MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN NATIONAL CENTRE FOR PROBLEMS OF TUBERCULOSIS MANUAL TB control IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Almaty, 2008 2 CONTENTS № Pp. Table of contents 2 Preface 7 Team of authors 8 Abbreviations 10 1. Strategy and organization of the National Programme for Control tuberculosis in Kazakhstan. Ismailov Sh.Sh., Baymuhanova KH Nazirova NI, ZI No 13 1.1 The purpose of TB control in Kazakhstan 1.2 International Strategy for TB control recommended by WHO 1.3 Organization of the National Programme for Control of Tuberculosis in RK 1.4 Integrating SPE into the overall health system 1.5 Indicators GMP 2. Definition of cases and categories of treatment. Smailova GA, Aden, MM 18 2.1 The purpose of determining and factors affecting their classification 2.2. Localization of TB 2.3 Information about previously using TB treatment 2.4 The results of microscopic examination 2.5 The severity of disease 2.6 Categories of cases for registration (types of patients) 2.7 Categories and medication regimes 2.8 Results of the treatment (definitions for reporting) 3. Laboratory Service. Bismilda VL, Toksanbaeva B., Park M. 22 3.1 Organizational Structure 3.2 Organization of the microscopic and laboratory use Equipment 3.3 Preparation of smears 3.4 Preparation of reagents for staining by Ziehl-Neelsen 3.5 Investigation under the microscope 3.6 Fluorescent Microscopy 3.7 Quality control of smear Research 3.8 Neurotoxin methods for isolating Office 3.9 Quality control of bacteriological laboratories 4. Tuberculosis of the lungs. Ismailov Sh.Sh., Smailova GA, Aden, MM, No ZI 39 4.1 Methods of detection of tuberculosis 4.2 Clinical signs 4.3 Diagnostics (diagnostic algorithm) 4.4 Clinical classification of tuberculosis 5. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Tutkyshbaev SO, No ZI, Zhumash TA, Iserkepova JS 43 3 5.1 Identification and diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis 5.2 The main clinical forms of extrapulmonary TB 5.2.1 Tuberculous meningitis 5.2.2. Tuberculous pleurisy 5.2.3 Tuberculosis of bones and joints 5.2.4 Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes 5.2.5 abdominal tuberculosis 5.2.6 Tuberculosis of the urinary system 5.2.7 Tuberculosis male urogenital 5.2.8 Tuberculosis genital organs of women 5.2.9 Tuberculosis of eye 5.2.10 Tuberculous pericarditis 5.2.11 Tuberculosis skin 6. Tuberculosis in children. Rakisheva AS, Serikbayev KS 57 6.1 Risk factors for tuberculosis in children 6.2 Clinical signs of TB in children 6.3 Identification and diagnosis of tuberculosis in children 6.4 Treatment of tuberculosis in children 7. Treatment of tuberculosis. Ismailov Sh.Sh., Smailova GA, Aden, MM, No ZI, Erimbetov KD, Chaymerdenov S.Sh. 65 7.1 Basic principles of chemotherapy 7.2 Aims of treatment 7.3 The main anti-TB drugs, mechanism of action 7.4 Side effects of antituberculosis drugs and their introduction 7.5 Categories of treatment, prescribing scheme 7.6 The control (monitoring) of treatment 7.7 Cohort analysis of the TB program 7.8 Surgical and kollapsoterapevticheskie treatment 7.9 Pathogenetic treatment Activities to identify and return lost touch with patients on treatment 8. Managing Medicines Facility drugs. Mahmatov MM, Musabekova GA 89 8.1 Purpose and objectives 8.3 Organization of Medicines Management software 8.4 Methods for determination of drug needs 8.5 Managing the assessment of drug demand 8.6 Monitoring 9. Tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS Seledtzov VP, Markabaeva TA 116 9.1. Detection of TB in HIV - infected persons 9.2 The course of tuberculosis in HIV - infected persons and the difficulties differential diagnosis 9.3 Registration of cases of tuberculosis in HIV - infected persons. Production registered in the TB dispensaries. 9.4 Treatment of tuberculosis in HIV - infected patients and monitoring treatment 4 9.5 Recommendations for prophylactic use of cotrimoxazole 9.6 Recommendations for the use of drugs with glucocorticoids TB in combination with HIV 9.7 Clinical supervision for tuberculosis patients and persons borne tuberculosis in the presence of concomitant HIV - infection 9.8 Identification of HIV - infection in TB patients 9.9 Antiretroviral therapy of HIV - infection in patients with concomitant Tuberculosis 9.10 Specific prevention of tuberculosis in HIV - infected persons 10. The system of registration and reporting. Ismailov Sh.Sh., Tursynbaeva AS 135 10.1 The records 10.2 Reports Documentation 11. Prevention of tuberculosis. Serikbayev KS, Rakisheva AS, Tursynbaeva AS 143 11.1 BCG vaccination and revaccination 11.2 Chemoprophylaxis 11.3 Indications for the direction of children in tuberculosis sanatorium agencies 11.4 Sanitary prophylaxis 12. Health education and social mobilization for tuberculosis. Belova ES, Usembaeva SA, Kolokina RS 163 12.1 The purpose and objectives of health education 12.3 Organizational Structure 12.4 The main directions of health education 12.5 Commitment to TB treatment 12.6 Methods of promotion and health education 12.7 Monitoring and Evaluation of AB 13. The strategy of infection control of tuberculosis. Musabekova GA AT Kurbanov 170 13.1 Purpose and objectives 13.2 Definitions 13.3 The current system of infectious hospital 13.4 Organization of infection control 13.5 Service Control Infection Control 14. Organization of dispensary in tuberculosis institutions. Baymuhanova KH, Hauadamova GT 178 14.1 dispensary group and observation 14.2 Criteria for activity of tuberculous process 14.3 High-risk groups for tuberculosis 14.4 The procedure for admission to work and study people who had suffered from tuberculosis 15. Interagency collaboration in TB control program. Ismailov Sh.Sh., NazirovaN.I., Zhumadilova ZB, AT Kurbanov, Zhandauletova Zh.T. 183 5 15.1 Basic principles of detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention tuberculosis at the organizational level PHC network 15.2 The role of organization of sanitary-epidemiological supervision of tuberculosis 15.3 Tuberculosis control in prisons 16. Monitoring and evaluation of programs to control TB. Ismailov Sh.Sh., Zhandauletova Zh.T., AT Kurbanov 200 16.1 Purpose, objectives and methods of monitoring and evaluation system 16.2 Methodological principles of monitoring and evaluation 16.3 indicators (indicators) 16.4 Methods of monitoring and monitoring aspects of TB programs 16.5 Organizational structure and levels of monitoring and evaluation of TB services in Kazakhstan 16.6 Organization, form and frequency of M & E 16.7 Planning, organization and logistics monitoring visit 16.8 Training of Specialists on Monitoring 17. APPENDICES 213 № 1 Situation of the focal points of the National TB Program RK Responsibilities of national coordinators The functional responsibilities of regional coordinators The functional responsibilities of the coordinators for tuberculosis CIPO MJ RK № 2 Checklist of activities for drug provision TAP Leadership for the National Programme № 3 Glossary of terms and use the section "Management of Medicines provision in the national TB program " № 4 roadmaps for interagency cooperation № 5 Format of lists of patients released from correctional CIPO MJ RK № 6 Measures taken during breaks in treatment № 7 Groups dispensary and monitoring contingent TB dispensaries № 8 Medical hospital record (medical history) Form 003 / y № 9 Vypisnoy epicrisis № 10 Features of the history of the disease surgical departments № 11 How to fill out-patient card (Form 025 / y) № 12 Rules for autopsy № 13 of the centralized medical-advisory committee № 14 Sample topics of lectures and discussions on health education № 15 transcripts "Detection and diagnosis of tuberculosis" "Compliance with the protocol sputum" "Microscopic examination of sputum" "Drug Management" "Compliance with the protocol directly supervised treatment" "Treatment and cohort analysis" № 16 log of persons on further examination (flyuoropolozhitelnyh persons). 6 № 17 Instructions for the preparation of smears (by Ziehl-Neelsen) № 18 Minutes for the drug susceptibility of mycobacteria TB 18. REFERENCES 270 The purpose of the Guidelines - to ensure the national TB program in Kazakhstan, a practical guide to organizing the struggle against tuberculosis based on the laws and regulations (Government Resolution, Order of the MOH's and other agencies) documents, international recommendations and experience of GMP synthesis NTSPT MH RK when running the program in the country during 10. April 23, 2007 entered into force on the order of the RK Ministry of Health on improving the activities Tuberculosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan ", which establishes mandatory principles of TB control in the country. Guide contains information on all components of the NNP and is aimed at quality performance order. The manual is intended for psychiatrists, doctors, primary care, general medical service, nurses and professional services of sanitary-epidemiological surveillance and administrators responsible for organizing and providing health services population. We express our deep gratitude to the Head of the WHO Regional Office in the CAR, Dr. G. Tsogt for assisting in the writing of management and editing. We express our heartfelt gratitude to all authors who contributed to the process of creating leadership and its final result. We express our deep appreciation to the reviewers: - Director of the National TB Center of the Ministry of Health Kyrgyz Republic, Professor Alisherovu AS - Professor Phthisiopneumology Almaty Institute Advanced Medical Naubetyarovoy AN 8 Composite authors Editor in chief Ismailov Shahimurat Shaimovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director National Centre for problems of tuberculosis of the Ministry of Health Republic of Kazakhstan Editorial Board: Nazirova Nurhan Ibrayhanovna - Head of PHC facilities Department of preventive and curative work of the Ministry of Health Republic of Kazakhstan Neither Zoya Ivanovna - PhD, Associate Professor Aden Malik Moldabekovich - PhD, chief physician National Centre for problems of tuberculosis of the Ministry of Health Republic of Kazakhstan Authors: 1. Aden MM - PhD, chief physician NTSPT RK 2. Baymuhanova KH - PhD, Head of organization and planning of TB control activities NTSPT RK 3. Belova ES - Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, deputy director of NTSPT RK Science 4. Bismilda VL - PhD, Head of bacteriological Laboratory NTSPT RK 5. Erimbetov KD - MD, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher employee groups to develop effective treatments of patients drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis NTSPT RK 6. Iserkepova JS - Ophthalmologist receiving and consulting department NTSPT RK 7. Zhandauletova Zh.T. - Monitoring Specialist Group of the Project Global Fund 8. Zhumash TA - PhD, Head of the urogenital Department NTSPT RK 9. Zhumadilova ZB - Head of zoonotic and quarantine infekitsy Committee SEN MH RK 10. Zholshorinov A.Zh. - Head of the Committee SEN MH RK 11. Ismailov Sh.Sh. - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director NTSPT RK 12. Kolokina RS - Head of prevention of socially significant diseases NTSPFZOZH 13. AT Kurbanov - Coordinator of the monitoring group NTSPT RK 14. Mahmatov MM - Medical Consultant 15. Musabekova GA - PhD, Senior Researcher department for organizing and planning TB control activities, coordinator of the monitoring group NTSPT RK 9 16. Nazirova NI - Head of Organization Department of the PHC medical preventive work Ministry of Health Kazakhstan 17. Neither ZI - PhD, associate 18. Rakisheva AS - MD, PhD, Department of Phthisiopneumology KazNMU them. SD Asfendiyarova 19. Seledtzov VP - PhD, Associate Professor Phthisiopneumology AGIUV 20. Serikbayev KS - PhD, Head Office pulmonary tuberculosis for children and adolescents NTSPT RK 21. Smailova GA - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head Office for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis 22. Toksanbaeva BA - Coordinator Laboratory Project HOPE / Kazakhstan 23. Tursynbaeva AS - Researcher of the organization and planning TB activities NTSPT RK 24. Tutkyshbaev SO - PhD, Head of osteosurgical department NTSPT RK 25. Usembaeva SA - Fellow of the development of effective schemes treatment of patients with drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis NTSPT RK 26. Hauadamova GT - - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head department for treatment of patients with disseminated forms of tuberculosis NTSPT RK 27. Chaymerdenov S.Sh. - MD, Head of pulmonary surgical department NTSPT RK 10 Abbreviations BPO - antibacterial drugs ALT - alanine ART - antiretroviral therapy AST - aspartate aminotransferase BCG - vaccine bacillus Calmette-Guerin BSHB - biological safety cabinet HAI - hospital infection HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus VLT - extrapulmonary tuberculosis WHO - World Health Organization SFF - World Drug Facility GMO UKUIS - Medical Support Unit of the Office Committee of the correctional system GPTD - City TB Dispensary DIA - Department of the Interior CLE - Department of Health DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid DOT or NKL - Directly Observed Treatment DOTS - the international strategy for TB control recommended by WHO Healthy Lifestyle - Healthy Lifestyle IVS - a temporary detention facility CF - Correctional Facility ELISA - enzyme immunoassay IC - Infection control IOM - information and educational materials FDC - Combined fixed-dose CIPO - Committee penal system AFB - acid-fast bacilli KIZ - a study of infectious diseases CIC - Infection Control Committee KP - a colony settlement Nk - Wednesday Lowenstein-Jensen LO - drug provision LPO - Treatment and prevention organization DM - medical-preventive work Kazakh Interior Ministry - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan MLSP RK - Ministry of Labour and Social Protection MLS - places of detention Medical Unit - Medical-Sanitary Unit MBT - MBT Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan MSEC - medical-social expert commission ICC - Monitoring training planning MJ RK - Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan 11 M & E - Monitoring and evaluation NPP - National TB Programme NTSPFZOZH - National Centre for problems of healthy Lifestyle NTSPT Kazakhstan - National Center for Problems of tuberculosis Kazakhstan OPTD - the regional TB dispensary OLS - general medical network HMO UKUIS - Division (Department) Medical Support Management Committee of the correctional systems ORiKT - Department of radiology and computed tomography SWR - second-line drugs TAP - TB drugs PPW - quality assurance program for drug PHC - Primary health care VET - TB organization PCR - polymerase chain reaction RNA - ribonucleic acid RPTD - Regional TB Dispensary Media - media AB - Health education PTDC - remand SES - Sanitary-Epidemiological Station SEN - sanitary-epidemiological supervision AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome TB - tuberculosis TBMLU - multidrug resistance TE - tuberculin unit DST - DST TRG - thematic sub-working group TPLU - Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes Ulo - Medicines management software UMO CIPO - Management Medical Support Committee penitentiary MIS - criminal-executive system Parole - parole UGSEN - management of public sanitation Surveillance Ultrasound - ultrasound UKUIS MJ RK - Management Committee of the correctional of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan UV - ultraviolet radiation TSLO - a series of drug supply TSVKK - centralized medical-advisory committee 12 TL - Method Ziehl-Nielsen BCG-(Bacillus Calmette Guerin) - BCG PPD-L 2m - purified protein derivative in Linnikovoy standard dilution MDR-TB (MDR TB multi-drug resistant tuberculosis) - Multidrug resistance FEFO - the principle of consumption of drugs in order of expiry expiry date XDR-TB (extensively resistant tuberculosis) - XDR-TB (XDR-TB resistant) 1. STRATEGY AND ORGANIZATION OF THE NATIONAL PROGRAMME TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN 1.1 The purpose of TB control in Kazakhstan Decrease the spread of tuberculosis infection through early detection tuberculosis patients excreting Mycobacterium tuberculosis and qualitative treatment of patients with all forms of tuberculosis. 1.2 International Strategy for TB control recommended by WHO The present statistics from the WHO indicates continuing high burden of TB on planet: • 2 billion people, which is equal to 1 / 3 of the population across the globe are infected Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT). • 1 out of 10 infected with MTB during the life becomes ill active form TB • People with HIV are at increased risk. • TB - contagious disease and if untreated, each patient an active TB, which distinguishes Office, annually infects an average of 10 to 15 people. • multidrug-resistant (TBMLU) is present in virtually all 109 countries recently surveyed by WHO and partners. • Presumably, there is an annual 450 000 new cases TBMLU, and the highest recorded in the former Soviet Union and China. • Despite the fact that TB is curable, it kills 5000 daily life on the planet. Mainly, TB affects the most vulnerable: the poor and individuals with poor nutrition. Virtually all cases of TB deaths occur in developing countries, affecting more young troops in the most productive years. TB - the leading cause of mortality among HIVinfected people. The reasons for slow progress in the fight against tuberculosis, by definition, Special Committee on the epidemic of TB by WHO, is the lack sufficient political will, and inefficient use of scarce in most countries, financial resources, understaffing and development of human resources, organizational problems of the health system, and irregular provision of anti-TB drugs, in some cases, unknown quality, and lack and lack of reliable rastrostranenie Information about tuberculosis among the general population. In 2000. Governments of 22 countries with the highest burden of TB signed Amsterdam Declaration to Stop TB "on the joint fight against this scourge, combining the technical partners, funding agencies and civil society. However, the priority given to achieving the global goals of TB control was considered in the context of how TB control will contribute to the overall objective strengthen health systems. The first forum of partners of the Stop TB 14 held in Washington in October 2001, where he was declared the first Global Plan within the Stop TB Partnership, which has two objectives: 1). by 2005 bring the identification of bacillary forms of TB to 70%, and 2). to cure 85% of them. In the March 2004 New Delhi at the second forum, developed a strategy for the Partnership "Stop TB" for achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 - to reduce prevalence of TB deaths by 50% compared with 1990 and 2050: to eliminate TB as a public health problem (less than 1 case per 1 million population). At the Group of Eight summit, held in Okinawa (April, 2001.) Were made specific proposals on the financial support of public Health in the fight against the three diseases - AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. In 2002, under the auspices of the UN and other international organizations was organized by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria - GFATM. At Tuberculosis Programme in Central Asia, the Global Fund has allocated 52.7 million dollars. Kazakhstan has received a grant in 2006. for $ 9.8 million for TB control activities. Global Fund aimed at strengthening the national program for tuberculosis, as well as the treatment of patients with MDR. In 2005, the World Health Assembly the newly announced two key order to control TB - is revealing, at least 70% of infectious patients (in 2005 this figure amounted to - 48%) and cure 85% of newly diagnosed bacillary TB patients (according to 2004. - 82%). To achieve these goals was before the current international strategy to Stop TB, based on the principles of the DOTS strategy, which consists of the following key components: 1. High-quality DOTS expansion and enhancement Yes. Political commitment with increased and sustained Financing b.. Case detection through bacteriology quality-assured in. Standard treatment with supervision and support to patients The effective supply and management of medicines e. Monitoring and evaluation system, including the quantification treatment results In addition, the strategy of "Stop TB" were added following extremely important components: 2. Fighting HIV-related TB, MDR-TB 3. Promotion of health systems 4. Involvement of all health care providers (cooperation between governmental organizations and the private sector) 5. Empowering people with TB and society (education work and social mobilization) 6. Support and development of scientific research To implement the strategic plan, the international community should address the following tasks: 15 • Achieve universal access to high quality diagnosis and treatment, patient-centered. • Reduce the human suffering from socio-economic burden associated with TB. • Protect the poor and vulnerable populations from TB, TB / HIV and MDR-TB. • Support the development of new tools to combat all forms of tuberculosis and enable their timely and effective use. 1.3 Organization of the National Programme for Control of Tuberculosis in RK National Programme for Tuberculosis Control in the Republic of Kazakhstan carried out on state level and integrated into the national health system for achieve effective screening and treatment of tuberculosis patients and prevent the spread of infection. The National Programme for Tuberculosis Control in the Republic of Kazakhstan is guided by following policy documents: 1. Presidential Decree of November 16, 1998 № 4556 "State Program health of the people "(with additions and modifications) 2. Presidential Decree № 3956 of 18 May 1998 with amendments on Immediate measures to improve the health of citizens of the Republic Kazakhstan " 3. Government Resolution № 839 "On urgent measures of protection populations from TB in Kazakhstan "(with additions and modifications) 4. "State program of reforming and development of health 2005-2010gg " 5. Government Resolution № 1263 of December 21, 2007 "On Measures protect the population from tuberculosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan " The main directions of the National Programme for Control of TB in Kazakhstan: 1. provision of advice, organizational and methodological assistance to VET provincial, municipal and district levels, health organizations of the common medical network and departments of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter MOJ), Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - MOE), Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Ministry of Internal Affairs) 2. exercise control in determining the need for antidrugs for the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, on their management use, target expenditure and proper storage of the country 3. continuous supply of high quality TPE and access to qualitative bacteriological diagnosis of TB 4. monitoring of TB activities in the areas regions and rayschnnom level according to a schedule approved by the authorized body 5. organizing and conducting trainings, seminars and conferences for professionals phthisiatric service agencies GKSEN civil sector agencies MJ, Defense, the Interior Ministry and the PHC network in the fight against tuberculosis 6. work with non-governmental organizations, including public and international 16 Performing GMP shall have the following anti-organization: � state institution "National Center for Tuberculosis Problems," MH RK (NTSPT), the central body RPE � TB dispensaries (regional and municipal levels) � TB hospital (city and district levels) � TB department (district level) � for confirming the TB offices (district level) � Specialised TB sanatorium (Republican, provincial, municipal levels) 1.3.1 Functions of RPE at the national (central) level • Strategic planning TB control activities in the country; • Coordination of activities to improve the epidemiological situation TB in Kazakhstan • Reliable high-quality anti-TB Program drugs, laboratory and medical equipment, monitoring use and consumption • Monitoring the implementation of all components of TB activities in the republic (clinic, laboratory services, drug software, information management and reporting, health education); • Management of scientific and medical practitioners phthisiatric Service of the Republic • Conduct peer review implementation of the National TB program at all levels • Training and development strategy for human resource development in TB Program 1.3.2 Functions of RPE at the regional (provincial / municipal and district) level The activities of the TB program at the regional level is determined and monitored the national level and provincial (municipal) and district TB organizations (PTO). Main function of the regional TB program is control over the process of identifying and treating TB patients. Analysis, Planning and coordination should facilitate the provision of quality health services provided by PTI, which include the following: a) Identification of tuberculosis: • Identifying persons with suspected tuberculosis and their direction on the diagnostics • Active screening of risk groups • contact tracing b) Maintenance of TB cases: • Diagnosis and choice of appropriate treatment regimen for all cases diagnosed tuberculosis • Organization and administration of treatment under the direct supervision • Registration and reporting 17 The National Programme for TB control can achieve its goals only with the active work and interaction between soyuboy all its levels. According to the WHO definition is "effective working national program to combat Tuberculosis is making a high rate of recovery of patients, low level of acquired drug resistance and, ultimately, high detection rate of TB cases. 1.4 Integrating SPE into the overall health system One way of guaranteeing long-term control of tuberculosis in the country, is the integration of the national TB program in general health care system, which gives patients access to free TB diagnosis and treatment. Guide NTSPT RK, as the central management body PNP should facilitate the development strategy of integration into health, developing the following documents: Yes. Guide to GMP, which includes technical guidance on GMP (general Information about tuberculosis, the case definition and classification of disease identification of cases, the procedure of treatment, etc.) b.. Operational Guidelines for the NPP - description of staff units for all levels, job descriptions, monitoring activities and laboratory Research in. Planning for a detailed budget, funding sources and responsibilities The training program, the TB control activities at all levels e. Organization of laboratory services e. The system of registration and reporting using standardized Register Well. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan - allocation of responsibilities at different levels r. Plan for and supply, including the procurement of medicines drugs and diagnostic materials 1.5 Indicators GMP Indicators determined by the PNP leaders (managers) Program and focus on WHO recommendations. To estimate the NPP, the following Indicators: • Availability of the National Tuberculosis Programme in Kazakhstan • Index izlechivaemosti new smear-positive cases (with TBMLU and without TBMLU) • Proportion of newly diagnosed smear pulmonary tuberculosis • The death rate from tuberculosis 2. DEFINITION OF CASES AND CATEGORY TB TREATMENT 2.1 The purpose of determining and factors affecting their classification Definition of cases of tuberculosis is necessary to: • accurate recording of patients with the inclusion of data in the official reporting; • ensure priority treatment of patients with smear-positive cases, the main source of infection; • the appointment of appropriate standard treatment regimens; • assessing the ratio of TB patients in accordance with the localization of disease, bacteriological status and previous history of treatment; • evaluating outcomes of treatment by group (cohort) analysis. Factors affecting the classification of cases: 1. Localization of tuberculous process 2. Previously used approaches in the treatment of tuberculosis 3. The results of bacteriological examination 4. The severity of disease 2.2 The localization of tuberculosis are distinguished: • pulmonary tuberculosis - a disease in which the pathological process involved lung parenchyma. (Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes or tuberculous pleurisy without radiological signs of involvement lung tissue in the pathological process belongs to the extrapulmonary tuberculosis). • extrapulmonary tuberculosis - tuberculosis of other organs and tissues (Tuberculosis of the pleura, lymph nodes, abdomen, urogenital system, skin, joints and bones, shells of the brain and / or spinal cord); diagnosis should be on the basis of integrated clinical and radiological, bacteriological, cytomorphologycal studies indicating active extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The combination of pulmonary and extrapulmonary localization refers to pulmonary tuberculosis. Miliary tuberculosis is a pulmonary, as accompanied by pathological changes in the lungs. Localization of TB is more relevant for the registration reporting than for treatment regimens. 2.3 Information on previously used TB treatment are needed for the appointment of an adequate treatment regimen for identifying patients with high risk of developing drug resistance. Separation of patients on first identified (new), and early treatment is essential in epidemiological monitoring of tuberculosis in any given Region (district, province) and in the country. 19 2.4 The results of microscopic examination are important to identify the most infectious TB cases and their urgent treatment. Pulmonary TB with positive smear (Smear) is determined by the patient, who: • If sputum smear microscopy prior to treatment revealed the ILO, even under a single identification; Pulmonary tuberculosis with negative smear determined by the patient on the basis of criteria appropriate sanitary epidemiological requirements and standards of clinical practice: • not less than three-fold negative results in Microscopic examination of sputum smears for the presence of AFB; • radiologically determined changes corresponding to the active pulmonary tuberculosis; • No effect in therapy with antibacterial drugs broad spectrum; • doctor's decision (TSVKK), a full course of TB chemotherapy. Sputum Culture investigations are important for diagnosis of tuberculosis, but produce an outcome requires a long time (from several weeks to months). Therefore, a positive result in the planting negative results smear microscopy is an indication of the presence of the patient's active tuberculosis and confirms the diagnosis. 2.5 The severity of disease is determined massiveness of bacteria, prevalence and localization process. Therefore, timely diagnosis TB is very important in terms of prevention of its complications. For the first time identified common clinical forms of tuberculosis (chronic disseminated tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis with a complicated course, caseous pneumonia, fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, extrapulmonary tuberculosis complications, destructive changes in lungs and mycobacterium in children) considered advanced cases. Typically, the above forms develop due to inadequate performance measures (diagnostic algorithm) to timely detection of TB in the PHC network organizations and the PTO or late treatment of patients. Need for mandatory clinical parsing such cases with GSEN VET and primary health care with a protocol parsing and plan activities. 2.6 Categories of cases for registration (types of patients) The following types of tuberculosis: 1. a new case - the patient never previously did not take antidrugs or who took them less than one month 2. relapse - a patient who previously held a full course TB treatment and outcome was "cured" or "treatment completed, but which subsequently appeared mycobacterium 20 3. failure of treatment - the patient is assigned to a second course antituberculosis therapy after failure of previous course 4. treatment after the break - a patient with a positive microscopy smear, treatment resumes after a break lasting 2 and more months 5. translated - the patient, who had arrived to continue treatment from another medical institution, where he was registered as TB patients. Upon completion of treatment, its outcome should be sent to the PTO primary Registration 6. others - all TB patients who can not be attributed to above definitions. This is a recurrence of lung mycobacterium tuberculosis free and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Such cases must be isolated, and each situation requires pathomarphological or bacteriological confirmation of diagnosis 7. Category IV - TB patients: • a laboratory confirmed multidrug resistant (multiresistance) • With polyresistance with "treatment failures" in the modes I, II and III categories • with clinical resistance Office (extrapulmonary TB, TB in children and adolescents) Type IV category is selected in order to control all cases of tuberculosis MDR. The decision to transfer the patient to category IV, as well as the choice of treatment regimen adopted TSVKK. Patients c polyresistance and clinical resistance, transferred to Category IV and recorded in the journal TB 11 in connection with the inefficiency chemotherapy first-line drugs in TB 01 and TB 03 should be the outcome "Bad treatment". Case management category IV is considered a special manual on MDR-TB. 2.7 Categories and medication regimes Table 1 - Categories and medication regimes Mode Categories I New cases of pulmonary tuberculosis with bacterial and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, as well as patients with pulmonary Tuberculosis, having defeated more than 1 segment, with heavy complicated and combined forms of pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB without bacteria. II patients with relapse of tuberculosis, treatment failure, treatment after break, and others. III patients with newly diagnosed limited (Within one segment), uncomplicated pulmonary tuberculosis without mycobacterium tuberculosis and extrapulmonary localization. 2.8 Results of the treatment (definitions for reporting) 21 Upon completion of treatment in each patient must be determined on the basis that entered in the District Registry in accordance with one of the following categories outcomes. Table 2 - Definition of treatment outcomes The result of treatment Definition Cured smear results were negative in end of treatment and in two previous studies Treatment completed I'll take all the prescribed doses of antipreparations for the planned period of time, but does not criteria "cured" or "bad treatment" Failure treatment The patient remains positive microscopy sputum for the 5th month of treatment and later, or initially negative microscopy, became positive after the intensive phase Violation regime The patient interrupted treatment for 2 months or more Died patient died during treatment, regardless of the cause of death Transferred The patient dropped out from under the supervision of medical institution under the observation of another and the result of his treatment is unknown Note: treatment outcome should be communicated to the area where the patient has arrived (where to begin treatment). Transferred Category IV Patients with confirmed multidrug resistance (at least to HR) Notes: - Combination of "treatment completed" and "cure" rate is successful treatment - The outcome of the "bad treatment" in patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis, as well as in children with pulmonary tuberculosis without MBT can be determined results of clinical and radiological investigations. 22 3. Laboratory services Laboratory service is an integral part of national TB program and plays a key role in the diagnosis and monitoring the treatment of tuberculosis. 3.1 Organizational Structure TB laboratory service corresponds to the three levels of the system health service: 1. Peripheral laboratory (District) 2. Intermediate Laboratory (provincial, regional) 3. Central Laboratory (National laboratory) 3.1.1 Functions of the peripheral (district) level Technical features: • Preparation of smears and staining by Ziehl-Neelsen • smear microscopy and incorporated • Internal quality control Organizational functions: • Taking samples and issuing results • Servicing • Maintain laboratory journal (TB 04) • Work with the reagents and consumables 3.1.2 Options for the intermediate (provincial, regional) level All roles and responsibilities of the peripheral level, plus: Technical features: • Fluorescent microscopy (optional) • Processing and decontamination of clinical specimens • Allocation of cultures Office and their identification • Determination of drug sensitivity • Identification of other mycobacteria (not Office) • Preparation of reagents and maintenance of peripheral laboratories Organizational functions: • Training of laboratory specialists, performing microscopy • Assist staff in the performance of peripheral laboratories microscopy and control of their work • Improving the quality of studies and professional Testing of microscopy for peripheral laboratories 3.1.3 Functions of the central (national) level All the functions and duties of the intermediate (regional and regional) level Plus: Organizational functions: • monitoring of the condition of laboratory equipment and ensuring its repair 23 • Prepare and periodically update guidelines for laboratory diagnosis of TB Administrative functions: • Training of laboratory specialists intermediate (regional and regional) level • Quality smear and culture in intermediate-level laboratories. • surveillance of the quality of DST, conducted in the laboratories of intermediate level Research and surveillance: • Organization of surveillance of primary and acquired drug resistant Office • Operational research on laboratory services The quality of laboratory services depends on the amount of research and the number personnel. To work effectively for the maximum number of microscopy smears by TL at 1 laboratory should not exceed 20 strokes per day. Professionalism in the reading of smears on the CI supports the viewing of at least 10 -15 strokes in a week, at least 2-3 a day. One laboratory, covering 100 Thousands of people, usually enough to achieve those goals - 2 - 20 strokes per day. 3.2 Organization of the microscopic and laboratory use Equipment When placing the equipment in the laboratory will cover three separate sections: 1. well-lit section for the preparation and staining of smears 2. section for microscopy 3. section for the registration and storage of drugs The laboratory should have: - Desktops - Sink for staining smears - Screw the chair or stool - Cabinet for reagents 3.2.1 The items required for preparation of smears: 1. Sputum containers 2. Bacteriological loop diameter of 3 mm 3. Slide (nonfat and no scratches) 4. Marking pencil 5. Tweezers 6. Bunsen gas burner or alcoholic 7. Metal Bank for burning the material used 8. Bottle of alcohol and sand 3.2.2 The items needed for staining smears: 1. Tripod for clean slides 2. Tweezers 3. Stand for drying stained smears 24 4. Carbolic fuchsin 5. 3% solution of hydrochloric acid or 25% sulfuric acid 6. Solution of methylene blue 7. Distilled water 8. Bunsen gas burner or alcoholic 9. Filter paper 10. Timer or hourglass 3.2.3 The items needed for the study under a microscope: 1. Binocular microscope 2. Immersion oil 3. Swabs for cleaning lenses 4. Box for smears 5. Toluene or xylene 6. Pens with blue and red ink 3.3 Preparation of smears: Smears should be prepared simultaneously by multiple pieces (the maximum number of one series - 12 strokes). All manipulations for the preparation of smears should be standardized? Instructions for preparation of smears (by Ziehl-Neelsen) in the Appendix. 3.4 Preparation of reagents for staining by Ziehl-Neelsen 3.4.1 Ziehl Saturated alcoholic solution of fuchsin: - Basic fuchsin - 3,0 g - 96% ethyl alcohol - 100 ml - Solution of basic fuchsin in alcohol (solution number 1) Phenol solution: - The crystals of phenol - 5,0 g - Distilled water 100ml - Dissolve phenol crystals in distilled water, may need slight heating (solution number 2) Working solutions Mix 10 ml of solution number 1 and 90 ml of solution number 2, pour into a dark bottle. Leave the label name of the solution, the date of preparation and storage life. Crystalline phenol should be stored in tightly sealed container (vial) in refrigerator. 3.4.2 Bleaching agent 25,0% sulfuric acid Pour 300 ml of water in a liter bottle. Slowly add 100 ml of sulfuric acid, pouring it on the bottle. Mix. Content heats. Never pour water in sulfuric acid! 3,0% hydrochloric acid alcohol Ethyl alcohol 96% - 97 ml 25 Hydrochloric acid - 3 ml (pour acid in alcohol). 3.4.3 Dokrashivayuschy solution 0,3% solution of methylene blue - Methylene blue - 0,3 g; - Distilled water -100 ml. 3.5 Investigation under the microscope To study the stained smear is most suitable binocular microscope with immersion lens (X 100) and the eyepiece (x 10). 3.5.1 Preparation of the microscope to the study: 1. Remove cover, inspect the microscope, verify the integrity of the optical system and wipe with a dry cloth mechanical parts of the microscope 2. Turn power 3. Adjust the brightness until the desired intensity 4. Make sure that prepared for microscopy stained smears well drained 5. With the rotation makrovinta omit the stage, the maximum set him apart from the lens 6. Turn the revolving device to mount the lens with a small magnification (10x or 20x) just above the condenser 7. Place on a glass table so that the swab was directly under the lens, while necessarily ensure that the swab is at the top plane of the slide 8. Lock the drug on the table with preparatoderzhateley 9. With the help of screws, moving the surface of the table with a bound on its preparation, choose to view the smear plot 10. Adjust the interpupillary distance so that the right and Left image is merged into one 11. Looking into the eyepiece, slowly rotating makrovint, raise the stage with medication to the lens, ensuring a clear image of the object in the field of view through the lens 10X or 20x 12. Turn revolver withdraw 10x or 20x lens from the ray path and move lenses so that was free access to the drug 13. Drop the selected area smears a drop of immersion oil. Drop should be free to fall on the glass 14. Turn the crown to establish a revolving device lens increasing x 100 directly on smear 15. The lens must touch immersionnnogo oil and not to touch the object glass to avoid damage to the lens or not to break the drug 16. Looking into the eyepiece with micrometer to tune the sharpness. In execution time of the manipulation must be especially careful and remove the screws on the small course, not allowing unchecked full turn screws 17. In the event of a field of view of air bubbles in the operation settings (Point of contact of the front lens with immersion) be repeated 18. Explore the swab in accordance with the technique of reading the stroke (see below) 19. After the swab will be read, turn the gun so that shift lens X 100, and remove swab from the table. 