1-24-13_Board_Meeting_minutes - Virginia Chapter

Virginia Chapter, AAP Board Meeting
Hilton Garden Inn - January 24, 2012 ~ 1:00 PM
Call to Order and Introductions
Dr. William Rees called the meeting to order at 1:46 PM and made introductions of
the members in attendance and on the conference phone.
Members in attendance: Drs. Sam Bartle, Valerie Bowman, Sandy Chung,
Stephanie Crewe, Barbara Kahler, Colleen Kraft, Bill Moskowitz, Diane Pappas,
Kristina Powell, Helen Ragazzi, William Rees, Bruce Rubin, Robert Shayne, John
Staff in attendance: Jane Davis
Review of Minutes
Motion seconded and approved that the minutes of the September 23 Board
Meeting were approved as submitted.
Drs. Powell, Ragazzi and Bowman agreed to review minutes for the current meeting.
Advance Child Health
Pediatric Council Report
Dr. Abernathy sent a report, he advised that there were working on the PA and NP
issue - all of the carriers have started doing this and are unable to answer the question
of payment, except for Coventry which pays NP 85% less than MD's. This will
probably have to be a joint effort with the NP and PA associations.
AAP Disaster Preparedness
Dr. Kahler advised that the American Academy of Pediatrics has released a new resource
in February 2013 titled "Pediatric Preparedness Resource Kit". The purpose of the kit is
to promote collaborative discussions and decision-making among pediatric and public
health leaders about pediatric preparedness planning. The kit aims to increase state and
community level preparedness efforts regarding how best to address children's needs.
While inspired by the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, most strategies are applicable to all-hazards
disaster planning. The Resource Kit will be made available in print and electronic formats
and the print copies will be available at our display at all the academic school
Increase Advocacy for Children
Drs. Bowman and Ragazzi gave the chapter’s 2013 legislative report.
Child Safety: Concussion Awareness
Support HP1719/SB1252
 Support legislation to expand concussion identification & awareness to
extracurricular sports played on school grounds; requires such sports programs to
establish policies regarding identifying and handling suspected concussions.
Child Safety: CPR Training in Schools
Support HB2028/SB986
 Support legislation to widely expand CPR training in public schools for all
teachers, all high school students as part of a graduation requirement, and;
 Requires all schools have an automated external defibrillator on campus
Patient Safety: Biosimilars and Patient/Physician Notification
Support legislation to permit pharmacists to dispense a biosimilar that has been licensed
by the FDA as interchangeable wit ha prescribed biological product;
Requires any pharmacist who does so to inform the patient beforehand and notify the
prescribing physician;
Request that SB 1285 ADD the patient/physician notification
Child Safety: Mandatory Protective Helmets
Support SB1352
Support legislation to allow counties to require that every person wear a protective
helmet whenever riding or being carried on a bicycle, a skateboard, or roller skates on
any publicly owned skate park facility.
Smoke Free: No Smoking in Cars with Children
Support HB1422
Support SB975
Legislation to prohibit minors younger than 15 from using tanning facilities:
Legislation also requires parental written consent for minors ages 15, 16 and 17 to use
tanning facilities.
Budget Amendments: Support
Delegate O’Bannon/Senator Hanger
Items 307#4h/Item 307#16s
Increase Medicaid Physician reimbursement payment rates by 3 percent
Pediatric General Assembly Day
Dr. Pappas reported that there were over 50 Pediatricians/Residents participants in the
Pediatric General Assembly Day. Gary Beasley won the dinner for two. Drs. Remley
and Hazel as well as Karin Addison participated in the Pediatric General Assembly Day
and their support was appreciated.
Motion was seconded and approved to Thank Drs. Pappas, Bowman, Ragazzi
and Aimee Seibert and MSV staff for a successful Pediatric General Assembly
Advocacy Committee Report
Dr. Diane Pappas advised that the VA-AAP she has invited all pediatric residents to the
following special events to be held in conjunction with the McLemore Birdsong Pediatric
Conference to be held in Charlottesville at the Boar’s Head Inn April 5-7, 2013:
VA AAP Advocacy Workshop
Saturday April 6, 2013 8:00-8:50 am
She and Aimee Seibert will inform participants of the VA AAP advocacy initiatives and
how they can hone their skills and use their passion to work with the Virginia Chapter,
AAP to improve the health of Virginia’s children.
VA Chapter, AAP Luncheon and Pediatric Resident Poster Session
Saturday April 6, 2013 1:10-2:00 pm
Invited Residents to bring a poster and share their work. Posters will be judged and
awards presented.
