Business Case and Intervention Summary Project Title: Solar Nigeria Programme (SNP) Intervention Summary What support will the UK provide? The UK will provide £37.1 million of grant finance over 6 years (2014 – 2020) for the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in 200 schools and 8 super health centres in rural areas of Lagos State, Nigeria, and to expand the PV market and build a commercial base for that market in the North of Nigeria. Systems for schools and health centres will be installed and operated by the Lagos State Electricity Board (LSEB). The International Finance Corporation (IFC) will overcome the major barrier to private solar market development (large and small) by mobilising commercial finance. Funding will also support the development of a programme for schools and health centres in Northern Nigeria. The Lagos State Government will provide £15 million of matching finance for the investment in the schools and health centres; the Federal Government has indicated they will provide matching finance for a future Northern component. The programme will be funded from the International Climate Fund (ICF) as follows: Direct investment in equipment (primarily PV systems and testing equipment): £15 million; Technical Assistance (TA) provided to the LSEB on programme design, procurement and implementation: £2.8 million; TA to Federal Government to develop a Northern component: £0.5 million; A First loss Facility of £12 million, managed by the IFC, to help mobilise commercial finance for solar, with TA provided by IFC and the Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility (NIAF) of £2.2 million; Output Based Aid (OBA) grants of £3 million for provision of user finance for small solar systems in the north, with TA of £1.6 million. These will be managed partly by IFC and partly by NIAF. Figure 1: Investment Summary Component Social (Lagos) Preparation for the Social (North) Commercial markets Small Systems market Capital (£m) £15.0 £12.0 £3.0 £30.0 TA / Management (£m) £2.8 £0.5 £2.2 £1.6 £7.1 Total (£m) £17.8 £0.5 £14.2 £4.6 £37.1 Under the Social (Lagos) component, PV systems will be jointly purchased with the LSEB, with oversight by DFID funded procurement specialists. Payments will be separate, with no UK funds going through government systems. UK funds will be wholly allocated to equipment purchase and installation, with other costs, such as training, funded by LSEB. Technical preparation for the North will draw lessons from Lagos and will create the conditions 1 necessary for supply chains to provide social solar infrastructure provision on a sustainable basis. Why is UK support required? Nigeria is the most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa, accounting for 20% of the region’s population. It has one of the worst grid power supplies in the world. Lagos is the region’s largest city with around 20 million people. The population of Lagos is growing rapidly, overwhelming the State’s ability to provide adequate social services, notably in health and education. In contrast to the stagnant and conflict affected economy in Northern Nigeria, Lagos is experiencing high rates of output growth. The result is a rapid growth in emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG). Because of its sheer size, finding less carbon intensive ways of meeting Lagos’ energy needs is important for Nigeria and other developing countries. The Lagos Government is committed to developing infrastructure that both helps the city adapt to likely future climate change and limits its production of climate changing emissions. Historic under-investment and rapid population growth mean, however, that the State already faces large fiscal challenges in financing its infrastructure gap. Investing in low-carbon approaches involves significantly higher up-front costs than more polluting options. Co-financing from UK climate funding therefore will enable a more immediate take up of low carbon solutions, without placing an unsustainable burden on Lagos State’s budget. The poorer North of Nigeria has some of the highest levels of solar radiation in the world. It also has the greatest need in terms of essential social service improvements. A combination of poor public procurement, limited private demand and a weak supply chain have meant that progress in realising the potential of solar in the North has been slow. This has been true even as falling lifetime generation costs have made solar the obvious long-run solution to many of the North’s unmet off-grid power needs. Strong collaboration with the Federal Government on reform of Nigeria’s power sector means that DFID is already well placed to help expand power access in the North using solar technology. The IFC, one of DFID’s key multilateral development partners, has comparative advantage to strengthen solar supply chains. What are the expected results? The project’s impact is the scale up of PV generation at a national level, improving welfare outcomes by making a significant contribution towards the electrification of public institutions, such as schools and hospitals. The outcome is the delivery of clean and reliable energy services to currently underserved communities in Northern and Lagos States, avoiding significant GHG emissions and generating employment in the resulting supply chains. The expected results are: More than 47 MW of installed PV capacity; Avoided emissions of 3.0 million tonnes CO2e from PV installations over their operational lifetime, replacing kerosene and diesel use and grid; Improved effectiveness of 200 secondary schools and 8 health super clinics through cleaner and more reliable access to energy; Improved welfare outcomes for more than 2.8 million people using domestic PV, with 190,000 school pupils and 4.7 million clinic patients benefiting from public institutions with PV systems; 36,000 additional Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) averted in PV electrified clinics; Improved effectiveness of institutional PV systems, with at least 95% operational after 4 years; More than 3000 jobs supported across the PV supply chain; Greater effectiveness of DFID’s other health and educational sector interventions in Nigeria; 2 Business Case I. Strategic Case A. Context and need for a DFID intervention This project seeks to impact on two very different but inter-related sets of challenges in Nigeria. The first is linked to climate change and the second is the very poor provision of education and health services across the country. Nigeria has one of the lowest levels of per capita on-grid power generation in the world. The country’s population is over 160 million but at least 75 million people have no access to grid electricity. Most businesses rely on expensive and polluting small diesel generators for most of their power. Nigeria is the world’s largest market for these types of generator. Although the Federal Government is, with DFID support, pursuing radical reform of the electricity sector, it is widely recognised that the gap between supply and demand is so large that consistent 24 hour power supply is some years away even if these reforms succeed. Lack of access to power severely impedes human development outcomes1, particularly in Nigeria’s northern states. Over 59,000 Nigerian women die annually in maternity wards; 1 in 13 Nigerian women die due to pregnancy-related causes2. Among the country’s 70,000 primary schools and 23,000 health care facilities most in rural areas are remote from the grid. Most have no power supply at all. There is little practical prospect of improving rural health and education outcomes through accelerating access to grid electricity. For the time being evidence suggests purchase of generators will continue to out-strip capacity additions to the national grid. Diesel generators continue to be among the largest and fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Nigeria. They are also expensive to operate. Giving schools and health facilities access to reliable electricity derived from renewable sources would therefore lead both to a reduction in harmful greenhouse gas emissions and an improvement in the provision of essential services. Several renewable energy technologies offer the technical potential to support off-grid electrification. These include solar photovoltaic (PV), micro/pico hydropower and small wind and biofuels. Selection of the most suitable technology in each situation tends to be a relatively straight forward exercise. The primary consideration is availability and proximity of the resource: year-round running water, consistent strong wind, and consistent strong insolation. Resources for pico hydro in Nigeria are limited, particularly in Lagos: biofuels lack scale and a reliable supply chain, particularly for remote locations; and wind resources are generally less than viable. The potential for PV power supply in Nigeria, by comparison, is considerable. Solar intensity across the country is high. It ranges from an average of 3.5 kWh per m 2 per day in southern states to as high as 7.0 kWh per m2 per day in northern states34. Assessed on the basis of 1 Wang L. Determinants of child mortality in LDCs. Health Policy. 2003; 65:277-299. 2 Bush, Christopher, “A Solar Solution to Save Women’s Lives in Nigeria”. Berkeley Health. Fall 2009. 3 HOMER solar design system data for Kano sourced from NASA 4 Nigerian Renewable Energy Master Plan 3 lifetime costs, off-grid power supply using PV is now cheaper than supply from diesel generators in a broad range of applications. In northern Nigeria, diesel and petrol generators supply electricity at Naira (N) 40-70 per kWh. PV systems can supply electricity for N35-53 per kWh if financing and market barriers are addressed5. Pay back periods are extremely favourable for this type of technology. Developments in the solar PV market The international market for solar has changed dramatically in recent years, redefining what is commercially viable. Costs of PV panels have fallen by 80% since 2008 and 20% since 2012. In addition, recent advances in Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lighting mean that lighting applications now require just one third of PV capacity compared with Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs), which have dominated solar over the past decade. The number of countries with solar energy schemes has almost trebled in the last 10 years, from 48 to 127. India, Bangladesh and Mexico have seen the biggest growth, and in India the industry is now focussed on removing supplier constraints to meet exploding demand. The conditions that have led to successful market growth are, in some cases, even stronger in Nigeria than elsewhere. The PV market in Nigeria however is still underdeveloped. The solar supply chain is established but limited in capacity and reach. Imported products are brought in somewhat above prevailing international prices and costs are increased by local tariffs. Multiple level distribution chains (up to six levels between importer and rural user), poor inland transport infrastructure and high margins add significantly to the consumer price. Consequently, existing solar companies in Nigeria have struggled to scale up. There has been little activity in the market for larger systems serving large business and institutional power users. These conditions are not dissimilar to those in other less developed countries prior to effective market scale up solutions being introduced. The key barriers preventing PV going to scale in Nigeria are: High up-front costs: PV systems are cheaper to run than generators but cost more to buy. Many people cannot purchase systems unless the capital cost is spread over time. Solutions to the capital cost hurdle include financing terms (loan or lease), rental, grants or a combination of these. Lack of access to finance: This has been a key factor in scaling solar in other markets. Financing for solar in Nigeria is limited, particularly in rural areas, for both businesses and households alike. Financial institutions are uncomfortable providing the long-term and non-recourse finance necessary for investment. They seek a strong balance sheet or security backing and only offer short loan tenors. Poor reputation: PV power supply has acquired a poor reputation for performance and reliability in Nigeria. Past efforts by government and sometimes donors have applied a project based ‘supply and install’ model, with inadequate support for on-going maintenance. This has resulted in higher failure rates, in turn reinforcing the view amongst consumers and lenders that PV is unsuitable for the Nigerian market (Omisore 2011). Lack of capable vendors: Solar markets scaled in other countries only when capable sellers entered, took the risk and reached out to users to create the market (Miller 2009). They require capital, business acumen and a willingness to pioneer the sector. Such actors are hard to find in the existing solar sector in Nigeria. 5 NIAF project team calculations across a range of solar PV configurations and market segments for Nigeria 4 Potential for Solar PV in Lagos and the North The balance between the delivery of climate change and social benefits from the same intervention varies widely for different geographical locations, and depends on the extent to which electricity is currently available and the means by which it is supplied: The situation in Lagos Lagos is the most populous city in sub-Saharan Africa, with population estimates at 20 million. It is the largest city in the world not to have a mass transit system (though work has started on a first light rail line). Lagos is the driver of the country’s non-oil economy, being the commercial capital and contributing around 65% of Nigeria’s non-oil Growth Domestic Product (GDP) in 2012, according to the Governor, Babatunde Fashola6. Lagos is growing rapidly, both economically and demographically, with average GDP growth estimated at more than 10% this year. Most growth is private sector driven, and much of it is in the informal sector. Although poverty rates are lower and less concentrated in Lagos than in other parts of Nigeria, Lagos matters as a market to drive poverty reduction elsewhere in the country. From a climate change perspective, Lagos is a priority simply because it has one of the fastest growing urban emission footprints on the planet. Rapid population and income growth in a city without mass transit means more cars; and in a city with no power supply means more generators. Recent DFID supported energy audits covering several areas of Lagos recorded energy usage and needs for 13,800 premises, and found that they contained 17,000 small generator sets. It has long been assumed that self-generation of electricity in Nigeria exceeded grid generation, but this work reveals the extent to which this is true. Rapid population growth has overwhelmed, to a significant extent, the Lagos State Government’s ability to provide essential services to its population. An estimated 1.5 million children go to private primary and junior secondary schools in Lagos. This means that the private sector now educates two thirds of children. Recent research shows that the private sector is now the main provider of education even for children from poor households, more than half of whom attend one of around 18,000 private schools and pre-schools. This is a growing trend with private schools absorbing much of the growth in school age children, estimated to be eight per cent a year7. In terms of energy provision, the state faces the same set of challenges as Lagos’ businesses. Most secondary schools and health facilities do use electricity, and most of it comes from small diesel generators. An audit of secondary schools conducted in recent months by LSEB for this project