20. Wipe the lens with a piece of paper to clean the lens or equivalent tissue. 21. Upon completion of the work to set the voltage regulator on minimum and turn off the power. 22. Cover the microscope impermeable to dust cover 3.5.2 Technique reading smear In microscopy should be viewed no less than 100 fields of view, to give quantify the drug and to detect isolated mycobacteria. In If the result of such studies is the negative, for confirmation is recommended to view all 300 fields of view. At considerable number of acid-fast bacilli is sufficient to investigate 20 - 50 fields of view in staining Ziehl - Neelsen. Microscopic examination of the drug must be sure that no one field of view of the drug is not visible again, so it is recommended view the drug is always one and the same pattern: three parallel lines the length of the drug. View product starting from the top left selected in the smear of view, gradually moving along the longitudinal axis of the drug until the end of the stroke, and then again dropping down and moving in the opposite direction, and so on, passing all visual field to the boundary of the stroke (Figure 1). Figure 1. Lines of view smear size 1x2 cm 324 - number of log TB 04; 2 - number of servings Sputum After microscopic examination, the slide should be released from preparatoderzhatelya; a) remove the slide from the microscope stage; b) check the number on the glass and the direction of TB 05 and write the result of microscopy log TB 04; a) to remove the immersion oil deleted swab for a few seconds in jar of xylene, or in the absence of xylene, wipe dry swab cloth; g) purified from the immersion oil swab placed in a box for subsequent storage TB bacteria - small red stick, slightly curved, more or less granular, isolated, in pairs, groups, clearly visible on a blue background smear. Count the number of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) and write result. Before the next stroke wipe immersion lens with a clean cloth. 3.5.3 Results 324-2 27 The number of detected bacteria determines the severity of the disease and the risk of the patient to others. Consequently, the study should be not only qualitative, but also quantitative. Registration results with the number of detected AFB is as follows: Table 3 - Registration of the results of microscopic examination No AFB in 300 fields of view negative 1-9 AFB per 100 fields of view to indicate the exact number of 10-99 AFB per 100 fields of view + 1-10 AFB per 1 field of view + + More than 10 AFB per 1 field of view + + + Sending the results of research The results of all medications must be recorded in the laboratory Journal of TB-04. Then, based on the records in the TB-04 results are entered in the form of TB05, after which it is sent to a medical facility as quickly as possible. 3.5.4 Destruction of smears examined Smear with found it KUB placed in a box and stored in laboratory for subsequent quality control. Following the quality control of smears with AFB (+) be removed to landfill after preliminary disinfection (immersion in the disinfecting solution, boiling, autoclaving). Slides with negative smear result can be used again after disinfection in the absence of mechanical damage (chips, scratches, etc.). 3.6 Fluorescent Microscopy Fluorescent microscopy using illumination from a quartz halogen lamp, or from a mercury lamp of high pressure. The advantage of fluorescence microscopy lies in the fact that the strokes visible at lower magnifications, thus covered a large area and as a result of time spent on the show is much smaller. The disadvantage of fluorescence microscopy is likely to be accepted artifacts of the acid-acid bacilli. Therefore recommended check all found questionable coli under high magnification, and smear-positive cases to confirm staining for Ziehl-Nielsen. 3.6.1 Preparation of reagents Auramine About - Auramine 0,1 g - 95% ethyl alcohol 10 ml - Dissolve the auramine in alcohol - solution № 1 Auramine is a carcinogen and therefore should avoid direct contact with the powder or dye. Phenol - Crystals phenol 3 g 28 - Distilled water 87 ml - Dissolve phenol crystals in water - a solution № 2 Mix solutions № 1 and № 2. The reagent is stored in tightly closed containers in dark glass in the dark, away from heat sources. The solution is stored at room temperature for 3 months. Reagent may be cloudy during storage, but it not affect the quality of staining. Bleaching solution: - Concentrated hydrochloric acid 0.5 ml - 70% ethyl alcohol (can be technical for potassium permanganate and acridine orange) - 100 ml. Carefully add concentrated hydrochloric acid to 70% ethyl alcohol. Always add acid slowly to alcohol, not vice versa. The mixture may become hot. The mixed reagent is stored in a bottle of dark glass. Solution can stored at room temperature up to 3 months. Hydrochloric acid alcohol 3,0%: - Concentrated hydrochloric acid, 3 ml - 95% ethyl alcohol (can be technical quality) 97 ml Carefully add concentrated hydrochloric acid to 95% ethyl alcohol. Always add acid slowly to alcohol, not vice versa. The mixture may become hot. The mixed reagent is stored in a bottle of dark glass. Solution can stored at room temperature up to 3 months. Staining As the dye is possible to use potassium permanganate, acridine orange, 0.25% aqueous solution of methylene blue and acid fuchsin. Potassium permanganate - Potassium permanganate 0,5 g - Distilled water 100 ml Potassium permanganate in distilled water. The mixed reagent stored in well-corked bottle of dark glass. The solution can be stored at room temperature up to 3 months. Acridine orange - Anhydrous sodium phosphate disubstituted 0,01 g - Distilled water 100 ml - Acridine orange 0,01 g - Dissolve the phosphate in distilled water, then add the acridine orange and dissolve. The mixed reagent is stored in a bottle of dark glass in the dark and away from heat. The solution can be stored at room temperature up to 3 months. Acid fuchsin - Acid fuchsin 1gr - Distilled water 300 ml - Concentrated acetic acid 10ml 29 - Dissolve the acid fuchsin in distilled water, add acetic acid. The solution can be stored at room temperature up to 3 months. Methylene blue (0.25% aqueous solution) - Methylene blue 0.25 g - Distilled water 100 ml - Dissolve the auramine in alcohol - solution № 1 Solution of methylene blue in distilled water. The solution can be stored at room temperature up to 3 months. All vials with reagents to write the name of the reagent, the date of preparation and time storage. 3.6.2 Methods of staining Place the numbered strokes to the bridge in the number of convenient and safe for work (maximum 12). Make sure that the strokes do not come into contact with each other. 1. Pour all the slide auramine O solution and leave for 15 minutes for staining. Make sure that the solution remained on the slides. Not heat and do not use filter paper 2. Wash the smear with distilled water and remove the liquid 3. Fill-coloring solution or 3.0% hydrochloric acid alcohol for 3-5 minutes 4. Rinse with distilled water and remove remaining liquid 5. Pour strokes one prepared solutions: potassium permanganate, acridine orange for 2 minutes, acid fuchsin and 0.25% aqueous solution of methylene blue for 3-5 minutes and leave for staining 6. Wash the smear with distilled water 7. Leave the swabs to dry in the air, or in any case blot them filter paper, etc. 8. Browse smears as soon as possible after cooking. Precautions during staining: 1. Do not abbreviate the exposure time with a solution of hydrochloric acid or alcohol sulfuric acid. 2. Avoid making too thick smears. This may prevent the quality of contact with the de-coloring reagent, and background dye can completely extinguish the presence of acidbacteria. Thick smears can flake off, leading to loss of material and eventual transfer it to other strokes. Too intense background staining may mask the presence of acid-fast bacilli 3. Smears stained with fluorescent reagents, should be viewed in 24 hours after cooking 4. With fluorescent microscopy mycobacteria appear as luminous sticks. Background smear depends on the dye: a pale yellow background determined by potassium permanganate, the orange background - acridine orange, purple-red to black background - acid fuchsin, dark background - methylene blue. 3.7 Quality control of smear Research 30 The quality control program is a microscopic lab system designed to continuously improve efficiency, increase reliability of the service, which would make microscopy tool choice in the diagnosis and monitoring. The components of the program are: - Internal quality control - External quality control - Improving the quality 3.7.1 Internal quality control of microscopic laboratory - a process effective and systematic monitoring of routine work in the laboratory regular basis. The functioning of this program ensures that information obtained in the course of the research is accurate, reliable and reproducible. Internal Quality control is the responsibility of all laboratory personnel. Monitoring should be directed to the following: - Placing laboratory - Equipment - Collection and delivery of material - Material handling - Methods - Reagents - Issuing results Key aspects of a successful program of internal quality control are: - Adequately trained, motivated and cohesive staff, - A reasonable choice of techniques, - Willingness to recognize and correct errors - Effective communication, the measures applicable to all TB laboratories in the tank. The use of control (positive and negative) smears: - Daily, along with ongoing smear should include monitoring (Obviously positive and negative) smears Quality control solutions and reagents: - Daily quality control solutions and reagents: color, transparency and crystallization; - On all bottles of solutions and reagents should be marked with the date preparation; - Control the amount of reagents in stock (must be 6 month reserve); - To control the turnover of stocks at the stock (first use Those reagents and dyes, the expiry date was coming to an end). Quality control of the alignment of the light source of binocular microscope. Equipment should be tested regularly (every 6 months) monitored to ensure accuracy and correctness of its range of specialist medical equipment. 31 3.7.2 External quality control Spring quality assessment (BOK) on the WHO standard applies to the target retrospective system, comparing results from different laboratories through programs sponsored by external agencies, such as reference laboratory. The main objective ROQ - to achieve comparability of results of different laboratories, in accordance with the standards. Identified deficiencies will direct efforts to remove them and improve quality. There are three methods BOK, which are used to evaluate the performance of laboratories: 1. perekontrol smears of peripheral laboratories superior laboratory 2. Panel testing 3. monitoring visits 3.7.3 Improving the quality The process by which the various aspects of laboratory work are constant review to improve the reliability, efficiency and use laboratory data. A key component of this process is data collection and their analysis, as well as creative problem situations. 3.8 Neurotoxin methods for isolating Office Questions of cultural studies described in the Methodological Recommendations NTSPT Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Neurotoxin methods to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis and determination drug sensitivity to anti-TB drugs 1 st Line 2004. Neurotoxin or bacteriological tests (seed) is used for confirm the diagnosis of tuberculosis "in the case of a negative result smear microscopy and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, as well as to determine drug sensitivity of the Office. The culture method for isolating the Office should be used: - All newly diagnosed patients prior to treatment to control Primary drug resistance to TB drugs - In patients without conversion of a positive result microscopy at the end of intensive phase (I and II category) - Patients with unfavorable outcome who undergo treatment, and possibly excreting resistant strains - For the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis with negative results microscopy and differential diagnosis of complex cases - For the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis 32 Results of cultural studies The intensity of growth indicate on a 4-point system: Table 4 - Assessment of cultural studies + Unit, up to 20 colonies (scant MBT) + + From 20 to 100 colonies (moderate MBT) + + + More than 100 colonies (solid MBT) + + + + Confluent growth of colonies (solid MBT) Currently, the international practice used methods of accelerated diagnosis of tuberculosis - mycobacterium detection and determination of their sensitivity to drugs using liquid media and fully automated microbiological systems, such as the Bactec Midge-960. Accelerated methods of diagnosis of tuberculosis have several advantages: short time establishment and determination of bacterial sensitivity to drugs, the choice adequate treatment in the light sensitivity to TAP the first row. 3.8.1 Definition of DST to the TAP There are 2 methods to determine drug susceptibility testing (DST) to TAP: 1. method of absolute concentration 2. method of proportions The method of absolute concentration on solid media to determine sensitivity to TAP the first row In accordance with the criteria of stability in the experiments on its study recommended use the following concentrations of tuberculostatic drugs: Used concentrations of antibacterial drugs Line 1: 1) Isoniazid; 1 5 mg / ml 2) Rifampicin 40 mg / ml 3) Ethambutol 2, 5 mg / ml 4) Streptomycin 5, 10 ug / ml Table 5 - Criteria of mycobacterium resistance to PTP TAP 1ryada Mycobacteria resistant during growth in medium containing the drug in concentration (in ug / ml) 1.Izoniazid 2.Rifampitsin 3.Etambutol 4.Streptomitsin 1 40 2 5 33 Table 6 - The activity of pure drug (mg active substance per mg weight of the product) Medicines micrograms active substance on 1 mg Isoniazid 1.000 (100%) Digidrostreptomitsin sulfate 750-850 (75-85%) Ethambutol Hydrochloride 890 (89%) Rifampicin 1.000 (100%) The activity of drugs varies from one batch / series of drugs to another. These important information is usually listed on labels of containers of drugs, packaging or can be obtained from manufacturers. The method of proportions on solid media to determine the sensitivity to main TAP The method of proportions is widely used in the world. To perform this method used among the Lowenstein-Jensen (L-Q), and the stability of the tested strains determined by the ratio of the number of colonies grown on medium with drugs to number of colonies grown on medium without drugs. This indicator allows to determine the presence of resistant mutants in general viable population of colony-forming units. For calculate the number of colonies grown on medium nth, we recommend seeding 2 dilutions. The advantage of this method is that the study used standard inoculum and can count the number of colonies grown on the n-th. Preparation of culture medium with drugs Of great importance to obtain accurate results DST is preparation of a medium containing drug. Below critical concentration of drugs in the environment nth: Isoniazid 0.2 mg / ml Streptomycin 4 ug / ml Rifampicin 40 mg / ml Ethambutol 2 ug / ml When cooking medium with drugs must take into account the activity of the drug, which can vary from one batch / series of drugs to another and depending on its manufacturer. This information is provided on the labels of containers, packages or are provided by the manufacturer. Isoniazid: Active substance content of 1000 ug / ml 1) Preparation of solutions of drugs: a) 20 mg isoniazid dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water - obtained solution has a concentration of 2,000 ug / ml In the future, from the working suspension prepared serial tenfold Breeding: 10 - 1, 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4 (One for each suspension used the same 1ml graduated pipette). Sowing bacterial suspension: a) in 2 tubes with the medium nth without drugs (control tube) make planting 0.1 ml of the suspension diluted to 10-2, 10-4 and distribute over the entire surface environment. b) in 2 tubes with the medium nth containing each medicine makes seeding 0.1 ml suspension diluted to 10-2 and distribute over the entire surface of the medium. The tubes were kept in an incubator in an inclined position with loosely covered at lids at a temperature of 370 C, until visible growth in medium without drugs, then for 4-6 weeks with clogged traffic jams. Interpreting results The criterion of stability is 1% of the growth of bacterial populations for all these drugs. After 4 weeks of incubation, growth on medium containing no drugs, inoculated with a suspension of 10-4 compared with growth on the medium with the drug, inoculated with a suspension of 10-2. If the number of colonies more on medium containing drug testing strain is stable. Since the ratio of 10-2 and 10-4 is as 1:100, the following formula can used to calculate the% stability: The number of colonies on medium with drugs in a dilution of 10-2 =% Stability Number of colonies in medium without drugs in a dilution 10-4 If the growth of bacteria on a nutrient medium containing the drug, more than 1%, strain is considered to be stable. 3.9 Quality control of bacteriological laboratories 3.9.1 Internal quality control of bacteriological laboratory is aimed at: - Placing the laboratory and the organization of work; - Laboratory equipment; - The quality of the material; - Processing of the material; - Quality, availability and quantity of reagents; - Methodology and procedure of sowing; - Registration and issuance of test results. Internal quality control - it is the responsibility of all personnel of the laboratory! Placing the laboratory and organization of work: - Ensure that the laboratory doors are always closed. Unauthorized persons should not be be in the room laboratory. Office facilities, equipment and Consumables are arranged to ensure effective and safe operation - Room cleaning is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule. Work tops should be treated no less than 1 times per day disinfectant solution - Laboratories should use methods approved by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan 36 - A detailed description of each method used in the laboratory, should stored in an accessible place - All laboratory logs and files should be stored at least 5 years Laboratory equipment: - Equipment should be used in accordance with the requirements and Manufacturer specifications - Manual operation of the equipment should be kept in an accessible place - The passport to the equipment regularly entered the date of service - Equipment should be checked regularly by a specialist Biological safety cabinet: - The location BSHB should stay away from the entrance to the laboratory and located in the side of the aisle (the movement of air from passing people may violate the air curtain). This curtain is very fragile and open windows or equipment that creates air movement (centrifuges) is should be located near BSHB. - Special attention should be paid to maintenance and timely replacement filters. - Jobs BSHB requires daily inspection of air velocity (22.86 m / s for BSHB class I and 22.86 - 30.48 m / s for BSHB class II) and indicators gauge pressure of air entering the filter. In the case of the minimum exceeding the marked level necessary to replace the filter. Centrifuge Every 6 months you should check brushes in electric motors. Incubator To register the temperature in the thermostat on a daily basis. Need to check the difference temperature inside the thermostat at different levels. Convolutors Daily check the temperature. After each batch of media carefully handle convolution. Water Bath Control the temperature before and during use. Each month careful handling and cleaning. refrigerator (2-8 º C): Daily temperature control. Each month to process every 3 months to remove ice from the freezer. Freezer Daily check the temperature, cleaned every 6 months. glassware Do not use dull and cracked dishes. Sterile utensils store not more than 3 weeks. 37 3.9.2 Diagnostic material and direction to the analysis: - Analyses are performed only if the completed form to the direction study. Do not allow the adoption of the material without appropriate written instructions - Directions must be delivered separately from the container with the material. Areas of contaminated material must be subjected to autoclave - Do not accept referrals without any information on the containers. Not to containers, which are impossible to read the inscription - Leaking containers with the material immediately and autoclaved send a request to re-analysis - Assess the quality of the delivered material, and note if it is saliva - When issuing the results in the direction you need to specify a red pen that researched material - saliva (Do not rely on negative result). - Mark the date of receipt of the material in the laboratory, as well as any delay when issuing the results, especially in the case of negative and crops with Bark 3.9.3 Reagents and dyes All the vial must bear the date of receipt and the date of opening a new bottle. Any agent of unsatisfactory quality immediately discarded and the list of available reagents is the corresponding record. Need to control the turnover of stocks at the stock (the first to use the reagents and dyes, the expiry date was coming to an end). Necessary record the date when freshly prepared reagents and dyes vials in the appropriate register. 3.9.4 Homogenization and decontamination: - At the same time to handle a number of tests, which can be downloaded centrifuge - Monthly calculate the percentage sprout when sown clinical material (an acceptable level of 2-3%). Less than 2% sprout says excessively harsh treatment (much of the mycobacteria are killed). If laboratory receives material delay, the percentage of sprout can be more than 5%. In the case of a constant level of sprout above 3%, make sure that decontamination procedure is adequate - Monthly determine the percentage of patients examined with a view diagnosis before treatment, in which microscopy gave positive result, and sowing - is negative (the proportion of such cases should not exceed 3%) Environment: - Use fresh (not more than 7 days) eggs for cooking environment Lowenstein-Jensen - Monitor the temperature and clotting time environments. Remove the tubes, where changed the color of the medium or formed bubbles - Check all media for sterility by placing them in an incubator at 37 ° C for 24 hours 38 - Prepared medium stored in the refrigerator (no lighting) 4 weeks after What untapped medium ejected Test for verification of growth as media Testing the growth characteristics of each party environment is carried out by standard test strain, as the test strain using laboratory (Museum) strain N37Rv or "wild" sensitive strain. Suspension Office prepares standard Mc Farland-№ 1, then it is diluted to 10 - 6 and planted on 0.1 ml on nutrient medium. If the nutrient medium on the rise 50-100 colonies environment quality is good. Seeding To avoid contamination of each analysis using a sterile pipette and strictly follow the all the recommendations. If the same material (especially humidity) was transported to the laboratory within a few days, the percentage of sprout is 5 - 10%. 39 4. Pulmonary tuberculosis 4.1 Methods of detection of tuberculosis Cases of tuberculosis can be identified in two ways: 1. Passive detection 2. Active detection The priority in TB control should be given to early detection and treatment contagious disease. Secondhand identify - identify the disease in persons seeking a medical institution (clinic, hospital, diagnostic center, private clinics, etc.) with complaining of cough. In this case, the most effective method of identifying TB is sputum smear microscopy. Smear microscopy in patients with prolonged cough (more than 2 weeks) is the most important diagnostic tests to detect the most dangerous forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. In some patients, the presence of loss of body weight, fever, pain in the chest cage, cough may be absent. But the doctor's responsibility is to suspect TB in such patients and to conduct appropriate diagnostic study. Active detection - detection of the disease by prophylactic flyuorogoraficheskih surveys. In Kazakhstan, this method is used for Screening high risk groups. But remember that to diagnose TB with confidence just by x-ray data rather difficult. Fluorography and roentgenography can be subjective, and therefore wrong, is not excluded and the factor of insufficient quality. In any case, patients with radiological changes should be sent to smear, before they are diagnosed. Priority research in identifying TB should be bacterioscopy smear. This method in the diagnosis of tuberculosis is responsible modern requirements, conforming to the principles "evidence-based medicine". 4.2 Clinical signs In tuberculosis of the lungs are no specific clinical symptoms. Therefore, treatment the patient to health worker should be attentive to all his complaints and state. From the local features of pulmonary tuberculosis is the most frequent cough sputum. But in most cases, the cough may be due to acute respiratory diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer lung, bronchiectasis. Therefore, to ascertain the diagnosis, needed sputum for MBT in all persons with long-term cough (Over 2 weeks). 40 It is important to the strict observance of rules for collection of sputum for objective result of microscopic examination. Patients with suspected tuberculosis must pass three samples (samples) of sputum for microscopic study on the ILO. And one of the samples should be morning, and two samples must be collected under the supervision of a healthcare professional. (Instructions for the implementation of sputum in the Appendix). In tuberculosis possibly hemoptysis, the amount of blood can vary from veins to massive bleeding. Therefore, detection of blood in the sputum always have to explore it to the Office. Pain in the chest, in principle, are not typical of pulmonary tuberculosis. But they can be due to involvement in the process of the pleura. Shortness of breath can be caused by pleural effusion. Common symptoms such as weight loss, excessive sweating, fever, Fatigue give reason to suspect tuberculosis, but can not confirm diagnosis. In favor of tuberculosis shows a gradual increase in overall symptoms for weeks and sometimes months. At physical examination can sometimes detect local blunting percussion sounds, limited wheezing may be present symptoms of pleurisy. But often you can not find any pathology of the chest. 4.3 Diagnostics (diagnostic algorithm) If you find the Office in the pathological material (sputum, pleural fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), the patient should be sent to the PTO, where he held clinical-radiological further examination for clinical staging diagnosis. In the absence of MBT patients with suspected tuberculosis and the presence infiltrative (inflammatory) changes in the X - (fluorogram) assigned a course of anti-inflammatory antibiotics wide range steps to exclude non-specific pneumonia. In no case should used drugs used to treat tuberculosis? If at X-ray (fluorogram) Other changes (rounded shadows, cavities, an increase intrathoracic lymph nodes, etc.) the patient should be directed to consult a TB specialist to decide on further tactics (Additional studies such as bronchoscopy, CT, YAMRT etc.). 4.4 Clinical classification of tuberculosis. The classification of tuberculosis based on the ICD revision X and consists of four main sections: clinical forms of tuberculosis, characteristic of tuberculous process, complications of tuberculosis, the residual changes after the treatment tuberculosis. 41 4.4.1 Clinical forms of tuberculosis differ in localization and clinical radiological signs of taking into account the pathogenetic and pathologic Characteristics of tuberculosis process. Main clinical forms TB are: Tuberculosis of respiratory organs: Primary tuberculosis complex Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes Disseminated tuberculosis Miliary tuberculosis Focal pulmonary tuberculosis Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis Cheesy pneumonia Pulmonary tuberculoma Cavitary disease Fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis Cirrhotic tuberculosis Tuberculous pleurisy (including empyema) Tuberculosis of the bronchi, trachea, upper respiratory tract Tuberculosis of the respiratory system, combined with professional dust Lung Disease (koniotuberkulez. Tuberculosis of other organs and systems: Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric lymph nodes Tuberculosis of bones and joints Tuberculosis of the urinary and genital Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue Tuberculosis peripheral lymph Tuberculosis eye Tuberculosis of other organs 4.4.2 Characteristics of tuberculosis process is given by the localization process, by clinical and radiological signs and the presence or absence of diagnostic materials sick of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT). • Location and distribution: a lung lobes, segments, and in other bodies lesions • Phase: a) infiltration, decay, contamination b) dissipation, sealing, scarring, calcification • MBT: a) the allocation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT +) b) without isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT-) 4.4.3 Complications of tuberculosis: Haemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage, spontaneous pneumothorax, pulmonary heart failure, atelectasis, amyloidosis, fistulas, etc. 4.4.4 Residual changes after the treatment of tuberculosis: a) Respiratory: fibrous, fibro-foci, bullosa dystrophic, calcinates in the lungs and lymph nodes, plevropnevmoskleroz, cirrhosis; b) other bodies: cicatricial changes in various organs and their consequences, calcification, etc. Wording of the diagnosis in TB patients is recommended in the next sequence: the clinical form, location, phase of the process MBT (MBT + or MBT-), complications, concomitant diseases. Examples of wording of the diagnosis: 1. Infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper lobe of right lung, the phase of disintegration and contamination, the Office +. Pulmonary heart I degree. 2 diabetes Art. Revision in the diagnosis of clinical forms of tuberculosis are encouraged to when re (failure of treatment, treatment after the break) or at the end of treatment (Cured, treatment completed). Patients with inactive change after full treatment course successfully put diagnosis of residual changes after (specify clinical form of tuberculosis) " Revision of the phase of the process when making a diagnosis can be carried on any stage monitor patients. For patients who have been made kollapsohirurgicheskie or other interventions for tuberculosis, it is recommended: a) persons who have been following the operations in the lungs remained unchanged tuberculous nature, should be diagnosed condition after operation intervention (specify the nature and date of intervention) about one or another form TB b) if the remainder (kollabirovannoy) lung tissue, or other body preserved or that the TB change is taken into account, this form tuberculosis. The diagnosis, moreover, reflects the nature of surgical intervention on the tuberculosis. 43 5. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis The purpose of the section - to present the principles of detection, diagnosis and treatment of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. 5.1 Identification and diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (VLT), usually detected in later stages that explained on the one hand the objective difficulties of diagnosis, but on the other lack of awareness of physicians infrared detection of the disease. Most patients VLT primarily appeals to specialists OLS, so they should as soon as possible to suspect TB and send the patient to a specialist. An algorithm for detecting and diagnosing extrapulmonary tuberculosis is carried out on three levels: 1. The first level - hospitals OLS, which held the primary identification of persons with suspected VLT among patients of all ages Based on the clinical (complaints, medical history, examination), laboratory (blood, urine), radiological examination of the chest and special methods depending on the localization process. If available biological material must be 3-fold in the study Office by microscopy. Detection of AFB at least once or availability of clinical and radiological signs of suspected TB is an indication for referral of TB dispensary. 2. The second level - TB dispensary, where being additional examination for histological, cytological and Microbiological verification of the diagnosis. If the full range of available research methods are not allowed to justify the diagnosis, you can assign non-specific drugs for 2 weeks. This estimate is not final result, but the dynamics of the process. 3. The third level - NTSPT RK, which send patients unidentified reliably diagnosed in-depth survey and and patients with indications for surgical treatment. Chemotherapy for all patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis is on standard schemes. Surgical treatment is carried out to address TSVKK. 5.2 The main clinical forms of extrapulmonary TB The section presents the main localization VLT, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. 5.2.1 Tuberculous meningitis It is one of the main causes of death in tuberculosis. Distribution Office in meningeal membranes and the brain occurs in the process of hematogenous dissemination infection from the primary tumor or miliary TB. The disease develops gradually, marked malaise, irritability, Low-grade fever etc., are characterized by inconsistency general state of gravity. By 2 days ago 44 symptoms of the disease are increasing: the headache progresses, there is stiff neck. Subscribes basal neurological symptoms (Lesion of cranial nerves, usually III, VI, VII, IX, XII pairs). 3 weeks may appear paralysis of the limbs, stupor, stopper, coma. Often there hydrocephalus, which is one of the reasons for the decrease of consciousness. By week 4 may died. It is possible and "atypical" acute onset of high fever and meningeal symptoms, especially in young children. Decisive in the diagnosis of a study of cerebrospinal fluid. For Tuberculosis is characterized by increasing pressure to 300-400 mm water column, cells usually up to 500 per mm3 with the prevailing polymorph early in the disease, later predominance of lymphocytes. Protein level increased up to 3,3 g / l, glucose reduced. Positive reaction sedimentary nowadays-Appelt and Pandi. At standing through the night falls delicate film of fibrin in a grid. Office in the cerebrospinal fluid is rarely found (10-20%). Recommended method for rapid planting sensitive culture. In normal spinal fluid does not exclude TB, particularly in HIV-positive patients. The range of mandatory surveys include a study fundus, X-ray of the chest, a skull in two projections. Informative CT, while spinal form of magnetic resonance imaging. Possible individual or multiple intracranial tuberculoma. Differential diagnosis often done with serous meningitis viral etiology, purulent meningitis, a brain tumor. Treatment should begin as soon as possible, without waiting for the results microbiological surveys. Preference is given to the intensive phase streptomycin, as the concentration of ethambutol in the cerebrospinal fluid is low. Showing the use of systemic corticosteroids, especially in the presence of focal neurological changes, high pressure, cerebral edema and hydrocephalus. 5.2.2 Tuberculous pleurisy Most often occurs as a complication of tuberculosis of any localization, but may run as an independent clinical form and be the first clinical manifestation of tuberculosis in the body. According to the clinical forms are distinguished fibrinous (Dry), pleural effusion and tuberculous empiemu. In connection with this clinic tuberculous pleurisy diverse. Fibrinous pleuritis begins gradually with the appearance of chest pain. Patients often indicate hypothermia, SARS. Pain may radiate to the shoulder girdle abdominal cavity. A characteristic diagnostic feature is the noise of friction pleura. Dry pleurisy is often recurs, which is characteristic of tuberculosis. Pleural effusion accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, gradually increasing shortness of breath, constant oppressive pain in his side. In this case, Patients are usually treated themselves to a doctor. It is significant shortening percussion sounds, which depends on the size of exudate. 45 Festering pleural effusion (empyema) is accompanied by severe clinical pattern - high fever, shortness of breath, night sweats, weight loss. Radiological examination is characterized by fibrinous pleuritis decreasing the transparency of the lung field. Informative is computer diagnostics, which allows the seal pleural sheets and their deformation. In the presence of free exudate on the plain film is determined by the typical painting shading the lower parts of the lung field with an oblique upper limit, the displacement mediastinal organs in the opposite direction. Shadow of intense and homogeneous. One is the chest x-ray, during which you can see a change in the level of free exudate during respiration and movement of the patient's body. To detect changes in the lungs, it is necessary to make radiographs after fluid removal. To audit the lungs and mediastinal organs shows a computer tomography. In the case of penetration of air in the pleural cavity of the upper limit of effusion takes a horizontal position. Partial adhesion of pleura exudate may osumkovyvatsya and radiologically defined shadow in the form of a convex lens, a triangle or strip. Detection of effusion in the pleural cavity causes no special difficulties, much harder to prove its nature. Besides tuberculosis, pleurisy can be associated with pneumonia, lung cancer or mesothelioma of the pleura, pulmonary infarction, collagen diseases. For detection of pleural effusion is necessary to conduct diagnostic pleural puncture. Observation tactics without pleural puncture justified only at diagnosis, the presence of a small amount of effusion or when the effusion is caused by congestive heart failure. However, since pleural puncture is a relatively simple procedure, it should perform without hesitation when indicated. In patients with massive pleural effusion, accompanied by shortness of breath, pleural puncture is performed in therapeutic purposes. With a single puncture should not delete more than 1000 ml of fluid Investigation of pleural fluid is conducted in the following areas: appearance, cellular composition, biochemical and bacteriological study. For tuberculous pleurisy is characterized by a serous exudate with a predominance of cellular composition of lymphocytes. The Office can be found in 5-15% of cases. Undoubtedly, the discovery of the Office the most convincing evidence TB the etiology of pleurisy, but their absence does not deny tuberculosis. Of great importance in the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy, especially in children, have tuberculin tests. As a rule, pleurisy of tubercular etiology, response to tuberculin were hyperergic character. But in patients with purulent pleurisy they are weakly positive or even negative. Tuberculous pleuritis may be associated with specific inflammation of the bronchi, especially in primary tuberculosis, which can be found at bronchoscopy study. 46 Scoring method for diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy is thoracoscopy with follow-up biopsy of the pleura. On examination of the pleura can detect the characteristic for tuberculosis papulose rash. In the biopsy finding of elements of tuberculosis granulomas confirms the etiology of tuberculosis pleurisy. Tissue samples were subject mandatory bacteriological research. The outcome of exudative pleurisy is usually the resorption of exudate without visible permanent change. A long course on the pleura may be pleural layers. In patients with purulent pleurisy disease can take chronic course with the formation of chronic empyema, which requires surgical treatment. If such is contraindicated, then the prognosis is extremely unfavorable. 5.2.3 Tuberculosis of bones and joints The section presents the principles of timely detection and diagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis. Patients with osteo-articular tuberculosis is 3-5% of all patients tuberculosis. Well, they get them at any age. In children and adolescents disease distinguished by a higher incidence and significant disabilities affected part of the skeleton. Approximately half the cases, tuberculous process localized in the spine, less frequently in the hip and knee joints, and rarely in the elbow, shoulder joints, bones, feet, hands and elsewhere. The clinical symptoms of osteo-articular tuberculosis are divided into general and local. Among the general expressions which give reason to suspect TB - symptoms of intoxication: malaise, decrease efficiency, Low-grade fever, sweating, etc. Local symptoms depend on its localization and developmental stages tuberculous inflammation and described in detail in the learning and teaching materials. The basis of diagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis is a carefully assembled history of the disease, the elucidation of information about contact with patients with tuberculosis. To refine the diagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis needed microscopic and bacteriological study of pathological material MBT obtained during biopsy, surgery or a puncture, as well histological examination of postoperative material. Upon receipt of the growth of bacteria colonies of acid is mandatory the test for drug sensitivity to first-and secondseries. Currently, the use of modern radiological diagnostic methods, such as CT and MRI, allows rapid identification of tuberculosis of the spine and joints at the initial stage of the disease, to identify small isolated pockets degradation, which, when hard X-ray determined. In the presence of functioning fistula appointed fistulography for determine the nature of the fistula. 