1 Supplementary material 2 Methods Phylogenetic tree analysis 3 4 For phylogenetic analyses, 12S rRNA gene sequences of D. pulex, D. longicephala and 11 5 other members of the subgenera Daphnia, Hyalodaphnia and Ctenodaphnia were downloaded 6 (Supplementary Tab. 1) from GenBank. Sequences were aligned using MAFFT and the E- 7 INS-I algorithm and cropped to a final length of 424 base pairs including gaps (alignment 8 available from the authors on request). Phylogenetic trees were calculated using RAxML 9 version 8 for Maximum Likelihood (ML) inferences, using the GTRCAT model and 10,000 10 fast bootstraps to calculate branch support. Bootstrap values were mapped on the best ML 11 tree. 12 Animal culture 13 Daphnia pulex (clone R9 from Canada) and D. longicephala (clone Sonja from Lara Pond 14 Australia) individuals were reared under constant conditions (20 °C and day : night cycle of 15 12h : 12h) and taken from the culture collection of the Department of Animal Ecology, 16 Evolution and Biodiversity, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany for the performed 17 experiments. All specimens were fed with the green algae Scenedesmus obliquus raised in the 18 institute’s algae cultures under standardized conditions. Animals were age-synchronized in 19 charcoal filtered tap water. 20 21 Methods of classical nissl stainings 22 Thyazines dyes used in Nissl staining identify the basophilic structure of the rough 23 endoplasmatic reticulum (rER). Cells with a high rate of protein synthesis possess a large 1 24 rER. Tissue was dehydrated in a graded series of 70% ethanol for 5 min and rinsed three 25 times in deionized water for 1 min. Staining was performed for 15 min in cresyl violet 26 solution (2.25 g cresyl violet, Chroma Münster, Germany in 100 ml aqua dest. and 1.5 ml 27 acetic acid) and differentiated in acidified deionized water (100 ml deionized water and 1 28 drop acetic acid). Tissue was dehydrated in ethanol (70% 2*2 min, 96% 3*2 min, isopropyl 29 alcohol 100% 2*2 min, roti®-Histol 3*3 min) and mounted in Entellan ® (Merck, Germany). 30 31 Fluorescent Nissl stain and immunohistochemistry 32 33 Tissues were rinsed using five steps of 10 min following two steps of 60 min. Specimens were 34 stored at 4 °C overnight. Tissues were incubated at 5% normal goat serum (Dianova, 35 Germany) in PBS and 0.1% Triton X-100 (PBS-TX). Dopamine antibody (DOP 11s in rabbit; 36 Acris Germany) was diluted 1:100 in PBS-TX and incubated for 48 h. After rinsing in PBS- 37 TX for 24 h the secondary anti-body (anti-rabbit IgG-Cy3 conjugated in goat; Excitation/ 38 Emission (nm): 553⁄565; Dianova Germany) was incubated for 24 h. After another rinsing 39 step of 24 h tissue was stained for 5 h in Nissl fluorescence by Neurofluor; Life Technologies 40 (1:150 in PBS; Excitation/ Emission (nm): 500⁄525). After a final rinsing step (2 h) in PBS 41 specimens were mounted on glass slides (Thermo Scientific) using VECTASHIELD ® (Vector 42 Lab, Burlington) (see 18). Analysis was performed using a Zeiss LSM 510 (META software) 43 confocal scanning microscope. Software supplied by Zeiss (LSM Image examiner rel. 4.2) 44 was used to analyse, store and export pictures obtained. Figures were composed and labelled 45 in Photoshop CS 4 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA). Saturation and brightness were optimized 46 and no further editing was conducted. 47 48 49 Quantitative Real-Time PCR 2 50 Predator assay of Daphnia pulex 51 Induction of D. pulex for gene expression analysis was performed in net cages by incubating 52 age-synchronized adult females in 1 L glass beakers holding a nylon net cage containing 20 53 Chaoborus sp. Larvae fed with 50 juvenile daphniids every 48 hours. Surrounding females 54 and their offspring were in contact with Chaoborus-kairomones without being preyed upon. 55 Controls were incubated similarly but without Chaoborus larvae. Controls and predator- 56 induced treatments were checked daily for first instar juveniles. As genes need to be activated 57 before trait expression, we investigated the first juvenile instar in D. pulex, which precedes the 58 maximal formation of neck teeth in the second instar (23). Animals were collected, water was 59 removed and batches of 50 juveniles were preserved in 20 µl RNAlater (Qiagen) and stored at 60 4 °C for 24 h and then at -40 °C until RNA extraction. 