found 991 generators in use between 655 schools. Electricity in Lagos can be supplied more cheaply using solar generation than from diesel generators, but to date there has been very limited adoption of the technology. Getting significant numbers of people in Lagos to switch from diesel to solar would bring large climate change benefits. There are already a number of capable suppliers and the supply chain could be strengthened through the introduction of industry standards and an externally certified training regime. Demand in Lagos could realistically be increased by the demonstration effect of providing prominent programmes, such as 24 hour health services, with solar, and by helping overcome the higher up-front proportion of lifetime costs. The situation in Northern Nigeria 6 Quoted in press reports of his speech at the closing ceremony of the 2012 Lagos International Trade Fair 7 5 Business Case for DFID’s Developing Effective Private Education Nigeria programme Northern Nigeria provides a very different intervention context to Lagos. Around 80 million people live in the North East, North West and North Central Regions. The North East and North West have the worst poverty and human development indicators in the country, and some of the worst in the world, as outlined in DFID Nigeria’s recent Country Poverty Reduction Diagnostic (CPED)8. Five (Kano, Kaduna, Yobe, Zamfara and Jigawa) of DFID’s seven focal States (along with Lagos and Enugu) are located in the North. The North East is highly affected by conflict and three States are currently under a state of emergency due to insurgency and military activity. It is estimated that the conflict has resulted in more than 4,679 deaths in Nigeria in 2013, with the majority being in the North East9, resulting in migration and the collapse of public services and much of the region’s economic activity. Insecurity from terrorist bombings and kidnapping are also affecting other areas of the North, including its largest city Kano. The quality of health and education provision has been extremely poor across much of Northern Nigeria for many years. Improved access to electricity is important for a number of technology based approaches to improving teaching standards. Over the next academic year, DFID Nigeria’s education team will be piloting the use of different technologies, all of which will require a power source, in classrooms and schools in northern Nigeria: - Teacher development programme (TDP): piloting the use of the ‘Trainer in your pocket’: providing additional training content and support for teachers via mobile phones (Katsina, Zamfara, Jigawa) - Discovery Girls Education Project: Piloting through learning centres the usefulness of TV and radio content as instructional tools and in teacher training (Kano State only) - Education sector support programme in Nigeria (ESSPIN): Piloting the use of the ‘Lifeplayer’ – mainly as instructional tool for teachers in the classroom (Kano, Kaduna, Jigawa) By mid-2015, initial evidence about what works will have been generated and by 2017 the impact on student tests scores will be known. One of the biggest challenges in the North is getting qualified teachers, midwives and other health workers to live in poor rural communities. Because this is such a major challenge to improving service delivery, providing electricity to the houses of rural teachers and health workers is equally important as serving the schools and clinics where they work. The vast majority of schools and health facilities, particularly in rural areas, lack electricity supply altogether. Even where generators do exist they tend to be used less than in Lagos due to shortage of funds for diesel. The solar market is also much weaker and the challenges greater than in Lagos. Supply chains for system maintenance, especially for PV solutions in remote and dispersed schools and clinics, do not exist. Evidence from other countries suggests that the private sector is unlikely to invest in the supply chain as long as almost all demand is from government agencies, which are seen as corrupt and unreliable, and where the density of demand is low. For this to work, it is necessary to first stimulate household and business sector demand for supply chains, including the provision of financial guarantee mechanisms, before developing publicly procured social service maintenance contracts. The North already has a history of failed publicly procured solar projects. The main causes of failure are well understood and outlined in the Appraisal Case. To avoid repetition, detailed 8 DFID Nigeria CPRD, Quest reference 4419198 9 Armed Conflict Location & Event Dataset ( 6 preparatory work with government counterparts on procurement and implementation modalities will be necessary, in addition to strengthening the private sector supply chain. Successful implementation in the less challenging context of Lagos would provide valuable lessons for working in the North, including the refinement of technical standards and training regimes already developed for Lagos. Fit with wider DFID policy and programming as well as the wider donor landscape. Investing in solar power will contribute directly to the UK Government’s broader objective of supporting developing countries to reduce emissions and move to low carbon development pathways. It is consistent with DFID’s Future Fit agenda of demonstrating that low-carbon, climate resilient and sustainable development is necessary and achievable, including generating energy using non carbon based methods. By doing so, it will promote sustainable economic growth and protect the wellbeing and livelihoods of the poorest people. The programme will also meet the ICF’s objective of piloting and demonstrating the potential for climate-resilient low carbon growth, leveraging support from partner country governments and the private sector. Although climate change was not initially prioritised in DFID Nigeria’s current Operational Plan (2011 - 2015), financial provision for some climate change activities was included in the Plan’s outer years. Investing in renewable energy also fits well with the Plan’s other strategic objectives of promoting wealth creation and improving health and education outcomes. DFID Nigeria is already making substantial investments in health and education through programmes such as ESSPIN (public primary education and DEEPEN (private schools) in Lagos, and health (PATHS 2 (health systems), ENR (HIV) and SUNMAP (malaria). This programme will therefore contribute to achieving the Plan’s headline indicators of increasing the number of pregnant women and children under five with access to health services and the number of children receiving [quality] education. Similarly, the programme will help tackle two of the biggest binding constraints to economic growth in Nigeria, power supply and access to finance. It will work alongside NIAF, which already has work streams addressing power sector reform and climate change. Two International Climate Fund concepts for solar PV in Nigeria have already been approved: one for Lagos, where emission saving is a major driver; a second for the North, where social benefits are the primary objective. These have been included in the CPRD as prospective programmes for the next DFID Nigeria Operational Plan. All interventions will be targeted at DFID’s 8 Focal States and consistent with the strategic objective of helping the Government of Nigeria to use its own resources more effectively. In return for the provision of power, participating states will commit to addressing the other factors: attracting capable personnel to these remote facilities with better training, conditions and support (including electricity to their residence); provision and maintenance of freezers to store vaccinations in a viable condition; better communications and remote support; provision of other analytical (clinic) and audio visual (school) devices. The programme is consistent with Federal Government’s energy policy10. This has reform of the country’s electricity grid and the privatisation of generation and distribution at its heart, but also prioritises balancing future grid expansion with off-grid solutions and the introduction of renewables into the fuel mix. The Federal Ministry of Power (FMoP) is strongly supportive of increasing solar use, as reflected in the offer in principle to co-finance a programme and the willingness to establish a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) reporting directly to the 10 7 Renewable Energy Master Plan, 2nd Edition – Energy Commission of Nigeria, 2013 Minister. Health and education policies are largely set at State level. The co-financing offer from Lagos demonstrates strong buy-in there; there are no States in the North where improved access to renewable energy would counter their policy. A few other development partners are active in the renewable energy sector in Nigeria, with both USAID and the World Bank looking at supporting solar and helping get the balance right between grid expansion and increased use of off-grid access. The US Powering Africa initiative considering increasing their activity in solar in Nigeria in future and DFID has discussed this with them. The LSEB is keen to replace generators in its schools and clinics with solar systems. It is planning to transform primary healthcare provision through the opening of fifty seven 24 hour area clinics across the State and to improve educational outcomes through e-learning. It has not, however, been able to secure a capital allocation to do this in the face of competing priorities. The Governor of Lagos has confirmed that the State will make £10 million of State funds available to match a UK contribution. This is expected to increase to £15 million following DFID approval. Women and Girls – UK Gender Act; leaving no one behind The programme will support health and educational benefits for both males and females climate benefits from the programme are not gender specific. Women and girls are however likely to benefit more from e.g. the shift 24 hour primary healthcare facilities in Lagos. This will in part be through improved access to natal and neo-natal services, particularly in rural and riverine areas. The social baseline study and follow-up monitoring and evaluation will identify beneficiaries on a gender disaggregated basis, and there will be specific gender targets for educational outcomes in the programme logframe. Outcomes on maternal mortality and girls’ education are very poor in much of the North, and any future extension of social provision to the North would be substantially targeted at women and girls. Partnership Principles The planned intervention is fully compliant with DFID’s Partnership Principles. Support was initially requested by the State Government, building on its own extensive data collection and needs analysis. They have already installed pilot systems and UK assistance has specifically been sought to roll out solar power at scale. Lagos State is widely recognised as having made most progress in raising internally generated revenue and in convincing citizens that it is using taxes in ways that benefit them. Taking each principle in turn: 8 The intervention will contribute to poverty reduction by improving health and education outcomes for poor people. LSEB has targeted rural and riverine communities that are among the poorest in Lagos State to benefit from the initial round of installations that is being co-financed through this programme. Lagos State has a generally good track record of respecting human rights and other international obligations. This intervention supports access to healthcare and education which are widely seen as basic rights as recognised in the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs). Public financial management is a high risk area for the whole of Nigeria, which is why no UK funds will be transferred directly to the Nigerian Government for this project. LSEB has, however, specifically requested DFID support for procurement oversight, so as to ensure that not only UK funds but also Lagos State funds are used transparently and that corruption risks are minimised. Domestic accountability has been central to the Lagos Government’s approach in recent years by demonstrating that taxes are being used to deliver real benefits to its citizens. LSEB has performed strongly in this regard, by delivering large improvements in street lighting and developing successful IPPs to ensure constant power to key State facilities, such as the main hospital on Lagos Island, despite continued poor supply from the national grid. Theory of Change The basic premise of this programme is that by starting in Lagos, where there is already a committed and proven partner (LSEB) and where the solar market, although in its infancy, has potential to grow rapidly, immediate social and commercial benefits from investment in solar equipment can be achieved. Including a market development component alongside social infrastructure provision will help develop industry standards and service delivery models. As well as driving immediate private investment in solar in Lagos, this will provide the learning needed for future investments in the North, under a follow on project, where social provision will not be feasible without a functioning market, including the provision of credit guarantees. Introducing a Northern component in the current project will help prepare Northern State partners ahead of time. The project will therefore have three separable components (Social – Lagos; Social - the North; Market Development – Commercial and Small Systems). Each has its own theory of change, and there is an overall theory of change for the way components combine to deliver more benefit collectively. A major part of the theory of change is simply that, by providing matching funding, State funds can be leveraged to achieve large climate benefits. The potential carbon savings are large enough to justify the Lagos component even if the only change were the direct substitution of renewable energy for diesel generation. The fact that many schools and clinics have fuel for only part of the day means that there will also be direct educational and health benefits in Lagos. ICF co-financing will encourage Lagos to invest in solar and continue to do so if the programme is successful. Wider benefits will be realised through demonstration effects and direct improvements to the supply chain for solar power systems. Putting in place a substantial number of well installed and maintained solar systems will help to correct negative public perceptions of solar reliability that result from a history of poorly procured and implemented projects. This will increase the level of demand for solar systems from household and businesses, and the standards and training regimes established will help to improve the quality if installations they receive. B. Impact and Outcome that we expect to achieve The project’s impact is the scale up of PV generation at a national level, improving welfare outcomes by making a significant contribution towards the electrification of public institutions, such as schools and hospitals. The outcome is the delivery of clean and reliable energy services to currently underserved communities in Northern and Lagos States, avoiding significant GHG emissions and generating employment in the resulting supply chains. The expected results are: 9 More than 47 MW of installed PV capacity; Avoided emissions of 3.0 million tonnes CO2e from PV installations over their operational lifetime, replacing kerosene and diesel use and grid; Improved effectiveness of 200 secondary schools and 8 health super clinics through cleaner and more reliable access to energy; Improved welfare outcomes