47 Tuberculosis of the spine (tuberculous spondylitis) Initial (prespondiliticheskaya) phase of the disease usually does not characteristic symptoms of the disease. The clinic can be manifested in the form transient local pain after normal daily loads. Survey radiograph of the spine at this stage does not diagnostic values. However, CT and MPT make it possible to detect the primary inflammatory destructive foci in vertebral bodies. Spondiliticheskaya phase, is characterized by general (malaise, weakness, Low-grade fever) and local symptoms (skirted pain, restriction of movement and pain in the spine, stiffness in the muscles back). Then join neurological disorders, which have pronounced HYDRATED segmental nature of the radiating pain in the extremities, pelvis, abdomen, chest cell. In engaging in the tubercular process end plates spine and break the pathological elements in juxtaspinal soft tissue formed paravertebral abscess. In lesions of the posterior reflex-plate spine has a risk of failure of tuberculous focus in the spinal canal, which leads to serious neurological violations, up to paraplegia with limb dysfunction of pelvic bodies and trophic disorders of soft tissues. Early radiological signs are narrowing of the intervertebral slot, contact destruction of affected vertebrae, education paravertebral, sometimes epidural abscesses. With progression process between the vertebral bodies formed destructive cavity, often with inclusion of seizures. In the contact degradation involved 2-3 vertebrae, but sometimes there are 2 and 3 separate localization process in the spine. In the presence of abnormalities in the spinal cord for diagnostic purposes performed contrast myelography, which allows the violation patency of the anterior subarachnoid space. Full suspension contrast agent for treatment of tuberculous spondylitis occurs in late identification of the disease with the presence of symptoms of functional disorders of the spinal cord. Differential diagnosis is carried out mainly with haematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis, ankylosing spondylarthrosis (disease Spondylitis), hemangiomas and metastases. Tuberculosis of the hip joint (hip joint disease) In the initial (preartriticheskoy) phase of the disease goes unnoticed, there may discomfort in the joint, recurrent lameness associated with pain, fatigue patient limb by the end of the day, there may be change in gait. Characteristically increase pain, which often extends to region of the hip and knee, a gradual decrease in movements the affected joint may develop soft tissue infiltration. Despite the presence of complex or more above the local symptoms, the total the patient's condition at this stage of the disease is usually satisfactory, no symptoms of intoxication. At arthrogram usually epimetaphysis femur or near the roof of the acetabulum are defined foci of local osteoporosis indistinct contours. Sometimes it can be traced to the cavity sclerosed edged, sometimes containing bone sequesters, or other soft tissue pathological elements. 48 At the height of the disease (arthritic phase) along with general symptoms rapidly pronounced local symptoms: pain, exacerbated with movements; flexion and adduction contracture, violation oporosposobnosti. Characterized by increasing local temperature, a symptom of Alexandrov, infiltration periarthric soft tissue, abscess in the distribution of periarticular soft tissue, intermuscular space, sometimes in intrabasin space. If break through the skin formed an abscess fistula. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes (TPLU) in Kazakhstan is one of the most common forms of VLT. Most often affects the cervical lymph nodes, sometimes on both sides, much less axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. In the beginning disease defined by the mobile, painless lymph chain nodes almost compact consistency. In the cervical area of the inflamed lymph nodes usually located on the leading edge along m. sternocleidemostoideus, in submandibular and supraclavicular areas. In a subsequent lymph nodes lose their mobility through the development of adhesions between the nodes and surrounding tissues. Coming Depending on the degree of perifocal inflammation, they form packs swollen lymph nodes, skin over a conglomerate of lymph nodes blushes determined by the fluctuations and is rankling inflamed lymph nodes. Sometimes ulcers, and open the form fistulas. Against the background of functioning fistula can others appear swollen lymph nodes at various stages development. The clinical course of disease - usually a chronic, it is small impact on the overall condition of the patient. May be: Low-grade fever, fatigue, sweating, decreased appetite. Diagnosis TPLU Diagnosis of tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes is set to Based on anamnesis, clinical examination, X-ray studies of the chest, tuberculosis microscopy, bacteriological Research and puncture biopsionnogo material on Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the result of histological examination of postoperative material tuberculosis. If possible, use additional methods of investigation, such as ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Application of these methods allows differentiate the pathology of the lymphatic system in the most difficult clinical cases. Informative and valuable methods for diagnosis TPLU are methods tuberculosis microscopy, bacteriological examination puncture, biopsionnogo material on Mycobacterium tuberculosis and histological postoperative study material for tuberculosis. However, studies puncture and biopsionnogo material obtained from lymph node smear and bacteriological method does not always give positive results, as the material under study often does not Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Verification of diagnosis TPLU is based on histological examination of postoperative material. In the complex treatment TPLU generally used conservative Surgical treatment and pathogenesis. Patients with increased peripheral lymph nodes prior to the appointment of TB treatment to exclude a nonspecific inflammation of lymph nodes should a course of antibiotics of broad-spectrum. Once the diagnosis has newly diagnosed patients assigned to treatment Category I, patients with recurrent process, treatment failure after intensive phase and the treatment interruption for more than 2 months of treatment assigned to category II. Surgical treatment is indicated in cases of ineffective conservative treatment in the presence of functioning fistulas, etc. Along with this, in the complex 52 treatment TPLU used pathogenetic treatment: detoxication therapy, vitamin therapy and local application of physical therapy: ultrasound therapy, medicinal electrophoresis, low-energy laser therapy. 5.2.5 Abdominal tuberculosis (mesenteric lymph nodes, tuberculosis intestines, peritoneum) The main form of abdominal tuberculosis is tuberculosis mesenteric lymph nodes (mesenteric adenitis). The disease is often not limited lesion of the mesenteric lymph nodes and spreads to the serous membrane intestines, pelvic organs. Tuberculosis of the intestine occurs with the progression of pulmonary tuberculosis, mesenteric lymph nodes, but sometimes found as independent disease. Tuberculous peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum TB) - rare localization of tuberculosis, occurring mostly in young adults. The clinical picture of abdominal tuberculosis is characterized by large polymorphism. Constant symptoms are abdominal pain, often localized in the umbilical region. Patients complain of reduction appetite, periodic nausea, vomiting, violation of his chair. Typically, they detect gastritis, abnormal liver function. On examination can reveal bloating, pain and tension of the abdominal wall, can sometimes palpate conglomerates cemented mesenteric lymph nodes. At tuberculous peritonitis may be keen for signs of marked intoxication. With the accumulation of exudate in the abdominal cavity can be enlargement of the abdomen. Radiological examination indicated enlargement and stricture loops of small intestine, dysmotility of the stomach and intestines. Increased lymph nodes can be detected by ultrasound and CT. Availability Calcinates shows tuberculous lesions. Diagnostic significance of expression (hyperergic) reaction tuberculin in the tuberculous etiology of peritonitis and mezadenita. In difficult diagnostic cases shown laparoscopy with biopsy and fence exudate for histological and bacteriological study. At laparoscopy can detect rashes tubercles, adhesions, and in biopsy lymph node and peritoneum - kazeoz. Exudate from abdominal cavity is exposed cytological and microbiological investigation. Acute abdominal tuberculosis require differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, acute adnexitises, acute intestinal obstruction, disease Crohn. Chronic forms must be differentiated from peptic ulcer disease cholecystitis, malignant tumors, chronic gynecological diseases, etc. 5.2.6 Tuberculosis of the urinary system 53 The disease is caused by hematogenous spread of infection from the primary hearth. As a rule, is a late manifestation of infection and mainly affects patients older than 50 years. Lesions first appear in the cortical layer kidneys, then spread and destroy the kidney tissue with the formation of cavities. The infection can spread to the urethra, which can obturirovatsya; on bladder, and then on the prostate, seminal vesicles and epididymis. Clinical manifestations of tuberculosis of the urinary system are diverse and have pathognomonic signs. In many patients the disease for a long time proceeds under the guise of chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, polycystic tumors, cystitis and other diseases, some patients subjective Symptoms of TB of the urinary system for a long time non-existent. Common condition of most patients remains satisfactory even polikavernoznom tuberculosis of the kidneys. Tuberculous intoxication is poorly expressed. Not there is a parallelism between the degree of destruction of the kidneys and the general condition patients. The most frequent manifestations of the disease are: � frequent urination � pain when urinating � pain in the lumbar region (blunt or sharp) � blood in the urine (sometimes this may be the only symptom). Remember that hematuria may be caused by kidney tumor. � pus in the urine (the result of research on secondary flora may be negative) � an abscess in the lumbar region (in advanced cases) With a combination of frequent, painless urination with negative the result of urine culture in the secondary flora in the presence of pus in her best probable tuberculosis. Diagnostics � urine registers the presence of erythrocytes and leukocytes, is characterized decrease in pH and increase in the proportion. To identify the source of erythrocytes and leukocytes is necessary to use two-glass test. First portion of urine (5-10 ml) collected in the first glass and is almost flush with the urethra. The rest of the urine collected in the second glass. If the above Pyuria in the first glass, it indicates inflammation in the urethra or bodies, in her opening, that is, in the prostate gland or seminiferous ways. Hematuria (red blood cell) may be one of the early symptoms of TB kidney. Pyuria is usually determined in all patients with tuberculosis, urinary system. Proteinuria is a non-permanent sign, in the early stages of the disease protein may not be. Investigation of urine on the Office. Should be collected at least three samples morning urine on different days and immediately sent to the laboratory in order to avoid development of an alkaline reaction. Microscopy of urine sediment is mandatory for all patients with suspected tuberculosis of the urinary system. Most 54 reliable method for diagnosis of tuberculosis is sown in the Office, although this method requires time-consuming. � X-ray examination. The best method in the study of pathology kidney and urinary tract is the excretory (intravenous) urography. � Clinical examination of the testicles and their appendages can clarify the picture (cm Tuberculosis section of genital tract). � radiograph of the chest (usually without pathology) � Tuberculin test (little informative) In case of doubt in the diagnosis, you must first be the standard treatment nonspecific inflammation. Treatment A standard course of chemotherapy according to the category of treatment under direct supervision of a healthcare professional. To reveal the reaction treatment is recommended sowing culture of urine once a month. Possibility of surgical treatment in case of indications for removal of the damaged kidney or a large renal abscess, stricture (obstruction), urinary tract. 5.2.7 Tuberculosis of the genital tract in men The men most often strikes the region - the epididymis, prostate and seminal bubbles. These bodies may be involved in the pathological process separately or together. The infection enters through hematogenous or from the kidneys through urinary system. Clinical symptoms - frequent complaints of discomfort of one of the testes. But more is affected appendage, while it increases, it becomes thick and bumpy. The process can be transformed into an abscess and fistula formation conclude. Need to investigate the prostate and seminal vesicles through the rectum. Prostate becomes uneven, and through it you can palpate the seminal vesicles. Diagnosis includes a mandatory urine for MBT, X-ray study of the kidneys. Required differential diagnosis of acute epididymitis and tumor. You should know that nodular formation of more typical of tuberculosis. A full course of standard chemotherapy usually gives good therapeutic effect. Surgical treatment is indicated in complicated course (abscesses, fistulas), as well as in suspected tumor. 5.2.8 Tuberculosis of the genital tract in women In women, tuberculosis usually affects the fallopian tubes, mucous uterus, ovaries and cervix. Vagina and external genitalia are affected rare. Clinical manifestations � Infertility is the most frequent reason for seeking medical help. Routine screening for infertility should always include the search signs of tuberculosis. � abdominal pain, menstrual disorders 55 � The formation of an abscess in the fallopian tubes. � Ectopic pregnancy Palpation of the pelvic organs may be detected in the seal fallopian tubes. Diagnosis can be confirmed by bacteriological and / or histological examination of biopsy intrauterine, vaginal discharge or menstrual blood. If possible, a radiological examination with contrast. A standard treatment for tuberculosis in accordance with the category. Surgical treatment is indicated, if necessary, restore fallopian tubes and the ability to conceive. 5.2.9 Tuberculosis of eye Proportion of tuberculosis eyes in Kazakhstan among extrapulmonary forms for the past 5 years has decreased from 1,8% to 0,8%. Nevertheless, tuberculosis eye is one of the main causes of blindness and low vision, leading to disability. The specific eye disease develops as a result of hematogenous dissemination of the ILO and therefore is often a complication of primary tuberculous process. Identification of patients with suspected tuberculosis damage done by ophthalmologists general medical network in the absence of effect carried out by non-specific therapy. Diagnosis and treatment of specific should be implemented in TB institutions. Most informative diagnostic methods are tuberculin (reaction Mantle) and the data eye tests (ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, peri-campimetry). Among the local symptoms are most informative and large sebaceous precipitates and stromal rear synechia in the presence of opalescence chamber moisture and maintaining sensitivity of the cornea, as well as chorioretinal foci of rounded, not confluent nature, with predominant localization in the choroid, and in half cases in the central zone of the ocular fundus. The diagnosis of tuberculosis can be confirmed by eye in the presence of 2-3 major criteria: typical eye pattern, focal tuberculin reaction-type acute inflammatory process and vneglaznoy localization tuberculosis. Treatment is carried out in accordance with the principles of standard chemotherapy tuberculosis. Recommended subkonyunktivalnye, parabulbarnye injections and instillation of anti-TB drugs. For pathogenetic therapy used anti-inflammatory; antisensitizer; funds normalizes metabolism, stimulating resorption and repair. 5.2.10 Tuberculous pericarditis There is a second chamber in the presence of tuberculosis in any organ, although it may be the only visible sign of tuberculosis. The disease begins with education fibrinous exudates in the pericardial cavity. 56 The clinical picture of tuberculous pericarditis polymorphous, the beginning is gradual, often the disease is recognized too late. Diagnosis often hampered by the lack of severity of symptoms in early disease. Since in the pericardium own pain receptors or non-existent, or are in small numbers, the pain of pericarditis due to a greater extent inflammation of the adjacent parietal pleura. Therefore, the pain associated with breathing movements, especially during deep breathing or coughing, recalling the pain of illness lungs. With the accumulation of serous effusion appear signs of circulation tachycardia, low blood pressure, signs of right heart insufficiency, edema in the legs, hepatomegaly, ascites. Changes in the electrocardiogram does not depend on the etiology of pericarditis and characterized by a low voltage of the waves in all standard leads. After drainage effusion voltage spikes recovered. Characteristic change in the wave ST and T. Echocardiography can detect changes in the fibrous pericardium, sediment fibrin, calcium or fluid in the pericardial space. Diagnostic value represents pericardiocentesis for liquid and subsequent research on the Office. Is desirable biopsy of the pericardium and histological examination of biopsy. With the development of cardiac tamponade is shown aspiration pericardiocentesis, removing 200-300 ml fluid rapidly improves circulation. In the treatment of exudative pericarditis in the beginning of the disease effectively appointment glucocorticoid drugs. Surgical treatment is carried out to address TSVKK. 5.2.11 Tuberculosis skin A rare form of tuberculosis. Tuberculous lesions of the skin is one of the manifestations tuberculous infection and often accompanied by pulmonary tuberculosis, lymph nodes and other organs. Among tuberculous lesions distinguish focal forms (Mild lupus, and ulcerative skrofuloderma TB) and disseminated form. Diagnosis of tuberculosis confirmed by histological and bacteriological study of biopsy from the affected area of skin. The differential diagnosis should be made with syphilitic tubercles, chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, nodular erythema, leishmaniasis, etc. 57 6. TUBERCULOSIS CHILDREN There are approximately 1.3 million new TB cases and nearly 450 000 deaths from tuberculosis among children under 15 years. In most cases, children infected by adult patients with tuberculosis. Indicators of tuberculosis among children reflect the situation of TB control adults. 6.1 Risk factors for tuberculosis in children The risk of TB in children depends on the nature of TB contact (Number of infectious patients, the duration of contact) and the susceptibility of children. The key risk factors for tuberculosis in children are: • household contact with sputum • age less than 5 years • Malnutrition • HIV - infection Additional risk factors are: 6.2 Clinical signs of TB in children Clinical manifestations of tuberculous inflammation depend on the localization specific process, the volume of lesions, presence of complications, the child's age and comorbidities. The disease usually occurs gradually, but complications during the beginning can be acute. Symptoms observed less than half the children, and some may absent. The most common are fatigue and lack of appetite, weight loss, cough, unexplained or long continued fever, not declining in the treatment of a wide range of BPO. In engaging in the process pleural patient complains of chest pain. With the spread, atelectasis appears short of breath. From the local characteristics of tuberculosis often occur increased peripheral lymph nodes (axillary, cervical, occipital elbow). To exclude extrapulmonary localization should pay attention to the state joints, spine, central and peripheral nervous system. 6.3 Identification and diagnosis of tuberculosis in children 58 Diagnosing TB in children is difficult, as children, tuberculosis lungs, coughing and rarely emit virtually no phlegm. Detection and diagnosis of tuberculosis based on the results of medical history, clinical symptoms, bacteriological and radiological studies, the results Mantoux test. 6.3.1 Medical history of the disease. If any child tuberculosis likely presence in the family adult TB patients with bacterial. Therefore, in families where revealed a sick child should take an active search for cases tuberculosis. 6.3.2 Culture methods. Young children usually swallow saliva and can not provide sputum for analysis. In this case, is collected gastric lavage or throat swabs using a tampon. Unfortunately it is unpleasant for the child. Terms of collecting samples of material for research: • Material should be collected daily for 3 days and timely delivery the laboratory for analysis • For best results, material from the stomach of the child should extract immediately after awakening for the content, accumulated during sleep. Smear from the pharynx should be collected and directly morning with a tampon. Gastric material is more effective in diagnosing tuberculosis than the swab from the throat. Timely treatment of gastric material, since mycobacteria can not survive long in the acidic environment. • In older children inhaling saline through a mask for 15-20 minutes may help sputum. 6.3.3 X-ray study (fluorography) Tuberculosis in children is accompanied by intrathoracic lymphadenopathy, most bronchopulmonary lymph nodes increased (70-90%). Enlarged lymph nodes better seen on lateral projections. An indirect sign of increased lymph may be atelectasis (hypoventilation) segment or lobe. Primary tuberculosis in children may be accompanied by exudative pleurisy. In miliary tuberculosis detected rash in all lung fields, but early stages it may not be visible. 6.3.4 Mantoux test (objectives, indications, contraindications, assessment) Purpose - to identify persons infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Characteristics of tuberculin. For the Mantoux test with 2 TE using purified tuberculin in standard dilutions PPD-L 2m (purified protein derivative - Purified protein derivative, L-Linnikovoy). Indications for the Mantoux test. • preventive examination of children from groups of "risk" of foci of tuberculosis • selection of children older than 2 months for the BCG vaccination and revaccination. 59 Mantoux skin test conducts prescribed by a doctor specially trained medical sister, having a document-tolerance to this procedure. In order to select children for revaccination BCG, Mantoux test with 2 TE put children in aged 6-7 years in school in the first month of the school year (September). During this period Other vaccinations should not be conducted. Disorganized children early and preschool age Mantoux test is put in children's clinic in the rural areas - a network of primary health care (clinic, medical dispensaries, health posts). Contraindications to the formulation of Mantoux test • acute and chronic infectious diseases • physical conditions (including epilepsy) in acute • allergic conditions, rheumatism, in acute and subacute phases, bronchial asthma, idiosyncrasy with severe skin manifestations in acute Mantoux skin test placed 2 months after the disappearance of clinical symptoms or immediately after removal of the quarantine. Conducting Mantoux test should be planned to carry out preventive inoculations against various diseases (DPT, measles, etc.). Otherwise Mantoux test may be conducted no earlier than 1 month after vaccination. Evaluation of Mantoux test performed 72 hours later by measuring the cross the size of infiltrate (papules) in millimeters (mm), in the absence of infiltration measured and recorded hyperaemia. • negative (anergy) - complete lack of infiltration (papules) or hyperemia or the presence of ukolochnoy reaction (0-1 mm); • questionable (gipoergiya) - infiltration of 2-4 mm or hyperemia any size; • positive (normergiya) - infiltration measuring 5 mm or more; • strongly positive (giperergiya) - infiltration in children size 15 mm and more in adolescents - 17 mm or more adults - 21 mm or more, as well as vesicle-necrotic reactions regardless of the size of infiltration with lymphangitis or without him. Children in need in the differential diagnosis of post-vaccination and Infectious Diseases Allergies are observed in the dispensary to "0" control group. With the exclusion of active tuberculosis of the infected children with superelevation and hyperergic reaction observed for group III control. The results of the Mantoux test are recorded in the map immunization (form № 063 / y) in the child's medical card (Form № 026 / y) in the history of child (Form № 112 / y). For the diagnosis of tuberculosis informative value of Mantoux test is relative. It can not indicate the existence or extent of the damage tuberculosis organism. A negative result does not exclude tuberculosis. However, hyperergic 60 reaction may serve as an additional indirect indication in favor of tuberculosis etiology of the identified changes. 6.4 Treatment of tuberculosis in children Treatment of TB in children is based on the general principles of chemotherapy of tuberculosis and should conducted in compliance with the duration, continuity, combined appointment of more than three drugs, in accordance with standards adopted in the country. Treatment of children and adolescents, regardless of clinical forms must start hospital. Maintenance phase of treatment continues in hospital, sanatorium or outpatient, depending on the severity of the disease and socio-economic status of the sick child. However, outpatient sick children in the support phase complicates the control of drug administration and creates risk of interruptions in treatment. Recommended treatment regimens and doses of drugs to treat TB in children are similar those for adults. The use of ethambutol in young children in recommended doses safe enough. Doses of anti-TB drugs in the treatment of children are determined by the weight of child, so in the process of chemotherapy dosages must adjusted as changes in body weight. In children with tuberculous meningitis should be used instead of ethambutol streptomycin, ethambutol, as does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier. In the treatment of tuberculous meningitis, tuberculous exudative pleurisy etiology and disseminated tuberculosis are used corticosteroid drugs on a background of ongoing antitubercular therapy as a means of pathogenetic treatment. 6.4.1 Rekomenuemye doses of anti-TB drugs for children with TB treatment in regimes I and III category Table 7 - TAP Doses for children in the treatment of I-III categories Intensive phase Maintenance phase (Ethambutol or streptomycin for choice) daily intermittent Officer Weight body to start treatment (Kg) H 100 mg R 150 mg Z 500 mg E 400 mg S 1 gram H 100 mg R 150 mg H 100 mg R 150 mg 5-10 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 150 mg 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 11-20 1 1 1 1 300 mg 1 1 2 1 21-30 2 2 2 2 450 mg 2 2 3 2 Note: � doses for children, body weight which is less than 5 kg, should be appointed the rate of: isoniazid - 5 mg / kg, rifampicin - 10 mg / kg. � mode Category I priority ethambutol instead of streptomycin � the selection of streptomycin number of doses should not exceed 60. Streptomycin should not be used more than 2 months. Prolonging intensive phase for more than two months of streptomycin, ethambutol replaced 61 � with heavy processes, when the ingestion is not possible, then H and R are introduced parenterally at the rate of mg / kg body weight. 6.4.3 Rekomenuemye doses of anti-TB drugs for children with treatment of tuberculosis in the mode II category Table 8 - TAP Doses for children in the treatment of Category II Intensive phase Maintenance phase daily intermittent Officer Weight body to start treatment (Kg) H 100 mg R 150 mg Z 500 mg E 400 mg S 1 gram H 100 mg R 150 mg E 400 mg H 100 mg R 150 mg E 400 mg 5-10 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 150 mg 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 3 / 4 11-20 1 1 1 1 300 mg 1 1 1 2 1 1,5 21-30 2 2 2 2 450 mg 2 2 1 3 2 2 Note: � with a daily treatment regimen in the maintenance phase in a hospital dosage TAP are the same as in the intensive phase � number of doses of streptomycin should not be more than 60 6.4.4 Recommended doses of 3 - and 2-component combined anti-TB drugs at fixed doses for children Table 9 - Combined Doses of TAP for children The initial phase Maintenance phase (tablets) RH (60mg +30 mg) Body weight of the patient (Kg) RHZ (60mg +30 mg +150 mg) (Tablets) daily intermittent <7 1 1 1 8.9 1.5 1.5 1.5 10-14 2 2 2 15-19 3 3 3 20-24 4 4 4 25-29 5 5 5 6.4.5 Features of treatment of tuberculosis with complications 1) In tuberculosis of the bronchial and pulmonary lesions, along with The main treatment is shown topical treatment - introduction of TAP in aerosols and intratracheal (endobronchial). Older children and adolescents with proliferation of granulation affecting bronchial patency, shown cauterization of granulation tissue. 2) When limfonodulobronhialnyh fistulas, along with local treatment, advisable, if possible, repeat bronchoscopy and try to remove caseous masses to prevent violations of bronchial obstruction, 3) In order to accelerate reparative processes and preventing the development 62 fibrosis in all the complicated processes at tumoroznyh forms of tuberculosis intrathoracic lymph nodes is advisable to apply: ultrasound therapy, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone ointment 5.0%, with lidasa; electrophoresis with broncholytics, 5 -% r-rum calcium chloride. 4) When exudative pleurisy shows the aspiration of pleural fluid with subsequent studies of sediments throughout the evacuated fluid Office by microscopy and inoculation. With the accumulation of fluid needed repeated aspiration. 5) In destructive forms of tuberculosis in older children (from 12 years) and adolescents in order to accelerate the closure of the cavity decay appropriate application kollapsoterapevticheskih treatments - Artificial pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum (5-10 treatments). 6) For failure of chemotherapy in cases of large conservation tumoroznyh lymph nodes, the formation of large tubercles and kazeomy pleura, with no tendency to heal cavities recommended surgical treatment. In tuberculosis in children and adolescents are rarely found mycobacterium, therefore translate the supporting phase of treatment should be carried out Based on clinical and radiological improvement process. With the spread, with bilateral localization, including destructive changes in lung complications during and in miliary tuberculosis of the intensive phase of treatment of patients with new cases TB is carried out within four months (I category of treatment) with repeated TB cases - five months (II category of treatment). In children with small and limitations of pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB without MBT (III category of treatment) period of treatment in the intensive phase two months. The duration of the intensive and maintenance phases of treatment for all categories TSVKK solved, according to the standard scheme. 6.4.6 Treatment of post-vaccination complications of BCG Treatment of post lymphadenitis Under infiltration appointed inside - isoniazid (H-5 mg / kg) treatment performed on an outpatient or spa environment. Locally used application: rifampicin (0,45 g) + 10% or 20% solution dimexide, 2 times a day within 1 month. With the trend towards an increase in lymph node additionally appointed ethambutol (E-15 mg / kg) + vitamin A. The duration of treatment - 2-4 months (individually, taking into account the dynamics). In caseous-necrotic stage of treatment in the first 2 months of use isoniazid (H - 5 mg / kg) + ethambutol (E-15 mg / kg) + vitamin A. Treatment may performed in an outpatient, spa or in stationary conditions. In testimony being lymph node puncture with aspiration of the contents and subsequent introduction of streptomycin (15 mg / kg) + sirepar 0,1-0,3 ml (depending on the size lymph node), 1-2 times a week, a course of 5-6 injections, taking into account dynamics. After 2 months at the positive dynamics of the treatment lasts one drug (H), with slow dynamics - the two drugs (H + E). 63 In the absence of dynamics within one month of treatment or swellings up to 5 cm or more surgical treatment is indicated. After surgery Chemotherapy continues to isoniazid, topically can be used applications with rifampicin + 10% or 20% solution dimexide. The total duration of treatment - 3-4 months. In the stage of calcification of the lymph nodes measuring 10 mm or more are subject surgical treatment. If Calcinates in peripheral lymph nodes, irrespective of sized, revaccination BCG - contraindicated? Treatment of post abscesses Inside appointed isoniazid (5 mg / kg) for 2 - 4 month period. Local used applications rimfampitsina + 10% or 20% solution dimexide. When the fluctuations shown aspiration of contents. In the absence of positive dynamics (dispersal) shows abstsessektomiya together with the capsule. After surgical treatment of chemotherapy continues isoniazid (H) within 1 month. Treatment of keloid scars Treatment subject to large keloid scars, more than 1 cm and having a tendency to increase. Locally held obkalyvanie 0,5% solution of hydrocortisone emulsion with 0.5% novocaine 1 time per week tuberculin needles 5-6 places in the most thick keloid. Course of treatment 5-10 obkalyvany. Hydrocortisone emulsion can be alternated with lidasa (dose of 64 units. for children over 12 years, and 32 units. for children 7-11 years). If carried out a course of treatment is not effective or re-started growth of keloids, the treatment shown pirogenalom + lidasa, alternating with the latest hydrocortisone. Pyrogenal injected intramuscularly daily, starting with 25 minimal pyrogenic dose (MPD). Within 10 days the dose gradually increased to 150 MTD children and adolescents up to 200 MTD. Maximum dose introduced before the end of the general course of treatment (30 injections), and then makes 3 week break in treatment. After that should make obkalyvanie rumen lidasa a dose of 64 units. every other day. Total 10 obkalyvany. At 1, 4, 7, 10 days in one syringe with lidasa injected 25 mg of hydrocortisone. Surgical treatment of keloids is contraindicated, since it leads 1-3 months to relapse with the re-formation of keloids is 2-3 times larger than before surgery. To avoid formation of keloids after revaccination should be strictly adhere to existing medical contraindications and to conduct revaccination in compliance with the site of injection, not above the upper and middle thirds of the skin shoulder. 64 Treatment of superficial ulcers Locally applied isoniazid powder (powder). To prevent secondary infection, its edges are treated with antibacterial ointment. Treatment of lesions of the bone system (osteitis) The treatment of BCG-osteitis determined by the physician-ftiziosteologom given localization and extent of injury. In general, conservative treatment, with inefficiency applied surgical treatment. During treatment of complications of BCG vaccination to include other vaccination is contraindicated, except epidemiological situations. 65 7. TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS 7.1 Basic principles of chemotherapy 7.1.1 Direct control treatment (NKL or DOT) NKL - one of the important elements of the TB. NKL means that a person controlling treatment, each time observing how the patient swallows the medication. This helps ensure that the patient takes the necessary antidrugs in the correct doses and with the correct frequency. Treatment under control prevents the development of drug resistance. Medicines should be convenient for the patient, so the outpatient treatment NKL conducts medical staff of PHC. Family members should not speak in Role of controlling medication. 7.1.2 Strict adherence to standard chemotherapy regimens in accordance with categories of patients The standard treatment regimen of TB patients have the following advantages: � Fewer errors in the appointment, resulting in reduced risk development of MDR-TB � simplifies the calculation of the need for TAP procedure for their procurement, distribution and control of � simplified staff training � decreasing treatment costs 7.1.3 Carrying out the treatment continuously in two stages: The first phase - an intensive phase to suppress the breeding bacterial population and reduce its amount. In 85% or more of patients with smear-positive sputum at the end of intensive phase should occur conversion. Intensive phase is carried out mainly in the hospital, the possibility outpatient or spa treatment is solved TSVKK; The second phase - conducting maintenance phase in order to destroy the latent forms of mycobacteria to prevent the development of recurrence in the future. Maintenance phase is carried out mainly in the outpatient or spa conditions in a daily or intermittent mode (3 times a week). Ability to conduct maintenance phase of treatment in hospital solved TSVKK (Typically, patients from socially disadvantaged, the poor population). NKL - the best way to prevent interruptions in treatment, but even if this may observed in case of interruption of treatment. If the patient did not show up on your medicines appointed day in the intensive phase, it should seek out the next day. If the patient is in the maintenance phase, it should find for week. Patients who undergo treatment - it is a rather complicated task to solve which must take into account various parameters: the results of treatment microscopy data, the sensitivity of the Office. 66 The annex table "Measures taken at intervals in treatment. 7.2 Aims of treatment Treatment of TB patients is aimed at achieving the following goals: • Cure TB • Prevention of fatalities and severe complications • Reducing the risk of relapses • Reducing the spread of infection in the community • Prevent development of drug resistance 7.3 The main anti-TB drugs, mechanism of action Therapeutic effect of anti-TB drugs due direct bactericidal activity and sterilizing effect on pathogen, as well as the ability to prevent development of drug resistance. Isoniazid Protivomikobakterialnoe tool. Available in tablets of 100 mg and 300 mg in ampoules containing 5 and 10 ml of 10% solution (100 mg in 1 ml). General information Isoniazid - drug isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Ginko), high bactericidal activity against actively dividing Office. Drug quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and easily penetrates the tissue and body fluids. The rate of inactivation of genetically deterministic: the "fast inactivator" half-life of the drug from plasma 1 hour, at the "slow inactivator" - 3 hours. The drug is usually displayed by the kidneys during the day. Application Used as an essential component of all schemes TB chemotherapy recommended by WHO. As monotherapy, the drug is carried out only chemoprophylaxis contact. Route of administration Isoniazid is usually taken by mouth. Persons with severe specific of the drug can be injected intramuscularly. Contraindications • Hypersensitivity to the drug; • Acute hepatitis. Adverse reactions In general, INH is well tolerated. Sometimes in the first week of treatment may cause allergic reactions in a skin rash. Perhaps the development of peripheral neuropathy, which can be removed by sanding pyridoxine. Hepatitis is rare, but is serious complication. The severe consequences of hepatitis can be prevented Cessation of drug treatment and the appointment of detoxication therapy. 