61 RNA was extracted using the RNAqueous ®-Micro RNA Isolation kit (Ambion) according to 62 the manufacturer’s protocol. Integrity of RNA was checked using the Experion RNA StdSens 63 Analysis kit (BioRad). The Turbo DNA-free (Ambion, Life Technologies) procedure was 64 applied to 1 µg of each extraction. Subsequently, reverse transcription Omniscript RT kit 65 (Qiagen) was performed. Samples were checked with PCR (G3PDH primer pair, see (27) for 66 genomic DNA contamination. The cDNA was diluted tenfold with molgrade water and stored 67 at -20 °C until further usage. 68 69 qPCR conditions and data analysis 70 PCR mix consisted of 2 µl cDNA (which is equivalent to approximately 10 ng cDNA), 10 µl 71 of the F-415L Flash SYBR Green qPCR Kit (Finnzymes), primer concentrations of 300 nM 72 of forward and reverse primers of reference genes (CAPON, Xbp, Tbp) and 100 nM (Ddc) as 73 well as PCR-grade water up to a total volume of 20 µl. Reactions were performed in technical 74 triplicates and a no-template control was included. Every gene was tested applying twelve 3 75 biological repeats. PCR reactions were performed using the DNA Engine Opticon 2-Color- 76 Real-time-PCR Detection System (BioRad) and the following conditions: 10 min at 95 °C 77 and 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 s, followed by 60 °C for 1 min, finally at 55 °C. Amplification 78 specificity was verified based on the melting curve which was obtained by heating in steps of 79 0.3 °C from 60 °C to 95 °C. 80 Gene expression analysis 81 82 Ddc-gene expression analysis of induced versus control samples was performed using relative 83 expression software REST. This software analyses gene expression data based on CP values. 84 We determined CP values and mean efficiencies acquiring LinReg PCR. Randomization tests 85 were performed with 10,000 iterations to assess the significance. For D. longicephala, qPCR 86 reactions did not reliably work despite several optimization steps (primer modification, 87 different primer dilutions). Therefore, down-stream analyses were only performed for D. 88 pulex. 89 Results 90 Tab. S 1: Overview over the different 12S rRNA gene sequences used for the phylogenetic 91 analyses. Species Accession number Subgenus Origin Daphnia pulex AY626357 Daphnia Germany Daphnia pulicaria AY626355 Daphnia Germany Daphnia obtusa AY626364 Daphnia USA Daphnia ambigua AF523738 Daphnia France Daphnia galeata HM161705 Hyalodaphnia Russia Daphnia cucullata DCU34652 Hyalodaphnia Germany 4 Daphnia curvirostris EF375859 Hyalodaphnia Germany Daphnia laevis DLU34734 Hyalodaphnia USA Daphnia longicephala AF064176 Ctenodaphnia Australia Daphnia magna DMU34738 Ctenodaphnia USA Daphnia similis AF277288 Ctenodaphnia Spain Daphnia angulata AY921460 Ctenodaphnia Australia Daphnia lumholtzi AY921466 Ctenodaphnia Australia 92 93 94 95 96 Tab. S 2: One-way ANOVA on kairomone induced neck teeth expression in D. pulex in the absence of neuroactive treatments. SS: Sum of Squares; d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Chaoborus kairomone effect SS 97 98 99 d.f. MS F p Intercept 48026.496 1 48026.496 222.348158 <0.001 Kairomone 24731.263 2 12365.632 57.249137 <0.001 Error 45575.330 211 215,99682 Tab. S 3: Tukey-Kramer post hoc test on neck teeth expression in D. pulex in the absence of neuroactive substances d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Tukey-Kramer post hoc Test; arcsin (neck teeth expression) Error: Between MS = 216.00, d.f. = 211.00 Kairomone (larvae/ L) 0 0 <0.001 <0.001 5 10 100 101 102 103 5 10 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Tab. S 4: One-way ANOVA on kairomone induced crest height/ body length ratio in D. longicephala in the absence of neuroactive substances. SS: Sum of Squares; d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Notonecta kairomone effect SS d.f. Intercept 0.8023 Kairomone 0.0112 