for more than 2.8 million people using domestic PV, with 190,000 school pupils and 4.7 million clinic patients benefiting from public institutions with PV systems; 36,000 additional Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) averted in PV electrified clinics; Improved effectiveness of institutional PV systems, with at least 95% operational after 4 years; More than 3000 jobs supported across the PV supply chain; Greater effectiveness of DFID’s other health and educational sector interventions in Nigeria A. Appraisal Case A. What are the feasible options that address the need set out in the Strategic case? The need identified in the Strategic Case is to both improve health and educational outcomes and reduce the polluting effects of diesel and petrol generator use in DFID’s focal States. The only feasible approach to achieving both goals is to replace the generators currently in use with a cleaner energy source that will have lower operating costs than they do. Several renewable energy technologies offer the technical potential to support off-grid electrification. These included wind, biofuels, pico-hydro and solar. Small wind has been well used in rural electrification but in specific settings only. Modelling of various PV / diesel / wind hybrid generators has shown that the lowest lifetime costs (for systems in the circa 10 kWp range) can often be achieved using a diesel / PV hybrid. The cost impact of adding a wind generator is insignificant. Nigeria generally has a ‘low windspeed regime’. There are areas where speeds are higher, localised areas where speeds are higher, and for small systems lower speeds can be viable. However, given the geographic variability and uncertainty, and lack of compelling economic case for wind versus PV/Diesel hybrids, wind presents a weaker option as an anchor for a scalable programme over diverse geographies. Biofuels is not a practical alternative for this intervention. There is no established liquid biofuels market in Lagos. In relation to solid biomass (such as gasification of crop waste), there is typically insufficient physical space on the school sites in Lagos to house such an operation (source LSEB audits), assuming that a steady supply of fuels was readily available. International experience with biomass for power is mixed. The most successful has perhaps been Husk Power of India. Others have struggled either technically or financially. Similar initiatives and capacity has not been established in Nigeria, and the challenge of establishing this as small systems for institutions is a step beyond this experience. Micro/pico hydro has been used in Asia11. The smaller the load, the closer the resource needs to be in order to be practical and economical. Micro/pico hydro is only practical, therefore, for clinics and schools where a reliable water flow is located nearby. No hydrographic surveys have been conducted for Nigeria12, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, a starting assumption is that the number of situations where micro/pico hydro will be the lowest cost solution will be limited. This makes it difficult to establish the viable supply chain, particularly for remote locations. PV, on the other hand, is well suited to Nigerian conditions. There are three main reasons: PV offers a lower cost, cleaner, quieter and more convenient solution than diesel or petrol. Costs of solar PV panels have fallen by 80% since 2008 and 20% since 201213. In addition, recent advances in LED lighting mean that lighting applications now require just 1/3rd of the amount of PV capacity than the CFL lights that have Examples include Vietnam (pico-hydro for single homes – various case studies), Sri-Lanka (small village systems of around 15kWp) 11 12 NIAF Renewable Energy scoping study 2012, unpublished PV Magazine, ‘Renewable energy support schemes now present in 127 countries’, 28 August, 2013, viewed at 13 10 dominated solar over the past decade. This means that costs are further reduced due to smaller system sizes. Nigeria, and especially Northern Nigeria, receives high levels of solar radiation. This further reduces costs by delivering a power output (per Wp of solar panel installed) up to double that delivered in Europe. PV systems are modular. This makes them suitable for small loads in remote places. Unlike grid supply options PV systems do not incur high cost penalties related to distance. Various models for delivering solar PV have been considered, some of which have been discounted as unfeasible. Direct funding to government is not an option because in Nigeria DFID Nigeria the fiduciary risk is too high to put money through Government financial systems. Conventional public private partnership models are not feasible as the targeted social installations do not generate revenue and State governments are not sufficiently credit worthy to guarantee future payment. A project based wholly on market development could deliver emissions savings but no social benefits. Other approaches would deliver social but not climate change benefits, and thus would not qualify for ICF funding. Two remaining viable options form the basis of this Appraisal Case. The first is to only invest in social solar installations in Lagos, where the market and partnership arrangements are sufficiently well developed to guarantee success. This option would not deliver broader market benefits and, most importantly, it would delay any preparatory work in DFID’s priority Northern States. The second, and preferred, option is to proceed with the Social Component in Lagos but to include a private market development component and a technical assistance component to prepare for social investments in the North when the underpinning conditions for success are in place. These options are summarised below; Figure 2: Options Summary Option Description 1 Social (Lagos only) 2 Provide electric power to rural secondary schools and rural super clinics in Lagos State using PV Social (Lagos) plus preparation for the north As per Option 1, except that the Social (North) component would be phased: preparation under this programme, followed by a separate and more robust proposal and separate decision point prior to implementation of the Social (North) component. 11 Social (Lagos) component – provide electric power to rural secondary schools and rural super clinics in Lagos state using PV; Commercial component – develop the private market for solar PV by focussing on mobilising finance at commercial scale; Small Systems component – develop the private market for small PV systems targeting rural households in the north; Prepare the Social (North) component – prepare to the point of a separate funding proposal to power rural schools and clinics in northern states with PV B. Assessing the strength of the evidence base for each feasible option including delivery routes The quality of evidence for both options is rated as limited to medium. Option 1: Social (Lagos only) Social Component 1. Assumption: Electrification of clinics can improve health outcomes for patients (Medium) Reliable power in primary health care centres (clinics) can contribute to improved health outcomes. It enables better lighting, more effective communications, better storage of vaccines, and the operation of electrical equipment that is important in the provision of care and diagnosis14. Importantly, reliable power in associated residences can be a significant factor in attracting skilled personnel to operate remote rural clinics. However, while it is clear that electricity is a key enabler for improvements in health services, the role of power is secondary to other factors such as staff attendance and drug availability, and its contribution to outcomes is difficult to quantify (GVEP, 2013). The relationship between energy access rates in health facilities and people’s health status is subject to many factors. For example, electricity access rates in Kenyan health facilities increased from 62 per cent in 2004 to 74 per cent in 2010. In the same period the number of facilities with incubators for new-born babies increased from 38 to 6215, and the neonatal mortality rate (probability of the baby dying in the first 28 days after birth) dropped from 40 to 28 per 1000 births16. It seems clear that access to energy contributed in some part, enabling incubators to operate. Electrification can increase patient attendance at health clinics. In Benin an annual rise in attendance of 10% was reported after electrification of 17 rural health centres (AfDB, 2011, Benin). Another, often less considered, aspect is communication. For example, mobile phones and VHF radios are critical to ensure there is sufficient support during emergency situations and enable better treatment decisions by connecting to specialists from referral hospitals17. Energy also assists in the prevention of disease with vaccines and immunizations. Vaccines lose their potency permanently when exposed to temperatures outside their storage range, and so need to be stored in a powered refrigerator. Health centres with functioning refrigeration facilities can provide vaccinations as part of routine service delivery, as well as treatment of diseases such as HIV and AIDS, measles, and polio. Refrigeration also enables storage of blood, medicines and testing reagents. Unreliable electricity connections with frequent power shortages contribute massively to wastage; it is estimated that almost half of all vaccines delivered to developing countries are ruined due to poor cold chain services (Vaxess, 2012). However, in contrast, strong evidence indicates that the presence of power does not affect immunization rates (World Bank , 2008)18. GVEP/UKAID, 2013; Practical Action (2013), Poor People’s Energy Outlook; European Commission (EC) (2006); World Bank, 2008; Wang, 2003; Harsdorff and Bamanyaki, 2009; Vaxess, 2012; AfDB, 2011, Benin; 14 15 From Practical Action (2013), citing NCAPD Kenya et al., (2005, 2011), 16 From Practical Action (2013), citing WHO (2004, 2012b). 17 Musoke, 2002 18 World Bank / IEG, 2008, The Welfare Impact of Rural Electrification: A Reassessment of the Costs and Benefits 12 2. Assumption: Electrification of schools can improve welfare outcomes for children (Medium) Reliable electricity in school facilities can enable improvements in educational outcomes. Power aids the effectiveness of education in several ways: teaching and learning (vocational tools and equipment and use of information computer technologies); physical infrastructure (lighting, cooking facilities, space heating and cooling, water pumping and purification); human resources and governance (improved conditions for staff through use of modern technology, training, management of records). Empirical evidence that attributes outcomes specifically to electrification of school facilities is limited. However a number of studies demonstrate links between electrification in general and improvements in educational outcomes through correlations, anecdote, hypothesis and opinion. There is strong evidence that electricity in schools can improve the conditions for learning in a range of ways. These include; It is easier to attract teachers and retain them in rural schools; Reduction in teacher absenteeism (Kanagawa and Nakata 2008); It is easier for teachers to prepare for classes (Kandker et al. 2009; Kanagawa & Nakata, 2008); Increase in evening adult education (National Geographic, 2011); Fans improve the comfort of students and teachers, improving focus on learning and attendance: Extremely warm conditions can also exacerbate illnesses such as dehydration, fatigue, and heat stroke. Space cooling can be important to keep rooms and offices at a comfortable temperature for staff and students – low-power electric fans can make all the difference; ICT technology (such as television and computers) improves learning significantly (Kanagawa and Nakata 2008), but a challenge is that most government schools in Nigeria lack this equipment; Water can be more readily pumped; Electric lighting allows schools to operate outside daylight hours, extending the working hours for students, adults, and teachers. For schools with too many pupils, longer classroom hours can allow additional classes to accommodate more students and/or reduce class sizes. Students without electric lighting at home can stay at school to study and complete homework, leading to better grades. Evening classes can also be run for other members of the community. Teachers can prepare for lessons, mark homework, conduct staff meetings and carry out administrative tasks. Energy access is not only important for primary schools; secondary schools, higher education institutes, and vocational centres, benefit equally from having power. For example, experience and confidence with computers is increasingly important in jobs markets; computer classes not only interest school students but also attract adults looking to gain extra skills. Access to internet is essential for higher education institutes to conduct research and communicate with international colleagues. Vocational training centres teaching carpentry, welding and manufacturing require a good quality energy supply and high-power machinery. 3. Assumption: PV Electrification is a viable way to electrify clinics and schools (Medium) Solar PV is viable technically and financially across a wide range of scales. It is now used in millions of locations globally and in remote rural areas, driven by lower lifetime costs in many cases than the alternatives (IRENA, 2012). Since 2005 more than 35,000 social infrastructure institutions and small enterprises in 18 countries have been benefiting from 13 access to modern energy services19. The World Health Organisation and the UN Foundation have recently launched a High Impact Opportunity under SE4ALL initiative on rural clinic electrification, particularly with a view to improving maternal health outcomes.20 Nevertheless, there have been many cases of solar in remote public institutions failing prematurely. The causes of failure have been well documented and relate not to the technology per se but primarily to inadequate provision for on-going maintenance of systems (issues of both supply and demand gaps). The proposed LSEB education intervention is focussed on impacts such as enabling elearning, where evidence of impact is still quite limited. The LSEB health intervention will be part of a package of changes to move to 24 hour provision in a smaller number of better equipped facilities. Again, evidence of providing PV in this context is limited. As such, the basis for estimating the likely benefits in Lagos will depend to a significant degree on assumptions. Equally, however, there is considerable scope for improving the evidence base through this programme and the evaluation component should provide findings of significant value for project design in other countries. 