67 Rifampicin Protivomikobakterialnoe tool. Available in capsules, tablets and capsules 150 and 300 mg. General information Rifampicin is a semisynthetic derivative of rifampicin, an antibiotic from macrolide that inhibits the synthesis of RNA, has expressed bactericidal activity and sterilizing pronounced effect in relation to Office located on the extra-and intracellularly. When receiving the drug is rapidly absorbed and penetrates into all tissues and body fluids. When inflammatory changes meninges drug penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid. With single medication peak drug concentration is achieved in 2-4 hours, the period half-life of 2-3 hours. At rifampicin easily develop resistance, so it should appoint in combination with other anti-TB drugs. Application Used as an essential component of all schemes TB chemotherapy recommended by WHO. Route of administration Rifampicin is recommended to take at least 30 minutes before eating. Persons with severe specific process the drug can be intravenously drip. Contraindications • Hypersensitivity to the drug; • Violations of liver function. Adverse reactions In general, rifampicin is well tolerated. Sometimes at the beginning of treatment may be a moderate increase in bilirubin levels and transaminases in the serum. The possibility of severe disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring discontinuation of the drug. Flu-like syndrome, fever, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, skin rashes occur in the treatment from intermittent pattern. Hepatitis is rare. Pyrazinamide Protivomikobakterialnoe tool. Available in tablets of 400 mg. General information Synthetic analogue of nicotinamide, which has weak bactericidal activity against M. tuberculosis, showed pronounced sterilizing effect in acidic medium. The drug is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and rapidly penetrates into all tissues and biological fluids. Peak drug concentration in plasma achieved 2 hours after admission, half-life of 10 hours. Application It is used in the intensive phase of all the schemes of TB chemotherapy, recommended by WHO. Dosage and administration Pyrazinamide ingest a dose of 25 mg / kg daily, 35 mg / kg 3 times a week. Contraindications • hypersensitivity to the drug; 68 • Severe liver injury. Adverse reactions Pyrazinamide may cause adverse reactions on the part of the digestive system. Sometimes at the beginning of treatment may be a moderate increase in transaminase level serum. Cases gepatitotoksichnosti rare. Sometimes developing gout corrective allopurinol. Often may have arthralgias, cropped analgesics. Streptomycin Protivomikobakterialnoe tool. Available in powder for injection, 1 g (Sulfate) in vial. General information Streptomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic produced by Streptomyces griseus. After intramuscular injection of the drug penetrates the intercellular space all tissues of the body. Small amounts of the drug penetrates the cerebrospinal liquid. The half-life is 2-3 hours. Application It is used as a component of all schemes of TB chemotherapy recommended by WHO. Route of administration Streptomycin should be entered by deep intramuscular injection. Contraindications • Hypersensitivity to the drug; • Diseases of the auditory nerve; • myasthenia gravis. Adverse reactions Hypersensitivity reactions are rare. But if they arise, drug should be abolished and a desensitizing therapy. From toxic reactions may be impaired hearing and kidney function. Ethambutol Protivomikobakterialnoe tool. Available in tablets of 100 and 400 mg. General information The synthetic analogue of 1,2-etandiamina with weak bactericidal activity against M. Tuberculosis and other mycobacteria. The drug is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and rapidly penetrates into all tissues and biological fluids. Peak drug concentration in plasma achieved 2-4 hours after administration, half-life of 3-4 hours. Application He is one of the possible components of schemes TB chemotherapy recommended by WHO. Route of administration Ethambutol ingest a dose of 15 mg / kg daily, 30 mg / kg 3 times a week. Contraindications • Hypersensitivity to the drug; • optic neuritis; • creatinine clearance less than 50 ml / min. 69 Adverse reactions In the treatment of ethambutol in large doses can develop optic neuritis. Sometimes developed neuritis of the lower extremities. Table 10 - Recommended dose of TAP The drug activity recommended dose daily 3 times week Isoniazid Action on fast and slow multiplying the Office located extra-and intracellular 5 (4-6) 10 (8-12) Rifampicin effect on the fast and slow multiplying the Office, especially slowly multiplying located extra-and intracellular 10 (8-12) 10 (8-12) Effects of pyrazinamide in acid medium on vnutikletochno located Office 25 (20-30) 35 (30-40) Streptomycin action to the fast-multiplying Office, located extracellularly 15 (12-18) 15 (12-18) Ethambutol Effect on Office, located offand intracellular 15 (15-20) 30 (20-35) The greatest bactericidal activity is isoniazid and rifampicin, are active against all populations of the Office. Of the existing drugs the greatest sterilizing activity is rifampicin. Pyrazinamide and Streptomycin bactericidal effect on the part of the mycobacterial population. Pyrazinamide is active only in acidic medium. Ethambutol is used in conjunction with more active drugs to prevent development of drugSustainable Office. Table 2 presents data on the dosage forms of TB preparations of the basic series and the content of the active substance. Table 11 - Pharmaceutical form and dosage of BOL basic series Name drug Dosage form content actant Isoniazid (H), tablet, ampoule 100 mg, 300 mg Rifampicin (R) tablet, capsule or ampoule 150 mg, 300 mg Pyrazinamide (Z) tablet 400 mg, 500 mg Ethambutol (E) tablet 100 mg, 400 mg Streptomycin (S) powder for injection, 1 g vial Table 3 shows the daily doses (mg) of TB preparations of the basic series of intensive and supportive phases. Table 12 - Daily dose (mg) of antituberculosis drugs for adults 70 Name Weight (kg) preparation 30-39 40-54 55-70 over 70 Intensive phase - a daily intake Isoniazid 200 mg 300 mg 300 mg 400 mg Rifampicin 300 mg 450 mg 600 mg 750 mg Pyrazinamide 1000 mg 1500 mg 2000 mg 2000 mg Ethambutol 600 mg 800 mg 1200 mg 1600 mg Streptomycin 0,5 0,75 1,0 1,0 Maintenance phase - a daily intake Isoniazid 200 mg 300 mg 300 mg 400 mg Rifampicin 300 mg 450 mg 600 mg 750 mg Ethambutol 600 mg 800 mg 1200 mg 1600 mg Maintenance phase - reception 3 times a week Isoniazid 300mg 600mg 600mg 700mg Rifampicin 300mg 450mg 600mg 750mg Ethambutol 1200mg 1600mg 2400mg 2400mg Note: The maximum daily dose of rifampicin in FDC - 750 mg. Combined anti-TB drugs fixed-dose Combined anti-TB drugs fixed-dose (FDC) have several advantages compared with monocomponent. Preimushestva: • Reducing the probability of errors in the appointment due to a more precise recommendations for dosing adjustments and simplification of dosage according to the weight of the patient. • Reducing the number of tablets that promotes better compliance patients assigned chemotherapy. • Taking drugs is carried out simultaneously under the direct supervision. Patients are unable to take drugs selectively. Table 4 gives information about the most commonly used drugs forms of FDC and the content of active substances in the preparation for the daily and intermittent reception. Table 13 - Combined anti-TB drugs with fixed doses (FDC) The content of active substances (in mg) reception: Name drug Medication form daily 3 times a week Isoniazid + Rifampicin Tablet Tablet 75 mg + 150 mg 150mg + 300mg 150mg + 150mg Isoniazid + Ethambutol Tablet 150mg + 400mg + Isoniazid Tablets 75mg +150 mg + 400mg 150mg +150 mg + 71 Rifampicin + Pyrazinamide 500mg Isoniazid + Rifampicin + Pyrazinamide + Ethambutol Tablet 75mg +150 mg + 400mg +275 mg 7.4 Side effects of antituberculosis drugs and their management Most TB patients complete treatment without any serious adverse reaction to anti-TB drugs. However, some patients with such reactions may occur, so in a timely manner detection and elimination of adverse reactions should be clinical observation all patients. Health workers can themselves monitor the side reactions or to teach patients to recognize the most common side reaction time and report them to the doctor, or ask questions about the patient tolerability of treatment with direct conversation. Adverse reactions may be minor in the form of discomfort and expressed, which may lead to severe dysfunction of hearing, vision, brain, kidney or liver. In the presence of hypersensitivity reactions to the system and local symptoms, but without the threat of life, the usual approach - is to abolish all anti-TB drugs and to allow the patient to return all tests to the original level. Then the patient can be consistently one TAP assessing symptoms, objective signs and laboratory tests. If local skin reactions should not automatically stop the therapy. It should reassure the patient and apply the symptomatic treatment, while continuing to receive antituberculosis drugs. Against the background of the symptomatic treatment of local rash time is reduced. The most frequent response to TB treatment - gastro-intestinal, manifested in the form of gastritis and removed the appointment TAP after a meal or with antacids, the separation taking different drugs at the time or method particular drug twice instead of once a day. Side effects when receiving TAP can be caused by the influence of alcohol, pregnancy, increased intracranial pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract, gallbladder and pancreas are allergic to food products, other medicines. 7.5 Categories of treatment, prescribing scheme Treatment of patients with tuberculosis should be in standard modes of according to the categories Table 14 - Standard chemotherapy Category Intensive phase Maintenance phase I 2 (4) HRZE (S) Streptomycin used within 2 months 4 (7) H3R3 or 4 (7) HR or 4 (7) HRE * II 3 (5) HRZES Streptomycin is used 2 months 5 H3R3E3 or 5 HRE III 2 HRZE 4 H3R3 or 4 HR or 4HRE * Note: The number before the letters indicates the duration of the phase in months. Subscript figures indicate the number of doses per week. If the letters are no numbers, this means that the patient must take medication daily. Alternative medicine is indicated in parentheses. * This regimen is appointed by the presence monoresistance to isoniazid and rifampicin. Standard chemotherapy treatment include new patients and re receiving treatment. Patients receiving TAP earlier than 1 month are likely to have drug resistance. Such patients admitted to intensive phase of 5 drugs and supportive - 3 of the drug. Throughout rate they receive isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R) and ethambutol (E). This scheme can cure patients with preserved sensitivity to drugs of Office main number or the presence of resistance to H and / or S. 7.5.1 Treatment of patients with category I Intensive phase is conducted in the period from 2 to 4 months, depending on the severity and prevalence of tuberculosis process. Prior to treatment, all patients pulmonary tuberculosis should be sputum culture with DST Mycobacterium tuberculosis to anti-TB drugs. Treatment should be carried out by four drugs: isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z), ethambutol (E) or streptomycin (S) in the corresponding weight dosage. Streptomycin should be used no more than 2 months. After 2 months of the transition to the maintenance phase of treatment is possible in the case negative result of double research smear at the Office. If the end of the 2 month smear remains positive, it is necessary to rerun DST and prolong the intensive phase for 1 month. Upon receipt of a negative result of double research smear at the end of 3 months, the patient should be transferred to the supporting phase of treatment. If at the end of 3 months of smear remains positive, the intensive phase should be extended for 1 month. When a negative result double research smear at the end of 4 months, the patient should be transferred to the supportive phase of treatment. If at the end of 4 months or in the maintenance phase of stroke remains positive, then the patient is determined by the outcome of "failure of treatment. When the stored sensitivity 73 Office of TAP patient re-registered for treatment in the mode II category. At there polyresistance patient determined outcome "treatment failure" and patient should be re-registered in the register of patients Tuberculosis category IV (TB 11). The choice of treatment re-treatment decides TSVKK, the patient may be the appointment of second line drugs. If the patient has confirmed multidrug resistance, irrespective of the effectiveness of the I category, he transferred to the category IV and the outcome of his treatment should be defined as "Transferred to the category IV». After re-registration in Category IV with a positive effect of treatment on mode I category (conversion of smear, positive clinical X-ray dynamics), the patient continued treatment for this category. In the absence of positive clinical and radiological improvement in patients with negative results of microscopy, it is necessary to resolve the issue of TSVKK the possibility of appointing a standardized patient treatment drugs second row. Maintenance phase should take place within 4 months of two drugs isoniazid (H) and rifampicin (R) in daily or intermittent mode. If monoresistance to isoniazid (H) or rifampicin (R) appointed Three TAP - isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R) and ethambutol (E). Treatment is only on a daily basis to address TSVKK. In severe cases maintenance phase can be extended to 7 months only on a daily basis. Number of doses taken by patients with category I in the application monocomponent ("loose") drugs should be: In the intensive phase for 2 months - 60 doses, for 3 months - 90 doses, for 4 months - 120 doses. In the maintenance phase in the intermittent mode, for 4 months (17 weeks) - 54 doses for 7 months (30 weeks) - 90 doses. With a daily basis the patient should receive TAP 6 times a week. Thus, for 4 months the patient should receive 108 doses, for 7 months - 180 doses. In applying the standard sets of treatment (whales) to follow instructions attached to the whales. 74 7.5.2 Treatment of patients with category II The intensive phase should be conducted in terms of 3 to 5 months (inclusive), in Depending on the severity and prevalence of tuberculous process. Prior treatment is necessary to culture sputum with DST. Within 2 months of treatment is five drugs: isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z), ethambutol (E) and streptomycin (S) in respective weight dosages. Then the treatment lasts four drugs: isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z), ethambutol (E), without streptomycin. After 3 months, in the case of a negative result of double stroke study sputum for the Office, the patient is transferred to a supporting phase of treatment. If by the end of 3 months of stroke remains positive, it must reto DST and prolong the intensive phase for 1 month. Upon receipt negative result of double research smear at the end of 4 months, patient should be transferred to a supporting phase of treatment. If the end of 4 month smear remains positive, the intensive phase should extend 1 month. Patients with negative results twice studies smear in end of 5 months translated into supportive phase of treatment. If at the end of 5 months or in the supporting phase is determined by positive stroke, the patient is determined by the outcome "treatment failure" and he is in the IV category. After the re-issue of the mode of treatment solves TSVKK. If DST results confirm the presence of multidrug sustainability (multiresistance) until the end of intensive phase of the patient regardless of the efficiency obtained with treatment (II category) should be transferred to the category IV, and the outcome of his treatment is defined as "Transferred to Category IV ». After re-registration in the category IV, the patient with the positive effect of treatment in Mode II category (conversion of smear, positive clinical X-ray dynamics) must continue treatment for this category. At negative effect of treatment, or lack thereof TSVKK must decide the possibility of treatment with some contingency. Maintenance phase must be done within 5 months of the three drugs isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R) and ethambutol (E) intermittent (3 times week) or daily basis. Number of doses taken by patients with category II in the application monocomponent ("loose") drugs should be: In the intensive phase for 3 months - 90 doses, for 4 months - 120 doses, for 5 months - 150 doses. In the maintenance phase in the intermittent mode for 5 months (22 weeks) - 66 doses on a daily basis (6 times a week) - 132 doses. In applying the standard sets of treatment (whales) to follow instructions attached to the whales. 75 7.5.3 Treatment of patients with category III The intensive phase of treatment should be done within 2 months of 4 drugs: isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z) and ethambutol (E). Prior treat all patients with pulmonary tuberculosis should be culturally sputum with the DST of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antidrugs. After 2 months in the case of a negative result of double research smear on a patient is transferred to the Office supports the phase of treatment. If end of intensive phase, or in the supporting phase the patient is found mycobacterium, he determined the outcome "treatment failure" and the patient re-registered for treatment in the mode II category. If the patient is confirmed polyresistance, it must be re-registered in the register of patients with tuberculosis category IV (TB 11). After the re-issue of the mode of treatment and the possibility of solves a number of contingency preparations TSVKK. If the patient is confirmed multidrug resistance (Multiresistance), then regardless of the effectiveness of the Category III patient translated into the category IV, and the outcome of his treatment is defined as "Transferred Category IV ». After re-registration in the category IV, the patient who has a Positive clinical and radiological improvement, continue treatment for this category. If treatment is not effective for Category III (MBT appeared after 2 months or more, there is no positive clinical X-ray dynamics), it is necessary to consider the possibility of appointing a patient TSVKK treatment with some contingency. Maintenance phase in patients with Category III shall be performed within 4 months in two drugs: isoniazid and rifampicin in intermittent or daily mode. In identifying monoresistance to isoniazid or rifampin before maintenance phase of treatment is carried out with the addition of ethambutol. Number of doses taken by patients with category III in the application monocomponent ("loose") drugs should be: In the intensive phase for 2 months - 60 doses. In the maintenance phase in the intermittent mode, for 4 months (17 weeks) - 54 dose on a daily basis (6 times a week) - 108 doses. In applying the standard sets of treatment (whales) to follow instructions attached to the whales. 7.5.4 Treatment of tuberculosis in special cases Pregnancy. Before TB treatment need to know about possible pregnancy patient. If such a patient should explain the possibility of successful tuberculosis. Most anti-TB drugs are not risk to the fetus. The exception is streptomycin, which for the future Child is ototoxic medication, and therefore it should not be 76 used in treatment regimens. Breastfeeding TB patients, women, nursing babies, should receive a full course of TB chemotherapy. Timely and correctly chemotherapy isoniazid for 3 months - this the best way to prevent transmission of the Office of mother to child. Vaccination neonatal BCG vaccine is postponed until the end of the course isoniazid chemoprophylaxis. Disorders of liver function. Of the 3 anti-TB drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide) with hepatotoxic effects, most is the risk of pyrazinamide. It should be noted that the above drugs can be used in patients with impaired liver function in the absence of clinical manifestations of chronic liver disease (chronic carrier hepatitis, acute hepatitis in the past, alcohol abuse). Chronic liver disease. Patients with chronic liver disease is not treatment regimens should receive pyrazinamide. To treat such patients in 8 months of isoniazid and rifampicin, and add one or two drug, non-hepatotoxic effect (or streptomycin ethambutol). 9 RE or SHE in the intensive phase and HE - in the supporting phase. Total The entire course of treatment 12 months. Alternative scheme: 2 SHRE / 9RE, 2 SHRE / 10 IE. Acute hepatitis. With the development of acute hepatitis in tuberculosis treatment can be deferred, not yet resolved acute phenomenon. If you can not postpone treatment chemotherapy is safe combination of SE during 3 months until resolved acute hepatitis, then in the maintenance phase for 6 months the patient may receive isoniazid (H) and rifampicin (R). If hepatitis B is not eliminated general SE treatment should be 12 months. Renal failure. In renal insufficiency, isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide can be given in standard dosage. In severe renal failure patients with isoniazid should be prescribed pyridoxine to prevent peripheral neuropathy. Streptomycin and ethambutol should be prescribed in lower dosages. The safest method of treatment of such patients: 2HRZ / 4 HR. HIV infection. In general, chemotherapy regimens for infected and HIV-uninfected patients with tuberculosis are the same. When properly sterilization of needles and syringes, the use of chemotherapy with streptomycin possible. In the treatment of HIV-infected pregnant women should consideration of antiviral therapy in combination with TB treatment. 7.6 The control (monitoring) of treatment In the course of treatment is required to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and monitoring of side effects of drugs. 77 Monitoring the treatment of TB patients with positive sputum smears based on studies of sputum. Following the appointment of the default mode chemotherapy, microscopic examination of sputum performed at the end intensive phase, at 5 months (maintenance phase) and at the end of treatment. At This material is collected without interruption of treatment. Patients with TB-negative sputum smears and patients with extrapulmonary Tuberculosis treatment efficacy assessed by clinical and radiological data. Culture investigations are used in treatment failures to identify drug sensitivity of MBT to TAP. 7.6.1 Monitoring of adverse reactions in the treatment of TAP Most TB patients complete a full course of treatment without any serious adverse reactions to TAP. But some they can be observed, so for all patients should be clinically monitored for early detection and eliminate adverse reactions. You can teach patients to recognize the symptoms often occurring adverse reactions, or to interview patients about the presence of symptoms. 7.7 Cohort analysis of the TB program Cohort analysis is part of evidence-based medicine and allows objective analysis of the data for the dynamic and the final assessment of the implementation Tuberculosis Programme. Cohort analysis - is the main tool for assessing effectiveness of national programs to combat TB. It allows you to identify problems on which the national TB program could take measures to overcome them and improve efficiency. Cohort - a group of patients, combined one common feature, registered for treatment during a certain time (Usually during the quarter). To assess the progress of the WHO TB program uses three basic cohort of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: Cohort 1 - "new" cases of MBT Cohort 2 - BK + cases that had previously been cured, but again became ill (relapses) Cohort 3 - BK + cases that had previously been treated, but were not treated (failure treatment) These three cohorts provide basic information for management in order assess the progress of each cohort of patients, and the identification and correction problems that may arise and, in turn, lead to poor performance cure. Cohorts of cases should never be mixed, as this will destroy the basic information for management and not give an objective assessment of the TB program. 78 New cases and previously treated for different patients formed the cohort, as they characteristics and expected results of treatment vary. Typical cohort includes new cases of pulmonary TB smear positive sputum, registered during the quarter. Assessment of treatment outcomes of new patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with positive sputum smears is the main indicator of the quality of TB programs. Analysis of outcomes in other patients (re-treatment pulmonary TB smear-negative, extrapulmonary TB) performed on separate cohorts. National TB program evaluates treatment for following cohorts of patients with TB: • New smear positive • Setbacks • treatment failure • Treatment after interruption • New cases of smear-negative • Extrapulmonary tuberculosis • Transferred to the category IV • Other Assessment of treatment outcomes, and monitoring trends in indicators should conduct at all levels - district, regional and national. Cohort analysis should be conducted quarterly and year-end. Outcomes of treatment evaluated after the entire cohort to complete treatment. Info cohort analysis is made in the form of quarterly reports. Regional Coordinator collects quarterly reports on the outcomes of treatment in the district focal points, add them and submit a consolidated report in NTSPT. Next NTSPT examines reports on cohort analysis of outcomes of treatment of TB patients in national level, evaluates the data and develops recommendations. Empyema surgery applies regardless of and the prevalence of bacteria. Presence or absence of bronchial fistula does not matter. Duration of surgical treatment (drainage) - held since the establishment of diagnosis. Type of surgery - torakotsentez, drainage of Byulau. Postoperative chemotherapy: Surgical treatment of patients with category I may be applied in any period chemotherapy. If the operation is performed in the intensive phase, it can be extended to the maximum period - 4 months, after which the presence of smear conversion the patient should be transferred to the supporting phase. Failing Conversion or absence of positive dynamics of the patient with the outcome of "failure treatment "should be translated into category II in preserved sensitivity MBT to TAP the first row. In the presence of multiple (multiresistance, polyresistance) drug resistance must be patient reregister in TB 11 to category IV, and further treatment strategy defines TSVKK. If the operation is carried out in the supporting phase, it can be extended to 7 months, according to the standard scheme. In the case of the Office of milestones, patient with the outcome "treatment failure" should be translated in the II category. II category Surgical treatment of patients subject to the following: • with a poor outcome of treatment for Category I • with recurrent tuberculous process This category is characterized by a heavy contingent of patients with torpid-current tubercular process. Features chemotherapy application for 5 antimicrobial drugs in the treatment regimen to cure is much limited, in connection with the identification of this period have majority of patients resistant to 2 or more major antibacterial drugs. But despite this, still have some of them, with strict indications can successfully carry out surgical treatments. In the medical category II surgical treatment is indicated in patients with volume prevalence of lesions within one lung and not expelled isolated foci of seeding in the opposite lung. In patients with "poor outcome" prompt treatment is indicated in the following clinical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: • cavernous tuberculosis • Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis • focal, infiltrative and disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis with the outcome in cavern • Primary tuberculosis complex • Tuberculosis of intrathoracic limfuzlov • Complications of tuberculosis process (pleural effusion, pulmonary bleeding, empyema, spontaneous pneumothorax) 84 • The surgical treatment of cavernous tuberculosis used in the presence of isolated, thin-walled cavity in one or two segments of one lung, smear, with preserved sensitivity and the absence X-ray inverse dynamics of Duration of surgical treatment resolved after 2 months of intensive phase chemotherapy in the mode II category. Types of surgical interventions for this group of patients: segmental resection, lobectomy, torakomioplastika. � In fibro-cavernous tuberculosis should bear in mind that these patients found in filthy conditions and chemotherapy for Category I was ineffective. With this in mind in the treatment regime II category, need as quickly as possible to stabilize the tuberculous process and only then apply to this category of patients with surgical methods of treatment as further possible to change the group chronically ill. Surgical treatment in these cases will be patients with a single cavity or multiple cavities (polikavernoz) with a thick fibrous wall (capsule), occupying limits of one share of possible dense centers around, with bacterial or without him. Timing of surgical treatment are solved in the presence of conservation of medicinal sensitivity after 2 (3) months of intensive phase of treatment; � In the presence of a single large cavity or polikavernoze one lung foci of bronchogenic dissemination within this light, regardless of bacteria. Timing of surgical treatment are solved in the presence of conservation of medicinal Sensitivity - after 3 (4) months of intensive phase of treatment. In this group patients are often detected in sputum Office resistant to the main series and BPO chemotherapy is necessary to reserve a number of drugs, respectively sensitivity of the Office of ABP (see IV C).. Types of surgical treatment - pneumonectomy, lobectomy, bilobektomiya, torakomioplastika, transsternalnaya occlusion of the main bronchus. � Primary tuberculosis complex in cases when the process acquires the character chronic relapsing course and is complicated by the formation of tuberkulomy or cavities in place of pulmonary component, segment or atelectasis share tumoroznogo bronhoadenita treatment should be completed expeditiously way. Date of surgical treatment resolved after 2 months of intensive phase of treatment Mode II category. Types of surgical interventions - segmental, combined resection, in combined with limfonodulektomiey. � Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes. Indications for surgical treatment arise in cases of violation of bronchial obstruction segment, the share lung or the occurrence of broncho-glandular fistulas with the threat of contamination. Timing of surgical treatment resolved after 2 months of intensive phase of treatment Mode II category. Types of surgical treatment - limfonodulektomiya. 85 In patients with recurrences of pulmonary tuberculosis with antibacterial efficacy treatment is much lower compared with the treatment of new cases. Indications for surgical treatment are polikavernoz cavity or within a single lobe, formed after a recurrence or focal infiltrative tuberculosis with the presence of bacteria or without, with preserved sensitivity to the Office BPO basic series, the termination of positive radiological improvement and absence of infiltrations and focal dissemination around. Timing of surgical treatment are resolved at the end of intensive phase (5 months) treatment by regime II category. � Caverna or polikavernoz with bronchogenic dissemination within a infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, smear and preserve the sensitivity to the main TAP. Timing of surgical treatment should be planned for the end of 5 months of intensive Phase II category. Types of surgery - lobectomy, pneumonectomy, corrective or Therapeutic torakomioplastika, transsternalnaya transperikardialnaya occlusion main bronchus (TTOGB). Complications of tuberculous process for recurrences and adverse outcomes: Clinical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in which there are complications in this phase of chemotherapy, are the same shape as that of complications in patients with I category. A special feature is that they occur against a background of chronic, torpid-tuberculous process and the current chemotherapy primary disease is inefficient, due to the presence of resistance of MBT to the first TAP series. In these cases, chemotherapy is necessary to carry out second line drugs (See cat. IV.) Timing of operative treatment - from the moment of diagnosis. Types of surgical interventions: • When spontaneous pneumothorax - torakotsentez, drainage of Byulau; • When empyema with bronchial fistula with or without - torakotsentez, drainage on Byulau. After reaching reorganization in empyema held surgical interventions on the underlying disease that caused complication (decortication, pneumonectomy, resection, TMPL) • If pulmonary hemorrhage (after the source of bleeding) turnstile lobe bronchus ligation, the vessel with the lung parenchyma; transsternalnaya occlusion of the main bronchus with ligation of the pulmonary artery • When exudative pleurisy with the volume of fluid in the pleural cavity to Level 4 intercostal space - torakotsentez, drainage of Byulau. Postoperative chemotherapy Surgical treatment may be applied in any period of chemotherapy with available evidence. In cases of surgical treatment in the period after 2 months of intensive phase, this phase after the operation to extend to 5 months, inclusive, and then transferred to supporting phase. Patients in whom surgical intervention is applied to the end of intensive phase (5 months) after surgery if conversion of sputum smears should be transferred 86 supporting phase II category. In the absence of conversion must translate into the category IV and submit the patient to TSVKK to determine further treatment tactics. III category Surgical treatment is indicated in the presence of tubercles small size without signs of decay in the absence of bacteria, when the disease prevents the work of the patient in their specialty. Duration of surgical treatment is determined by the end of intensive phase. Types of surgical interventions used in the above forms Tuberculosis: � Segmental resection or combined � Precision resection Postoperative chemotherapy - after the operation showed an standard treatment regimens. If you find the Office in the postoperative period in end of intensive phase, or in the supporting phase, the patient be transferred to treatment failure in the II category. 7.8.4 Characteristics of surgical treatment in patients with advanced forms of pulmonary tuberculosis For common forms of pulmonary tuberculosis include: � fibro-cavernous tuberculosis of one lung (polikavernoz, cavity) with the presence of active changes in the opposite lung � Caseous pneumonia is a lung � Bilateral cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis (cavities in the upper lobes or other combinations) � Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis in combination with pleural empyema with bronchial fistula with or without Types of operations are: � Pneumonectomy, lobectomy, segmental resection or combined, TTOGB after the compaction process of active change opposite lung. � In the presence of cavities in both lungs within a segment share - Bilateral resection of the lobe, segmental resection. � Depending on the condition of patients with possible one-stage resection. At no signs of stabilization of a specific process and its achievement can be applied in torakomioplastiku subpleural location of caverns. � When combined with pleural empyema should be adequate drainage (drainage by Byulau). For these purposes should only be used with silicone tubes diameter not less than 0,5 cm � type operations torakostomiya "due to its low efficiency, requiring further crippling multistage surgical interventions, used in rare cases. It shows the presence of large diameter of bronchial fistula, when the drainage pipe adequately. 87 � After reaching reorganization empiemnoy oral surgery recommended: decortication, plevrektomiya with resection of the pathological focus, combined intervention. The basic condition for any surgical intervention in patients with a stabilization of a specific process in the lungs Contraindications: � Drug resistance to all the main and backup BPO � extensive destruction of lung tissue, leaving no room for choice any surgical treatment � Pulmonary heart with signs of decompensation � amyloidosis of internal organs � Acute and chronic liver disease and kidney function deficiency � Severe concomitant diseases: alcoholism, diabetes, congenital and acquired heart disease with symptoms of decompensation, etc. Features of the registration of patients after surgery In cases of surgical intervention in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in period of chemotherapy in the mode of the intensive phase or maintenance phase of any therapeutic category, after the end of postoperative chemotherapy, the registration completion of treatment conducted in the same category, for which the patient recorded at the beginning of chemotherapy. Example: � The patient was operated on NA after 3 months of intensive phase I category. The clinical diagnosis before surgery: Infiltrative tuberculosis right lung with the outcome of a tuberculoma, ILO (-). I category. Diagnosis after surgery and postoperative chemotherapy: status after resection of the C1 +2 the right lung on the tuberkulomy, Office -. I category. Disinfected. � The patient was operated on K. 2 months after completion of treatment of II category, as in the lung preserved bladder changes. Clinical diagnosis before the operation: Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis of the upper lobe of right lung. VC (-). II category. The diagnosis after the operation: post-upper lobectomy the right lung on the fibro-cavernous tuberculosis. VC (-). II category. Disinfected. In rare cases when indicated to surgical treatment of patients following a standard course chemotherapy with outcomes "cure" or "treatment completed" is defined by the type of "Other" and assigned to treatment in the mode II category. � Patient B. diagnosed with infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper lobe of the right lung in the phase of disintegration, the Office + ", finished with a standard chemotherapy outcome of "cure". After treatment, the patient remains CV size 3x5 cm with fibrous walls. Patient surgical treatment is indicated. Clinical diagnosis before surgery: Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis of the upper lobe of the right lung Office (-). Type "Other», II category. The diagnosis after the operation: Condition after upper lobectomy of the right lung at the fibro-cavernous tuberculosis. Office (-). Category II. Disinfected. Clinical observation of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis after surgery 88 Clinical observation of patients after various types of operational interventions should ensure continuity in the treatment of patients discharged from surgical hospital. After the maintenance phase of chemotherapy appropriate category of treatment should be observed in Group II dispensary observation. Of those with small residual changes: patients who had undergone pleural pleurisy, segmental resections of tuberculomas, surgery for TB VGLU. They should be seen within 1 year, and with great residual changes in within 2 years. 7.9 Pathogenetic treatment In the complex treatment of tuberculosis patients can be activated on pathogenetic therapy, tasks which are: • normalization of the functions of organs and systems, and development of tuberculous process; • elimination of inflammation in tissues, correction of reparative processes in tissues to heal with minimal residual changes in the affected organs; • The impact on the affected organs and the organism as a whole to improve etiotrop treatment through the elimination of metabolic disorders and improve immunological status. Appointment of pathogenetic therapy requires proper technique application and rigorous consideration of the individual characteristics of the organism, the nature of process. It must be remembered that the pathogenetic funds should be appointed against the background of TB chemotherapy, and not all at once. 7.9.1 Preparations and methods for the pathogenetic effects Drug therapy medicines: • immunocorrector (roncoleukin, Betaleukin, etc.); • Drugs that have anti-inflammatory and desensitizing action (prednisolone, calcium chloride, heparin, ascorbic acid, diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen, tavegil, diazolin, fenkarol); • Enabling the processes of resorption and repair (etimizol, prodigiozan, pirogenal, aloe, and a suspension of the placenta, retabolil, methandrostenolone, insulin, lidasa); • Improves metabolism, trophic tissues (kokarboksilaza, ATP, methyluracil and vitamins); • antihypoxants and antioxidants (Riboxin, sodium thiosulfate, vitamin E); Non-medicated methods: • Physical therapy: ultrasound, phonophoresis of hydrocortisone, electrophoresis in an ultrasonic field. They increase the permeability of the tissue structures, inhibiting fibrosis, improves the penetration of drugs in the lesions (Lysing enzymes: chymotrypsin, lidasa, terrilitin and ultrasound, phonophoresis hydrocortisone, electrophoresis in an ultrasonic field); • Instrumental methods of treatment (plasmopheresis, hemosorbtion). • Phytotherapy; • Nutritsiologicheskie means (GMS, vegetable purée "Arman", Bilakt AU). 89 8. OFFICE OF MEDICAL SOFTWARE Tuberculosis drugs 8.1 Purpose Introduce modern management principles medicinal maintenance anti-TB drugs, which is required for Clinical and cost-effectiveness of the National TB Program (NTP). 8.2 Objectives � Identify systematic approach to medicine components TB program. � To strengthen the interaction PNP leaders and managers on management Medicines software. � To form practical skills of health managers, aimed at the continuous presence of "correct" antidrugs (TAP), and their rational use. 8.3 Description of the organization of work on drug management software One of the main tasks of medication management software (Ulo) within National Tuberculosis Control Programme is a continuous supply whole list of high-quality anti-TB drugs of first-line: Rifampicin (R), Isoniazid (H), Ethambutol (E), pyrazinamide (Z) and Streptomycin (S). Especially drug for SPE due to the basic principle of antituberculosis therapy, which is based on simultaneously and continuously application of several anti-TB drugs for the treatment of patients Tuberculosis is not less than six months. To perform this task must be optimal operation cycle of drug supply (circuit number 1). Cycle Drug Supply (TSLO) is based on four main functions: • Selecting appropriate drugs • Purchase of selected drugs • Distribution of drugs purchased • The use of distributed agents TSLO core is the management or organizational support, which provides for the existence of certain structures, human and financial resources, as well as management information system of the medicinal software. Organizational support is an integral part of each element of the cycle of drug provision. An important role is played by an information system that is designed to timely exchange of information among all levels and levels of the system drug supply. Thus, close cooperation between 90 PNP leaders and Ulo in addressing issues such as coordination of procurement distribution, management, quality assurance of drugs staff training and effective use of available resources (see Appendix № 1 "Checklist of activities to manage drug providing TAP managers PNP. For the proper functioning of the cycle of drug provision is needed legal framework and political support. MEDICINAL MAINTENANCE CYCLE CHOICE Organizational Buying support DISTRIBUTION USE Legal framework and political support Scheme 1 8.3.1 Choice of drugs - a process of establishing a limited list of anti-TB drugs needed for procurement based on current clinical guidelines and following the principles of good practice selection drugs: � conformity with established standards of treatment PNP � Review of the nature of local resistance � Objective information about drugs � An analysis of the availability, quality and cost of drugs on the market � The emphasis on a combination of drugs and blister packs � selected drugs approved by experts in quality The procedure for selection of drugs includes specifications and define the list of drugs that will be distributed to medical institutions of different levels of the program. The specification for each product should include: � description of the drug, the name of a pharmaceutical product or name on the international nomenclature generics � name of the drug taken within the country, if any � Pharmaceutical form (eg tablets, ampoules for injection) � dosage, for example, rifampicin 150 mg + isoniazid 75 mg � Study leave, the number of units in the package To effectively perform this function cycle management of medicinal need to synchronize the instrument of choice products, ie, TAP, specified in the standard chemotherapy SPE should be included in the National list of essential drugs, and are registered in the country. 