0.008 Error MS 1 F p 0.803 4023.9368 <0.001 2 0.005 29.315 <0.001 42 0.0002 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 5 111 112 113 114 Tab. S 5: Tukey Kramer post hoc test on crest height/ body length ratio in D. longicephala in the absence of neuroactive substances. d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Tukey-Kramer post hoc test; crest height/ body length Error: Between MS = 0.00019, df = 42.00 Kairomone (%) 0 0 <0.001 <0.001 25 75 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 25 75 <0.001 <0.001 n.s. n.s. Tab. S 6 One-way ANOVA on neck teeth expression in D. pulex in the absence of Chaoborus kairomones for: control group (without neuroactive substances), 15 µm dopamine, 5 nM physostigmine, and dopamine + physostigmine. SS: Sum of Squares; d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Kairomone 0 Larvae/ L 122 123 124 125 126 SS d.f. MS F p Intercept 773.767 1 773.768 13.677 <0.001 arcsin (neck teeth) 1290.500 3 430.167 7.603 <0.001 Error 12050.556 213 56.575 Tab S 7: One-way ANOVA on crest height/ body length ratio in D. longicephala in the absence of Notonecta kairomone for control group without neuroactive substances, 15 µm dopamine, 5 nM physostigmine, and dopamine + physostigmine. SS: Sum of Squares; d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Kairomone 0% Notonecta 127 128 129 130 131 SS d.f. MS F p Intercept 0.551 1 0.551 2975.205 <0.001 Crest height/ body length 0.003 3 0.001 6.222 <0. 01 Error 0.007 36 0.0001 Tab. S 8: Tukey-Kramer post hoc test on neck teeth expression in D. pulex in the absence of Chaoborus kairomones for control group without neuroactive substances (0), 15 µm dopamine (DA), 5 nM physostigmine (PHY), and dopamine + physostigmine (DA+PHY). d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Tukey-Kramer post hoc test; arcsin (neck teeth expression) Error: Between MS = 56.575, df = 213.00 Kairomone= 0 larvae/ L 0 PHY DA DA+ PHY 0 PHY 0.253 0.253 1 0.445 0.0001 0.092 DA 1 DA+PHY 0.0001 0.445 0.092 0.005 0.005 132 133 134 135 136 137 6 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Tab. S 9: Tukey-Kramer post hoc test on crest height/ body length ratio in D. longicephala in the absence of Notonecta kairomone for control group without neuroactive substances (0), 15µm dopamine (DA), 5 nM physostigmine (PHY), and dopamine + physostigmine (DA+PHY). d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Tukey-Kramer post hoc test; crest height/ body length Error: Between MS = 0.00019, d.f. = 36.000 Kairomone= 0 % 0 0 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 PHY DA DA+PHY 0.023 0.04 0.002 0.818 0.999 PHY 0.023 DA 0.04 0.818 DA+ PHY 0.002 0.999 0.725 0.725 Tab. S 10: One-way ANOVA on neck teeth expression in D. pulex in the presence of a low Chaoborus kairomone concentration for control group without neuro-active substances, 15 µm dopamine, 5 nM physostigmine, and dopamine + physostigmine. SS: Sum of Squares; d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Kairomone 5 Larvae/ L Intercept SS d.f. MS F p 153,044.737 1 15,3044.737 523.319 <0.01 4.816 <0.01 arcsin (neck teeth) 4,225.796 3 1,408.598 Error 91,844.649 314 292.410 152 153 154 155 156 157 Tab. S 11 One-way ANOVA on neck teeth expression in D. pulex in the presence of a high Chaoborus kairomone concentration for control group without neuro-active substances, 15 µm dopamine, 5 nM physostigmine, and dopamine + physostigmine. SS: Sum of Squares; d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value 158 Kairomone 10 Larvae/ L SS d.f. MS F p 219,645.128 1 219,645.128 724.394 <0.001 arcsin (neck teeth) 3,779.057 3 1,259.686 4.154 <0.001 Error 58,519.981 193 303.212 Intercept 159 160 161 162 163 164 Tab. S: 12 One-way ANOVA on crest height/ body length ratio in D. longicephala in the presence of a 25% Notonecta kairomone for control group without neuro-active substances, 15 µm dopamine, 5 nM physostigmine, and dopamine + physostigmine. SS: Sum of Squares; d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Kairomone 25% Notonecta Intercept SS d.f. MS F p 1.409 1 1.409 2293.283 <0.01 7 Crest height/ body length 0.005 3 