4. Assumption: Improved public procurement for PV in clinics and schools is possible in Nigeria (Limited – Medium) Programmes in Nigeria that have relied on public supply and installation of PV systems have been disappointing. None has been sustainable and none has extended installations beyond donor funded procurement. Equipment prices have generally been higher than international market prices, driven largely by lack of transparency in procurement. Equipment has been supplied and installed but the supply chain for this has been transient and has not provided for an enduring market. For the most part, the systems supplied have ceased operating21 . Better structuring of procurement can reduce failures due to poor equipment and inefficiency due to bribes. Paying suppliers to provide maintenance is an essential step. But supplier incentives would quickly dissipate once all output-based payments had been received. Sustainability then would depend on two factors. Firstly, a continuing stream of donor funded procurements to sustain the availability of technical skills. Secondly, the ability and willingness of health clinics and schools or their local or state government - to pay for maintenance after the programme ends. Lagos is creditworthy and LSEB is known for meeting its payment commitments. It has a capable team with expertise in implementing projects with the private sector, and in solar technology. It is committed to establishing strong standards, transparent procurement, and on-going operation of the systems after installation. LSEB has also developed several IPPs supplying State facilities from large hospitals and the government secretariat to street lighting. These have all been successful. The same is true for a market lighting project cofinanced by NIAF. How Lagos has planned for success In the case of Lagos, prospective recipients have a strong interest in power supply. Most of the public institutions already have some power and appliances but are frustrated by intermittent supply due to unreliable grid and budget constraints limiting generator use. 19 Energizing Development (2013) 20 Sustainable Energy for All – 2013-15 Strategic Work Programme (April 2013) 21 Such procurements have been funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, Solar Electric Light Fund, Canadian International Development Agency, United Nation Development Programme, the World Bank/International Development Agency and the World Health Organization. 14 LSEB will budget for maintenance and establish structured contracts and oversight for its provision. LSEB is also committed to running a transparent procurement process, with oversight by NIAF. Product standards and specifications are being developed that will ensure only high quality components and competent service providers are sourced. This includes pre-qualification of suppliers, and training and certification requirements for all technicians. Batteries will be protected from over-use with a maximum discharge controller not accessible to users. The system will be protected with an overload trip switch not accessible to users. The evidence base from previous DFID funded projects is strong-medium. Option 2: Social (Lagos) plus preparation for the north Social (Lagos) Component This component is identical to Option 1 above. Preparation for the Social (North) Component The situation in the North is unquestionably more challenging than in Lagos. The weaknesses of procurement and implementation are evident in many Federal and State Government projects in the North. The FMoP has been a key counterpart in Nigeria’s high profile power sector reforms, and the privatisation processes are considered to have been much more transparent than previous exercises in Nigeria. These have not involved direct procurement, however, and at this stage the evidence that better systems can be developed for a Northern component remains weak. For this reason, it is still considered premature to seek approval for funding of a Social (North) Component. 1. Assumption: Implementation of a successful programme in Lagos can improve the prospects of replication and sustainability in the north (medium) In the context of Nigeria (and developing nations more broadly) successful and sustained operation of the PV power systems provided under the Social (Lagos) component would be significant. It would demonstrate to Nigeria’s Federal and State leaders that such projects can succeed and that political benefits can accrue from implementing transparent and well managed procurement. It may also encourage donors to support the replication or extension of similar such projects. While a successful programme in Lagos would not on its own deliver change elsewhere, it would open the door for DFID (and/or others) to prepare the conditions for success in the North. This would include adapting lessons from Lagos, engaging key stakeholders such as FMoP and focal States. The project would help them to prepare systematically and avoid rushing; conducting asset audits, ensuring stakeholder buy in, allocation of State co-funding and maintenance commitments, and assessing and developing capacity. 2. Assumption: Establishment of a stronger private market and supply chain for solar in Nigeria will improve the prospects for success of the Social (North) component (medium) A pre-requisite for the effective operation of a Social (North) project is the existence of a supply chain with sufficient capability and scale. For this to happen the business case for solar must be commercially viable (Martinot 2001, 2002; IFC 2007, WB 2008). The establishment of a stronger private market (which operates under commercial conditions) is therefore essential and can be supported via two components: Commercial and Small Systems, as discussed below. Commercial Component The Commercial Component aims to improve foundations for the Social (North) component by enabling the commercial market for solar in Nigeria to scale. Commercially viable scaling would result in the private sector investing in and developing a much greater capability and 15 so be better placed to support the more challenging nature of the Social (northern) component. 1. Assumption: Access to finance is a significant barrier to Nigerian Solcos (medium) Access to finance is not sufficient alone to make a solar market happen. However, when other conditions are conducive, lack of finance is a barrier. Nigeria has other conditions that are conducive: many commercial users of generators in Nigeria today would enjoy a cash payback of 3 years and could be cash-flow positive immediately with finance22. Solar is a good financial investment but finance is limited23. The Indian experience provides a good case study for Nigeria. The financial savings available in India to commercial users are about the same or slightly better today than in Nigeria24. The Indian market has grown rapidly. Yet industry discussions are dominated by the constraints Solcos face in getting access to sufficient finance to meet demand25. 2. Assumption: Risk sharing facilities are attractive and can stimulate lending to Solcos (medium) While there is limited evidence for Risk Sharing Facilities for solar specifically, evidence for the effectiveness of Risk Sharing Facilities (RSF) more broadly is strong. The IFC has extensive experience in operating these. This includes over $120 million related to energy efficiency programmes in Asia and Eastern Europe. Older programmes tended to achieve utilisation rates of around 80% but default rates are now low and most programmes have incurred no pay out obligations. The highest pay out to date is 3% of the fund under the CHUEE facility with the Bank of Beijing. A summary of the IFC’s RSF portfolio for climate is in Error! Reference source not found., in the Quested supporting documents paper (Quest Reference: 4547042). A DFID supported Partial Risk Guarantee Facility with the Asian Development Bank for solar in India was recently cancelled due to lack of take-up. While this presents lessons it does not necessarily mean that under different circumstances such a facility cannot serve a purpose. A formal evaluation is being commissioned together with the AsDB, but the types of problems encountered were: Agreeing contracts with participating financial institutions who did not want to acknowledge that loans were guaranteed by AsDB. They did not intend passing on the interest rate reduction, and were concerned about clients discovering this. Ultimately the banks didn’t think it worth the effort; paperwork for the facility was quite onerous and they were giving MSME loans anyway. Transaction costs not only to access the guarantee fund, but heightened costs from making unfamiliar loans, additional effort, and risk of passing on the interest rate – were also put offs. This proposal, while not without risk, is very different. Guarantees will be implemented following a model and structure IFC has applied with significant success. In addition, IFC in Nigeria has strong existing relationships with over 10 private banks, which include equity, debt and advice. IFC is confident that if the solar market opportunity and demand arises, then the mechanism has good prospects. Considerable TA is needed to help to develop and 22 Modelling by NIAF project team 23 See Appendix on interviews with Banks and Solar Companies. Quest reference: 4547042 24 Market assessment and modelling by Vial of Indian market segments in 2012 25 Bridge to India, 2012, Bankability and Debt Financing for Solar Projects in India 16 channel this demand. Finally, the complication of a concessional interest rate, which was one of the barriers with the AsDB model, is not a feature of this proposal. 3. Assumption: A stronger commercial market for solar in Nigeria (with improved access to finance) will result in a stronger supply chain capability in the north (limited) The Commercial component will support the solar market nationally. Nevertheless, it is probable that early momentum will arise in the south, and in particular around Lagos. This is to be expected given the size of Lagos’ industrial base, including for solar companies. From Lagos, it is expected that an ecosystem of companies would emerge with the confidence and capacity to offer a much wider and more readily available range of financing solutions for solar. Just as Lagos today provides a base and gateway for solar nationally, it is to be expected that the wider capacity for financing commercially viable solar opportunities would also then expand out into more difficult markets, including the north. In relation to solar markets the literature provides little direct consideration of this assumption. A useful parallel can however be drawn from experience in how the markets for solar developed in both Sri Lanka and India after 200126. Shell Solar entered the Sri Lankan market on the back of a World Bank / Global Environment Fund programme that provided a small grant to sellers for each system sold. The key challenge was to get financiers to enter the market. Initially one credit provider SEEDS entered the market. This enabled sales to scale firstly around the capital Colombo. After one year the business grew to establish teams in 10 regional towns. By the third year the market was in full swing: Six solar sellers were active; Shell had expanded to over 20 towns; And three financiers had entered the market.. Importantly, all of them had moved from just serving the villages close to the regional centres to moving out – typically up to 25 kilometres – into the more rural areas all directions27. India offers a wider range of solar market segments but its progression has followed the same pattern as in Sri Lanka. One example is provided by the markets for solar water heaters. These began in the major southern city of Bangalore in the 1990s. The market expanded first from Bangalore to other major regional centres in Karnataka and to the two neighbouring states of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh and was established in these by the mid-2000s. In recent years it has begun to take hold on a larger and more commercial scale in other States28. Small Systems Component The Small Systems component aims to improve foundations specifically for the Social (North) component by enabling the private market for small solar systems in the north to develop, leading to an increase in capacity and reach into the rural areas of the north. In addition, this component will directly deliver extra welfare benefits. Vial – drawn from direct personal experience in a range of solar markets. This included as Global Marketing Manager (remote power) for Shell Solar from 2000-2004. He guided strategy in multiple countries including in-depth in-country assessments of India & Sri Lanka (where Shell was market leader). Since 2007 he has guided strategy for a leading Indian solar marketer, Orb Energy, winner of the 2012 Zayed Future Energy prize in recognition of its effective direct-to-consumer business model across India covering a range of solar market segments and solar technologies. 26 27 As above 28 As above 17 1. Assumption: Output based aid is an effective way to build rural supply chains for small scale PV (Strong) OBA has been used successfully to scale up PV supply chains in a number of markets. OBA was an important feature of the Sri Lanka Solar Home System (SHS) programme29, a pioneer of the model. A subsequent programme in Bangladesh used OBA to promote more than 2.7 million systems. Commencing in 2003, sales continue to increase each year. Other similar programmes have succeeded in China and India30. One of the most interesting demonstrations of this approach is the UNEP / Shell Foundation programme in India. Grants of just $1 million in one targeted district attracted several sellers and several small financial institutions. Some eight years after the intervention ended, the market in the project area remained strong and continued to grow: one of the financial institutions was heading towards sales of 20,000 units in a year in the original Districts targeted by the project31. The provision of OBA allows Solcos to overcome the market barriers in a way that is simple, certain and low risk. It does not burden the Solco with pre-commitments of volume, or impose capital demands they cannot meet (a difficulty with fee-for-service and leasing). It also offers flexibility. Each Solco can apply the grant in the way it considers most effective.32 Overwhelmingly the international experience for such small scale systems in private markets in rural areas has been sale on credit33, or sale on cash. After many years of attempts, models based on leasing/renting are now beginning to show signs of viability at scale. However the early cases relied on very high subsidies (South Africa34, Morocco). More recent models using smaller solar systems and high efficiency lights (LEDs) are showing early signs of progress but have not yet reached the stage where other such models stumbled35 (for example, IFC’s Solar Development Group and Soluz in Central America36). 2. Assumption: Grants provided to small finance institutions are an effective way to expand access to credit and scale rural markets for small scale solar (Strong) Evidence that increased access to finance can lead to dramatic scaling of solar markets is strong. Providing support to credit providers, including grants for each loan provided, can provide the required increase in access to finance. Markets for small solar PV systems in rural parts of developing countries have been scaled successfully many times. On each occasion it was the provision of access to consumer finance that unlocked the market. Typically a small grant to credit providers was provided, along with a range of other inputs. Examples include: 29 References include Vial - unpublished assessments of the market and businesses (2001, 2003), and programme reviews; Miller (2009). 30 A mix of published and Leigh Vial unpublished evaluations. 31 Vial – personal experience in Shell Solar during the implementation; interviews with MFI in 2010 32 Vial – personal experience guiding strategy and internal reviews for the market leader – Shell solar 33 IFC, 2012, Energy Access Vial – personal experience: unpublished assessment of the Shell/ESKOM JV business in 2000; review of the Shell supported operator in Morocco; 34 35 Miller, D., 2009, Selling Solar: Describes from a commercial perspective why the fee-for-service models in the 2000’s were by their design difficult to scale, difficult to operate viably, and much higher cost than partial grant OBA programmes. 