91 The latest achievements of pharmacology can successfully combine TB drugs: in one pill can combine two, three, or Four drugs with adequate doses, which provides convenience of treatment and prevent monotherapy, thereby reducing the risk development of drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT). Use of combined fixed-dose (FDC) represents an important means to improve the quality of health care tuberculosis. Advantages of using FDC: 1. Reducing the risk of misuse, as compared with monocomponent preparations, and, accordingly, the risk of drug stability of the ILO monotherapy 2. Compliance with the medical staff standard treatment regimens 3. Simplifying the procedures for taking the drugs for patients, facilitating compliance regime and reduce the likelihood of inadvertent errors in drug therapy 4. Simplification of treatment with minimal probability of error in the appointment drugs 5. Improved management of drugs: simplified order, delivery and distribution of drugs at various levels of the program, because there are fewer names of preparations with different terms date. 8.3.2 Procurement of medicines - a multi-step cyclical process that focused on achieving a reliable and regular income TB drugs in adequate quantities of high quality and affordable price. Stages of the procurement cycle: � An analysis of selected procurement of drugs � assessment of drug demand � The harmonization of drug needs and available funding � selection method for the procurement of drugs � Search and selection of suppliers � Organisation Tender � The definition of contractual terms for the purchase of drugs � Monitoring the status of an order to supply drugs � Receiving and checking incoming products � payment in accordance with the contract � The distribution of medicines � Collecting information on the consumption of drugs from the system of drug ensure Thus, the procurement process involves various activities require a very long time, and, often, the duration of the full cycle procurement can achieve, and more. However, even in cases where the procurement cycle lasts more than a year, there is a simple mechanism to ensure a constant supply of drugs, it 92 simultaneous conduct of several cycles of procurement, overlapping. Drugs are purchased for one year plus a reserve (buffer) stock, but then not waiting for the delivery of drugs, start a new cycle of procurement. Managers PNP TB control involved in the initial stages procurement, to quantify drug requirements in each of drugs, but they should also be aware of other activities associated with procurement by providing the necessary information to experts on procurement. Procurement of TB drugs is carried out in accordance with the law "On public procurements" RK on July 21, 2007 № 303. Legislation Republic of Kazakhstan on public procurement based on principles: (Article 3. The principles of legal regulation of public procurement). 1. optimal and effective spending of the money used for State zakupokv; 2. provide potential suppliers equal opportunity to participate in the procedure of public procurement, except stipulated by the Law 3. fair competition among potential suppliers 4. publicity and transparency of government procurement Must strictly follow the orders of the Committee Pharmacy MH RK № 26 dated February 17 2004 "On approval of instruction on the definition of medicines be tempered with a prescription and without a prescription, according to which drugs for TB treatment should be dispensed only by prescription. If prescription of these drugs should discuss each case. 8.4 Methods for determination of drug needs Evaluation of drug needs is a stage of the procurement cycle. Credible and objective determination of drug needs is one of the factors affect the principle of continuity of drug supply anti-TB drugs. To estimate the drug needs to TAP is recommended to use two main methods: 1. Method "on the number of reported cases" 2. Method "on the previous consumption" Method "on the number of reported cases is based on the forecast level morbidity that requires accurate data on registered cases and Regimens used to predict drug requirements. This the most complex and time-consuming method, but at the same time it is the most persuasive approach to justify budget requests for the purchase of drugs. Method "on the previous consumption is based on accurate and complete data on consumption of drugs from the system with a relatively uninterrupted flow of preparations at its full supply of essential medicines list. For This method also needs accurate knowledge of periods of absence Medication medicinal stock and expected changes in consumption (demand) and the use drugs. In the case of long periods of absence of TAP on medicinal stock, this method not allow to reliably determine the level of previous consumption. This method does not reflects the rationality of the use of anti-TB drugs. Table 15 - Comparison of methods for calculating drug needs Method of Data Restrictions In previous consumption Accurate and complete data on previous consumption. Data periods lack of drugs in system. Long periods of absence drugs in the system. Does not reflect the rationality use Number registered GOVERNMENTAL cases Previous and Projected statistics number of tuberculosis cases. Established standard treatment. Lack or inaccuracy statistics. Forecast the number of cases TB - the value changeable. Standards of care may not respected. 8.4.1 Method based on the number of registered cases of tuberculosis Calculation of drug needs using the method of "the number reported cases "means the evaluation of the expected number of TB cases for each category of treatment in the coming year followed by a multiplication the projected number of TB cases by the number of monocomponent or Combined pills required for each category of treatment. Number of doses expected number of total number of to cure a case of X TB cases each = desired TB drug category Below is a stepping algorithm of actions needed to assess drug needs using the method "the number of registered cases "of TB. Table 16 - The list of standard steps for evaluation of drug requirements method "on the number of reported cases of" Tuberculosis № Name step 1 Make a list of TAP, a quantitative need for requiring identify with an indication of the specifications for each drug 2 Determine the standard treatment 94 3 Collect data on the number of registered cases of tuberculosis per previous period 4 Determine the expected number of TB cases in each category 5 To calculate drug needs of each drug necessary to treat one patient in a certain mode of categories I, II, III 6 Calculate the total number of basic units for the treatment of all patients tuberculosis for all treatments 7 Consider the number of TAP on the medicinal stock and the need for reserve 8 consider the possibility of "loss" of drugs through injury or other causes 9 To assess the value of each drug and the total cost of purchased TAP 10 Compare the total cost of TAP with a dedicated budget for the purchase of drugs Step 1. Make a list of TAP, a quantitative need for requiring identify with an indication of the specifications for each drug: - Description of the drug, the name of the pharmaceutical product or name on the international nomenclature generics - Title taken inside the country if there is - Dosage form (eg tablets, ampoules for injection) - Dosage, for example rifampicin 150 mg + isoniazid 75 mg - Study leave, the number of units in the package - The projected purchase price for the basic unit or for packaging. Step 2. Determine the standard treatment The standard treatment - a treatment regimen, indicating the list of drugs, their daily dosages and the number of doses needed to cure one case of tuberculosis I, II and III categories of treatment. Table 17 - Standard chemotherapy for tuberculosis patients used in the calculation of drug needs Diagnostic category Intensive phase Supportive phase I 2-4 RHZE (S) Streptomycin used within 2 months 4 (RH) 3 II 3-5 RHZES Streptomycin used within 2 months 5 (RHE) 3 III 2RHZE 4 (RH) 3 In calculating drug needs should be considered maximum timing of therapy in the intensive phase of treatment. 95 Table 18 - FDC scheme dosage for adults with a light weight ranges patients Weight range (Kg) Intensive phase Maintenance phase 2-5 months depending on efficiency and the categories of treatment 4-5 months depending on the category treatment Every day, every day three times a week Every day, three times a week Daily RHZE 150mg +75 mg + 400mg +275 mg RHZ 150mg +75 mg 400 mg RHZ 150mg +150 mg 500 mg RH 150mg +75 mg RH 150mg +150 mg EH 400mg +150 mg 30-37 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 38-54 3 3 3 3 3 2 55-70 4 4 4 4 4 3 71 and more than 5 5 5 5 5 3 Step 3. Collect data on the number of registered cases of tuberculosis per previous period Data collection provides a retrospective analysis of recording and reporting forms to determine the total number of reported cases of tuberculosis each category of treatment. It is necessary to take into account the data at least three statistically representative year. Under statistically representative means periods of time (years), when the statistics were as reliable. Step 4. Determine the expected number of TB cases in each category. To determine the expected number of TB cases in each category of treatment can be considered as the rate of growth, and average statistical data in availability of reliable databases on the number of reported cases during years. In the case of waiting to increase the identification of new cases of tuberculosis caused deterioration of the epidemiological situation, or program activities may We adjust the data. When forecasting the expected number of cases of tuberculosis must be considered additional factors affecting this value: - Population covered by the health system; - Migration of the population; - Amnesty. Table 19 - Example of calculating the expected number of TB cases in each category treatment with the use of average data 96 Year Category 2005 2006 2007 Avg. Statistical. 2008 I 1030sl. 989sl. 807sl. 942sl. II 497sl. 347sl. 342sl. 396sl. III 176sl. 214sl. 238sl. 210sl. Step 5. To calculate drug needs of each drug necessary to treat one patient in a certain mode by categories I, II, III. Necessary to calculate the number of basic units for the treatment of one case TB in each category c, given that all patients are in a weighted range of 55-70 kg. Table 20 - Example of calculation of drug needs for one patient on each category of treatment. Medica cops Category treatment calculation Common number basic units RHZE 150mg +75 mg + 400mg +275 4 tab. X (30 days x 4 months.) = 480 Table. For the intensive phase (daily). 480 tablets RH 150mg +150 mg I Category 4 tab. X 54 days = 216 Table. For maintenance phase (three times week). 216 tablets RHZE 150mg +75 mg + 400mg +275 4 tab. X (30 days x 5 months.) = 600 Table. For the intensive phase (daily). 600 tablets S 1gr. Injections 1 gram injection x (30 days x 2 months) = 60 vials for the intensive phase. 60 vials RH 150mg +150 mg 4 tab. X 66 days = 264 ** Table. For maintenance phase (three times week). 264 tablets E400mg II Category Table 6. X 66 days = 396 Table. For maintenance phase (three times week). 396 tablets RHZE 150mg +75 mg + 400mg +275 4 tab. X (30 days x 2 months) = 240 Table. For the intensive phase (daily). 240 tablets RH 150mg +150 mg III Category 4 tab. X 54 days = 216 Table. For maintenance phase (three times week). 216 tablets Note: 97 * For I category in 4 months maintenance phase contains 18 weeks of treatment to 3 times a week (18 x 3 = 54 days). ** For Category II in 5 months maintenance phase provides 22 weeks of treatment to 3 times a week (22 x 3 = 66 days). Step 6. Calculate the total number of basic units of the drug for the treatment all TB patients in all treatment regimens. Number of basic units of the drug for the treatment of one case of tuberculosis be multiplied by the total number of expected cases of tuberculosis each category of treatment. The action is carried out separately for I, II and III categories. Table 21 - Example of calculation of drug needs to treat all patients tuberculosis in all modes of treatment Category I Category II Category III Total need a quarter Quantity units Quantity units Num. units He named. Drug \ dose Cases Base units. at 1 case (Q1) Cases Base units. at 1 case (Q2) Cases Basic. units. 1 case (Q3) Q4 = (Q1 + Q2 + Q3) RHZE 150mg +75 mg + 400mg +275 942 480 452 160 396 600 237 600 210 240 50 400 740 160 RH 150mg +150 m r 942 216 2034 72 396 264 1045 44 210 216 4536 0 353 376 S 1gr. Injections 942 - - 396 60 2376 0 210 - - 23 760 E400mg 942 - - 396 396 156 816 210 - - 156 816 Step 7. Take into account the necessary amount of TAP on medicinal stock and the need for a reserve. Prior to the evaluation of drug needs to be known by the time " between placing orders and receiving drugs for each level of the system. This time interval is referred to as "the average waiting time of the product." If this interval does not exceed 6 months in the procurement plan should address the needs of the medications for 1 year plus the required reserve or buffer stock. If this period is more than 6 months, in the purchase order should take into account stock for a period of more than a year. The buffer stock is required in cases of sudden increase in diagnosed cases tuberculosis, delays in receipt of drugs because of the failed bid or distribution problems and loss of drugs due to damage or theft. 98 Thus, it is important to have a reserve stock at all levels of the system. Recommended amounts of reserve at the district level - for 3 months on regional level - a 3-month and at the central level - 6 months if four-tier system of distribution of drugs. It is important to note that the complete filling of all levels of reserve stock conducted once, since subsequent requests for the purchase of drugs should take into account the available balance (projected) on the day the preparations for new application, and, as a rule, it should not be below the recommended level reserve. Table 22 - Example of formation of the application for anti-TB drugs Quarterly need Reserve margin for quarter Preparations in available * Only ordered Name of drugs drug / dose Q4 Q5 (= Q4) Q6 TQ = (Q4 + Q5) Q6 RHZE 150mg +75 mg + 400mg +275 740 160 740 160 500 000 980 320 RH 150mg +150 mg 353 376 353 376 100 000 606 752 S 1gr. Injection 23 760 23 760 10 000 37 520 E400mg 156 816 156 816 20 000 293 632 * Projected balance at the date of receipt of drugs on the new application! Step 8. Consider the possibility of "loss" of drugs through injury or other causes To address the possible "loss" drugs, you can use the experience of previous procurement and distribution of TAP. If the "loss" are significant, they need correction in a certain percentage in the evaluation of drug requirements. Step 9. To assess the value of each drug and the total cost of procured TAP A) Convert the number of required core units in the number of packages B) Multiply the number of required packages of the drug on the cost of one pack +-=( Total Number of Number of major required units of the drug product ÷ = ordered in fundamental units of packed packages Quantity Value Total required X = cost of one packaging packaging product Estimated drug potrenost Drugs in stock Being ordered number drug Reserve reserve 99 Following options are available to assess the value of procured products. First choice: raise the price lists of products on pharmaceutical market from local and international commercial suppliers, also explore the quotations in the procurement of drugs through the international non-commercial arrangements, such as the Global Drug Facility * (SFR / GDF). The second option: to evaluate the cost of subsequent purchases through the adjustment of prices last held the purchase, considering such factors as inflation, devaluation and etc. * SFF / GDF - one of the sources of acquisition of TAP at moderate prices. Created by initiative program "Stop TB". GLF / GDF - International Service for TAP. Step 10. Compare the total cost of TAP with a dedicated budget for the purchase of drugs Each patient with tuberculosis should start treatment without delay and complete treatment without interruption. If the budget does not cover the costs necessary the purchase, the amount of drugs purchased must be synchronized with number of patients to be taken for treatment, since the whole list drugs must be continuously available. Health managers should use all available opportunities and resources to guarantee uninterrupted drug supply and prevent breakdowns at all levels of GMP. 8.4.2 Method based on previous consumption As an additional method for determining the drug needs in availability of reliable data on previous consumption, the absence drugs in the system, as well as on the number of patients who do not received chemotherapy due to lack of drugs, the method "on prior to consumption. It should be borne in mind that the data on previous consumption can not reflect the process of rational prescribing and use of medicines. Below is a list of basic steps for determining drug requirements for TB drugs using the method based on data on consumption: 1. Make a list of TAP, a quantitative need which requires determine 2. Determine the time period for which data are collected and the analysis consumption data. If you plan to buy / order the drugs for 12 months, it is necessary to review the data on consumption for 12 months 3. Submit data on consumption of each drug during the reporting period, including the total number used during the test period, the number of days in the absence of each drug in stock and the average waiting time for several Last Procurement 100 4. Calculate the value of "average consumption of drugs" for a month - it main parameter in the calculation formula, so it must be as accurate 5. Calculate the volume / buffer stock for each drug 6. Calculate the amount of drug in the next cycle purchase 7. Adjust the above calculations drug based on anticipated changes in consumption 8. Adjust the calculations performed with allowance for possible losses of drugs in during transportation and storage 9. Record number of drugs available in stock at the moment 10. Record number of drugs that have already been ordered but not yet arrived 11. Combine these decentralized calculations, ie calculations for individual hospitals or storage of drugs 12. To assess the value of each drug and the total cost of procured drugs 13. Compare the total cost to the budget and make necessary adjustments Formula: 1. The average consumption of drugs per month, including the period of absence this drug: (Ca) = CT ÷ [RM - (DOS ÷ 30.4)] 2. Volume / buffer stocks: (BS) = Ca × LT 3. Number of ordered products: (QO) = Ca × (LT + PP) + SS - (S1 + SO) Ca = Average consumption of drugs per month, based on the period of absence this drug CT = Total consumption of the drug over this period in the basic units For example, in tablets DOS = Number of days when the drug was absent in stock LT = average waiting time of products in months PP = length of the period of purchase (for how long will purchase drugs - In months) QO = Number of ordered products in the base unit before adjustment loss or programmatic changes RM = Length of the analyzed period in months (number of months data are analyzed to draw up predictive evaluation) SO = Quantity ordered but not yet received drugs in the basic units S1 = The number of drugs actually available in stock in the basic units SS = Number of drug required for safety / buffer stock 30.4 = Average number of days in month 101 Example of calculating the number of ordered product using the method "On the previous consumption" 1. Calculation of average monthly consumption of drugs Formula: (SA) = CT ÷ [RM - (DOS ÷ 30.4)] Conditions: a) CT - total consumption of the drug for the analyzed period 150 000 Rifampicin 150 mg tablets. b) RM - the duration of the test period - 6 months c) DOS - 60 days during the absence of drugs in the system of drug supply (Ca) = 150 000 ÷ [6 - (60 ÷ 30.4)] = 37 500 tablets of rifampicin 150 mg of average consumption per month of the drug. 2. Calculation of reserve Formula: (BS) = Ca × LT Conditions: a) Ca - the average monthly consumption of the drug Rifampicin 150 mg of 37 500 tablets b) LT - the average waiting time of products - 3 months BS = 37 500 × 3 = 112 500 tablets of rifampicin 150 mg of cushion 3. Calculation of the ordered quantity of the drug Formula: (QO) = Ca × (LT + PP) + SS - (S1 + SO) Conditions: a) Ca - the average monthly consumption of the drug Rifampicin 150 mg given period of absence of drugs is 37 500 tablets. b) LT - the average waiting time of products - 3 months. c) PP - a term which will be purchased drugs - 6 months d) SS - the amount of the drug to form a reserve - 112 500 tablets Rifampicin 150 mg e) S1 - the actual amount of the drug in stock - 90 000 tablets of Rifampin 150 mg. f) SO-quantity ordered earlier rifampicin 150 mg, but not yet received 20 000 tablets of rifampicin 150 mg. 102 (QO) = 37 500 × (3 + 6) + 112 500 - (90 000 + 20 000) = 340 000 tablets of Rifampin 150 mg need to order to cover the 6 months requirement and the formation of 3 monthly reserve, taking into account that the waiting time is 3 months. 8.5 Managing the evaluation of drug demand Managing the assessment of drug requirements are divided into two phases • Preparatory • Calculation of the needs of drugs 8.5.1 Preparatory Phase - important points An important first step in identifying large-scale drug needs a preparatory process: � The definition of responsible person or entity that will manage the process, define roles and responsibilities; � The formation of a working group for coordination between agencies and departments involved in the process of determining the drug needs; � The wording of the objectives and define the scope of the calculation of drug needs � selection method for calculating drug needs; � Define list of drugs � Score required time Large-scale identification of essential drugs is a timeexpensive process. In this connection should be set a realistic time frame for each step in determining drug demand. Timeframe in mainly depend on the number of levels of drug supply and availability. In a multilevel system with incomplete data process estimates of drug requirements may take several months. The influence of average waiting time of product Number of purchased product should be sufficient so long, as long the next cycle of procurement. The process of procurement can take place within a few months: sourcing, tendering, receiving and checking incoming drugs etc. For example: If the average waiting time of products (LT) is 3 months, average monthly consumption (Ca) is 37 500 tablets of rifampicin 150 mg, then minimum buffer stock (SS), should be 112 500 tablets of Rifampin 150 mg ("Method for the previous consumption"). Thus, for constant maintain a minimum stock level for the supply of TAP application must be submitted in stock 225 000 tablets of rifampicin 150 mg, provided that the term implementation of a new order for 3 months. 103 Model of inventory control Time in Months Stk. Reserve Reserve Slave ochy Volume LT 1369 (BS) = Ca × LT Delivery Consumption Scheme № 2 Conducting training for managers of the district and regional level on how determination of drug needs 8.5.2 Phase calculation needs drugs - important points � The collection of data depending on the chosen method of calculating drug requirements (number of patients, therapies, etc.) � Maintain feedback from regional and district managers, deploying applications to the need for TAP � Conduct calculate drug needs � Score total purchase price � adjustment and harmonization of the final number of drugs � Conduct training for managers of the district and regional level Survey management and use of drug stores drugs � To assess the process of determining the drug needs and identify room for improvement 8.5.3 Distribution of drugs aimed at ensuring uninterrupted preparations of all agencies, where we treat patients with tuberculosis, required quantity and the calculated time. The process of distribution of drugs includes: � clearance of drugs � Receive and inspect incoming products � Inventory control warehouse 104 � Storage of drugs in accordance with the requirements � holiday preparations for medical � deliver drugs to health facilities � Provide information on the consumption of drugs from the system pharmacological support to the Department purchasing agents Under continuous or uninterrupted provision of medicines means availability of the full range of TAP 365 days a year on drug storage and medical offices, establishments, where we treat patients with tuberculosis. Interruptions in drug supply and cause treatment failure the emergence of resistant forms of tuberculosis. After selecting the "right" drugs in the appropriate dosages and combinations, to conduct adequate chemotherapy for all weight ranges in accordance with established standards of treatment, the period procurement cycle. In turn, the cycle begins with the distribution of drugs moment of sending the products manufacturer or supplier and ends report on the consumption of drugs, which comes to the Department of Procurement. 8.5.4 The main objectives of the system of distribution of drugs: 1. Maintain a constant and uniform provision of drugs given reserve 2. Store medications under proper conditions 3. To minimize the loss of drugs due to spoilage and expiry Life 4. Use affordable transport as efficiently as possible 5. Avoid theft and fraud 6. Provide information to predict drug needs Availability of and compliance with inventory control procedures at all levels program is important to prevent breaks in the system of medicinal provision and availability of reliable data to assess drug requirements in a subsequent purchase, and to ensure the quality of drugs in during storage and distribution. For the purposes of monitoring procurement managers can use the formulas Minimum (Smin) and maximum (Smax) inventory levels, through which calculated, when to place an order, and for a number of drugs (Qo) He should be drafted. 8.5.5 Mechanism of leave and receive TAP Person VET (Head pharmacy charge nurse), receiving TAP, draws the accounting of attorney (Form № M-2a approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 548 dated December 1, 1998) on obtaining drugs. Exception is himizatory PHC. 105 In VET, which issued the prescription surface (at regional level - 4, at district level -3) with obligatory indication of the number invoice, name of recipient attorney, as well as the name, dosage, units, number certificate, series, shelf life, the number allotted to the drug, the price and amount for every name of the drug. Responsible for providing the price of one unit of drugs is an accountant VET. In VET, issuing a TAC there are 2 bills (one in accounting, the other - in the pharmacy or department). The remaining 2 bills are passed, together with drugs (1 - to the accounting department, the other in the office or pharmacy VET, which will continue the treatment the patient). When sending a TAP from the pharmacy VET (regions, districts) in the NKL cabinet (PTI PHC) for treatment on an outpatient phase of treatment delivery is carried out on preparations Based on the requirements drawn himizatorom. The requirement is filled according Card TB 01 and TB 01 - Category IV. Responsible person issuing the TAP PHC fills three bills, one of which is transmitted together with TAP, one remains in accounts of issuing TAP, one - at the head of pharmacy warehouse. All cases of gain and loss of anti-TB drugs must enter in TB 12 - log anti-TB drugs (see Guide recording and reporting forms) the day of admission (leave). Parish registers TAP on the basis of invoices, expense on the basis - invoices and claims. At the level PHC - on the basis of marks in sheet maps NKL TB 01 and TB 01 - Category IV. 8.5.6 The formula for determining the minimum and maximum level of stocks and number of ordered products � Smin = (LT × Ca) + SS � Smax = Smin + (Pp × Ca) � The number of ordered products (Qo) = Smax - (So + S1) (See Method "on the previous consumption" and "Managing the assessment drug needs). Prior to the distribution of drugs from the host storage they should be inspected for quantity and quality. This includes visual random inspection for labeling of drugs (language, drug form, dosage, storage period or shelf life), the number of each received medicine and their compliance with the contract specification. In addition, should carried out the procedure of selective removal of samples for the corresponding laboratory testing - identification testing for active ingredient, as well as test for dissolution. After the party was set quality control and testing, begins distribution of drugs in hospitals. To ensure timely supply of TAP, is necessary to receive from medical agencies information on existing holdings and applications for drugs based on the calculation of the registered (or expected) number of patients tuberculosis. 106 Important points to appropriate rules governing the storage and issue of TAP: � Proper maintenance of approved accounting and reporting documents for receipt and dispensing of drugs � Rotation medicines stockpile shelf life (storage and holiday preparations according to the rule FEFO, ie preparations with an earlier expiration expiration date are released in the first place and stored in the front of repository) � Storing drugs in a dry and well ventilated area out of direct exposure to sunlight and in accordance with the approved temperature regime � systematic review of drug stockpiles for each item and maintenance reserve (see Diagram № 2) The current system of distribution of TAP in Kazakhstan is designated as «PUSH» system: at the national and provincial levels is determined by the list and the number drugs, which are distributed to lower levels of drug software. In this system managers to provide information on consumption and drug residues to the source of supply of drugs for procurement planning and distribution of drugs. 8.5.7 Rational use of drugs implies: � The correct diagnosis of tuberculosis and determination of categories of treatment � Appointment of standard chemotherapy � Adequate doses of chemotherapeutic drugs in accordance with the weight of the patient � direct control over the patient while taking drugs � patients' adherence to assigned treatment Based on the foregoing, the process of using drugs can be presented in the form below schema: The process of using drugs Scheme № 3 Diagnosis Control Commitment Appointments patient Issue / NKL 107 Rational use of anti-TB drugs is one of the key components of NPP. Rational use of drugs contributes quality treatment from a clinical point of view and profitability programs economic aspect. There are a number of factors at the basis of irrational use of drugs is infrastructure and management gaps in the health system, cultural and the social fabric of society, lack of knowledge and independent information, inefficient work with the patient, inadequate advertising, unlimited access to drugs, and underestimation of the process of NKL. NKL is required to ensure patient adherence to treatment. NKL helps motivate the patient to complete treatment and to anticipate problems with adherence among TB patients, as well as prevent the emergence of resistant forms of tuberculosis. NKL by WHO - means that a person who controls a drug watch the process of swallowing pills, displaying sympathy and support needs of the patient (see Appendix № 1). The tasks of medical personnel conducting NKL TB patients: � Do not make the patient wait � Provide "right products" in accordance with the established regime supplementation � Making a mark in the map of 01 TB each adopted a dose � To know the possible side effects of drugs and when they appear to direct patient to the doctor � Maintain and encourage the patient to continue taking the drugs � Respond quickly if you skip taking the drugs the patient The organization, in practice, NKL and continuing commitment to treatment is a complex task, particularly during outpatient treatment. To successfully address this problem not only efforts by public health, should be involved in This process of local government and the public. One of the causes of irrational use of TAP is their availability in private retail pharmaceutical market. TAP should be used only qualified personnel TB agencies Health. Identify and examine the causes of irrational use of TAP, followed by elimination is a key success factor for GMP. 8.6 Monitoring Monitoring is an integral part of the routine management of medicines software. Systematic monitoring of the indicator on the basis of in accordance with 108 tasks and ongoing activities necessary for successful functioning of the system of drug provision PNP at all levels. The main task of monitoring - to determine the degree of correspondence between the implementation programs and set standards that can identify operational problems that arise in the process of health workers places and their subsequent correction. Managers GMP should be involved in the monitoring system of drug supply, including the selection, procurement, distribution, use and maintenance quality products. There are a number of key and additional indicators for monitoring system pharmacological support TAP. Data on the key (CI) indicators should measured regularly to ensure GMP continuous supply of high quality drugs, as well as to assess the economic efficiency of the procurement process. Additional (CI) indicators can be used for advanced Monitoring control system ensuring medicines TAP. Here are some key indicators and additional monitoring LO. 8.6.1 Key Indicators K-1 Average duration (in percentage) lack of list of TAP in TB facilities. K-2 Percentage of new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis with smear-positive cases, receiving a proper treatment in accordance with the clinical leadership. K-3 Percentage TAP received during the last three deliveries, which were Certificate Party K-4 Percentage of median international price paid for a list of TAP in the last purchase 8.6.2 Additional indicators D-1 Percent of pharmaceutical products included in the PNP National list of essential drugs D-2 Percentage of samples of TAP, which are not tested for quality control the total number of samples tested during the past year D-3 Percent of TB facilities visited, where there was a the presence of recent official publication of clinical guidelines on tuberculosis D-4 Percentage of patients who reported receiving TAP under the control of health workers. 109 8.6.3 Description of the indicators included in the "Compendium of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of N "World Health Organization, 2004. Availability of quality assurance program (PPW) in drug Administrative Determination Availability Determination The presence of PPW in drug provision for monitoring the safety used drugs residents. Answer "Yes" or "No". What to measure This indicator measures the PPW, which includes agencies or committees for the registration of drugs, the choice of quality products and suppliers certification of products, development of contract specifications and performance of external inspection and laboratory analysis of drugs received, and there are procedures for feedback to the notice of the problems encountered in the use of the drug. How to measure This indicator is measured through a review of documents of the Ministry Health (MoH), describing the PPW, as these documents are not always are the managers of TB programs, PPW may include a single agency or a few, but should hold all of the above activities. The health system can use more detailed indicators for identifying the specific weaknesses of the PPW. But generalizing indicator should expressed as "Yes", unless the list of all the components PPW: - The presence of the regulatory framework right to regulate drug supply - Availability of a system of registration of drugs - Availability Inspection Service - Availability of laboratory testing Data source - Documents MZ - Documents National Formulary Committee Frequency and designation This indicator should be measured and reported on an annual basis. Strengths and limitations This indicator is not specific for the TB program, he characterized by the presence of a whole PPW, which is important for the entire health system. In many countries there PPW. This indicator - this is an additional check for TAP, domestically produced or procured from international suppliers. The indicator is not acceptable for external monitoring, especially on a regular basis. Documents may describe a good MH PPW, but in practice, it operates 110 partially. This indicator measures the availability of the PPW, but does not characterize it functionality. Availability of reserve at the central, regional or district storage levels Determination The presence of reserve (buffer) stock TAP to ensure regular supplies treatment centers. Recommended level of reserve is 6 months central level and 3 months at the regional and district levels. Answer "Yes" or "No". What to measure This indicator measures whether the National Programme for Control Tuberculosis necessary resources and institutional capacity to avoid interruptions in drug provision through the availability of additional quantities of drugs, ie reserve. The buffer stock is required element of the system of drug provision aimed at preventing interruptions in the supply of medical centers that may arise as a result errors in the evaluation of drug requirements, as well as a number of other reasons. How to measure This indicator is formed after a review of documentation on the calculation of drug needs of the National Programme for Control of Tuberculosis. Review relevant documentation to determine whether the reserve stock accounted in assessing drug needs, commissioned and adopted at various levels system. For example, if the program conducts supplying drugs once a year for 12 months, then in addition to the purchase must be included and a stockpile of 6 months. At the district level when ordering drugs for 3 months should be included and a reserve order for 3 months. The presence of inadequate reserve of any of the TAP denotes the result of "No". Data source - Documentation for the calculation of drug needs - Documentation for Procurement Frequency and designation This indicator should be measured annually at the central level and twice year in the regional and district stores Strengths and limitations This indicator does not measure all the problems in the chain of drug supply, causing interruptions in the availability of drugs at health facilities. However, this indicator measures the capacity of the program and the availability of resources for prevent interruptions in delivery times from TAP at all levels of storage. The accuracy of accounting and reporting documentation repositories for TAP 111 Determination Percentage of compliance (records) recording and reporting documentation to the actual number of TAP in drug stores Number of records (documentation), corresponding to the actual number of × 100 The total number of audited accounts What to measure Proper management of drug stores is important for continuous of TAP treatment facilities. One of the important activities is exact calculation of drugs taken and distributed from the warehouse. When The actual data on the number of drugs vary with the data contained in documentation, this leads to errors in the preparation of the application products. How to measure The number of each TAP should be counted in the drug stores and warehouses of medical institutions. This is the actual number is compared with quantity of the drug specified in the registration and reporting documents, or individual storage cards. If this amount of drug or more than less than the estimated (actual), it is denoted as the discrepancy in record. The number of entries corresponding to the actual balance of drugs in stock must be added up and divided by the total number tested records. This number is multiplied by 100 per cent accuracy for the removal of records in this repository. Data source - Warehouse documentation (card) for each drug - These actual counts Frequency and designation This indicator should be determined twice a year for national, regional and district warehouse (storage). Strengths and limitations This indicator allows managers to monitor the work of warehouse employees premises and to identify weaknesses in the system of continuous drug supply TAP. Frequency measurement of this indicator can be changed to once a year in the case of a stable accuracy in the warehouse records. The period of time the lack of TAP in drug stores (stores) Determination The average percentage of time the lack of TAP first-line drug stores The total number of days in the absence of TAP delivered the first series × 100 (365 × number of TAP) 112 What to measure This indicator measures one of the key moments of the program, such as continuity in the drug provision. This is a basic principle, because all TAP should be available for adequate patient treatment and prevention emergence of resistant forms of tuberculosis. This indicator should be used in conjunction with the indicator number 6 for the understanding of the actual presence of TAP and existing management practices in the drug supply. How to measure Data should be collected as soon as possible with plenty of storage space central, regional and district levels. This indicator is calculated by determining the number of days in the absence of each drug during past 12 months, based on accounting and reporting documentation repositories with their followed by summation of total days of absence of the drug. Then total number of days divided by 365, and multiplied by 100. Data source - Storage card for each drug (accounting and reporting documentation) Frequency and designation This indicator should be determined on a quarterly basis for all stores at all levels. Strengths and limitations Measurement of this indicator should be a routine undertaking internal monitoring. When this indicator is used during the external monitoring possible inaccurate analysis because the data will be presented only with areas visited by the evaluation team. The period of time the lack of TAP in hospitals Determination The average percentage of time the lack of TAP first row in hospitals The total number of days in the absence of TAP delivered the first series × 100 (365 × number of TAP in the hospital) What to measure Availability and accessibility of medicines essential for the successful management tuberculosis and uninterrupted supply of drugs and medical institutions it is very important to cure patients and prevent the emergence of resistant strains of tuberculosis. This indicator measures the component of the NPP such as continuity in the drug provision. This is a basic principle, because all TAP list should be available for adequate treatment and prevention development of MDR-TB. This indicator should be used in conjunction with indicator of the number 6 for the understanding of the actual existence of TAP and the available management practices in the drug supply. 