“Leading the Way” – A Transition Workshop for Pediatric Residents
Saturday April 6, 2013 2:00-5:00pm
The workshop is about the transition of youth and young adults from pediatric to adult
care services.
Member Value
Education Report
BreastfeedingCommittee Report
Drs. Sriraman and Kellams provide a report -- The Skin-to-Skin in the Neonatal
Resuscitation Program ALF Resolution, authored by Dr. Kellams, garnered the
support of over 14 states as well as the Section on Breastfeeding. Dr. Rees and Dr.
Gunther will represent the cause at the ALF, and we are hoping that it will make the
Top Ten. It simply states that the AAP should work with the American Heart
Association and the task force to include immediate skin-skin in the delivery room for
stable babies that do not require resuscitation in the NRP algorithm.
The statewide obstetrical and neonatal care conference targeting physicians will be
held on May 10th in Virginia Beach. This year the AAP Chapter and the Virginia
Breastfeeding Advocates are honoring OB champions for breastfeeding. Those
honored will be invited to attend the conference to receive their certificates and letter
from the Chapter president.
2013 AAP Legislative Conference
Drs. Bowman and Ragazzi will represent the chapter by attending the 2013 AAP
Legislative Conference in Washington, DC April 28 – 30, 2013.
Member Services
HIT Report
Co-Chairs: Sandy Chung, MD, and Tom Sullivan, MD
Dr. Chung has been appointed by Secretary Hazel to the Governing Body for the
statewide HIE. It is called ConnectVirginia and is under the oversight of VDH and has
been contracted out to CHA (Community Health Alliance). There will two main
initiative – DIRECT messaging and the Health Insurance Exchange. The DIRECT
messaging system is essentially secure email that allows providers to exchange patient
information in an HIPAA compliant manner. The Grant ends 2014.
Dr. Chung advised that our Facebook has over 190 followers. The site is continuing to
have good participation.
Obesity task Force Update
Dr. Shayne advised that the Obesity Toolkit was on website
www.letsmovevirginia.org Everyone needs to promote at chapter conferences and
possibly need mailing to promote.
Learning Collaborative- Dr. Shayne is actively pursuing both funding, curriculum
development and participant recruitment for this project. Allocation initially thought to
be $100,000 with budget of $216,000 from VDH. Now definite commitment is down
to $30,000 with opportunity to secure more funds with RFP application. Other money
sought from participating teaching programs, supermarkets, drug companies, and
community foundations. First segment to focus on Central Virginia with other areas to
come later. Needs: MONEY and connections, volunteers for curriculum development,
enrollees. Nimali Fernando and Dr. Shayne were invited to participate in a media
training event courtesy of SUDIA in December.
Quarterly Report on Chapter Finances
Dr. Bartle gave the quarterly report on Chapter Finances. The Chapter is financially
sound, with a balance of $202,430.21 ($56,312.08 checking plus $196,798.13 in
Reserve) as of December, 2012. He advised that overall year-to-date expenses are
within budget.
VA-AAP Mileage Allowance
The VA-AAP Board has been advised by their auditors that they can supply a
certification form for board members advising that they attended board
meetings/events and the board member will be able to use as a deduction on their
taxes. The set reimbursement amount is applicable to the federal rate which is
currently .555 a mile. The board member would need to retain the VA-AAP
certification form that verifies that you attended the meeting/function and need to file
with your tax return.
Chapter Pediatric Workforce Survey
Dr. Moskowitz advised the board that the AAP Committee on Pediatric Workforce
(COPW) will soon launch the State Physician Workforce survey through AAP
Chapters. COPW hopes to not only learning about workforce issues at the local level
but also identify state and regional trends that be compared with national trends to get
a better understand of specific issues as well as the pediatrician workforce overall.
Governance Policies
The VA-AAP has three governance policies that require reaffirmation annually and/or
as new board members come on. The VA-AAP’s governance policies were reviewed
(IRS Form 990 Policy, Document Retention and Destruction Policy and
Whistleblower Policy and accepted. Each member is required to complete a “Conflict
of Interest Disclosure Statements” and provide to Jane for record keeping.
2013 Board Retreat
Dr. Rees proposed that the Board Retreat would be March 22 & 23, 2013 in
Richmond at Hyatt House Hotel. Dr. Rees has invited James Perrin, MD AAP
President Elect.
Motion seconded and passed to hold the Board Retreat Saturday, March 23 in
Richmond from 9-2.
New Business
2012 Tobacco Application
Dr. Robert Gunther advised that he had submitted an application on Tobacco
Cessation and Advocacy. This grant would provide educational opportunities and
highlight best practices eliminating children’s exposure to tobacco and
secondhand smoke.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.