36 IFC, 2007, Selling Solar 18 Bangladesh Solar Home Systems – 2.7 million systems37 mostly on credit. While a small capital grant reduces the purchase price, the larger factor in access has been the provision of micro-credit, supported by a small grant per loan to credit providers. The market exploded from almost nothing in 2002 before the programme commenced. The growth is shown in Figure 3: Bangladesh Solar Home System Installations Sri Lanka Solar Home Systems, 128,000 systems38 mostly on credit. This was a precursor to the Bangladesh market. The market in 1999 was around 20 units per month from a single entrepreneur. Credit became available and sales grew consistently to the rate of 500 per month by 2003. With additional credit from the World Bank, the market grew to an installed base of 100,000 by 200639. A key factor in increasing the provision of consumer credit was an early move by Shell Solar to provide the entire grant per unit sold to the credit provider SEEDs40. Other cases from the rural experience are well described elsewhere41. Figure 3: Bangladesh Solar Home System Installations42 37, accessed 8 February, 2014 38 Ali-Oettinger, 2010 39 Miller, 2007 Vial – market assessments and Shell Solar Sri Lanka strategy and business plans, (unpublished), 2001, 2003 40 41 IFC Selling Solar 2007; Miller Selling Solar 2009; 42 Shariff, 2013 19 3. Assumption: PV electrification of households can improve welfare outcomes (Medium – Strong) Access to electricity in the home contributes to a range of welfare benefits. The impacts of renewable energy on indoor air quality, health, and knowledge, and fertility reduction are quantifiable and significant.43 Access to electricity in the home is correlated with higher incomes. Mobile phones, for instance can be charged from solar lanterns, which leads either to reduced costs or increased productivity. The strength of evidence is however only medium because most analysis lacks sufficient control to demonstrate causality. Reliable power in the home may contribute more improved health outcomes than reliable power in the clinics (GVEP, 2013). Stronger empirical evidence exists to support this claim along with by anecdotal evidence supporting causal chains. The mechanisms most mentioned include: Reduced burns from kerosene lanterns Reduced poisoning by removing the kerosene Reduced inhalation of black particulate matter that occurs when in close proximity to kerosene lanterns Reduced inhalation of noxious gases emitted by kerosene fumes Improved education of women on family health from better access to outside information from TV and radio. These have been shown to be important sources of education on contraception, malaria and other health matters. An impact evaluation of health outcomes in Bangladesh (World Bank, Internal Evaluation Group, 2005) found a significant impact of household electrification on mortality. One possible channel for this effect is that access to media improves health knowledge (ESMAP 2005). Access to electric light in the home leads to an increase in the time spent reading and studying in the evening. The increase is typically around one hour per day. This increase in study time is assumed to result in improved educational outcomes. The benefits provided are estimated to range between £150 - £520 per annum (World Bank / IEG, 2008). The evidence is considered medium to strong. The welfare benefits of electricity in the home are broad. Several attempts have been made to quantify those benefits for households with modest demand in low income countries. These tend to show that benefits are in the range of $10 - $70 per month per household44. Much of this value can be applied to households receiving even modest levels of electricity. International experience of providing even grid access to the rural poor is shows that its main use is to power 2 lights, followed by some TV (Barnes, 2008; Lighting Africa, 2012; World Bank, 2005 – Philippines). Electricity is rarely used for cooking among the rural poor (World Bank, 2008), as this would typically double the household cost of energy compared with alternative cooking fuels. Studies on energy use in Africa support this expectation of highest value in the first 2 lights (Lighting Africa 2012). This means that there are diminishing returns on the value of the electricity provided. The first lamp has a higher value than the third lamp. Modest levels of electricity, such as a single solar lantern, can deliver disproportionate benefits. The assumption is that a bright lantern (not a dimmer low-end lantern) delivers the bulk of the benefits allocated to light, TV and radio (ESMAP 2008) while also providing power 43 World Bank (2008) 44 ESMAP, 2008 20 for mobile phones, the value of which is significant and is not captured by the values derived from ESMAP (2008). C. For each feasible option, what is the assessment of local capacity? Is the intervention likely to strengthen capacity in a durable manner? Option 1: Social (Lagos only) Lagos is the hub of Nigeria’s solar PV industry. Yet the scale of this programme will exceed the capacity of the current manpower in the industry. The Social (Lagos) component will address these limitations by establishing a stepped increase in the capacity of the industry in Lagos. This will be achieved through the following activities; Establishment of high technical standards for the design, installation and operation of PV systems: to include a detailed standards and installation guide that will form part of the tender documents and be adopted as a State guideline; Design and provision of training for installation and maintenance teams: training will continue beyond this programme; Establishment of a certification process for Solcos and technicians working on installation and maintenance contracts; Training of end users in how to get the most out of PV systems: how to balance loads and the benefits of efficient equipment; Provision of long-term service contracts, allowing Solcos and technicians certainty and continuity of income, keeping the skills fresh and in the industry. Option 2: Social (Lagos) + prepare for the north Social (Lagos) component As above. Preparation for the Social (North) component Capacity of the PV market in the North is nascent. The focus on supporting the development of the solar market through the Commercial and Small Systems components aims to do create demand for social and private solar PV technology. Commercial Component Solar PV today offers significant financial savings to many users reliant on generators for reliable power. The Commercial component will address capacity issues in the following way: Provision of partial risk guarantees to make banks comfortable with lending to Solcos; Provision of technical assistance to build the commercial pipeline of solar business opportunities. The programme will bring together creditworthy solar projects and financiers, supported by the guarantees. Small Systems Components Supply of solar PVC services is reasonably available in the largest cities in the North, although with limited skill and manpower and operating with insufficient capital45. Supply to 45 Vial - Personal inspections and interviews with solar actors in Kano, 2013 21 more remote rural areas is largely absent. The Small Systems Component will address these capacity constraints through the following activities; Market awareness building programme to inform users of PV costs and benefits; OBA payments to financial institutions for each small solar system they support through finance. D. What is the likely impact (positive and negative) on climate change and environment for each feasible option? Categorise as A, high potential risk/opportunity; B, medium/manageable potential risk/opportunity; C, low/no risk/opportunity; or D, core contribution to a multilateral organisation. Figure 4: Climate and Environmental Impact summary Option Climate change and environment risks Climate change and environment and impacts, Category (A, B, C, D) opportunities, Category (A, B, C, D) 1 C B (Opportunity) 2 C B (Opportunity) Will the success of the intervention be affected by climate change or the environment? The intervention is unlikely to be impacted by climate change or other environmental factors. Solar insolation is unlikely to change dramatically in Nigeria over the lifetime of installed equipment, and the risk of severe climatic events is not likely to impact upon the functioning or efficiency of PV systems. The sustainable impact of the intervention is however dependent on National and State governments continuing to view low carbon generation as a preferred source of electrifying public institutions, rather than extending and improving the stability of the grid. Will the intervention contribute to climate change or environmental degradation? The intervention will seek to reduce and avoid 4.1 million tonnes of CO 2e through the displacement of kerosene for lighting and diesel generation. This will be across a range of market segments including public institutions (clinics and schools) and others such as large commercial, households, and micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs). Diesel/solar hybrid systems may be a viable compromise solution, but these will normally displace existing diesel systems. The impact and cost of contributions to climate change mitigation vary by option. The greatest impact and value of CO2 abatement comes from the private market based components, and in particular the market for commercial applications which features in Option 2. Figure 5: CO2 Emissions Avoided Option 22 CO2 Avoided (tCO2e) 1 58,254 2 3,044,420 Could the intervention help tackle climate change or build resilience to it; could it help improve the environment or its management? Getting solar markets working in the North will help build climate resilience among a range of communities currently underserved in terms of energy provision. The geography and topography of northern Nigeria is characterised by arid and semi-arid areas liable to ecosystem and forest degradation, resulting in a high level of drought and desertification. The desert, which now covers about 35% of Nigeria’s land mass, is advancing at 0.6km per annum. At least 35 million people in the 10 Northern states are facing desert encroachment onto arable lands. Impacts of increasing temperatures, reduced rainfall, drought and extreme heat events are many. These include: Degradation of natural resources (in particular forest and agro-ecosystems); Increased desertification and loss of biodiversity and eco-systems Increased heat related and vector borne diseases; Reduction in livelihood opportunities; Food security issues Migration from marginal areas, often resulting in land conflict; Analysis indicates that, in the absence of adaptation, climate change impacts may result in a loss of between 2-11% of Nigeria’s GDP by 2020, and may rise to between 6-30% of GDP by 2050. This loss is equivalent to US$100-460bn. (DFID/ERM 2009) Strengthening health outcomes through electrification of clinics will help address climate related stresses, such as changes in disease patterns and increased heat related illnesses. Improved education outcomes will allow communities to develop and diversify economic activities away from subsistence agriculture. Climate and Environment Assurance Note A summary of the ‘Climate and Environment Assurance Note’ is as follows: Figure 6: Climate & Environment Assurance Note Intervention Details Title DFID: Building Public and Private Solar PV Markets in Nigeria Home Department DFID Nigeria Budget £37.1 million Responsible Officers Title Project Owner Climate Change and Environment Advisor Name Keith Hammond Isabel van de Sand Department DFID Nigeria Climate and Environment Dept. Appraisal Success Criteria Sensitivity Analysis The BC success criteria include tCO2e avoided or reduced Climate & Environment Category Risks & impacts C: No / low potential impact All options were assessed for tCO2e avoided or reduced Opportunities B: Medium Opportunity Management Risks and opportunities defined Describe briefly what are the risk and opportunities that were 23 Climate & Environment Measures agreed Describe briefly what actions were decided upon Climate & Environment Measures in log-frame Answer whether any actions were included in the logframe to mitigate identified in the BC C&E assurance note Risks The BC does not present any significant risk to climate change. The BC is not susceptible in a significant way to environmental conditions. A second tier environmental risk emerges from the BC due to a proportionately small increase it will cause in the number of lead acid batteries distributed within Nigeria. Opportunities Opportunities to mitigate climate change and its impacts are inherent to the BC. That is the primary purpose of the BC. The opportunities are significant in proportion to the activities of the intervention, although insignificant at a global scale. That is, they will displace a substantial proportion of CO2 emissions at sites targeted by the project but in aggregate this will have no detectable impact on global climate conditions. 24 Scale-up public markets for solar PV in Nigeria, avoiding or replacing emissions of CO2 from petrol and diesel generators and from kerosene wick lanterns. Improve community resilience to climate change impacts by enhancing incomes, education, and health. to mitigate any environmental impacts C&E impact or maximise opportunities and, if yes, describe what these are. No mitigation required for climate change risks as none emerge from the BC. Yes: All logframe indicators either directly or indirectly relate to mitigating C&E impact or maximising opportunities. TA during implementation will include evaluation of the current and future possible ways to manage the incremental waste stream of lead acid batteries arising from the project. The primary C&E indicator is; Net annual avoided/reduced greenhouse gas emissions as a result of ICF support - tco2e Indicators of indirect or secondary relevance to C&E include; Number of users of public institutions (schools and hospitals) receiving welfare benefits from cleaner and more reliable energy in a given year as a result of the programme activities Number of direct jobs created as a result of ICF support (ICF) # secondary schools with efficiently operating PV systems in Lagos State in a given year # health clinics with efficiently operating PV systems in Lagos state % of PV systems in school and clinic systems installed still operating effectively in given year E. If any, what are the likely major impacts on social development? Does the intervention sufficiently target poor people? This programme has a combination of pro-poor and climate change benefits. Poor people in Lagos will benefit from better health and education services, and the State is prioritising poor rural and riverine populations within the State. Evidence shows that critical services are poorer in these areas than in most high density areas of Lagos46. Even in Lagos, public health and education programmes are under enormous stress, as reflected in the high share of both health and education services delivered by the private sector in the State. The poorest are inevitably less able to access private provision than those on higher incomes, and often have to rely on public services that are lower standard (DFID’s DEEPEN programme shows that attitudes to private schooling are complex). Improving the quality of public education will, therefore, benefit poor people more than those with greater choice. F. For fragile and conflict affected countries, what are the likely major impacts on conflict and fragility, if any? Conflict: Detailed design of programs with States will ensure electrification of clinics and schools is not provided preferentially, ethnically or by faith or location of communities. Where opportunities arise in agreed peace and reconstruction processes the intervention will explore how program coverage can help reinforce confidence and collaboration among parties. There has been discussion with the federal government about including Islamic Al Majeri schools under any future Northern component. This would depend on implementation of a separate Government of Nigeria programme focussed, with the support of mainstream religious leaders, on increasing the focus of Islamic education on economic and life skills. This could significantly impact on one of the deep drivers of conflict in the North of Nigeria. G. What are the costs and benefits of each feasible option? Identify the preferred option For the purposes of the economic appraisal, three options are considered. These are Social (Lagos): Support for PV in rural schools and hospitals in Lagos state Social (Lagos) plus preparation for the Social (North) component Counterfactual ‘Do Nothing’ scenario. Under this business as usual scenario, some level of investment in PV is assumed. Option 1: Social (Lagos only) Costs Under Option 1, ICF would provide £17.8 million. A further £15 million would be leveraged from the Lagos state government. Figure 7 provides an overview of expected investment. Figure 7: Option 1: Costs and Sources of Funds 46 2010 MATERNAL MORTALITY STUDY IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA. Presentation by The Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy, Lagos 25 Option 1: Social (Lagos) Funding ( £ million) Soft Sources of Funds ICF 17.8 Notional Target Total Funding Components Social North 15.0 0.0 Lagos State 15.0 15.0 MoF 0.0 Northern States 0.0 Total 32.