113 How to measure Data should be collected as soon as possible with a larger number of medical institutions central, regional and district levels. This indicator is calculated by counting the number of days in the absence of each drug during last 12 months, based on accounting and reporting documentation, followed by summing the total number of days in the absence of the drug. Then total number of days divided by 365 and multiplied by 100. Data source Recording and reporting documentation storage of medical institutions Frequency and designation This indicator should be determined on a quarterly basis to all hospitals at all levels. Strengths and limitations Measurement of this indicator should be a routine undertaking internal monitoring. When this indicator is used during external monitoring possible inaccurate analysis because the data will be presented only with areas visited by the evaluation team. The basic structural unit, where TAP available Determination The proportion of basic structural units, where TAP are available on the day inspection Number of visits to the main structural units, where TAP in the presence of × 100 The total number of visits to the main structural units What to measure Availability of drugs is essential for successful management of TB. This indicator measures the functionality of systems procurement and inventory management to ensure that drug treatment facilities in accordance with needs of the patient. This indicator should be used in conjunction with indicator of the number 4 and 5 for the understanding of the actual existence of TAP and the available management practices in the drug supply. How to measure Data should be collected as soon as possible with a more fundamental structural units of the TB program. This indicator calculated based on the records of the presence of drugs in warehouses on the day of his visit to the institution. The data obtained are compared with the list drugs, which should be available. Drugs expired not counted because they can not be used to treat patients. Agencies (agencies) who did not have proper list of drugs fixed. The number of institutions, where all the necessary list of TAP was the presence 114 on the day of inspection, summed. Then, this number is divided by the total number institutions visited. Data source - Preparations warehouse facilities and warehouse records Frequency and designation This indicator should be determined on a quarterly basis for analysis at the National level Strengths and limitations Data collection for this indicator may be a routine event internal monitoring. However, when this indicator is used during external monitoring is possible inaccurate analysis because the data will be presented only with the institutions visited by the evaluation team. Samples of TAP, not tested for quality control Determination Percentage of samples TAP, not tested for quality control in laboratories quality control of the country. The number of samples of TAP did not pass the test for quality control × 100 The total number of samples of TAP tested in laboratories Quality control of the country What to measure TAP should be purchased from reputable sources with a good reputation and should be certification authorities of the receiving country for safety, efficiency and quality. The system of drug supply should provide appropriate storage conditions of drugs. This indicator measures the proportion of tested PTP, which did not meet the criteria of the standard quality specified by the receiving country. Ideally, all samples must go tested successfully. Availability of samples of drugs not tested on quality control, evidence of a weak manufacturing practices and gaps in delivery system from the supplier, the bad system, storage and distribution by the receiving country. How to measure The total number of samples of TAP did not pass quality control, is fixed and divided the total number of samples TAP actually tested. This number is multiplied 100 to calculate the percentage of drugs that have not undergone tests to monitor quality. Data source - Register of Quality Control Laboratories - Reports MH 9. Tuberculosis and HIV TB is a major opportunistic infection and leading cause of death among HIV-infected persons. In Kazakhstan, he was diagnosed in average of 45,8% of patients in symptomatic stages of HIV - infection and 36% in the structure of the causes of death among HIV-infected individuals (data RC AIDS, 2003).. HIV infection contributes to the development of tuberculosis in recent Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected individuals and increases the risk of reactivation latent TB infection. The spread of tuberculosis among HIVcontingent positive epidemiological situation worsens tuberculosis among the general population. Events for the timely identification, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis among HIV-infected persons are essential component of national TB programs. 9.1. Detection of TB in HIV - infected persons 9.1.1 Detection of pulmonary tuberculosis 1. Radiography of the chest (children, adolescents, adults) - when Establishment of HIV-positive status, if the previous X-ray conducted over two weeks ago. Later X-ray chest cells is carried out - 1 times per year. 2. Radiography of the chest of HIV - infected persons (children, adolescents, adults) who applied for the place of registration for the first time in a given year, regardless of the reasons treatment, if the previous X-ray study was 1 year or more ago. Persons older than 14 years may conducted fluorography. 3. The triple microscopic examination of sputum for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in the presence of any cough duration. For negative results of smear conducted radiography (fluorography) of the chest. 4. Screening for tuberculosis HIV - infected persons living in contact with patients with pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis regardless of the presence of bacteria in the patient - is organized TB doctors territorial TB dispensaries (offices). The complex diagnostic tests include X-ray organs chest, if it was made 4 or more months ago (when necessary - tomographic study, including through the median plane), a common blood test. If you have contact with any coughing duration conducted three times smear for AFB, and with negative results - three-time sowing of sputum for the Office. At the presence of cough and absence of sputum examined bronchial washings. All other studies are indicated. 117 Detection algorithm of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected E Rentgenogrografiya bodies Chest: (children, adolescents, adults) Persons older than 14 years may conducted fluorography In establishing the HIV - positive status in the future - 1 times per year When referring to a doctor for the first time in this year, regardless of the reasons for treatment, if the previous R-logical study was 1 year and more back B-scopy sputum for AFB (Thrice) At negative triple results of microscopy sputum being Chest x-ray When referring to a doctor with suspicious TB clinical symptoms (Including cough of any duration) Screening for tuberculosis HIV-infected persons living in contact with patients with pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis regardless of mycobacterium patient The volume of research: 1. Radiography of the chest (If it was made 4 or more months ago) if necessary - tomographic research, including through the median plane 2. In the presence of cough of any duration triple smear for AFB, with negative results of microscopy sputum - a three-time culture conversion at the Office. In the presence of cough and no sputum study of bronchial washings. 3. Complete blood count. 5. Other studies - on the evidence. 118 9.1.2 Identification of extrapulmonary tuberculosis When taking on record, with the planned medical examination and treatment of complaints HIV - infected persons held: - A thorough collection and analysis of medical history, targeted the identification of complaints and objective symptoms, suspicion of extrapulmonary tuberculosis: headaches, visual disturbances, meningeal signs, symptoms of cranial nerves, pain in joints, bones, spine, abdominal pain, in the kidneys, changes in the urine, increased peripheral lymph nodes, especially the softening of their contents and formation of fistula; - If necessary - the operational organization of consultations phthisiatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, specialist for extrapulmonary tuberculosis: ftizioosteologa, urology, gynecology; - Carrying out the necessary complex radiation, instrumental and laboratory investigations: ultrasound, computed and magnetic resonance imaging brain brain, spine, joints, kidneys, abdominal, pelvic, laparoscopy, likvorologicheskogo study of cyto-and histological, tuberculosis microscopy and bacteriological research on tuberculosis punctate, aspirates, biopsies. 9.1.3 Organization of detection of tuberculosis in HIV - infected persons Identification of tuberculosis in HIV-infected persons organized physicians Centers AIDS, or cabinets of infectious diseases (KIZ) in urban and regional clinics in which these persons are registered, or doctors of PHC facilities, behind which is enshrined care of HIV-infected individuals. HIV-infected persons in the capture register informed experts AIDS centers that, when the emergence of any symptoms they should contact the territorial AIDS centers, or KIZy the place of registration, or medical institutions PHC. When planning visits to the doctor the place of registration of HIV-infected persons purposefully interviewed a doctor about whether they have complaints, suspicious against pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. If you have complaints, suspicious for TB, HIV people infected with AIDS from the Centers are sent to the territorial TB dispensaries or (for privacy) - in KIZy territorial polyclinics. Patients should be conducted microscopic examination of sputum for AFB, chest X-ray cells of other studies. At detection of AFB in sputum, patients were sent to the TB dispensaries. For negative results of sputum examination is conducted X-ray of the chest. In the absence of changes on the radiograph patients are sent to the therapist. In the presence of radiological changes in Lung patient consults phthisiology. Future Tactics determined 119 nature of X-ray changes. When the need for differential diagnosis of pneumonia - appointed antibiotics broad-spectrum within 2 weeks in stationary or ambulatory conditions in institutions OLS. You may not use antidrugs. In the absence of clinical and radiological improvement or torpid During the process be repeated three times microscopic sputum for AFB. Future Tactics is determined jointly psychiatrists and specialist AIDS Centre. Routine chest X-ray of HIV - infected persons (1 once a year) as being in the territorial polyclinics in the direction of physicians Kiesow, or primary care physicians who are responsible for monitoring HIV-infected persons. If HIV - infected patients observed in the center of AIDS, then for X-rays, he goes straight to the TB dispensary or, for privacy - in the KIZ territorial polyclinics and physician referrals Kiza in X-ray room. In the TB dispensaries and the Center for AIDS among doctors allocated person responsible for contacts between the two services. In the TB dispensaries city, district and regional levels, National Centre for problems of tuberculosis (NTSPT) and territorial AIDS centers creating a common database of patients with tuberculosis and HIV coinfection. Reconciliation of data between agencies and TB services AIDS services by 1 time per month. In TB institutions access to information about HIV-infected individuals are only the principal doctors of these institutions and individuals, specially selected for contact with AIDS services, with a subscription to them is taken Nondisclosure. 9.1.4 Use of Mantoux test in HIV-infected Given the limited capacity of HIV - infected organism to the formation of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, Mantoux test is not can be used in HIV - infected persons as a qualifying test for further research on tuberculosis. Negative or equivocal reaction to tuberculin in Mantoux test in HIV-infected persons, including children and teenagers, not preclude not only the possibility of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but the presence of active tuberculous process. For this reason, Mantoux test is not used to detect infection with TB in HIV - Infected children and adolescents. Annual production of Mantoux test HIV - Infected children and adolescents is not carried out. With a view to early detection TB all HIV - infected children and adolescents are routinely 1 once a year (according to the testimony - often) performed chest X-ray. If necessary, appointed consultation phthisiatrician. 9.2 The course of tuberculosis in HIV - infected persons and the difficulties differential diagnosis 120 The most common form of TB in HIV - infected persons, especially in adults is pulmonary tuberculosis. In the early stages of HIV - infection, superficial degree of immunodeficiency (number of CD-4 cells in the blood of more than 350 in 1 ml) it typically occurs (as a secondary tuberculosis), with the formation of cavities in light and bacteria. In the later stages of HIV - infection, while reducing the number of CD-4 cells in the blood of 200 and less than 1 ml., pulmonary tuberculosis is often lower lobe localization proceeds according to the type of primary or disseminated, accompanied by an increase intrathoracic lymph nodes, lesions of serous membranes (TB pleurisy, peritonitis, pericarditis), central nervous system, other organs and systems. Despite the extensive destruction of lung cavity decay are not formed and mycobacteria in sputum is not detected. Table 23 - Characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis in the early and late stages of HIV infection The diagnostic features of advanced HIV - infection: TB Early Late The clinical picture often resembles secondary tuberculosis Often resembles primary tuberculosis Result microscopy smear Often the positive part of the negative Changes in Chest cells Often the presence of cavities collapse Often extensive infiltrates without cavities collapse In recent years the number of tuberculosis cases with negative smear Sputum in HIV - infected persons. No reliable criteria for laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients with negative results tuberculosis microscopy and culture examination of the sputum is not currently exists. Typical radiographic changes of tuberculosis in the lungs with the formation cavities are found in other opportunistic infections: pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, cytomegalovirus lung, pnevmomikozah. If you can not exclude tuberculosis should start antituberculous therapy. Often in the background of HIV - infection, particularly with the expressed protein and develop extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis: Tuberculosis of the abdominal cavity bones and joints, multiple lesions of peripheral lymph nodes. HIV-infected children in the early stages of HIV infection without marked immunity disorders tuberculosis occurs in the same way as children without HIV infection. As the progression of immune deficiency developed disseminated disease tuberculosis: miliary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis, generalized lymphadenitis. 121 There are difficulties in the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in HIVinfected persons. Composition of cerebrospinal fluid in the development of tuberculous meningitis in the background of HIV infection may remain normal. Thus, noted that 40% of patients with tuberculous meningitis in the background of HIV infection in composition of cerebrospinal fluid is recorded normal levels of protein in 15% - a normal level of glucose and 10% - normal cytosis (TB / HIV. A Clinical Manual. WHO, 2004). If you can not exclude tuberculous meningitis in HIV-infected patient should immediately begin antituberculous therapy. In some cases, especially in the later stages of HIV infection, TB in HIVinfected persons may occur as a generalized process, the type of acute miliary sepsis. Clinical condition of patients with severe, there was a high fever, chills, profuse sweats. Despite the serious health condition radiologically miliary lesions in the lungs may be within 2 - 4 weeks not identified. Reliably establish the diagnosis of tuberculosis in such cases possible, often it is installed in such patients only autopsy. Tactics physician in these cases should be next. First of all, necessary, assuming the patient's sepsis non-tubercular etiology, a broad spectrum antibiotics, using ingibitorzaschischennye penicillins (amoxicillin-clavulanate), macrolides, cephalosporins, carbapenems (Tienam). Antibiotics are recommended to enter in high doses intravenously. At no effect of treatment within a few days, we should be suspicious tuberculosis and immediately begin TB treatment. Diagnosis of tuberculosis in such cases can be formulated as "Miliary tuberculosis. Acute miliary sepsis. In the conduct of such patients should focus Assessment of neurological status, conduct regular inspection of the ocular fundus, because patients with miliary tuberculosis, tuberculous foci can be detected at retina. In case of death of such patients should be sure to hold an autopsy to verify the diagnosis. 9.3 Registration of cases of tuberculosis in HIV-infected persons. Statement on account in TB dispensaries Establishing the diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected persons by tuberculotherapist and approved the decision TSVKK TB dispensary. Once the diagnosis of TB patients are registered in TB clinics (see "Clinical observation of patients TB with HIV co-infection ") Patients with tuberculosis and HIV co-infection had come from Prisons also are registered in the territorial TB clinics (surgeries). Information about patients released from prison, including the address of their residence, transferred from prison to the territorial TB dispensaries, which are associated with patients and organize them further observation and treatment 122 Registration of cases of tuberculosis carried out in the territorial Journal register (TB 03) in accordance with the classification of cases of tuberculosis approved by order of the current tuberculosis Republic of Kazakhstan. 9.4 Treatment of tuberculosis in HIV - infected patients and monitoring treatment Establishing a therapeutic category and the appointment of chemotherapy treatment of HIVinfected with TB by TB doctors TB facilities. Treatment of new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients be performed during Category I, regardless of the prevalence of process and the presence of bacteria. Treatment of recurrent cases occurs in the regime II category. The intensive phase of treatment I therapeutic category can be extended to 4 months, inclusive, patients with Category II - up to 5 months, inclusive. Treatment of Category III for TB patients with concomitant HIV - is not used. Treatment of tuberculosis in the intensive phase of HIV-infected persons by in the territorial TB hospitals. It is recommended to avoid transporting patients over long distances, as it is burdensome for both the patient and for staff. Acceptance of anti-TB drugs in intensive, and in supporting phase, is under the direct supervision of health workers. In conducting the treatment of HIV-infected patients, preference should be give non-injecting forms (tablets, capsules) and other antidrugs. However, if the patient has chronic diarrhea, absorption drugs in the gut is disturbed, and this may be the cause ineffectiveness of therapy. In such cases, parenteral antituberculosis drugs. Doses of drugs in the intensive phase are calculated on the initial weight of the patient before start of treatment. 9.4.1 Treatment in special situations Given that patients with tuberculosis and HIV co-infection is often found lesions of the liver and kidneys, associated with other opportunistic infections, hepatitis transferred or ongoing anti-retroviral therapy, they can be a bad standard modes of TB therapy. At intolerance or poor tolerance to standard schemes are appointed below sparing chemotherapy regimens (WHO, 1998, 2006). Chronic liver disease - (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and in cases when the activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) three times higher than normal. Patients should: - Periodically (at least once a month, according to testimony - often) to control Indicators of liver tests (bilirubin in the blood, ALT, AST, thymol) - In chronic liver disease in remission may be appointed standard mode of therapy: 2 (4) HRZE / 4 (7) HR - In case of intolerance of the regime in the intensive phase of isoniazid appointed combination with rifampicin, plus one or two drugs that do not possess hepatotoxicity, such as streptomycin or ethambutol (streptomycin more 2 months is not appointed). May apply the following treatment regimens: Preferred regimen: 2 HRSE / 1 (2) HRE / 6 (7) HR 124 The first alternative scheme: 2 HSE / 10 Do not The second alternative scheme: 9 RE (rifampicin and ethambutol - 9 months) When treating patients with chronic hepatitis B with acute illness should follow the recommendations for acute hepatitis. Acute hepatitis If possible, it should be postponed TB treatment until resolution of acute hepatitis. If TB treatment can not be delayed or terminated, is the most secure Combined therapy with streptomycin and ethambutol (with a maximum The duration of intake of these drugs for 3 months, until resolved acute hepatitis). Maintenance phase is carried out within 6 months of isoniazid and rifampicin. Treatment Plan: 3 SE / 6HR; Renal failure Renal insufficiency is to increase blood creatinine up to 130-160 mmol / liter. Such patients should regularly monitor the function Kidney - monthly to determine the level of creatinine in the blood. Since isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide are removed from the body of gall patients with renal failure, these drugs can be given in standard dosage. Patients with severe renal insufficiency with isoniazid should receive pyridoxine. Streptomycin and ethambutol are allocated by the kidneys. If possible regular monitoring of renal function streptomycin and ethambutol can be included in schemes of chemotherapy in these cases, they can be assigned fractionally. The preferred regimen for patients with renal insufficiency: 2 (4) HRZ / 6HR Alternative regimen for patients with renal failure (if possible to monitor renal function): 2 (4) HRZE / 4HR Pregnancy The following standard treatment for Category I or II. Drugs used in normal doses. Streptomycin in pregnancy is not appointed to the danger neuritis of the auditory nerve in the fetus. With HIV-infected women breast-feeding is prohibited in connection with risk of HIV infection in a child through breast milk. Children born to HIV-infected mothers, appointed artificial feeding. 9.5 Recommendations for prophylactic use of cotrimoxazole 125 Throughout the course of treatment of tuberculosis - and in the intensive and maintenance phase, all persons living with HIV / AIDS, is appointed receive cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. The use of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis contributes prevention of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, streptococcal (pneumococcal) pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, salmonellosis, isosporiasis, malaria. Cotrimoxazole appointed at a dose of 160/800 mg 1 time a day at a time. If using tablets cotrimoxazole to 0,48 gr. with the content in one tablet 80 mg. trimethoprim and 400 mg. sulfamethoxazole, the adult is appointed by 2 tablets 1 time a day, every day. Children cotrimoxazole appointed from the age of 4-6 weeks and older. Doses cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for children is 150 mg trimethoprim + 750 mg sulfamethoxazole per 1 square meter of body surface child per day, or 4 mg trimethoprim and 20 mg sulfamethoxazole per 1 kg of weight per day. Thus, a child weighing 10 kg assigned half tablet containing 80 mg trimethoprim and 400 mg sulfamethoxazole. This daily dose is given in one step 1 times per day or divided into 2 divided doses (morning and evening). The drug is taken by mouth 3 times a week Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Children over 12 years of cotrimoxazole is assigned the same dose as adults - 2 tablet (1 tablet - 0.48 grams) 1 times a day or 3 times a week. Cotrimoxazole for chemoprophylaxis ordered antiagencies, based on the number of HIV - infected persons, patients Tuberculosis, taking into account the forecast growth in the number of persons with comorbidities. After the treatment of tuberculosis whether to continue receiving cotrimoxazole decides physician - infectious diseases. 9.6 Recommendations for the use of glucocorticoid drugs for tuberculosis in combination with HIV - Glucocorticoids are immunosuppressants and may increase the risk adherence of opportunistic infections in patients with tuberculosis concomitant HIV - infection. However, their use in the following cases is appropriate and beneficial impact on the course of tuberculosis, even in the presence of concomitant HIV - infection. The effective dose of prednisone for tuberculosis in adults is a dose of 20-30 mg day. However, rifampicin activates liver enzymes that destroy prednisolone, therefore, patients receiving rifampicin, appointed by the dose of prednisolone should be 2 times higher, ie 30-60 mg per day. Table 24 shows the indications for the use of glucocorticoids in tuberculosis and doses of prednisolone for adults and children. (Source: TB / HIV. A Clinical Manual. Second edition. WHO, 2004, p. 121) Table 24 - Indications for use of glucocorticoids in tuberculosis and doses of prednisolone for adults and children D on r s s r e a n Indications and r o l o n a: Application glyukokortikoidov Adult Children Tuberculous meningitis 60 mg per day for 4 weeks, then stepped dose reduction during weeks. 1-2 mg per 1 kg of weight per day 4 weeks, then stepwise dose reduction a few weeks. Tuberculous pericarditis 60 mg per day for 4 weeks, then 30 mg more within 4 weeks then stepped dose reduction during weeks. 1-2 mg per 1 kg of weight per day 4 weeks, then 0,5-1 mg per 1 kg of weight per day more within 4 weeks then stepped reduction in weeks. Tuberculous exudative pleurisy 30 mg / day for 1-2 weeks, then stepped dose reduction within 1 2 weeks. 0,5 - 1 mg per 1 kg of weight day for 1-2 weeks then stepped dose reduction within 1 2 weeks. 9.7 Clinical supervision for tuberculosis patients and persons borne tuberculosis in the presence of concomitant HIV - infection Clinical supervision for tuberculosis patients and persons with a history tuberculosis, in the presence of concomitant HIV - infection, conducted in accordance with the order of the tuberculosis RK. Secondary chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis (TB after an attack) HIV - Infected persons are not carried out. HIV - infected persons (children, adolescents, adults) who have identified family, apartment or industrial contact with diseased lung or extrapulmonary TB (irrespective of the presence of bacteria in a patient) held clinical-radiological investigation. Complex diagnostic Research includes: a TB examination, X-ray examination light (if it was made 4 or more months ago), complete blood count. In the presence of cough with phlegm conducted three times in the sputum AFB. In the presence of cough and no sputum examined washings bronchi. More studies are indicated. Conducting tests PPD is not mandatory. Persons (children, adolescents, adults) have which as a result of comprehensive research diagnosis of tuberculosis is excluded, regardless of tuberculin sensitivity, designated course chemoprophylaxis. 127 9.8 Identification of HIV - infection in TB patients In accordance with applicable in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Rules medical examination to detect the virus Human immunodeficiency ", approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of RK № 575 from 11.07.2002 PM, the presence of tuberculosis of any localization - as pulmonary and extrapulmonary - an absolute indication for HIV testing. HIV testing is conducted after the diagnosis of tuberculosis. In Further, if the patient continues to occur in the active group tuberculosis dispensary, HIV testing is conducted annually. HIV testing is carried out after pretestovogo counseling. TB patients, children also are tested for HIV. In children the age of 18 months for a diagnosis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect HIV PNK, and in children 18 months and older using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) followed by confirmation result in the reaction of the immune blotting. Before the children of an HIV test should be pretestovoe consultation with parents. Upon receipt of a negative test result the patient necessarily being posttetstovoe counseling, during which he reported the test result, explained that a negative test result may be due to both called period of "seronegative window", offers recommendations to repeat study after three months, and discussed HIV prevention infection. Upon receiving a positive HIV test result in the immune response blotting information about the patient from the Republican Center for AIDS is transmitted: a) The agency sent the blood for the study; b) in the provincial (municipal) Centers for AIDS. Provincial (municipal) AIDS centers directly or through KIZy during weeks after receipt of information about positive results in the reaction immune blotting, organize patient survey infectious diseases, in which is carried out post-test counseling. Infectious diseases doctor after examining the patient records in the history of the disease: detailed clinical diagnosis of HIV - infection, diagnosis of existing opportunistic infections, in writing makes recommendations antiretroviral therapy (ART), as well as treatment and prevention opportunistic infections. 128 9.9 Antiretroviral therapy of HIV - infection in patients with concomitant Tuberculosis 9.9.1 General Detection of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patient, irrespective localization of tuberculosis process and clinical forms of tuberculosis, he should immediately start TB treatment. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) should not start simultaneously with antituberculosis therapy. ART appointed after the sick good tolerability of anti-TB drugs through various periods from the beginning of antituberculosis therapy (see table 25). In earlier appointment of ART, and also if ART is appointed TB concurrently with TB therapy, there is a danger of a the patient's immune reconstitution syndrome, which is characterized by increased inflammatory reaction in the zone of tuberculous inflammation and may pose a direct threat to the patient's life. The timing of the appointment (ART) to TB patients with HIV coinfection in each case taken together doctor infectious diseases and phtisiatry. To ART and dose of antiviral drugs appointed by infectious diseases. Table 25 - Terms beginning antituberculosis and antiretroviral therapy HIV-positive patients with concomitant TB Number of TB and the number of CD-4 lymphocytes blood ProtivotuberKuleznev therapy Antiretroviral therapy (ART) 1. Extrapulmonary TB, a combination pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB, generalized TB miliary TB disseminated TB lungs, caseous pneumonia. (Regardless of the number of CD-4 lymphocytes in the blood) Start immediately 2. Tuberculosis, except Forms listed in paragraph 1 (if the number of CD-4 lymphocytes in the blood <200 1 ml (1mm3). Start immediately Start as soon as it reached good tolerability antituberculosis drugs but not earlier than 2 - 8 weeks from the beginning of TB therapy. 3. Tuberculosis, except Forms listed in paragraph 1. (Number of CD-4 lymphocytes in the blood of 200 -350 in 1 ml.) Start immediately Start ART after completion intensive phase antituberculosis therapy 4. Tuberculosis, except Forms listed in paragraph 1. (Number of CD-4 lymphocytes in the blood of> 350 in 1 ml.) Start immediately Add ART to complete full course antituberculosis therapy. Monitor the number of CD-4 lymphocytes in the blood. With their decline <350 cells in 1 ml, consider the initiation of ART. 129 If HIV infection is detected in TB patients already receiving TB treatment should be continued antituberculous therapy and follow the recommendations on ART in table 25. If tuberculosis was diagnosed in HIV - positive patients already receiving ART, immediately connect TB treatment and continue ART. In this case, if the present pattern of TB therapy rifampicin, and in the scheme of ART there nevirapine, it is preferable to replace Nevirapine Efavirenz (EFV), abacavir (ABC) or Kaletra (LPV / rtv + rtv). Antiretroviral therapy of HIV - positive patients with tuberculosis organized and carried out anti-personnel agencies or general medical service agencies, depending on where a person with TB currently receiving anti-tuberculosis therapy. After completion of the course antituberculosis therapy continuation of antiretroviral therapy by medical institutions, where the patient is observed treated on the profile of the disease. Anti-establishment (TB hospitals, dispensaries) and general medical service agencies receive antiretroviral drugs in regional (provincial, municipal), TB dispensaries, where these drugs are delivered from the regional AIDS centers. 9.9.2 ART regimens first-line combination of HIV infection and tuberculosis (For patients receiving rifampicin) The preferred first-line regimens: 1. Zidovudine (AZT) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Efavirenz (EFV) 2. Zidovudine (AZT) + emtricitabine (FTC) + Efavirenz (EFV) 3. Tenofovir (TDF) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Efavirenz (EFV) 4. Tenofovir (TDF) + emtricitabine (FTC) + Efavirenz (EFV) If Efavirenz is not available, then the absence of other alternatives, it can be replaced with nevirapine (NVP). However, it should be remembered that in the presence of rifampin serum concentration of nevirapine decreases by 37%. So if the patient receives rifampicin, the use of nevirapine should be avoided. In addition, nevirapine may have acute hepatotoxicity, which manifested in high levels of CD-4 lymphocytes in the blood. Therefore, nevirapine is not should be used in men with the number of CD-4 lymphocytes in the blood of 400 and more cells in 1 ml and in women with the level of CD-4 lymphocytes 200 and more cells in 1 ml. Alternative first-line regimens: Zidovudine (AZT) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Abacavir (ABC) Zidovudine (AZT) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Tenofovir (TDF) Women of childbearing age Efavirenz can be given only if reliable contraception. Efavirenz is contraindicated during pregnancy because of the risk of teratogenicity action. In pregnant women with tuberculosis safe circuit: Zidovudine (AZT) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Abacavir (ABC); Currently Efavirenz is not recommended for children under the age of three years. Children under the age of three years of ART performed a combination of: Zidovudine (AZT) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Abacavir (ABC). If the patient is receiving one of the first-line ARV regimens, develops tuberculosis, and if it is found in the absence of other signs 130 immunodeficiency, it is not an indicator of inefficiency of the scheme. Go to the schemes of the second number is not shown. 9.9.3 Second-line ART regimens with a combination of HIV infection and tuberculosis (For patients receiving rifampicin) Preferred schemes of the second series: 1. Abacavir (ABC) + Didanosine (ddi) + lopinavir (LPV) / Ritonavir (rtv) + Ritonavir (rtv) 2. Tenofovir (TDF) + Didanosine (ddi) + lopinavir (LPV) / Ritonavir (rtv) + Ritonavir (rtv) In ARV for both first-and second-line patients with renal failure to avoid the appointment of tenofovir (TDF) in connection with its nephrotoxicity. Alternative schemes of the second series: Abacavir (ABC) + Didanosine (ddi) + Saquinavir (SQV) + Ritonavir (rtv) Tenofovir (TDF) + Didanosine (ddi) + Saquinavir (SQV) + Ritonavir (rtv) Using the above schemes, as the drug of first-and second series, correction doses of rifampicin is not required. However, rifampicin reduces concentration in the blood of nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs): Efavirenz (EFV), nevirapine (NVP) and protease inhibitors (PI): lopinavir (LPV), saquinavir (SQV) and ritonavir (rtv). In turn, these same medications can reduce the blood concentration of rifampicin. So rifampicin in combination with NNRTIs and PIs should be taken daily as a intensive, and in the maintenance phase of TB therapy. The prevention of superinfection with the same or another subtype of HIV and The prevention of superinfection with the same or another subtype of HIV and pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, all women with associated pathology of HIV / TB is recommended to use condoms. If patients receiving TB treatment and ART, diarrhea occurred as a manifestation of side effects of antiretroviral drugs, ART should be suspended until the disappearance of gastrointestinal disorders, not interrupting while TB treatment. At This anti-TB drugs that are injectable forms of release, be given by injection. 9.9.4 Doses of antiretroviral drugs for adults and adolescents over 13 years: - Zidovudine (AZT): 300 mg x 2 times a day - Lamivudine (3TC): 150 mg x 2 times a day, or 300 mg x 1 time per day - Efavirenz (EFV): 600 mg x 1 time per day, is better at night If the patient's body weight over 60 kilograms and / or the patient takes rifampicin, Efavirenz increases the dose to 800 mg x 1 time per day, as Rifampicin reduces the concentration of Efavirenz in the blood. - Emtricitabine (FTC): 200 mg (1 capsule) x 1 time per day - Tenofovir (TDF): 300 mg (1 tablet) x 1 time per day - Nevirapine (NVP): 200 mg (1 tablet) x 1 time per day during the first 14 days, then 200 mg (1 tablet) x 2 times a day continuously - Abacavir (ABC): 300 mg (1 tablet) x 2 times a day - Didanosine (ddi): 400 mg (1 tablet) x 1 time per day, if body weight <60kg, then by 250 mg (1 tablet) x 1 time per day (When using didanosine (ddi) in combination with tenofovir (TDF) greatly increases the risk of toxic pancreatitis, and therefore should reduce the dose of didanosine. When appointing a tenofovir dose didanosine are: 250 mg X 1 times per day for patients weighing 60 kilograms or more 131 125 - 200 mg X 1 times per day for patients weighing <60kg Didanosine should be taken 2 hours after eating). - Lopinavir (LPV) / ritonavir (rtv) + ritonavir (rtv) (400 mg/100 mg and 300 mg) x 2 times a day (In the appointment of lopinavir (LPV) in combination with ritonavir (rtv) at doses (400 mg lopinavir + 100 mg ritonavir) x 2 times a day is recommended to additionally appoint ritonavir (rtv) at a dose of 300 mg x 2 times a day, so the total dose of ritonavir is: 400 mg x 2 times a day (Superbustirovanny lopinavir). This requires careful monitoring of liver function and the level of lipids in the blood. - Saquinavir (SQV) + ritonavir (rtv) (400 mg + 400 mg) x 2 times a day; (When using saquinavir (SQV) recommended that its combination with ritonavir (rtv) 400 mg each drug (superbustirovanny saquinavir) x 2 times a day. It also requires careful monitoring of liver function. The use of protease inhibitors superbustirovannyh allows leveling reduces effect of rifampicin on their concentration in the blood). In this protocol are not given doses of antiretroviral drugs, used in children. Antiretroviral therapy of HIV - infected children designated infectious diseases physician, a pediatrician in accordance with standard WHO protocols. (National Protocols on Treatment and Care HIV - infection and AIDS, Protocol № 11 for the WHO European Region "Treatment and care for HIV / AIDS in children", 2006) 9.9.5 Syndrome reconstitution of the immune system Syndrome of reconstitution of the immune system is a paradoxical clinical response arising from HIV - infected persons with related opportunistic infections in response to the beginning antiretroviral therapy. It develops in approximately one third of patients and shows a temporary increase of symptoms of opportunistic infections start taking antiretroviral drugs. Patients with tuberculosis concomitant HIV - immune reconstitution syndrome develops at the same time the beginning of TB treatment and ART reflects restores the ability of the immune system to form delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to antigens of mycobacteria. Clinical manifestations of syndrome range from minor intoxication to high fever with the development of peripheral lymphadenopathy, expressed growth of infiltrative changes in the lungs, and in some cases progression of specific foci in the central nervous system. In the most severe cases of immune reconstitution syndrome, the system is an immediate threat to the life of patients. In order to prevent it development of antiretroviral therapy, even in cases where it is certainly shown, should begin not earlier than 2-8 weeks after the TB therapy, when as a result of antidrugs of the antigenic load intensity decreases. In severe reconstitution syndrome, immune system should receive prednisolone in dose of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight within 1 - 2 weeks followed by a step to cancellation. 