Newsletter – Autumn 2014 - Queen Alexandra`s House

Autumn term 2014
A very warm welcome to all of our returning and new
residents. We have a full House this term with 109
residents representing many different countries and
institutions. I hope you will all be very happy here at
Queen Alexandra’s House.
If you have any feedback for us regarding what you
think is going well, or what you would like to see
changed, please don’t hesitate to make use of the
Suggestion Box in the reception area or the catering
feedback book in the Dining Room. Also, I am always
happy to talk if there’s anything you would like to
share with me personally. You are welcome to call into
the House Committee Meeting in the Drawing Room at
10.00am on Thursday, 6 November 2014 where the
Chair of the Committee will be available for half an
hour before the main meeting starts.
Don’t forget to write in your diary the date of the
QAH Christmas Buffet – Wednesday, 19 November
2014. There will be a music concert performed by our
very own musicians in the Drawing Room at 6.00pm
and the main Buffet will begin at 7.00pm in the Dining
Room – see you there!
Write True or False against these
1. QAH was founded in 1884 by Sir Francis
Cook Bart
2. No visitors are allowed before 10.00am
3. There are three fire exits in the dining room
4. Sunday supper bag forms must be handed in
to Reception before 8.00am on Sunday
5. Ian was born in New Zealand
When you’ve finished, please write your name and
room number on the page and hand it to Manika at
Reception. If there is more than one person with
all correct we will have a lucky dip to pick the
winner who will get a little prize. Answers must be
in by Monday, 10 November.
Before I came to QAH, I thought that maybe it was
just like a well decorated hotel. Everyone will not be
interested in talking to each other since the only
relationship between them is people who live under
the same roof, not to mention making friends. After
my first few days here, however, I completely
changed my mind. Nearly everyone here, no matter
whether we have met before, is gentle and kindhearted. Everyone is ready to provide free help at
any possible time. The atmosphere is just like a big
family, which I enjoy most. I feel very lucky that I
can live here.
The thing that left a perfect impression on me was
the first time I talked to the female receptionist.
The first afternoon, I decided to go out to get some
necessities. Unluckily, as I was quite unfamiliar with
the surroundings, I had to speak to someone to get
the position of the nearest supermarket. I was so shy
that I didn’t have the confidence to talk to anyone
else at first. After almost half an hour of thinking, I
finally decided to turn to the receptionist for help.
To my surprise, she was really patient and
considerate. Not only did she tell me the position, but
also she gave me several suggestions on how to get
there. And I found them really useful. What’s more,
this precious experience gave me the courage to
communicate with strangers.
There’s so much I love about the QAH! Its position is
perfect and you can get to nearly every place in
London with less time. After supper, you can take a
walk with friends in the park just across the street.
You could also have a wonderful time in the Royal
Albert Hall, which is just one minute’s walk from
QAH. The warm heaters throughout the building are
excellent! No matter how cold it is outside, as long as
you are inside, you will feel like it’s spring. The Ring is
a brilliant place for music lovers since you can always
hear beautiful pieces during the daytime! Another
thing that I absolutely enjoy at QAH is the food. It
is well prepared and surprisingly delicious! The menu
changes every day so you will have the chance to taste
various types of food. I’m pretty sure that you will
fall in love with it! At the same time, you will have a
really good time talking to others from different
parts of the world. Actually, I have made lots of good
friends this way.
I’m going for my meal now. But I still have lots of
things about QAH to say … QAH is a place that you
don’t want to leave once you come here.
Kejing Cui (Emily)
Some of you will know me as the wild bunny rabbit who
lives in the corner garden of QAH. I am generally
quite shy and difficult to see, but I watch you all
come and go from the safety of my little burrow
under the House. I wish you all good luck with your
studies this year. I love it here and hope you will too!
Cheerio, luv Alex Bunny Rabbit
Take care … regards, Anet and the QAH Team