CREATING A CLASSROOM MUSEUM EXHIBIT OBJECTIVE: Students will become active curators: gathering photos, creating images and artifacts, and sharing facts and stories for a museum exhibit that highlights an aspect of the culture and lasting contribution of Ancient Rome. EXHIBIT TOPICS: Pax Romana and Roman Trade Government of the Roman Republic The Roman Legions and Warfare The Expansion of Roman (from Republic to Empire) and Effects of Conquest Roman Art and Architecture Roman Housing Gladiatorial Games Chariot Racing Roman Engineering and Technology The Fall of Ancient Rome Roman Social Classes – Patricians and Plebeians The Roman Baths Roman Religion The Beginnings of Rome The Etruscans The Punic Wars Julius Caesar Augustus Caesar TASKS: 1. Choose your topic ( 1 per person ) 2. Conduct research on your topic 3. Make a list of themes, concepts, subtopics and visuals that will included in your display 4. Discuss the themes / subtopics (3) that you will be exhibiting on your tri-fold display board with the teacher 5. Create a SPOTLIGHT panel to concentrate on one aspect of your topic giving in-depth insight into the element you chose. 6. Design a layout for your exhibit. Your title should be short, exciting and creative. (CoolText, Flamingtext, WordArt, etc.) See the reverse side for template 7. Create a Flipped Video about the museum topic a. Create a script for your topic b. Create a PowerPoint slideshow that relates to your script c. Narrate your slideshow following directions given in class d. Save your narrated PowerPoint as an MPEG-4 e. Upload your file onto YouTube f. Hyperlink QR Code on your Biography panel to your Flipped Video 8. Install visuals, artifacts, stories, information paragraphs, descriptions into the exhibit a. Object Label Format for artifacts: • Name of the object • Use of the object • Place the object came from or was used • Materials used to make the object • The label can also have additional information that relates an object 9. The BIOGRAPHY entry should include information about you and a QR Code image to hyperlink your Flipped Video TITLE Subtopic 2 ARTIFACT Overview of the Museum Exhibit Visual Visual Visual Description Description Description Subtopic 1 ARTIFACT ARTIFACT S P O T L I G H T P A N E L Biographical Information Subtopic 3 Category Excellent 10 Good 8 Satisfactory 7 Poor 6 Introduction The introductory piece is clear and well written. The introductory piece is evident but unfocused. The introductory piece is poorly written The introductory piece is incomplete. Required Elements Student includes all required elements. Student includes most required elements. Student includes some required elements. Student includes few required elements. Biographical Panel Student includes all required elements. Student includes most required elements. Student includes some required elements. Student includes few required elements. Significant information is given for each subtopic showing the importance of it to the legacy of Rome. Most information given for each subtopic shows the importance of it to the legacy of Rome. Some information is given for each subtopic showing the importance of it to the legacy of Rome. Little information is given for each subtopic showing the importance of it to the legacy of Rome. All graphics complement the subject matter and help to understand the topic. Some graphics complement the subject matter and help to understand the topic. Few graphics complement the subject matter and help to understand the topic. Graphics do not complement the subject matter and help to understand the topic. Artifacts in the exhibit clearly relate to the subtopic. Most artifacts in the exhibit clearly relate to the subtopic. Some artifacts in the exhibit clearly relate to the subtopic. Artifacts in the exhibit have little or nothing to do with the subtopic. Grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization are correct. There are no errors in the text. Grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization are correct. There are no more than three errors in the text. Grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization are correct. There are no more than five errors in the text. Grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization are correct. There are more than five errors in the text. The exhibit is neat and presentable. All written and visual components are aesthetically placed on the poster. The exhibit is presentable. Most written and visual components are aesthetically placed on the poster. The exhibit is presentable. Some written and visual components are aesthetically placed on the poster. The exhibit is presentable. Few written and visual components are aesthetically placed on the poster. Subtopics / Content Visuals Artifacts Mechanics Appearance