9.9.6 Specific prevention of tuberculosis in HIV-infected Immunization by administration of the vaccine BCG. Infants born to HIV-infected mothers in the absence neonatal clinical signs of HIV infection and other contraindications to the introduction of the vaccine BCG, instilled a standard dose of the vaccine BCG (0,05 mg) 132 intradermally once, in a calendar period - during the first four to six days of life. Infants born to HIV-infected mothers not vaccinated in specified time, may be vaccinated during the first four weeks of life (Neonatal period), without prior Mantoux test. After the fourth week of life BCG vaccine to children born HIV-infected mothers are not allowed because if a child infected with HIV, increasing viral load (during the day formed about 1 billion new virus particles) and the progression of immunodeficiency may lead to the development of generalized infection BCG. For the same reason, conducted booster BCG children with undeveloped signs post-vaccination until the child reaches the age of 12 months, and in some cases - 15-18 months, when it can be made final conclusion that infected child immunodeficiency virus or not. Children born to HIV-infected mothers not vaccinated at birth vaccine, BCG, or graft, but with undeveloped post-vaccination marks, the which during the re-testing for HIV by the age of 12 months (according to studies of viral load), and in some cases by the age of 15-18 months (According to ELISA), HIV infection is excluded, grafted standard dose BCG vaccine after prior Mantoux test with 2 ie with its negative results. BCG re-vaccination of HIV - positive children and adolescents are not carried out the risk of generalized infection BCG against a background of increasing immunodeficiency. If a child is born to HIV infected mother, but he is not HIV infected, then revaccination BCG he held in the calendar period after preliminary tests with negative Mantoux its results. Chemoprophylaxis The aim of chemoprophylaxis is the elimination of latent infection. Table 26 - Contingents of HIV - infected persons to be chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis, and modes of chemoprophylaxis № Serial Contingents of HIV infected persons to be chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis: Profiles chemoprophylaxis 1. Normal Alternate All newly diagnosed HIV infected persons (children, teens, adults), including previously undergone tuberculosis, with Establishment of HIV-positive status in the immune response blotting, regardless of Isoniazid (H) 5 mg per 1 kg of weight, but not more than 0,3, the day by mouth, daily, combined with the reception Rifampicin (R) appropriate weight and age Recipient dosages daily by mouth, in within 4 months. 133 2. tuberculin sensitivity. HIV - infected persons (children, teens, adults), including previously undergone TB regardless of the tuberculin sensitivity, in establishing they have contact with patients with pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis (Regardless of of bacteria in a patient). pyridoxine 25 mg per day mouth, daily, within 6 months. Doses of rifampin, used for chemoprophylaxis, correspond to doses applied to holding intensive phase Chemotherapy tuberculosis. This scheme applies only with proven hypersensitive isoniazid for decision TSVKK protivotuberkuleznog of the dispensary. It is not should be applied in persons receiving nevirapine. All HIV-infected individuals (children, adolescents, adults), not staying in contact with the patients of tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis TB is carried out only once in determining HIV-positive status in the reaction of the immune blotting. Her appoint tuberculotherapist territorial TB dispensaries and carry out AIDS centers or establishment of the general medical service (based on the greatest convenience for those receiving chemoprophylaxis). Mantoux Tuberculin test for selection contingent on chemoprophylaxis is not used. HIV infected persons who do not live in contact with a TB patient in the period of chemoprophylaxis on the account in TB dispensaries are not taken. HIV - infected persons living in contact with sick pulmonary or extrapulmonary TB (irrespective of of bacteria in the patient) chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis as conducted once in establishing contacts with patients. If HIV infected remains in contact with the sputum in Over the years, the TSVKK TB dispensary can take the holding of repeated courses of chemoprophylaxis. Tuberculin Mantoux test for the selection of contingents to chemoprophylaxis among HIV-infected persons living in contact with a TB patient, also not used. All HIV - infected persons in contact with TB patient, observed in a tuberculosis dispensary. Preparations for chemoprophylaxis they can get directly TB Dispensary, Territorial AIDS center, office infectious diseases, territorial primary health care facilities (based on maximum convenience for those receiving chemoprophylaxis). Chemoprophylaxis appointed territorial TB doctors TB dispensaries only after the exclusion from HIV infected persons for active tuberculosis according to a comprehensive clinical radiographic examination. This makes TB recording 134 medical card patient that TB was ruled out, and indicates the regime chemoprophylaxis (medication, dose, duration of admission). Chemoprophylaxis of TB HIV - infected persons, being isoniazid for 6 months, in combination with pyridoxine -25 mg (Standard mode). In the absence of pyridoxine, it can be done without pyridoxine. Chemoprophylaxis can also be conducted with rifampicin in 4 months (alternate mode). Alternative transport regime worse than the standard, because hepatotoxic effect of rifampicin, which could escalate on a background antiretroviral therapy, so an alternative regime should be imposed only in exceptional cases - in case of intolerance isoniazid, to address TSVKK TB dispensary. Receiving drugs for chemoprophylaxis on a daily basis. Doses of drugs - isoniazid and rifampicin are appointed according to age and weight of patients and are consistent with doses of these drugs used during the intensive phase of chemotherapy of tuberculosis. Preparations for the chemoprophylaxis of HIV - infected persons not staying in contact with a TB patient, ordered Territorial AIDS Center, according to data on the alleged the number of new cases of HIV - infection in the year. Preparations for the chemoprophylaxis of HIV - infected persons, staying in contact with a TB patient, ordered anti-territorial institutions. Prevention of HIV - infection in TB patients HIV - infection in TB patients is essential section of the TB program. Its main elements are: • Conduct among TB patients, both in hospitals and in the outpatient phase of treatment, individual and group sessions, discussions on HIV - infection, its adverse effect on the course of tuberculosis and measures to prevent it • Production and dissemination of TB patients booklets, leaflets, Posters on prevention of HIV - infection, in particular, training methods of safe sex • Active cooperation of TB programs with Harm reduction: the organization of tuberculosis hospitals and post outpatient treatment of tuberculosis needle exchange points, free issue of condoms • Distribution among TB patients understand the methods post-exposure prevention of HIV - infection, venue and Access to post-exposure prophylaxis for patients Tuberculosis The activities for the prevention of HIV - infection in patients TB control programs are actively cooperating with international and nongovernmental organizations with the resources public and private funding. 135 10. Registration and reporting system The purpose of the information system is the possibility of obtaining data for quantitative assessment and monitoring at different levels to identify patients, outcomes of treatment and evaluation of the program as a whole. This section describes the main provisions of the medical records and forms of accounting and reporting documents that are used to manage all patients TB organization. The order of completion accounting and reporting documents submitted to the methodological Guide: Using accounting and reporting documentation TB control program of the Republic of Kazakhstan ". Records: Medical record with TB - TB 01, "Map monitoring dispensary contingent "- TB 16 and" Medical Card Patient category "TB 01 - category IV are the input forms in the computer program for tracking TB patient - National Register of patients with tuberculosis of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To obtain reliable and complete information on the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in the country (Province, district) should be timely and correct completion of all registrationreporting forms. 10.1 The records 10.1.1 A medical patient Tuberculosis - TB 01 To be completed for each case of tuberculosis: a new case, re-treatment, and to persons identified posthumously, on the basis provided by institutions of MH's and other agencies document - "Notification of patients with first in life of a diagnosis of active tuberculosis, venereal disease, Trichophyton, crusted ringworm, scabies, trachoma, mental illness, "(Form № 089 / y). Map of TB 01 is filled in the residence after the patient phthisiatrician confirm the diagnosis of TB in TSVKK and is designed for registration information about the patient during the entire course of chemotherapy. Patients' medical records Tuberculosis - TB 01 is an input document a computer program for tracking TB. Conduct TB 01 and the organization of data input in an electronic database: 1. After establishing the diagnosis of TB and patient registration Journal of TB 03 2. By the end of intensive phase of treatment 3. At the end of treatment and determine its standard outcome 10.1.2 Map monitor dispensary contingent - TB 16 Map of TB 16 is to record information about patient TB organizations throughout the observation period on dispensary. Kept in the dispensary department instead of the forms 030-4 / Y approved by order of the Ministry of Health of RK № 332 from 08 july 2005. Filled by the precinct 136 phthisiatrician the entire dispensary contingent, taken on the account of the place actual residence. Map of TB 16 is an input document into a computer program for tracking TB. Quarterly file TB 16 should check for each phthisiatric site with maps of TB 01 and TB 01 - category IV, represented by doctors PHC and replenishes the necessary information. 10.1.3 A medical patient category of TB 01 - Tier IV Medical histories of patients in category IV contains basic information about the patient category IV, on his previous treatment, biomedical, epidemiological, social data of the research and other important information. Map of TB 01 - Tier IV completed for each patient, transferred to category IV, consisting of the IB or IG dispensary group and is input documents into a computer program for tracking patient categories IV. Conduct TB 01 - Tier IV and organization of data entry in an electronic database: 1. After registering the patient in the register of patients with category IV - TB 11 2. After each new solution TSVKK change of tactics of treatment 10.2 Reports Documentation 10.2.1 Quarterly Report on registered patients with tuberculosis - TB 07 Quarterly Report TB 07 captures the number of reported cases TB on old process (new and repeat), localization (pulmonary and extrapulmonary) on mycobacterium (positive and negative smear), in During the past quarter. The report also shows the distribution of all TB cases by category, gender and age. TB 07 enables quarterly review all reported cases of tuberculosis (Other than translations), to identify trends and forecast in the incidence Tuberculosis, which allows us to take the necessary measures. TB 07 also contains information about the results of testing TB patients for HIV. 10.2.2 Quarterly report on smear conversion after intensive phase of treatment in the mode I and II category - TB 10 Quarterly report on sputum conversion of TB 10 is designed for intermediate assess the effectiveness of treatment of patients with positive results smear microscopy. Be drawn up for each cohort, in accordance with TB 07. Given that the intensive phase of patients of category I is extended to 4 months in patients with Category II - up to 5 months inclusive, the quarterly report on the conversion is made after 2 quarters after the end of the reporting period. Thus, for the cohort of patients I and II categories, begin treatment in the 1 st quarter (January-March) Quarterly Report on conversion will be in the 3 rd quarter (September). 10.2.3 Quarterly report on the results of treatment of patients with tuberculosis - TB 08 Quarterly Report TB 08 contains information about the standard of treatment outcomes TB patients registered 12-15 months ago, and gives opportunity to determine what program a success rate of treatment. 10.2.4 Annual report of new cases and relapses of the disease active TB - a form number 8 In the reporting form number 8 represented the number of patients with first ever a diagnosis of TB relapses and MDR-TB, taken for treatment reporting year. Form approved by Order № 513 MH RK dated 17 August 2007. On Amending the Order of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Health of October 31, 2006 № 509 "On approval of administrative reporting forms of organization Health. The report can be compiled for the territory on the basis received from agencies of Kazakhstan Ministry of Health and other agencies "Notice patients with newly diagnosed in the life of active tuberculosis, venereal disease, Trichophyton, crusted ringworm, scabies, trachoma, mental disease "(Form № 089 / y). 10.2.5 Annual report on tuberculosis - the form number 33 141 Form number 33 approved by Order № 513 MH RK dated 17 August 2007. "On Making amendments and additions to order MH RK on 31 October 2006goda № 509 "On Approval of administrative reporting forms Health Organization. Reports form number 33 is made according to patients' medical records Tuberculosis - TB 01, TB patient's medical history category IV TB 01 category IV, Maps monitoring dispensary contingent - TB 16. 10.2.6 Quarterly Report registering patients with category IV - TB 07 Category IV TB 07 - Category IV - Report on the number of patients registered on Category IV for the quarter and receiving specific chemotherapy drugs first and second rows. Quarterly Report also shows the number of patients with confirmed multiresistance (TBMLU). 10.2.7 Quarterly report on sputum conversion after the completion of intensive phase treatment of patients with category IV - TB 10 - Tier IV Quarterly report on sputum conversion of TB 10 category IV is for interim evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of patients with bacterial. Be drawn up for each cohort, in accordance with TB 07-category IV. Given that the minimum duration of intensive phase of Category IV, in treated SWR is 6 months and the conversion is estimated by cultural studies (seed), the quarterly report on the conversion drawn up after 9 months after the end of the reporting period. Example: TB patients who started treatment during the I quarter of the year (January - March), should be included on the "Quarterly Report of TB 10 - Category IV» in 1st quarter next year. 10.2.8 Quarterly report on treatment outcomes in patients with category IV - TB 08 Category IV TB Report 08-IV category reflects the standard treatment outcomes of patients Category IV and is made after 24 and 36 months. Typically, most patients complete treatment after 24 months. Some patients may continue chemotherapy and 30 months. Therefore, the reported TB 08-category IV compiled twice - at 24 and 36 months. 10.2.9 Report on the use of TAP in the field of medical organizations, district and village (TVE, PHC), TB 13 This form provides information on the number received, expended for the TAP and fund anti-TB drugs at the end reporting period on the regional level (district, PHC). Provided in this form of information is necessary to monitor the management of TAP in medical organizations at regional level (district, PHC). TB Report 13 at the regional level should be submitted on a quarterly basis in regional Department of Health and National Centre of TB problem MH RK. At the district level should be submitted monthly to the Regional TB dispensary. To be filled by a person responsible for the storage and leave TAP on the regional level, district and village (TVE, PHC) 142 Materials Required: "log TB drugs "," Report on the use of TAP in the field of medical organizations, district and village (TVE PHC). 11. Tuberculosis prevention 11.1 BCG vaccination and revaccination 11.1.1 The purpose of vaccination and revaccination - active specific prevention tuberculosis. 11.1.2 Characteristics of the drug BCG vaccine (Bacielle Calmette-Guerin) is a live mycobacteria BCG vaccine strain, freeze-dried in 1.5% solution glyutaminata sodium. Has the appearance of a white porous mass of dried powder or pill white or cream color. Live Mycobacterium strain BCG, multiplying in the body of the grafted lead to the development of long-term immunity to tuberculosis. BCG vaccine is available in ampoules containing 0,5 or 1,0 mg of dry matter BCG (10 or 20 doses, respectively). Vaccination dose of BCG vaccine from different manufacturers contain different amounts of viable bacteria. The vaccine, which has a crack on the ampoule, without labels or with incorrect filled with the label, with expired date, as well as to maintain after Breeding impurities or flakes, is unsuitable for consumption. Due to the high sensitivity of the BCG vaccine to daylight it should stored in a dark place in the refrigerator at T ° +5 - +8 ° C. BCG vaccine is stored and is issued by territorial UGSEN. In order to avoid contamination is unacceptable to combine in a single day immunized against tuberculosis with other parenteral manipulations. Prior to the conversation with the woman in childbirth, the purpose of the use of BCG vaccine, as well as other vaccinations carried out immediately after birth. 11.1.3 Indications for BCG vaccination Primary vaccination exercise healthy term infants children in the 1-4 day of life and premature for achieving weight 2,0 kg, after inspection pediatrician with obtaining access to vaccination in the history of the newborn, in the presence and with the written consent of the mother. 11.1.4 Contraindications to BCG vaccination � Generalized BCG infection, revealed the other children in the family (The possibility of hereditary immunodeficiency) � HIV / AIDS � Prematurity - weight less than 2000 grams., Or gestational age less than 33 weeks. � CNS - birth trauma with neurological symptoms severe. � intrauterine infection, neonatal sepsis, � Hemolytic disease of newborn (severe and moderate forms) � moderate and severe disease, with febrile temperature and a violation of the general state 11.1.5 BCG Revaccination A healthy, uninfected children with a negative Mantoux test in aged 6-7 years (Grade 1) professionals PHC facilities with ftiziopediatrami VET in schools, while throughout the country 144 the first month of the school year (September). In this month at the school conduct Other vaccinations are prohibited. The interval between the Mantoux test and BCG revaccination should be no less than three days and not more than two weeks. If you have medical taps revaccination should take place immediately after the removal of contraindications. Other immunizations may be carried out at intervals of not less than 2 months before and after BCG revaccination. 11.1.6 Contraindications to BCG revaccination: � Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis or the presence of tuberculosis in past; � positive and doubtful Mantoux � side effects of BCG vaccination � generalized BCG infection, revealed by the other members of the family � HIV � immunodeficiency states, malignancies � acute infectious and noninfectious diseases, exacerbation chronic diseases, including allergies. Revaccination conducted 1 month after recovery or remission 11.1.7 Responding to the introduction of BCG vaccine During the child's stay in the hospital doctor (nurse) informed mother, that 4-6 weeks after intradermal vaccination in a child should develop local grafting reaction. Immediately after the introduction of BCG vaccine papule is formed, which dissolves in 15-20 minutes. Local reaction begins with hyperemia and infiltration (papule), which transformed into vesicles, pustules, then a scab, which themselves no longer and begins forming a ridge (95-97%). Described reactions are the norm and do not require any medical treatment means. The most optimal is the diameter of hilum 5-8 mm. In some cases, on-site introduction of BCG generated apigmentnoe spot (2-3%). Final result BCG vaccination and revaccination are estimated at 1 year after vaccination for the size of a ridge. In the absence of local vaccination reactions of children should be required accounted for and vaccinated (dovaktsinirovany) repeatedly (once only) after 6 months without prior Mantoux test, after 1 year - at a negative Mantoux test. Need to monitor the reaction of peripheral lymph nodes, with to determine the overall reactions to the vaccine and timely identification of regional postvaccination lymphadenitis. Inoculation should undertake a specially trained medical staff Maternity Hospital (office), care of premature separation, children clinics, outpatient clinics, health centers, has access to inoculations, based on the doctor's prescription, in the presence of mother child in the morning. Data about the vaccine (producer, series, dose, expiry date, date of vaccination) 145 recorded in the history of the newborn and exchange card, which after discharge the child from the hospital transferred to a hospital where they live. Children who have not been vaccinated BCG in the maternity home vaccinated children's clinic, with up to 2 months of vaccination carried out without preliminary statement Mantoux test, and after 2 months with its negative result. Vaccinated children falling from the hospital in terms of contact with sick - sputum, should be isolated for not less than 2 months in office nursing infants or children's home (in the case impossibility of isolating the patient of tuberculosis). If the mother is ill with active tuberculosis, the child be vaccinated BCG in the absence of contraindications, and then isolated from the mother to formation of immunity (for a period not less than 2 months). Sick mother breast-feeding is prohibited. Persons who are temporarily exempt from vaccinations, should be placed under surveillance and Accounting and inoculated after complete recovery or removal of contraindications, including the period of convalescence at least 2 months after the disappearance clinical symptoms. Persons with questionable Mantoux 2m before revaccination (Vaccination), and not covered by the BCG revaccination for various reasons Mantoux test is put again no earlier than 1 month but within financial year and with a negative result of its being vaccinated. Observation of vaccinees (revaccinated) children and adolescents conducted paediatricians general medical service. It periodically 1, 3, 6, 12 months, check local grafting reaction with registration its nature and size of accounting forms, 063u, 026u, 112u. The criteria for assessing the quality of vaccination coverage rates are BCG vaccination and revaccination of children and adolescents, the proportion of the formation of scars on his left shoulder after intradermal vaccination BCG scars the size and severity of post-vaccination tuberculin sensitivity to dynamics. Percentage vaccination coverage of 97.0% -98.0% and the percentage of coverage revaccination 95,0% of tuberkulinootritsatelnyh. 11.1.8 Specific prevention of HIV-infected children and Adolescent Infants born to HIV-infected mothers, in the absence have clinical signs of HIV infection and other contraindications to the introduction of BCG vaccine imparted standard dose of BCG vaccine (0.05 mg or 0,025 mg) intradermally once in a calendar period. Infants born to HIV-infected mothers in the unvaccinated calendar period, may be vaccinated during the first four weeks of life (Neonatal period) without prior Mantoux test. After fourth week of life, the introduction of BCG vaccine to children born to HIVinfected mothers will not be allowed because of possible development generalized BCG infection. For the same reason, shall not reBCG vaccination of children with undeveloped post-vaccination marks (rib) to 146 the child reaches the age of 15-18 months, when it can be made final conclusion about the infected child immunodeficiency virus or not. With the exclusion of HIV infection by the age of 15-18 months of BCG carried out with a negative result of Mantoux test with 2 TE. BCG re-vaccination of HIV-infected detym and adolescents are not carried out because the danger of a generalized BCG infection on a background of growing immunodeficiency. If a child is born to HIV-infected mother, but he is HIVinfected, BCG revaccination is carried out in the calendar period (6-7 years) after pre-production with negative Mantoux test its results. 11.1.9 Adverse reactions to the vaccine are relatively rare and are mostly local in nature: � postvaccination lymphadenitis � subcutaneous cold abscesses � Superficial ulcer � keloid scar � The defeat of the bone system (osteitis) TB should establish the diagnosis based on clinical and X-ray laboratory examination. Once diagnosed with post-vaccinal complications should inform the head of the medical institution and to give notice in UGSEN. For information about the nature of complications recorded in credential forms 063 / y 026 / y 112 / y. In all children with post-vaccination complications filled map. Children with post-vaccination complications are observed in the III dispensary group within 1 year. 11.2 Chemoprophylaxis Conducted to prevent the development of local tuberculosis. Chemoprophylaxis is appointed by healthy individuals at risk, who after comprehensive survey of local tubercular process is not revealed. The main drug for chemoprophylaxis is isoniazid (H). Dose of H is assigned at once, daily, at 5 mg / kg (not more than 0,3 g / day), under the direct supervision of medical staff the entire period of the course. Duration of chemoprophylaxis different groups of children is governed by legal documents MZ RK. 11.2.1 Indications for chemoprophylaxis � If you bend tuberculin reactions (normergiya, giperergiya) duration course of chemoprophylaxis is 3 months. To better tolerability of the drug simultaneously with H prescribe multivitamins, in of which there are vitamins A and B. � persons previously infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the detection hyperergic reaction of isoniazid chemoprophylaxis is held and ethambutol for 2 months (2NE). Ethambutol is appointed at 15 mg / kg body weight. Before the appointment of ethambutol need advice ophthalmologist. 147 � Chemoprophylaxis contact persons shown in the presence of superelevation and hyperergic reactions at the time of taking on the account and once done, controllable in a sanatorium-type institutions, or organized children's groups. � All healthy children under 1 year of life of the foci of tuberculosis infection, regardless of the patient and the results of bacterial tests Mantoux 2 TE isoniazid chemoprophylaxis for 3 months (3H) with compliance with the 2-month intervals after BCG vaccination. � If the newborn has been in close contact with sick mother before the introduction BCG vaccine (birth outside the medical establishment, not immunized because contraindications, etc.), vaccination did not immediately carry out and nominate course chemoprophylaxis for 3 months isoniazid (3H). After chemoprophylaxis with negative Mantoux test 2, the graft BCG vaccine. During the period of chemoprophylaxis and within 2 months after BCG vaccination is required compulsory isolation of the child from her sick mother. � If TB in the mother or family members is installed after the newborn BCG vaccine was not known TB Dispensary, prophylactic treatment for the child spend 2 months after the introduction BCG vaccine. � The fire death of a previously unknown TB Dispensary the patient, conducted a comprehensive survey of children and adolescents, and recreational activities - chemoprophylaxis with bends and giperergii. � Chemoprophylaxis isoniazid for 2 months to show children and adolescents infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, receiving basic hormone (cytotoxic) therapy. � Duration isoniazid chemoprophylaxis - 6 months ( WHO recommendations) � When adverse reactions to receive H (eosinophilia, allergic dermatitis, dyspepsia, paresthesia, etc.) should additional tests (blood, urine). When adverse reactions of H is canceled for 5-7 days. When allergic reactions appointed by desensitizing therapy antihistamines. If you are hypersensitive when reappointing H chemoprophylaxis canceled. After suffering a viral hepatitis chemoprophylaxis appointed not earlier than 6 months after disappearance of all clinical manifestations, the conclusion infectionist. This category of chemoprophylaxis is held against the hepatoprotectors. 11.2.2 Contraindications for chemoprophylaxis � Epilepsy � Organic CNS � Diseases of the liver and kidneys non-tubercular etiology with a violation of their function. 11.2.3 Organization of chemoprophylaxis Chemoprophylaxis is free, drugs, isolated centrally from the national budget. TB Dispensary (Tubbolnitsa, tubotdelenie, tubkabinet) in the annual application for chemotherapeutic should take into account the need for drugs (H and E) for chemoprophylaxis. 148 Chemoprophylaxis is appointed and supervised by health workers TB dispensaries, tubbolnits, tubotdeleny, tubkabinetov. To carry out chemoprophylaxis medical staff of health centers outpatient clinics, offices of general practitioners, in schools, child kindergartens, secondary and higher education institutions under the control of TB institutions. Data on chemoprophylaxis recorded in medical records outpatient (Form 026 / y), the map monitoring dispensary contingent (TB 16), daily recorded in the list control performed treatment, carried out under the direct supervision of medical staff. The effectiveness of anti-TB drugs for the prevention or treatment of latent infection of multiresistant strains of the Office until quite clear. Until additional data is not recommended as common practice of prophylactic treatment of persons in contact with patients with MDR-TB. Chemoprophylaxis of HIV infected children and adolescents being once: 1) all in determining HIV-positive status in the immune response blotting (not staying in contact with TB); 2) staying in contact with patients with pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis regardless of the bacteria. Chemoprophylaxis of HIV-infected children and adolescents is appointed TB doctors territorial TB dispensaries only after exclusion of active tuberculosis according to a comprehensive clinical radiological investigations and conducted izonizidom (H) at 5 mg / kg weight (not more than 0,3 g) in combination with pyridoxine -25 mg per day, daily mode for 6 months. Performed directly in the center of AIDS in study of infectious disease clinics or in primary health care facilities in children's organized groups (school, health center, spa, gardens), colleges, universities, and is under the direct supervision of medical sisters. 11.3 Indications for the direction of children in tuberculosis sanatorium agencies Shows the effectiveness of preventive measures carried out in children's spa facilities. Isolation tuberkulinootritsatelnyh children foci of infection in the spa facilities aimed at preventing infection with tuberculosis. During their stay in contact child spa facilities, most patients have converted to negative and they are not dangerous for their children. Organized TB prevention must first be covered young children from tuberculosis contacts. An essential prerequisite for the effective prevention of tuberculosis is the early identification of infected children. Newly infected (Turn), TB children are most numerous and troublesome group dispensary contingent. Timely identification of infected Tuberculosis children and holding them chemoprophylaxis provides reliable suppression of tuberculosis infection in the body of the child and prevents the development of disease. 149 Preventive work among children at high-risk "disease Tuberculosis should also be aimed at strengthening the immune Masks Ordinary surgical masks reduce the likelihood of contamination of airdroplets through sneezing or coughing. Patients with uncontrolled coughing must wear a mask when you walk on the hospital grounds. Hospital staff must wear masks when exposure to airborne infection is inevitable (room sputum, bronchoscopy study). 11.4.3 Defining the focus of tuberculosis and risk factors Fireplace TB infection - a place of residence (private home, apartment, room in a dormitory), study, work, leisure-patient sputum. A prerequisite for infection is contact with infectious patients tuberculosis. When human contact with the Office come into the risk factors infection, the risk of tuberculosis and the risk of fatal outcome. The main factors determining the risk of contact with the ILO, are the number of and nature of contacts between infectious patients and susceptible individuals for unit time contagiousness. Contact - the interaction between TB patients with bacterial and people at a distance close enough for conversation or enclosed space. Contact person - a person who is and (or) was in contact with patients isolated in the external environment in the Office. The risk of infection after an exposure depends on the following factors: • the number of infected droplets in unit volume of air, ie the density infectious particles • duration of contact of an individual with infectious particles In order could have been a transfer of infection, TB patients should into the air infectious particles. Typically, this is only possible in cases Pulmonary TB. Among patients with pulmonary TB are not all equally may spread the infection. Number of Office, found in samples of sputum correlates with infectiousness patient. The intensity of bacteria are divided into: • moderate MBT (the exact number of AFB 1 +) • Massive MBT (2 + to 3 +) Timely medical intervention and the appointment of the correct chemotherapy reduces the duration of the period of contagiousness. Where Chemotherapy is inadequate, there remains a risk of infection of surrounding people. Under inadequate chemotherapy refers to the wrong combination of TAP or lack of dose, therapy is also becoming inadequate in those cases when developing strains resistant to one or more used antimicrobial, or when patients take their assigned medication irregularly or at its discretion. Environmental factors conducive to the spread of infection: • contact with TB patients within a relatively small private space; 153 • Lack of proper ventilation, which allows "clean" environment Wednesday through dilution air or removing droplets containing Office. • recirculation of air containing, aerogenically infection. Factors influencing the risk of disease: • Re-infection of the Office • Presence of HIV infection. • Presence of residual fibrotic changes, concomitant diseases (Diabetes), malnutrition 11.4.4 The epidemic foci of tuberculosis The epidemic foci of tuberculosis have spatial and temporal boundaries. In the spatial boundaries of focus include housing the patient, his place of work, training, education, treatment, and groups and groups of people with whom he communicate continuously, periodically or temporarily. Temporary border focus include two terms: the entire period of communication with the source Mycobacteria and the duration of incubation in contact. Probability increased incidence of contact in the outbreak persists for years after removal of a patient with bacteriological accounting. In different groups, groups, due to intensive migration population with a significant number of unidentified sources of infection may be the group of tuberculosis. They can occur in children groups, by place of work or study in the social security institutions, hospitals with a prolonged stay of patients (Psychiatric and other institutions), in small relatively isolated localities where conditions exist for frequent and close communication between people. These foci of tuberculosis requires the commission to train professionals phthisiatric and anti-epidemic services and development with the participation administration of the institution (administration of a settlement) plan on their localization and liquidation. The epidemiological characteristics of foci of tuberculosis infection Foci of tuberculosis infection is divided into 3 epidemiological groups. Reason for attributing the fire to one group or another are the following criteria: massive of bacteria, presence of children and adolescents in the hearth, the presence of harmful habits among patients and their families (alcoholism, drug addiction), living conditions and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and social level of life of the patient and family members. The first group of epidemiological foci: • pockets inhabited by patients with massive bacterial • pockets where there are patients with moderate to bacterial presence of children and adolescents, pregnant women, alcoholics, addicts • centers with poor sanitary conditions, low life Frequency of visits: TB doctors, epidemiologists and physicians ftiziopediatry - 1 times quarter, nurses and assistants epidemiologist - not less than 1 per month. 154 The second epidemiological group: • pockets inhabited by patients with moderate bacterial, in the absence of the factors listed in the two last subparagraphs. Frequency of visits: TB doctors and doctors epidemiologists - 1 time in 6 months; nurses and assistants epidemiologist - not less than 1 time in 2 months. Third Epidemiological Unit: • pockets of the cessation of bacteria, exit, change permanent residence or death smear (including patients with unknown dispensary whose tuberculosis was found only at autopsy); • pockets of TB, where TB patients are identified livestock Frequency of visits: TB doctors and doctors epidemiologists - 1 times per year, medical nurses and assistants epidemiologist - not less than 1 time per quarter. Affiliation focus of tuberculosis to one or another group determines the precinct TB in the compulsory participation of a physician-epidemiologist. This order is preserved under transfer the focus from one group to another epidemic in the event of changes in focus conditions, increase or decrease the risk of infection or disease. Duties phthisiatric service work in areas of: • epidemiological survey focus, risk assessment of infection in the outbreak in according to risk factors, develop an action plan, the dynamic observation of the fireplace, the primary focus of survey anthroponotic TB expedient to carry out specialist Territorial UGSEN and focus Zoonotic tuberculosis - with specialists phthisiatric, sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary services • Hospitalization and treatment of TB patients • isolation of TB patients within the hearth (if not hospitalized), isolation Children • order and organization of the final disinfection, provide ongoing disinfection and patient education and contact with its methods • Primary survey of contact • Monitoring of contact persons and their dynamic examination (holding fluorographic examination, Mantoux test 2 TE, bacteriological examination, general clinical tests) • prophylactic treatment • education of patients and contact with the healthy lifestyle and hygiene education • determine the conditions under which the center can be removed from the epidemiological Accounting • filling and maintaining a dynamic map showing characteristics of hearth and held its activities In urban areas, remote from the clinic, these activities do experts in the PHC network guidance to a TB clinic and epidemiologist GSEN. 155 Responsibilities of service GSEN to work in areas of: • conducting epidemiological survey of primary focus, completes the definition of its borders and developing a plan for recovery, necessarily in conjunction with phthisiatrician • maintaining adequate accounting and reporting documentation (f.060 / y, "Map Epidemiological surveys focus bacillary forms of tuberculosis, Reports ip. 1 and 2, TB02) • TB doctors help in organizing and conducting epidemiological activities focus • dynamic monitoring in the centers, making additions and changes to the plan events • Epidemiological analysis of the situation in the district as a whole in the foci tuberculosis, evaluation of the foci served Territory and discussion with TB doctors of this work • monitoring of the timeliness, quality and completeness of outbreaks in all complex anti-epidemic measures The most important condition for successful work in the foci is constant contact phthisiatrician and epidemiologist, consistency in their actions. In every case, the first time identified tuberculosis of the respiratory system among the rural residents territorial GSEN Alerting veterinary services, representatives which are examined for TB pets in the household patient. Veterinary Service, GSEN inform the defined event and provide disseminating information on all cases to identify animals, positive reacting to tuberculin. Specialist veterinary service makes binding participate in defining a set of measures in areas of Zoonotic tuberculosis. 11.4.5 Registration and accounting foci of tuberculosis For each patient with the first-ever diagnosed active tuberculosis, including posthumously, at his place of identification in each health institution, regardless of departmental affiliation, the doctor filled Account Form № 089 / W. The diagnosis of tuberculosis is established only by a physicianTB doctors, as evidenced by the decision TSVKK. Notification to identified the patient in 3 days (72 hours) is sent to the territorial authority Management GSEN. A duplicate of the notice sent to the TB institution of the place of residence the patient. In patients with established allocation of the Office, except f.089 / Y prepared "Emergency Notice" (f.058 / V), which is within 24 hours sent to district (city) center of state (GSEN) and TB establishment of residence of residence and work sick. Notification of f.058 / Y filled in the event of death from tuberculosis patients who did not held during the life of registered TB Dispensary (hospital). For those no permanent place of residence and registration, notification is TB dispensary (SSC) at the detection of the disease. In large cities for more rapid and comprehensive of the anti activities in the foci of tuberculosis register of patients with active tuberculosis information to the extent f.058 / V within 24 hours can be transmitted by telephone department of accounting and registration of infectious patients disinfection stations 156 subsequent transfer of emergency information in the PDD and territorial GSEN post residence, work and study patient. In the district (city) center GSEN all information received under the form № 089 / U and the form 058 / U is included in the "Register of infectious diseases" (f. № 60-y), houses a card index file of organizations. If you have a focus group of diseases or deaths from tuberculosis (2 cases or more) and PDD GSEN inform the parent institution. To accommodate groups of patients with established allocation Office and with the collapse lung tissue in GSEN annually as of January 1, clarifies the information about patients remaining from previous years and new patients. In order to harmonize treatment GSEN perform monthly reconciliations with PDD information about newly registered and taken with registration of patients, other data are specified, 2 times a year. In accordance with the requirements of statistical reporting forms 2 "Information Infectious and parasitic diseases, district and city PDD monthly to 2-th of the month following the reporting reported to the district and city GSEN information about All identified primary patients with active tuberculosis. In the PDD and GSEN than a previous medical records for allocating MBT patients, each center was filled with tuberculosis "Map of epidemiological survey and monitor a hotbed of tuberculosis. 