DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING PROGRAM N 553 – SYNTHESIS: IMPLEMENTING THE NURSE EDUCATOR ROLE FALL 2014 Purpose: To teach first semester nursing students in the Adult Health course (N364) about the management of vascular disorders. Goal: Students will be correctly answer questions in a quiz/game and on the course exam related to the pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, treatment and nursing management of various vascular disorders. TEACHING PLAN LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1. Discuss pathophysiological changes to the vascular system and lifestyle risk factors that predispose patients to vascular disorders. 2. Discuss the clinical manifestations, complications, diagnostic studies and collaborative care for abdominal aortic aneurysms 3. Discuss the lifestyle changes needed to avoid or minimize lower extremity peripheral vascular disease. 4. Distinguish between the signs and symptoms of peripheral arterial and peripheral venous disease. 5. Describe the assessment and nursing management of a patient DETAILED CONTENT TEACHING STRATEGIES TIME ALLOCATION EVALUATION METHODS See outline document Lecture/PowerPoint 3 minutes Quiz at end of lecture See outline document Lecture/PowerPoint 10 Quiz at end of lecture See outline document Lecture/PowerPoint 5 Quiz at end of lecture See outline document Lecture/PowerPoint 5 Quiz at end of lecture See outline document Lecture/PowerPoint 5 Quiz at end of lecture following peripheral artery bypass graft surgery. 6. Describe signs of acute arterial ischemia (the six P’s). See outline document Lecture/PowerPoint 5 Quiz at end of lecture 7. Discuss management of venous thromboembolism, chronic venous insufficiency and venous leg ulcers. See outline document Lecture/PowerPoint 5 Quiz at end of lecture 8. Recognize the clinical manifestations of aortic dissection as a medical emergency and when to seek appropriate assistance. Questions from students Cardiac Review Quiz/Game See outline document Lecture/PowerPoint 5 Quiz at end of lecture 5-10 30 The previous two lectures focused on hypertension, coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure. My presentation on managing vascular disorders will be the wrap up of the cardiovascular material for the course. I will spend an hour on the lecture/PowerPoint. Then students will get into groups to complete the quiz/game. The quiz/game consists of 20 questions to address all the cardiac material (10 from me and 10 from Ms. Leonard). 15 minutes will be made available to answer questions students may have on the 20 questions from the quiz/game. The rest of the time for the course, including two 10 minute breaks will consist of Ms. Leonard going over a cardiac case study with students. Students will stay in their groups to work on the case study. Organization of Teaching Session: Each student will be handed a note card with a number from 1 through 10 on it as they enter the classroom o This is how I will group students into groups for the end of lecture group activity. o Cards will be given out by Ms. Leonard and her teacher assistant Ms. Best. Lecture on the Management of Vascular Disorders using PowerPoint presentation (1 hour; maximum of 1 hour 15 minutes) o There are some questions I ask students doing the lecture: Students will be allowed to take a 10 minute break after the lecture. After the break, students will be told to get into groups based on the numbers that were passed out. o Directions for the Group Activity will be listed at the end of the PowerPoint (see last slide of PowerPoint) o There will be 10 groups (8 groups of 10 and 2 groups of 12 to equal 104 students) o There will be numbers 1-10 placed at various locations around the room where I want the groups to gather Once in their respective group students will be required to use a device to log onto the Socrative website (This could be a labtop, kindle, Ipad, cell phone or any other device that allows them to get to a web browser. o So this means there must be at least 10 students who bring their laptops to the class. Ms. Leonard assured me that having taught this class for multiple semesters, over 85-90% of her students bring a laptop or device that will allow them to have access to a web browser. I will also have available a laptop, an Ipad, kindle and a cellphone just in case. o Each group of students (groups 1-10) will be asked to go to the Socrative website: http://m.socrative.com/ o Once at this website, they will put in my Room Name: 4a042f38 as displayed on the last PowerPoint slide. o Students will complete a competitive multiple choice test/game in their respective groups and as they answer the questions correctly, their space ship will move forward. o The group who answers all the questions correctly first win a prize (individual prizes of a bag with candy and miniature hand sanitizers). Ms. Leonard and I will ask students if they have questions about specific questions. I will answer questions related to the content I covered and she will answer questions related to the content she has covered. Camille N. Scronce Teaching Session Content Outline Topic: The Management of Vascular Disorders I. II. Introduction to Peripheral Vascular Disease and Factors that Contribute Peripheral Vascular Disorders Peripheral Arterial Disease a. Definition b. Risk Factors c. Signs/Symptoms III. Aneurysms a. Definition b. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms c. Risk Factors d. Signs/ Symptom e. Treatment f. Post-Op Management IV. Aortic Dissection a. Definition b. Signs/Symptoms c. Diagnosis d. Treatment e. Complications V. Acute Arterial Ischemia a. Definition b. Signs/Symptoms c. Treatment VI. VII. VIII. IX. Chronic Peripheral Artery Disease of the Lower Extremities a. Signs/Symptoms b. Treatment & Management Venous Disorders a. Definition and Characteristics b. Virchow’s Triad Venous Stasis a. Definition b. Signs/Symptoms c. Treatment & Management Venous Thrombosis a. Superficial Thrombophlebitis b. Deep Vein Thrombosis c. d. e. f. X. Signs/Symptoms Prevention Diagnosis Treatment (Anticoagulation Therapy) Comparison of Arterial Disease vs. Venous Disease (Review) Bibliography Ignatavicius, D.D. & Workman, M.L. (2013). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care (7th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Kaufman, J. (2011). Vascular Disorders [PowerPoint slides] Leonard, C. (2013). Vascular Disorders [PowerPoint slides] Lewis, S.M., Dirksen, S.R., Heitkemper, M.M. & Bucher, L. (2013). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems (9th ed.). St, Louis: Mosby National Guideline Clearinghouse. (2012). Diagnosis and management of peripheral arterial disease. A national clinical guide. Retrieved from http://www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=9924 Neschis, D.G. & Golden, M.A. (). Clinical features and diagnosis of lower extremity peripheral artery disease. In K.A. Collins (Ed.), UpToDate. Retrieved from http://www.uptodate.com/contents/clinical-features-and-diagnosis-of-lower-extremity-peripheralartery-disease?source=search_result&search=peripheral+vascular+disease&selectedTitle=1~150 Link to Classroom Teaching Session on the Management of Vascular Disorders: http://sonecho.ad.unc.edu:8080/ess/echo/presentation/0183f2bc-bea3-4968-9b34-9d33e0861ee2