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 School Clinic Private & Commercial Sources of Funds Internat Nigerian ional Investor Consume IFC Investor s FI Debt rs 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Total 0.0 32.8 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lagos School Clinic Small Systems 15.0 15.0 0.0 30.0 13.0 2.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 HH / OBA Commercial Market 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 Guarantee Facility Commercial Capital 0.0 Programme Implementation 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 2.8 Option 2: Social (Lagos) plus preparation for the north Costs Under option 2, ICF would provide £37.1 million. This would leverage an additional £15 million from the Lagos state government, £90 million of private sector funds and £12 million from households and MSMEs, with an envisaged additional £15m in equity expected from private sector investors. The costs are set out in Figure 8: Option 2: Costs and Sources of Funds. Figure 8: Option 2: Costs and Sources of Funds Option 2: Social (Lagos) plus preparation for the Social (North) Funding ( £ million) Soft Sources of Funds Total Funding Components Social North ICF Lagos State 37.1 15.0 15.0 0.0 15.0 Private & Commercial Sources 0.0 Northern States 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 MoF School Clinic Lagos Total 52.1 IFC 0.0 International Investors 10.0 Nigerian Investors 5.0 Total FI Debt Consumers 75.0 12.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 102.0 154.1 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 28.0 2.0 0.0 13.0 2.0 Small Systems 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 12.0 12.0 HH / OBA 3.0 3.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 Commercial Market 12.0 12.0 Guarantee Facility Commercial Capital 12.0 12.0 School Clinic Programme Implementation 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.1 0.0 30.0 28.0 2.0 15.0 0.0 10.0 5.0 75.0 90.0 102.0 0.0 10.0 5.0 75.0 90.0 12.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.1 0.0 Incremental benefits Quantified and monetised incremental benefits are identified below for each option. It has not been possible to quantify some benefits due to lack of robust enough evidence, therefore the quantitative VFM assessments should be treated as potential underestimates of the full range of benefits generated by the intervention. For the table below: I – Identified, Q – Quantified, M – Monetised 26 Figure 9: Programme benefits identification by option Option 1 Option 2 Reduced and/or avoided carbon emissions due to substitution of more carbon intensive technologies both currently and in the future Q&M Q&M Costs avoided by replacing fossil fuel (diesel and kerosene) and grid use with PV Q&M Q&M Welfare benefits accruing to households from rural electrification, such as improved education, health and communication Q&M Q&M Improved education outcomes among students attending schools receiving PV systems Q&M Q&M Improved health outcomes for patients in clinics receiving PV systems Q&M Q&M Direct jobs created in the PV supply chain to workers in rural regions Q&M Q&M Energy security and reliability strengthened, helping to relieve an important constraint for business. I I Strengthening of supply chains for PV, increasing supply and economies of scale for PV I I Increased economic activity (including generating indirect jobs) particularly by MSMEs, and consumer surplus due to increased take up of PV technology47 I I Improvement in air quality In institutions due to reduced use of diesel generators, and resulting health benefits I I Learning effects within market participants from the deployment of new technologies I I The following broader macroeconomic (non-monetised) benefits are also identified: avoided lock in to a high carbon growth path for the economy; greater carbon finance inflows into the economy; greater knowledge, information and learning within the regional institutions to strengthen policy on renewables technology. Assumptions for modelling 47 Due to spillover effects from improved supply of PV (through strengthened supply chains) and increased demand for PV (through demonstration effects) 27 Costs are derived from projected programme costs and estimated public and private leverage. It is standard practice in social cost benefit analysis (CBA) to account for all costs (including private investor costs), not just financial costs of the programme. The CBA does not consider any costs or benefits that might flow from donors choosing to replicate the intervention with follow-on funding. All costs and benefits are discounted at a rate of 10%, with the exception of CO2 benefits, which are discounted at 3.5% declining as per ICF guidance. Benefits are derived from the impacts set out in Figure 9 above. Figure 10: Valuation assumptions for modelling Valuation Evidence Reduced carbon emissions due to substitution towards PV from more carbon intensive technologies both currently and in the future Value of CO2 given as a schedule over 25 years, starting at £3.49 per tonne in year 1 and rising over time DECC - Central case scenario Traded sector (Update 2013) Cost savings on alternative fuels Calculated on the basis of displaced kerosene (lighting), diesel (generators) and grid electricity. Estimates for current use and potential PV displacement from project team. Costs of alternative fuels taken from current local market prices (Nov 13) Welfare benefits of rural electrification of households Assume household level benefit of £260 per year for SHS and £115 per year (3Wp) for Solar lantern with mobile charging Evidence based on WB study on benefits of rural electrification (2008). Range of benefits provided from £150 - £520 per annum. Improved education outcomes from attending schools that have been electrified with PV £3.33 per annum benefit per year of PV electrified primary school and £49.25 per year of PV electrified secondary school in Lagos Benefit per year of schooling estimated at 2.5% for primary school and 4.9% per annum for secondary school based on private returns from schooling (Private Wage Returns to Schooling in Nigeria: 1996- 1999 Aromolaran October 2002) Wages estimated as per capita GDP. Average national per capita GDP used for the north. The Lagos per capita GDP was increased from the average by a factor of 1.8. A comparison of estimated per capita GDP (PPP) between states shows Lagos at 3.6 times higher than the national average. However, that is based on the census population figure for Lagos (10 m) when it is generally accepted (including by the Lagos state government) that it is probably above 20 million. This reduces the factor to 1.8 times. Additional benefit of electrification on daytime education activity based on project team assumptions of 8% uplift (equivalent to 1 month additional per year) for northern primary schools and 16% uplift for Lagos secondary schools. 28 Higher level for Lagos is due firstly to secondary rather than primary, secondly based on the greater level of electrical appliances and upcoming programmes to use the power (LSEB school audits), and thirdly because the total hours of power usage are expected to double from 3.5 to 7 hours per day. Additional benefit of electrification on night-time study out of school hours is based on a range of complementary actions by the Lagos government. The eLearning programme – in addition to helping with the daytime study effectiveness (factored in above) will provide tablets for effective study after hours. Another programme being planned is to provide lanterns to be charged at school to enable better light for home study – and for this there is good evidence of improved educational outcomes. These additional programmes would initially be on the fringe but may grow over time. An additional welfare benefit of £260 pa was assumed for those who had these supports (similar to the factor used earlier for light only) with 20% of students gaining access to these enhancements. Improved health outcomes from patients attending clinics that have been electrified with PV £10,000 per small rural clinic receiving a PV system in the north, and £586,878 per rural super clinic in Lagos. Direct jobs created in the PV supply chain Assumed created are; 48 Based calculations of DALYs averted on 4 key parameters – Malaria, HIV, TB and others (based on WHO choice model). Uplift assumes 1 additional hour of operation per day, with pro-rate uplift in benefits. DALYs valued on basis of per capita GDP man-years 0.04 per Solar Home system sold 0.009 per SHS maintained 0.02 per lantern sold 0.052 per small institutional system installed 0.073 per small institutional system maintained 0.095 per large clinic system installed 1.0 per large clinic system maintained and operated 3.0 per MWp of Projects supported by DFID dealing with large ongrid PV installations: range of 7 to 36 direct jobs created in project implementation and commissioning and up to 2.5 for maintenance. All other data drawn from practical commercial experience implementing the various solar system sizes, applications and business models 48. Per capita income used as annual wage - Weak Vial – guided by actual internal labour metrics from client solar businesses evaluated - unpublished 29 Commercial scale solar Earnings due to employment valued at GDP per capita (£1,666) Outputs and outcomes The key outputs for each option are shown below. These are outputs that arise as a direct result of project funding and leveraged finance. They have been generated from a CBA model. Figure 11: Gross programme model outputs Option 1 Option 2 Social (Lagos) Lagos + Prepare Lagos + north Gross outputs tCO2e avoided or reduced over project lifetime Number of school PV systems installed Number of children benefiting over equipment lifetime 58,254 3,044,420 200 200 2,878 191,828 191,828 2,655,789 Number of health clinics PV systems installed Number of patients benefiting over equipment lifetime 3,118,612 8 8 670 4,794,199 4,794,199 17,474,679 Number of households systems installed - 564,516 564,516 Number of people benefiting from domestic systems - 2,822,581 2,822,581 Number of commercial firms benefiting over equipment lifetime - 382 382 MW installed after 5 years MWh produced over equipment lifetime 6 47 51 133,234 1,268,579 1,392,251 Counterfactual (Additionality) The counterfactual assesses what proportion of these outputs would have occurred under a business as usual (BAU) scenario. This is done to ensure that only the incremental benefits are attributed to the intervention. To do this a number of assumptions are made: Northern clinics and schools: It is considered very unlikely that the Northern States would embark on a programme of electrification of clinics and schools in the absence of the programme. Full additionality is assumed. Lagos clinics and schools: LSEB has stated that the Lagos school and clinic components would not be funded under a business as usual scenario. Under a BAU scenario both are considered 100% additional. Small Systems: OBA Solar lanterns and Solar Home systems (North): It is unlikely that a strong market would develop in the absence of OBA based support in the targeted regions. We assume strong additionality at 90% of volume. Commercial systems: The market would likely develop, but with lower volumes (50%) and with a 3 year time delay. Based on the discount rate, this equates to 62.5% additionality.Net of the BAU scenario, the outputs and outcomes can be used to estimate a value of programme benefits. Also Included in the table below is an illustrative CBA of including social system investments in the North as part of the current programme (though considered unfeasible): Figure 12: Programme model net benefits by option (Discounted $GBP millions) 30 Option 1 Option 2 Social (Lagos) Lagos + Prepare Lagos + north Net costs (discounted) ICF funding £15,760,473 £29,307,413 £43,848,495 Public (soft) funding leveraged £13,512,397 £13,512,397 £40,206,696 £0 £69,990,376 £78,866,981 £29,272,870 £112,810,185 £162,922,173 Private funding leveraged Total costs (NPV) Net benefits (discounted) Value of CO2e avoided/reduced £1,726,785 £59,157,849 £61,464,163 Value of cost savings from other fuels £1,582,057 £103,220,786 £107,906,714 Value of welfare benefits – households £0 £200,713,595 £200,713,595 Value of welfare benefits – education £18,948,393 £18,948,393 £34,152,250 Value of welfare benefits – clinics £20,630,860 £20,630,860 £71,028,201 £55,058 £3,664,508 £3,617,793 £42,943,153 £406,335,992 £478,882,715 1.5 3.6 Value of employment benefits Total benefits (NPV) VFM BCR 2.9 Preferred Option The cost benefit analysis indicates that Option 2 - Social (Lagos) plus preparation for the North - is the preferred option, with a BCR of 3.6 Sensitivity analysis for preferred option The following sensitivity analysis tests which assumptions are most important to the VFM analysis: Scenario 1 – assumes significantly higher counterfactual assumptions, i.e. a higher proportion of activities and associated benefits would occur under business as usual in the absence of the programme. On average, we assume that an additional 50% of benefits would occur without the programme being implemented. Scenario 2 – assumes doubling the discount rates used. The broad discount rate is increased to 20%, with the discount rate for CO2 increased to 7% Scenario 3 – looks only at the fuel saving and CO2 benefits of the intervention. The recent update of the UK Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) carbon price series has significantly lowered the short-medium term forecast for the traded carbon price from earlier estimates. As a result, the CO2 benefits on their own are only estimated to account for 57% of the overall programme costs. Cost savings in terms of reduced fuel bills outweigh the costs of the intervention (103%). Scenario 4 – assumes a significant increase of annual failure rates for PV systems installed (assuming that they are not repaired following failure). Under the baseline scenario, domestic systems are assumed to fail at 2% per annum and commercial systems at 1% per annum. These are assumed to increase to 8% and 4% per annum under the sensitivity scenario. The VFM indicators resulting from the cost benefit analysis are shown below. 