0.002 Error 0.037 60 0.001 2.771 <0.05 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Tab. S 13 One-way ANOVA on crest height/ body length ratio in D. longicephala in the presence of a 75% Notonecta kairomone for control group without neuro-active substances, 15µm dopamine, 5 nM physostigmine, and dopamine + physostigmine. d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Kairomone 75 % Notonecta SS Degr. of F MS F p Intercept 2.174 1 2.174 3207.610 <0.001 Crest height/ body length 0.013 3 0.004 6.285 <0.001 Error 0.048 71 0.001 172 173 174 175 176 Tab. S 14: Tukey-Kramer post hoc test on neck teeth expression in D. pulex in the presence of a low Chaoborus kairomone concentration for control group without neuro-active substances (0), 15µm dopamine (DA), 5 nM physostigmine (PHY), and dopamine + physostigmine (DA+PHY). d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Tukey-Kramer post hoc Test; arcsin (neck teeth expression) Error: Between MS = 290.39 df = 309.00 Kairomone= 5 Larvae/ L 0 PHY DA DA+ PHY 0 PHY 0.04 DA <0.001 0.97 0.04 <0.001 0.64 0.97 0.95 0.04 DA+PHY 0.04 0.95 0.64 177 178 179 180 181 Tab. S 15: Tukey-Kramer post hoc test on neck teeth expression in D. pulex in the presence of a high Chaoborus kairomone concentration for control group without neuro-active substances (0), 15µm dopamine (DA), 5 nM physostigmine (PHY), and dopamine + physostigmine (DA+PHY). d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Tukey-Kramer post hoc Test; arcsin (neck teeth expression) Error: Between MS = 303.21, df = 193.00 Kairomone=10 larvae/ L 0 PHY DA 0.833 0 PHY 0.833 DA 0.554 0.987 DA+ PHY 0.003 0.089 DA+PHY 0.554 0.003 0.987 0.089 0.127 0.127 182 183 184 185 186 Tab. S 16: Tukey-Kramer post hoc test on crest height/ body length in D. longicephala in the presence of 25% Notonecta kairomone for control group without neuro-active substances (0), 15 µm dopamine (DA), 5 nM physostigmine (PHY), and dopamine + physostigmine (DA+PHY). d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Kairomone= 25% Tukey-Kramer post hoc test; crest height/ body length Error: Between MS = 0.00061, df = 60.000 0 PHY DA DA+PHY 8 0.199 0 187 188 189 190 191 192 PHY 0.199 DA 0.472 0.998 DA+ PHY 0.030 0.600 0.472 0.030 0.998 0.600 0.663 0.663 Tab. S 17: Tukey-Kramer post hoc test on crest height/ body length in D. longicephala in the presence of 75% Notonecta kairomone for control group without neuro-active substances (0), 15µm dopamine (DA), 5 nM physostigmine (PHY), and dopamine + physostigmine (DA+PHY). d.f.: degree of freedom; MS: mean squares: F: F-value, p: p-value Tukey-Kramer post hoc test; crest height/ body length Error: Between MS = 0.00068, df = 71.000 Kairomone= 75 % 0 0 PHY DA DA+ PHY PHY 0.033 0.033 0.004 <0.001 DA 0.004 0.914 0.914 0.888 DA+PHY 0.001 0.888 0.999 0.999 193 194 Hyalodaphnia ata al .g ll ucu D. c D ea cur viro stri D. la ev is ta D. s Daphnia D. pu lex R9 99 98 D. l pu ex 65 li c a D. pu G2 r ia 99 92 10 Ctenodaphnia 94 10 ag .m D D. am bi gu a D. a ngu lata is ep ha D . lo ng ic na il sim 66 0 44 a 10 0 D. ob tu s Daphnia lumholtzi D. 0 100 0.06 subst. per site la 195 9 196 Fig. S 1: Unrooted Maximum Likelihood 12S rDNA phylogenetic tree of Daphnia species 197 from the three subgenera Daphnia (blue lines), Hyalodaphnia (black lines), and Ctenodaphnia 198 (red lines). Daphnia pulex (blue) and Daphnia longicephala (red) occur in the two 199 phylogenetically distinct subgenera Daphnia and Ctenodaphnia. For the calculation of the 200 tree and accession numbers see Tab. S 1. 201 202 Fig. S 2: Inducible morphological defences in D. pulex and D. longicephala. (A) Image of 203 Daphnia pulex control morph (left) and an induced morph (right). (B) Image of Daphnia 204 longicephala control morph (left) an induced morph (right). 205 206 10 207 Fig. S 3: Bulged cells in Daphnia spec. A: Nissl fluorescent bulged cell in D. pulex with an 208 intensely stained and distinct nucleus (yellow arrow). Scale = 20 µm. B: Comparable bulged 209 cell in D. longicephala stained using classical Nissl method. Nucleus is characteristically 210 marked (yellow arrow). Scale = 10 µm. 11