Health Education

Health Education
Utah State Standard 6:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of human development, social skills, and strategies that
encourage healthy relationships and healthy growth throughout life.
Objective 1: Describe the physical, mental, social, and emotional changes that occur
Materials: Utah State Office of Education consent from
Background for Teachers: Become familiar with the following subjects that are described in
the lesson plans.
Instructional Procedures: Handout the consent forms two weeks prior to this section.
Assessment Plan: At the end of each lesson plan there will be a quiz. When all of the objectives
are cover students will be put into groups and assigned a topic, which they will present to the
class in any form they choose, game, power point, etc.
Day One
Objective 1
Objective: Review the anatomy of the male and female reproductive systems.
Intended Learning Outcome: Students will know the correct terms, functions, and location of
the various parts of the male and female anatomy
Background for Teacher: knowledge of male and female anatomy.
Materials: Transparent copies of the enlarged illustration of male female genitals and
reproductive organs. If you do not wish to use the illustrations provided you may draw your own
while you discuss each part.
Instructional Procedures:
Discuss what the lesson plan is and why it is important to know, so they can be comfortable with
their bodies and to know the correct function and name of the individual parts of their body.
Write on the board the various parts of the female anatomy and ask the class what they are and
see if they can define them.
Display the female genitals and reproductive system on the overhead (or draw your own), ask
students to get out a piece and paper and answer to the best of their knowledge.
After a few minutes, go over the individual parts, filling in the blanks, explain their functions.
Ovaries- Female gonads, produces eggs/ova and the main source of female hormones
which controls female develop and regulate menstruation cycle and pregnancy.
Cervix- Is the lower part of the uterus/ upper part of the vagina. The cervix opens
slightly during menstruation to allow flow and dilates during pregnancy allowing the fetus to
enter the vaginal canal.
Follow the same process with the male anatomy.
Testes- Male gonads, located in the scrotum. They produce and store sperm and are
the main source of male hormones which control male development
Vas Deferens- Connects the testes to the urethra, transporting the sperm from the
epididymis, through the ejaculatory duct and out the urethra.
Take Home Activity: None
Day Two
Objective 1
Objective: Review physiology of the male and female reproductive systems and the changes that
occur during puberty
Intended Learning Outcome: Students will know the process of menstrual cycle, sperm
production/ejaculatory system and understand the changes that occur during puberty.
Background for Teachers: knowledge of the processes stated above.
Materials: Changes of puberty illustration, transparencies of the females and male reproductive
organs. You may want a little magnet or object to represent the ovum or sperm as they travel
through each process.
Instructional Procedures:
Write on the board Male. Female. Both. Ask the class what changes occur during puberty under
each heading. Once they got the basics down ask “What is the purpose of Puberty?”
Display or pass out the changes in puberty handout and begin by going over the changes.
Ask the class what they know about the menstrual cycle
Discuss the process of menstruation
1. The lining of the uterus sheds (menstrual flow)
2. The lining of the uterus thickens with blood
3. Ovulation, egg is released from ovaries
4. Egg travels through fallopian tube
5. Egg enters uterus
6. Egg dissolves unless fertilizes
7. Lining of uterus sheds (menstrual flow)
Once you finished going over the menstrual cycle, asking students what they know about sperm
production/ the ejaculatory system
Go over definitions.
Discuss the process of sperm production
1. Sperm produced in testes
2. Travels up Vas Deferens
3. Sperm Mixes with seminal fluid=semen
4. Semen leaves penis through urethra
Take Home Activity: Physiology Worksheet.
Day Three
Objective 1
Objective: Review conception and review fetal development.
Intended Learning Outcome: Students will be familiar with the process of conception and
development of a fetus
Background for Teacher: Understand what is stated above.
Materials: Time in the computer lab, poster boards, markers, glue, scissors, and whatever else
the kids may need for their presentation.
Instructional Procedures:
Ask the class what they know about the process of conception
Discuss conception.
1. Sperm enters vagina, traveling up the vaginal canal
2. Sperm fertilizes ovum in fallopian tube, travels down into the uterus
3. Zygote attaches to the uterus (implantation) using the lining for nourishment
Now that the class knows about conception, it is time to divide them into three groups assigning
them: first trimester, second trimester and third trimester. Give them the rest of the class and a
day to gather information and to put together a presentation of the assigned trimester.
Take Home Activity: None
Changes of Puberty
NAME ___________________________________________ DATE ______________
DIRECTIONS: Below are two stories. The events are all out of order. Put the
sentences in chronological order. Make sure the last sentence is a good
concluding statement.
A) The Menstrual Cycle
___It travels through the fallopian tube.
___The ovary releases the ovum.
___About two weeks later, since the lining of the uterus is not needed for a
pregnancy, it comes out through the vagina.
___It is incredible how the female body knows how to prepare for pregnancy!
___If the egg doesn't meet a sperm, it dissolves.
___While the ovum is developing, the lining of the uterus is getting thick and soft.
___Another ovum starts to develop in one of the ovaries and the process begins
___An ovum starts to develop.
B) The Life of a Sperm Cell.
___I go from the vas deferens to the urethra.
___ I am produced in the testicles
___I go through the cervix and the uterus and into the fallopian tubes, in search of an
egg cell.
___I develop for two or three months in the epididymis.
___When the penis becomes erect, I leave the epididymis and travel up into the
body through the vas deferens.
___As I pass the prostate gland, the seminal vesicles, and the Cowper's glands,
fluids are added so that I can live longer and swim more easily.
___Without me, an egg cell couldn't begin the amazing process of reproduction.
___The urethra carries me (along with about 200 million other sperm) out of the
penis in a process called ejaculation.
___If I can find the ovum before the other sperm do, I will be the winner: part of a
fertilized egg!
Reproductive System
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE __________________
DIRECTIONS: Put the letter of each word next to the correct definition of the word.
a. circumcision
b. conception
c. ejaculation
d. erection
e. fertilization
f. genitals
g. implantation
h. intercourse
i. menstruation
j. nocturnal emission
k. ovulation
l. ovum
m. pituitary
n. puberty
o. semen
p. sperm
____ 1. The penis or clitoris filling with
blood and getting harder and larger
____ 2. The outside parts of the male's
or female's reproductive system
____ 3. Ejaculation during sleep
(sometimes called “having a wet
____ 4. The process of fertilization and
____ 5. A cell from a woman's body that
can start a pregnancy (sometimes called
an “egg cell”)
____ 6. A cell from a man's body that
can start a pregnancy
____ 7. An operation to remove the
foreskin from the penis
____ 8. The meeting of the sperm and
____ 9. The penis being inside the
____ 10. The gland in the brain that
triggers puberty
____ 11. A ripe ovum coming out of the
____ 12. Semen coming out of the penis
____ 13. The nesting of a fertilized egg
in the wall of the uterus
____ 14. The body beginning to change
from a child's into an adult's
____ 15. The liquid that carries sperm
____ 16. The lining of the uterus coming
out through the vagina (sometimes
called "having a period")