invited to identify examples of practice that have had a
positive impact on student learning – particularly with reference to the Learning
Teaching and Assessment Strategy 2012-14 – and on the student experience
AMER Briefing paper
Appendix 7b
Appendix 1
Action Plan for 2013-14 (please complete section regarding closure of actions)
Appendix 2
Draft New Action Plan for 2014-15 (use template provided)
Appendix 3
List of programmes operated by the Department (in 2013/14)
New Programmes commencing in 2014/15
Appendix 4
List of collaborative programmes managed by the Department (programme title,
collaborative type and name of partner)
Appendix 5
List of programmes delivered at overseas campuses (programme title, name of
overseas campus)
AMER Briefing paper
Appendix 7b
The timescale for 2014-15 is as follows
Data snapshot taken: 3 November
Data circulated to collaborative partners and campuses as relevant:
by 7 November
Briefing papers distributed by AQS: by 17 November
AMRs returned by collaborative partners and campuses: by 21
School/Departmental briefing paper responses, draft action plans and
review of 2013-14 actions returned to AQS; Campus overview reports
returned to AQS: by 12 December
AME meeting paperwork circulated 15 -19 December
AME meetings: 5 – 16 Jan 2015
Action Plans finalised: end Jan 2015
Actions for Services distributed: Jan/Feb 2015
Overview report for Assurance Committee: April 2015