11.4.6 Sanitary control measures In order to prevent new infections and diseases in the Office environment patients in foci of tuberculosis, the following health and disease control Activities: 1. isolation and treatment of the patient 2. Survey contacts 3. control over the conduct of out-patient treatment and quality chemoprophylaxis for children and adolescents 4. educational work Contact persons must undergo a comprehensive survey antituberculosis organizations in the registration chamber and then periodically 2 times a year. The terms of contact persons should be determined by a physician-epidemiologist. By number of contacts at work (study) should treat workers, employees and students are surrounded by a patient with active tuberculosis bacteriologically. All contacts should be screened TB organization at work (study); The observation period of contact of the entire period of contact and 1 year after effectiveness of chemotherapy. Contact persons from the foci of death observed for 1 year. Isolation contact children for rehabilitation should be carried out spa kindergartens, kindergartens, boarding schools, motels. One of the important components in reducing the risk source of infection for surrounding an educational work, both among patients and among relatives of the patient. From the moment of diagnosis the patient and his family should receive basic information available to them in the form of that 157 such as tuberculosis, he extends that TB is curable. Necessary reported on a course of treatment and explain the need for medication under direct supervision. The patient and his relatives must be persuaded that, if done right treatment and comply with treatment, TB can be cured. The health worker should explained that the treatment under the direct supervision required for all patients. If the patient plans to move, he must notify the paramedics so that he could take steps to continue treatment at the new place. The health worker must contact the phthisiatrician the institution where the patient moved in order to ensure the continuation of treatment and to obtain information the outcome of treatment. The patient and his relatives should be explained that TB could become infected any, of the importance of the survey contact. Especially important to explore children under 5 years, since they may develop a particularly severe form of tuberculosis. People from the focus of tuberculosis infection should be able to suspect TB in patients of contact. Should explain that the patient, taking all the prescribed medications and healing from tuberculosis, thereby preventing the disease in their relatives colleagues and neighbors. In addition, the patient should cover mouth and nose, to turn away in side when coughing or sneezing; well ventilated area. I must warn, that soon after the start of treatment the patient feels better, but it is very important to continue taking medication. The patient and his relatives should understand that improvement does not mean recovery. The health worker is obliged to explain that when a break in treatment may develop multidrug resistance, which virtually incurable. In a complex and long-term treatment, as in the case of TB, patients are often not take any medication. This behavior is one of the largest problems in TB control and could lead to very serious consequences. Realizing reasons for poor compliance, health care worker can provide each patient individual. Educational work - an ongoing process. After the first visit hearth, and then in subsequent health care worker must return to such work during each interview, where in addition to the above should discuss the type and color assigned to drugs, the number and frequency of taking pills, possible side effects of TAP. 11.4.7 Actions at the focus of tuberculosis Initial evaluation and implementation of primary measures In the place of residence of the patient The primary focus of visiting the place of residence of the patient carried the precinct psychiatrists and epidemiologists not later than 3 days from the date of its registration. This specify the place of residence, occupation of the patient, the possibility of his residence on other locations, contact identified by the family apartment, with other relatives and individuals. blood tests, urine tests, Mantoux test 2, the, on the evidence - a study of sputum for Office and inspection phthisiatrician. The contact persons who have from the time the previous survey has been more than 6 months, x-ray examination and tuberculin tests carried out on a mandatory basis. Principles of survey centers, organization and conduct of epidemiological activities in higher and secondary special educational institutions are no different from those in the workplace. However, while taking into account profile institutions organization of educational process, epidemic risk source of infection and degree of communication contact with individuals (course, group, flow, cycle). In training teaching institutions, medical and other profile solves the problem supervised practice and other matters of educational process. In children and Related Institutions Employees of educational, therapeutic and preventive, health, and health spa, sports facilities and social service institutions for Children and teenagers are subject to an annual differential fluorographic examinations for early detection of tuberculosis, in accordance with statutory Acts of tuberculosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Epidemiological surveys conducted in each case, the registration of patients with active tuberculosis. His conduct and TB epidemiologist with health workers serving the institution and its leader. If you want to attract a physician of the sanitary unit GSEN. At the same time reconcile their payroll working with the report card on Salary, payroll of children and adolescents, check the date and result fluorographic examinations for the previous and current year. During surveys define the boundaries of the fire, develop an action plan. Information on all contact persons transferred to the clinic and PDD post residence to bring them to the survey. This work is particularly well carried out in maternity wards, offices for premature and weakened children, and in children's homes. In establishing the diagnosis of active TB in patients undergoing treatment of somatic and neuropsychiatric hospitals, primary complex epidemiological measures implementing the personnel of these institutions. Not later than 3 days, psychiatrists and epidemiologists conduct in-depth epidemiological survey. The list of activities includes: • registration of the patient in the regional PDD and GSEN • transfer the patient to TB hospital (persons neuropsychiatric institutions in case of tuberculosis transferred to a specialized hospital or department for patients Tuberculosis with mental health problems) • the appointment and disinfection at the source • identifying the contact person for the primary survey monitor them and send in the future all the contact details on their main place of residence. In hospitals with long stay patients in the event of 2 or more linked cases of tuberculosis requires the commission a survey and development of measures to ensure containment and recovery focus. In areas with low population density (rural, remote villages) 161 Foci of tuberculosis that are located in areas with low density population, have their own specific features, which are counted examination centers and their rehabilitation. In modern social conditions require priority attention delimitation hearth. Small village, numbering up to 400-500 people, with a single social and municipal structure, where one or more of patients tuberculosis per 100 inhabitants, may be a single township (rural) hearth. In these circumstances, patients are closely interact in everyday life with others its residents, including children. In the villages located at a considerable distance from other communities points (hundreds or thousands of kilometers), due to irregular transport links, become isolated in the appearance of even a single smear, contacts are formed very high density. In the number of contact here includes all the villagers, sometimes more than a thousand people. If you find in the village (or a larger area) smear psychiatrists and epidemiologists GSEN conducting epidemiological survey. Among contact persons are not only members of the family of the patient, but also residents of the village or another territorial unit. Along with filling in cards epidemiological survey section epidemiological survey is mapping. On-map of the village with the order numbering Houses celebrate with family living in their sputum, indicate the date diseases, noted in regular contact patient (in the form of lines connecting apartments and / or at home). For information on contact points set by employees of the local administration, paramedics and the patients and their families. Based on the received card-schemes define and verify the list of persons belonging to different categories of contact. In large towns or in settlements with isolated sputum door-to-door list contacts may be made without mapping. All work carried out with strict observance of the requirements of medical ethics, sparing psyche of the patient, his family and other residents. In foci of Zoonotic tuberculosis In foci of tuberculosis Zoonotic infections are a source of origin sick animals that secrete the Office of milk, faeces and other secretions. Diagnosis of tuberculosis in animals put on the basis of complex diagnostic method - analysis of epizootic data, clinical signs and results of allergic (tuberculin tests), serological (RSK with tuberculosis antigen), postmortem, histological, bacteriological and biological research. All cases diagnosed TB in animals GSEN receives confirmation of the Veterinary Service. Conducting anti-epidemic measures in the foci of zoonotic origin carried out in accordance with approved safety regulations. Dynamic observation of foci The volume of activities in the source and the frequency of his patronage during dynamic depends on the degree of epidemiological risk. Before reconnecting the patronage of the focus on medical instruments Dispensary reviewed developments since the primary focus of the survey (The nature of bacteria in the patient and the diagnosis of tuberculosis, the results Survey of contact). The fire specify the composition of contact and their health, implementation of disinfection and hygiene rules sick and his relatives. 15. Interagency cooperation in TB programs 15.1 Basic principles of detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention tuberculosis at the organizational level PHC network When implementing complex TB control activities, mainly document - "State program of reforming and development Health of RK for 2005-2010 "identifies the need ubiquitous and wide transition to the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases in outpatient basis with the involvement of PHC network. On this basis, the bulk of TB control activities should carried out in conjunction with the territorial agencies of public Health (FAP, SUB SMA, clinics, hospitals). These rules apply to the organization of medical insurance, family and private doctors and paramedics, the various departments and industrial health centers. On the professional organizations of the network responsible for the fulfillment of PHC activities three main areas: 1. Timely detection of tuberculosis, based on the quality sputum microscopy and x-rays 2. Working directly observed (supervised) chemotherapy TB on an outpatient stage of treatment and chemoprophylaxis. 3. Conducting a large-scale health education about the first signs of tuberculosis and its prevention methods. 15.1.1 Activities to detect TB at PHC facilities Tuberculosis is an infectious disease transmitted airdroplets, because of all TB cases in more than 85% affected lungs. Pulmonary tuberculosis in adults in half the cases has an open (Infectious) form. Therefore, the task of health professionals PHC is early identification of infectious patients for their treatment and reduction spread of tuberculosis infection in the environment. As a rule, absolute majority of patients with symptoms suspicious for TB (section 4.2 "Clinical signs"), apply to medical facilities PHC network. And for the early detection of infectious tuberculosis, all these ill be sure to investigate the sputum microscopic method for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This method is simple, affordable and effective in identifying TB, its widespread use will identify the most dangerous in the epidemiological infectious patients and thus be the first step to protect the public from the spread tuberculosis. Sputum for diagnostic purposes should be performed three times for regulated rules, according to special instructions (see Appendix). In cases of incorrect diagnosis of sputum may billed incorrectly, the disease progresses, the patient will continue spread the infection may be at risk of infection of contact persons. 184 To ensure quality sputum in primary health care facilities must everywhere to teach the responsible medical personnel at all levels and Profiles collection procedure of pathological material. Clinical laboratory PHC should be equipped with modern binocular microscopes and quality reagents. At detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum, the patient should be sent to the PTO, where he conducted additional laboratory studies and assigned to appropriate treatment. When negative results of sputum microscopy, and the intensification of symptoms suspicious for tuberculosis after a nonspecific antiinflammatory therapy, the patient should necessarily be sent for consultation to tuberculotherapist. In children and adolescents, as a rule, no humidity, therefore the presence the above symptoms, they should be sent to ftiziopediatru. With extra-pulmonary forms of tuberculosis may be affected various organs: lymph nodes, lining of the brain, bones, joints, genito-urinary organs, intestine, and others. In difficult diagnostic cases, and in the presence long standing fistulas of different localizations, the patient should send to a TB specialist in the field. Along with this, at the opening or removal of peripheral lymph nodes, fistula of unknown etiology their contents (pus, mucus, detritus, etc.) should be investigated microscopic method for the presence of the Office. Clinical analysis of advanced cases of tuberculosis should be together with government bodies for sanitary and epidemiological service VET and PHC, with compulsory execution of protocol parsing and plan activities. Teaching assistants, paramedics, doctors, PHC network of antiinterventions should be based on the PTO and completed the issuance certificate. This prerequisite is subsequent certification of trained health workers for development their methods of the Strategy at least 1 times a year. 15.1.2 Treatment of tuberculosis patients at the PHC organizations The principle of directly supervised treatment of tuberculosis should be strictly ensured throughout chemotherapy. As is known, in the organization treat the main condition is to create convenience for the patient. So receiving anti-TB drugs in outpatients referred to the primary health care facilities, as the most approximate to the population. This cost-effective to clinical and economic positions (reduced transport costs, stop social exclusion, domestic problems are positively solved). C On the other hand, in this period, virtually all TB patients have symptoms and most do not want to be in hospitals. Uncontrolled withdrawal from the hospital is fraught with breaks in treatment, so much better to conduct a controlled outpatient treatment. 185 For treatment in primary care are sent to TB patients do not pose epidemiological risk, usually located in the maintenance phase. In rare cases, outpatient treatment may be prescribed to patients in intensive phase in the absence of the ILO in the sputum. In each primary health care facilities where TB patients are treated, should be allocated place (room) to receive anti-TB drugs and appointed medical officer responsible for NKL (usually a nurse, so called "himizator). The medical officer should be trained Implementation procedures NKL, Records and interpersonal skills communication. Patients receiving outpatient treatment, should take Antibacterial drugs under the supervision himizatora every day or according to the prescribed treatment regimen. Practitioner must hold weekly clinical examination the patient. When side TAP reactions or signs of acute illness, the patient should be directed to consult a TB specialist. In primary health care facilities should be adequate supply (not less than six months) TB drugs, depending on the number of patients. Report movement of drugs should be given to the territorial TB hospital monthly. Quality treatment maintenance phase prevents the development multiresistance Office and preventing relapse. 15.1.3 Health education on TB at the network level PHC The success of TB control is largely dependent on the volume and the quality of the health education (ORS) in the population. AB is one of the methods for early detection, prevent and reduce the risk of tuberculosis. In its implementation should use all available methods in specific circumstances and means, focusing on building knowledge of the population and patients about early signs of tuberculosis, the need for appropriate examination and proper treatment, foster care and hygiene practices. It should organize awareness campaigns, methods of "interpretation" and "Printed" word on the regional level, district, any locality where is the establishment of a network of PHC. You must have an action plan for each quarter and the corresponding reports on their implementation. By "oral" methods AB are: interviews, lectures, seminars, public speech. Effective presentations on local television with the creation of special game trailers, commercials and documentaries. Speeches the radio should be interesting with the release of "live" to close contact with the audience. Statements should be no less than 1 time in quarter. 186 Promoting healthy lifestyles should be carried out in childhood. In schools educational centers, it is desirable to hold on a competitive basis to write works devoted to the identification, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis. "Printed" methods include the AB publication of articles in local newspapers, leaflets, posters, leaflets, brochures, sanitary newsletters, wall newspapers. The place of distribution facilities may be therapeutic prevention agencies, clinics, pharmacies and libraries. Posters need to hang out at all enterprises, shops, training centers, public transport facilities, markets, shops, schools, kindergartens, ie places the largest concentrations of population. The presence of posters and other visual materials must be controlled and updated monthly. ORS should be meaningful, competent, easy to understand. The content of speeches all the time to be updated. Evaluation of quality and volume of ORS is carried out in monitoring Precinct psychiatrists and other specialists on the following indicators: 1. Results of the anonymous survey of patients and 10-15 people (prospectively, For example, query on the streets in a row every fifth passer). Interview should identify the level of knowledge of patients and the public about tuberculosis (ways transmission, risk factors, the main symptoms, ways diagnosis, treatment, and prevention). 2. The number of posters, leaflets, pamphlets on tuberculosis in public places (Schools, clinics, shops, transport, etc.) 3. Availability of lectures, pamphlets, essays in the network of PHC workers. 15.2 The roles of sanitary-epidemiological surveillance Tuberculosis This section describes the actions of government agencies sanitary epidemiological services for tuberculosis. 15.2.1 The authorities sanitary and epidemiological service exercise: 1. coordination of TB control at the regional, urban and district levels 2. inter-sectoral coordination and interaction with public organizations to implement national, sector and regional programs to combat tuberculosis 3. monitoring of epidemiological indicators of tuberculosis among the population (Morbidity, mortality), accounting and statistics 4. interaction with other government agencies and organizations tuberculosis control 5. organizing and monitoring of disinfection 6. organizing and conducting seminars, conferences, training sessions on surveillance of tuberculosis 187 7. administrative measures to the heads of TB and treatment and prevention organizations in case of violation of the requirements normative legal acts 8. State purchase of BCG vaccine and tuberculin 15.2.2 The authorities sanitary and epidemiological service hold: 1. accounting for the first time identified in the reporting year, TB patients on the basis Notification form 089 / U and smear on the basis of emergency notification of infectious disease - form 058 / U 2. systematic epidemiological analysis of statistical indicators characterizing the spread of tuberculosis among the population, as well as the volume and the effectiveness of interventions on the basis of automated management system "Surveillance of Tuberculosis and National Register of TB patients 3. together with experts and TB treatment prevention organizations, training of health workers to work with BCG and tuberculin, conduct preventive vaccination against tuberculosis and tuberculin, followed by appraisal once a year 4. together with phthisiatric service, network of primary health Assistance (hereinafter - PHC) and the Center for the problems of forming a healthy way life of health and social awareness of the measures tuberculosis prevention 5. monthly reconciliation of accounting tuberculosis patients in the National Register and TB organizations 6. quarterly monitoring of the situation according to the program automated control system (hereinafter - ACS) 'Epidemiological supervision of tuberculosis " 7. monthly monitoring of the use of BCG vaccine, tuberculin, and well as adverse reactions to the vaccine, epidemiological investigate the causes of adverse reactions 8. quarterly epidemiological analysis of statistical indicators characterizing the spread of tuberculosis among the population, as well as the volume and effectiveness of TB control activities 9. together with the veterinary, TB services and the network of PHC anti-epidemic and preventive measures in the farms where detected TB patients are people or animals to identify sources infection, transmission routes and factors 15.2.3 The authorities sanitary and epidemiological service monitor: 1. Organization of detection of tuberculosis by microscopy for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis among persons with clinical symptoms, x-rays and tuberculin skin test among decreed contingents 2. detection and treatment of tuberculosis, as well as activities undertaken TB organizations (hereinafter - PTI) and a network of PHC 188 3. separate hospitalization of tuberculosis patients by type, infection status and the presence of multidrug resistance 4. organization and conduct of sanitary-epidemiological (Preventive) measures to prevent tuberculosis among population 5. compliance with anti-epidemic, sanitation and hygiene regimes TB and the treatment and prevention organizations, bacteriology laboratories to perform research on tuberculosis 6. organization and completeness of vaccination coverage and revaccination against tuberculosis of children; terms of transportation, storage, techniques for and accounting of BCG vaccine and tuberculin 7. activities carried out by anti-organizations and networks PHC for organizing quality assurance and quality control laboratory and radiological diagnosis, timely survey of contact persons in the foci of tuberculosis 8. compliance with anti-epidemic in parts of VET 9. compliance with the requirements of sanitary-epidemiological rules and norms livestock farms, organizations, products processing Livestock 10. organization and conduct of sanitary-epidemiological (Preventive) measures in the foci of tuberculosis 15.3 Tuberculosis control in prisons The section is intended for specialists on tuberculosis of the civil sector health, medical and prison officials to medical employees of the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior and other departments. The purpose of the section - to give advice to organizations and agencies that perform TB in the penal enforcement systems (MIS), and working with TB, a contingent from the MLS. 15.3.1 Goals and objectives of interagency cooperation • Inter-departmental collaboration TB services aimed at efficient use of resources and objective assessment TB burden in the country. It is essential that antiservices of the penitentiary system were integrated at the national and administrative levels of the penitentiary system and civil sector. • Interaction between the civilian and prison services aimed at ensuring the quality of each patient TB from the time of detection to complete a full course of treatment After his arrest, transfer within the system or release. It involves equitable access to TB care for all TB patients, regardless of their location, as well as continuity of care within the system and after release. • Interagency cooperation in the control program Tuberculosis is aimed at: 189 � improve TB control activities in penitentiary � reducing cases of "incomplete treatment" among patients tuberculosis from prison � prevent the further spread of infection and development of drug-resistant forms of the disease. 15.3.2 Organization of the prison system and the Interior Ministry of Kazakhstan Medical Service Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan is represented at the national level Medical management at the regional level - Medical Department DIA. Medical Service of the correctional system in Kazakhstan presented at the national level by the Office of Medical Support Committee MIS (EMA CIPO) at the regional level - the Department of Medical Management Committee of MIS (OMO UKUIS, GMO UKUIS) and at the level institutions - health units (Medical Unit). Structure country's prison system includes several levels: effect isolators, non-specialized institutions (prison) and specialized institutions for treatment and detention of tuberculosis patients. In these structures, a specialist, responsible for antiactivities. Pre-trial detention - a penal institution for the detention of persons under arrest before the court verdict into force. The time spent in remand depends on the type and severity of the crime acts, and the average duration is 5-6 months, sometimes this period may up to 2 years or more. Medical care of the investigative and arrested at this stage have Specialists Medical Unit. Diagnostic measures for identifying TB conducted within the institution, including a diagnostic algorithm, fluorographic study, microscopic examination at the Office. In If there is no region of the hospital / institution for the maintenance and TB patients, or their remoteness, TB Service civilian health sector at this stage involved in conducting TSVKK. The functions of the Medical Unit include the identification and diagnosis of TB cases, isolation on the basis MBT, registration, commencement of treatment (completion of treatment), escorting, selection and examination of contact persons, conducting related medical documentation, reporting and analysis of the effectiveness TB control activities. Patients receiving chemotherapy, after the verdict in force is transferred to the TB facilities MIS. 190 Non-specialized correctional institution (colony) is a penal institution for individuals after the court verdict into force. In the Medical Unit colonies carried the identification of persons with suspected TB patients in isolation the basis of bacteria, keeping concomitant medical records reporting and analysis of the effectiveness of TB control activities, selection and examination of contact persons. Convicted on admission to the colony for 14 days contained in quarantine, which conducts diagnostic measures to detect TB and other diseases. After the quarantine convicted determined in residential facilities (units). Initial diagnostic measures (screening for smear microscopy and etc.) to identify TB specialists conducting clinical institutions. Civilian health sector at this stage of the program involved to agreed to conduct the planned fluorographic study (Mobile unit), microscopic and bacteriological examination material at the Office. In the absence of TB in the region hospitals / institutions for the detention and treatment of TB patients or their remoteness, the civilian TB service health sector at this stage involved in conducting TSVKK to confirm the diagnosis. Detection of TB patients in the colony, are referred to TB facilities MIS Tuberculosis hospitals and institutions MIS designed for content and outpatient treatment of TB patients. According to the orders of Chairman of the Committee MIS from July 1, 2005 № 95 "On Approval of Instruction for Epidemiological tracking of people suffering from tuberculosis and record-keeping and reporting documentation the criminal-executive system "there are 2 types of lines TB patients to inpatient treatment: 1 species - TB patients sent to the TB correctional facility within its area 2 shows - tuberculosis, aimed at TB correctional institution of another In order CIPO MJ RK on August 2, 2004 № 154. On assignment to the treatment prophylactic institutions of the correctional system, "stated details of admission of TB patients. Medical care is convicted at this stage are provided by specialists hospital and dispensary (outpatient) facilities. Diagnostic events identification of TB, including sputum for TB, X-ray study, a course of non-specific therapy, if necessary, Definitive diagnosis in TSVKK, coordinated TB doctors outpatients. Anti-tuberculosis activities in them - diagnosis of TB cases, holding TSVKK, isolation of patients on the basis of bacteria, centralized registration, management of concomitant medical documentation, entering patients in the National Register of TB patients, reporting and analysis of the effectiveness of TB programs. Patient registration, appointment of therapy and monitoring treatment by TB doctors hospital. In the case of complex diagnostic cases involved TSVKK civilian health sector. 15.3.3 Organisational structure of interagency cooperation in TB Program provided on 3 levels: 191 • National level - The Government of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Health NTSPT RK, KSEN Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan, UMO CIPO MJ RK, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, ME Kazakh Interior Ministry, the Office and the NW RK • Regional level - Regional governorates, CLE, OPTD, SES, UKUIS, DVD, DT and NW • District level - District governorates, CLE, RTD (RTB), SES, DVDs, DT and NW. In order to ensure continuity of treatment at each level of a system of accounting the number in custody was received and released from prison system. Planning for integrated services performed by the coordination and referring the parties to participate under the guidance of NTSPT. Tuberculosis civil service health sector. In accordance with instructions from the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan April 23, 2007 № 245 TB service of the civil sector has the following functions on interagency cooperation: At the national level: • provision of advice, organizational and methodological assistance medical organizations and the general medical service departments MJ RK ROK Defense, the Interior Ministry of Kazakhstan; • Organizing and conducting trainings, seminars, conferences Professional phthisiatric service sector and the civil agencies MoJ, MoD, MVD; At the provincial and district levels: • provision of organizational and methodological leadership PTO, medical organizations of primary care agencies and organizations, MJ, MO, MoI TB; The duties of the coordinators of interagency cooperation civilian health sector include: 1. Organization and coordination of interagency cooperation in the program TB control at country / region / district 2. Organization of monitoring the effectiveness of interagency interactions on selected indicators at the level country / region / district 3. Definition of needs and provision of training specialists TB services issues of interagency cooperation in the program control TB 4. Participation in the training of specialists TB service of inter interaction 5. Organization and participation in the annual national intermeetings and conferences on tuberculosis, quarterly coordination Boards prison system In accordance with the joint order of Ministry of Health of RK № 405 and № 145 MJ Kazakhstan dated December 2004. Medical office MIS has the following functions interagency cooperation: The duties of the coordinators of interagency cooperation MIS include: 192 1. Organization and coordination of interagency cooperation in the program control of TB at the prison system country / region / institution 2. Organization of monitoring the effectiveness of interagency interactions on selected indicators at the level of the penitentiary system of the country / region / institution 3. Definition of needs and provision of training specialists TB services penitentiary system of interaction in the control program on TB 4. Participation in the training of specialists TB services of the penitentiary system of interagency cooperation 5. Participation in the annual national inter-agency meetings and conferences on tuberculosis, the organization's quarterly coordinating councils The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan In accordance with the Regulation № 406 of December 2004. Medical Service Ministry of Internal Affairs performs the following functions for interagency cooperation. The duties of the coordinators of interagency cooperation MIA include: 1. Organization and coordination of interagency cooperation in the program TB control at the level of departmental health country / region / district 2. Organization of monitoring the effectiveness of interagency interactions on selected indicators at the level of departmental Health 3. Analysis of the data on interagency cooperation 4. Definition of needs, and training for professionals departmental health issues of cooperation in the program TB control 5. Participation in the annual, national, interagency meetings and conferences on tuberculosis, the organization's quarterly coordinating councils. The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan In Defense of Kazakhstan / / provincial military enlistment offices / Rayon military enlistment offices are determined coordinators of interagency cooperation. Tasks are defined as: 1. Coordination of interagency cooperation in the program TB control at the level of departmental health 2. Organization of monitoring the effectiveness of interagency interactions on selected indicators at the level of departmental Health 3. Analysis of data on interagency cooperation 4. Definition of needs, and training specialists Health departmental liaison officers in the program TB control 5. Participation in the annual, national, interagency meetings and conferences on tuberculosis, the organization's quarterly coordinating councils. 193 Sanitary-Epidemiological Service In accordance with the following functions UGSEN described in order MH RK on July 27, 2007 № 452, SES provides: 1. Coordinating the fight against tuberculosis at the regional, city and district levels 2. Inter-sectoral coordination and collaboration with public organizations to implement national, sector and regional programs to combat tuberculosis 3. Interaction with other government agencies and organizations in tuberculosis control 4. Organization and conduct of sanitary-epidemiological (Preventive) measures to prevent tuberculosis among population The duties of the coordinators of interagency cooperation MIA include: 1. Organisation monitoring the effectiveness of interagency interactions on selected indicators at the level country / region / district 2. Analysis of data on interagency cooperation at the level of country / region / district 3. Participation in the training of interagency cooperation 4. Participation in the annual, national, interagency meetings and conferences on tuberculosis, the organization's quarterly coordinating councils 15.3.4. Description of TB control activities for interagency Interaction Detection and diagnosis of tuberculosis Identification of cases of tuberculosis in the penitentiary system carried out by two methods: • Active identification (during routine inspections, routine fluorographic examination) • Passive detection (when referring to a doctor) To detect cases of tuberculosis at the detention center used only passive identification, ie, a patient receiving a complaint seeking medical by the assistant. The latter makes a request to the territorial civil institution for a diagnostic algorithm for tuberculosis. Further organized visits the patient in the TB dispensary or territorial institution of PHC. Identification of tuberculosis cases within the prison system is carried out, mainly in the peripheral facilities and pre-to following stages: • when entering the facility during the time spent in quarantine • during their stay in the facility during a preventive health examinations, as well as in the case of seeking medical help at the 194 disease In order to identify persons with suspected tuberculosis fluorographic survey is all new arrivals at the prison if the term of the last survey than 3 months, and in Subsequently, every 6 months. Medical professionals institution hold weekly round for orders with a view to identifying persons with complaints of feeling unwell and sick, who do not go to the doctor yourself. Persons suspected of having tuberculosis (changes in the fluorogram, symptoms, complaints) conducted microscopic examination of sputum smears. If negative result of sputum, the patient being diagnostic algorithm. Diagnosis of tuberculosis confirmed TSVKK MIS. To remand diagnosis is confirmed by TSVKK regional TB dispensary in the absence of TB facilities MIS or remoteness. In the absence or malfunction fluorographic apparatus in penal institutions in during routine x-rays TB service of civil sector technical assistance (mobile x-ray machine). In the absence of opportunities in the penal institutions (lack microscopic laboratory, lack of laboratory), the territorial antituberculosis institutions of civil society spend microscopy sputum smears for the prison system agreed. In order to ensure the quality of diagnosis of tuberculosis in the penitentiary system, diagnosis is confirmed TSVKK. The diagnosis of tuberculosis for institutions MIS confirmed the territorial TSVKK civil sector in the following cases: • in the penal system of no TB facilities for maintenance and outpatient prisoners with tuberculosis • The establishment of the penal system is located on a large distance from tuberculosis institutions MIS, based on which There TSVKK • there are complex with a diagnostic point of view of cases Laboratory Service MIS has its own laboratory services, which is represented laboratories I and II. Typically, laboratories are located at Level I the basis of the detention facility, the peripheral and TB facilities. Depending opportunities and conditions, laboratory level I organized either the basis of each institution, or on the basis of only antituberculous institutions (Eg, in the Pavlodar region). In the laboratories of Tier I conducted microscopic examination of sputum smears diagnostic (in the peripheral facilities, remand) and monitoring of treatment 195 patients (based on TB facilities and jail). Lab I level organized on the basis of TB control agencies quality of research conducted by laboratories in the peripheral colonies, Remand. Lab II levels are based TB dispensaries and conduct all the research laboratories of Level I, bacteriological studies, identification of drug resistance, training and Quality Control Laboratory I level. Exception is UKUIS in Karaganda region, which has its own Laboratory II level on the basis of the hospital. Bacteriological studies and determination of drug resistance for MIS, with the exception of the Karaganda region, spend bacteriological laboratories TB dispensaries, according agreement. Quality microscopic studies conducted by specialists civilian health sector. Report on the results of quality control laboratory and MIS Recommendations are sent to the county / city coordinator for the laboratory civilian TB services in NTSPT RK and territorial medical service MIS. Provincial and regional TB dispensaries civil the health sector, in the absence of bacteriological laboratories and seed points in the penal institutions, carry out cultural studies and definition of drug sensitivity in agreement. treatment, monitoring treatment and treatment after release When detected TB cases during stay in IVS software anti-TB drugs being territorial anti-establishment civilian health sector. NKL holds paramedic facility. Treatment of TB patients in prisons held in jail, TB hospitals and special institutions for the maintenance and outpatient prisoners with tuberculosis. Convicted women and adolescents, ex employees of agencies and courts, persons sentenced to life imprisonment freedom and detainees held in prison get TB treatment post detection. In tuberculosis hospitals and institutions for the maintenance and outpatient