31 Figure 13: Sensitivity of model net benefits for preferred option Baseline Option 2 Sensitivity 1 Sensitivity 2 Sensitivity 3 Sensitivity 4 Combined Higher Counterfactual Assumptions Discount rate @ 20% (7% for CO2 benefits) CO2 and cost saving benefits only Increase in PV failure rates by 400% Net costs (discounted) ICF funding £29,307,413 £29,307,413 £24,120,137 £29,307,413 £29,307,413 Public (soft) funding leveraged £13,512,397 £13,512,397 £12,291,667 £13,512,397 £13,512,397 Private funding leveraged £69,990,376 £69,990,376 £50,042,438 £69,990,376 £69,990,376 Total costs (NPV) £112,810,185 £112,810,185 £86,454,242 £112,810,185 £112,810,185 £59,170,220 £30,145,474 £32,196,468 £59,170,220 £36,883,280 Value of cost savings from displaced fuels £102,910,760 £52,069,086 £49,216,079 £102,910,760 £85,655,003 Value of welfare benefits – households £200,713,595 £100,356,797 £103,050,195 £165,577,728 Value of welfare benefits – education £15,109,759 £15,109,759 £6,528,940 £12,450,715 Value of welfare benefits – clinics £20,630,860 £10,315,430 £10,521,963 £16,836,998 Value of employment benefits £3,657,222 £3,657,222 £2,110,460 £3,249,328 £402,192,416 £211,653,768 £203,624,105 3.6 1.9 2.4 Net benefits (discounted) Value of avoided/reduced Total benefits (NPV) CO2e £162,080,980 £320,653,053 VFM Benefit Cost Ratio 1.4 2.8 Against all these sensitivities, the programme still delivers positive benefit cost returns. H. Theory of Change for Preferred Option The Theory of Change, as developed in the Strategic Case, is summarised in the diagram below. 32 Figure 14: Theory of Change of Proposed Intervention 33 I. What measures can be used to monitor Value for Money for the intervention? The following value for money indicators will be utilized in the intervention log frame. Indicators will be refined during preparation. Progress will be monitored through implementation: Tonnes of C02 reduced or avoided. Emission reductions will be calculated in line with CDM methodology AMS.I.F and incorporated in the monitoring outputs. PV companies may seek to subsidize equipment costs by collecting and marketing emissions reductions. Any sales of CERs or VERs will not be counted towards abatement achieved through the intervention. Populations benefiting from services provided using low carbon energy. The number of PV systems installed and operating in health facilities and schools will be tracked. Samples of average attendance will enable estimation of the total populations benefiting from the intervention. Number of jobs created for women and men in low carbon development. An outcome essential to sustainability of the intervention is that a Nigerian market for PV systems should be established. The numbers of persons directly and indirectly engaged in supplying, installing and maintaining PV systems will be tracked through sample surveys 49. Percentage of PV installations remaining in operation: Value for money in previous PV initiatives has been undermined by poor performance and high rates of equipment failure. The percentage of PV systems operating at each anniversary of their installation will be tracked. This will gauge success of the approach to sustainability through supply chain establishment. Amounts of funding mobilized for PV equipment acquisition and retailing: Leveraging institutional and commercial funding through the intervention is essential to achieve amounts of business sufficient to sustain a supply chain among market entrants. Investment leveraged per £ grant will track progress towards multipliers achieved in PV market take-offs in other world regions. Cost per KWp installed. The capital and installation costs of PV systems will be tracked. It is expected that in public sector markets (clinics and schools) these costs are likely to fall considerably due to improved procurement processes. For private sector markets, price improvements are also expected due to improved supply chains and scale; Price per kWh: Presently the cost of PV power in Nigeria is a multiple of prices in international markets. This obscures the competitive advantage of PV relative to generators. Price per kWh will be tracked across a range of applications to assess how the intervention drives down prices through private sector procurement and market disciplines. Management costs. The project management costs are projected to be 3.4% of the cost of the intervention. A significant portion of this is the estimated fees to be paid to financial intermediaries for disbursing funds, which may reduce following negotiation. They will be tracked through project accounts. J. Summary Value for Money Statement for the preferred option The comparative assessments strongly suggest that option 2, the ‘Combined Option’, will 49 Projects supported by DFID dealing with large on-grid PV installations indicate a range of 7 to 36 direct jobs created in project implementation and commissioning and up to 2.5 for maintenance. 34 provide best value for money in relation to target impacts and outcomes. The option has superior prospects to leverage additional concessional funding for further PV installations in clinics and schools. Plus the option has potential to scale commercial applications of PV, maximizing CO2 emissions reductions from displacing petrol and diesel generators. II. Commercial Case Delivery through a third party entity (multilateral organisation; civil society organisation or support to government) A. Why is the proposed funding mechanism/form of arrangement the right one for this intervention, with this development partner? Arrangements with LSEB, and choice of LSEB as a partner DFID works with many Federal and State entities in Nigeria, and implementation capacity is a major challenge. Prudential risk is also generally high in Nigeria, as a result of which it is UK government policy not to put UK funds through Nigerian government (whether Federal or State) systems. Against this backdrop, LSEB is a strong counterpart and this is one of the factors that this project can be successfully implemented. DFID has implemented several smaller projects with LSEB through NIAF in recent years, including: The development of five Independent Power Projects (IPPs) to run important State facilities, including a major hospital on Lagos Island and the State secretariat as Alausa. These were LSEB’s own projects, with no UK capital funding and only limited TA. The Island IPP was the most rapidly implemented in Nigeria, and, as with the other IPPs, it has been very successful. A project to provide lighting to two markets in Alimosho Local Government Area in Lagos. This involved co-financing of capital on a very similar basis to that proposed in the current project. The project was completed on time and within budget, and has been technically successful. NIAF concluded that the procurement process was both technically sound and transparent. There is also good evidence that the intervention has improved security, with particular benefit to women and girls. An information base on electricity usage and demand, for the benefit both of LSEB and the incoming purchasers of Lagos’s two power distribution companies. The audits were financed jointly by LSEB and DFID, with NIAF providing technical support. The audits required substantial organisation by LSEB, and the quality of the outputs was highly regarded by NIAF experts. LSEB subsequently carried out a similar audit on all the State’s junior and senior secondary schools to assist in developing their funding proposal for this project (to the State Government as well as DFID), using their own resources. This strong track record of transparent procurement and effective delivery means it is appropriate to work with LSEB and alongside their systems. For safeguarding purposes, DFID funded consultants will be involved in all stages of the procurement process. B. What assurance has been obtained on capability and capacity to deliver? LSEB As well as determining LSEB’s record of successful project implementation, the NIAF solar and procurement experts have assessed the LSEB’s technical capability and dedication to delivering a robust and sustained outcome. The state of Lagos has robust procurement law 35 and oversight which helps to mitigate key risks. IFC The IFC is one of DFID’s core multilateral partners. It was rated as ‘good’ in the DFID 2011 Multilateral Aid Review (2011) and was assessed as having made some progress in the Multilateral Aid Review 2013 update. The structure of this programme builds upon substantial experience the IFC has developed in a range of PV market start-ups through its Sustainable Energy Finance Program. In China, a first phase of the program which closed in 2012 succeeded to scale $1.8 billion in 178 projects against total program investment and lending of $ 783 million. A second phase, for $200 million will focus on leveraging market entry for smaller Energy Supply Companies. In Russia, the program has supported 270 energy efficiency and PV projects for $242 million and in the Philippines 87 projects for $379 million. In each country, IFC’s financial engagement has been successful in engaging lending institutions and commercial banks through provision of risk management and credit enhancement for market entrants. Federal Government of Nigeria – Programme Implementation Unit (FGN-PIU) In relation to the later roll-out of the Social (North) component, the FMoP will establish an autonomous implementation unit. DFID, through NIAF has worked very closely with the FMoP on Nigeria’s high profile power sector reforms and privatisation process. Support to the privatisation has included NIAF consultants being part of both the pre-qualification and technical bid evaluation processes. There has been wide acceptance that the privatisation has been far more transparent than previous similar exercises in Nigeria. The current Minister of Power has a strong reputation for integrity, and he has been a chief ally in ensuring transparency in sector reform. The Ministry has much less technical capacity in the area of solar PV, and no strong track record of managing transparent procurement processes. This is one of the reasons for including TA to work with the MoP to develop robust plans for a Northern roll-out. NIAF As well as working closely with LSEB and the FMoP, NIAF has provided extensive support to a range of Federal Government of Nigeria Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs). This includes implementation of programmes and oversight of procurement and investment activities. Examples include the FGN Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P), an initiative of the Nigerian Presidency. It aims to accelerate the delivery of infrastructure while improving financial management and transparency by providing oversight of programmes. Another is the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority, charged with managing the Nigerian Sovereign Wealth Fund. In the proposed later roll-out of the Social (North) component, NIAF would similarly extend full-time support to the FGN-PIU. Three advisors would be provided and located in the FGNPIU and also within the relevant finance function. Ideally these advisors would oversee the FGN-PIU in total, the procurement activity specifically, financial administration and M&E. In addition, an advisor would be established in each operating state to coordinate M&E and auditing. The advisers would assist the FGN-PIU to implement the project, targeting health clinics and schools in the north. Main functions of the advisers would include: 36 Oversight of procurement to select suppliers of PV systems for clinics and schools, including RFP, pre-qualification, tender, bid evaluation and negotiations. Verification of submitted payment certificates against pre-agreed performance and payment criteria. Overseeing arrangements by the selected financial institution to make payments to the final beneficiaries (winning suppliers in respect of the procurement of systems for clinics) Overseeing timely disbursement to the Intermediary of federal and state co-financing associated with the Social (North) component Issuing instruction to the ICF Trust Fund administrator to disburse specific amounts to the payee financial institution in respect of the Social (North) component Managing the procurement and implementation of technical assistance associated with the Social (North) component C. Is there an opportunity to negotiate on anticipated costs? IFC’s management costs will be negotiated directly between DFID and IFC. This is expected to be a percentage of funds managed and to be in line with past arrangements between the parties. The FMOP is expected to cover the internal costs of the FGN-PIU. Procurement costs: The costs of PV systems procured for supply to rural health clinics and schools will be set by market competition (potentially using a 3rd party agent or direct to international suppliers). Service contract costs: Contracts to install and maintain PV systems in clinics and schools will be sourced through competitive tender from a list of pre-qualified bidders. The costs of technical assistance and program management services through NIAF will be at rates agreed by DFID for NIAF 2, which was established through a competitive tendering process that stated the contract value would be for an initial £50 million and could increase to a maximum of £100 million. The primary reason for providing TA through the existing NIAF programme is that existing relationships with key counterparts for the solar programme increase the probability of delivering results, but there is also little reason to believe a new tender for £4 million of services would result in lower rates. III. Financial Case A. Who are the recipients of all proposed payments? Procurement Grants: ICF funds for PV procurement will be channelled through the Crown Agents Bank. They will be released to equipment suppliers on instruction from DFID, following confirmation by NIAF that they are in line with the contract. OBA grants for other sectors: ICF grants, representing a percentage of capital costs or fixed price per Wp, will be paid to Solcos or financing organisations for each eligible product delivered into a given trade area using credit or other financing mechanisms for the end user (e.g. lease). First Loss Facility: IFC will establish PRGs with financial institutions backed by the FLF. FLF funds for each tranche of PRG will be disbursed by ICF into the IFC Trust Fund. In the event of default, IFC will draw down the appropriate amount from the trust. In the event of FLF funds not being used, these will be re-allocated to other components of the programme. Eligible Participating Companies A range of entity types will be eligible to participate in the PV installation and maintenance, the OBA grants and to benefit from the Partial Risk Guarantee. The programme may provide this finance to any entity incorporated in Nigeria. Examples of eligible ownership and funding structures of the registered companies include (but are not limited to); 1. 100% Nigerian shareholding and ownership 2. 100% foreign ownership (Nigerian law does not impose minimum local ownership) 37 3. Joint ownership between foreign and local shareholders (JVs) 4. Joint ownership by all Nigerian shareholders (JVs) 5. Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) formed under any of the above structures Unincorporated applicants will not be eligible. Examples of ineligible structures include; 1. Sole proprietors 2. Partnerships 3. Unincorporated Joint Ventures Eligible Systems Eligible systems will include ‘PV based energy systems that do not feed energy back into the grid’. The focus is on rural communities and in the North in particular. Almost by definition these communities are presently remote from the grid and are generally not expecting the grid to arrive soon. When grid supplies are not available, PV would displace (new) demand for diesel generators. When grid power is available PV supply will lower demand on the supply-constrained grid, thereby extending grid supply somewhere else and reducing diesel self-generation in that locality. Eligible End Beneficiaries End beneficiaries (owners and users) of the power systems will not receive payments directly. B. What are the costs to be incurred directly by DFID? DFID spending will amount to £37.1 million over 6 years, with £15 million of capital expenditure falling in 2014-15, and £12 million to support an IFC First Loss Facility, £3 million of grants for small systems and £7.1 million of technical assistance and monitoring and evaluation expenditure being spread up to 2020. ICF costs will be used for: £15 million of direct equipment purchase for the LSEB programme electrifying schools and health centres in Lagos; £2.8 million of TA for the LSEB programme electrifying schools and health centres in Lagos; £4.4 million of TA and management for development of a Northern programme and private solar markets; £3 million of OBA grants to support the provision of credit for small solar systems to private consumers; £12 million First Loss Facility to be called upon only in the event of actual losses. This will support the provision of Partial Portfolio Credit Risk Guarantees by the IFC for commercial lending for solar. Projected losses are based on IFC experience in other markets, and will be capped at this amount. If losses are below £12 million, this saving will be reallocated to other programme components. C. What are the costs to be incurred by third party organisations? LSEB will contribute £15 million of matching funding for the Lagos Social Component. The FGN, Northern States and the IFC will all make significant investments if a programme goes ahead in the North, and exact amounts in each case will be included in any Business Case for approval of capital investment in the North. IFC will incur internal staffing costs to provide 38 TA and to operate the IFC Partial Risk Guarantees, although the total cost of these has not yet been determined. D. Does the project involve financial aid to governments? If so, please define the arrangements in detail. No financial aid is being provided to the Federal Government of Nigeria or to state governments. E. Is the required funding available through current resource allocation or via a bid from contingency? Will it be funded through capital/programme/admin? Funding for 2014-15 is in line with DFID Nigeria’s existing country programme allocation. £15 million will be for capital and £2 million for recurrent expenditure. There is still some uncertainty around the treatment of ICF allocations for future years, and decisions on this will be one factor in developing a financing plan for a Northern roll-out subject to further Ministerial approval. F. What is the profile of estimated costs? How will you work to ensure accurate forecasting? The estimated profile of costs is shown below in Figure 15: Profile of Costs for Preferred Option. Figure 15: Profile of Costs for Preferred Option Budget Spend GBP million pa Non Management Costs Social Small systems Commercial Management & TA Costs Total Spend Year 2014-15 15.0 2.0 17.0 46% 2015-16 0.0 0.6 1.4 2.0 5% 2016-17 0.5 3.6 1.3 5.3 14% 2017-18 0.8 3.6 1.2 5.6 15% 2018-19 1.0 4.2 0.6 5.9 16% 2019-20 0.8 0.6 1.4 4% 2020-21 2021-22 - 0% 2022-23 - 0% 0% Total 15.0 3.0 12.0 7.1 37.1 100% G. What is the assessment of financial risk and fraud? Exposure to financial risk and fraud will vary between components. Even though LSEB are a strong counterpart, opportunities for financial losses exist at nearly every step in the process of procurement, installation, maintenance and payment. The management structure and provision of embedded personnel at key points across the PIU activity will provide strong mitigation, closing most potential avenues for fraud. Procurement practices will be reviewed by NIAF procurement experts already working with LSEB. An embedded consultant within LSEB will be actively involved in each step of the procurement process. Prequalification of bidders and transparent evaluations will reduce the scope for biased selection. Physical loss of equipment during transfers in the supply chain is possible and detailed hand-over controls will need to be designed. It is anticipated that infield performance of installers and maintenance contractors will be monitored via an automated biometric and GPS controlled process. This process and systems is currently being piloted (with NIAF support) within the FGN SURE-P programme. A beneficiary feedback process will be added. ICF funds will be approved for payment to contractors only 39 after each of these controls and checks is deemed satisfactory by the NIAF embedded consultants. H. How will expenditure be monitored, reported and accounted for? Project accounts will be established and maintained by the PIUs and audited annually. I. Are there any accounting considerations arising from the project? It is envisaged that contracts will be tendered to cover both the supply and installation of complete PV systems. The UK contribution to these contracts will be wholly allocated to equipment purchase, and will therefore be treated as capital expenditure and accrued at the point of equipment delivery. IV. Management Case A. What are the Management Arrangements for implementing the intervention? Project implementation will be via three separate PIUs, namely: LSEB-PIU - will implement the Social (Lagos) component with support and oversight from NIAF. IFC-PIU - will administer the ICF Trust Fund holding the grant funds for the Small Systems market development. It will lead TA for the Commercial market development. It will also manage parts of the TA for the Small Systems market development in collaboration with the Lighting Nigeria team. The IFC – Advisory Services function will operate the PIU (subject to internal IFC approval) under the Sustainable Energy Fund – West Africa, an initiative supported by the Swiss government. NIAF-PIU - will oversee the Lagos (Social) procurement, oversee the disbursement of OBA grants under the Small Systems market development, lead preparations for the Social (North) work, and will provide Technical Assistance to all components. Arrangements for each component are summarised in the following diagrams. Figure 16: Management Structure: Social (Lagos) 40 Figure 17: Management Structure: Partial Risk Guarantee Figure 18: Management Structure: Small Systems Market Development 41 B. What are the risks and how these will be managed? Key risks have been identified separately for each component of the programme. Mitigating measures are identified and the residual probability and impact are rated. Risks are summarised in Figure 19 to Figure 22 . The overall risk rating for the programme is Medium. Figure 19: Risks - Programme Wide Risk Mitigation Unfulfilled grant pledges from LSEB Funding commitment has been confirmed in writing by the Governor of Lagos State, and timing of release agreed with the Lagos Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning. Schools, Clinics and Small Systems: Status of local battery recovery & recycling activity is unknown. PIU TA will include an assessment of the status and options which may require enabling the development of a local recycling and recovery market as a separate initiative. School/Clinic programmes will include recovery of old batteries as part of process for replacement. Clinic/school systems will be expertly designed based on a needs audit and will be oversized. Commercial systems will face due diligence for financing ensuring effective needs audit and Environmental impacts of used batteries Incorrectly sized PV systems 42 Residual Probability Low Residual Impact Medium Medium Medium Medium Low sizing. Sizing in small systems market is typically driven by consumers’ constraint on ability to afford rather than by technical design. Figure 20: Risks – Social: Lagos Clinics and Schools Risk Mitigation Financial loss and fraud Lack of transparency and appropriate processes in procurement Lagos State has a public procurement law based on World Bank guidelines, and the process will be overseen by the State Public Procurement Agency. All steps of procurement planning and implementation process will also be overseen by NIAF solar and procurement experts. LSEB is currently developing and implementing a programme to assess, certify and train solar technicians in Lagos. It is expected this programme will provide a large pool of well skilled maintenance technicians. Systems will have a current overload cut-off switch and batteries will have a depth of discharge limiter, in both cases not accessible by users. The entire system will be housed within a locked portacabin. Managed: LSEB will replace batteries as required under budgets from Lagos State Government. We regard LSEB as a strong counterpart, capable of taking over the funding. We cannot mitigate this risk fully without reducing sustainability. Programme will pay the maintenance costs. Inadequate local skills for maintenance Batteries, Panels and Cables destroyed prematurely through user abuse Batteries fail near end of intervention and are not replaced: Lagos Clinics and schools State does not pay for maintenance during the programme State does not pay for maintenance after the programme Programme requires up-front contribution from state prior to commencement as an indication of commitment. Consider some written or legal obligation for future budgeting? A high profile large program in so many schools would be more politically difficult to abandon than other projects. Residual Probability Medium Residual Impact Medium Low Low Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Low Medium Medium Residual Probability Medium Residual Impact Medium Figure 21: Risks - Small Systems Market Development Risk Mitigation Lack of access to financing (beyond the program grants) will prevent implementation Solar companies can participate at the level their financial capability allows. The FLF may be used to support financing for either the Solcos or consumer sin the small systems market. 43 Inappropriate allocation of grants Batteries, Panels and Cables destroyed prematurely through user abuse Inadequate local skills PIU to oversee eligibility and certification of eligible equipment and participants. Escalating levels of verification and audit. Enabled by individual identification and GPS location evidence for each system. Significant user training. Systems that are procured by private users with their own money are less susceptible to the problems of premature failure that have been a symptom of programmes that provided things for free. Private buyers and sellers have strong incentives to keep equipment working. The local PV industry in the north includes experience at different levels of proficiency. Much latent capacity exists. The programme will establish local skills development and certification to boost the supply as needed. Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Figure 22: Risks: Commercial Market Development Risk Mitigation Lack of access to project financing for solar companies and/or end users prevents the market from scaling Partial credit risk guarantee facility will underwrite risks. Dissemination of information on actual default/loss rates experienced in solar financing. PIU must provide substantial TA to develop project pipeline, educate and entice Solcos, educate FIs. Significant engagement with the local and international market including solar specialists in projects and leasing. Include information on the commercial opportunity for both off grid and on-grid solar. Underused technical skills exist nationally for the Commercial market. These will be boosted by the LSEB training programme in Lagos. International commercial Solcos would be expected to bring in their own internationally experienced skills for design, installation and training. Evidence of financial viability is required for solar companies to be eligible to participate in the programme. Partial credit risk guarantee will help support cash flow constraints. The FLF and TA are intended to deliver a successful scaling. Lack of provision of debt finance for commercial market under guarantee facility Lack of solar providers, financiers and investors in the market Inadequate local skills Solar companies go bankrupt The market fails to scale after the intervention ends 44 Residual Probability Medium Residual Impact Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium C. What conditions apply (for financial aid only)? None D. How will progress and results be monitored, measured and evaluated? Monitoring The monitoring strategy will cover the following aspects of performance management: 1. Financial: A bi-annual report will assess PV systems installed using the following metrics: (i) £ investment leveraged per £ grant; (ii) Reductions in PV system costs; (iii) End-user repayment rates; and (iv) Management costs as a percentage of the cost of the intervention. 2. Physical: The intervention will conduct inspections to ascertain: (i) Numbers of clinics and schools electrified; (ii) The proportion of PV system components meeting technical specifications; (iii) Installations completed to specifications; and (iii) Numbers of PV systems failing post-installation. 3. Emissions reduction: A baseline survey will be conducted to estimate off-grid GHG emissions by main types of users of diesel and petrol generators. Figures will be used to estimate GHG emissions reductions following installation of PV systems. 4. Development: Whenever possible publicly available information will be utilised to monitor impacts from the intervention (e.g. number of jobs created and cost per installed watt of PV capacity.) 5. Development (2): In cases where public information is inadequate to provide meaningful assessments a supplementary data collection exercise will be undertaken. Evaluation A review of the program will be undertaken annually and conducted jointly with the IFC and the FGN agency concerned. Conducting these collaboratively will underpin ownership of findings and facilitate remedial actions. Independent reviews will be conducted to validate results and to provide learning for the benefit of other programmes. These will include an initial baseline and socio-economic conditions study and review of the monitoring design, annual review of results, and a full socio-economic study again on project completion. Thorough tracking and monitoring within the programme will provide a foundation of information for the benefit of the independent review. An initial review will be conducted 6 months into implementation to provide early feedback on design of the intervention. This will assess implementation of systems in health clinics and schools and outputs achieved. It will also assess whether there is faster uptake in commercial applications of PV as a result of increased capital investment. A third objective will be to assess if the monitoring systems are properly set up. A final independent evaluation will be conducted at the end year 6. This will gauge outcomes being achieved from electrification of health clinics and schools and the displacement of generators in commercial applications of PV. Logframe 45 Quest No of logframe for this intervention: 4550809 Quest No of Cost Benefit Analysis: 4551019 46